Council Meeting


9 April 2024



Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 9 April 2024 at
Ashfield Service Centre


Meeting commenced at 6.32pm



Darcy Byrne

Chloe Smith

Liz Atkins

Marghanita Da Cruz

Jessica D’Arienzo

Mark Drury

Dylan Griffiths

Mathew Howard

Justine Langford

Pauline Lockie

Philippa Scott

Kobi Shetty

John Stamolis

Zoi Tsardoulias
Peter Gainsford

Simone Plummer


Deputy Mayor





Councillor (6.42pm)


Councillor (attended via audio-visual link)



Councillor (attended via audio-visual link)



General Manager

Director Planning

Ryann Midei

Director Infrastructure

Ruth Callaghan

Kelly Loveridge

Beau-Jane De Costa

Matthew Pearce

Chris Sleiman

Daniel East

Manod Wickramasinghe

Scott Mullen

Helen Bradley

Jonny Browne

Director Community

Director Corporate

Senior Manager Governance and Risk

General Counsel

Acting Chief Financial Officer

Acting Senior Manager Strategic Planning

Traffic and Transport Planning Manager

Strategic Investments and Property Manager

Resource Recover Planning Manager

Strategic and Corporate Communication Manager

Katherine Paixao

Darcie Huisman

Business Paper Coordinator

Business Paper Officer




Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.    That apologies from Councillor Stephens be accepted and leave of absence be granted.


2.    That Council accept Councillor Langford’s request to attend tonight’s Council meeting via audio-visual link due to personal reasons.


3.    That Council accept Councillor Shetty’s request to attend tonight’s Council meeting via audio-visual link due to personal reasons.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil




Councillor Lockie declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 15 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 18 March 2024 as Item 1 within this report is the Newtown South LATM Study and she lives within the area that is covered by this Study. She will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting.


Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 10 - E-Scooter Trial - T3 Rail Line Closure as he works in the Office of the Minister for Transport, and in that capacity has been directly engaged in work around the Temporary Transport Plan. Out of an abundance of caution, he will leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter.


Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 15 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 18 March 2024 as he works in the Ministerial Office of the Minister for Transport, who in her capacity as the Member for Summer Hill has a representative on the Local Traffic Committee. He will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting as the vote of the State Member is exercised through a representative.


Councillor Shetty declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 6 - Post Exhibition - Establishing an Alcohol Free Zone - Loyalty Square Balmain as the report background mentions her in her capacity as the State Member for Balmain. She will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting.


Councillor Shetty declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 15 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 18 March 2024 as she is the State Member for Balmain and has a representative on the Local Traffic Committee. She will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting as the vote of the State Member is exercised through a representative.


Motion: (Smith/Da Cruz)


That Council note the disclosures of interest.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil




Motion: (Stamolis/Scott)


That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on Tuesday, 5 March 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil




The registered speakers were asked to address the meeting. The list of speakers is available on the last page of these minutes.


Councillor Griffiths entered the meeting at 6:42pm.


The Mayor, Councillor Byrne left the meeting at 6:53pm and vacated the Chair. The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Smith, assumed the Chair.


The Mayor, Councillor Byrne returned to the meeting at 7:33pm. The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Smith, vacated the Chair and the Mayor, Councillor Byrne, assumed the Chair.


Councillor Griffiths left the meeting at 7:35pm.


Councillor Griffiths returned to the meeting at 7:41pm.


C0424(1) Item 1           Condolence Motion: Christopher Hugh Pratten OAM (1934-2024)

Motion: (Drury/Byrne)


That the Inner West Council acknowledges the life and passing of Christopher Hugh Pratten OAM (1934-2024). Chris made a significant contribution to our understanding of the Ashfield district. We are indebted to the fruits of his passion for the conservation of natural and built heritage. We will convey this and our condolences to his family and work with the Ashfield & District Historical Society to determine a suitable way of memorialising him.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 57         Mayoral Minute: Condolence Motion: Vale Keith Barnes

Motion: (Byrne)


1.   That Council write to the family of Keith Barnes to express our gratitude for the contribution he made throughout his life to our local community, the Balmain Tigers, Wests Tigers, and rugby league in Australia.


2.   That Council offer to the Barnes family and Wests Tigers the use of Leichhardt Oval for a service to commemorate and celebrate Mr Barnes’ incredible lifelong contribution to Australian sport and the Balmain Tigers.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 58         Mayoral Minute: Tree Safety in the Inner West

Motion: (Byrne)


1.   That Council receive a report to the May 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting identifying the schedule of inspections and assessments made on all trees on public land that have recently dropped large branches, been uprooted, or collapsed.


2.   That Council procure an external review of Council’s safety procedures for the maintenance of large trees on public land. This is to be undertaken at arm’s length from Council officers to ensure an independent assessment of Council’s processes and whether they need to be strengthened or improved. The funding for this review is to be identified in the Quarterly Budget Review.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 59         Mayoral Minute: Rozelle Parklands Update

Motion: (Byrne)


1.    That Council delegate the General Manager to enter into a Temporary Licence Agreement with Transport for NSW to manage the sporting fields in Rozelle Parklands until a permanent arrangement is in place and that any temporary arrangement be reviewed after 12 months. The temporary arrangement will manage bookings, undertake field maintenance, line marking, mowing and installation of goal posts.


2.    That Council receive a report to the May 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting on the progress of the Rozelle Parklands Masterplan.


3.    That Council reserve the $20 million funding envelope received from the Minister of Transport until the Rozelle Parklands Masterplan has been finalised.


4.    That Council consult with local sporting clubs to understand their future needs and possible requests for access to the fields.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 60         Mayoral Minute: Ship to Shore Power at White Bay Cruise
         Passenger Terminal

Motion: (Byrne)


That Council write to Transport for NSW seeking an urgent meeting to discuss the implementation of shore to ship power at White Bay Cruise Passenger Terminal and propose the following:


a)    the provision of shore to ship power at all berths that host cruise ships, including berths 4 and 5; and

b)    the mandating of the use of shore to ship power by all cruise ships docked at White Bay.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Byrne/Griffiths)


That the meeting be adjourned for 7 minutes.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


The meeting was adjourned at 8.23pm


The meeting recommenced at 8:31pm


Procedural Motion (Scott/Howard)


That Council Suspend Standing Orders to bring forward the following items to be dealt with at this time:


  1. Item 8 Post Exhibition - Land and Property Policy
  2. Item 11 Leichhardt Oval public access post-trial and consultation outcomes
  3. Item 16 Minutes of the Flood Advisory Committee held on 29 February 2024, and the Exhibition of the Alexandra Canal Flood Risk Management Study and Plan and the Whites Creek and Johnstons Creek Flood Risk Management Study and Plan
  4. Item 17 Minutes of Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting - 20 March 2024
  5. Item 25 Council assistance to First Nations families accessing Early Learning
  6. Item 29 Notice of Motion: Vilification Laws (Motion for National General Assembly)
  7. Item 30 Notice of Motion: Electrify homes (Motion for National General Assembly)
  8. Item 36 Notice of Motion: Naturalising the Cooks River
  9. Item 40 Notice of Motion: Leichhardt Oval food and beverage service
  10. Item 41 Notice of Motion: Leichhardt Oval Women’s Amenities
  11. Item 43 Notice of Motion: Action on Illegal Dumping
  12. Item 45 Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety at Cardinal Freeman Village
  13. Item 53 Insurance obligations


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Scott/Howard)


That the following items be moved in globo and the recommendations contained within the report be adopted:


  1. Item 8 Post Exhibition - Land and Property Policy
  2. Item 11 Leichhardt Oval public access post-trial and consultation outcomes
  3. Item 16 Minutes of the Flood Advisory Committee held on 29 February 2024, and the Exhibition of the Alexandra Canal Flood Risk Management Study and Plan and the Whites Creek and Johnstons Creek Flood Risk Management Study and Plan
  4. Item 17 Minutes of Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting - 20 March 2024
  5. Item 25 Council assistance to First Nations families accessing Early Learning
  6. Item 29 Notice of Motion: Vilification Laws (Motion for National General Assembly)
  7. Item 30 Notice of Motion: Electrify homes (Motion for National General Assembly)
  8. Item 36 Notice of Motion: Naturalising the Cooks River
  9. Item 40 Notice of Motion: Leichhardt Oval food and beverage service
  10. Item 41 Notice of Motion: Leichhardt Oval Women’s Amenities
  11. Item 43 Notice of Motion: Action on Illegal Dumping
  12. Item 45 Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety at Cardinal Freeman Village
  13. Item 53 Insurance obligations


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 8         Post Exhibition - Land And Property Policy          


Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.   That Council adopt the Land and Property Policy.


2.   The Council update the Policy Register and publish, as applicable, internally, and externally the adopted Land and Property Policy.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil



C0424(1) Item 11         Leichhardt Oval public access post-trial and consultation

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.    That Council endorse to continue public access to the Wayne Pearce Hill for passive recreation providing weekday access, from dawn to dusk.


2.    That a review be undertaken in six months’ time on the utilisation of the Wayne Pearce Hill and a report brought back to Council.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 16         Minutes of the Flood Advisory Committee held on 29 February
         2024, and the Exhibition of the Alexandra Canal Flood Risk
         Management Study and Plan and the Whites Creek and
        Johnstons Creek Flood Risk Management Study and Plan

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.   That Council receive the minutes and adopt the recommendations of the Flood Management Advisory Committee meeting held on 29 February 2024.


2.   That Council adopt the updated Flood Management Advisory Committee Terms of Reference dated 20 March 2024.


3.   That Council publicly exhibit the draft Alexandra Canal Flood Risk Management Study and Plan for a period of 28 days and seek community feedback on it.


4.   That Council publicly exhibit the draft Whites Creek and Johnstons Creek Flood Risk Management Study and Plan for a period of 28 days and seek community feedback on it.


5.   That following the conclusion of the exhibition period, the draft Alexandra Canal Flood Risk Management Study and Plan and the Whites Creek and Johnstons Creek Flood Risk Management Study and Plan be brought back to Council for consideration for adoption.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 17         Minutes of Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting - 20
         March 2024

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.   That Council receive the minutes and adopt the recommendations of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) meeting held on 20 March 2024.


2.   That Council adopt the draft Internal Audit Charter as endorsed by the ARIC at its meeting on 20 March 2024.


3.   That Council adopt the draft ARIC Terms of Reference, as endorsed by the ARIC at its meeting on 20 March 2024, to take effect from 1 July 2024.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 25         Council assistance to First Nations families accessing Early

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil




C0424(1) Item 29         Notice of Motion: Vilification Laws (Motion for National General

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


That Council endorse the following motion for submission to the 2024 National General Assembly for Local Government:


 'This National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to introduce anti-vilification laws to protect the community from hate and ensure that every individual in Australia feels safe and protected under law irrespective of their age, disability, gender identity, intersex status, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 30         Notice of Motion: Electrify homes (Motion for National General

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


That Council endorse the following motion for submission to the 2024 National General Assembly for Local Government:


‘This National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to:


1.    note the multiple reports by energy analysts demonstrating that all-electric homes are cheaper to run than those connected to gas; 


2.    provide cost-living-relief to households by requiring newly built homes to be fully electric by updating the National Construction Code; and 


3.    coordinate and assist states and territories to implement these changes via their respective planning and building regulations.’


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 36         Notice of Motion: Naturalising the Cooks River

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.   That Council writes to the NSW Minister for the Environment Penny Sharpe, as well as State Members of Parliament for Heffron, Rockdale, Summer Hill, Canterbury and Strathfield, to urge the NSW Government to commit resources to naturalise the Cooks River and mitigate ongoing stormwater issues.


2.   That Council writes to the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water seek advice as to the release of funding for Council’s Camdenville Wetlands project which is within the Cooks River catchment and will improve biodiversity, urban runoff and stormwater in the catchment.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 40         Notice of Motion: Leichhardt Oval food and beverage service

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.   That Council officers provide a report to the May 2024 Council meeting on:


a)   the current contractual arrangements for food and beverage services at Leichhardt Oval;

b)   advice on the procurement process including the timing and next opportunity to enter into a new contract; and

c)   recommendations to improve the service delivered in the short term under the current and future contracts, before any long term changes are made under the Leichhardt Oval Masterplan. 


2.   That the report explore all possible opportunities to improve the Leichhardt Oval experience including specific food and beverage staffing and infrastructure recommendations; and advice on the possibility of supporting the local brewery and hospitality industry by inviting them to have pop-up outlets at Leichhardt Oval under future contracts.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 41         Notice of Motion: Leichhardt Oval Women's Amenities

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


That Council submit an application under the Federal Government's Play Our Way grant scheme to build new women's amenities at Leichhardt Oval and secure its future as a women's sports hub. 



Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 43         Notice of Motion: Action on Illegal Dumping

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


That Council receive a report no later than June 2024: 


a)    acknowledging the ongoing social, environmental and health impacts of illegal dumping;

b)    detailing Council’s actions to respond to illegal dumping across the Inner West, with particular reference to the actions taken after the resolution on illegal dumping passed in May 2022;

c)    reporting relevant statistics on illegal dumping in the local government area; and

d)    noting the passing of the Environment Protection Legislation Amendment (Stronger Regulation and Penalties) Bill 2024 in the State Parliament in March 2024 and clarifying the powers of councils in respect to illegal dumping.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 45         Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety at Cardinal Freeman Village

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.   That Council host a community workshop by July 2024 with Better Streets to identify user needs and workshop design solutions of the new, approved crossings surrounding Cardinal Freeman Village to explore ‘Walkability’ and suit all users. 


2.   That Council invite to the workshop: IWC traffic engineers, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, Vision Australia, Wheelchair Users’ association and other disability groups, health professionals, local schools, Access Committee, and other stakeholders with an interest in inclusive design for walkability. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil



C0424(1) Item 53         Insurance obligations

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


That Council undertake a request for tender, in relation to Council’s general insurance (excluding workers compensation) cover.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Howard/Byrne)


That Council allow Clr Drury to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 2.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 2           Delivery Program 2022-26 (year 3), Operational Plan and Budget   
         2024-25, and Long Term Financial Plan 2024-34 - Drafts for
         Public Exhibition

Motion: (Drury/Da Cruz)


1.    That Council endorse for public exhibition the:


a)    Draft Delivery Program 2022-26 (year 3), Operational Plan and Budget 2024-2025 (including fees and charges 2024-25); and

b)    Draft Long-Term Financial Plan 2024-2034

2.    That Council receive a report of the public exhibition outcomes and the final draft plans for adoption at the June 2024 Council meeting.


3.    That Council exhibit with the documents referred to in 1, a list of fees and charges that vary by more than 5% and an explanation of the reasons for the increase. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 3            Post Exhibition - Haberfield Development Control Plan

Motion: (Griffiths/Atkins)


1.    That Council defer consideration of the amendments to the Comprehensive Inner West Control Plan 2016 for Ashbury, Ashfield, Croydon, Croydon Park, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park, and Summer Hill.


2.    That Council advocate against the privatisation of Haberfield Army land by writing to the Minister of Defence, Minister for Finance, and the Federal member for Grayndler calling on them to make the land available for public housing. 


3.    That Council engage National Shelter to assist with our advocacy in making this land available for public housing.


4.    That Council undertake public consultation on points 2 and 3.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias


Foreshadowed Motion (Scott/Da Cruz)


1.   That Council endorse the amendments to the Comprehensive Inner West Control Plan 2016 for Ashbury, Ashfield, Croydon, Croydon Park, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park, and Summer Hill as outlined in Attachment 2 for Haberfield to commence 30 April 2024.


2.   That Council officers be authorised to make any minor correction amendments, including any minor errors, omissions, or inconsistencies prior to finalisation of the (Development Control Plan) DCP amendment.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Scott/Howard)


That Council allow Clr Byrne to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 4.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 4               Post Exhibition - Good Neighbour Policy

Motion: (Scott/Byrne)


That Council adopt the Good Neighbour Policy, subject to the following amendments:


a)    1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to support the community’s live music venues, licensed premises, creative spaces, sporting clubs and commercial businesses by providing them with assurance that the Council takes a balanced approach to the coexistence of residents and businesses and will seek to keep premises operating wherever possible.


The policy specifically excludes construction businesses and the Development Assessment process as these have their own legal mechanisms and requirements that sit outside this policy.


The policy identifies the role of all stakeholders, such as residents, businesses, Council, and the Police in managing sound and activity in an urban environment as well as outline Council’s approach to amicably resolving these matters prior to taking any formal regulatory action.


b)    5. Objectives


Objective 3 – Compliance


Implement a consistent and adaptable regulatory response to complaints to manage amenity expectations


c)    6.1 Steps to take before lodging a formal complaint


2. Resolutions may involve minor changes to the premises operation such as closing certain windows and doors, lowering volume or advising a resident of when the entertainment is due to cease.


d)    6.2, as paragraph 3 add


If in the course of resolving a sound and activity management matter, Council officers become aware of other compliance issues the premises should be supported to keep operating as normal with a view to a coordinated approach in resolving all matters.


e)    Replace all references to “noise disturbance”, “complaints” and “complaint handling” with language that references “sound and activity management” and note that the Director, Planning has delegated authority under clause 8 to make administrative changes to the policy that would make this language grammatically consistent and readable.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Crs Langford and Stamolis


C0424(1) Item 5                 Post Exhibition - Iron Cove Creek Masterplan

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


1.    That Council endorse the Iron Cove Creek Masterplan.


2.    That Council endorse the preparation of grant funding submissions to upcoming external grant funding opportunities from State and Federal Government agencies for the Iron Cove Creek Masterplan.


3.    That Council determine to spend $500k on designing aspects of the Iron Cove Creek way in the 2024-2025 budget.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Councillor Griffiths left the meeting at 9:27pm.


C0424(1) Item 6                 Post Exhibition - Establishing an Alcohol Free Zone - Loyalty
               Square Balmain

Motion: (Byrne/Drury)


1.    That Council approve the establishment of an alcohol-free zone at Loyalty Square, Balmain for 1 year pursuant to Sections 642-648 of the Local Government Act 1993.


2.    That Council receive a report back within 6 months on the alcohol-free zone established at Loyalty Square, Balmain.


3.    That Council, in consultation with Woolworths, investigate options for redesign and placemaking interventions for the public space surrounding the memorial at Loyalty Square that could promote community pride in the area and discourage antisocial behaviour.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Griffiths

The Mayor, Councillor Byrne left the meeting at 9:29pm and vacated the chair. The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Smith assumed the chair.

Councillor Griffiths returned to the meeting at 9:31pm.

C0424(1) Item 7                  Post Exhibition - Community Venue Hire Grants and Fee
                Scale Policy

Motion: (Smith/Scott)


1.    That Council adopt the Community Venue Hire Grants and Fee Scale Policy.


2.    That Council update the Policy Register and publish, as applicable, internally and externally the adopted Community Venue Hire Grants and Fee Scale Policy.


3.    That Council investigate the option to provide lockboxes for key collection and return at each venue for hire, and at a minimum ensure that keys for venue hire are available for collection and return at the nearest Council facility.


4.    That a report be provided to Council on a 6-monthly basis detailing the utilisation of Council venues.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Byrne


C0424(1) Item 9                A Great Inner West Walk

Motion: (Howard/D’Arienzo)


1.    That Council endorse ‘A Great Inner West Walk’ in principle.


2.    That Council convene a stakeholder meeting of external community active transport, pedestrian and environmental groups and Council’s Transport Advisory Committee, Arts and Culture Advisory Committee and Environment Advisory Committee for their input to ‘A Great Inner West Walk’.


3.    That Council convene an internal Project Control Group combining key staff from the traffic, transport, environment and communities directorates to manage the design and implementation of the walk.


4.    That Council allocate the recommended funding in the 2024/25 budgeting planning process to studies and design work for the walk.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Byrne


Councillor Howard left the meeting at 9:42pm as he declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 10 - E-Scooter Trial - T3 Rail Line Closure as he works in the Office of the Minister for Transport, and in that capacity has been directly engaged in work around the Temporary Transport Plan.

The Mayor, Councillor Byrne, returned to the meeting at 9:42pm. The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Smith, vacated the Chair and the Mayor, Councillor Byrne, assumed the Chair. 


Procedural Motion (Atkins/Byrne)


That Council allow Clr Griffiths to speak for 1 additional minute on Item 10.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Howard


C0424(1) Item 10         E-Scooter Trial - T3 Rail Line Closure

Procedural Motion (Scott/Byrne)


That the Motion be put.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Crs Shetty and Stamolis

Absent:                        Cr Howard


Motion: (D’Arienzo/Lockie)


That Council defer consideration of the e-scooter trial pending a comprehensive temporary transport plan from Transport for NSW to support the final conversion phase, to be provided to the Council at the May 2024 meeting with Councillors to be briefed ahead of that meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Howard


Amendment (Griffiths/Atkins)


1.    That in preparation for the rail closure, call on TfNSW to fund active transport and pedestrian safety measures including pop-up cycle ways.


2.    That any future consideration of a e-scooter trial should have a catchment area that links the closed Dulwich Hill and Marrickville stations to both the T2 and T4 lines


Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford and Shetty

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Lockie, Scott, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Absent:                        Cr Howard

Councillor Howard returned to the meeting at 9:51pm.

Councillor Smith left the meeting at 9:51pm.

Councillor Smith returned to the meeting at 9:57pm.

C0424(1) Item 12         Update - Main street Revitalisation Fund

Motion: (Scott/Byrne)


1.    That Council endorse the following projects as recommended by the independent expert panel for the Main Street Revitalisation Fund for further refinement and engagement with the submitters of the projects:


a)    All weather outdoor dining coverage in Marrickville and Leichhardt wards

b)    Footpath Plaques in Marrickville and Balmain wards

c)    Parklet Destinations across the LGA

d)    Shopfront awnings in Balmain ward

e)    Verge Greening across the LGA

f)     Lighting Design Strategy across the LGA

g)    May Street Upgrades, St Peters Triangle in Marrickville ward.


2.    That work on all projects begin immediately commencing with an immediate activation workshop with the submitters.


3.    That a detailed timeline for completion be provided to the May 2024 meeting.


4.    That a public communication strategy about the projects be immediately developed and implemented, that promotes the projects with submitters and community business groups, and which includes a public announcement on final design approval and a public launch of each project.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Amendment (Griffiths)


To replace point 1a with the following wording:

That ‘all weather outdoor dining coverage’, which is designed for private use by specific businesses, is not pursued at this stage and can be revisited alongside contribution arrangements to apply to relevant businesses. Alternatively, the earmarked funding can be contributed to other aspects of the Main Streets Revitalisation Fund.


The amendment lapsed for want of a seconder.


Amendment (Da Cruz/Atkins)


That Council ensure parklets have shade, shelter from rain and the installation incorporate bicycle racks.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford, Shetty and Stamolis

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Lockie, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias


Amendment (Shetty/Stamolis)


That all Councillors be invited.


Motion Tied

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias


The Chairperson used his Casting Vote against the MOTION and the MOTION was lost.


C0424(1) Item 13         FOGO Service - Monthly Update

Motion: (Howard/Byrne)


1.    That Council receive and note the report.


2.    That Council allocate $30,000 from the domestic waste reserve to continue the sanitary items rebate in the 2024/25 budget.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 14         Options to Promote use of Town Halls

Motion: (Smith/Byrne)


1.    That Council promote the use of Town Halls as creative spaces via social media, Council newsletter and banners on town halls.


2.    That Council also directly write to the groups, organisations or individuals outlined below to promote the use of town halls as creative spaces and advise them of the new Venue Hire Grants and Fee Scale Policy:


a)    creative, cultural and artistic groups, organisations, and networks based in the Inner West and neighbouring LGAs, including the Inner West Creative Network and the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance;

b)    groups and individuals who have previously hired a town hall for creative uses, participated in the pilot program, or attended the Arts and Live Music Recovery Summit; and

c)    other creative, cultural and artistic groups and individuals who have performed at Council festivals and other events.


3.    That the proposed total cost of $7,900 be allocated to this project through the third quarter budget review process.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion: (Scott/Howard)


That Council allow Clr Smith to speak for 1 additional minute on Item 15.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 15         Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 18 March 2024

Motion: (Smith/Atkins)


That Council receive the minutes and adopt the recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 18 March 2024, subject to the following amendments:


a)    London Street and Simmons Street, Enmore – Proposed Temporary Road Closure and Partial Road Closure to be deferred until the approval of a Traffic Management Plan by TfNSW, that this Plan address the  potential increase to traffic in neighbouring residential streets and associated safety concerns, and that communication regarding the trial period and a contact for residents to provide feedback directly to council be letterboxed and displayed on the council website;

b)    Amendment to signposted Car Share Vehicles spaces in the Inner West to be deferred pending further review of the signage especially the use of abbreviations; and

c)    That Council defer the item 2 on Jaggers Lane, pending the outcome of the Land and Environment Court matter.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Drury/Byrne)


That Council allow Clr Scott to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 18.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion: (Drury/Howard)


That Council allow Clr Byrne to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 18.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 18         Outcome of Inner West Council's De-Amalgamation Business

Motion: (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That Council receive and note the report, and note:


1.    On 9 December 2021 an optional, non-binding poll of inner west residents was conducted in conjunction with the 2021 local government elections, with a majority of respondents voting to agree that Inner West Council should be “de-amalgamated”.


2.    On 8 May 2022 the newly elected Inner West Council committed to prepare a business case proposal for de-amalgamation.


3.    A business case was prepared by an independent consultant, Morrison Low, and considered in draft and final form at the 13 September and 6 December 2022 Council Meetings.


4.    The business case was approved by Council at the 6 December 2022 meeting and submitted to the Minister for Local Government with an additional independent risk report prepared by Ernst and Young, requested by Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee, on 12 December 2022.


5.    The covering letter to the business case clearly stated that if approved, the independently estimated costs of between $178m and $190m must be paid in full by the NSW Government.


6.    The business case was referred by the Minister to the Boundaries Commission for review and recommendation on 16 January 2023.


7.    The Boundaries Commission’s review included an independent analysis of the estimated costs, and the underlying data sources informing those costs, which was conducted by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and found that the costs would likely be even higher than the initial estimate at up to $200m, and would be borne by ratepayers through rate increases of between $224 and $471 per household per annum, or service cuts.


8.    The Boundaries Commission recommended that the Minister not approve the business case.


9.    The Minister wrote to the Mayor on 15 March 2024 advising that he has exercised his decision making powers under section 218CC(5) of the Local Government Act 1993 and determined to not approve the proposal put forward by Inner West Council for de-amalgamation on the basis that:

a)    He is “not satisfied the Proposal creates three financially sustainable councils.”

b)    “There is a community benefit in the existing Council continuing to provide local government services”.

c)    The proposal “would likely reduce services, and would result in a significant financial burden on ratepayers”.


10.  The Minister’s determination is final.


11.  The Mayor released a public statement on 19 March 2024 accepting the Boundaries Commission’s recommendation and the Minister’s decision and inviting “all Inner West councillors to come together and commit to working to make the Inner West Council even more effective and progressive”.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Lockie, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Langford, Shetty and Stamolis


Confidential session


Procedural Motion: (Scott/Drury)


That Council Suspend Standing Orders and bring forward items 52, 54, 55 and 56 to be dealt with at this time and enter into Confidential Session.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Confidential Session

That in accordance with Section 10A(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, the following matters be considered in Closed Session of Council for the reasons provided:


C0424(1) Item 52 RFT 22-23 - IWC Plumbing Contractors Panel Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business and (Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.


C0424(1) Item 54 Appointment of Independent Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Member (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business. 


C0424(1) Item 55 Licence to Wests Tigers for use of Leichhardt Oval (Section 10A(2)(d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council.


C0424(1) Item 56 Update on the development of Affordable Housing on Council land (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.


Procedural Motion (Byrne/Lockie)


That Council move back into the Open Session of the Council Meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


resolutions passed during closed session


C0424(1) Item 52         RFT 22-23 - IWC Plumbing Contractors Panel

Motion: (Drury/Scott)


1.    That Council accepts the preferred contractors/suppliers listed below as the successful tender respondents for the Plumbing Contractors Panel in the Inner West Council area, for a period of 3 years with an option for 1 + 1 extensions:



a)   Flash Plumbing Services

b)   Chips Property Trade Services

c)   Aquest Plumbing Pty Ltd

d)   Burn Plumbing Pty Ltd


2.    That Council inform the unsuccessful tenderers of the resolution to decline to accept those tenders.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 54         Appointment of Independent Audit, Risk and Improvement
         Committee (ARIC) Member

Motion: (Scott/Atkins)


That Council defer this matter to receive a Councillor briefing on the recruitment and appointment of members to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Byrne/Smith)


That Council Suspend Standing Orders and bring forward Item 56 to be dealt with at this time.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 56         Update on the development of Affordable Housing on Council

Motion: (Smith/Griffiths)


1.    That Council approves the preparation and launch to the open market of an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to review, and potentially select and enter into contracts with suitably qualified, experienced and capable Community Housing Providers (CHPs) to finance, develop, operate and manage affordable housing on up to three shortlisted Council-owned car park sites.


2.    That the EOI for the development of affordable housing on shortlisted Council-owned car park sites include an obligation to maintain public car parking on site, to reflect current utilisation, in accordance with car park studies that have been undertaken.


3.    That following the evaluation of the EOI for development of affordable housing on Council-owned car park sites, a report be brought back to Council detailing the outcomes of the process.


4.    That Council notes the update on the development of affordable housing at Hay Street.


5.    That Council approve the additional recommendations contained within Confidential Attachment 1.


6.    That Council’s executive staff update the Council in confidential session every month on the progress of negotiations with Community Housing Providers and adjustment of any or all of the below development levers.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 55         Licence to Wests Tigers for use of Leichhardt Oval

Motion: (Byrne/Drury)


1.    That Council as the Crown land manager of Leichhardt Park (D500207):


a)    resolves to grant a licence of Leichhardt Park Oval No.1 to Wests Tigers Rugby League Football Pty Ltd (the Wests Tigers) for rugby league matches and training; and


b)    authorises the General Manager or delegate to execute the licence.


2.    That Council note the licence fee for the hiring of Leichhardt Oval on game day for the men's NRL team has been determined to cover the cleaning costs and other match day costs incurred by Inner West Council.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Scott/Howard)


That Council Suspend Standing Orders and bring forward Item 23 to be dealt with at this time.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 23         Mandatory Reporting to Council of Reports Received from

Motion: (Griffiths/Scott)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


C0424(1) Item 19         Investment Report at 29 February 2024

Motion: Scott/Stamolis)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Byrne/Smith)


That Council defer Items 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42 and 44 to the next Ordinary Council meeting on 21 May 2024.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil



Meeting closed 11:00pm



Public Speakers:



Item #




Item 1:

Alex Lofts

Summer Hill

Item 2:

Yashmin Lance


Item 3:

Emily Lockwood

Brett Burton

Summer Hill


Item 5:

Sarah Low

Mareike Riedel

Dr David K Wood




Item 15:

Edward Walsh

Doug Rosser

Martin Ellis

Stephen Cheshire

Huw Davies

John Cox

Rory Steinle-Davies

Despina Langella









Item 18:

Pip Hinman


Item 29:

Sean Mulcahy

Alastair Lawrie

St Kilda

West Wollongong

Item 32:

Cynthia Nadai


Item 37:

Brian Halstead

Daniel Lahood

Michele Hacking

Spit Junction



Item 39:

Brian Halstead

Michele Hacking

Pip Hinman

Spit Junction



Item 45:

Gisele Mesnage 


Item 51:

Cynthia Nadai


Item 56:

John Engeler






















The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 9th April, 2024 were confirmed as a correct record on this 21st day of May 2024.