Distributed on 13 February 2024














Council Meeting




6:30 PM




Council Meeting

13 February 2024








The following reports appear as late items as information required for the preparation of the reports was not available at the time of distribution of the Business Paper.



1          Mayoral Minutes


ITEM                                                                                                                                     Page


C0224(1) Item 43     Mayoral Minute: Stopping the Spread of Tobacconist and Vape Stores 3

C0224(1) Item 44     Mayoral Minute: All-weather Sporting Field                                             4




Council Meeting

13 February 2024


Item No:              C0224(1) Item 43

Subject:              Mayoral Minute: Stopping the Spread of Tobacconist and Vape Stores            

From:                  The Mayor, Councillor Darcy Byrne  





1.   That Council seek a change of regulations to mandate that tobacconist and vape stores require approval through a development application to open in the Inner West local government area.


2.   That Council propose to the NSW Government that there be a limit and a reduction in the number of tobacconist and vape stores authorised to operate in NSW as well as a cap on the number of these businesses in the Inner West.


3.   That Council review and identify the number of tobacconist and vape stores currently located nearby to schools in the Inner West with a view to restricting and reducing the number of these businesses nearby to primary and secondary schools.


4.   That Council write to the NSW Government seeking their cooperation in enacting these changes and receive a report to the April Ordinary Council meeting identifying all local and state regulatory and planning powers that can be made use of to achieve the objectives stated above.






Council Meeting

13 February 2024


Item No:              C0224(1) Item 44

Subject:              Mayoral Minute: All-weather Sporting Field            

From:                  The Mayor, Councillor Darcy Byrne  





1.   That Council note the high volume of submissions received from the community regarding the proposal for an all-weather sporting field to be installed in a park nearby to Rozelle Parklands.


2.   That Council note the advocacy and submissions from Balmain District Football Club and Leichhardt Saints Football Club that they are facing severe capacity constraints and are in danger of having to turn away large numbers of players, due to a shortage of playing space.


3.   That Council note the huge increase in usage of Lambert Park since the installation of an all-weather surface and expansion of participation in sport this has allowed, particularly for girls.


4.   That Council recommit to delivering a new all-weather surface for the benefit of local sporting clubs, at one of the four locations previously resolved, using the funding provided by the NSW Government as compensation for the removal of such a facility from the final adopted plans for Rozelle Parklands.


5.   That Council receive a report to the March Ordinary meeting on the outcomes of the consultation regarding the proposed all-weather surface as well as a summary of the available technologies for providing a hybrid surface.




