Council Meeting


11 April 2023


Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 11 April 2023 at Ashfield Service Centre


Meeting commenced at 6.33pm



Darcy Byrne

Philippa Scott

Liz Atkins

Jessica D’Arienzo

Mark Drury

Dylan Griffiths

Mathew Howard

Justine Langford

Pauline Lockie

Kobi Shetty

Chloe Smith

John Stamolis

Timothy Stephens

Zoi Tsardoulias
Peter Gainsford

Luke Murtas


Deputy Mayor (attended via audio-visual link)













General Manager

Acting Director Planning

Manod Wickramasinghe

Acting Director Infrastructure

Ruth Callaghan

Kelly Loveridge

Beau-Jane De Costa

Matthew Pearce

Daryl Jackson

Chris Sleiman

Aaron Callaghan

Director Community

Director Corporate

Senior Manager Governance and Risk

General Counsel

Chief Financial Officer

Financial Partnering and Analytics Manager

Parks and Recreation Planning Manager

Katherine Paixao

Darcie Huisman

Business Paper Coordinator

Business Paper Officer




Motion: (Howard/Stephens)

That Council accept a leave of absence for Councillor Da Cruz from 3 April 2023 to 29 April 2023 due to being overseas and accept Councillor Scott’s request to attend tonight’s Council meeting via audio-visual link due to personal reasons.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil




Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 7 Local Traffic Committee Meeting – 20 March 2023 as he works in the Ministerial Office of the Minister for Transport, who in her capacity as the Member for Summer Hill has a representative on the Local Traffic Committee. He will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting as the vote of the State Member is exercised through a representative.





Motion: (Stephens/Atkins)


That Council note the disclosures of interest.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil




Motion: (Drury/Tsardoulias)

That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 14 March 2023 be confirmed as a correct record.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil




The registered speakers were asked to address the meeting. The list of speakers is available on the last page of these minutes.


C0423(1) Item 39 Mayoral Minute: War Memorials in the Inner West

Motion: (Byrne)


1.     That Council work with the Returned & Services League of Australia to compile a complete list of soldiers who died in the First World War from local communities in the Inner West.


2.     That Council receive a report on how the full list of fallen soldiers can be properly commemorated at war memorial sites.


3.     That Council liaise with the RSL to see if inclusions for other wars should be included in the scope of the study.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 40 Mayoral Minute: Civic Education Program on the Uluru Statement
  from the Heart

Motion: (Byrne)


1.     That Council write to the Walking Together trainers and the Sydney Alliance to thank them for their collaboration in training 1100 citizens to be advocates for the Uluru Statement from the Heart.


2.     That Council write to all the participants who registered for and completed to the training to thank them for their involvement and encourage them to support further.


3.     That Council convene a follow up workshop for all participants who have completed the train the trainer (second workshop) to plan for how they will use the knowledge and skills they have acquired to build awareness of the Uluru Statement and the upcoming referendum in civic society organisations.


4.     That Council write to all councils across Australia updating them about the success of the Walking Together training and encouraging them to undertake similar civic education training themselves in the lead up to the Referendum.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That Council Suspend Standing Orders to bring forward the following items to be dealt with at this time:


1.     Item 6      Land Classification - 203 Northumberland St, Liverpool

2.     Item 8      Major Capital Projects Committee Meetings and Project Summary

3.     Item 11    Conflict of Interest Policy (Including Management of Council-
                related Development Applications)

4.     Item 14    Delegations Framework amendment

5.     Item 20    Tree Management in Pioneer Memorial Park Leichhardt

6.     Item 34    Panel Member Appointment - Sydney Eastern City Planning
                Panel (SECPP)

7.     Item 35    Appointment of Expert Representatives for the Inner West
                Local Planning Panel

8.     Item 37    Update on the acquisition of investment properties


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That the following items be moved in globo and the recommendations contained within the report be adopted.


1.     Item 6      Land Classification - 203 Northumberland St, Liverpool

2.     Item 8      Major Capital Projects Committee Meetings and Project Summary

3.     Item 11    Conflict of Interest Policy (Including Management of Council-
                related Development Applications)

4.     Item 14    Delegations Framework amendment

5.     Item 20    Tree Management in Pioneer Memorial Park Leichhardt

6.     Item 34    Panel Member Appointment - Sydney Eastern City Planning
                Panel (SECPP)

7.     Item 35    Appointment of Expert Representatives for the Inner West
                Local Planning Panel

8.     Item 37    Update on the acquisition of investment properties


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 6  Land Classification - 203 Northumberland St, Liverpool

Motion:  (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That Council resolves to classify the land being Lot 2 in Deposited Plan 1277704, also known as 203 Northumberland Street, Liverpool NSW 2170, as Operational Land for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 8  Major Capital Projects Committee Meetings and Project Summary Report

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That the Minutes of the Major Capital Projects Committee held in October 2022, November 2022 and February 2023 be received and the project summary report is noted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 11 Conflict of Interest Policy (Including Management of Council-related 
  Development Applications)

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


1.     That Council adopt the draft Conflict of Interest Policy, as attached to the report.


2.     That Council place the adopted Conflict of Interest Policy, on public exhibition, for a period of 28 days, and provide a report back to Council if Council receives any feedback that requires an amendment to the Conflict of Interest Policy.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 14 Delegations Framework amendment

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That the change to Council’s current Delegations framework wording, as outlined in the report, be adopted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 20 Tree Management in Pioneer Memorial Park Leichhardt

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 34 Panel Member Appointment - Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel  

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That Council appoint the recommended applicants, as outlined in the Confidential report, selected through the Expression of Interest Process, as additional Council representatives on the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel (SECPP).


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 35 Appointment of Expert Representatives for the Inner West Local     
  Planning Panel

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 37 Update on the acquisition of investment properties

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion: (Howard/Smith)


That Council allow Councillor Drury to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 1.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 1  Delivery Program 2022-26 (year 2), Operational Plan and Budget 2023-24, and Long Term Financial Plan 2023-33 – Drafts for Public Exhibition

Motion: (Drury/Stephens)


1.     That Council place on public exhibition for a period of 28 days the:


a)     draft Delivery Program 2022-26 (year 2), Operational Plan and Budget 2023-2024 (including fees and charges 2023-2024);


b)     draft Long-Term Financial Plan 2023-2033; and


c)     Amendment to the adopted Residential and Business - General Rates Harmonisation transition timeline, for 100% transition from 1 July 2023, instead of ending July 2029.


2.     That Council receive a report of the public exhibition outcomes at the June 2023 Council meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 2  Marrickville Parklands and Golf Course-Priority Plan of Management Works

Motion: (Howard/Byrne)


That Council defer consideration of the report until such a time as the General Manager has met with the leadership of the Marrickville Golf, Sporting and Recreation Club and gains further information about the Club’s prioritisation of initiatives listed in the report and further information about renovations to the Clubhouse.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 3  Preparation of a Park Plan of Management-MacKey Park

Motion: (Howard/D’Arienzo)


1.     That Council as land manager of MacKey Park endorse the draft Plan of Management (Lot 70, Lot 71 DP 1066013 and Lot 7307 DP 1145332) and refer this to the Minister for Crown Land and Waters for owners’ consent.


2.     That Council, upon receipt of owners’ consent, place the draft Plan of Management on exhibition for 28 days and report back to Council for adoption.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 4  Preparation of a Park Plan of Management-Darrell Jackson Gardens

Motion: (D’Arienzo/Griffiths)


1.     That Council as land manager of Darrell Jackson Gardens endorse the draft Plan of Management and publicly exhibit this for a period of 42 days for further community engagement.


2.     That on the completion of the public exhibition period, the Plan of Management is brought back to Council for further consideration and adoption.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 5  Revised Public Toilet Strategy

Motion: (Scott/Griffiths)


1.     That Council adopt the revised Inner West Public Toilet Strategy (Attachment 1) and note the priority work program for public toilet upgrades.


2.     That, should the 12-month trial of period product dispensing machines in Council facilities be successful and the program continued, Council update the Inner West Public Toilet Strategy to include period product dispensing machines in the Design Guidelines, and the Best Practice Checklist used to assess each block.


3.     That as part of the reporting at the end of the 12-month trial of period product dispensing machines in Council facilities, Council staff prepare a report on the cost and operational feasibility of installing period product dispensing machines in public toilet blocks as they are scheduled for refurbishment through the priority work program.


4.     That Council staff consider when preparing Council’s “Gateway and Wayfinding Signage strategy – All villages” the requirement for wayfinding signage in main streets and parks which includes public toilet provision.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 7  Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 20 March 2023

Motion: (Drury/Lockie)


That the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 20 March 2023 be received and the recommendations be adopted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 9  Post Exhibition - Community Venue Hire Grants and Fee Scale Policy

Motion: (Byrne/Howard)


1.     That Council adopt the draft Community Venue Hire Grants and Fee Scale Policy as outlined in Attachment 1, pending the amendment of the wording to appendix 1: guidelines for determining fee scale to changing: ‘Political parties, or activities that are overtly political in nature’ to ‘Registered political parties or activities that are related to electoral campaigning’, and ‘Political rallies or overtly political events’ to ‘Political party rallies or overt party political activities such as campaign launches or policy announcements.


2.     That the eligibility for the 100% fee waiver be amended to include all local not-for-profit organisations and community groups where the event to be held is not primarily a fundraising event. Please note that events that collect small or gold coin donations to cover the ancillary costs of the event do not constitute a “fundraising event”.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 10 Post Exhibition - Draft Event Invitation, Speaking and Public Meeting

Motion: (Scott/Smith)


That Council adopt the draft Event Invitation, Speaking and Public Meeting Policy.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Amendment: (Atkins/Lockie)


That Council adopt the draft Event Invitation, Speaking and Public Meeting Policy, subject to adding the following sentence at the end of both the first paragraph in Part 5 and the fourth paragraph in Part 7:


“Matters to be taken into account in deciding who to nominate include the ward where the event is taking place; any relevant resolution of Council and who moved it; and availability of relevant councillors.”


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias


C0423(1) Item 12 Draft Risk Management Policy

Motion: (Atkins/Scott)


1.     That Council adopt the draft Risk Management Policy, with any agreed changes outlined by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee, at the meeting of 5 April 2023.


2.     That Council place the adopted Risk Management Policy, on public exhibition, for a period of 28 days, and provide a report back to Council if Council receives any feedback that requires an amendment to the Risk Management Policy.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 13 Draft Fraud and Corruption Control Policy

Motion: (Atkins/Scott)


1.     That Council adopt the draft Fraud and Corruption Control Policy, with any agreed changes outlined by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee, at the meeting of 5 April 2025.


2.     That Council place the adopted Fraud and Corruption Control Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days and provide a report back to Council, if Council receives any feedback that requires an amendment to the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy.





Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 15 Inner West Council Anti-Racism Strategy Reference Group

Motion: (Howard/Lockie)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 16 Reconciliation Action Plan Implementation Update

Motion: (Howard/Byrne)


1.     That Council receive and note the report.


2.     That Council write to the Hon. Linda Burney MP, Minister for Indigenous Australians and Member for Barton and the Hon. David Harris MP, NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty, seeking meetings to discuss opportunities for collaboration on the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Hub and funding.

3.     That Council write to representatives of the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council to discuss opportunities for collaboration on the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Hub.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Councillor Drury left the Meeting at 7:49pm.


C0423(1) Item 17 Inner West Council Arts and Music Recovery Plan Final

Motion: (Smith/Howard)


1.     That Council receive and note the report.


2.     That Council circulate the final report to key stakeholders, including all Arts Summit attendees and relevant local sector organisations, for final consideration.


3.     That following this process, that the report returns to the May 2023 Ordinary Council meeting for endorsement.





Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Drury


Councillor Drury returned to the Meeting at 7:53pm.


C0423(1) Item 18 Local Democracy Groups - progress report

Motion: (D’Arienzo/Atkins)


That Council receive and note the report and invite representative/s from the 9 advisory committees to present a progress report to an in-person Councillor briefing workshop by the end of May 2023.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion: (Byrne/Howard)


That Council allow Councillor Smith to speak for 1 additional minute on Item 19.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 19 Update on Town Halls

Motion: (Smith/Howard)


1.     That Council receive and note the report.

2.     That a report on EOIs received for Creative Use of Council Venues be tabled at the May 2023 Ordinary Council meeting, to include:  

a)     any received EOIs that have been matched with a venue;

b)     all venues that have been identified for potential matching to an EOI; and

c)     a timeline for all EOIs received to have been allocated a venue.


3.     That Council staff hold a councillor workshop on the progress of the Inner West Pride Centre following the Pride Centre Open Day on 29 April 2023.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil



C0423(1) Item 21 Investment Report at 31 March 2023

Motion: (Drury/Stephens)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 22 Notice of Motion Pedestrian safety at Balmain Road, Lilyfield

Motion: (Shetty/Byrne)


That Council write to Transport for New South Wales and the Member for Balmain to request:


a)     The installation of an additional safe place to cross on Balmain Road, Lilyfield between the refuge island at Grove Street and the traffic lights at Cecily Street; 


b)     Investigation of potential upgrades to existing refuge islands at Grove Street and The Boulevard to pedestrian crossings; and


c)     Investigation of potential additional safety measures along Balmain Road between Perry Street and Cecily Street, such as signage and traffic calming measures.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 23 Notice of Motion: Demerging Inner West Council: Notifying NSW 

Motion: (Stamolis/Atkins)


1.     That Council to write to the NSW Premier Chris Minns MP to advise him of the highly successful poll of the Inner West community to demerge Inner West Council.


2.     That Council to also write to the Opposition Leader (when announced).

3.     That Council to also write to the State members of Parliament who represent the Inner West: 

a)     Ms Kobi Shetty MP for Balmain;

b)     Ms Jo Haylen MP for Summer Hill;

c)     Ms Jenny Leong MP for Newtown; and

d)     Mr Ron Hoenig MP for Heffron.


4.     That Council note the policy on demerging amalgamated councils which the NSW Labor Government took to the election, i.e. NSW Labor will not support the forced merger of local councils, nor will it support any forced demerger. NSW Labor does not oppose the merger or demerger of councils, but insists that this must be done voluntarily with the clear support of local residents as confirmed through a local plebiscite. NSW Labor will legislate to put in place independent mechanisms to enable this to occur.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias


C0423(1) Item 24 Notice of Motion: Woolworths Balmain

Motion: (Byrne/Scott)


1.     That Council convene a meeting between Woolworths and the Balmain Rozelle Chamber of Commerce so that local businesses and the community can be briefed about any proposed changes at the Woolworths Balmain store.


2.     That Council write to Woolworths articulating the concerns of Council and the community about the detrimental impact on the local economy that would be engendered through any reduction in product range at Woolworths Balmain store.  This should include provision of all Council’s investigations and studies into spending patterns in Balmain.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 25 Notice of Motion: Marrickville Mosaics

Motion: (Byrne/Howard)


That Council prepare a report on the cost of restoring and repairing all of the footpath mosaic artworks in Marrickville to allow for funding to be allocated to the works when the Budget is adopted in June.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 26 Notice of Motion: Media Advertising

Motion: (Drury/D’Arienzo)


That Council authorises the General Manager to approve the occasional use of newspaper and magazine advertising, where appropriate, in accordance with Council’s Procurement Policy.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion: (Howard/Stephens)


That Council allow Councillor Atkins to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 27.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 27 Notice of Motion: Transphobic and Homophobic Behaviour

Motion: (Atkins/Howard)


1.     That Council condemn recent transphobic and homophobic behaviour and physical violence against LGBTIQA+ people in the Inner West and beyond.

2.     That Council call on the new NSW Government to reinstate the Safe Schools program in all NSW schools.


3.     That Council call on the NSW Government to reinstate accredited educator training delivered by unions and not-for-profit groups.


4.     That Council supports the right of all trans people, including trans women, trans men and non-binary people aged 16 and above, to update the gender marker on their birth certificate through a simple administrative process to be legally recognised as female, male, non-binary or a gender marker descriptor of their choice, including that gender markers be optional.


5.     That Council distribute the ePetition entitled allow transgender people to self-ID their legal gender  via council communication channels including the Inner West News, social media and the council website.


6.     That Council inform the Inner West LGBTQ Working Group, Sydney Mardi Gras and World Pride partners of our support for self-ID and Safe Schools.


7.     That Council write to the Premier, the Attorney-General, the Leader of the Opposition, and local Legislative Assembly members to inform them of this resolution and seek their support for amendments to  the Birth, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995 to enable legal gender recognition without the requirement of surgical intervention.


8.     That Council agree that the Community Safety Action Plan to be developed in 2023/24 specifically address the safety of the LGBTQIA+ community.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil




Procedural Motion: (D’Arienzo/Smith)


That Council enter into Confidential session.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Confidential Session


That in accordance with Section 10A(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, the following matters be considered in Closed Session of Council for the reasons provided:


C0423(1) Item 36 FOGO Communication Strategy on Rollout (Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.


C0423(1) Item 38 Approval for Lease at 203 Northumberland Street, Liverpool NSW (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business and (Section 10A(2)(d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council.


Procedural Motion: (Byrne/Shetty)


That Council move back into the Open Session of the Council Meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 36 FOGO Communication Strategy on Rollout

Motion: (Howard/Smith)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0423(1) Item 38 Approval for Lease at 203 Northumberland Street, Liverpool NSW

Motion:  (Drury/Stephens)


1.     That Council resolves to grant a 5+1+1+1+1+1-year lease of Suite 1, Ground Floor, 203 Northumberland Street, Liverpool to Neami Limited (Tenant) for use as Offices and medical consulting.


2.     That Council authorises the General Manager or delegate to negotiate, finalise terms and execute the Lease documentation.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Meeting closed at 8.25pm.



Public Speakers:



Item #




Item 25:

Rodney Aanensen


Item 27

Deb Saywell

Monica Harrison

Summer Hill

































The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 11th day of April, 2023 were confirmed as a correct record on this 9th day of May 2023.