Supplementary AGENDA  1R


Distributed on 28 July 2020














Council Meeting






In the spirit of open, accessible and transparent government, this meeting of the Inner West Council is being streamed live on Council’s website. Any part of this meeting that is held in closed session will not be recorded.





Council Meeting

28 July 2020









The following report appear as late item as information required for the preparation of the report was not available at the time of distribution of the Business Paper.



1          Reports for Council Decision


ITEM                                                                                                                                          Page


C0720(1) Item 20     Supplementary Report - Adoption of the combined Delivery Program 18-22, Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21. Fees and Charges 2020/21 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2020-30.                                                         3



Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 20

Subject:         Supplementary Report - Adoption of the combined Delivery Program 18-22, Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21. Fees and Charges 2020/21 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2020-30.              

Prepared By:      Elizabeth Richardson - Chief Operating Officer, Director Development & Recreation  

Authorised By:  Michael Deegan - Chief Executive Officer






THAT the recommendation in the original report be adopted.






This report provides advice on the following aspects of Council’s resolution when it resolved to place the Operational Plan and Budget on exhibition.


5.    Receive advice with the post-exhibition report regarding:

a)    Maintaining a 0% interest rate on overdue rates for the entire financial year, in the context of a possible economic recession and significant economic hardship within the Inner West;


The FY21 budget includes a reduction in interest income from rates due to COVID-19 of $104,000 for July to September 2020.  In line with legislation this has been extended to December at a cost of another $104,000. The estimation of zero interest income for rates for FY21 on a run-rate basis is estimated to be $416,000.



b)    The policy governing bookings of Skate Parks and how the risk of reduced community access will be managed with potential formalisation of such bookings through introduction of a fee;


From time to time Council receives requests for commercial bookings of skate parks to promote products and services to young people including marketed items or the latest skate streetwear and skate equipment. Events of this nature are commercial and in this respect only the organising company is charged for access and promotion of their service, not individual skate park users.


Council’s fee is reasonable in so much that the fee applied is only to the organising company (not park users) and the charge covers costs associated with power use, additional cleaning and servicing as well as administration of the booking.


Council’s Parks Planning and Engagement team carefully monitors the number of commercial events held each year skate parks in this regard. There are four skate parks located in the Inner West LGA presently and to date there has been one commercial event in the last year. Councils Parks Planning and Engagement team limits events of this nature to four events per year.


Notwithstanding the above, Council also runs its own skate events which are aimed at encouraging and facilitating skateboarding as a sport within the Inner West. No charges are applied for internal events of this nature.  


c)    Key Performance Indicators which were adopted with the previous budget and operational plan, noting that Council resolved on 14 May 2019 that: “All Key Performance Indicators in the Operational Plan are comprehensively reviewed for the 2020/2021 Operational Plan and Budget, and that this forms part of the monthly meetings proposed by the CEO”; and


Key Performance Indicators in the Operational Plan have been reviewed and will be shared on a monthly basis in line with the resolution.


d)    Potential ‘Initiatives’ to correspond with the following ‘Strategies’:

 i.        1.1.4 - ‘Develop planning controls to protect and support a sustainable environment’; and

 ii.        2.4.1 - ‘Ensure the expansion of social, community and affordable housing, distributed across the Inner West, facilitated through proactive policies’.


It is considered that these matters are addressed through existing Policy and/or will be addressed through the comprehensive LEP review due to be completed in late 2021.


These can be included as ‘initiatives’ should Council desire, however it is not considered necessary.






