Local Traffic Committee Meeting

Minutes 15 April 2024



Minutes of Meeting held on 15 April 2024


Meeting commenced at 11:03 AM







I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country we are meeting today, and their elders past and present.




Manod Wickramasinghe

IWC’s Traffic and Transport Planning Manager (Chair)

Bill Holliday

Representative for Jamie Parker MP, Member for Balmain

Graeme McKay

Representative for Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill

Nina Fard

Transport for NSW (TfNSW)






Roderick Primerano    

Representative for U-Go Mobility

Michael Takla

Representative for Transit Systems

Felicia Lau

IWC’s Acting Coordinator Traffic Engineering Services (North)

George Tsaprounis

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Engineering Services (South)

Christy Li

IWC’s Business Administration Officer







Nathan English

Resident (Item 1)







Mayor Darcy Byrne

Councillor – Baludarri-Balmain Ward

Eleanor Nurse

Representative for Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown









That the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee held on Monday, 18 March 2024 be confirmed.















The Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 18 March 2024 were adopted at Council’s meeting held on 05 March 2024 subject to the following adjustments:


1.       London Street and Simmons Street, Enmore – Proposed Temporary Road Closure and Partial Road Closure to be deferred until the approval of a Traffic Management Plan by TfNSW, that this Plan address the  potential increase to traffic in neighbouring residential streets and associated safety concerns, and that communication regarding the trial period and a contact for residents to provide feedback directly to council be letterboxed and displayed on the council website;

2.       Amendment to signposted Car Share Vehicles spaces in the Inner West to be deferred pending further review of the signage especially the use of abbreviations; and

3.       That Council defer the item 2 on Jaggers Lane, pending the outcome of the Land and Environment Court matter.


LTC0424(1) Item 1       Jane Street, Balmain - Proposed Adjustment to No Stopping Restriction (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



This report outlines the current traffic and parking issues at the ‘Children Crossing’ outside Father John Therry’s Catholic Primary School on Jane Street, Balmain during school peak hours. Council proposes to extend the ‘No Stopping’ hours to address the issues raised.


Officers Recommendation:


That the existing ‘No Stopping 8:30AM – 9:30AM & 3:00PM – 3:30PM School Days’ restriction at the children crossing outside Fr John Therry’s Catholic Primary School on Jane Street, Balmain be amended to ‘No Stopping 8:15AM – 9:15AM & 2:30PM – 3:30PM School Days’ as per the plan in Attachment 1.




Public Speaker Nathan English entered the meeting at 11:04AM


Mr English supported the recommendation and advised that the times on the ‘No Stopping’ signs should be updated to reflect the hours the crossing supervisors are on shift to assist them with their duties. Mr English noted that due to the current inaccuracies of times on the signs, there have been issues with cars parking within the times the crossing supervisors are working causing delays, issues and distractions whilst they try to supervise children crossing the road. Mr English also raised concerns regarding the crossing on Eaton Street stating that the current infrastructure is inadequate as many people cannot tell where the crossing is and would like to request that Council investigate the option of getting the Eaton Street crossing upgraded.


The Representative for the Member of Balmain questioned if the proposed times in the recommendation were appropriate. Mr English advised that those timeframes would be the minimum to ensure that the crossing supervisors working times were covered.


Mr English questioned if the proposed time amendments would also be reflected in the Eaton Street crossing. Council Officers advised that this proposal is only seeking approval to update the Jane Street, Balmain signage however, Council Officers are currently reviewing the children crossing in Eaton Street.


The Representative for the Member of Balmain noted that as the Jane Street, Balmain crossing is being used during the day, whether Council could upgrade the crossing to a pedestrian crossing.


Council Officers advised that they will have officers review and investigate the possibility of upgrading the Jane Street crossing to a pedestrian crossing.


The Representative for the Member of Balmain questioned whether the issues Mr English raised regarding Eaton Street should be submitted by the school in writing.


Council Officers confirmed that queries should be submitted in writing so Council can investigate their concerns.


The Representative for the Member of Balmain suggested the possibility of implementing a 30km/h school zone.


The Representative for Transport for NSW advised that TfNSW is currently reviewing the 40km/h blanket approval in the Inner West and that there are currently no plans to reduce the speed limit any further.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the existing ‘No Stopping 8:30AM – 9:30AM & 3:00PM – 3:30PM School Days’ restriction at the children crossing outside Fr John Therry’s Catholic Primary School on Jane Street, Balmain be amended to ‘No Stopping 8:15AM – 9:15AM & 2:30PM – 3:30PM School Days’ as per the plan in Attachment 1.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0424(1) Item 2       Alberto Street, Lilyfield - Proposed Kerb Extension (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



Council is planning to improve safety for pedestrians and other road users in Alberto Street, Lilyfield at its intersection with Balmain Road by constructing two kerb blister islands and two kerb ramps. The works aim to improve pedestrian safety by better defining pedestrian crossing points and reducing the road crossing width in Alberto Street.


The proposed ‘No Stopping’ distance on the eastern side of Alberto Street is proposed to be reduced from the statutory 10m (from the intersection) to 5.2m which will create a new parking space. A risk assessment for the reduced ‘No Stopping’ has been submitted to Transport for NSW and has been approved.


Officers Recommendation:


That the attached detailed design plan (Design Plan No.10253) for the proposed kerb extensions on Alberto Street at the intersection with Balmain Road, Lilyfield be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the attached detailed design plan (Design Plan No.10253) for the proposed kerb extensions on Alberto Street at the intersection with Balmain Road, Lilyfield be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0424(1) Item 3       Boomerang Street, Haberfield - Pedestrian Crossing Line Markings (Gulgadya-Leichhardt Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



Council has received several concerns from residents regarding vehicles not slowing down as they approach the pedestrian crossing at Boomerang Street near the intersection with Loudon Avenue, Haberfield.


In response, council is proposing to install Zig Zag line markings on both approaches to the crossing to indicate to motorists that a pedestrian crossing is ahead.


Officers Recommendation:


That the installation of Zig Zag line markings on both approaches to the pedestrian crossing on Boomerang Street near the intersection with Loudon Avenue, Haberfield be approved.




The Representative for the Member of Summer Hill questioned if the Zig Zag line markings make a difference in reducing vehicular speed.


The Representative for Transport for NSW advised these line markings are usually installed where sightlines are impaired to indicate that there is a pedestrian crossing ahead. It was also noted that the purpose of these line markings is to provide advanced warning to motorists to slow down in preparation of the upcoming pedestrian crossing.   


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the installation of Zig Zag line markings on both approaches to the pedestrian crossing on Boomerang Street near the intersection with Loudon Avenue, Haberfield be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0424(1) Item 4       Lewisham Street, Dulwich Hill - Proposed one-way (westbound) restriction (Djarrawunang-Dulwich Hill Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report discusses further investigations into the one-way (westbound) proposal on Lewisham Street, between The Boulevarde and New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill which was identified in the Dulwich Hill North Local Traffic Management Plan (LATM) 2016. It provides context on the origin of the proposal, and further assessment on the proposal with respect to current traffic conditions. An extensive consultation summary is provided with a final revised proposal.


Officers Recommendation:


That the proposed one-way (westbound) restriction on Lewisham Street, between The Boulevarde and New Canterbury Road, Dulwich HIll be reassessed upon the completion of the Hoskins Park Precinct (Arlington Grove), to determine if the traffic conditions on Lewisham Street reflect the forecasted traffic volumes from the Dulwich Hill LATM 2016 Plan, and determine if the proposed one-way (westbound) restriction is warranted.




The Representative for the Member of Balmain suggested that ‘Bicycles excepted’ be implemented into the recommendation.


Council Officers advised they would consider the suggestion once the reassessment has been undertaken. 


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the proposed one-way (westbound) restriction on Lewisham Street, between The Boulevarde and New Canterbury Road, Dulwich HIll be reassessed upon the completion of the Hoskins Park Precinct (Arlington Grove), to determine if the traffic conditions on Lewisham Street reflect the forecasted traffic volumes from the Dulwich Hill LATM 2016 Plan, and determine if the proposed one-way (westbound) restriction is warranted.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0424(1) Item 5       Hercules Street, Fox's Lane & Drakes Lane, Ashfield-Temporary Full Road closures (ENRC/2024/0016) 'Culture X Ashfield Music Festival' - Sunday 8 September 2024 (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



Inner West Council is partnering with Sacred Currents to present the Culture X Ashfield festival on Sunday 8 September 2024. The event will feature cross-cultural music that celebrates the diversity of the Inner West community.


Officers Recommendation:


1.         That the proposed temporary full road closures of Hercules Street, (between Liverpool Road and Brown Street), Fox’s Lane (between Liverpool Road and Brown Street) and Drakes Lane (off Hercules Street), Ashfield, be APPROVED for the purpose of holding a ‘Culture X Ashfield’ music Festival on Sunday 8 September 2024 between 3.00am to 11.59pm. The closures as per the submitted TGS and TMP are subject to the following specific conditions and all other standard Council conditions for the temporary full road closures.

2.         That a Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre.

3.         That notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigade and the NSW Ambulance Services.

4.         That all residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders.

5.         That a minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available, where required, for emergency vehicles through the closed sections.

6.         That the occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.




The Representative for Transit Systems advised that the traffic control company who prepared the Traffic Management Plan had contacted him for diversions for the 464 bus service. The Representative for Transit Systems also advised that that particular stop on Brown Street, Ashfield is a terminus point as well as a starting point for the service so they will be diverting the service via Fredrick Street, Ashfield.


The Representative for Transit Systems further advised that they are ready to commence communications to nearby residents and businesses and asked which team in Council will be responsible for the customer facing side of the festival.


Council Officers advised they will get back to The Representative for Transit Systems regarding the best contact in Council for the customer facing and communication side of the event.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That the proposed temporary full road closures of Hercules Street, (between Liverpool Road and Brown Street), Fox’s Lane (between Liverpool Road and Brown Street) and Drakes Lane (off Hercules Street), Ashfield, be APPROVED for the purpose of holding a ‘Culture X Ashfield’ music Festival on Sunday 8 September 2024 between 3.00am to 11.59pm. The closures as per the submitted TGS and TMP are subject to the following specific conditions and all other standard Council conditions for the temporary full road closures.


2.   That a Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre.


3.   That notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigade and the NSW Ambulance Services.


4.   That all residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders.


5.   That a minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available, where required, for emergency vehicles through the closed sections.


6.   That the occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0424(1) Item 6       Illawarra Road, Marrickville Near Thornley Street - Proposed Upgrade Of Existing Pedestrian Crossing (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Council at its meeting held in March 2024, resolved to investigate safety of the pedestrian crossing on Illawarra Road at Yirran Gumal Early Learning Centre.


Previously minor pedestrian improvements have been made to this crossing, however on this occasion Council Officers have examined the possibility of raising this crossing. An initial investigation revealed that raising this crossing is feasible, subject to detailed design and community engagement.


Therefore, it is recommended that a proposed raised pedestrian crossing be supported in principle and that a detailed design of the proposal be bought back to the Committee for consideration.


Officers Recommendation:


That the upgrade of the existing pedestrian (zebra) crossing on Illawarra Road near Thornley Street to a raised crossing facility be approved in principle and that the detail design be bought back to the Traffic Committee for consideration.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the upgrade of the existing pedestrian (zebra) crossing on Illawarra Road near Thornley Street to a raised crossing facility be approved in principle and that the detail design be bought back to the Traffic Committee for consideration.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0424(1) Item 7       Wells Avenue, Tempe - Proposed Relocation Of Existing Marked Parking Bay (Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward/ Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Council has received a request from a resident to further review the current parking arrangements outside No.13 Wells Avenue, Tempe. It is recommended that the existing marked parking bay be relocated as outlined in this report.


Officers Recommendation:


That the existing linemarked parking bay at the dead-end in Wells Avenue, Tempe outside No.13 be relocated as per the attached sign and linemarking plan.




Council Officers tabled correspondence submitted by a resident of 15 Wells Avenue, Tempe. The resident was opposed to the recommendation and raised concerns that the reduction of the footpath access will make it more difficult for pedestrians to access the footpath causing potential safety hazards. The resident noted that this will also leave no space for residents to place their bins out for collection and raised concerns that this will hinder their weekly bin collection services. The resident noted that most properties on Wells Avenue with the exception of his property at 15 Wells Avenue, all have long driveways and that erecting a ‘No Parking’ sign will not inconvenience any residents on the street. The resident noted that there is precedence of a ‘No Parking’ sign erected in front of the property of 16 Wells Avenue at the upper end of the Wells Avenue cul-de-sac and advised that the upper end of the cul-de-sac has a larger space for vehicles to manoeuvre, including a ‘No Parking’ sign in comparison to the lower end of the cul-de-sac which does not have ‘No Parking’ signs and no space for vehicles to manoeuvre. The resident also noted that during the public consultation, no responses were received from No.13 Wells Avenue however there were 2 responses received from No.15 Wells Avenue.


The Representative for Transport for NSW advised they would not be able to support the proposed recommendation of footpath parking unless a formal shared zone is implemented. The Representative for Transport for NSW also raised concerns of emergency vehicles being able to access the property if required.


Given the concerns, Council Officers proposed that the recommendation be amended so that the existing marked parking bay at the dead end of Wells Avenue, Tempe outside of property No.13 be removed and replace with a ‘No Parking’ zone extending to the dead end.’


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s proposed amended recommendation.




That the existing marked parking bay at the dead end of Wells Avenue, Tempe outside of property No.13 Wells Avenue be removed and replaced with a ‘No Parking’ zone extending to the dead end of the street.


For Motion: Unanimous



General Business:


Item 8: Request for ‘One Way’ streets in the Balmain ward to allow bidirectional movements from bicycles. 


The Representative for the Member of Balmain suggested that Council consider the possibility of permitting ‘One Way’ streets in the Balmain ward to allow bidirectional movements from bicycles through the implementation of signage.


Council Officers advised that Council is currently looking into a LATM Study for the Balmain East and Birchgrove area and requested that the Representative for the Member of Balmain send through a list of streets he would like reviewed so that Council Officers can investigate.



Meeting closed at 11.44am.




Manod Wickramasinghe