Extraordinary Council Meeting
As the main purpose of this meeting is to conduct the election of
the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and other formalities. There will be no opportunity for members of the public to apply to speak at this meeting.
Extraordinary Council Meeting 21 September 2017 |
1 Appointment of Chairperson – General Manager
2 Acknowledgement of Country
3 Notice of Live Streaming of Council Meeting
4 Disclosures
of Interest (Section 451 of the Local Government Act
and Council’s Code of Conduct)
5 Oath or Affirmation of Office for Councillors 3
6 Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor 5
7 Staff Reports
C0917 Item 3 Amendment to Council Meeting Schedule 9
C0917 Item 4 Panel of Code of Conduct Reviewers 10
C0917 Item 5 Referral of Draft 30 June 2017 Financial Statements for Audit 12
Extraordinary Council Meeting 21 September 2017 |
Subject: Oath or Affirmation of Office for Councillors
File Ref: /
Prepared By: Ian Naylor - Manager Civic and Executive Support Tanya Whitmarsh
Authorised By: Tanya Whitmarsh - Group Manager Governance
SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to outline the requirement for all Councillors to undertake an Oath or Affirmation of Office at the first meeting of the Council after being elected |
THAT Councillors undertake either an Oath or Affirmation of Office.
In August 2016, the State Government passed and gazetted a number of changes to the Local Government Act. One of these changes was the requirement for all Councillors to undertake an Oath or Affirmation of Office at or before the first meeting of the Council after being elected (Section 233A of the Act).
The Office of Local Government issued a circular to all NSW councils on 25 July 2017 setting out the requirements for undertaking an Oath or Affirmation of Office as shown below:-
· An oath or affirmation should be taken by each councillor as the first item of business for the meeting.
· The General Manager must ensure that a record is kept of the taking of the oath or affirmation. This can be done by way of a signed statement containing the oath or affirmation or by recording the taking of the oath or affirmation by each councillor in the minutes of the council meeting.
· If the councillor is unable to attend the first council meeting, he or she may take the oath or affirmation of office at another location in the presence of the general manager.
· The oath or affirmation of office may also be taken before an Australian legal practitioner or a Justice of the Peace.
· The taking of the oath or affirmation outside a council meeting must be publicly recorded by the council.
· Where an oath or affirmation is taken outside a council meeting, a council staff member should also be present to ensure that an accurate record can be kept by the council. •
· A councillor who fails, without a reasonable excuse, to take the oath or affirmation of office, will not be entitled to attend council meetings until they do so and will be taken to be absent without leave.
· If a councillor is absent without leave for three consecutive ordinary council meetings their office is automatically declared vacant and a by-election must be held.
Fulfilling the Requirements for the Oath or Affirmation of Office
In order to meet the requirements of the Act in relation to the Oath or Affirmation of Office, the General Manager has recommended that each Councillor undertake either an Oath or Affirmation of Office during the meeting and record it in the Minutes to meet the requirements of the Act. A copy of the wording for the Oath or Affirmation is shown below:-
I [name of councillor] swear that I will undertake the duties of the office of
councillor in the best interests of the people of the Inner West and the
Inner West Council and that I will faithfully and impartially carry out the functions,
powers, authorities and discretions vested in me under the Local Government Act
1993 or any other Act to the best of my ability and judgment.
I [name of councillor] solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will
undertake the duties of the office of councillor in the best interests of the people of
Inner West and the Inner West Council and that I will faithfully and
impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in
me under the Local Government Act 1993 or any other Act to the best of my
ability and judgment.
Extraordinary Council Meeting 21 September 2017 |
Subject: Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor
File Ref: /
Prepared By: Ian Naylor - Manager Civic and Executive Support Tanya Whitmarsh
Authorised By: Tanya Whitmarsh - Group Manager Governance
SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to outline the procedures for the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. |
THAT Council:
1. Determine the length of term for the Deputy Mayor; and 2. Determine the method for voting and conduct the election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor. |
In August 2016, the State Government passed and gazetted a number of changes to the Local Government Act. One of these changes was the term of the Mayor (Section 230 of the Act). The term of the Mayor is now to be for two years. However, with a council election due in September 2020, the second Mayoral term of this Council will only be for 12 months.
The term of the Deputy Mayor however can be for the Mayoral Term or a shorter term as the Council determines (Section 231 of the Act).
1. General Manager indicates that the election will be conducted under the provisions of the
Local Government Act and Regulations. It is necessary for the Council to
determine the method of voting to be used for the election of Mayor and Deputy
Under paragraph three of the Regulations it states:
2. If only one Councillor is nominated that Councillor is elected.
3. If more than one Councillor is nominated, Council is to resolve whether the
election is to proceed by;
a) preferential ballot
b) ordinary ballot
c) open voting
Traditionally, councils conduct elections for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor by open voting. If Council decided to conduct the election by preferential or ordinary ballot, then the General Manager will conduct the election as outlined in the Regulations below.
4. Council determines the method of voting.
5. General Manager calls for nominations for Mayor.
a) A Councillor may be nominated without notice for election as Mayor or
Deputy Mayor.
b) The nomination is to be made in writing by 2 or more Councillors (one of
whom may be the nominee). The nomination is not valid unless the
nominee has indicated consent to the nomination in writing.
c) The nomination to be delivered or sent to the Returning Officer (General
Manager) prior to the commencement of the Meeting.
d) The Returning Officer (General Manager) is to announce the names of the
nominees at the meeting.
e) If only two nominations are received, then voting is conducted as resolved and the Returning Officer declares the winner. If voting it tied, the one elected is to be chosen by lot.
f) If more than two nominations, voting is conducted as resolved and the Returning Officer eliminates the person with the smallest number of votes until there is a
winner. If voting it tied, the one elected is to be chosen by lot.
g) Mayor takes up his or her seat. Mayor normally asks the General Manager
to conduct the election of Deputy Mayor.
h) General Manager then conducts the voting for Deputy Mayor in
the same way as above, ie. call for nominations, voting, declare result.
Extraordinary Council Meeting 21 September 2017 |
Subject: Amendment to Council Meeting Schedule
File Ref: /
Prepared By: Ian Naylor - Manager Civic and Executive Support Tanya Whitmarsh
Authorised By: Tanya Whitmarsh - Group Manager Governance
In August 2016, the State Government passed and gazetted a number of changes to the Local Government Act. One of these changes was the term of the Mayor (Section 230 of the Act). The term of the Mayor is now to be for two years. However, with a council election due in September 2020, the second Mayoral term of this Council will only be for 12 months.
The term of the Deputy Mayor however can be for the Mayoral Term or a shorter term as the Council determines (Section 231 of the Act).
1. General Manager indicates that the election will be conducted under the provisions of the Local Government Act and Regulations. It is necessary for the Council to determine the method of voting to be used for the election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
Under paragraph three of the Regulations it states:
2. If only one Councillor is nominated that Councillor is elected.
3. If more than one Councillor is nominated, Council is to resolve whether the election is to proceed by;
a) preferential ballot b) ordinary ballot c) open voting
Traditionally, councils conduct elections for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor by open voting. If Council decided to conduct the election by preferential or ordinary ballot, then the General Manager will conduct the election as outlined in the Regulations below.
4. Council determines the method of voting.
5. General Manager calls for nominations for Mayor.
a) A Councillor may be nominated without notice for election as Mayor or Deputy Mayor.
b) The nomination is to be made in writing by 2 or more Councillors (one of whom may be the nominee). The nomination is not valid unless the nominee has indicated consent to the nomination in writing.
c) The nomination to be delivered or sent to the Returning Officer (General Manager) prior to the commencement of the Meeting.
d) The Returning Officer (General Manager) is to announce the names of the nominees at the meeting.
e) If only two nominations are received, then voting is conducted as resolved and the Returning Officer declares the winner. If voting it tied, the one elected is to be chosen by lot.
f) If more than two nominations, voting is conducted as resolved and the Returning Officer eliminates the person with the smallest number of votes until there is a winner. If voting it tied, the one elected is to be chosen by lot.
g) Mayor takes up his or her seat. Mayor normally asks the General Manager to conduct the election of Deputy Mayor.
h) General Manager then conducts the voting for Deputy Mayor in the same way as above, ie. call for nominations, voting, declare result. SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to replace the Council Meeting scheduled for 26 September with an Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 October. |
THAT the Council Meeting scheduled for 26 September be rescheduled to 12 October 2017 and public notice of this change be published in local newspapers and on Council’s website. |
At the Ordinary Council Meeting of 6 December 2016, Council fixed the Council Meetings dates for 2017. The Council resolved that meetings after the local government election be held as follows; “Ordinary Council meetings be held on 26 September, 24 October, 21 November and 12 December 2017”.
Due to the timing of the result of the Council Election and the timeframe to consider reports on WestConnex and Sydenham to Bankstown planning matters it is proposed to change the Ordinary Council Meeting scheduled for 26 September to Thursday 12 October. This will allow sufficient time for submissions and Council reports to be prepared in relation to these matters.
Extraordinary Council Meeting 21 September 2017 |
Subject: Panel of Code of Conduct Reviewers
File Ref: /
Prepared By: Ian Naylor - Manager Civic and Executive Support Tanya Whitmarsh
Authorised By: Tanya Whitmarsh - Group Manager Governance
SUMMARY This report addresses the need to appoint a panel of independent conduct reviewers as required under Council’s Code of Conduct and pursuant to provisions under sections 440 and 440A of the NSW Local Government Act 1993. |
THAT Council appoint as its Code of Code of Reviewer Panel for a period of 4 years (expiring on 21 September 2021) the following:
In accordance with Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for NSW Local Councils issued by the Office of Local Government, Council must appoint a panel of conduct reviewers who can review complaints made under Council’s Code of Conduct. The term of the current panel of conduct reviewers expired in July, therefore Council needs to appoint a new panel of conduct reviewers.
During May 2017, SSROC undertook an expression of interest and evaluation process to establish a panel of conduct reviewers for member councils. The evaluation panel consisted of two governance professionals from member councils and one SSROC representative. In assessing the submissions received, the evaluation panel gave consideration to the
· skills of the individuals / organisations to review complaints made under the Code of Conduct
· criteria for conduct reviewers detailed in the Model Code of Conduct
· need to offer to Councils a wide range of expertise
· skills and relative pricing levels that would provide to Councils a range of potential options depending upon the type of review that would be undertaken.
The evaluation panel unanimously agreed that the first 8 individuals / organisations listed in the table included in this report be accepted as members of the Code of Conduct Review Panel for SSROC member Councils.
Council has resolved to enter into a shared service agreement for the provision of an Internal Ombudsman. The Internal Ombudsman will manage code of conduct complaints for Council and refer matters for investigation to one of the 8 individuals / organisations included in the SSROC Panel. However, to receive Code of Conduct complaints the Internal Ombudsman must also be listed as a conduct reviewer on the Inner West Council’s panel of conduct reviewers.
The Internal Ombudsman has been recruited through a competitive process to meet the requirements of the Code of Conduct for the IWC panel of Code of Conduct reviewers. The Internal Ombudsman has been included in the recommended panel of conduct reviewers as shown in the following table.
Proposed IWC Panel of Conduct Reviewers
Name |
Organisation |
Phil O’Toole |
Centium Group Pty Ltd |
Peter Moroney |
Nemesis Consultancy Group Pty Ltd |
John Renshaw / Kelvin Kenney |
O’Connor Marsden & Associates Pty Ltd |
Wayne Gilbert |
PKF Forensic and Risk Services Pty Ltd |
Monica Kelly |
Prevention Partners |
Kath Roach |
SINC Solutions |
Rob Ryan |
Strategic Risk Solutions |
Kathryn Thane |
Train Reaction Pty Ltd |
Council’s Internal Ombudsman* |
Internal Ombudsman Service |
* Not part of the SSROC panel of conduct reviewers but added to Council’s panel so that they can manage code of conduct complaints for Council and refer matters for investigation to one of the 8 individuals / organisations listed on the SSROC Panel.
If your report has resourcing or budget implications above your current allocation of resources or budget, please contact Pav (x2040) or Caroline Bugg (x2043). Please enter “Nil.” if there are no financial implications.
Include comments from other staff here.
Extraordinary Council Meeting 21 September 2017 |
Subject: Referral of Draft 30 June 2017 Financial Statements for Audit
File Ref: /
Prepared By: Ian Naylor - Manager Civic and Executive Support Tanya Whitmarsh
Authorised By: Tanya Whitmarsh - Group Manager Governance
SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to refer Council’s draft 2016/17 financial reports for the period to be audited by the Auditor General in accordance with s413 of the Local Government Act 1993. |
THAT Council refer Council’s draft 2016/17 financial reports for audit pursuant to S413 of the Local Government Act 1993 |
Pursuant to Section 413 of the Local Government Act, which requires Council to prepare financial reports for each year and must refer them to audit as soon as practicably possible, this report is being tabled to request Council to endorse the release of the draft financial statements for audit. Due to the timing of Local Government elections, this is the first opportunity that Council has had to table such report.
The Audit Office of NSW under the Auditor General have taken control of the conduct of Local Government audits for the year ended 30 June 2017. Councils are required to have their financial reports audited by the Audit Office via their partner PWC. This differs from previous years where Council previously appointed their external auditors through a competitive tender process on a 5 year basis.
The Audit Office of NSW under the Auditor General have taken control of the conduct of Local Government audits for the year ended 30 June 2017. Councils are required to have their financial reports audited by the Audit Office via their partner PWC. This differs from previous years where Council previously appointed their external auditors through a competitive tender process on a 5 year basis.
Council’s audited financial reports will be tabled at the 24th October Council meeting for endorsement and subsequently placed on public exhibition for 28 days. A final report will be tabled at the November 2017 Council meeting to table any comments made by the public and seek final endorsement of the financial reports.