Council Meeting
3 September 2024
Minutes of
Ordinary Council Meeting held on 3 September 2024 at
Ashfield Service
Meeting commenced
at 6:35pm
Darcy Byrne
Chloe Smith
Liz Atkins
Marghanita Da Cruz
Jessica D’Arienzo
Mark Drury
Mathew Howard
Justine Langford
Pauline Lockie
Philippa Scott
Kobi Shetty
John Stamolis
Timothy Stephens
Zoi Tsardoulias
Peter Gainsford
Simone Plummer
Deputy Mayor
Director Planning
Manod Wickramasinghe
Acting Director Infrastructure
Ruth Callaghan
Melanie Gurney
Julian Sakarai
Matthew Pearce
Ken Welsh
Chris Sleiman
Director Community
Acting Director Corporate
Acting Senior Manager Governance and Risk
General Counsel
Coordinator Strategic Transport Planning
Chief Financial Officer
Paper Coordinator
Paper Officer
That apologies from
Councillor Griffiths be accepted.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Councillor Atkins declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary
interest in Item 5 - 2024 Inner West Council Annual Grants, as they are a
member of the Older Women’s Network which is a recipient of grants. They
will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting, as they are a member
only and not involved in management or administration, nor is there any
reasonable likelihood of financial gain or loss to them nor a close associate.
Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary
interest in Item 9 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 17 June 2024 and 15 July
2024 and Item 13 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 19 August 2024 as he works
in the Ministerial Office of the Minister for Transport, who in his capacity as
the Member for Summer Hill has a representative on the Local Traffic Committee.
He will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting as the vote of the
State Member is exercised through a representative.
Councillor Howard declared a significant, pecuniary interest
in Item 18 - Inner West Cycling Update as his primary residence is located on
one of the streets where works are being discussed. He will leave the meeting
for discussion and voting.
Councillor Howard declared a non-significant,
non-pecuniary interest in Item 19 - Pathway to a Safer Cooks River Walking and
Cycling Trail as he works in the office of the Minister for Transport. This
item references the closure of the T3 Bankstown Line but does not substantively
regard that matter and as such, he does not believe it constitutes a
significant conflict and so will remain in the meeting for discussion and
Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest
in Item 36 - Notice of Motion: Tempe Train Station Accessibility and Item 39 - Notice
of Motion: Lewisham Town Centre Upgrade as he works in the office of the
Minister for Transport and in that capacity has been directly engaged in work
around station upgrades. Out of an abundance of caution, and to avoid any
perception of risk, he will remove himself from the meeting during discussion
and voting.
Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary
interest in Item 55 - Bridgewater Park Construction Lease to Transport for NSW,
as he works in the Office of the Minister for Transport. As this is a legal
matter that involves Transport for NSW, and out of an abundance of caution so
as to avoid any perception of conflict, he will leave the meeting during
discussion and voting.
Councillor Smith declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary
interest in Item 9 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 17 June 2024 and 15 July
2024 as her principal place of residence which she rents is on Railway Street,
Petersham is within the Petersham North LATM Plan precinct (Item 4 of the LTC
meeting minutes) and a number of treatments are recommended for that street
within the report. As she does not own the property in question, she will
remain in the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter.
Councillor Shetty declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary
interest in Item 9 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 17 June 2024 and 15 July
2024 and Item 13 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 19 August 2024 as she is
the State Member for Balmain and has a representative on the Local Traffic
Committee. She will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting as the
vote of the State Member is exercised through a representative.
The Mayor, Councillor Byrne declared a
non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in relation to Item 1 - Draft Council
Submission - Greater Sydney City Parklands and Callan Park Plan of Management
and Item 44 - Notice of Motion: Callan Park Playing Fields out of abundance of
caution due to his being Council's delegate to the Callan Park Community Board.
However, he noted that Clause 4.6(o) of the Code of Conduct provides that an
interest arising from the appointment of a councillor to a body as a representative
or delegate of the Council, whether or not a fee or other recompense is payable
to the representative or delegate, which in this case it does not, is not
required to be disclosed and as such he will remain in the meeting during
discussion and voting.
Councillor Stamolis declared a non-significant,
non-pecuniary interest in Item 1 - Draft Council Submission - Greater Sydney
Parklands and Callan Park Plan of Management and Item 44 - Notice of Motion:
Callan Park Playing Fields, as he is a long standing member of the Friends of
Callan Park.
Council note the disclosures of interest.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Motion: (Scott/Langford)
That the Minutes of the Council held on Tuesday, 13
August 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
The registered speakers
were asked to address the meeting. The list of speakers is available on the last
page of these minutes.
Condolence Motion: Carol Carney
Motion: (Tsardoulias/Howard)
That the Inner West Council record our
sadness of the passing of Carol Carney and write to the family expressing our
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Scott/Atkins)
That Council Suspend Standing Orders to bring forward the
following items to be dealt with at this time:
- Item 3 Post
Exhibition - Naming Policy
- Item 6 Lunar New
Year 2025 Celebrations Proposed Program
- Item 7 Arts and
Music Recovery Plan - Bi-Monthly Update
- Item 10 Customer
Service in Development Assessments - Bi-Monthly Report
- Item 12 Direct
Employment Of People With A Disability - Bi-Monthly Report
- Item 13 Local
Traffic Committee Meeting – 19 August 2024
- Item 16 Investment
Report at 30 June 2024
- Item 20 Rezoning of
Leichhardt Bowling Club
- Item 21 FOGO
Monthly Update - August 2024
- Item 23 Councillor
Expenses for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
- Item 24 2023-2024
Annual Disclosures of Interest and Designated Persons Disclosures of
- Item 27 Notice of
Motion: No Net Dwelling Loss Rules
- Item 30 Notice of
Motion: St Peters Interchange Contamination
- Item 35 Notice of
Motion: Supporting Visual Artists and Writers to find Affordable Spaces to
Work in the Inner West
- Item 37 Notice of
Motion: Pedestrian Safety on Brighton Street, Petersham
- Item 38 Notice of
Motion: West Street and Railway Terrace Intersection
- Item 40 Notice of
Motion: Pedestrian Crossings on Marrickville Road
- Item 41 Notice of Motion:
Polly's Club
- Item 42 Notice of
Motion: Taxis and abandoned vehicles in South Marrickville
- Item 43 Notice of
Motion: Rubbish in Tempe Reserve, Tempe; Peace Park, Marrickville;
Sydenham Green and the Amy Street Playground, Marrickville (Henson Park)
- Item 45 Notice of
Motion: Hinsby Park and Piper Street North and South
- Item 47 Notice Of
Motion: Temporary Use Of Hoskins Park And Laxton Reserve As Off-Leash
- Item 48 Notice Of
Motion: Livingstone Road And Hill Street, Marrickville
- Item 54 Major
Capital Projects Committee and Project Summary Report
- Item 56 Quarterly
Strategic Investment Property Report
- Item 57 Appointment
of Independent Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Members
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Scott/Atkins)
That the following items be moved in globo and the
recommendations contained within the report be adopted:
- Item 3 Post
Exhibition - Naming Policy
- Item 6 Lunar New
Year 2025 Celebrations Proposed Program
- Item 7 Arts and
Music Recovery Plan - Bi-Monthly Update
- Item 10 Customer
Service in Development Assessments - Bi-Monthly Report
- Item 12 Direct
Employment Of People With A Disability - Bi-Monthly Report
- Item 13 Local
Traffic Committee Meeting – 19 August 2024
- Item 16 Investment
Report at 30 June 2024
- Item 20 Rezoning of
Leichhardt Bowling Club
- Item 21 FOGO
Monthly Update - August 2024
- Item 23 Councillor
Expenses for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
- Item 24 2023-2024
Annual Disclosures of Interest and Designated Persons Disclosures of
- Item 27 Notice of Motion:
No Net Dwelling Loss Rules
- Item 30 Notice of
Motion: St Peters Interchange Contamination
- Item 35 Notice of
Motion: Supporting Visual Artists and Writers to find Affordable Spaces to
Work in the Inner West
- Item 37 Notice of
Motion: Pedestrian Safety on Brighton Street, Petersham
- Item 38 Notice of
Motion: West Street and Railway Terrace Intersection
- Item 40 Notice of
Motion: Pedestrian Crossings on Marrickville Road
- Item 41 Notice of
Motion: Polly's Club
- Item 42 Notice of
Motion: Taxis and abandoned vehicles in South Marrickville
- Item 43 Notice of
Motion: Rubbish in Tempe Reserve, Tempe; Peace Park, Marrickville;
Sydenham Green and the Amy Street Playground, Marrickville (Henson Park)
- Item 45 Notice of Motion:
Hinsby Park and Piper Street North and South
- Item 47 Notice Of
Motion: Temporary Use Of Hoskins Park And Laxton Reserve As Off-Leash
- Item 48 Notice Of
Motion: Livingstone Road And Hill Street, Marrickville
- Item 54 Major
Capital Projects Committee and Project Summary Report
- Item 56 Quarterly
Strategic Investment Property Report
- Item 57 Appointment
of Independent Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Members
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 3 Post Exhibition - Naming Policy
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That
Council adopt the Naming Policy.
2. That
Council update the Policy Register and publish, as applicable, internally,
and externally the adopted Naming Policy.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 6 Lunar New Year 2025 Celebrations
Proposed Program
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council approve
the expanded Lunar New Year Celebrations for 2025.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 7 Arts and Music Recovery Plan -
Bi-Monthly Update
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council endorse that future updates regarding the
Arts and Music Recovery Plan will be provided to Councillors, as required,
noting that the implementation plan is being reported to Council quarterly
via the operational plan.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
C0924(1) Item 10 Customer
Service in Development Assessments - Bi-Monthly
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council endorse that future updates regarding the
Development Assessment Customer Service Action Plan will be provided to
Councillors, as required, noting that the implementation plan is being
reported to Council quarterly via the operational plan.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 12 Direct Employment of
people with a disability - Bi-monthly
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council endorse that future updates regarding the
Direct Employment of People with a Disability will be provided to
Councillors, as required, noting that the implementation of the
recommendations are being reported to Senior Executive Team of Council.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 13 Local Traffic
Committee Meeting - 19 August 2024
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council receive the minutes and adopt the
recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 19 August
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 16 Investment Report at
30 June 2024
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 20 Rezoning of
Leichhardt Bowling Club
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 21 FOGO Monthly Update -
August 2024
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 23 Councillor Expenses
for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 24 2023-2024 Annual
Disclosures of Interest and Designated
Persons Disclosures of
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 27 Notice of Motion: No
Net Dwelling Loss Rules
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council prepare a planning proposal to
include objectives and controls in the Inner West Local Environment Plan 2022
to protect against the net reduction of dwellings on a development site to be
brought to Council early in 2025.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 30 Notice of Motion: St
Peters Interchange Contamination
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That
Council notes that on 25 June 2024, the NSW Environment Protection Authority
(EPA) declared the St Peters Interchange site significantly contaminated
based on high methane and carbon dioxide concentrations stemming from historic
use of the site as a landfill.
2. That
Council notes that concerns about pollution at the site have been raised by
the community and Council for many years, and there has been a long history
of unsafe and illegal contamination issues here.
3. That
Council notes that Transport for NSW has consistently failed to publish all
of the pollution data it is required to monitor and report as a condition of
its Environment Protection Licence for the site, and that the reports it has
published have had serious errors and omissions.
4. That
Council notes that the EPA has consistently failed to take compliance action
against Transport for NSW for these monitoring and reporting breaches,
despite repeated requests from Council and the community.
5. That
Council notes that the parklands that were supposed to be provided at the St
Peters Interchange under the conditions of approval for WestConnex, including
the park at the corner of Princes Highway and Canal Road that was due to open
in 2019, have still not been delivered, and that no timeframe has been given
for the delivery of these parklands.
6. That
Council writes to the Minister for the Environment and the EPA to request
that they:
provide an urgent briefing as to why the EPA has chosen to
declare the site as significantly contaminated now, when pollution issues
have existed here for many years, and what this will mean for the ongoing
management of the site;
keep our local community fully informed of the actions the EPA
will be taking to resolve contamination issues at the site, including regular
updates to Council;
share any reports that the EPA has ordered Transport for NSW to
provide in relation to the site with Council as soon as possible, as
previously requested by Council on multiple occasions; and
take enforcement action on any breaches on any non-compliance
issues and licence breaches at the site to protect our local community, and
keep Council updated on those actions.
7. That
Council continues to call on the NSW Government to work with Council to identify
an alternative site to provide genuine parkland for the community as
compensation for the impacts of WestConnex.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 35 Notice of Motion:
Supporting Visual Artists and Writers to find
Affordable Spaces to Work in
the Inner West
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council investigate and report back on Council-owned
properties and spaces across the Inner West that are suitable for ongoing use
by visual artists and writers.
That Council meet with Brand X, who collaborated with Council
on the Tempe Jets live music hub, from 2014-2024, to discuss opportunities to
re-purpose vacant Council properties and spaces into affordable cultural
places where visual artists and writers have security of tenure.
That Council seek grants and opportunities from Federal and
State arts agencies, including Creative Australia, to support artists to
locate and establish affordable creative spaces in the Local Government Area.
That Council investigate ways that Council can support artists
and writers in the establishment of new creative spaces, such as education on
permissible use and in sourcing specialist service providers including Building
and Fire Safety Certifiers and Town Planners.
That Council suggest ways that Council can incentivise property
owners to rent their premises to creatives.
That Council note the success of the Inner West Writer in
Residence program for emerging writers, conducted recently at the NSW
Writer’s Centre.
That Council support local writers by identifying Council-owned
spaces across the Inner West that are suitable for a Writer in Residence
program for established writers over the age of 18.
That Council investigate opportunities for further
collaboration with Writing NSW to support emerging and established writers
across the Inner West.
9. That
Council bring a report back to the November 2024 Council meeting on all the
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 37 Notice of Motion:
Pedestrian Safety on Brighton Street,
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That Council notes the concerns of local
residents about speeding vehicles on Brighton Street travelling from West
Street, particularly given proximity to a pre-school and Petersham Park, and
the frequency of heavy vehicles accessing Brighton Street as a rat run
despite existing restrictions.
2. That as part of the Petersham North LATM
Plan endorsed by the Traffic Committee, Council investigate and
expedite measures to prevent speeding and improve pedestrian safety
on Brighton Street, including but not limited to:
reducing the speed limit to
installation of raised
pedestrian crossings on Brighton Street at the Petersham Park gate, Palace
Street and Railway Street intersections;
installation of a pedestrian
island; and
installation of additional
speed humps and kerb blisters,
3. That Council write to Transport for NSW
seeking advice on how existing heavy vehicle restrictions on Brighton Street
can be better enforced and what other measures council can take to deter
heavy vehicle through access.
4. That Council receive a report back on the
above to the Traffic Committee.
5. That following endorsement of the
Petersham North LATM Plan, Council write to residents on Brighton Street and
neighbouring streets to advise them of what action Council is taking to
improve pedestrian safety.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 38 Notice of Motion:
West Street and Railway Terrace Intersection
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That Council note long-standing concerns
of and advocacy by local residents and the Petersham Public School P&C
about pedestrian safety at the West Street and Railway Terrace
2. That Council note works that were
completed by council in this term to improve safety, including kerb expansion
and installation of fencing around the intersection.
3. That Council, noting that both roads
concerned are state and regional roads, write to Transport for NSW:
advocating that the speed
limit on Railway Terrace to be reduced to 50km/h;
requesting consideration of a
scramble crossing at the intersection to provide additional and clearly
marked pedestrian crossing options;
requesting a review of safety
and performance of traffic light signals; and
consideration of other
measures to help improve pedestrian safety at the intersection.
4. That Council receive a report back to the
Traffic Committee on the above.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 40 Notice of Motion:
Pedestrian Crossings on Marrickville Road
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That
Council note resident concerns that motorists often speed through the
pedestrian crossings in the town centre of Marrickville, including those at
Marrickville Road/Despointes Street, Marrickville Road/Gladstone Street and
Illawarra Road at the Calvert Street carpark.
2. That Council conduct a safety review of
these pedestrian crossings with a view to making them safer for pedestrians,
cyclists and all road users.
3. That Council report the safety review to
the Local Traffic Committee by November 2024.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 41 Notice of Motion:
Pollys Club
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That Council congratulate the Pollys Club
on the occasion of their 60th Anniversary, making them the longest
continuously running LGBTIQA+ social group in Australia.
2. That Council recognise the extraordinary contribution
the Pollys have made to the Marrickville and Inner West Community over many
decades, including hosting their annual dances at Marrickville Town Hall,
raising money for charities focused on men’s health, women’s
health, youth health, mental health and animal welfare.
3. That Council thanks members of the Pollys
Club, including the current President David Haynes, for their contribution to
vulnerable people within the LGBTIQA+ community.
4. That Council notes there is a plaque on
the Rainbow Seats on Marrickville Road recognising the Pollys Club and their
ongoing connection to Marrickville Town Hall.
5. That Council includes a feature on the
Pollys Club in an upcoming Council community news.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 42 Notice of Motion:
Taxis and abandoned vehicles in South
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council notes the recent
resolutions passed by Inner West Council to help manage the growing problem
of abandoned taxis and vehicles in South Marrickville.
That Council acknowledges
residents are understandably frustrated and eager for the issue to be
resolved, with some cars reported left on residential streets for weeks and
That Council notes council
staff are currently consulting residents on a resident parking scheme in
affected streets in South Marrickville.
That Council requests staff
continue engaging with businesses in Carrington Road about the impact of
leaving taxis and abandoned vehicles on local streets, demand they cease this
practice and work with them to find alternative options for parking to
resolve the issue.
That Council requests staff
write an urgent letter to the Minister for Local Government, the Hon Ron
Hoenig, explaining the extent of the issue and seeking greater powers to act
in instances where private businesses are impacting residential parking.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 43 Notice of Motion:
Rubbish in Tempe Reserve, Tempe; Peace
Park, Marrickville; Sydenham
Green and the Amy Street
Playground, Marrickville
(Henson Park)
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council note the growing
and persistent issue of rubbish being left in larger parks across the
Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward, including Tempe Reserve, Peace Park, Sydenham
Green and the Amy Street playground.
That Council note resident frustration
about this issue and the risks associated with accumulated garbage in these
locations, particularly for the children, dogs and residents who use them
throughout the week.
That Council request staff
undertake regular, additional clean up and maintenance of these parks on
weekends and Monday mornings and to review the capacity of the existing bins
at each park, with services and additional or upgraded bins funded through
the next quarterly budget review process.
That Council request that the
red-lid garbage bins at the Amy Street Park be replaced with metal bins to
limit illegal dumping at the location.
That Council report back to
Councillors via councillor briefing about the additional actions being taken
to resolve this issue.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 45 Notice of Motion:
Hinsby Park and Piper Street North and South
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That Council convene an onsite meeting
at Hinsby Park in Annandale to consult local residents about potential
improvements to the Park as well as improving traffic management around the
Park, including consideration of making Piper Street north and south one way.
2. That a report on the outcomes of the
consultation be reported to the November 2024 Ordinary Council meeting.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 47 Notice of Motion:
Temporary Use of Hoskins Park and Laxton
Reserve as Off-Leash
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That
Council allows the temporary use of Hoskins Park and Laxton Reserve as
designated off-leash dog areas during specific hours on certain days while
Johnson Park in Dulwich Hill is closed for essential construction
2. That
Council sets the designated off-leash hours as follows:
Laxton Reserve: Monday to
Friday, 6:00 am – 8:00 am and 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Hoskins Park: Saturday
and Sunday 6:00 am – 8:00 am and 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
3. That Council installs appropriate signage
and facilities at Hoskins Park and Laxton Reserve to designate the area as
off-leash during the period of Johnson Park's closure.
4. That Council ensures that nearby residents
and park users are informed of the temporary change and that feedback from
the community is considered throughout this period.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 48 Notice of Motion:
Livingstone Road and Hill Street, Marrickville
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
1. That
Council note that residents report a several accidents and incidents at the
intersection of Hill Street and Livingstone Road, Marrickville.
2. That
Council investigate the installation of a roundabout at the intersection to
improve safety at the intersection.
3. That
Council formally review safety at the intersection, including surveying local
residents, and report back to the Local Traffic Committee by the end of 2024
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 54 Major Capital
Projects Committee and Project Summary Report
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council receive and note the minutes of
the Major Capital Projects Committee meetings held on
27 May 2024 and 24 June 2024.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 56 Quarterly Strategic
Investment Property Report
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council
receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 57 Appointment of
Independent Audit, Risk and Improvement
Committee Members
Motion: (Scott/Atkins)
That Council resolves to appoint Ms Emily Hodgson as an
Independent Member to the Inner West Council Audit, Risk and Improvement
Committee (ARIC) for the remainder of ARIC’s meeting for the 2024
calendar year.
That Council resolves to appoint Ms Heather Smith as an
Independent Member to the Inner West Council Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
(ARIC) for the remainder of ARIC’s meeting for the 2024 calendar year.
That Council resolves to amend the Audit, Risk and Improvement
Committee (ARIC) Terms of Reference, as attached to the report, to increase
the number of Independent Members on Council’s ARIC to three
independent members.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 1 Draft Council
Submission - Greater Sydney Parklands and Callan
Park Plan of Management
Motion: (Scott/Stephens)
That Council endorse the draft Council officer
submission on the Draft Plan of Management for Callan Park and submit this to
the Greater Sydney Parklands for consideration.
That all references to the ownership of Callan Park should be
corrected; noting that two-thirds or 38 ha of Callan Park is owned and
managed by the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT) under the
guidance of the Callan Park (Special Provisions) Act 2002. The
remaining area is managed by NSW Health. Inner West Council is the
planning consent authority.
That any activity on site must be approved by the Greater
Sydney Parklands Authority (GSP).
That, in regard to Cycling Improvements and Opportunities
(second last bullet, page 25), to reduce the speed limit to 25kms (rather
than 30kms) noting that Callan Park roads are shared between cars,
bicycles, scooters, pedestrians and many dog walkers on the site.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Crs Atkins,
Da Cruz, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis
Amendment (Stamolis/Da Cruz)
That Community Recreation and Wellness Projects (bullet
point 7, page 23) to delete
“putting synthetic sporting surfaces on the footprint of buildings
which have been demolished”.
Motion Lost
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Da Cruz, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis
Motion: Crs Byrne,
D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Amendment (Stamolis/Da Cruz)
That Council note the high level of community concern and
opposition in regard to the installation of synthetic turf in the historic
and iconic parklands of Callan Park.
Motion Lost
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Da Cruz, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis
Motion: Crs Byrne,
D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Amendment (Stamolis/Da Cruz)
That Council note community concerns about lack of
consultation in regard to Councils submission.
Motion Lost
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Da Cruz, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis
Motion: Crs Byrne,
D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Item 2 Public Exhibition - Draft Biodiversity
Strategy 2036
Motion: (Smith/Langford)
1. That
Council publicly exhibit the draft Inner West Draft Biodiversity Strategy
2036 (Attachment 1 of the Council report) for a period of 28 days and
seek community feedback on the proposed Strategy, with the addition of
information regarding the Inner West Council’s trial of micro-forests
in Section 3: Urban Ecology at Inner West Council and the continuation of the
trials as an action point in theme 1 of the action plan.
2. That
following the conclusion of the exhibition period, the draft Inner West Draft
Biodiversity Strategy 2036 be brought back to Council for consideration for
3. That
feedback be sought specifically from local environmental organisations such
as the Cooks River Alliance, the Parramatta River Catchment Group, the
Australian Conservation Foundation Community Inner West and Climate Inner
West as well as the noted previous contributors.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Amendment (Langford/Da Cruz)
That Council officers bring a report back to October 2024
Council meeting outlining how synthetic turf sporting fields impact on
Motion Lost
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Da Cruz, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis
Motion: Crs Byrne,
D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Councillor Da Cruz left the meeting at 7:35pm
Procedural Motion (Byrne/Stephens)
That Council allow Clr Howard to speak for 2 additional
minutes on Item 4.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
Da Cruz
Item 4 Post Exhibition - Anti-Racism Strategy
Motion: (Howard/Lockie)
That Council adopt the
Anti-Racism Strategy.
That Council update the Policy
Register and publish, as applicable, internally, and externally the adopted
Anti-Racism Strategy.
That Council report back on
the progress of actions related to the Strategy bi-annually through a
dedicated report to Council.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
Da Cruz
Councillor Da Cruz returned to the meeting at 7:40pm
Item 5 2024 Inner West Council Annual Grants
Motion: (Howard/Scott)
That Council approves the
funding recommendations for the Inner West Council 2024 Annual Grant Program
in Attachments 1-8 of the Council report.
That Council notes the second
year of funding for the two-year 2023-2025 Community Wellbeing Grants in Attachment
9 of the Council report, which were approved by Council in September
That Council conduct a
workshop with potential applicants for grants in the multicultural program to
build interest, understanding and capability in the application process, following
the process undertaken to support potential applicants to the artistic
That Council investigate
establishing a program of funding for organisations and individuals to specifically
support local people with disability as part of the 2025-2026 grant program,
providing a report to the November 2024 Council meeting.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Byrne/Howard)
That Council allow Clr Smith to speak for 2 additional
minutes on Item 8.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 8 EV Public Charging Infrastructure - Bi-Monthly Report
Motion: (Smith/Howard)
That Council endorse that future updates regarding the Electric
Vehicle Encouragement Strategy will be provided to Councillors, as required,
noting that the implementation plan is being reported to Council quarterly
via the operational plan.
That Council
acknowledges the recent significant grant received by the NSW Government that
will see the roll-out of 136 electric chargers across the Inner West.
That Council notes
that of the 136 electric chargers, only 9 are located in the
Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward (7 are located in Marrickville, 2 in Tempe
and none in St Peters or Sydenham) and of the 22 in Stanmore-Damun Ward,
only 2 are located in Stanmore and 1 in Petersham.
That Council notes
that staff report locations have been selected by the third party providers
based in part on:
capacity of the electrical grid;
areas with high EV uptake and low access to
off-street parking (as identified by the State Government and Council’s
charging partners);
site selection criteria to minimize
inconvenience for residents (e.g. avoiding placing ports outside houses
wherever possible); and
safety and accessibility requirements.
That Council requests council officers engage
with third party providers to advocate for a more equal distribution of
electric vehicle chargers across all wards within the current cohort of locations
and for engagement with residents where charging ports are to be placed
outside houses.
That Council notes that this is just the
beginning of Council’s work to expand electric charging infrastructure,
that Council is applying for the next round of grants to install chargers,
and that the State Government has identified St Peters, Sydenham and
Tempe in particular as having opportunities for increased funding.
That Council asks staff to undertake detailed
work to create a strong evidence-base for third party providers to install
chargers in locations in the Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward and the western end
of the Stanmore-Damun Ward.
That Council asks Council officers to
investigate opportunities and constraints for residents to install infrastructure
to charge electric vehicles, reporting back to Council by December 2024.
That Council officers review EV charging locations to ensure
that they don't impact on cycling works and planned active transport routes.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 9 Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 17
June 2024 and 15 July 2024
Motion: (Smith/Shetty)
That Council receive the minutes and adopt the
recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meetings held on 17 June 2024
and 15 July 2024 with the following amendments:
That in reference to the Petersham North LATM Final Report,
that Council allocate funding from the current budget for installation of the
recommended raised pedestrian (zebra) crossings and speed humps on Brighton
Street, in response to community concern about speeding and rat running, with
funding to be diverted from another project in the Stanmore-Damun Ward;
That Council
include the proposed resident parking scheme in Glassop Street between Punch
and White Streets as part of the approved residential parking scheme; and
That Council allocate funding for the proposed pedestrian
crossing at Mary Street, Lilyfield in this year’s budget, to be funded
by substituting another project from the Balmain-Baludarri Ward.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 11 Sustainability
support for Inner West schools
Motion: (Howard/Langford)
That Council endorse the following initiatives as a standardised
framework to support Inner West Schools and School events:
Inner West Sustainable Schools Network;
Council Grants program;
Quick response grants;
Garden Organics bins;
Annual native plant giveaway;
Free mulch; and
Gardening, composting and worm farming workshops.
That Council investigate options to provide FOGO services to
local schools and child-care centres, including surveying principals and
P&C’s/P&F’s as to whether there is interest, and provide
a report back to Council in November 2024.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 14 Investment Report at 31
July 2024
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Howard/D’Arienzo)
That Council allow Clr Drury to speak for 2 additional
minutes on Item 15.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
C0924(1) Item 15 Quarter
four - Progress report on the Delivery Program 2022-26
and Operational Plan
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Byrne/D’Arienzo)
That Council allow Clr Smith to speak for 1 additional
minute on Item 17.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 17 SXSW Sydney
Motion: (Smith/Byrne)
That Council receive and note
the report.
That Council endorse the
naming of the event as ‘Fest x Inner West presented by Inner West
Council and SXSW Sydney’.
That Council partner with
Century Venues to hold events at the Enmore Theatre, the Factory Theatre, and
investigate opportunities to host affiliate events at other venues within the
Enmore Road SEP.
That Council engage with the
local business community and business chambers, including the Newtown Enmore
Business Community, on opportunities to drive economic development and
visitation as part of the event.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Councillor Howard left the meeting at 8:18pm as he declared
a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 18 - Inner West Cycling Update as his
primary residence is located on one of the streets where works are being
Item 18 Inner West Cycling
That Council receive and note the report.
That Council identifies opportunities to install bicycle racks
and bicycle pumps in any new capital works projects associated with the
Cycling Action Plan.
That Council consider amendments to the Cycling Strategy and
Action Plan, when next reviewed that include:
prioritisation of separated cycleways on busy roads as an
alternative to the relying on painted logos;
deployment of modal filters to reduce rat running and to create
a linked network of cul-de-sacs and quietways for on-road cycling where
separated cycleways are impossible; and
installation of shared paths on state and regional roads and
wherever the linked network cannot use modal filters or separated cycleways
to reduce crashes and injury, while ensuring pedestrian safety and comfort is
That Council will prepare to restart consultation on an Addison
Rd separated cycleway as it is viewed as an important active transport
missing link.
That Council investigate options for providing free or low-cost
rider education courses to help children and adults build their skills and
confidence in cycling in the Inner West, with recommendations to be reported
to Council no later than December 2024.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
Councillor Howard returned to the meeting at 8:26pm
Item 19 Pathway to a Safer
Cooks River Walking and Cycling Trail
That Council receive and note the report.
That Council commits to urgently implement all the key
priorities and observations from the Cooks River Walking and Commuter Safety
Audit and NSW Police Security Assessment of Mackey Park to Steel Park,
including essential lighting, signage through the park and pathways, space
activation, regular trimming of trees and shrubs along the pathways and
installation of handrails at Thornley Street access.
That Council officers review the budget at the next
opportunity to identify funding for the key priorities and observations.
That Council requests NSW Police to conduct a further security
assessment of the pathway along the Cooks River, from Kendrick Park to Tempe
Train Station, and to bring this report back to Council to the November 2024
Council meeting.
That Council table the Cooks River Walking and Commuter Safety
Audit and NSW Police letter of support for pathway lighting to the Minister
for Transport, seeking urgent funding to implement the key priorities and
observations in advance of the temporary closure of the T3 Line between
Sydenham to Bankstown Train Stations.
That Council seeks State government support for the lighting
upgrades, specifically, to negotiate with Jemena, owner of the utility
pipeline which runs along the pathway, given Jemena’s past objections
to lighting upgrades by Council.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 22 Stopping the Spread
of Tobacconist and Vape Stores
Motion: (D’Arienzo/Atkins)
That Council receive and note
the report.
That Council notes that on 1
July 2024 the Commonwealth reforms commenced, prohibiting non-pharmacy
retailers, such as tobacconists, service stations, convenience stores and
vape shops from supplying or possessing any type of vaping product.
That Council write to NSW
Health seeking a report on compliance and enforcement activities in the Inner
West since the commencement of the new vaping reforms.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 25 Mandatory Reporting
of Reports received from Fire and Rescue
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Stephens/D’Arienzo)
That Council allow the Mayor, Clr Byrne, to speak for 3
additional minutes on Item 26.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Stephens/D’Arienzo)
That Council allow the Mayor, Clr Byrne to speak for 2
additional minutes on Item 26.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Shetty/Atkins)
That Council allow Clr Lockie to speak for 2 additional
minutes on Item 26.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 26 Notice of Motion:
Invasion of Gaza and illegal occupation of
Westbank - Council’s
investments and procurement
relationships in relation to
the Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions campaign
Motion (Byrne/Drury)
Supporting Peace between Palestine and Israel
1. That
Council notes that foreign affairs is the responsibility of the Commonwealth
2. That
Council recalls and affirms Motions passed at the Ordinary Meetings of
Council on 21 November 2023 and 5 December 2023 which condemned the 7 October
2023 attack by Hamas and called for the release of hostages, stated that Israel
must comply with international humanitarian law, called for a ceasefire in
Gaza, and supported a just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine
through a two-state solution and the creation of an independent Palestinian
3. That
Council notes the Provisional Measures orders of the International Court of
Justice in South Africa v Israel of 26 January 2024 and 24 May 2024 which,
inter alia, required Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent
the commission of violations of the 1948 Genocide Convention.
4. That
Council notes the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice of
19 July 2024 which found, inter alia, that Israel’s continued presence
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful, and that Israel is under
an obligation to end its unlawful occupation as rapidly as possible.
5. That
Council joins with the Commonwealth government in calling:
a) for
an immediate ceasefire;
b) for
Israel to act in accordance with the rulings of the International Court of
c) for
Israel to ensure accountability for ongoing acts of violence against
Palestinians by extremist settlers;
d) for
Israel to reverse the record expansion of settlements in the West Bank which
are illegal under international law; and
e) for
a two-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians can live securely within
internationally recognised borders.
6. That Council
reaffirm its sister city relationship with Bethlehem, and support
people-to-people peace-building endeavours between the Palestinian and Jewish
peoples and notifies the Minister for Foreign Affairs, in accordance with
the Australia’s
Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020.
7. That
Council notes that under its Investment Policy all of its investments comply
with relevant State and Commonwealth legislative frameworks, are made in
consideration of the principles of ethical investment management,
and consist entirely of socially responsible investments and deposits in
non-fossil fuel aligned banks.
8. That
Council notes that its Procurement Policy and Procurement Strategy was
adopted unanimously by Councillors at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 21
May 2024 following a Councillor briefing on 2 April 2024. Under this policy
Council integrates environmental, social and governance principles in its
spending decisions, and preferences local contractors and organisations that
employ people with disabilities, Indigenous contractors, or people who come
from disadvantaged communities where possible. Council’s Statement of Business
Ethics also contains these commitments, and emphasises Council’s
commitment to ensuring that goods and services procured by Council are not
the product of Modern Slavery.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Crs Atkins,
Da Cruz, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis
Procedural Motion (Byrne/Smith)
That the meeting be adjourned for 10 minutes.
The meeting was
adjourned at 8.59pm
The meeting
recommenced at 9.07pm
Item 28 Notice of Motion:
Electric Vehicle Charging Locations
The Chairperson ruled this item redundant.
Item 29 Notice of Motion:
Railway Parade, Annandale
That Council note that the resheeting of Railway Parade
Annandale is scheduled to take place in the current financial year.
That Council convene an on-site meeting with Ward Councillors
and residents of Railway Parade to consult them on improvements needed throughout
the street and adjoining public areas.
That Council incorporate the agreed improvements to gardens,
grassed areas and paths into the overall resheeting of the road to achieve a
full refurbishment of the street.
That Council identify funding through the next quarterly budget
review to undertake these works.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 31 Notice of Motion:
Sister City Relationship with Bethlehem
The Chairperson
ruled this item redundant.
Councillor Shetty left the meeting at 9:12pm
Item 32 Notice of Motion:
Gambling Harm Minimisation
1. That
Council notes that staff intend to bring a report on the Gambling Harm
Minimisation Roundtable that was held 1 August 2024 to the October 2024
Council meeting.
2. That
Council notes that Gambling Awareness Week 2024 will take place 21 to 27 October.
3. That
Council supports Gambling Awareness Week 2024 by:
a) offering
venues free of charge for events held by GambleAware and other not-for-profit
organisations that aim to minimise gambling harm; and
b) promoting
Gambling Awareness Week events in Council’s communication channels,
including Inner West News, Council’s website and social media.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
Councillor Shetty returned to the meeting at 9:14pm
Item 33 Notice of Motion:
Proposed Callan Park Swim Site Water Quality
and Public Safety
Stamolis withdrew this motion.
Item 34 Notice of Motion:
Supporting and Growing Reuse and the Inner
West Circular Economy
That Council recognise the value and benefits of the emerging
Circular Economy across the Inner West LGA and the positive social,
environmental and economic benefits.
That Council continue to make the Inner West as a leader in
waste avoidance, reuse and repair through support and expansion of Reuse
That Council conduct a Roundtable with key local stakeholders in
the Circular Economy by December 2024 and invite local not-for-profit, social
enterprises, Reverse Garbage, Dress for Success, the Bower, Circle Paints,
Among the Trees, local makers and representatives from the Environment
Protection Authority (EPA) and other stakeholders. Topics could include grant
funding, promotion, recognition and opportunities for partnerships and
That Council create a pilot project to allow local paint reuse
organisations to access paint that's been dropped off by Inner West
That Council demonstrate support of the Circular Economy by
encouraging the Perfect Match mural artists buy some or all their paint
from Circle Paints.
That Council publish a story about the Inner West Reuse economy
in the Inner West News by December 2024.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Councillor Howard left the meeting at 9:19pm as he declared
a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 36 - Notice of Motion: Tempe
Train Station Accessibility and Item 39 - Notice of Motion: Lewisham Town
Centre Upgrade as he works in the office of the Minister for Transport and in
that capacity has been directly engaged in work around station upgrades.
Item 36 Notice of Motion:
Tempe Train Station Accessibility
(Langford/Da Cruz)
That Council writes to the Minister for Transport to request
the urgent installation of a lift at Tempe Train Station to make it
accessible for everyone in our community.
That Council officers bring a report back to the November 2024 Council
meeting, outlining the Minister’s response to Council’s request
for a lift at Tempe train station.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
Procedural Motion (Byrne/Stephens)
That Council allow Clr Smith to speak for 1 additional
minute on Item 39.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
Item 39 Notice of Motion:
Lewisham Town Centre Upgrade
That Council note the long-awaited commitment by the NSW
Government and Transport Minister Jo Haylen to upgrade Lewisham Station to
improve accessibility, safety, and prevent flooding in the underpass, and
that this commitment is fully budgeted for delivery in this term of
That Council note that, as part of the planned upgrade, Transport
for NSW is undertaking community engagement on design and placemaking
enhancements for surrounding streets.
That Council investigate opportunities with Transport for NSW to
align or coordinate these works with Council works to upgrade Lewisham Town
Centre (on Victoria Street and Railway Terrace) as part of Council's Main
Streets Revitalisation Project, including but not limited to:
footpath upgrades, traffic calming measures, and opportunities
for increased pedestrianisation of the station precinct;
installation of planter boxes and kerbside gardens;
public art program including engagement with local artists on placemaking and
a mural for the station wall along Railway Terrace;
street furniture;
transport upgrades to regional route 7 in Lewisham to enhance safety and
encourage cycling,
other beautification, public amenity, and placemaking
That Council develop a master plan to achieve a coordinated
approach to improving community amenity and economic development for Lewisham
Town Centre, and in line with Council’s Community Engagement Strategy.
That Council receive a report on the opportunity to undertake
these upgrades in coordination with those planned by Transport for NSW as
part of the station upgrade, the timeline for this, and associated costs.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
Councillor Howard returned to the meeting at 9:25pm
Procedural Motion (Drury/Lockie)
That Council allow Clr Stamolis to speak for 1 additional
minute on Item 44.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Scott/Howard)
That Council allow Clr Stamolis to speak for 1 additional
minute on Item 44.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 44 Notice of Motion:
Callan Park Playing Fields
That Council notes that the
Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) is the landowner of Callan Park, and any
changes to the playing fields would require the consent of the Greater Sydney
Parklands (GSP).
2. That Council notes that GSP recently
undertook early engagement to inform a Plan of Management for Callan Park, to
be finalised in 2025, and early feedback indicates diverse views in relation
to a synthetic sporting field in Callan Park.
3. That Council notes the findings of the NSW
Chief Scientist's Report - Independent Review into the design, use and
impacts of synthetic turf in public open spaces 2022, in particular:
a) that "the amount of turf fibres lost
from a synthetic turf field is likely to be in the 100s of kilograms per
b) that "it is not clear whether
expectations about the longevity and carrying capacity of synthetic fields
can be met under Australian climatic conditions."
c) that "the social and environmental
context of each playing field and its surrounds is different and the
implications on the physical, mental and social dimensions of health cannot
be drawn without research or surveying the community."
d) that "from a public health perspective,
equity considerations are also important and any barriers to community's
access to amenities, including for specific groups who may be deprived of
other access to green space should be considered."
e) that "the adoption of best practice
guidelines and benchmarks for natural turf in open spaces will support the
capacity of natural turf sporting fields to meet the demands for use,"
f) that "synthetic turf
installation should be subject to a set of requirements to ensure best
practice use during the product lifespan and appropriate end of life planning
and disposal to avoid stranded assets."
4. That Council writes to Transport for NSW
and the Minister for Roads for clarification about when Inner West Council
will receive the promised $20 million funding for the Rozelle Parklands, and
what it can be used for.
5. That Council writes to the Heritage
Council to seek advice about Inner West Council's proposal to install
synthetic turf in two locations within the parklands due to Callan
Park’s listing on the State Heritage Register.
That Council convenes a
meeting(s) of local sporting groups in regard to sports field maintenance
across the Inner West to determine what is required to improve the
playability and maintenance of fields.
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Da Cruz, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis
Motion: Crs Byrne,
D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Item 46 Notice of Motion:
Licence arrangements in parks
Motion: (Atkins/Smith)
1. That Council agree
that staff work with the owner of 182 Australia Street, Newtown to defer
installation of any infrastructure in the park and investigate revoking the
short term lease to allow for community consultation to occur.
2. That community consultation
be used to inform a recommendation to be considered at a future Council
3. That where Council
considers licenses, leases, and temporary hire agreements concerning use of
public space within Inner West parks, that this is done in accordance with
Council's endorsed Community Engagement Strategy, encompassing the Your Say
website, letterboxing, notices, and stalls, and includes engagement with
residents, park users, and local businesses.
4. That Council write to
households in streets surrounding the Park informing them of the lease
agreement and terms, how to provide feedback through the Your Say page and
other Council channels, and inviting them to attend an on-site meeting at the
Park with senior staff about the agreement - to be held within the next
5. That Council provide
an urgent briefing to councillors on the terms of the lease
agreement, including opportunities to defer installation of the temporary
pending further community consultation, how similar agreements have operated
elsewhere, and opportunities for further community consultation as part of
the Park Plan of Management.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Item 49 Notice of Motion:
Comedor Cafe short-term lease agreement
Councillor Smith withdrew this motion.
Confidential session
Procedural Motion (Drury/Scott)
That Council enter into Confidential session.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Confidential Session
That in accordance with Section
10A(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, the following matters be considered in
Closed Session of Council for the reasons provided:
Item 55 Bridgewater Park - Construction Lease to Transport for NSW (Section
10A(2)(d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed confer
a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council.
Councillor Howard left the meeting at 9:57pm as he declared
a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 55 - Bridgewater Park Construction
Lease to Transport for NSW, as he works in the Office of the Minister for
Procedural Motion (Drury/Scott)
That Council move back into the Open Session of the
Council meeting.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
resolutions passed during closed session
Item 55 Bridgewater Park -
Construction Lease to Transport for NSW
That Council approve a construction lease and licence to
Transport for NSW for 45sqm and 660sqm respectively of land at Bridgewater
Park, Rozelle used for an air quality motoring system associated with
WestConnex M4-M5 Link (Stage 3 Rozelle to Iron Cove) and Western Harbour
Tunnel and Warringah Freeway Upgrade.
That Council delegate authority to the General Manager to
finalise the terms of the construction lease and licence and associated
agreement and execute the relevant documents.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty,
Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr
Councillor Howard returned to the meeting at 9:58pm
Procedural Motion (Howard/D’Arienzo)
That an Urgency Motion for Inclusion
of LGBTQIA+ People in the Census be considered
at this Council meeting.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
The Chairperson ruled this matter urgent.
Procedural Motion (D’Arienzo/Stephens)
That Council allow Clr Howard to speak for 2 additional
minutes on the Urgency Motion.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Inclusion of LGBTQIA+ People in the Census
Motion: (Howard/D’Arienzo)
1. That
Council notes councils including Inner West Council rely on accurate census
data to plan and deliver critical social and public services for citizens.
2. That
Council acknowledges the Count Us In campaign by Equality Australia
and others, seeking for the 2026 Australian Census to include questions on
sexual orientation, gender identity and variations of sex characteristics.
3. That
Council supports the Commonwealth Government’s decision to test a
question on diverse sexuality for inclusion in the 2026 Census.
4. That
Council calls on the Commonwealth Government to also include questions on
gender identity and variations of sex characteristics to provide the clearest
data possible on LGBTQIA+ communities across Australia, including the Inner
5. That
Council ask the General Manager to write to the Assistant Minister for
Competition, Charities and Treasury and the Assistant Minister for
Employment, the Hon. Andrew Leigh MP, to convey this motion.
Motion Carried
Motion: Crs
Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott,
Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Motion: Nil
Meeting closed at 10.06pm.
Item #
Item 46:
Item 47:
Dulwich Hill
Dulwich Hill
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 3rd
September, 2024 were confirmed as a correct record on this 22nd day
of October 2024.