Council Meeting

24 October 2017



Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 24 October 2017


Meeting commenced at     6.32 pm



Darcy Byrne

Julie Passas

Marghanita Da Cruz Mark Drury

Colin Hesse

Tom Kiat

Pauline Lockie

Lucille McKenna OAM

Victor Macri

Rochelle Porteous

Vittoria Raciti

John Stamolis

Louise Steer

Anna York
Rik Hart

Peter Gainsford


Deputy Mayor













Interim General Manager

Deputy General Manager Assets and Environment

John Warburton

Tanya Whitmarsh

Deputy General Manager Community and Engagement

Group Manager Governance

Gill Dawson

A/Group Manager Strategic Planning

Wal Petchler

Pav Kuzmanovski

Ian Naylor

Kendall Banfield

Group Manager Footpath, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater

Group Manager Finance

Manager Civic and Executive Support

Manager WestConnex Unit




Motion (Macri/Passas)


That apologies from Councillor Iskandar be accepted and leave of absence granted. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil




Councillor Lockie, declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 23 Notice of Motion: Reversing OSHC Fee Increases, as her family pays for use of this service.


Councillor Drury declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 19 Traffic Committee Minutes as he lives in Heighway Avenue, Ashfield which is subject of a report in the Minutes.


Councillor Macri, declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 19, as he is a member of the Sydney Central Planning Panel, who may consider approving significant development applications that are discussed in the Traffic Committee Minutes.


1. Acknowledgement of Country by Chairperson

“I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country we are meeting today, and their elders past and present.”

2. Notice of Live Streaming of Council Meeting

The Mayor advised that the Council meeting was being streamed live on Council's website and members of the public must ensure their speech to the Council is respectful and use appropriate language.




Moved: (Councillor Byrne/ Councillor Kiat)


1. That the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 3 October be confirmed as a correct record.

2. That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 12 October 2017 be confirmed as a correct record, subject to:

(a) amending resolution 1 in Item 34 - Mayoral Minute: Welcoming Same Sex Marriage In Council Facilities, to clarify the intention of the resolution as follows;

“1. Authorise the waiver of fee hire of Council Halls, parks and Community Centres

for any same sex couple wishing to marry in the 100 days following legislation of same sex marriage”


(b) recording Councillor Passas voting against Item 32.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


Carried Unanimously



Motion: (McKenna OAM/Steer)


That the meeting conclude at or before 11pm.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Drury, Hesse, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Crs Da Cruz, Kiat, Porteous and Stamolis


Foreshadowed Motion: (Porteous/


That the meeting seek to conclude by 11pm, but continue to deal with all matters the public have indicated they wish to speak to.


The Foreshadowed Motion lapsed.


C1017 Item 40    Mayoral Minute: Promoting Consistent Opportunities for King Street Businesses and Arts Practitioners

Mayoral Minute     (Byrne)


That Council:


1.   Provide an in principal commitment to partnering with the City of Sydney to harmonise regulation along King Street as soon as practicably achievable.

2.   Meet with the City of Sydney to discuss and gain deeper understanding of their proposed amendments to Late Night Trading on King Street.

3.   Investigate amendments to Inner West Council’s relevant planning controls in order to allow late night trading on King Street.

4.   Seek cooperation from the City of Sydney in investigating amendments to each Council’s planning controls in order to allow small scale arts and cultural activities, in restaurants, cafes, retail shop fronts and other main street premises on King Street, without the requirement of development consent.

5.   Support the establishment of a King Street Regulation Working Group by the Newtown Precinct Business Association, and commit to engaging with the group in meaningful consultation.

6.   Convene, in conjunction with the Newtown Precinct Business Association, the first meeting of the Newtown Regulatory Working Group to outline the scope of the group and its parameters  and set an agenda and desired outcomes.

7.   Invite to the scoping meeting the following representatives

Inner West Council

City of Sydney

Jenny Leong, State Member for Newtown

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Federal Member for Grayndler

The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Federal Member for Sydney

Roads and Maritime Services

Other relevant State Government agencies

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil



Motion:     (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


That Items 25 and 29 be brought forward and considered at this time.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 25    Notice of Motion: Making the Inner West a leader in renewable energy

Motion:     (York/Kiat)


That Council:

1.   Take immediate steps to sign up the Inner West Council to the Cities Power Partnership at the earliest opportunity (noting the next in-take will be in October 2017) – with a focus on pledging actions focused on solar and renewables leadership.

2.   Receive a report/s through the General Manager on how the Inner Council will:

a.   Commit to Priorities and Key Actions as required under the Partnership (noting the preferred focus on action focused on solar and renewables leadership)

b.   Make the Inner West Council 100% carbon neutral by the earliest possible date, while balancing immediate actions with the need for more impactful, longer term solutions

c.   Achieve 100% divestment from fossil fuel aligned investments at the earliest possible date, based on a financially responsible pathway

d.   Make the Inner West Council a leader in Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy by:

o     Ensuring all new Council-owned developments are fitted with Solar PV cells.

o     Working towards the retrofitting of all Council-owned buildings with appropriately sized Solar PV cells – potentially through a bulk tendering process – where possible.

e.   Establish an Office of Renewable Energy Innovation (REI) to make the Inner West community a leader in renewable energy innovation by:

o     Setting targets and timeframes for the take up of renewable energy and energy conservation solutions, including benchmarks for new developments.

o     Leading the investigation into our best options for adopting solar and renewable energy in our area.

o     Helping drive community renewables ownership by supporting community energy organisations in the Inner West.

o     Providing support to help residents and commercial property managers install/manage solar technology – including investigating models where upfront solar PV panels and installation costs are covered or reduced for participants, as in Darebin Council’s Solar Savers program – with a goal for the installation of cost-saving Solar PV cells on all eligible roofs.

o     Providing a brokerage service to help organisations looking to invest in community energy projects to identify potential partners with suitable roof space.

o     Investigating the viability of transitioning the Inner West Council vehicle fleet to an electric fleet.

o     Prioritising a solar innovation pilot run by REI, which may include a Council/Commercial Solar Power Purchase Agreement, investment in a regional solar farm partnership, and/or a local solar farm pilot. 

3.   That this report/s form the basis of an integrated climate and renewables strategy for the Inner West Council, under which actions under the Partnership and the focus of the new Office of Renewable Energy Innovation are aligned:

a.   Noting that Priorities and Agreed Actions under the Partnership are required to be agreed within 6 months of signing onto the partnership, and should both leverage and reflect a broader IWC climate and renewables strategy


b.   That before the agreement of these priorities and actions under the Partnership, Councillors should receive a briefing prior to the end of 2017 from Council staff on current climate and renewable actions underway across Council, and options and financial implications for an integrated climate & renewables strategy touching on the elements listed above.


c.   That Council’s Environment Strategic Reference Group also be consulted in the drafting of this report/s and recommendations


4.    That Council develop a 3 year Community Engagement strategy to promote greater community awareness of renewal energy options and benefits of         renewable energy in their community


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


Amendment: (Stamolis/Passas)


That Council develop a 3 year Community Engagement strategy to promote greater community awareness of renewal energy options and benefits of renewable energy in their community.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, McKenna OAM and York


The AMENDMENT was incorporated as party of the Primary Motion.


C1017 Item 29    Notice of Motion: Council to Enter Cities Power Partnership with the Climate Council and Prepare Report

Councillor Kiat withdrew this motion.



Motion (Byrne/York)

That Items 1, 19, 20, 21, 27, 32, 37, 39, be brought forward for consideration and dealt with at this time.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil




Motion:     (Drury/McKenna OAM)




1.            Receives and notes the report.

2.            Endorses the Financial Statements to be placed on public exhibition with a view of tabling the final report at the November 2017 Council meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


Councillor Macri left the Meeting at 8:00 pm as he had declared a conflict of interest in Item 19, did not participate in discussion and did not vote.



Motion:     (Stamolis/McKenna OAM)


THAT the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 5 October 2017 be received and the recommendations be adopted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Councillor Macri


Councillor Macri returned to the Meeting 8:32pm.


Councillors Passas and Raciti left the Meeting 8.40pm.



Motion:     (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council:


1.   Receives and note the final submission; and


2.   Provides the following comments to the Department of Planning & Environment as an addendum to the submission;


(a)  That the Submission include a requirement that says that any changes to the design subsequent to the approval (should it be approved) must be brought back for public comment.

(b)  That the status of the Rozelle Underground Interchange be included in the submission.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Raciti and Passas


Councllors Passas and Raciti returned to the Meeting at 8.45pm.



Motion: Drury/Hesse


1. That Council calls on the NSW Minister for Planning to abandon the Sydenham to Bankstown Strategy and allow the Inner West Council to do the town planning along the corridor in consultation with our community.


2. That Council thanks the Department of Planning for the opportunity to respond to the Sydenham to Bankstown Strategy.  We attach the following amended Inner West Council submission with local community groups submissions as attachments.


3. That Council notes that there is considerable community anger about the potential effect of the implementation of the Strategy on inner West communities.


4. That Council is concerned about that the Strategy imposes unwanted and inappropriate major changes to density and scale, largely destroys the historic character and fabric of our low-scale suburbs and includes a lack of transition between high, medium and low density and existing single dwelling areas. In addition, its dwelling targets are simply too big to accommodate existing constraints in our suburbs such as small lots, existing affordable and contributory housing and valuable and diminishing employment land. Council is also concerned that this plan does not provide sufficient protection for our current amenity, built form heritage and there is an inadequate assessment of traffic and parking impacts.


5. That Council notes with concern that new housing construction is planned at a time when our community is also likely to be experiencing significant traffic and noise impacts, and reduced transport capacity, as a result of the proposed construction of the Metro line. Council lacks confidence that the planning for the necessary infrastructure to support the increased populations proposed has occurred. The plan does not provide for the community infrastructure needed including open space, playing fields, schools, hospitals and child-care centres. We also note a lack of a clear affordable housing plan and the loss of lands for employment and our thriving arts community.


6. Specifically, Council requests that the NSW Minister for Planning;

• abandon the Sydenham to Bankstown Strategy and allow the Inner West Council the opportunity to complete a revised LEP which considers all existing and proposed development, including beyond the Sydenham to Bankstown Corridor;

• provides the Inner west Council will additional funding to complete the LEP

• commits to not impose Section 117 directions until a new LEP is in place;

• restricts the ability of proponents of rezoning applications to rely on the Strategy in draft form and in particular the proposed rezoning of Carrington Road Marrickville; and

• agrees to provide SEPP 70 for affordable housing in line with the Inner West Affordable Housing Policy


7. In line with the considered views of our community the Council requires that the General Manger amend the submission before submitting it to indicate that:


• Council does not accept increased density inconsistent of the MLEP based on the Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor


• the block bounded by Hercules, Consett and Terrace Rd be returned to a single dwelling area, in line with the 2015 Marrickville Council submission and in light of advice from officers that the block contains potential heritage areas and items.


• the intensity of development around this block needs to be reduced , in particular the Parade be also returned to a single dwelling area and that the height of development is significantly reduced on Hercules St East to ensure a harmonious interface with Hercules St West.”


• that building height alongside Dulwich Hill light rail station should not be increased, and that any planning proposal should seek to protect Dulwich Hill public school from overshadowing and privacy impacts,


• just because the Council submission does not indicate disagreement with development any street is not to read as support


• we do not support compulsory property resumptions


8. Further we require the General Manger to have the submission stress that we are extremely concerned about the potential highly disruptive cumulative traffic, noise and other impacts from both private construction for new housing and the proposed construction of the new Metro line, along with the reduced commuter rail capacity, between 2019 and 2024 and request that this issue is thoroughly investigated by the NSW Government before the strategy is finalised.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 32    Notice of Motion: The Return of Local Democracy to the Inner West

Motion:     (Porteous/Stamolis)



1. Council commits to the restoration of local democracy to the Inner West as a matter of urgency.

2. A report be brought to the December Ordinary Council Meeting on how local democracy can be restored to the Inner West as soon as possible. This report to include the following:

      a.    Legal advice on what options are available for council to instigate a new public inquiry into the de-amalgamation of the 3 councils;

      b.    The process, timing and costs for conducting a plebiscite for each of the 3 council areas – Leichhardt, Ashfield and Marrickville asking whether they want to remain amalgamated or choose to de-amalgamated;

      c.    Proposals for the urgent re-establishment of local and specialist committees and advisory groups;

      d.    Proposals which enable a localised (possibly ward-based rather than a one size fits all) approach to all council’s decision-making; and

      e.    Proposals which will ensure excellent and meaningful consultation with the community.

3. That Council record its unwillingness to fund and hold a plebiscite on de-amalgamation when it is not binding and the result holds no legal standing


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Crs Passas and Raciti


Amendment (Byrne/Passas)


That Council record its unwillingness to fund and hold a plebiscite on de-amalgamation when it is not binding and the result holds no legal standing


Motion Tied

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Drury, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti and York

Against Motion:          Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer


The Chairperson used his Casting Vote and the AMENDMENT was  Carried and incorporated into the Primary Motion.


C1017 Item 37    Notice of Motion: Public Facilities

Motion:     (Passas/Drury)




1.   Council withdraw the current DA application for the Summer Hill Car Park and construct a new toilet on the location of the current facility.  


2.   Council write to the Minster for Transport requesting that the section of Brown Street be dedicated as public road as a matter of urgency so a public toilet can be built in the Ashfield CBD.


3.   An audit of all Council owned public conveniences in the Inner West Council area be conducted as soon as practicable, to ensure they meet current public health, safety and convenience requirements


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


Amendment:      (Kiat/Porteous)


Insert at end of item 3, “and are accessible for persons with a disability and gender diverse individuals.”


Motion Tied

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Drury, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti and York

Against Motion:          Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer


The Chairperson used his Casting Vote and the AMENDMENT was  Lost.


C1017 Item 39    Notice of Motion to Rescind: Purchase of Corflutes to Express Opposition to WestConnex

Motion:     (Passas/Raciti)


That Resolution 5 of Item 1 from 12 October Ordinary Council Meeting be rescinded.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Macri, Passas and Raciti

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York



Motion (Drury/McKenna OAM)


That the Meeting be extended by 15 minutes.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


That the following Items be brought forward and moved en bloc and the recommendations contained in the reports be adopted: Items 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 3      2017/18 Budget and 2018/19 Budget Process.

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council receive and note 2017/18 Budget and 2018/19 Budget Process.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil



C1017 Item 5      Panel of Code of Conduct Reviewers

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council appoint as its Code of Code of Reviewer Panel for a period of 4 years (expiring on 21 September 2021) the following:






Phil O’Toole

Centium Group Pty Ltd

Peter Moroney

Nemesis Consultancy Group Pty Ltd

John Renshaw / Kelvin Kenney

O’Connor Marsden & Associates Pty Ltd

Wayne Gilbert

PKF Forensic and Risk Services Pty Ltd

Monica Kelly

Prevention Partners

Kath Roach

SINC Solutions

Rob Ryan

Strategic Risk Solutions

Kathryn Thane

Train Reaction Pty Ltd

Council’s Internal Ombudsman*

Internal Ombudsman Service


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 6      Investment Report as at 31 July 2017

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT the report be received and noted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 7      Investment Report as at 31 August 2017

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT the report be received and noted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 8      Investment Report as at 30 September 2017

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT the report be received and noted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 9      Tabling of Pecuniary Interest Returns of Designated Staff for the Return Period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council note the tabling of Pecuniary Interest Returns of Designated Staff for the return period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil



Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council receive and note this report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 13    Outcomes from the evaluation of a trial off leash area at HJ Mahoney Reserve, Marrickville.

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)




1.    The trial dog off leash area at HJ Mahoney Reserve be made permanent;


2.    That appropriate works including signage and relevant infrastructure are undertaken in the 2017/18 program of upgrades to dog off leash areas;


3.    All residents who have provided feedback during the trial and evaluation process are notified of Council’s decision; and


4.    The condition of the playing surface at HJ Mahoney Reserve continues to be monitored to assess the need for additional maintenance resource.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 15    Fee Waiver Requests for Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre and Dawn Fraser Baths 2017 - 2018

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council approve the fee waiver applications submitted by regular hirers of the Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre and Dawn Fraser Baths during 2017 – 2018, as detailed in Attachment 1.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 16    The Metropolitan Orchestra Fee Waiver Request for 2018

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council:


1.   Approve the fee waiver for The Metropolitan Orchestra for the 2018 calendar year; and 

2.   Advise The Metropolitan Orchestra that changes in the fee waiver policy will be considered by Council in the near future as part of the development of the Community Grants and Resourcing Policy for integrated fees and charges for the Inner West Council. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 17    Options Paper: Short-term Holiday Letting in NSW including Airbnb

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council:


1.       Receive and note this report and attachments;


2.       Forward a submission to the Department of Planning and Environment requesting that a framework be drafted detailing how the regulation of short-term holiday letting is to be administered including:


a.       the Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan (LEP) legislation be          amended to include a new land use definition for ‘short term rental                    accommodation’ with set parameters concerning the potential adverse        impacts of activities connected with that use allowing for compliance               certification and enforcement action where required;

b.      the requirement for either a complying development certificate or                    development application to allow for compliance to be assessed and                   conditions of approval enforced depending on the parameters set by the       Department of Planning in future legislation;

c.       a registration/licencing system should be developed and implemented by      a government agency for all properties which fall within the parameters of          the new legislation to allow for ongoing monitoring;

d.      amendments to NSW strata laws be drafted giving owners corporation’s       powers to manage and respond where there is no compliance with                 certification, consent or registration requirements allowing strata              corporations to take a greater role and see less recurrence of adverse                   impacts.    


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C1017 Item 18    Deputy Mayor Annual Fee

Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council determine an annual fee of $10,000 for the Deputy Mayor, in addition to the adopted Councillor Fee.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil




Meeting closed at  11.05 pm.












































Public Speakers:



Item #




Item 25:

Gavin Gilchrist

Dominic Case



Item 19:    

Kenneth Moxham

Catherine Stewart

Stephanie Ward

Jacinta Green

Anne Picot

Anne Bickford




St Peters

St Peters


Item 20:

Richard Dudley-Smith


Item 21:

Heather Davie

Peter Manning

Gareth Figg

Peter Olive

Scott Winstone

Anne Picot


Dulwich Hill

Dulwich Hill


Dulwich Hill

St Peters


Item 32:

Andy Graham

Michelle Hacking

Anne Picot

Richard Dudley-Smith 

Rose Gates



St Peters



Item 37:

Kerrie Bush                            

Summer Hill

Item 39:

Rhea Liebmann

Richard Dudley-Smith




























The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 24th day of October, 2017 were confirmed as a correct record on this 21st day of November 2017.


