Council Meeting

27 August 2019



Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 27 August 2019 at Ashfield Service Centre


Meeting commenced at  6.31pm







Darcy Byrne

Victor Macri

Marghanita Da Cruz

Lucille McKenna OAM

Colin Hesse

Sam Iskandar

Tom Kiat

Pauline Lockie

Julie Passas

Vittoria Raciti

John Stamolis

Louise Steer

Anna York
Michael Deegan

Elizabeth Richardson


Deputy Mayor












Chief Executive Officer

Deputy General Manager Assets and Environment

John Warburton

Deputy General Manager Community and Engagement

Cathy Edwards-Davis

Gwilym Griffiths

Wal Petschler

Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes

Urban Forest Manager

Group Manager Footpaths, Roads and Stormwater

Ian Naylor

Katherine Paixao

Manager Civic Governance

Governance Coordinator





Motion: (Stamolis/Hesse)


THAT Apologies from Councillors Drury and Porteous be accepted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil




Clr Kiat declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 2 - Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel Report: DA10.2018.220: 74 – 75 Carlton Crescent Summer Hill as his employer has a long standing and ongoing campaign in relation to Ambulance stations in Sydney and he will leave the chamber during discussion and voting.


Motion: (Byrne/Lockie)


That Council note the disclosures of interest.



Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


Condolence Motion for the Hon. Tim Fischer AC


Motion: (Passas/Byrne)


THAT Council send a letter of Condolence to Tim Fischer’s family on his passing.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil




Motion: (Steer/Da Cruz)

THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 13 August 2019 be confirmed as a correct record.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil



Motion: (Byrne/Passas)


THAT Council hear from all registered speakers for Item 1.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil





The registered speakers were asked to address the meeting. The list of speakers is available on the last page of these minutes.





7.42pm - The Mayor, Clr Byrne adjourned the meeting for a short recess.

7.50pm– The Mayor, Clr Byrne resumed the meeting.


Councillor Passas re-entered the Meeting at 7:52 pm.








C0819(2) Item 1  Tree Management DCP

Motion: (Macri/Passas)


That Council amend the Tree DCP policy to include the following:


1.    The following new objectives:

a.    To maintain and enhance the amenity of the Inner West Local Government Area through the perseveration or appropriate trees and vegetation;


b.    To ensure the cost burden of meeting tree canopy targets does not fall unreasonably on property owners and lower income residents in particular; and

c.    Encourage private property owners to plant new trees and replace inappropriate trees in order to meet Council’s tree canopy targets.


2.    Amend objective 3 to read “to ensure the safety of the community, private property and public infrastructure assets.”;


3.    Amend prescribed trees (2.20.3) to be 6 meters rather than 5 meters in height;


4.    A schedule of tree species which are exemptions for the need of a tree permit as detailed in the tabled document;


5.    Exempt work definition to be amended to:

a.    Allow for canopy lifting to 2.5 meters above ground without limitation on branch diameter; and


b.    Selective pruning to a 3 meter clearance above the roof or from the face of all structures that are being impacted.


6.    Where replacement of trees is approved, Council prefers that trees that are removed are replaced on the site with a suitable replacement canopy tree and in a suitable location onsite. However, there may be circumstances when there is no suitable location on site (for example, in the case of small backyards); a financial contribution will be required to be paid to support public tree planting. Offset fees are to established within Council’s fees and charges schedule;


7.    Council approval is not required to prune or remove trees within 3m of an existing dwelling or ancillary structure, which has been approved through a Development Application or Complying Development Certificate, within the same lot as the tree. The distance is to be measured from the face of the tree trunk closest to the dwelling or structure to the external wall or roof line of the dwelling or structure, the definition of which may include a garage, carport, studio, shed, workshop, swimming pool, spa or retaining walls with a height greater than 600mm;




8.    Development consent is to be required for works or removal of trees only in the following circumstances (all other applications will be categorised as tree works permit applications or minor works requests):


a.    Removal of trees identified on the Inner West Council heritage trees list;


b.    The tree forms part of an Aboriginal object or that is located within an Aboriginal place of heritage; and


9.    The following criteria for the assessment of applications will form the guidelines for tree applications with the assessment criteria in the DCP to be amended to match these:


Danger is assessed based on a number of factors including;

· The potential/likelihood of a tree or tree part to fail;

· A history of previous branch failure;

· The size of the defective part of the tree;

· The use and occupancy of the area that may be struck by a defective part; and

· The tree exceeds 15m in height and is within the strike zone of a habitable dwelling.


Meeting the danger criteria gives significant determinative weight to the application to approve the removal and/or pruning of a tree.


Property Damage

The likelihood of the tree having an adverse effect on property including trees renowned for having extensive root systems, which cause damage to footings of houses or, trees that cause blockages to domestic sewer and drainage lines.


Condition of the tree

The structural integrity of the tree is assessed for any visible signs of decay or deterioration, this is usually indicated by a lack of foliage, dead branches evident in the canopy, presence of fungal fruiting bodies, excessive sap being exuded from the trunk and/or evidence of insect attack, particularly borer damage. Further, the likelihood the species displays toward branch failure and subsequent limb fall


Health of the tree

The species susceptibility to environmental changes, which may affect the longevity of the species survival in its current location. This would include, changes in soil level, excessive root damage caused during construction works, changes in water availability, competition for other vegetation (particularly climbing vines), and compaction of soil (particularly in high usage areas such as car parking areas).


Complying Development

The need for tree removal in order to allow for development that could otherwise be carried out under a Complying Development Certificate. A statement from the certifier confirming that tree removal is the only impediment to the issuance of a CDC must be submitted to support the application. These applications will be assessed based on the same criteria as a Development Application.


Significance to Streetscape

An assessment of the visual environment and the significance the specimen plays within the streetscape. Other criteria would include if the tree is an endangered or rare species, is of historical significance or, the link the tree provides between bushland and reserves (the connectivity of habitat).


Each case of termite infestation will be investigated on its merit. Potential Future Damage The potential for the tree to cause damage in the future is also considered in an assessment for removal. Extenuating



Circumstances, such as the owner’s capacity to undertake required maintenance of a tree and surrounds, whether the land owner planted the tree, or solar access for renewable energy systems and other like considerations.


10.  The “criteria not considered” provisions are to be deleted;


11.  Dangerous tree assessments are to be based on the safety risk in all weather conditions, not “normal” conditions;


12.   A plain English Language explanation of tree pruning provisions is to be made
 available on Council’s website;


13.   Council is to prepare a list of trees that are supported as replacement trees
 that property owners can choose from when required to replace trees;


14.   A report be prepared identifying measures, outside of DCP provisions, which  
 have been implemented in other local government areas to actively encourage  
 the planting of trees by property owners;


15.   A review of the Tree DCP is to be conducted after 12 months and reported to


16.  After the determination of an application, applicants have the opportunity to seek a review of determination under Section 8.2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. If an application is refused or if the application if approved with conditions the applicant has the opportunity to request a review of determination that will be determined by the CEO. A review of determination must be completed within 6 months of the determination of the original application under Section 8.3(2) of the Act. Applicants need to ensure that they submit their application for review within 2 months of the determination in order to allow Council to conduct the review in most circumstances. Applicants must be informed at the time of the determination of their application of the review process available to them;


17.  There be no height requirement for the removal of exempt weeds;


18.  Council increase the tree canopy in business zone to 25%;


19.  To assist residents to plant trees in places that will ensure the health and vigour of the tree and to reduce risk, Council will provide information and advice on its website; and




20.  To reflect the importance of trees in our community, a range of summary statistics to be reported by Council on a quarterly basis. This includes: applications by type, number of tree removals and tree plantings, and if possible, costs associated with this. Statistics should also be provided for the public domain: tree removals, tree plantings, total stock of trees and tree canopy.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Iskandar, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis and York

Against Motion:          Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie and Steer


Foreshadowed Motion: (Lockie/Hesse)


THAT Council adopt the amended draft Tree Management DCP shown as Attachment 1 and replace the existing controls as set out in:

a.   Part 2.20 Tree Management of the Marrickville Development control 2011;

b.   Part 4 Tree Preservation and Management and Tree Replacement and New Tree Planting contained within Chapter C, Sustainability of the Inner West Comprehensive Development Control Plan (DCP) 2016 for Ashbury, Ashfield, Croydon, Croydon Park, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park and Summer Hill; and

c.   C1.14 Tree Management contained with part C – Place of the Leichhardt DCP 2013.

This Foreshadowed Motion lapsed.



Councillor Kiat left the Meeting at 8:16 pm as he declared a significant, non-pecuniary conflict of interest in Item 2.


Councillor Passas left the Meeting at 8:16 pm.


C0819(2) Item 2  Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel Report: DA10.2018.220: 74 – 75 Carlton Crescent Summer Hill

Motion: (McKenna OAM/York)



1.    A submission be made to the Sydney East City Planning Panel in relation to DA 10.2018.220 74-75 Carlton Crescent Summer Hill;


2.    The submission include the reasons for refusal as outlines in the officers assessment report; and

3.    The development be refused for the following reasons:

The proposal does not satisfy the conditions of the:

a.    SEPP ARH Clause 29 (2)(e) which requires 0.5 parking spaces for each room;



b.    The inner West Comprehensive DCP 2016 requires a minimum of one parking space per staff member; and


c.    The BCC and NCC codes for disabled spaces for a Class 3 development requires at least one car space.


4.    Council’s submission also request that the following matters be dealt with in the determination:


·         Cross-ventilation 

·         Natural drying of washing 

·         Flood/WSUD

·         Bicycle path access and signage between storage and cycle-route and station 

·         Bicycle charging facilities

·         Food waste management plan.


5.    If the panel decides to approve the development that the following conditions be added:

a.    The footpath from the site to the SH hotel car park driveway, be upgraded to be fully accessible, including grass verge; and


b.    That the fire hydrant and associated infrastructure be located in a recessed area, enclosed and appropriately sign posted. 

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Kiat and Passas


C0819(2) Item 3  Approval for Alcohol Free and Prohibited Zones for Balmain New Year's Eve 2019-2022.

Motion: (Macri/Iskandar)


THAT Council:


1.       Approve the re-establishment of Alcohol Prohibited Areas for New Year’s Eve from Tuesday, 31 December noon to Wednesday, 1 January 3:00am for 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 at Yurulbin, Birchgrove, Miklouho-Maclay, Mort Bay, 2-8 Weston Street and Thornton Parks, College Street Playground, Simmons Point, Lookes Avenue, Illoura, Harris and Brownlee Reserves; and


2.       Approve the re-establishment of Alcohol-Free Areas for New Year’s Eve from Tuesday, 31 December noon to Wednesday, 1 January 3:00am for 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 at Darling Street Wharf, Weston Street, Lookes Avenue and Darling Street between Duke Street and Darling Street Wharf.





Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Kiat and Passas


Councillor Kiat returned to the Meeting at 8:28 pm.

Councillor Passas returned to the Meeting at 8:31 pm.


C0819(2) Item 4  Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 5 August 2019

Motion: (Macri/Iskandar)


THAT the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 5 August 2019 be received and the recommendations be adopted subject to the following changes:


1.    That the recommendation for Item 3 Burrows Avenue, Sydenham – Temporary Full Road Closures - Sydney Metro Sydenham Station and Junction (SSJ) Works (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC) be amended as follows:

a.    Due to concerns about pedestrian safety concerns related to Sydenham Station construction works, Council requests that Sydney Metro amend the design of the temporary crossings to be installed during the proposed road closure on Burroughs and Hogan Avenue to include marked pedestrian crossings instead of refuges.

2.    That the Traffic Committee receive a further report on Car Share spaces and a potential annual licence fee to be paid by car share providers.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


Amendment (Passas)


THAT a 6 month trial on parking on one side of Warren Road be undertaken.


This Amendment lapsed for want of seconder.


Amendment (Passas/Macri)


THAT a site inspection be held for Item 23 Congestion near Ashfield Station.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Macri and Passas

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York


Councillor Raciti left the Meeting at 8:49 pm.




8.49pm - The Mayor, Clr Byrne adjourned the meeting for a short recess.

8.53pm– The Mayor, Clr Byrne resumed the meeting.

Councillor Iskandar re-entered the Meeting at 8:55 pm.


C0819(2) Item 6  Update Report - Marrickville Parklands and Golf Course Plan of Management

Motion: (Byrne/Macri)


THAT Council:


1.    Note the current delays with the statutory requirements associated with Crown Reserve Land categorisations (from the NSW Department of Planning and Industry) in presenting a revised Plan of Management for the Marrickville Parklands to Council; and


2.    Write to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces requesting that Crown Reserve Land categorisations be expedited so that Council’s Plan of Managements can be approved.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM , Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas and Raciti


Councillor Raciti returned to the Meeting at 8:58 pm.


En Bloc


Motion: (Stamolis/Byrne)


THAT Council move Items 7 and 9 en bloc and adopt the recommendations contained within.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, , Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Passas


C0819(2) Item 7  CEO's Half Yearly Update: Progress on the Operational Plan 2018/19

Motion: (Stamolis/Byrne)


THAT the report be received and noted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Passas








C0819(2) Item 9  Investment Report as at 31 July 2019

Motion: (Stamolis/Byrne)


THAT the report be received and noted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, , Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Passas


C0819(2) Item 8  Budget Saving Tracking Summary

Motion: (Kiat/Byrne)




1.    The report be received and noted; and


2.    Council receive a full report on proposed savings identified in this report at the next Ordinary Council meeting.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Passas


Councillor Passas returned to the Meeting at 9:08 pm.


C0819(2) Item 11         Notice of Motion: Council Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry     into Sustainability of Energy Supply and Resources in NSW

Motion: (Steer/Lockie)


THAT Council makes a submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Sustainability of Energy Supply and Resources in NSW, including discussion of Council’s:


1.   Record, achievements and commitment to environmental sustainability;


2.   Climate Emergency Declaration and roadmap towards new zero emissions by 2030;


3.   Support for a statewide goal of net zero emissions by 2030 (as per the resolution at the 2017 LG conference);


4.   Strong concern regarding the impact of coal mining and emissions from coal fired power stations on the climate, the environment, human health and water security;


5.   Support for a phase out of coalmining and coal fired power stations in NSW, with a transition to renewable energy sources by 2030; and


6.   Strong support for economic and other initiatives to assist regional communities and workers that may be affected by changing energy and resource markets.

Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Iskandar, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti and York



Foreshadowed Motion (York/McKenna OAM)


That Council makes a submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Sustainability of Energy Supply and Resources in NSW, including discussion of Inner West Council’s:


  1. Record, achievements and commitment to environmental sustainability;


  1. Climate Emergency Declaration, adoption of targets to become 100% carbon neutral and 100% renewable energy by 2025, achievement of 100% divestment from fossil fuels, and adoption of Council CEO performance agreement KPIs supporting these targets and goals;


  1. Advocacy for the removal of state regulations that create barriers to local residential and community up-take of renewable energy generation in the Inner West LGA – such as strata laws that create obstacles to installation of solar panels, battery storage and electric vehicle charging points in apartments;


  1. Support for LGNSW’s climate change policy, including its advocacy for a renewable energy target of 40% by 2025 to support investment and market confidence in renewable energy projects;


  1. Strong concern regarding the impact of coal mining and emissions from coal fired power stations, and the burning of native forest timber and cleared vegetation for electricity production, on the climate, the environment, human health, and water security; and


  1. Strong support for economic and other initiatives to assist regional communities and workers that may be affected by changing energy and resource markets, and the establishment of a fully funded and resourced Just Transition Authority (JTA) with responsibility for planning, education and re-training of effected workers in the fossil fuel supply chain and carbon intensive energy sectors.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Cr Kiat


Councillor Hesse left the Meeting at 9:21 pm.

Councillor Hesse returned to the Meeting at 9:25 pm.


C0819(2) Item 10         Notice of Motion: Car Parking

Motion: (Passas)


THAT this Council takes the following steps to ensure all residents have a permanent parking place outside their home at all times:


1.   Contact President Trump for his wall building contractor (US/Mexico) to construct a wall around the Inner West;



2.   Any cars or people passing through the Inner West to pay a mobility tax to the Inner West Council, no parking allowed;


3.   Passports required for non-Inner West citizens; and



4.   Businesses unable to find parking for their staff from outside the area to go broke in their own time, without community or Council support.


This motion lapsed for want of seconder.


C0819(2) Item 12         Notice of Motion: Marrickville Town Hall

Motion: (Hesse/Steer)


THAT Council immediately set-up a taskforce to seek partners to develop Marrickville Town Hall as an art gallery and performance space.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis and York


Amendment (Stamolis/Passas)


That Council prioritise community, arts and culture.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Passas, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Iskandar, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti and York


Foreshadowed Motion (Byrne/Iskandar)


THAT Council note the advice from officers that the EOI process for Marrickville Town Hall has been concluded with outcomes being reported to Council in September.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis and York

Against Motion:          Crs Hesse, Kiat and Steer


C0819(2) Item 13         Notice of Motion: Disability deferral for secondary dwelling

Motion: (Hesse/Kiat)


THAT Council receive a report on deferring contributions towards provision or improvement of amenities or services where a secondary dwelling is built to house a family member whose disability is significant enough that they will likely require permanent home care.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Nil




C0819(2) Item 14         Notice of Motion: Chandos Street

Motion: (Byrne/Passas)




1.    Council review previous traffic counts in Chandos Street and neighbouring streets and request comparable data from RMS, obtained following the opening of Westconnex Stage 1, with a view to closing Chandos Street at the intersection of Parramatta Road;


2.    The matter be referred to Council for consideration; and


3.    Staff investigate the option for allowing left turn only out of Chandos Street onto Parramatta Road, if Chandos Street is not closed.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Nil


C0819(2) Item 15         Mayoral Minute: Inner West War on Waste

Motion: (Byrne)


THAT Council:


1.   Commend staff for their work in bringing together such a high-quality forum;

2.   Write to the Minister for Environment the Hon Matt Kean and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces the Hon Rob Stokes to let them know of the success of the Inner West War on Food Waste forum, and to thank the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Planning and Environment for their involvement;

3.   Collaborate with Randwick Council to coordinate a further meeting, to be hosted at Randwick, with the objective of beginning discussions with interested Councils regarding a group approach to planning and locating a food waste recovery plant and transfer stations for the use of metropolitan Councils; and

4.   Write to the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to thank them for their presentation at the War on Food Waste forum and ask for their guidance in ongoing collaboration between metropolitan Sydney councils and the development of a proposal for a food waste processing plant.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Crs Macri and Passas




C0819(2) Item 5  Tender 18-19 Widening of the Booth Street Bridge Annandale

Motion: (Stamolis/Hesse)


THAT Council:

1.   Decline to accept all tenders received for the widening of the Booth Street Bridge for the reasons set out in this Tender Evaluation Committee Report;


2.   Not invite fresh tenders as at this time it is unlikely this process will result in a better outcome and would further delay programmed works; and

3.   Enter into negotiations with any person (whether or not the person was a tenderer), with a view to entering into a contract for the widening of the Booth Street Bridge.    


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:           Nil



Meeting closed at  9.48pm.











Public Speakers:



Item #




Item 1:

Rene Holmes

Geoff Crossley

Robert Mayer

Toula Chrisafis

Brigita Molnar

Nancy Wahlquist




Summer Hill



Item 4:

Yvette Beaumont

Jason Bruer

Alex Dilworth

Bailan Devereaux





Item 14:

Gerard Turrisi

Adrian Walton

