Council Meeting 22 September 2020 |
Live Streaming of Council Meeting
In the spirit of open, accessible and transparent government, this meeting of the Inner West Council is being streamed live on Council’s website. By speaking at a Council meeting, members of the public agree to being recorded and must ensure their speech to the Council is respectful and use appropriate language. A person who uses defamatory, discriminatory or offensive language may be exposed to liability for which Council takes no responsibility. Any part of this meeting that is held in closed session will not be recorded
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Speaking at a Council Meeting is conducted through an online software application called Zoom. Members of the public must register by 2pm of the day of the Meeting to speak at Council Meetings. If you wish to register to speak please fill in a Register to Speak Form, available from the Inner West Council website, including:
Are there any rules for speaking at a Council Meeting?
The following rules apply when addressing a Council meeting:
What happens after I submit the form?
You will be contacted by Governance Staff and provided with a link to the online meeting. Your request will then be added to a list that is shown to the Chairperson on the night of the meeting. Public speakers will be allowed into the Meeting when it is their time to speak.
Where Items are deferred, Council reserves the right to defer speakers until that Item is heard on the next occasion.
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
1 Acknowledgement of Country
2 Apologies
3 Notice of Webcasting
4 Disclosures
of Interest (Section 451 of the Local Government Act
and Council’s Code of Conduct)
5 Moment of Quiet Contemplation
6 Confirmation of Minutes Page
Minutes of 8 September 2020 Council Meeting 5
7 Public Forum – Hearing from All Registered Speakers
8 Condolence Motions
Nil at the time of printing.
9 Mayoral Minutes
Nil at the time of printing.
10 Reports with Strategic Implications
Nil at the time of printing.
11 Reports for Council Decision
C0920(2) Item 1 Election of Deputy Mayor 15
C0920(2) Item 2 Marrickville Parklands and Golf Course Plan of Management 19
C0920(2) Item 3 Pride Centre Expression of Interest 24
C0920(2) Item 4 NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program - Council Submission 26
C0920(2) Item 5 Part Elizabeth Street, Road Closure & Sale 30
C0920(2) Item 6 Inner West Public Toilet Strategy 39
C0920(2) Item 7 Neighbourhood Centre Policy 40
C0920(2) Item 8 Local Traffic Committee Meeting - September 2020 63
C0920(2) Item 9 Councillor Representation on Committees 79
12 Reports for Noting
C0920(2) Item 10 Inner West Go-solar EOI 100
C0920(2) Item 11 Investment Strategy & Portfolio Review 2019/20 102
13 Notices of Motion
C0920(2) Item 12 Notice of Motion: Buruwan Park proposed naming 133
C0920(2) Item 13 Notice of Motion: Uranium mining ban in NSW must stay 134
14 Questions From Councillors
C0920(2) Item 14 Question on Notice: Inner West Council: Solar Panel output 136
15 Reports with Confidential Information
Reports appearing in this section of the Business Paper contain confidential information in attachments.
The confidential information has been circulated separately.
C0920(2) Item 15 Henson Park Upgrade Tender Report 141
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting remotely and livestreamed on Council’s website on 8 September 2020
Meeting commenced at 6.30pm
Present: |
Darcy Byrne Vittoria Raciti Marghanita Da Cruz Mark Drury Lucille McKenna OAM Colin Hesse Tom Kiat Pauline Lockie Victor Macri John Stamolis Louise Steer Anna York Elizabeth Richardson |
Mayor Deputy Mayor (6.35pm) Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor (6.33pm) Councillor Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer, Director Development and Recreation |
Cathy Edwards-Davis |
Director Infrastructure |
Ian Naylor |
Manager Governance |
Katherine Paixao |
Governance Coordinator |
Motion: (Byrne/Drury)
THAT apologies from Councillors Iskandar, Passas and Porteous be accepted and leave of absence granted for Councillor Porteous for the month of September 2020 due to personal reasons.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Stamolis and York
Against Motion: Nil
Councillor Steer entered the Meeting at 6:33 pm.
Motion: (Lockie/Hesse) That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 25 August 2020 be confirmed as a correct record subject to the following amendment: - Councillor Lockie being recorded as voting against the York/Da Cruz Foreshadowed Motion in Item 7 Notice of Motion: Tree DCP data: analysis.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil |
Councillor Raciti entered the Meeting at 6:35 pm.
The registered speakers were asked to address the meeting. The list of speakers is available on the last page of these minutes.
Condolence Motion
Motion: (Macri/Byrne)
THAT Council expresses its Condolences for the passing of Councillor Iskandar’s daughter and Councillor Passas’ mother.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil
C0920(1) Item 1 Draft Employment and Retail Lands Strategy/Study |
Motion: (Da Cruz/Stamolis)
THAT Council:
1. Adopt the draft Employment and Retail Lands Study and Strategy with the following amendments to the Strategy:
a) include Action 1.4.4: Encourage pop-up events on underutilised public space within Centres to promote ongoing use of the public domain as part of the economic recovery stimulus.”
b) note:
i. the inner west has a long history of innovation and industry. The proximity to the Ultimo-Camperdown Bio-Medical Research Hub means the Inner West is destined to become the incubator and accelerator District;
ii. the Creative Industries ecosystem includes gaming venues, theatres, studios, light and sound production, musical instrument sale and repair, spare parts to support these enterprises as well as education to gain skills and do internships for example in makeup, set design, sound and light, IT skills, film production etc - Petersham TAFE and Enmore Design School; and
iii. potential for pop up night market stalls (in permanent kiosks) in the public domain or shop fronts.
2. Seek endorsement from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for the Employment and Retail Lands Strategy; and
3. Note a review to the EARLS will be required within 12 months to take account of the impacts of COVID-19 on employment and retail lands.
Motion Lost For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Stamolis and Steer Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti and York
Amendment (Macri/Byrne) THAT Council reinstate the tourist short term accommodation serviced apartments. Motion Lost For Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Macri, Raciti and Stamolis Against Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, McKenna OAM, Steer and York
Foreshadowed Motion (McKenna OAM/York) THAT Council:
1. Adopt the draft Employment and Retail Lands Study and Strategy;
2. Seek endorsement from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for the Employment and Retail Lands Strategy; and
3. Note a review to the EARLS will be required within 12 months to take account of the impacts of COVID-19 on employment and retail lands.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil |
C0920(1) Item 2 Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre Master Plan |
Motion: (Drury/Hesse)
THAT Council endorse the LPAC Masterplan, noting that:
1. Depth of the proposed 25m pool needs to be resolved throughout the design process once more information is known about the constraints at site (if any) and other potential considerations. Council should wait until we have a report on the effectiveness of the new moving floor in the Ashfield Aquatic Centre before we determine the depth of the 25 metre pool in LAC; and
2. The final cost of the overall project be reported to Council once confirmed within the initial planning stages.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil |
C0920(1) Item 3 LGNSW Annual Conference |
Motion: (Byrne/Lockie)
THAT Council nominate Councillors Steer, McKenna OAM, Lockie, Hesse, Kiat, Da Cruz, Drury and Byrne to attend and be the voting delegates for the 2020 Local Government NSW Conference.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil |
C0920(1) Item 4 Membership of Committee for Sydney |
Motion: (Drury/Byrne)
THAT Council renew membership of Committee for Sydney.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Lockie, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis and York Against Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Macri and Steer
C0920(1) Item 5 Notice of Motion: Garbage cancellations |
The Mayor ruled this motion redundant as it was discussed at the last meeting and covered by the briefing note distributed to Councillors on 25 August 2020. |
Councillor Lockie left the Meeting at 8:16 pm.
C0920(1) Item 6 Notice of Motion: Birchgrove Oval: Heritage Picket Fence |
Motion: (Stamolis/Da Cruz)
THAT Council:
1. Consider a new wooden fence or repairs and maintenance to the existing wooden picket fence; and
2. Report back in October 2020.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Macri, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer Against Motion: Crs Drury, McKenna OAM and York Absent: Cr Lockie |
Councillor Lockie returned to the Meeting at 8:18 pm.
C0920(1) Item 7 Notice of Motion: Nurseries: Opening Dates |
Clr Stamolis withdrew this motion. |
C0920(1) Item 8 Notice of Motion: Park n Pay |
Motion: (Byrne/Macri)
THAT Council:
1. Notes the letter from the Minister for Customer Service asking Council to participate in the NSW Government’s Park N Pay app;
2. Notes Council’s smart technology investigation is now complete;
3. Requests a report on the parking meter tender process and the recommendations from the smart technology investigation to be tabled at an Ordinary Council meeting in September;
4. Considers the implications for traffic of the integration of Car Parking into vehicle navigation systems and/ or phone applications; and
5. Notes that the experience in Canberra with parking finding apps - drivers prefer street parking.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil |
C0920(1) Item 9 Notice of Motion: Solar EOI |
Motion: (Byrne/York)
THAT Council: 1. Notes the update on the results of the Solar Brokerage EOI;
2. Receives a report by the next Council meeting on the three projects identified through the EOI process and which are scheduled to commence in early FY 2020/21; and
3. Receives a report by the next Council meeting on a further four EOIs that have been identified as having the potential to offer innovative solar solutions to residential and commercial sectors. |
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil |
C0920(1) Item 10 Notice of Motion: WestConnex Satellite Imagery |
Motion: (Byrne/Lockie)
THAT Council:
1. Acknowledges the offer from Sat Scan Pty Ltd for the provision of high-level radar-based satellite imagery for areas along the WestConnex toll road route that fall within the Local Government Area for Inner West Council; and
2. Accepts Sat Scan Pty Ltd’s offer for a nominal fee as stated in the letter to the Mayor.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil |
Confidential Session
Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)
THAT Council enter into Confidential session.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil
8.27pm - The Mayor, Clr Byrne adjourned the meeting for a short recess.
8.31pm– The Mayor, Clr Byrne resumed the meeting.
That in accordance with Section 10A(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, the following matters be considered in Closed Session of Council for the reasons provided:
C0920(1) Item 12 Update - Rent Relief for Tenants - Covid 19 Coronavirus contains information about the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer (Section 10A(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 1993); AND information (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND commercial information of a confidential nature (Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; AND commercial information of a confidential nature (Section 10A(2)(d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council.
C0920(1) Item 13 Voluntary Planning Agreement - 138 - 152 Victoria Road, Rozelle (Balmain Leagues Club Site)(Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
C0920(1) Item 14 Covid 19 Business Disruption Belgravia Leisure contract variation (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND commercial information of a confidential nature (Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
C0920(1) Item 15 Long-term Accommodation Strategy and Marrickville Town Hall EOI Outcomes (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND commercial information of a confidential nature (Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Motion: (Byrne/McKenna OAM)
THAT Council move back into the Open Session of the Council Meeting.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil
Councillor Da Cruz left the Meeting at 8:31 pm.
Reports with Confidential Information
C0920(1) Item 12 Update - Rent Relief for Tenants - Covid 19 Coronavirus |
Motion: (Drury/McKenna OAM)
1. Receive and note the application of the rent relief regulations and codes to tenants; and
2. Receive and note the information regarding the Council commercial tenancy at Yeo Park, Ashfield.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil Absent: Cr Da Cruz |
Councillor Da Cruz returned to the Meeting at 8:33 pm.
Motion: (Stamolis/Hesse)
THAT Council write to the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel seeking deferral of this item pending more detailed traffic studies.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Raciti and Stamolis Against Motion: Crs Drury, McKenna OAM, Steer and York |
C0920(1) Item 14 Covid 19 Business Disruption Belgravia Leisure contract variation |
Motion: (Drury/Lockie)
1. Council note the unique circumstances presented by the Covid 19 disruption and its associated impact on Aquatics Services provided by Belgravia Leisure on behalf of the Inner West Council for the Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre (AKAC);
2. Council approve a contract variation with Belgravia Health and Leisure Group Pty Limited as detailed in the Confidential Attachment to:
· Consider ‘service fee’ payments during the closure of the Centre as a result of the NSW Government requirement; and · Determine future service fee payments as a result of the Covid -19 disruption.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis and York Against Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat and Steer
Foreshadowed Motion (Kiat)
THAT Council: 1. Note that of all Inner West aquatic centres, only FDAC and AKAC are outsourced to a private and for-profit operator, Belgravia Leisure, and that this presents challenges to Council’s optimal management of these community assets and services;
2. Note that in the context of COVID-19 and associated temporary closures of FDAC and AKAC, Belgravia Leisure has:
3. Receive further advice on the status of the contract, including on whether either party is in breach of the contract, with a view to considering what benefits Council may seek in return for unbudgeted losses it has suffered as a result of 2(a) and 2(b), consistent with prudent financial management of the Council assets and contracts and Council’s overall strategic objectives.
This Foreshadowed Motion lapsed. |
C0920(1) Item 15 Long-term Accommodation Strategy and Marrickville Town Hall EOI Outcomes |
Motion: (Byrne/York)
That Council:
2. Undertakes further analysis of its accommodation needs in light of the organisation’s remote working capability during COVID-19;
3. Following that analysis, receives a further report on the retention customer service centres, libraries, and community meeting spaces in the Ashfield and Petersham/Marrickville town centres, noting Council is expected to have surplus administration office floor space which can be consolidated;
4. Progresses with the development of a Reuse and Recycling Hub as a medium-term use at Summer Hill Depot and continue discussions with suitable not-for-profit organisations;
5. Pending project feasibilities, undertakes a further Expression of Interest Campaigns for the use of the Petersham Town Hall (office space for co-located community groups) and Marrickville Town Hall (Live Music venue);
6. Consideration of the Pride Centre proposal be deferred pending the tabling of the report currently being finalised;
7. The Marrickville Town Hall and Petersham Town Hall EOI’s be tabled at Council for adoption prior to undertaking the EOI;
8. Options to secure low cost / affordable community use, by multiple users, as well as the participation of multicultural organisations and other creative arts venue be included in the draft EOI for Marrickville Town Hall as a music venue; and
9. Continue the use of Balmain Depot for service provision.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil
Amendment (Da Cruz)
THAT following analysis of its accommodation needs, Council also receives a further report on leasing opportunities for any surplus office administration space, including for use as co-working spaces. This amendment lapsed for want of seconder. |
Meeting closed at 9.37 pm.
Public Speakers:
Item #
Speaker |
Suburb |
Item 1: |
Ted Plummer Kelsie Dadd |
Mascot (Sydney Airport) Marrickville |
Item 2: |
Lyle Taualai Ben Maslen
Gillian Brooker Warwick Mayer |
Petersham Eastlakes (UNSW Whales Underwater Rugby Club President) Tenambit (Diving NSW) Birchgrove |
Item 6: |
Carolyn Allen Malcolm Garder Ian Stapleton |
Balmain Birchgrove Sydney (Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners) |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Election of Deputy Mayor
Prepared By: Ian Naylor - Manager Governance
Authorised By: Michael Deegan - Chief Executive Officer
THAT Council conduct the election of Deputy Mayor by open voting. |
Nominations are to be sent to the Chief Executive Office prior to the Meeting. As Council Meetings are currently being held remotely, open voting is the only method possible. The procedure for the conduct of the Deputy Mayor election is as follows:-
1. Chief Executive Officer indicates that the election will be conducted under the provisions of the Local Government Act and Regulations.
Under paragraph three of the Regulations it states:
2. If only one Councillor is nominated that Councillor is elected.
3. If more than one Councillor is nominated, Council is to conduct the election by open voting.
4. Chief Executive Officer calls for nominations for Deputy Mayor.
a) A Councillor may be nominated without notice for election
b) The nomination is to be made in writing by 2 or more Councillors (one of
whom may be the nominee). The nomination is not valid unless the
nominee has indicated consent to the nomination in writing.
c) The nomination to be delivered or sent to the Returning Officer (Chief Executive Officer) prior to the commencement of the Meeting.
d) The Returning Officer (Chief Executive Officer) is to announce the names of the
nominees at the meeting.
e) If only two nominations are received, then voting is conducted and the Returning Officer declares the winner. If voting it tied, the one elected is to be chosen by lot.
f) If more than two nominations, voting is conducted and the Returning Officer eliminates the person with the smallest number of votes until there is a
winner. If voting it tied, the one elected is to be chosen by lot.
g) Returning Officer declares the result.
SCHEDULE 7 – Election of mayor by councillors
(Clause 394)
Part 1 - Preliminary
1 Returning officer
The general manager (or a person appointed by the general manager) is the returning officer.
2 Nomination
(1) A councillor may be nominated without notice for election as mayor or deputy mayor.
(2) The nomination is to be made in writing by 2 or more councillors (one of whom may be the nominee). The nomination is not valid unless the nominee has indicated consent to the nomination in writing.
(3) The nomination is to be delivered or sent to the returning officer.
(4) The returning officer is to announce the names of the nominees at the council meeting at which the election is to be held.
3 Election
(1) If only one councillor is nominated, that councillor is elected.
(2) If more than one councillor is nominated, the council is to resolve whether the election is to proceed by preferential ballot, by ordinary ballot or by open voting.
(3) The election is to be held at the council meeting at which the council resolves on the method of voting.
(4) In this clause:
"ballot" has its normal meaning of secret ballot.
"open voting" means voting by a show of hands or similar
Part 2 - Ordinary ballot or open voting
4 Application of Part
This Part applies if the election proceeds by ordinary ballot or by open voting.
5 Marking of ballot-papers
(1) If the election proceeds by ordinary ballot, the returning officer is to decide the manner in which votes are to be marked on the ballot-papers.
(2) The formality of a ballot-paper under this Part must be determined in accordance with clause 345 (1) (b) and (c) and (6) of this Regulation as if it were a ballot-paper referred to in that clause.
(3) An informal ballot-paper must be rejected at the count.
6 Count-2 candidates
(1) If there are only 2 candidates, the candidate with the higher number of votes is elected.
(2) If there are only 2 candidates and they are tied, the one elected is to be chosen by lot.
7 Count-3 or more candidates
(1) If there are 3 or more candidates, the one with the lowest number of votes is to be excluded.
(2) If 3 or more candidates then remain, a further vote is to be taken of those candidates and the one with the lowest number of votes from that further vote is to be excluded.
(3) If, after that, 3 or more candidates still remain, the procedure set out in subclause (2) is to be repeated until only 2 candidates remain.
(4) A further vote is to be taken of the 2 remaining candidates.
(5) Clause 6 of this Schedule then applies to the determination of the election as if the 2 remaining candidates had been the only candidates.
(6) If at any stage during a count under subclause (1) or (2), 2 or more candidates are tied on the lowest number of votes, the one excluded is to be chosen by lot.
Part 3 - Preferential ballot
8 Application of Part
This Part applies if the election proceeds by preferential ballot.
9 Ballot-papers and voting
(1) The ballot-papers are to contain the names of all the candidates. The councillors are to mark their votes by placing the numbers “1”, “2” and so on against the various names so as to indicate the order of their preference for all the candidates.
(2) The formality of a ballot-paper under this Part is to be determined in accordance with clause 345 (1) (b) and (c) and (5) of this Regulation as if it were a ballot-paper referred to in that clause.
(3) An informal ballot-paper must be rejected at the count.
10 Count
(1) If a candidate has an absolute majority of first preference votes, that candidate is elected.
(2) If not, the candidate with the lowest number of first preference votes is excluded and the votes on the unexhausted ballot-papers counted to him or her are transferred to the candidates with second preferences on those ballot-papers.
(3) A candidate who then has an absolute majority of votes is elected, but, if no candidate then has an absolute majority of votes, the process of excluding the candidate who has the lowest number of votes and counting each of his or her unexhausted ballot-papers to the candidates remaining in the election next in order of the voter’s preference is repeated until one candidate has received an absolute majority of votes. The latter is elected.
(4) In this clause,
"absolute majority", in relation to votes, means a number that
is more than one-half of the number of unexhausted formal ballot-papers.
11 Tied candidates
(1) If, on any count of votes, there are 2 candidates in, or remaining in, the election and the numbers of votes cast for the 2 candidates are equal-the candidate whose name is first chosen by lot is taken to have received an absolute majority of votes and is therefore taken to be elected.
(2) If, on any count of votes, there are 3 or more candidates in, or remaining in, the election and the numbers of votes cast for 2 or more candidates are equal and those candidates are the ones with the lowest number of votes on the count of the votes-the candidate whose name is first chosen by lot is taken to have the lowest number of votes and is therefore excluded.
Part 4 - General
12 Choosing by lot
To choose a candidate by lot, the names of the candidates who have equal numbers of votes are written on similar slips of paper by the returning officer, the slips are folded by the returning officer so as to prevent the names being seen, the slips are mixed and one is drawn at random by the returning officer and the candidate whose name is on the drawn slip is chosen.
13 Result
The result of the election (including the name of the candidate elected as mayor or deputy mayor) is:
(a) to be declared to the
councillors at the council meeting at which the election is held by the
returning officer, and
(b) to be delivered or sent to
the Director-General and to the Secretary of the Local
Government and Shires Association of New South
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Marrickville Parklands and Golf Course Plan of Management
Prepared By: Aaron Callaghan - Parks and Recreation Planning Manager
Authorised By: Elizabeth Richardson - Chief Operating Officer, Director Development & Recreation
THAT Council:
1. Endorse the Draft Plan of Management for the Marrickville Parklands and Golf Course and refer its Crown land components (generally the area described as Riverside Park) to the to the Minister for Water, Housing and Property for owner’s consent; and
The Marrickville Parklands and Golf Course is an integral part of the Inner West open space network. The park occupies 1.6km of Cooks River Foreshore and is 21 hectares in size making it the largest open space in the southern area of the LGA and regional in terms of its open space provision. The park has the potential to link the GreenWay and Cooks River Cycleway. Marrickville Parklands partly encompasses Riverside Park (R 837656) which is Crown Land for which Council is the land manager. This land was gazetted for the purpose of Public Recreation on 16 March 1962.
Both the Marrickville Parklands and Dibble Avenue Waterhole (a former brick pit) are identified as Priority Diversity Areas (MLEP) with the river frontage area protected under the State Environment Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018. The Dibble Avenue Waterhole is also a listed Heritage item and is currently used as the main irrigation reservoir for the 18-hole golf course. A major collapse of the water hole occurred on the 7th February 2017 placing adjacent residential property at risk. The collapse of the waterhole was due to a number of factors including excessive water extraction and a major storm event which undermined the stability of the waterhole embankments. The waterhole stabilisation tender is currently being prepared with tenders open in mid-September 2020. Preliminary stabilisation works are planned to commence at the end of this year and continue into early 2021.
A draft ten-year Plan of Management and landscape master plan for the Marrickville Parklands and Golf Course was prepared, advertised and exhibited in May 2019 with submissions on the draft plan closing in June 2019. A full summary of the community engagement outcomes can be viewed in the Plan of Management (Attachment 1 Refer to Pages 50-51)
Council officers have undertaken an extensive review of the draft Plan of Management and are presenting the plan to Council for endorsement and recommending that the areas of Crown Land (Riverside Park) are referred to the to the Minister for Water, Housing and Property for owners consent for the purposes of reserve classification confirmation and exhibition. Key recommendations in the revised plan of management are fully outlined in the Plan of Management in Section 6 of Attachment 1 from Pages 54-68. A summary of the key recommendations is highlighted in Attachment 2. The Park Plan of Management Master Plan can be viewed in Attachment 3.
Attachments 1 and 3 have been published separately in the Attachments Document on Council’s Website https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/about/the-council/council-meetings/current-council-meetings
Marrickville Parklands and Golf Course Park Plan of Management – Published seperatly on Council’s Website |
2.⇩ |
Summary of Key Recommendations |
Marrickville Golf Course Master Plan Published seperatly on Council’s Website |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Pride Centre Expression of Interest
Prepared By: Michael Daly - Acting Director CIty Living
Authorised By: Michael Deegan - Chief Executive Officer
THAT Council:
1. Undertakes an Expression of Interest from LGBTIQ or LGBTIQ friendly organisations to manage a Pride Centre to operate out of Newtown Town Hall; and
2. Convene a representative panel consisting of suitable individuals from the community to provide input and feedback into the Expression of Interest criteria and Pride Centre model to ensure it meets the community’s needs. |
Council resolved to establish a Pride Centre and recommends the Newtown Town Hall as a suitable location. This proposal aligns with the recently completed Land & Property Strategy and Council’s LGBTIQ Working Group have been consulted and endorse this proposal.
Newtown Town Hall is a suitable location as the local community and businesses identify as LGBTIQ and / or LGBTIQ friendly. Newtown Town Hall requires significant, complex remedial work that cannot take place without a vacant site. Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (NNC) currently occupies this site. A move to the Tom Foster Community Centre (TFCC) as a permanent home, has been discussed and agreed to by NNC. TFCC will also be undergoing remedial work in the first half of 2021 with NNC moving in after this.
The Pride Centre concept is intended to create a dedicated space in the Inner West to:
Provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for the LGBTIQ community
Address social isolation of all risk groups within the LGTBIQ community by providing a safe, accessible space to connect, gather and support where appropriate
Provide access to services and programs responsive to the Inner West LGBTIQ community
Support capacity building within the community
The Expression of Interest (EOI) would offer the opportunity to lease all or part of the newly refurbished site as a Pride Centre; inviting LGBTIQ or LGBTIQ friendly organisations to submit a proposal for management and delivery. This would allow Council to:
Gauge community interest and determine potential participation;
Provide a range of suitable Pride Centre operational models for consideration;
Tap into the creativity and vision of the LGBTIQ community and ensure access for all LGBTIQ and LGBTIQ friendly organisations; and
Ensure the project is fit for purpose.
Council would create a panel consisting of suitable individuals to provide input into developing a criteria for the EOI and to ensure any model proposed meets the community’s needs. EOI Submissions would be assessed against a criteria that would include viability of any proposal, experience in organising a multipurpose venue, access for various organisations to use the space, willingness to work in coalition and funding models. The EOI would also include provisions to ensure access for the community through the ability to book the hall facilities within the venue. Running the EOI ahead of remedial work, allows participating organisations to contribute to the planning / construction phase, ensuring that the venue is built for purpose.
Funds have been allocated to the refurbishment of the Newtown Town Hall and Tom Foster Community Centre. No funding has currently been identified for the ongoing operations of a Pride Centre. Funding opportunities can be investigated as per the Council resolution.
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program - Council Submission
Prepared By: Harjeet Atwal - Senior Manager Planning
Authorised By: Elizabeth Richardson - Chief Operating Officer, Director Development & Recreation
THAT Council:
1. Participates in the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program; and
2. Endorses the actions required in order to meet the program eligibility criteria; and the submitted list of proposed projects.
In August 2020, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) announced the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program. This program aims to deliver in improving processing times for development assessment and planning proposals/rezonings, stimulating the economy and encouraging the delivery of high-quality public and open spaces.
The program prescribes criteria for Councils to accelerate planning assessments between 1 September 2020 to 30 June 2021 to be eligible for a $4.75 million grant to be allocated to new and/or improved public and open spaces projects. Council has made a submission under the program to DPIE on 28 August 2020 in accordance with the prescribed deadline. This submission noted that a resolution of Council would be sought before Council’s position is finalised.
The accelerated planning assessment criteria that Council is required to satisfy includes:
· Substantially accelerate planning assessments for Development Applications (DAs) to achieve a 20% improvement in median process timeframes from the past 2 years between 1 September 2020 to 30 June 2021 or justify an alternative approach.
· Commit to completing regionally significant DAs required to be determined by the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel (SECPP) that are over 180 days old by December 2020.
· Exhibiting an updated Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to incorporate housing or employment supply for at least 6-10 years by 30 June 2021.
· Commit to completing planning proposals that that have been under assessment since July 2016 by 30 June 2021.
Council’s Planning Section has made a submission to DPIE which outlines the following to satisfy the above criteria:
· Accelerating DA assessments to achieve an 85 days median timeframe
· Finalising the assessment of 2 DAs that are over 180 days to be determined by the SECPP
· Committed to accelerating an amendment to Inner West LEP for Leichhardt and Taverners Hill area along Parramatta Road Corridor to deliver 1600 dwellings to satisfy the 6-10 year housing targets. This accelerates this component ahead of the remainder of the ‘Stage 2’ LEP which is now targeted for completion late 2021/early 2022, noting the Local Government elections in September 2021 and the need to engage the new Council.
· Finalising the assessment of 3 Planning Proposals ie 466-480 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill (Hercules Street), 58-76 Stanmore Road Stanmore (Cyprus Club), 183 & 203 New Canterbury Road Lewisham.
Within Council’s submission, the following public and open space projects have been earmarked to be allocated the $4.75 million funding:
· Cahill Street Reserve, Annandale (estimated cost $1,200,000) - Articulation of a new open green space to regenerate Johnstons Creek.
· Bay Run Lighting Upgrade and Shared Path Widening (estimated cost $1,000,000) - Upgraded lighting (to meet P2 standards) Lilyfield Road to Glover Street section, upgraded lighting (to meet P2 standards) King George Park to Bridgewater Park section and widened shared path (2.5 metres to 3.5 metres) Lilyfield Road to Leichhardt Oval #3 carpark
· Lewis Herman Reserve, Ashfield (estimated cost $2,000,000) - Creation and embellishment of a new park.
· Calvert Street Carpark, Marrickville Conversion (estimated cost $1,600,000) - This site presents a unique opportunity to serve as parking as well as an open space outside of business hours which would allow hosting of markets and other events.
Further detail on projects is provided in Attachment No.1. In order to be eligible, Council is required to demonstrate the nominated projects are able to be completed by the 31 December 2022.
Council can achieve the planning assessment commitments outlined within Council’s submission within the existing Planning Section staff structure and financial resources. However, those commitments are also reliant on the DPIE facilitating the process and Council will be working collaboratively to ensure the program criteria is satisfied.
This program will provide long-term value through the $4.75 million funding for new and/or improved high-quality public and open spaces.
1.⇩ |
NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program - Proposed Projects |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020 |
NSW Public Space Legacy Program - Proposed Projects
A short description of the proposed public and open space projects suggested to be funded under the program is outlined below:
Cahill Street Reserve, Annandale (estimated cost $1,200,000)
Description: Articulation of a new open green space to regenerate Johnstons Creek. A new public space would build on the works currently undertaken as part of the Parramatta Road UAIP and directly serve the Camperdown-Ultimo Collaboration Area as a quality public space. The proposal includes:
• demolishing of existing 3 Cahill Street cottage;
• infrastructure and landscaping to repurpose as a nature play-focused area;
• establishing Cahill Street and Cahill Lane as shared (10kmh) zones;
• introducing permeable paving to both Cahill Street and Cahill Lane to provide both precinct definition and reduce heat island effect and water runoff;
• additional tree planting to develop canopy.
Strategic alignment:
1. Included in the Parramatta Road UAIP Master Plan (Camperdown Precinct) as part of a pedestrian and cycling corridor linking Badu Park and Booth Street to the North, with Parramatta Road to the South along the existing Johnstons Creek alignment.
2. Site included in Camperdown-Ultimo Collaboration Area. Articulating quality open spaces such as Cahill Street Reserve will be essential to achieve the Greater Sydney Commission’s vision for this area.
Bay Run Lighting Upgrade and Shared Path Widening (estimated cost $1,000,000)
Description: The project includes:
• Upgraded lighting (to meet P2 standards) Lilyfield Road to Glover Street section
• Upgraded lighting (to meet P2 standards) King George Park to Bridgewater Park section
• Widened shared path (2.5 metres to 3.5 metres) Lilyfield Road to Leichhardt Oval #3 carpark
Council is already committed to delivering P2 lighting to Bay Run cycle/pathway lighting between the UTS Rowing Club and Lilyfield Road in 2022 as part of the Greenway project. DPIE have further advised they are progressing with new lighting along the Bay Run from Glover Street to King George Park. Therefore, this project will result in complete and continuous lighting of the IWC portion of the Bay Run.
Strategic alignment: The Bay Run is a regionally significant recreation trail, and an identified project opportunity in the Sydney Green Grid (Central). The upgraded lighting will increase capacity and enable safe and flexible use of the highly utilised trail through providing further evening recreational opportunities, particularly walking and bike riding, as well as increasing capacity and usability for those with impaired mobility.
Lewis Herman Reserve, Ashfield (estimated cost $2,000,000)
Description: Creation and embellishment of a new park. The site is residual land that has recently been licensed to Council from RMS for use as public open space/parkland. The 1-hectare site is currently being master planned by Council officers in consultation with the local community.
Strategic alignment: This project represents the creation and embellishment of new open space in an area the IWC Recreation Needs Study shows to have an existing open space deficiency (Ashfield is below the benchmark of 13.3m2 open space per resident at only 8.1m2/resident).
Calvert Street Carpark, Marrickville Conversion (estimated cost $1,600,000)
Description: This site presents a unique opportunity to serve as parking as well as an open space outside of business hours which would allow hosting of markets and other events. A new public space would immensely improve liveability in the area. The proposal includes:
• introducing permeable paving which would provide precinct definition while reducing heat island effect and water runoff;
• additional tree planting;
• extension of the area to include section of Illawarra Lane and adjacent footpath;
• power lines undergrounding and new lighting;
• street furniture;
• raingardens and landscaping.
Strategic alignment:
• Draft Marrickville Town Centre Public Domain Master Plan identifies the site to be developed into a public square.
• DPIE’s Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Strategy - identified as a ‘potential urban plaza’.
• IWC Local Housing Strategy identifies the neighbourhood for significant housing uplift and recommends provision of adequate public open space for and increased population.
• IWC Recreation Needs Study clearly shows that as the population in Marrickville increases to 2036 the area will experience open space deficiencies.
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Part Elizabeth Street, Road Closure & Sale
Prepared By: Con Vafeas - Strategic Investments and Property Manager
Authorised By: Elizabeth Richardson - Chief Operating Officer, Director Development & Recreation
THAT Council:
1. Provides its ‘in principle’ support to the partial road closure of Elizabeth Street, Croydon and subsequent sale to PLC, subject to the approval of the State Significant Development Application; and
2. Endorse the attached letter being provided to PLC allowing them to lodge their State Significant Development Application to DPIE subject to the detailed list of requirements and conditions |
Presbyterian Ladies College, Sydney (PLC Sydney) operates across multiple parcels of land at 1 Meta Street, Croydon within both the Inner West LGA and Burwood LGA. PLC are currently preparing a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) for a new four (4) story building with basement car parking to provide specialist learning facilities. The majority of the building works are within the part of the site within the Inner West LGA. The works proposed by PLC Sydney include work over a portion of Elizabeth Street, which is currently a public road (refer Attachments 1 & 2). In late 2018, PLC Sydney commenced discussions with Inner West Council in regards to the proposed acquisition of this part of Elizabeth Street. PLC Sydney subsequently commenced preparation of the SSDA and in late 2019, met with Council to determine the process through which acquisition can be pursued.
Elizabeth Street is a local street approximately 1.6km in length, connecting in the east with Liverpool Road and terminating in the west at the PLC Sydney campus. The figure below identifies the full extent of Elizabeth Street.
The portion of Elizabeth subject to the current acquisition proposal is the western-most end which is bound by land owned by PLC Sydney to the north, west and south. The road is described as a dead-end cul-de-sac, although this section of Elizabeth Street does not have a turning head due to the history of the road pattern originally continuing through the site. The subject portion of road typically accommodates between 5 and 6 vehicles, which I am advised are generally PLC Sydney staff who park in this area. The acquisition of part of Elizabeth Street is part of a proposal by PLC Sydney for new specialist learning facilities. Details of the area of works and the proposed new building are provided at Attachment 3 & 4. An extract of the site plan is provided below.
The PLC Sydney proposal would remove this section of Elizabeth Street (removing the on-street parking for 5-6 vehicles) and incorporate the land into the school site, providing for up to 29 basement car parking spaces which would be an increase of 12 spaces from the current 17 open hardstand car parking spaces already on the adjacent land.
Planning Process for SSDA
As the PLC Sydney proposal is State Significant Development (SSDA), the relevant consent authority is the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). The SSDA for the new classroom facilities has not yet been submitted to DPIE. The planning process for the SSDA and the road closure and acquisition process for Elizabeth Street are entirely separate procedures. Approval of the SSDA does not have any bearing on Council’s procedures for the proposed road acquisition.
Council Officers Review
The proposed road closure and acquisition of part of Elizabeth Street has been reviewed by the relevant divisions within council including traffic, engineering, infrastructure and property services. At this stage there have been no objections or issues with the proposal from internal officers and this is now being raised in this Council meeting to seek in principle support for the proposal.
Road Closure & Sale
Subject to the approval of the SSDA, any road closure carried out by Council Officers will be required to comply with sections 34 – 38F of the Roads Act 1993. Any sale of the former road will require a formal resolution of Council. The qualifications provided by Council’s in principle support letter to the partial road closure and subsequent sale are:
· A recommendation for approval from Council’s Traffic Committee for the permanent road closure is required; and
· The permanent road closure and future sale of land would require a formal resolution of Council; and
· The permanent road closure may require approval from Transport for New South Wales, previously (Roads & Maritime Services RMS); and
· The permanent road closure is subject to a community/public consultation process which includes advertising and notification to adjoining owners. Presbyterian Ladies College are responsible and required to address all community/public concerns; and
· Approval from Land Registry Services; and
· Any approvals/consents from utility service providers (including any easements that may be required); and
· Any sale of the former road is required to be at market value; and
· Any sale of the former road is required to include a restrictive covenant for educational purposes only
Council wish to provide PLC Sydney with a letter detailing that Council has no objection to the lodging of a SSDA from PLC Sydney. The letter attached (Attachment 5) is heavily qualified and details that the road closure and sale are subject to a formal resolution of Council and recommendation of a permanent road closure from the traffic committee.
If for any reason PLC do not obtain approval for their SSDA, Council would not proceed with the road closure and sale to PLC.
If Council proceeds with the partial road closure and sale to PLC, Council will receive the full market value of the land (former road). Any sale of the former road will be subject to an independent market valuation and commercial negotiations between the parties. All costs associated with the proposed road closure and sale will be borne by PLC.
1.⇩ |
PLC Survey Plan |
2.⇩ |
Elizabeth Street Acquisition Plan |
3.⇩ |
PLC Alpha and Omega - 3D Views |
4.⇩ |
PLC Alpha and Omega - Site Plan |
5.⇩ |
PLC Road Closure and Sale Letter |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Inner West Public Toilet Strategy
Prepared By: Aaron Callaghan - Parks and Recreation Planning Manager
Authorised By: Elizabeth Richardson - Chief Operating Officer, Director Development & Recreation
THAT Council adopt the Inner West Public Toilet Strategy shown as Attachment 1. |
The Inner West Council Public Toilet strategy (Attachment 1) has the overarching aim of providing the community with the strategic framework for the management and provision of public toilets within the Inner West over the next ten years. Specifically, the plan provides Council with a strategic framework to improve our existing standard of facilities especially in the key areas of accessibility and safety as well as benchmarking tools for future new public toilet facilities. The strategy aims to deliver best practice in public toilet design, hygiene, safety and maintenance. Objectives of the Inner West Council Public Toilet Strategy include:
• Ensuring facilities are safe;
• Ensuring facilities are accessible;
• Ensuring the needs of the public are met;
• Ensuring facilities are environmentally sustainable;
• Addressing community needs (current and future);
• Providing a clear framework to guide decision making to ensure public toilets are well located and equally distributed; and
• Ensuring facilities are inclusive and welcoming.
The draft public toilet strategy was placed on public exhibition and 22 submissions were received. Comments received were largely positive with good feedback on the newly constructed Wicks Park Public toilet. The Community Engagement Outcomes Report can be viewed at: https://yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/public-toilet-strategy
Short-medium term upgrades on existing public toilets will continue to be a feature of Council’s ongoing financial and asset management strategy for facility maintenance. The development of new public toilets in parks and at strategic locations will be subject to the adopted public toilet strategy with recommended new facilities also subject to future consideration by Council as part of the forward Operational Plan.
Attachment 1 has been published separately in the Attachments Document on Council’s Website https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/about/the-council/council-meetings/current-council-meetings
Public Toilet Strategy - Published separately on Council’s Website |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Neighbourhood Centre Policy
Prepared By: Con Vafeas - Strategic Investments and Property Manager
Authorised By: Elizabeth Richardson - Chief Operating Officer, Director Development & Recreation
1. Council endorse the updated Land and Property Strategy and Policy which includes the new category of ‘Neighbourhood Centres’;
2. Council notes the intent for Newtown Neighbourhood Centre to relocate to the Council owned building currently known as “Tom Foster Community Centre” under a new lease and service level agreement;
3. Council provide one final attempt to negotiate a new lease and Service Level Agreement (SLA) to the Summer Hill Community Centre Inc allowing not more than 2 months to finalise terms; and
4. Failing agreeance on terms as per (3) above, Council undertakes further investigations into delivering this service either internally or externally via an Expression of Interest (EOI) campaign
In 2019 Council endorsed the adoption of the Land and Property Strategy and Policy after rescinding the former property policies from the Ashfield, Marrickville and Leichhardt Councils.
An amendment to the Land and Property Strategy and Policy was required to acknowledge the category of ‘Neighbourhood Centres’. Both the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (NNC) and the Summer Hill Community Centres (SHCC) were allocated to this category.
Copies of the updated Land and Property Strategy and Policy incorporating the Neighbourhood Centre changes have been attached (changes are highlighted for convenience).
Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
NNC were consulted throughout the development of the Neighbourhood Centre Policy and provided details around subleasing, hiring revenue and services provided.
NNC have now agreed and accepted the Neighbourhood Centre Policy. In accordance with the Land and Property Policy, NNC have committed to enter into a Service Level Agreement and new lease with Council ensuring that they continue to deliver services and programs that will directly benefit the local community. The Service Level Agreement will form an ‘essential term’ of the new lease.
Summer Hill Community Centre
Summer Hill Community Centre (SHCC) were consulted throughout the development of the Neighbourhood Centre Policy. Limited information was provided around subleasing, hiring revenue and services provided.
During the consultation period SHCC have raised concerns regarding the ability to run a Community Centre autonomously, without having any intervention from Council.
A copy of the comments from a SHCC representative regarding the Neighbourhood Centre Policy is attached.
Council considers the requirement for a Service Level Agreement imperative to ensure that Council can continue to monitor and assess the outcomes being delivered from Neighbourhood Centres. In the event that Neighbourhood Centres are failing to deliver suitable Community benefits and outcomes, Council will be able to intervene.
Unfortunately, over the last 12 months Council has received over 50 unsolicited complaints and/or significant concerns about the operation of the Summer Hill Community Centre. These have come from hirers, members of the public, potential hirers, former hirers, former SHCC board members, a State MP and other anonymous complaints. There is currently no formal agreement in place with SHCC which allows Council to intervene in this respect. Complaints received by Council over the last 12 months have been summarised as follows:
· Poor centre management
· Impolite staff
· SHCC constantly closed and/or unattended
· Severe lack of communication with hirers/potential hirers, particularly during Covid-19
· Refusal to provide refunds due to covid-19 cancellations
· Exorbitant hire fees being charged to community groups
· Inability of hirers/community groups to book rooms/space for hire
· Issues restricting access to the premises (alarm, security etc)
· Issues relating to accessing kitchen and bathroom amenities
· Complaints around unreasonable restrictions being imposed on hirers
· Unreasonable ‘fines’ imposed on hirers
· Poor governance with a lack of transparency
· Restrictions and/or refusal of memberships
· Poorly conducted committee meetings and AGM resulting in lack of action from SHCC
In addition to the complaints received regarding the operation of the SHCC, Council also received many objections relating to issuing the organisation with a new lease. Objectors have called for Council to operate the centre internally or to appoint a suitably qualified Community organisation to operate the centre.
Comparatively, over the last 12 months Council have not received any complaints and/or objections regarding the operation of the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre.
Council have been unable to agree reasonable terms with SHCC since their occupation of the subject premises in the year 2000. Upon adoption of the Neighbourhood Centre Policy, Council should make one final attempt to agree on terms with SHCC via a new lease and Service Level Agreement, consistent with the attached draft Policy. Failing the parties reaching agreement on terms within 2 months, it is recommended that Council cease negotiations and seek alternative options for the operation of the Neighbourhood Centre.
Council will need to undertake further investigations into whether this service can be delivered internally (subject to resourcing & budget) or externally via an Expression of Interest (EOI) campaign to a suitably qualified community organisation.
Land & Property Strategy - Amended Neighbourhood Centre |
2.⇩ |
Land & Property Policy - Amended Neighbourhood Centre |
3.⇩ |
SHCC Comments - Neighbourhood Centre Policy |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Local Traffic Committee Meeting - September 2020
Prepared By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Authorised By: Cathy Edwards-Davis - Director Infrastructure
THAT the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meetings held in September 2020 be received and the recommendations be adopted. |
Ward |
Item |
Baludarri (Balmain) |
Balmain Road and Marion Street, Leichhardt - Proposed Expanded Bicycle Storage Area |
Beattie Street/ Harris Street, Balmain - Proposed Garden Bed/Kerb Extension |
Lilyfield Precinct Parking Study |
Balmain East Precinct Parking Study |
Cambridge Street, Rozelle - Temporary Full Road Closure for Crane Works |
Gulgadya (Leichhardt) |
Nelson Street, Annandale (At Booth Street) - Proposed Adjustments to traffic line markings and pavement symbols |
Balmain Road and Marion Street, Leichhardt - Proposed Expanded Bicycle Storage Area |
Booth Street, Annandale - Proposed Speed Cushion Upgrades and Cycle Lane Improvements |
Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP) Public Art Program - Norton Street, Leichhardt |
Request for pedestrian crossings on The Crescent, Annandale |
Midjuburi (Marrickville) |
Edinburgh Street, Murray Street And Railway Parade, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works – Notice of Further Change of Dates of a Temporary Full Road Closure for a 6 Week Period Now Starting 20 September 2020 – To Undertake Excavation Works for Sewer Connection to Main Line |
Djarrawunang (Ashfield) |
Kintore Street at Blackwood Avenue, Dulwich Hill – Modifications to existing Raised Pedestrian Crossing - Design Plan 10139 |
Un-named lane rear to Charlotte Street, Ashfield - Temporary Full Road Closure |
Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill - Request for extension to existing school drop off zone adjacent to St Maroun's College at Nos.149-206 Wardell Road |
Damun (Stanmore) |
Gordon Crescent, Stanmore - Proposed ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions |
Terminus Street, Petersham - Proposed ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions |
All Wards |
Nil. |
The September 2020 meeting of the Local Traffic Committee was held remotely. The Agenda was sent to Committee members with a week to provide comments. The minutes of the meeting are shown at ATTACHMENT 1.
Projects proposed for implementation are funded within existing budget allocations.
Specific projects have undergone public consultation as indicated in the respective reports to
the Traffic Committee.
1.⇩ |
LTC Meeting Minutes September 2020 |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Minutes of Local Traffic Committee Meeting
Held electronically in September 2020
I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country we are meeting today, and their elders past and present.
Clr Victor Macri |
Councillor – Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward (Chair) |
Zack Solomon |
Representative for Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill |
Chris Woods |
Representative for Ron Hoenig MP, Member for Heffron |
SC Tony Kenny |
NSW Police - Inner West Police Area Command |
Tanmila Samin Islam |
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) |
Adrian Prichard |
Transit Systems – Inner West Bus Services |
Peter Whitney |
Transit Systems – Inner West Bus Services |
Manod Wickramasinghe |
IWC’s Traffic and Transport Planning Manager |
Sunny Jo |
IWC’s Traffic and Parking Planner |
Christina Ip |
IWC’s Business Administration Officer |
Nil. |
Nil. |
The minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held in August 2020 were confirmed. |
The Local Traffic Committee recommendations of its meeting held in August 2020 were adopted at Council’s meeting held on 25 August 2020, subject to the following amendments:
1. Not adopting LTC0820 Item 4 Chandos Street, Haberfield - Proposed Intersection Modification;
2. Note the safety concerns of residents on Chandos Street;
3. Note that the IWC Local Area Improvement Strategy (LAIS), relied in the report to the Traffic Committee, was written prior to the opening of the M4 East tunnel. As such it does not contain current traffic data, and needs to be updated and reviewed prior to any local road closures being implemented;
4. Note that Transport for NSW has advised it has received over 3,000 submissions to their proposed changes to local roads in the area and will provide a further consultation report in September 2020;
5. Write to Transport NSW to provide an updated traffic study for the area as required by a condition of the opening of the M4 East; fund council to review and implement the IWC LAIS in the light of the traffic study;
6. LTC0820 Item 5 Tempe South Draft Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Study - A further LATM Study be undertaken of the impact of traffic on students at Tempe Public and Tempe High School, and associated streets including Edwin Street and Tramway Street Tempe and the treatments be reviewed in the light of the additional study; and
7. LTC0820 Item 10 Traffic in Alt Street, Ashfield - Council note that staff will be arranging a pedestrian/traffic volume count to determine if the site meets the warrants for a crossing. The Ashfield Traffic Management Study (ATMS) also recommended the need to calm traffic in Alt Street at this location.
The Transit Systems representative supported all the Officer’s recommendations.
The representative for NSW Police – Inner West supported the Officer’s recommendations for the items in their PAC.
LTC0920 Item 1 Nelson Street, Annandale (At Booth Street) - Proposed Adjustments to traffic line markings and pavement symbols (Gulgadya-Leichhardt Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC) |
Council has finalised a design plan for the proposed adjustments to traffic line markings and pavement symbols at Nelson Street, close to the intersection of Booth Street, Annandale to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety in the area.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the detailed design plan (Design Plan No.10121) for the proposed adjustments to traffic line markings and pavement symbols at Nelson Street, close to the intersection of Booth Street, Annandale be approved.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the detailed design plan (Design Plan No.10121) for the proposed adjustments to traffic line markings and pavement symbols at Nelson Street, close to the intersection of Booth Street, Annandale be approved.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0920 Item 2 Kintore Street at Blackwood Avenue, Dulwich Hill – Modifications to existing Raised Pedestrian Crossing - Design Plan 10139 (Djarrawunang - Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC) |
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the detailed design plan for the modification of the existing raised pedestrian crossing and new adjacent kerb ramps and associated signs and line markings in Kintore Street at Blackwood Avenue, Dulwich Hill (as per Plan No.10139) be APPROVED.
The representative for the Member for Summer Hill tabled the following comment from the Member: “I welcome this commitment to modify the existing raised pedestrian crossing to improve pedestrian and motorist safety and addresses concerns about pedestrian safety, particularly school children, and driver behaviour in the area. I strongly support this commitment and note the many times that this was raised in the NSW School Safety Survey that I conducted.”
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the detailed design plan for the modification of the existing raised pedestrian crossing and new adjacent kerb ramps and associated signs and line markings in Kintore Street at Blackwood Avenue, Dulwich Hill (as per Plan No.10139) be APPROVED.
For motion: Unanimous
LTC0920 Item 3 Un-named lane rear to Charlotte Street, Ashfield - Temporary Full Road Closure (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/ Summer Hill Electorate/ Burwood PAC) |
An application has been received for the temporary full road closure of the un-named lane rear of Charlotte Street, between Elizabeth Street and Station Street, from 12 October 2020 to 13 October 2020, between 7.00am-3.00pm to stand a mobile crane and replace failed air conditioning units to the Club Ashfield, premises No. 1-11 Charlotte Street, Ashfield.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of the rear un-named lane to Charlotte (between Elizabeth Street and Station Street), Ashfield, from Monday 12 October to Tuesday 13 October 2020, between 7.00am-3.00pm for a mobile crane to replace failed air conditioning units to the Club Ashfield be approved; subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 14 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; and
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of the rear un-named lane to Charlotte (between Elizabeth Street and Station Street), Ashfield, from Monday 12 October to Tuesday 13 October 2020, between 7.00am-3.00pm for a mobile crane to replace failed air conditioning units to the Club Ashfield be approved; subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 14 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; and
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0920 Item 4 Balmain Road and Marion Street, Leichhardt - Proposed Expanded Bicycle Storage Area (Gulgadga - Leichhardt & Baludarri - Balmain Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC) |
As part of the Cycleway Capital Works Program, Council has prepared a concept design plan for the proposed new expanded bicycle storage area at the intersection of Balmain Road and Marion Street, Leichhardt. The intention of the proposal is to provide a dedicated bicycle lane at this intersection to improve road safety and prevent cyclists from impeding left turning vehicles at the intersection. Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the concept design plan for the proposed expanded bicycle storage area and associated signage and line markings in Balmain Road at the intersection of Marion Street, Leichhardt (as per Plan No. 10120) be APPROVED, subject to TfNSW approval.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the concept design plan for the proposed expanded bicycle storage area and associated signage and line markings in Balmain Road at the intersection of Marion Street, Leichhardt (as per Plan No. 10120) be APPROVED, subject to TfNSW approval.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0920 Item 5 Beattie Street/ Harris Street, Balmain - Proposed Garden Bed/Kerb Extension (Baludarri - Balmain Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC) |
Council has received concerns regarding vehicles causing building damage to No. 197 Beattie Street, Balmain whilst manoeuvring near the corner of Harris Street and Beattie Street, Balmain. This has raised concerns for both the structural integrity of the building and pedestrian safety.
Officer’s Recommendation
1. The proposed garden bed/kerb extension at the intersection of Beattie Street and Harris Street, Balmain be supported;
2. That this project be listed for consideration in a forward capital works program; and
3. Prior to construction of any physical device, an interim treatment of a painted island and road flaps are provided in lieu of the garden bed/kerb extension.
The TfNSW representative asked whether swept paths of the left turning vehicles has been checked. Council Officers confirmed that swept paths were checked and a more detailed line marking plan will be prepared following the meeting.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
1. The proposed garden bed/kerb extension at the intersection of Beattie Street and Harris Street, Balmain be supported;
2. That this project be listed for consideration in a forward capital works program; and
3. Prior to construction of any physical device, an interim treatment of a painted island and road flaps are provided in lieu of the garden bed/kerb extension.
For motion: Unanimous
LTC0920 Item 6 Booth Street, Annandale - Proposed Speed Cushion Upgrades and Cycle Lane Improvements (Gulgadya-Leichhardt Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC) |
Council has prepared a detailed design plan to replace existing speed cushions and formalise the dedicated bicycle lane with associated new kerb blisters in front of No.135 Booth Street, Annandale. The intention of the proposal is to slow traffic and improve road safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists at the intersection.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the design plan (Design Plan No.10143) for the proposed speed cushion upgrades and cycle lane improvements frontage of No.135 Booth Street, Annandale be approved.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the design plan (Design Plan No.10143) for the proposed speed cushion upgrades and cycle lane improvements frontage of No.135 Booth Street, Annandale be approved.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0920 Item 7 Edinburgh Street, Murray Street And Railway Parade, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works – Notice of Further Change of Dates of a Temporary Full Road Closure for a 6 Week Period Now Starting 20 September 2020 – To Undertake Excavation Works for Sewer Connection to Main Line (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC) |
Council has received notice, from MLATP (contractor to Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre expansion works/ADCO), of a further change of dates of the proposed temporary full road closure of parts of Edinburgh Road, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville for a 6 week period for the purpose of undertaking excavation works for a sewer connection to the main line. It is recommended that the proposed new change of dates for the temporary full road closure be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in this report.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville for a period of 6 weeks from 12 September 2020 to 24 October 2020 (contingency period of one week start date 25 September 2020) be approved for the purpose of sewer connection works relating to Marrickville Metro Expansion works subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed;
4. Subject to written concurrence from Sydney Metro TSE Group and Transit Systems / Sydney Buses is provided to Council;
5. Subject to written concurrence from Transport for New South Wales; and
6. The temporary removal and reinstatement of any Council assets will be at the applicants cost and to Council satisfaction.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville for a period of 6 weeks from 12 September 2020 to 24 October 2020 (contingency period of one week start date 25 September 2020) be approved for the purpose of sewer connection works relating to Marrickville Metro Expansion works subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed;
4. Subject to written concurrence from Sydney Metro TSE Group and Transit Systems / Sydney Buses is provided to Council;
5. Subject to written concurrence from Transport for New South Wales; and
6. The temporary removal and reinstatement of any Council assets will be at the applicants cost and to Council satisfaction.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0920 Item 8 Lilyfield Precinct Parking Study |
The Lilyfield Precinct Parking Study reviewed the location, supply, demand and distribution of short and long stay parking, commercial, residential, employee, and commuter parking. The work consisted of examining existing conditions including parking data, community submissions, observed parking conditions, existing permit allocation, and future land uses within the Lilyfield precinct. A community survey was also undertaken to gauge the parking issues faced by different users. With consideration future sporting events at Leichhardt Oval, a draft parking management strategy for Lilyfield was developed.
Officer’s Recommendation
1. The Draft Lilyfield Precinct Parking Study including the Draft Lilyfield Parking Strategy be endorsed for community consultation; and 2. The draft report be placed on Public Exhibition, providing a minimum 28 days for submissions and the results be reported back to the Traffic Committee.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
1. The Draft Lilyfield Precinct Parking Study including the Draft Lilyfield Parking Strategy be endorsed for community consultation; and 2. The draft report be placed on Public Exhibition, providing a minimum 28 days for submissions and the results be reported back to the Traffic Committee.
For motion: Unanimous
LTC0920 Item 9 Balmain East Precinct Parking Study |
The Balmain East Precinct Parking Study reviewed the location, supply, demand and distribution of short and long stay parking, commercial, residential, employee, and commuter parking. The work consisted of examining existing conditions including parking data, community submissions, observed parking conditions, existing permit allocation, and future land uses within the Balmain East precinct. A community survey was also undertaken to gauge the parking issues faced by different users. This led to the development of a draft parking strategy for Balmain East.
Officer’s Recommendation
1. The Draft Balmain East Precinct Parking Study including the Draft Balmain East Parking Strategy be endorsed for community consultation; and
2. The draft report be placed on Public Exhibition, providing a minimum 28 days for submissions and the results be reported back to the Traffic Committee.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
1. The Draft Balmain East Precinct Parking Study including the Draft Balmain East Parking Strategy be endorsed for community consultation; and
2. The draft report be placed on Public Exhibition, providing a minimum 28 days for submissions and the results be reported back to the Traffic Committee.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0920 Item 10 Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill - Request for extension to existing school drop off zone adjacent to St Maroun's College at Nos.149- 206 Wardell Road (Djarrawunang Ward/ Summer Hill Electorate/Inner West PAC) |
Representations have been received from the Principal of St Maroun’s College and parents of children attending the school for an extension to the existing school drop off / pick up zone on Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill. The Principal of the school stated that the length of the drop off/pick up zone has been a safety problem for some time. In a discussion with the Principal it was agreed between the parties that the extension of the zone would be to the school boundary (some 10m) which would provide a further 2 spaces for drop off and pick up. It is envisaged that the additional two drop off/pick spaces will reduce the instances of vehicles queuing on Wardell Road in the peak periods thereby improving safety.
It is recommended that the existing 30 metre length of school drop off zone along the southern side of Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill (adjacent to St Maroun’s College) be extended by 10 metres (in line with the north-east school boundary line) to cater for the safe drop of and collection of children attending St Maroun’s College.
Officer’s Recommendation
1. The existing 'No Parking 8.00am-9.30am; 2.30pm-4.00pm School Days’ restrictions adjacent to St Maroun’s College on Wardell Road (southern side of roadway) be extended 10 metres eastward (to the school boundary line west of Gilbert Barry Reserve) to improve road safety outside St Maroun’s College; and
2. Council's Parking Officers be requested to regularly enforce the parking restrictions outside St Maroun's College in Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill during morning and afternoon school peak periods.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
1. The existing 'No Parking 8.00am-9.30am; 2.30pm-4.00pm School Days’ restrictions adjacent to St Maroun’s College on Wardell Road (southern side of roadway) be extended 10 metres eastward (to the school boundary line west of Gilbert Barry Reserve) to improve road safety outside St Maroun’s College; and
2. Council's Parking Officers be requested to regularly enforce the parking restrictions outside St Maroun's College in Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill during morning and afternoon school peak periods.
For motion: Unanimous
Item 11 Gordon Crescent, Stanmore - Proposed ‘No Parking
7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions |
Council has received concerns of long-term parking of certain vehicles, including boat and other trailers, oversized vehicles and in some instance’s caravans, in Gordon Crescent. Council subsequently proposed ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions in an attempt to resolve this matter.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the following ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions along Gordon Crescent, between Stanley Street and Douglas Street be approved:
1. A 24-metre ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ section from existing ‘No Parking’ signage, opposite Property No. 36 to opposite 52A Gordon Crescent, Stanmore; 2. A 140-metre ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ section from 12 metres east of above proposed ‘10P’ section, opposite Property No. 52 to the intersection of Gordon Crescent and Bruce Street; 3. A 145-metre ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ section beginning from 22 metres east of above proposed ‘10P’ section, to opposite rear of 5 Douglas Street, 12 metre west of existing pram ramp; and 4. A 49-metre ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ section beginning east of existing pram ramp to existing car share signage.
Council Officers advised that Council has received a petition in support of the proposed restrictions. The petition included 33 signatures from 27 properties. Council Officer stated that the head petitioner advised that both the consulted and modified/recommended proposals are supported by residents, but the proposal as recommended is preferred by the majority of residents.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the following ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions along Gordon Crescent, between Stanley Street and Douglas Street be approved:
1. A 24-metre ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ section from existing ‘No Parking’ signage, opposite Property No. 36 to opposite 52A Gordon Crescent, Stanmore; 2. A 140-metre ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ section from 12 metres east of above proposed ‘10P’ section, opposite Property No. 52 to the intersection of Gordon Crescent and Bruce Street; 3. A 145-metre ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ section beginning from 22 metres east of above proposed ‘10P’ section, to opposite rear of 5 Douglas Street, 12 metre west of existing pram ramp; and 4. A 49-metre ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ section beginning east of existing pram ramp to existing car share signage.
For motion: Unanimous
Item 12 Terminus Street, Petersham - Proposed ‘No Parking
7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions |
Council is currently reviewing concerns of long-term parking of certain vehicles along the railway corridor and Terminus Street, Petersham has been identified as a potential problem location. These include boat and other trailers, oversized vehicles and in some instances, caravan. Council is proposing a parking strategy in order to regulate and enforce long-term parking of such vehicles.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the implementation of ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions be APPROVED along the unrestricted parking located on the southern side of Terminus Street, Petersham, between Crystal Street and Palace Street, with the inclusion of one 12 metre unrestricted section between Crystal Street and Railway Street and one 12 metre unrestricted section between Railway Street and Palace Street.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the implementation of ‘No Parking 7AM-7PM – Motor Vehicles under 4.5t GVM Excepted’ restrictions be APPROVED along the unrestricted parking located on the southern side of Terminus Street, Petersham, between Crystal Street and Palace Street, with the inclusion of one 12 metre unrestricted section between Crystal Street and Railway Street and one 12 metre unrestricted section between Railway Street and Palace Street.
For motion: Unanimous
LTC0920 Item 13 Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP) Public Art Program - Norton Street, Leichhardt (Gulgadya - Leichhardt Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC) |
The PRUAIP, is funded by the Department of Planning Infrastructure & Environment (DPI&E) and is a $198 million initiative to improve open space and active transport links along the Parramatta Road corridor. Six local Councils will be provided funding under the program to deliver 32 projects in and around Parramatta Road. This is part of the government’s commitment to revitalisation precincts between the inner west and Parramatta.
A key feature of DPI&E’s commitment to revitalisation is the commissioning of public art to activate locations and tell stories of place, and this includes a public art site for Norton Street, Leichhardt. A commissioned artwork currently undergoing design development and critical engineering investigation, will become a key feature of the Norton Street/ Parramatta Road site upgrade. The work is an exciting and significant design proposal; encompassing a suspended light sculpture, strung between uprights which form a custom-made support structure. The structure will replace the existing flag poles situated at the public art site – and will be situated above the road between Renwick Lane and Parramatta Road, Leichhardt. The engineering for the safe installation of the work is currently underway, and will involve a rigorous three-point certification process, with an additional peer review by a suitably qualified engineer before the work is installed.
The proposal presented reflects the outcomes of a recent concept design stage, including community consultation, and approval to proceed with design development by DPI&E. This report invites early feedback from the Local Traffic Committee, and is presented in advance of a further presentation when the work’s design is resolved, and when approval for the Traffic Management Plan for installation of the work is presented. A Development Application for the work will also be submitted as part of the approvals process.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT committee ENDORSE the design proposal for submission as part of a Development Application, with the understanding that the 100% public art design and TMP be presented for approval prior to the installation of the work.
The TfNSW representative did not support the proposal due to the colours and flickering lights used in the artwork and the impact it will have on motorists given its proximity to the traffic signals. The representative stated that TfNSW can give further consideration to this proposal through the DA process. Council Officers noted the representative’s concerns and stated that the artwork will potentially be moved away from the traffic signals and this issue will be addressed through the DA.
THAT committee ENDORSE the design proposal for submission as part of a Development Application, with the understanding that the 100% public art design and TMP be presented for approval prior to the installation of the work.
For motion: Majority Against motion: Transport for NSW |
LTC0920 Item 14 Cambridge Street, Rozelle - Temporary Full Road Closure for Crane Works (Baludarri - Balmain/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC) |
Council has received an application from Jim’s Traffic Control for approval of a temporary full road closure of Cambridge Street, between Darling Street and Moodie Street, Rozelle on Saturday, 26 September 2020 from 7:00am to 5:00pm for the setup of a mobile crane to install the site tower crane at 731 Darling Street, Rozelle.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Cambridge Street, between Darling Street and Moodie Street, Rozelle on Saturday, 26 September 2020 from 7:00am to 5:00pm (contingency period 2 weeks start date from Sunday, 27 September 2020 – 11 October 2020) be approved for the setup of a mobile crane to install the site tower crane at 731 Darling Street, Rozelle subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the WestConnex, NSW Police Area Command, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.
The TfNSW representative requested that the applicant submit a TMP to TfNSW for comment as the applicant is proposing signage on a State road. TfNSW will also further analyse the impacts of the closure on detours along Darling Street. Council Officers will pass that advice onto the applicant.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Cambridge Street, between Darling Street and Moodie Street, Rozelle on Saturday, 26 September 2020 from 7:00am to 5:00pm (contingency period 2 weeks start date from Sunday, 27 September 2020 – 11 October 2020) be approved for the setup of a mobile crane to install the site tower crane at 731 Darling Street, Rozelle subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the WestConnex, NSW Police Area Command, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.
For motion: Unanimous
General Business
LTC0920 Item 15 Request for pedestrian crossings on The Crescent, Annandale |
Clr Macri stated that a resident has complained about the lack of safe crossing points on The Crescent, between Johnston Street and Scotsman Street, Annandale. The resident requested that pedestrian crossings be installed on The Crescent at its intersection with Trafalgar Street and at Nelson Street. As The Crescent is a State road, Council Officers referred the request to TfNSW for consideration.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Councillor Representation on Committees
Prepared By: Katherine Paixao - Governance Coordinator
Authorised By: Michael Deegan - Chief Executive Officer
THAT Council determine Councillor representation on Council and External Committees until August 2021 as detailed in this report. |
Council may establish Committees to provide advice or exercise decision making functions of the Local Government Act. Councillors can attend these committees as observers or be appointed by Council as members of these committees and exercise voting rights. Councillors may also be appointed to represent Council on external committees. The responsibilities and operation of the external committees are set by the host organisation. Council is required to make appointments until August 2021 as the current appointments ceased in August 2020. Local Government elections will be held in September 2021 and new appointments will be made after the election.
Council Committees
The charters of the following committees or the resolution establishing these committees require formal appointment of Councillors as voting members of these committees.
Name of Committee |
Purpose |
Meeting Time and Frequency |
Reporting Framework |
Councillor Representation |
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee |
The purpose of the Committee is to provide independent assurance and assistance to Inner West Council in the effective discharge of its responsibilities for financial reporting, risk management, internal controls, governance, improvement and internal and external audit. The Charter of the Committee is shown as Attachment 1. |
The committee meets four times a year regularly, plus an optional additional meeting for considering the Annual Financial Statements, with the location rotating between the three Service Centres.
Minutes of the Committee are reported to Council to note. |
Two Councillors.
Currently, Councillors McKenna OAM and Steer. |
Flood Management Advisory Committee |
The Flood Management Advisory Committee assists Council in the preparation of floodplain management studies and plans for the Inner West local government area. The Committee acts as both a focus and forum for the discussion of technical, social, economic and environmental matters, and for the distillation of possibly differing viewpoints on these matters into a management plan. The Charter of the Committee is shown as Attachment 2. |
The committee meets at least twice a year at the Petersham Service Centre. |
Minutes of the Committee are reported to Council for adoption.
Up to Three Councillors.
Currently, Councillors Hesse, McKenna OAM and Steer. |
Local Traffic Committee
The Local Traffic Committee is primarily a technical review and advisory committee which considers the technical merits of proposals and ensures that current technical guidelines are considered. It provides recommendations to Council on traffic and parking control matters and on the provision of traffic control facilities and prescribed traffic control devices for which Council has delegated authority. The Committee also advises on traffic matters arising from development applications. |
The Committee meets on the 1st Monday of each month at 10am at the Petersham Service Centre. |
Minutes of the Committee are reported to Council for adoption.
One Councillor with an alternate Councillor.
*The nominated Councillor chairs the Meeting and has voting rights. In the absence of Councillors, Council’s Traffic and Transport Planning Manager or nominee chairs the meeting and has voting rights.
Currently, Councillor Macri with Councillor Da Cruz as the alternate. |
General Manager’s Performance Assessment Panel |
To review the performance of the General Manager in liaison with the appointed facilitator. |
Five councillors.
Currently, the Mayor, Councillor Byrne and Councillors Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis and York. |
External Committees
Council is a member of a number of external organisations who have committees to discuss business relevant to their organisation. These organisations have requested representation on these committees by Councillors. Shown below is a summary of each committee and the Councillor representation sought.
Name of Committee |
Purpose |
Meeting Time and Frequency |
Councillor Representation |
ClubGrants |
The objective of the Committee is to identify priority projects and services within the Inner West area for local registered clubs to consider funding. Guidelines are silent on Councillor representation. |
4-5 meetings/year (meetings held on Tuesdays at 10am) |
Guidelines require “Representative/s of the local council” (Clubgrant Guidelines 6.2).
Currently, the Mayor, Councillor Byrne and Councillor McKenna OAM. |
Cooks River Alliance Board |
The Cooks River Alliance is a partnership between councils in the Cooks River Catchment – Bayside, Canterbury-Bankstown, Inner West, and Strathfield. The Alliance uses the combined resources, experience, knowledge and skills within the councils and the community to address the complex environmental problems of the Cooks River and its catchment. |
Meetings are held quarterly and hosted by rotating member council facilities. |
One Councillor and an alternate Councillor.
Currently, the Mayor, Councillor Byrne (Chair of the Board) with Councillor Hesse as the alternate.
Eastern Region Local Government Region of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Forum (ERLGATSIF) |
Established in 1998, the Forum aims to address and participate at a regional level in the affairs, events and celebrations that impact our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The ERLGATSIF is a partnership between six Councils; Bayside, Inner West, Randwick, City of Sydney, Waverley and Woollahra. |
Meetings are held on Fridays bi-monthly (usually on the 3rd Friday of every second month, commencing February) from 2-4pm. |
One Councillor
Currently Councillor Da Cruz. |
Greenway Steering Committee |
The GreenWay Steering Committee provides advice on the development and implementation of the GreenWay Program, GreenWay Master Plan and associated action plans. Comprising Inner West and City of Canterbury Bankstown Councillors, resident representatives, GreenWay community groups and council staff, it generally works towards the goal of establishing a multi-purpose urban environmental corridor along the Cooks River to Iron Cove GreenWay. |
Meetings are held at least 5 times per year from 4.30 to 6pm and hosted by rotating member council facilities. |
Three Councillors.
Currently, Councillor Kiat, Lockie and York. |
NSW Public Libraries Association |
The NSW Public Libraries Association is the peak body for public libraries in NSW and advocates on behalf of the library sector to strengthen the public library network. |
As required. |
One Councillor and an alternate Councillor.
Currently, Councillor Lockie with Councillor Hesse as the alternate. |
Parramatta River Catchment Group |
The Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG) is a regional organisation of local councils, state agencies and community representatives whose aim is to work together to improve the health of the Parramatta River and its catchment. |
Meetings are held quarterly on the 1st Thursday of March, June, September and December, commencing at 5.30pm with the locations rotating between different member agencies. |
One Councillor and an alternate Councillor.
Currently, Councillor Drury with Councillor Da Cruz as the alternate. |
Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC)
SSROC is an association of 10 Sydney councils serving large and diverse communities that face all the challenges of metropolitan living. SSROC provides a forum for the councils to undertake resource sharing activities and deal with common issues, particularly those that cross boundaries. |
Meetings are held quarterly, generally 1st or 3rd Thursday, 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm start. |
Two Councillors – currently the Mayor and Deputy Mayor (per SSROC requirements), as well as two alternate Councillors.
Currently, the Mayor, Councillor Byrne and Councillor Porteous with Councillors McKenna OAM and Stamolis as alternates. |
Sydney Airport Community Forum |
SACF is the main body for consultation on the Sydney Airport Long Term Operating Plan. The Forum includes representatives from the community, councils, industry, and State and Federal Parliaments. |
As required |
The Mayor (SACF requirement) and an alternate Councillor.
Currently, the Mayor, Councillor Byrne. |
Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel |
The Sydney Central Planning Panel has responsibility for: · determining ‘regionally significant’ development applications (DAs) and certain other DAs and modification applications · acting as the relevant planning authority (RPA) when directed · undertaking rezoning reviews · providing advice on other planning and development matters when requested |
As required. |
2 Council appointed representatives
Ashfield : Monica Wangmann, Edward Cassidy
Leichardt: Brian McDonald, Deborah Laidlaw and Jacinta Reid (Alternate)
Marrickville: Sam Iskandar, Victor Macri with Rosana Tyler (Alternate) |
Sydney Coastal Council Group |
The Sydney Coastals Group Inc. (SCCG) was established in 1989 to promote co-ordination between Member Councils on environmental issues relating to the sustainable management of the urban coastal and estuarine environment. The Group consists of 9 Councils adjacent to Sydney marine and estuarine environments and associated waterways. |
Meetings are held quarterly on a Saturday and hosted by rotating member council facilities. |
2 Councillors and an alternate Councillor.
Currently, Councillors Hesse and Porteous. |
1.⇩ |
Audit and Risk Improvement Committee Charter |
2.⇩ |
Flood Management Advisory Committee Charter |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020 |
Subject: Inner West Go-solar EOI
Prepared By: Jon Stiebel - Urban Sustainability Manager
Authorised By: Michael Deegan - Chief Executive Officer
THAT Council receives and notes the Go Solar EOI update.
At the 8 September Council meeting, Council resolved to receive a report on three projects identified through the solar EOI process scheduled to commence in early FY 2020/21; and on a further four EOIs that have been identified as having the potential to offer innovative solar solutions to residential and commercial sectors.
Assisting the Inner West community to go solar commenced in mid-2017 with a pre-vetted quote and information service provided by the Australian Energy Foundation (AEF, formerly Moreland Energy Foundation).
Figures[1] show the Inner West recorded a twelve percent (12%) increase in the total number of solar installations in 2019/20 compared to installations in the previous year. Eleven percent (11%) of 2019/20 installations in the Inner West can be attributed to the solar quote service provided by AEF. Council will continue the AEF quote service in 2020/21 targeting owner occupiers in detached houses that want to buy and install solar.
Recognising the barriers to solar uptake (as detailed in the Climate and Renewables Strategy) and to expand on the existing Go-solar program, a Request for Expressions of Interest (“EOI”) was released to the market in 2020.
The EOI has identified three projects to commence in early 2020/21:
1. Wattblock - Solar for strata apartments and townhouses
44% of dwellings in the Inner West are apartments. Wattblock are specialist consultants based at UNSW providing sustainability advice to multi-tenanted strata buildings. Wattblock will deliver a program identifying high solar potential strata apartments and townhouses within the Inner West LGA. From October 2020 Council will promote, recruit and approve up to 25 strata committees who will receive free independent solar feasibility assessments and support through the solar process.
2. Solpod– innovation pilot for commercial and industrial buildings
Solpod has developed an innovative prefabricated, re-deployable rooftop solar system that can be rented for short terms (under five years) and moved easily from site to site without impacting on the roof. The technology has been supported by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). It addresses a significant barrier to the uptake of solar on commercial and industrial buildings; i.e. that many commercial property owners have plans to renovate buildings, redevelop land, or replace roofs within the next 5 -15 years, making traditional solar uneconomical. An agreement to promote a Solpod offer to relevant Inner West commercial and industrial businesses is being developed for implementation in 2020/21.
3. Energy Action - Solar feasibility /brokering commercial and industrial
Energy specialists, Energy Action will be providing solar business cases and advice on financing to Inner West commercial and industrial businesses (targeting larger roofs). Energy Action can also manage the procurement process (for a fee to the business), including via a reverse auction with pre-vetted suppliers. Energy Action were advisors and project managers for the large carpark solar shade structure at Leichhardt Marketplace.
A further four EOI’s were identified as having potential to offer innovative solutions to residential and commercial sectors with each project concept being at a different stage of development. The primary assistance sought from Council with each project would be in communicating the availability of the project to residents and businesses within the Inner West. Council has written to each company/consortium seeking clarifications and all four have been invited to develop more fully developed proposals for evaluation and consideration. An update will be provided as these negotiations are drawn to a conclusion.
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Investment Strategy & Portfolio Review 2019/20
Prepared By: Daryl Jackson - Chief Financial Officer
Authorised By: Michael Deegan - Chief Executive Officer
THAT the report be received and noted. |
Council’s investment portfolio is prudently managed and consists of assets appropriate for a local government entity. With the onset of Covid-19 in an already weak economic environment, the Australian Government and the RBA have taken aggressive fiscal and monetary action over the past six months. The RBA slashed the official cash rate by 50 basis points over the past 6 months taking the benchmark rate to 0.25%pa. The economic environment and the RBA’s monetary actions have filtered through to bank term deposit rates. Over the financial year, the average term deposit rates on a selection of the largest Australian banks have declined by approximately 100-115 basis points across the 1-12 month range and 85-95 basis points between the 1-5 year range.
As part of NSW TCorp loan covenant requirements, Council had to sharply reduce its exposure to investments in banks with long term credit ratings in the BBB category to a maximum of 20% by 30 April 2020. The majority of non-fossil fuel lending banks have credit ratings in the BBB credit rating category, making the use of Socially Responsible Investments in the form of Green TDs and ESG-focussed bonds an even more important part of Council’s portfolio going forward.
Council’s portfolio outperformed the bank bill index for the 2019/20 Financial Year generating a return of 2.19%pa on a marked-to-market basis versus the benchmark’s 0.85%pa. Based on the current interest rate outlook, competitively priced term deposits in the 6-9 month range are good value now as reinvestment rates upon their maturities will likely be similar to current levels.
Investment opportunities across all time periods will continue to be considered closely, particularly Socially Responsible Investments, in conjunction with Council’s cash expenditure requirements and policy to help ensure the portfolio remains well positioned to take advantage of the changing market conditions.
Good Governance: Investment Portfolio vs Policy Limits
The following tables summarise Council’s Investment Portfolio, as at the end of June 2020, in terms of its Investment Policy Framework:
A. Overall Portfolio Credit Limits;
B. Individual Institution Limits; and
C. Term to Maturity Limits.
A. Overall Portfolio Credit Limits:
As part of NSW TCorp loan covenant requirements, Council had to sharply reduce its exposure to investments in banks with long term credit ratings in the BBB category to a maximum of 20% by 30 April 2020.
The majority of non-fossil fuel lending banks have credit ratings in the BBB credit rating category, making the use of Socially Responsible Investments in the form of Green TDs and ESG-focussed bonds an even more important part of Council’s portfolio going forward.
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IWC Investment Strategy & Portfolio Review 2019/20 |
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Notice of Motion: Buruwan Park proposed naming
From: Councillor John Stamolis
THAT Council to notify the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, as well as Westconnex management that it will conduct a consultation process for the naming of the new park in the rail yards and that the word ‘Buruwan’ will be considered as part of this process.
Last year, there were community protests when Buruwan Park, Annandale was listed for removal by NSW RMS for the WestConnex tollway network.
The loss of the park and its vegetation has been felt heavily by the surrounding community.
The Westconnex project, however, means than a new and large park will be delivered right across the road from where Buruwan Park was.
Depending on the wishes of local aboriginal groups and the community, there may now be the opportunity to use the name ‘Buruwan’ for the new park in the rail yards.
This would recognise the Leichhardt Council policy that new parks and unnamed lanes, where possible, be given Aboriginal names.
Buruwan Park was named in consultation with the Aboriginal Cooperative.
‘Buruwan’ means north wind in the aboriginal language and is a most appropriate name as this is what the area gets most afternoons and is most appreciated on hot summer days.
Officer’s Comments:
Staff have no comment.
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Notice of Motion: Uranium mining ban in NSW must stay
From: Councillors Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz and Councillor Louise Steer
THAT Council:
1. Affirms its opposition to any move to lift the 33-year-old ban on uranium mining in NSW;
2. Writes to the NSW Premier and all MPs urging them to support renewable clean energy and jobs solutions;
3. Notes the ‘nuclear free zone’ signs throughout the LGA;
4. Informs residents of its resolution via a media release and information in the next newsletter; and
5. Puts forward the following motion to the LGNSW Conference:
a) NSW Councils oppose any move to lift the ban on uranium mining in NSW b) That LGNSW Councils writes to the NSW Premier and all MPs urging them to support sustainable and clean energy and jobs solutions
A Bill to overturn the NSW Ban on Mining was introduced into Parliament in 2019 by Mark Latham (One Nation Party). The National’s leader John Barilaro has voiced support for the bill. It is unlikely that uranium mining would lead to the construction of nuclear reactors in NSW. However, mining would have an environmental impact and the storing of waste from Nuclear Reactors remains an issue. The NSW Cabinet has deferred a policy decison to receive a report from Mr Barilaro after further research (Source: Berejiklian government to pursue its own uranium push, SMH, August 24, 2020, https://www.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/berejiklian-government-to-pursue- its-own-uranium-push-20200824-p55ova.html)
As a result of a widespread community campaign during the Cold War period of the 1980s and early 1990s, Marrickville, Leichhardt and Ashfield Councils opposed uranium mining and nuclear energy. The councils erected Signs informing residents and visitors of their position.
In November 2018, the Inner West Council joined eighteen Australian cities and local councils calling on the Australian government to join the United Nations Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Minutes and Agenda Council Meeting 13 November 2018 https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/Open/2018/11/C_13112018_MIN_2656_WEB.htm
In 2017, Local Government Super (LGS) reinstated its investment restriction on nuclear energy and uranium industries. LG Super has adopted Negative screens which include "We will not actively invest in companies that derive 10% or more of their revenue from Uranium mining/nuclear" Investment restrictions LG Super, viewed 10 Sep 2020, https://www.lgsuper.com.au/investments/responsible-investment/investment-restrictions/ .
The City of Sydney and Leichhardt Council resolved in 2015 to call on Local Government Super to reverse its decision to invest in nuclear despite claiming an ethically sound investment policies - Fission over Local Government Super policy, 15 Jan 2015, City Hub, https://cityhubsydney.com.au/ 2015/01/nuclear-council/
In 2012, the NSW Coalition government removed the 1987 ban on uranium prospecting and exploration. "the words “prospect” and “prospecting” were omitted from sections 3, 4 and 7 of the 1986 Act by Schedule 3 of the Mining Legislation Amendment (Uranium Exploration) Act 2012. The policy change underlying the removal of the prohibition on uranium exploration was discussed in the Second Reading speech to the Mining Legislation Amendment (Uranium Exploration) Bill2012" (Source:Issues Paper 01/2019, NSW Parliamentary Research Service, 24 September 2019 https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/researchpapers/Pages/Uranium-Mining-and-Nuclear-Energy-in- New-South-Wales.aspx)
In July 2008 the NSW Parliament held an Inquiry into the site of the Radium Hill uranium smelter site in Nelson Parade, Hunter’s Hill. “The Committee looked at the contamination and radioactivity levels at the site, and the impact of that contamination on public health and the environment. The appropriateness of the Government’s planned remediation strategy, and the disposal of waste from the site, will also be considered.” https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/researchpapers/Pages/Uranium-Mining-and-Nuclear-Energy-in- New-South-Wales.aspx
Officer’s Comments:
Staff have no comment.
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Question on Notice: Inner West Council: Solar Panel output
From: Councillor John Stamolis
Comment by the Chief Executive Officer:
Answers to all questions will be provided at an Ordinary Council meeting in October 2020.
Inner West Council’s Climate and Renewables Strategy is focused on rapidly increasing solar and renewable energy generation. Part of this strategy is to implement solar capacity on Council’s assets.
Council’s website currently identifies 38 locations where it has installed solar panels. The old Leichhardt Council has 50% of these locations. Council’s solar capacity from those 38 locations is 407.4 kwh. The old Leichhardt Council accounts for almost half of this solar capacity (47.5%).
Based on those 20 locations for which output data were provided by Council in 2019, the old Leichhardt Council provided 63.3% of solar output.
Note: Review and validation of the data provided in this item and/or any other improvement of Council’s solar data would be a core requirement of this question on notice. A stated above the output data in this item relate to 20 installations (in 2019) for which data are available.
Council currently provides solar output data for 62% (249.3 kwh) of its solar capacity but appears to have no data for 38% (151.2 kwh) of capacity. Would it be possible to provide solar output data for those locations where there is no data on the website (for any years applicable)?
What caused the significant falls in output in 2019 for the installations below?
What are the reasons for the differences in average output per unit capacity across installations? Note: the data below relate to those solar installations which have 3 full years of data to 2019.
The data show that some larger solar facilities do not produce as much output as smaller facilities. What are the reasons for this?
The chart shows that output per unit capacity from Council’s solar installations fell by 5.5% in 2019. Could Council investigate this and provide reasons?
Total output from Council’s solar installations increased by 3.5% in 2019 and 24.4% in 2018. It appears that Council’s growth in solar output from its own assets is subdued?
What other solar installations (and capacity) are proposed for IWC assets in the next year or two?
Could Council produce a summary (annual) table along the lines of that in 4. above for all installations and place this on the website? The data should go back 5 or 6 years.
Council Meeting 22 September 2020
Subject: Henson Park Upgrade Tender Report
Prepared By: Tim Brown - Coordinator Parks Project Delivery
Authorised By: Cathy Edwards-Davis - Director Infrastructure
THAT Council adopt the recommendation contained in the Confidential Attachment 1.
Council invited tenders for the Henson Park Upgrade, Tender No 11-20. Tenders closed on 28 August 2020.
The project scope includes:
• New Santa Anna turf.
• Repair of sinkhole.
• Improved field drainage and field grading.
• Diversion of stormwater drainage around the field.
• Irrigation upgrade with new 65kL header tank.
• Stormwater harvesting with storage in new 200kL tank.
• Upgraded electrical switchboard and reticulation.
Tenders were evaluated in accordance with Council’s Purchasing Policy and Procedures and the Local Government Act 1993 and General Regulations 2005. A Summary of the Tender Evaluation Committee’s report is attached as Confidential Attachment 1. Pending Council approval, the works are expected to commence in October 2020 with completion by April 2021.
Funding for the project is allocated within Council’s capital works budget.
Henson Park Tender Evaluation - Confidential - Confidential |