Extraordinary Council Meeting

21 August 2018



Minutes of Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 21 August 2018


Meeting commenced at 6.33 pm






Darcy Byrne

Julie Passas

Marghanita Da Cruz Mark Drury

Lucille McKenna OAM

Colin Hesse

Sam Iskandar

Tom Kiat

Pauline Lockie

Victor Macri

Rochelle Porteous

Vittoria Raciti

John Stamolis

Louise Steer

Anna York
Rik Hart

Elizabeth Richardson


Deputy Mayor














General Manager

Deputy General Manager Assets and Environment

Michael Tzimoulas

Deputy General Manager Chief Financial and Administration Officer

John Warburton

Deputy General Manager Community and Engagement

Nellette Kettle


Aaron Callaghan

Erla Ronan

Simon Watts

Rad Miladinovic

Melodie Whiting

David Birds

Joe Cavagnino

Brooke Martin

Ian Naylor

Katherine Paixao

Group Manager Civic and Executive Support, Integration,

Customer Service and Business Excellence

A/Group Manager Trees, Parks and Sports Fields

Group Manager Community Services and Culture

Manager Social and Cultural Planning

Manager Business Information Services

Group Manager Human Resources

Group Manager Strategic Planning

A/Group Manager Procurement & Fleet

Group Manager Properties, Major Building Projects and Facilities

Manager Civic and Executive Support

Business Paper Coordinator (Minute Taker)


APOLOGIES:       Nil


DISCLOSURES OF INTERESTS:                    Nil













C0818(2) Item 1  Multicultural Policy

Motion: (Iskandar/Byrne)


THAT Council:


1.       Receive and note the stocktake of activities across Inner West Council which support cultural groups in our multicultural community;


2.       Receive and note a report back on potential additional multicultural initiatives;


3.       Endorse the draft Multicultural Policy for public exhibition;

4.       Endorse the community engagement plan and the action plan 2018-2020 contained in the report;


5.       Amend the draft action plan 2018 - 2020 to include the following:


a.    Council will re-establish the community to community relationships listed in point 6 with the inclusion of Maliana in East Timor. These relationship will be initiated after an assessment of the willingness of the other parties to recommence the previous agreements and the capacity for the community links to be reactivated;


b.    New criteria for the establishment of new community to community relationships, with a requirement for demonstrated, existing cultural, social links between overseas communities and communities within the Inner West; and


c.    Council seek advice from Chinese community organisations about a Chinese city that a relationship can be established with.


6.         Write to Multicultural NSW seeking advice about best practice for local government support for ageing culturally and linguistically diverse communities;


7.         Assist in establishing a quarterly ethnic community organisations interagency to encourage information sharing and cooperation; and


8.         Work with the economic development unit on this policy to harness the multiculturalism within our business communities.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 2  Draft Grants and Fee Scale Policy

Motion: (Stamolis/Hesse)


THAT Council:


1.         Notes the Grant and Fee Scale Policy public exhibition has concluded and adopts the policy with the following inclusion:


·    local disadvantaged groups be considered for greater access of Council venues and town halls.


2.         Implement the Grant and Fee Scale Policy from 1 July 2018, and applies to all bookings for Council venues scheduled for use from 1 January 2019.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Nil


Councillor Passas left the Meeting at 7:19 pm.


C0818(2) Item 3  Revised Public Access to Information held by Council Policy

Motion: (Da Cruz/Steer)




1.    Council receives and notes the revised Inner West Council Agency Information Guide (Attachment 1) and place the revised Public Access to Information held by Council Policy (Attachment 2) on public exhibition for 4 weeks; 

2.    Quarterly reports be provided on the requests for information and whether the information could have been made publically available and not required a request; and


3.    Council include a link to the Charter for Public Participation – a guide to assist agencies and promote citizen engagement, alongside the draft policy when it is publicly exhibited.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Passas


Amendment (Porteous/Stamolis)

THAT the first GIPA for each resident be provided for no charge within a 12 month period.

Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Drury, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti and York

Absent:                        Cr Passas


Councillor Passas returned to the Meeting at 7:30 pm.


C0818(2) Item 4  Delegations to Legal Services Staff regarding Appeals from Inner West Planning Panel

Motion: (Byrne/Hesse)




1.    Pursuant to section 381(3) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council approves of the delegations made by the Inner West Planning Panel as outlined in this report;


2.    The Legal Services report be tabled monthly at an Ordinary Council Meeting; and


3.    Members of the IWLPP be invited to present to a councillor briefing before the end of the year.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Nil


C0818(2) Item 5  EEO Management Plan 2018 - 2022

Motion: (York/McKenna OAM)




1.    Council notes the EEO Management Plan 2018 – 2022 document;


2.    The General Manager commence work immediately on developing targets  for EEO target groups - and a strategy to meet these targets - including for:


         • First Nations & ATSI;

         • LGBTIQ;

         • People living with disability;

         • Women;

         • Older workers; and

         • Trainees and apprentices.


3.Consultation on best practice for local government and appropriate targets for  the Inner West Council be undertaken with groups including:


 a.      Diversity Council of Australia;

 b.      Women’s Gender Equality Agency (WGEA);

 c.      Pride in Diversity; and

 d.      Reconciliation Australia.


4.    A report updating Council on the development of these targets and the outcomes of the consultation with these groups be provided to Council by the end of November 2018 including provision for staff consultation; and


5.    A revised EEO Management Plan be presented to Council in 12 months, that includes these targets, and the strategy to meet them.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Nil


Confidential Session


Motion: (Byrne/Passas)


THAT Council move into Confidential session to consider Items of business containing Confidential Information.



Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


Members of the public were asked to leave the Chamber.


Motion:  (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council return to open session to read out the recommendations from the

Closed Session.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


The Mayor read out to the Meeting the recommendation from the Closed Session of



C0818(2) Item 6  Report on the Recruitment Process for a General Manager

Motion: (Byrne/Kiat)


THAT the following Councillors be nominated to form the General Manager’s Recruitment Panel:


Clr Byrne, Clr Passas, Clr Steer, Clr York, Clr Macri and Clr Stamolis


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Crs Passas and Raciti




7.59pm - The Mayor, Clr Byrne adjourned the meeting for a short recess.

8.10pm– The Mayor, Clr Byrne resumed the meeting.


C0818(2) Item 7  Local Environmental Plan - Funding Offer from Department of Planning and Environment

Motion: (Drury/Lockie)


THAT Council:


1.    Accepts the offer of $2.5m funding towards the preparation of the Inner West Council Local Environmental Plan within two years; and


2.    Writes to the Minister for Planning requesting a further year within which to complete the project, whilst committing to work to meet the currently proposed two years project timeframe, for the reasons identified in the report, also noting in relation to planning for the Sydenham/Bankstown corridor that there remains a strong community reaction against intensive development proposals in this area.  Council now welcomes the opportunity to lead future planning for the area to ensure that new development is locally appropriate and founded on community engaged place based planning led by the Council. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Cr Stamolis


Amendment (Kiat/Porteous)


THAT Council continue with the LEP project to include all components of the projects as initially planned (e.g. affordable housing, design quality, creative industries, consolidated LEP, etc). If no extension of time is granted and some    components of the LEP project will need to be abandoned to meet the two year timeframe Council to receive a further report addressing options for     completing the project with and without the two year timeframe.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Drury, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis and York


Foreshadowed Motion (Stamolis)


THAT Council accepts the offer of $2.5m funding towards the preparation of the Inner West Council Local Environmental Plan within three years.


This Foreshadow Motion lapsed.


Councillor Passas retired from the Meeting at 8:31 pm.


C0818(2) Item 8  Council Submission to WestConnex Parliamentary Inquiry

Motion: (McKenna OAM/Lockie)




1.    Council notes the draft Council submission to the WestConnex Inquiry at Attachment 1, to be used as a basis for developing a final submission to be lodged by the due date of 31 August 2018;


2.    Council provides edits, additions and general comments on the draft submission to assist the development of the final version; and


3.    Council notes that further community issues will be integrated into the submission, including issues raised at the forthcoming community workshop on preparing submissions on this matter.


4.    Under Governance, the Costs to Inner West Council of the Westconnex Unit and Running Community Information Sessions, Providing a Dilapidation Service, Facilitating the Reference Group for stages 1 & 2, preparing Agency submissions, commissioning economic and traffic studies to inform council submissions, participating in multiple Air Quality and Reference Groups;


5.    The Community’s lack of confidence in the Dilapidation Reports - community needs to retain lawyers to get a fair hearing;


6.    Poor public domain outcomes such as the narrow shared path on Parramatta Road at Ashfield without a verge; Parramatta Road and Wattle Street are now much wider roads to cross. Electronic Sign on Dalhousie Street impacts Aesthetics of Conservation Area and obstructs the footpath;


7.    Building bigger roads to accommodate tunnel exits and additional traffic is poor use of expensive land;


8.    Building motorway at the expense of public transport

            https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/sydneysiders-the-nations-biggest-users-    of-public-transport-for-work-commute-20171023-gz632p.html; and


9.    Evidence in Sydney and elsewhere of Tolls not recoup cost of construction and operational of tunnels - cross city tunnel, lane cove tunnel.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas


Councillor Raciti retired from the Meeting at 8:43 pm.


C0818(2) Item 9  Sporting Grounds Allocation Policy - Discussion Paper

Motion: (Byrne/Drury)




1.       The principles, transparent, equitable and consistent, for the Sporting Grounds Allocation Policy, as outlined in the Discussion Paper be adopted by Council;


2.       Council draft a Sporting Grounds Allocation Policy taking into consideration the feedback received from the clubs on the Discussion Paper;


3.       The draft Sporting Grounds Allocation Policy specify that staff will continue to make the allocation determinations;


4.       The draft Sporting Grounds Allocation Policy be reported to Council prior to being placed on public exhibition;


5.       The Sporting Grounds Allocation policy be amended to include the following:


a)    A requirement for all sporting clubs being allocated Council grounds to have a documented plan to increase participation of girls and women, culturally and linguistically diverse and socially disadvantaged people;


b)    Promotion of support for women’s sporting clubs;


c)    The establishment of summer and winter season allocations review committees, made up of council officers and members of all relevant sporting associations, which can review and help to resolve allocation decisions which clubs object to; and


d)    Establish a process to be reported to Council for local sporting clubs to be supported by council staff to be the lead applicants in funding submissions to state and federal governments and peak sporting associations for infrastructure upgrades to council grounds.

6.    There is a short fall in recreation and open space in the Inner West and limited available land. This means that recreation and sporting facilities are part of our local neighbourhoods. Therefore consideration needs to also be given to the impact of sporting fixtures and other uses on neighbouring residents; and


7.    Local Clubs and Commercial Operators need to incorporate the use of public and active transport in their organisation of activities to minimise traffic and parking impacts.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


Amendment (Stamolis)


THAT Council establish both an Allocations Committee as well as an Allocations Review committee both involving Council staff and representatives from the sporting bodies.


This amendment lapsed for want of a seconder.


Motion: (McKenna OAM/Lockie)


THAT the Items 10 and 13 be brought forward and moved en bloc and the recommendations contained in the reports be adopted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 10         Amendment No. 16 to Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2013 - 17 Marion Street, Leichhardt

Motion: (McKenna OAM/Lockie)




1.   Council delegate the plan making function for Amendment 16 to the Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2013 to the Group Manager Strategic Planning.


2.   The Plan, once made, be forwarded to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for publication.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti





C0818(2) Item 13         Fire and Rescue NSW

Motion: (McKenna OAM/Lockie)


THAT Council:


1.       Note the correspondence provided by Fire and Rescue NSW for development on land at “Balmain Backpackers” – 673 Darling St Rozelle (Attachment 1); 


2.       Endorse the Councils Officers use of statutory powers (and discretion as appropriate) under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to require upgrades to buildings to the satisfaction of Council's Fire Safety Team in order to:


a.       improve the provisions for fire safety at the premises;

b.      improve the provision of fire safety awareness;

c.       improve the adequacy of the premises to prevent fire;

d.      improve the adequate of the premises to suppress fire or prevent the spread of fire, and

e.       Improve the safety of persons in the event of fire.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 11         Statement of Business Ethics

Motion: (Kiat/Hesse)




1.       The draft Statement of Business Ethics be placed on public exhibition, with a        further report to Council at the completion of the public exhibition process; and


2.       The exhibition page contain commentary on significant differences between the    proposed IWC Statement of Business Ethics and any of the pre-amalgamation    council Statements of Business Ethics.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 12         Sustainable Procurement Policy

Motion: (McKenna OAM/Kiat)




1.         The draft Sustainable Procurement Policy be placed on public exhibition, with a further report to Council at the completion of the public exhibition process; and


2.         The exhibition page contain commentary on significant differences between the proposed IWC Sustainable Procurement Policy and any of the pre-amalgamation council Sustainable Procurement Policies.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 14         Easy to do Business Program

Motion: (Lockie/McKenna OAM)




1.    Council delegates authority to the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Service NSW to join the Easy to do Business program; and


2.    Any necessary documents be authorised for execution by the General Manager.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 15         Notice of Motion: Principles of Co-operation Agreement with        'Metro'

Motion: (Da Cruz/Hesse)


THAT the General Manager write to the CEO of the Metropolitan Local  Aboriginal Land Council with a view to commencing negotiations towards  the signing a Principles of Co-operation Agreement between Inner West  Council and The Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council ('Metro').


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 16         Notice of Motion: Register of Voluntary Planning Agreements

Motion: (Stamolis/Lockie)


THAT Council create a register of VPAs to be accessible on its website.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti







C0818(2) Item 17         Notice of Motion: Review of Food Organics Waste Management

Motion: (McKenna OAM/Byrne)




1.   Council expedite a review of food organics services and programs, through use of an external contractor engaged by the Environment and Sustainability Unit, and make recommendations on appropriate services to reduce food organics in landfill and move towards our goal of zero waste;

2.   Work with leaders in the organics and waste management field on best practice organics management and divert most organic material from landfill;

3.   Council officers contact the producers of the War on Waste TV program to identify whether there are any opportunities for collaboration;

4.   Council officers report back following the review with the options for food organics services and funding;

5.   Council adopt an objective of leading local governments across the nation in the separation of organic waste from domestic waste taken to landfill; and

6.   The review look at ways local schools, business premises community gardens    and other interested organisations could establish food organics programs    with council support such as the ‘food scrap Friday’ program set up by    Camdenville public school.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 18         Notice of Motion: Recycling at Inner West Council

Motion: (McKenna OAM/Steer)




1.   Council note that the three former Councils of the Inner West Council have current contracts for the receipt and processing of recycling with Visy Recycling;

2.   Council note that Inner West Council is committed to the continuation of kerbside recycling;

3.   Council acknowledge and encourage Inner West residents for their commitment to kerbside recycling which resulted in over 16,000 tons of recycling being diverted from landfill in 2016-17;

4.   Officer produce a report into steps that can be taken to increase the quality of material recycled, and further options to help Council maintain a high quality recycling service without burdening Inner West ratepayers; and

5. The report include discussion of Council's capacity to provide recycling   
services to commercial premises in Marrickville and Leichhardt




Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 19         Notice of Motion: Condolence Motion Vale Liz Butterworth

Motion: (Da Cruz/Porteous)


THAT Council write a letter of condolence to the family of Liz Butterworth.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 20         Notice of Motion: Marrickville Park

Motion: (Macri/Iskandar)


THAT Council include in the Capital Works Program a hedge in Marrickville Park along the frontages of Livingstone Road and Fraser Street to provide a buffer from surrounding streets.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 21         Notice of Motion: Supporting Use of Keep Cups

Motion: (Byrne/York)



1.    Council immediately supports the successful Responsible Cafes initiative by becoming a program partner for two years at a cost of $3500, to be funded through domestic waste levy;


2.    A report be prepared on the potential for piloting a reusable cup initiative to reduce consumption of single use, disposable coffee cups. The report should include assessment of:

a.   The potential for a pilot to be limited to a single suburb to allow universal café participation to be achievable in the short term.

b.   Local café owners who might be willing to become advocates and assist council in recruiting other businesses to participate

c.   Links to any available business cases or reviews of municipal or city wide or government initiated reusable cups schemes

d.   Given the large proportion of disposable cups that are deposited in domestic waste bins, the potential for such a pilot to be funded through the waste levy or reserve.

3.    The vital component of the Frieburg cup is the deposit scheme and this should be part of the Inner West implementation; and


4.    Council work with Inner West based coffee roasters on branding the cups.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 22         Notice of Motion: Darley Road Signalised Pedestrian Crossing

Motion: (McKenna OAM/ Byrne)


THAT Council:


1.       Writes to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, and Minister for Roads,     Maritime and Freight highlighting the dangers facing pedestrians crossing        Darley Road, including:


a.   A request for installation of a signalised pedestrian crossing in Darley Road at the Hawthorne Light Rail Stop, as a matter of urgency; and

b.   Highlighting the benefits of a crossing at that location – namely access to Hawthorne Light Rail Stop and Shields Playground; Hawthorne Canal Reserve; Darley Road Reserve; netball courts in Richard Murden Reserve and future connection to the Greenway.

2.       Request direct pedestrian access to the Leichhardt North Light Rail Platform,        via the Dan Murphy Site closer to the Traffic Lights adjacent to the Dan Murphy      site, instead of   making pedestrians walk up the hill to City West Link to access         the station; and


3.       Request improved pedestrian crossing facilities on Darley Road on the          eastern (Dan Murphy) side   of the roundabout at the intersection with Charles       Street, to   address  safety and amenity shortcomings of access to the Light Rail      Station and  allay concerns about pedestrians jumping the crash barrier and        crossing Darley Road at this location for a more direct access to the     Leichhardt           North Light Rail stop via Charles Street.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 23         Notice of Motion: Abandoned Shopping Trolleys

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)




1.    Council undertake a review of existing major shopping retailers (e.g. Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, IGA) within the LGA to identify what (if any) “containment” systems (i.e. coin exchange, auto locking etc.) are in place to reduce the ongoing abandonment of trolleys in public places;


2.    Council undertake a review of existing major shopping retailers (e.g. Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, IGA) within the LGA to identify what collection systems  are in place to track (e.g. GPS or community reporting) and collect trolleys abandoned in public places;


3.    Using the information obtained in points 1 & 2 above, initiate a review of the former Ashfield Council - Abandoned Shopping Trolleys Policy (2012) and SSROC recommendations against relevant legislative provisions with the aim of application for the Inner West Council Local Government Area; and


4.    A report outlining, findings, options and a draft policy is to be reported to Council.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 24         Notice of Motion: Portuguese Community Collaboration

Motion: (Iskandar/Byrne)




1.    Council develops an Institutional Co-operation Plan as required to implement the Co-operation Protocol between Inner West Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Portuguese Republic, the Sydney Portugal Community Club and the Portugal Madeira Club;


2.    The following initiatives be undertaken and reflected in the Plan


a)    In recognition of Portuguese cultural capital in Petersham;


b)    That the Mayor write to relevant organisations/authorities making representation on the inclusion of Portuguese art and design motifs, including:


                                                  i.        in the development of the RSL sites in Petersham; and

                                                ii.        in the redevelopment of the Petersham Railway Station including public domain embellishments.


c)    That Council Officers consider and appropriately reference Portuguese cultural and community and business when undertaking land-use planning and other strategic planning in Petersham, including place naming of streets and Council-owned properties;


3.    Council officers meet with Portuguese event organizers of the forthcoming international Portuguese Festival to explore if possible sites could include Inner West Council locations;


4.    Council's current investigation of  exploring ways to support our broader multicultural community including:


a)    Investigating re-establishing the international  community to community relationships under prior Councils, for instance with the city of  Funchal on the southern coast of Madeira Island; and


b)    Making sure Council material is available in community languages; and


5.    Exploring street activation by Portuguese internationally acclaimed street artists, international artist residencies, and cultural celebrations.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 25         Notice of Motion: Lewis Herman Reserve

Motion: (Drury/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council write to the Roads Minister requesting that RMS recommit to granting control of the Lewis Herman Reserve to Council so that it can be utilised for much needed open space.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


Confidential Session


Motion: (Byrne/Porteous)


THAT Council move into Confidential session to consider Items of business containing Confidential Information.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


Members of the public were asked to leave the Chamber.


Motion: (Byrne/Hesse)


THAT Council return to open session to read out the recommendations from the

Closed Session.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


The Mayor read out to the Meeting the recommendation from the Closed Session of



Reports with Confidential Information

C0818(2) Item 26         Compulsory Acquisition Ashfield, Part 321 Parramatta Road         Ashfield Depot

Motion: (Byrne/Steer)




1.   The General Manager (or delegate) negotiate the terms of an agreement to compensation or respond to the Proposed Acquisition Notice (PAN) for Part Lot 5 321 Parramatta Road Haberfield with a claim for compensation in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (the Act) and the Chaloner Valuation;


2.   Allocate the funds compensated to the beautification of 321 Parramatta Road Haberfield as Open Space.


3.   A Plan Of Management be developed for 321 Parramatta Road Haberfield in accordance with the Plan Of Management Strategy.


4.   The negotiated terms be no less than $460,000 net and that the clean-up costs be borne 100% by the RMS.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 27         Sydney Metro City & Southwest acquisition of freehold interest    in Part Murray Street, Marrickville.

Motion: (Byrne/Steer)


THAT the General Manager (or delegate) negotiate the terms and sign Deed of Compensation & Acquisition once finalised for property identified as Lot 101 formerly known as Murray Street, Marrickville. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 28         Status of Westconnex Stage 3 proposed compulsory   acquisitions

Motion: (Byrne/Steer)


THAT the matter be deferred until the next Ordinary Council Meeting to receive advise from the Group Manager Legal Services.



Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


C0818(2) Item 29         Ashfield Aquatic Centre Project Management

Motion: (Byrne/Steer)




 1.      The current Project Management arrangements for the Ashfield Aquatic Centre     redevelopment project continue until the execution of the Construction Head       Contract;


 2.      The Project Management services for the remainder of the project (post-contract execution) be procured by way of tender.


 3.      The ongoing Quantity Surveying services for the project be procured in        accordance with Council's Procurement Policy.


 4.      Council notes the governance and probity measures implemented for the      project, including:


          •        External project management audit;

          •        Independent probity advisor, design reviewer, quantity surveyor, specialist             programmer, legal advisors; and

          •        An ongoing independence project assurance program for the life of the                   project.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


Matter Arising - Major Projects Steering Committee


Motion: (Byrne/Steer)


THAT a report be prepared on the establishment of a Major Project Steering Committee with membership including councillors, staff and industry experts.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


Meeting closed at 10.15pm.