Local Traffic Committee Meeting

Minutes 18 November 2024



Minutes of Meeting held on 18 November 2024


Meeting commenced at 11:07 AM







I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country we are meeting today, and their elders past and present.




Victor Macri

Councillor –Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward (Chair)

Graeme McKay

Representative for Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill

Eleanor Nurse

Representative for Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown

Nina Fard

Transport for NSW (TfNSW)






Col Jones

Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition (IWBC)

Michael Takla

Representative for Transit Systems

Manod Wickramasinghe

IWC’s Traffic and Transport Planning Manager

Felicia Lau

IWC’s Traffic Engineer

George Tsaprounis

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Engineering Services (South)

Jason Scoufis

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Investigations & Road Safety

Predrag Gudelj

IWC’s Coordinator Roads and Stormwater Projects

Nick Poulos

IWC’s Project Manager/Project Engineer

Amir Falamarzi

IWC’s Traffic Engineer

James Nguyen

IWC’s Traffic Engineer

Christy Li

IWC’s Business Administration Officer







Liam Fitzgerald

Public Speaker (Item 6)

Neil Tonkin

Public Speaker (Item 6)

Brendan Farquhar

Public Speaker (Item 8)

Van Dimitri

Public Speaker (Item 9)

Christian Wahl

Public Speaker (Item 16)

Shirley Gwynn

Public Speaker (Item 18)







Liz Atkins

Councillor – Damun - Stanmore Ward

Sgt Charles Buttrose

NSW Police – Leichhardt Police Area Command

Ben Walters

NSW Police – Inner West Police Area Command










That the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee held on Monday, 21 October 2024 be confirmed.





The Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 16 September 2024 were adopted at Council’s meeting held on 12 November subject to the following:


1.    Item 1 - The Boulevarde, Lilyfield – Proposed Streetscape Improvements and Civil Works be deferred pending further community consultation and

2.    Item 4 - Newtown South LATM Final report, paragraph (i) to read as follows: “That subject to TfNSW approval, a 10km/h Shared Zone be installed in Alice Lane between Walenore Avenue and Holmwood Street and Alice Lane be converted to one way eastbound between Pearl Lane and Walenore Avenue. The One Way restrictions in Alice Lane between Walenore Avenue and Pearl Lane include “Cyclist Excepted” signposting, subject to a convex safety mirror being installed at the Pearl lane/Alice Lane 90 degree road bend.”


The Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 21 October 2024 were adopted at Council’s meeting held on 12 November subject to the following:


1.    That Council report back by February 2025 about the feasibility, costs, and timeline of potential works to upgrade power at Tempe Reserve to facilitate the installation of electric vehicle chargers at this location.


LTC1124(1) Item 1       Illawarra Road, Wharf Street and Thornley Street, Marrickville – Traffic safety review of streets around Steel Park (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward /Summer Hill Electorate /Inner West LAC)



At the Council Meeting held 25 June 2024 a Notice of Motion (NoM) for Steel Park Dog Off-Leash Area and Amenities (Item C0624(2) Item 22) was resolved. Part 2 was for consideration of determining whether any additional traffic calming measures are required in the busy area bounded by Thornley and Wharf Streets. This report provides an assessment of the locality and also lists recent and future works completed or planned. 


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That this report be received and noted.


2.   That the following works to be completed in 2024/25 be noted:

a)   Upgrade of pedestrian crossing on Illawarra Road, immediately west of Thornley Street to a raised crossing facility; and

b)   Reduction to a 40 km/h speed limit for Thornley Street and other local streets in the Marrickville area as part of the InnerWest@40 project rollout (Area 6 Enmore & Marrickville East; Area 7 Marrickville & Tempe).


3.   That Police be requested to undertake regular Police patrols/enforcement of Illawarra Road in the vicinity of Steel Park.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That this report be received and noted.


2.   That the following works to be completed in 2024/25 be noted:

a)   Upgrade of pedestrian crossing on Illawarra Road, immediately west of Thornley Street to a raised crossing facility; and

b)   Reduction to a 40 km/h speed limit for Thornley Street and other local streets in the Marrickville area as part of the InnerWest@40 project rollout (Area 6 Enmore & Marrickville East; Area 7 Marrickville & Tempe).


3.   That Police be requested to undertake regular Police patrols/enforcement of Illawarra Road in the vicinity of Steel Park.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 2       Station Street, Marrickville - Proposed bicycle Excepted signage (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



As part of the TfNSW Southwest Metro project, the T3 Bankstown Line from Sydenham to Bankstown is being converted to Metro standards to improve the reliability of Sydney’s transportation network. To aid affected commuters along the T3 Line, TfNSW has implemented temporary bike riding routes as part of its Temporary Transport Plan (TTP) to encourage people to travel by bike during the conversion of the T3 Bankstown Line.

To assist with active transport users, the TTP provides a cycleway route between Hurlstone Park to Sydenham via Dulwich Hill and Marrickville, see Attachment 1.

Council has received concerns from active transport users and residents about the route through Station Street, Marrickville.

Officers Recommendation:


That the installation of ‘Bicycle Excepted’ signage at the entry of Station Street and Leofrene Avenue from Schwebel Street, Marrickville as well as Leofrene Avenue at Station Street (below the existing ‘One Way’ and ‘No Entry’ signage) be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the installation of ‘Bicycle Excepted’ signage at the entry of Station Street and Leofrene Avenue from Schwebel Street, Marrickville as well as Leofrene Avenue at Station Street (below the existing ‘One Way’ and ‘No Entry’ signage) be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 3       Le Clos Lane, Marrickville - Proposed 30 Tonne weight limit on the Le Clos Lane Bridge (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



This report outlines the current structural engineering concerns associated with the Le Clos Lane bridge in Marrickville and proposes the appropriate traffic treatments to maintain the structural integrity of the bridge following the completion of maintenance works.


Officers Recommendation:


That a ‘Bridge Load Limit 30T Gross’ weight limit at the entry to Le Clos Lane and at the Le Clos Lane bridge in Marrickville be approved.




The Representative for Transport for NSW requested that recommendation be amended to include subject to the Transport Management Plan (TMP) being approved by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).


The Committee members agreed with the amended recommendation.




That a ‘Bridge Load Limit 30T Gross’ weight limit at the entry to Le Clos Lane and at the Le Clos Lane bridge in Marrickville be approved, subject to the Transport Management Plan (TMP) being approved by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 4       Illawarra Road at Thornley Street, Marrickville – Proposed raised pedestrian crossing - Design Plan 10304 (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Council has prepared a design plan to construct a raised concrete pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Illawarra Road and Thornley Street, Marrickville. The proposal aims to improve safety for pedestrian and motorist and will help address concerns with pedestrian and motorist behaviour at this location, particularly during busy times.


Officers Recommendation:


That the detailed design plan for the proposed new raised pedestrian crossing on Illawarra Road at Thornley Street, Marrickville and associated signs and line markings (as per Design Plan No.10304) be approved.




The Chair noted that there is a tree near the proposed new raised pedestrian crossing that often makes it hard for motorists to spot pedestrians wanting to cross the road and questioned if Council could investigate potential treatments for the tree such as pruning to improve the sightlines of motorists.


Council Officers advised that previously the plantings in the kerb blisters were overgrown and that Council has cut down the vegetation to improve visibility for motorists and pedestrians and noted that Council Officer have noted the Chairs concerns and can also investigate pruning back the tree to improve visibility.


The proposed pedestrian crossing is to be constructed 1.3m south of the existing pedestrian crossing which will also improve visibility of approaching pedestrians.

The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the detailed design plan for the proposed new raised pedestrian crossing on Illawarra Road at Thornley Street, Marrickville and associated signs and line markings (as per Design Plan No.10304) be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 5       Illawarra Road at Warburton Street, Marrickville - Proposed 'Zig Zag' line marking for the pedestrian crossing  (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



This report outlines current sight distance issues at the Illawarra Road pedestrian crossing at its intersection with Warburton Street, Marrickville and proposes the appropriate traffic treatments to improve the safety of the community.


Officers Recommendation:


That the installation of ‘Zig Zag’ line markings on both approaches to the pedestrian crossing of Illawarra Road near the intersection with Warburton Street, Marrickville be approved.




The Representative for Transit Systems requested that Transit Systems be notified with lead notice on any work on Illawarra Road.


Council Officers noted the request.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the installation of ‘Zig Zag’ line markings on both approaches to the pedestrian crossing of Illawarra Road near the intersection with Warburton Street, Marrickville be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 6       St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works - Part 1 (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward/Heffron Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines the design development of the St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works – Part 1 and notes key changes from the concept design. It also provides a summary of the community consultation that was completed. Accordingly, the design is to progress to construction.


Officers Recommendation:


That the detailed design (WCX M5 – St Peters Interchange: Active Transport Works Community Consultation Plan, Sheets 1-8) prepared by COMPLETE URBAN for the St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works be approved.




Public Speaker Liam Fitzgerald entered the meeting at 11.11am.


Mr Fitzgerald supported the St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works however raised concerns regarding the plans at Sydenham Station. Mr Fitzgerald noted that no other residents he had spoken to previously had seen the original consultation sent out in 2020 including himself. Mr Fitzgerald noted that the plan for Burrows Road in front of Sydenham Station has not taken into consideration how people get to and from George Street through to the station. He noted that people will head for the bicycle parking in front of the station and advised that this does not connect well with the proposed cycle path. Mr Fitzgerald disagreed with the comments made by Transport for NSW in the report to have the cycleway placed on the opposite side of the station to minimise impact to existing parking restrictions and arrangements noting that the impacts would be minimal due to low traffic and that the proposed cycleway on the opposite of the station may cause conflict with pedestrians accessing the pub and café. Mr Fitzgerald also raised concerns that the proposed cycleway on the opposite side of the station will also result in loss of parking for motorists in the area.


Public Speaker Liam Fitzgerald left the meeting at 11.15am.


Public Speaker Neil Tonkin entered the meeting at 11.16am.


Mr Tonkin spoke on behalf of the Inner West Bicycle Coalition and supported the St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works however raised concerns that Council has not given north-south priority on the intersections of Henry Street and Bakers Lane. Mr Tonkin noted that the area is bounded by Princes Highway, Campbell Street, Unwins Bridge Road, and Railway Road which are major collector roads, and noted residents should not be burdened by rat-running through this residential precinct and that the north-south cycle route should not be compromised by continual stopping. Mr Tonkins noted that the Inner West Council and Transport for NSW both subscribe to the new road use hierarchy which prioritises walking and cycling over private car use and suggested that the ‘Stop’ priority be reversed. Mr Tonkins suggested that the cycle lane placement at the proposed George Street crossing of Unwins Bridge Road be amended to ensure the safety and convenience of people cycling through this intersection as per his previous submission to Council.


Public Speaker Neil Tonkin left the meeting at 11.20am.


The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition suggested that the item be deferred for further review noting concerns about the crossing of Unwins Bridge Road and the conflict between vehicles turning left and cyclists heading straight on. The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition noted that the issue Mr Tonkins raised regarding Henry Street, and the reasoning behind the inability to change the signage was due to traffic volume. The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition noted that the side streets that lead to Princes Highway all had signage preventing people from using the side streets from entering Princes Highway during certain times and wondered if those streets were being used as rat runs to illegally access Princes Highway. The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition questioned if there are enforcement measures put in place to prevent people from illegally entering Princes Highway. The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition noted that data was not provided to indicate whether traffic on the side streets was during the blackout period or if it was continuous throughout the day.


Council Officers advised that consultation for this project was first conducted in 2019. The feedback and comments gathered from that consultation were then included in an updated set of plans being sent out for consultation in 2020. It was noted that those plans were recommended for approval and adopted for tendering and construction at the Traffic Committee and Council meeting shortly after. Council Officers advised that what was adopted in the Traffic Committee previously is in essence what is presented in the current Local Traffic Committee report. It was advised at that time traffic signals had not been approved by TfNSW, so approval had to be obtained from TfNSW for 3 signalised intersections. Council Officers advised there were minor changes implemented to the original plans regarding movements of the lane and footpath widths. Council Officers advised that they have decided to go out for consultation for this project again due to the time that has lapsed between the last approval and the changes made around Sydenham Station since the construction of Metro. Council Officers advised that there is no loss of parking as a result of these works noting that although there will be loss of parking on the opposite side of the station, there will be an additional 3 spots further down where the new proposed pedestrian crossing is and an additional 4 spots on the station side. It was noted that what was currently proposed for George Street between Burrows Avenue and Unwins Bridge Road was found to be the most suitable for this situation due to the different phases of implementation for pedestrians, cyclists, and traffic and that pedestrians and cyclists will be implemented during the same phase. It was also noted that TfNSW have considered this to be the safest option for this particular intersection.


Council Officers advised that in terms of the priorities of the intersections between Henry Street and adjacent side streets have been investigated and found that 2 of the 3 intersections do not meet the requirement for the change of priority and that they are currently investigating the 3rd intersection. Council Officers advised sight line concerns plus traffic volume investigations into changing priorities will need to be carefully reviewed otherwise it may create a safety issue for all types of traffic utilising these intersections.


Council Officers also advised that Council has received funding for this project from Transport for NSW and that the funding was received 5 years ago. Council Officers noted that if there were further delays on this project, there may be a chance we may lose the funding for this project which may result in the project not being delivered as Council does not have additional funding for this project.


The Chair advised that it is important to move ahead with this project before we do not have the capability to do so. The Chair also advised that issues with the intersections can be reviewed once the project has been completed and can be brought back to the Committee if required.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the detailed design (WCX M5 – St Peters Interchange: Active Transport Works Community Consultation Plan, Sheets 1-8) prepared by COMPLETE URBAN for the St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous




LTC1124(1) Item 7       Abergeldie Street at Arlington Street, Dulwich Hill – Proposed installation of statutory ‘No Stopping’ continuous yellow line marking restrictions at the intersection (Djarrawunang - Ashfield Ward/ Summer Hill Electorate/ Inner West PAC)


Council has received concerns regarding vehicles obstructing sightlines and traffic movement by parking within the statutory ‘No Stopping’ zones at the intersection of Abergeldie Street and Arlington Street, Dulwich Hill.

In order to alleviate this issue, it is proposed to install 10-metre statutory “No Stopping’ yellow line zones on all legs of the intersection at Abergeldie Street and Arlington Street, Dulwich Hill.


Officers Recommendation:


1.       That unbroken yellow lines (statutory 10 metre ‘No Stopping’ lines) be approved for installation on both sides of all approaches to the intersection of Abergeldie Street at Arlington Street, Dulwich Hill as follows in order to deter illegal parking, increase safety and improve motorist visibility and access for turning motorists:

a)         Install solid yellow line marking on Abergeldie Street (northern side) for a distance of 10 metres west of Arlington Street,

b)         Install solid yellow line marking on Abergeldie Street (northern side) for a distance of 10 metres east of Arlington Street,

c)         Install solid yellow line marking on Abergeldie Street (southern side) for a distance of 10 metres west of Arlington Street,

d)         Install solid yellow line marking on Abergeldie Street (southern side) for a distance of 10 metres east of Arlington Street,

e)         Install solid yellow line marking on Arlington Street (western side) for a distance of 10 metres north of Abergeldie Street,

f)          Install solid yellow line marking on Arlington Street (eastern side) for a distance of 10 metres north of Abergeldie Street,

g)         Install solid yellow line marking on Arlington Street (western side) for a distance of 10 metres south of Abergeldie Street,

h)         Install solid yellow line marking on Arlington Street (eastern side) for a distance of 10 metres south of Abergeldie Street.

2.       That Council Rangers be advised in terms of this report.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That unbroken yellow lines (statutory 10 metre ‘No Stopping’ lines) be approved for installation on both sides of all approaches to the intersection of Abergeldie Street at Arlington Street, Dulwich Hill as follows in order to deter illegal parking, increase safety and improve motorist visibility and access for turning motorists:

a)   Install solid yellow line marking on Abergeldie Street (northern side) for a distance of 10 metres west of Arlington Street,

b)   Install solid yellow line marking on Abergeldie Street (northern side) for a distance of 10 metres east of Arlington Street,

c)   Install solid yellow line marking on Abergeldie Street (southern side) for a distance of 10 metres west of Arlington Street,

d)   Install solid yellow line marking on Abergeldie Street (southern side) for a distance of 10 metres east of Arlington Street,

e)   Install solid yellow line marking on Arlington Street (western side) for a distance of 10 metres north of Abergeldie Street,

f)    Install solid yellow line marking on Arlington Street (eastern side) for a distance of 10 metres north of Abergeldie Street,

g)   Install solid yellow line marking on Arlington Street (western side) for a distance of 10 metres south of Abergeldie Street,

h)   Install solid yellow line marking on Arlington Street (eastern side) for a distance of 10 metres south of Abergeldie Street.


2.   That Council Rangers be advised in terms of this report. 


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 8       Carrington Street, Lilyfield - Construction Traffic Management Plan (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



Inner West City Council has received a Temporary Road Closure (TMP) application from Modscape (Attachment 1) seeking an in-principal approval for delivering a modular building at No.12 Carrington Street, Lilyfield in the week commencing 24 March 2025. As part of this road closure, there will be full road closure on Carrington Street (between Joseph Street and Balmain Road), The Boulevarde (between Joseph Street and Balmain Road) and partial temporary on-street parking removal along Balmain Road (between Helena Street and Grove Street).


Officers Recommendation:


That the temporary full road closure of Carrington Street (between Joseph Street and Balmain Road), The Boulevarde (between Joseph Street and Balmain Road) and partial temporary on-street parking removal along Balmain Road (between Helena Street and Grove Street) be approved for the purpose of the installation of a modular building at No.12 Carrington Street, Lilyfield for a 2 day period in the week commencing 24 March 2025, with a four week contingency, subject to the following conditions and all standard Council conditions for temporary full road closures:


a)   A Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre for road closure on Balmain Road.


b)   Road, footpath and car park occupancy permit to be obtained from the Council for road closure on The Boulevarde.


c)   Temporary parking arrangements must be provided for the existing disabled parking bays on Balmain Road, Carrington Street and The Boulevarde which will be affected during the work and should be located as close as possible to their original locations.


d)   NHVR permit to be obtained prior to the work.


e)   Notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Ambulance Services.

f)    All residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders.


g)   On-street parking to be maintained for local residents along the east side of The Boulevarde (between Joseph Street and the laneway south of Balmain Road).


h)   Vehicular access to the laneway south of Balmain Road to be maintained within the road closure zone.


i)    Authorised pilot vehicles to accompany and manage the trucks at major intersections including City West Link Road at Balmain Road, Balmain Road at Perry Street, Balmain Road at The Boulevarde and Balmain Road at Carrington Road.




Public Speaker Brendan Farquhar entered the meeting at 11.33am.


Mr Farquhar advised he represented Modscape and was here to answer questions from the Committee members regarding the application to close Carrington Street for the purpose of installing a modular building at 12 Carrington Street, Lilyfield.


The Representative for Transport for NSW questioned what stage the Road Occupancy Licence (ROL) at with the Transport Management Centre (TMC).


Mr Farquhar advised that as the works are scheduled to be undertaken in March 2025, the Transport Management Centre has not provided any feedback as of yet due to the project being scheduled a while from now. It was advised that the Transport Management Centre will look into their Road Occupancy Licence application closer to the date and that the company’s Traffic Management consultant has advised them that this was standard procedure for the Transport Management Centre.


The Representative for Transport for NSW advised that Network and Safety have concerns regarding the movement of vehicles on the City West Link into Balmain Road however that was something for the Transport Management Centre to review and place conditions on.


The Representative for Transport for NSW requested that Mr Farquhar reach out to the Transport Management Centre to get in-principle support for the Road Occupancy Licence.


Mr Farquhar advised that the Transport Management Centre review the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) licenses which have been approved and included in the paperwork provided. Mr Farquhar also noted that as part of the NHVR permits for oversized vehicles and loads, they assess the trucks based on standard conditions and that they are within the standard process of operations.


Council Officers noted that there are plans to take parking from The Boulevard for resident use and questioned if those spaces would be available for use for residents of Carrington Street and The Boulevarde.


Mr Farquhar advised that the spaces would be available for residents of Carrington Street and The Boulevarde and noted that there are plans to setup 45-degree angled parking with traffic control to maintain the maximum number of parking spaces possible to prevent them from having to park too far away from their residences.


Public Speaker Brendan Farquhar left the meeting at 11.45am.


The Representative for Transport for NSW requested that the recommendation be amended so that Council and Transport for NSW- Network and Safety are provided with a copy of the ROL before proceeding with works.


It was noted that this construction methodology is quite new for the Inner West and that the learnings and outcome from this application will assist Council with future applications and approvals.  


The Committee members agreed with the amended recommendation.




That the temporary full road closure of Carrington Street (between Joseph Street and Balmain Road), The Boulevarde (between Joseph Street and Balmain Road) and partial temporary on-street parking removal along Balmain Road (between Helena Street and Grove Street) be approved for the purpose of the installation of a modular building at No.12 Carrington Street, Lilyfield for a 2 day period in the week commencing 24 March 2025, with a four week contingency, subject to the following conditions and all standard Council conditions for temporary full road closures:


a)   A Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre for road closure on Balmain Road and a copy be provided to Council, Transport for NSW – Network and Safety and NSW Police prior to works commencing.


b)   Road, footpath and car park occupancy permit to be obtained from the Council for road closure on The Boulevarde.


c)   Temporary parking arrangements must be provided for the existing disabled parking bays on Balmain Road, Carrington Street and The Boulevarde which will be affected during the work and should be located as close as possible to their original locations.


d)   NHVR permit to be obtained prior to the work.


e)   Notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Ambulance Services.


f)    All residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders.


g)   On-street parking to be maintained for local residents along the east side of The Boulevarde (between Joseph Street and the laneway south of Balmain Road).


h)   Vehicular access to the laneway south of Balmain Road to be maintained within the road closure zone.


i)    Authorised pilot vehicles to accompany and manage the trucks at major intersections including City West Link Road at Balmain Road, Balmain Road at Perry Street, Balmain Road at The Boulevarde and Balmain Road at Carrington Road.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 9       Balmain Road, Lilyfield - Orange Grove Raised Pedestrian Crossing (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



This report outlines the proposed public domain works to support the upgrade of Orange Grove Public School by NSW Department of Education – School Infrastructure. With the school upgrade, the Department has requested a pedestrian crossing at Balmain Road between Point Street and Edward Street, to cover walking catchment areas predominantly to the east of the school and to improve road safety for school children and pedestrians. The proposal also includes closure of the slip lane in front of Orange Grove Hotel, public domain improvements, and new angle parking arrangement.


Officers Recommendation:

1. That the proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing at Balmain Road between Point Street and Edward Street, Lilyfield including the closure of the slip lane at the intersection of Point Street and Balmain Road from Point Street to the crossing, and introduction of angle parking on the east side of Balmain Road be supported in principle and included for consideration in Council’s Capital Works Program and that Grant funding opportunities be sought for delivery of the crossing.

2. That the detailed design for the proposed works be brought back to the Traffic Committee for consideration.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               




Public Speaker Van Dimitri entered the meeting at 11.28am.


Mr Dimitri opposed the recommendation noting that the proposed location of the raised pedestrian crossing is within an area of 300m from the signalised crossings on Balmain Road at Perry Street and Lilyfield Road and advised that signalised crossings were a safer alternative to raised pedestrian crossings. Mr Dimitri noted that over the past 25 years he has been in the area there has been no incidents that have caused concern, and that the addition of the proposed crossing may create safety issues. Mr Dimitri noted that the proposed recommendation to include the closure of the slip lane, further ‘No Parking’ areas, and further ‘Restricted Parking’ and installation of angled parking does not seem to take into consideration the needs of the community. Mr Dimitri noted that the report estimates the installation of the raised pedestrian crossing to cost approximately $400,000 and questioned whether there was a real need for the crossing at the proposed location due to there being a signalised crossing 100m from the proposed crossing. Mr Dimitri believes that the proposed angled parking will generate traffic issues which will worsen during peak hour traffic. Mr Dimitri noted that the angled parking will also affect the entrance to the Orange Grove Hotel which also includes a loading zone. This loading zone is used by trucks to load and unload items for the hotel and Mr Dimitri is concerned that cars trying to overtake the truck when it reverses out causing further safety issues.


Public Speaker Van Dimitri left the meeting at 11.32am.


Council Officers advised that Council has been sitting with a working group including representatives of Orange Grove Public School, Department of Education, Council and Transport for NSW and noted that Orange Grove Public School plans to expand the capacity of their school. It was noted that a large part of the school catchment is to the east of the school and that there is a gate to the south of the school which means residents wishing to access the school will need to head north and then come back around in a ‘U’ shape or alternatively they may choose to jaywalk across Balmain Road. It was advised that through this working group, it was proposed that an additional crossing point be implemented on Balmain Road south of the school to allow for better pedestrian network connectivity for pedestrians wishing to access the school or the childcare centre next to the school.


Council Officers advised that it was only the concept design that has been put to the committee today and that the detailed design will need to be completed subject to funding being provided through grant funding applications. Council Officers advised that obtaining approval from the committee for the concept design will assist with expediting the grant funding application process. Council Officers noted that there will be a loss of 4 parking spaces and that the proposed angled parking was to minimise as much loss of parking as possible.


The Representative for Transport for NSW noted that the concept plan may appear to be unsafe to a person who may not be too familiar with design plans and noted that the detailed design will usually address the issues raised by residents. The Representative for Transport for NSW also advised that this was the best location for the proposed crossing as it did not interfere with the traffic signals and fit between existing driveways.


The Representative for the Member of Summer Hill agreed with the speaker's concerns regarding rear to kerb angled parking and the proximity of the proposed pedestrian crossing to the rear access of the hotel. The Representative for the Member of Summer Hill raised concerns regarding trucks reversing into the driveway and the possibility of vehicles wanting to overtake the trucks compromising pedestrian safety at the proposed crossing.


The Representative for Transport for NSW noted that overtaking may not be physically possible once the proposed kerb extensions are installed.


Council Officers advised that concerns regarding the delivery access for Orange Grove Hotel will be addressed in the detailed design and the proposal for angled parking will be revisited noting that the design can be implemented with parallel parking however may result in greater loss of parking.


Council Officers advised they will take the comments provided into the detailed design.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That the proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing at Balmain Road between Point Street and Edward Street, Lilyfield including the closure of the slip lane at the intersection of Point Street and Balmain Road from Point Street to the crossing, and introduction of angle parking on the east side of Balmain Road be supported in principle and included for consideration in Council’s Capital Works Program and that Grant funding opportunities be sought for delivery of the crossing.


2.   That the detailed design for the proposed works be brought back to the Traffic Committee for consideration.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 10     Curtis Road, Balmain - Proposed Pedestrian Improvement Works Curtis Road, Balmain - Proposed Pedestrian Improvement Works (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)


Council has received requests for consideration of pedestrian crossing points at Curtis Road, Balmain between Thames Street and Darling Street, to give pedestrians priority when crossing the road. To improve pedestrian safety and deter speeding in this area, it is proposed to install the following treatments:

1.   Raised pedestrian crossing on Curtis Road, north of Darling Street as shown in Attachment 1

2.   Raised pedestrian crossing on Curtis Road between McDonald Street and Thames Street, as per Attachment 2

3.   Continuous footpath treatment on Thames Street at Curtis Road, as per Attachment 2.

Furthermore, it is proposed that McDonald Street from Curtis Road to Hoffmans Lane, be converted to one-way northbound as shown in Attachment 2 which is required to accommodate the pedestrian crossing. A tree will need to be removed in front of No. 31 Curtis Road as detailed on the plan to accommodate the crossing.


Officers Recommendation:


That the following treatments be approved in principle for inclusion in Council’s Traffic Facility Capital Works Program and that a detailed design including consultation be brought back to the Committee for consideration:

a)         Raised pedestrian crossing on Curtis Road, north of Darling Street as shown in Attachment 1.

b)         Raised pedestrian crossing on Curtis Road between McDonald Street and Thames Street, continuous footpath treatment on Thames Street at Curtis Road, and conversion of McDonald Street from Curtis Road to Hoffmans Lane to one-way northbound (subject to approval of a TMP by TfNSW) as shown in Attachment 2.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the following treatments be approved in principle for inclusion in Council’s Traffic Facility Capital Works Program and that a detailed design including consultation be brought back to the Committee for consideration:

a)   Raised pedestrian crossing on Curtis Road, north of Darling Street as shown in Attachment 1.

b)   Raised pedestrian crossing on Curtis Road between McDonald Street and Thames Street, continuous footpath treatment on Thames Street at Curtis Road, and conversion of McDonald Street from Curtis Road to Hoffmans Lane to one-way northbound (subject to approval of a TMP by TfNSW) as shown in Attachment 2.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 11     Emmerick Street, Lilyfield - Proposed New Kerb Blister (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



Council is planning to improve pedestrian accessibility and safety in Emmerick Street, Lilyfield at Perry Street by constructing kerb blister islands with integrated kerb ramps at this location. The works aim to improve road safety by better defining the pedestrian crossing points, reducing vehicle speeds and reducing the overall crossing distance for pedestrians crossing Emmerick Street.


Officers Recommendation:


That the attached detailed design plan (Design Plan No. 10306) for the proposed kerb blisters in Emmerick Street at the intersection with Perry Street, Lilyfield be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the attached detailed design plan (Design Plan No. 10306) for the proposed kerb blisters in Emmerick Street at the intersection with Perry Street, Lilyfield be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 12     Darling Street Between Mort Street and Booth Street, Balmain - Road Occupancy - Anzac Day Dawn Service (Baludarri - Balmain Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC)



In preparation to mark the ANZAC Day Dawn Service 2025 on Friday, 25 April 2025, Inner West Council is organising the ANZAC Day dawn Service at the Loyalty Square War Memorial, Balmain. To facilitate the event, it is proposed to close Darling Street between Mort Street and Booth Street between 2:30am and 9:30am.


Officers Recommendation:


That the temporary road closure of Darling Street (Mort Street to Booth Street), Balmain on Friday, 25 April 2025 between 2.30am – 9.30am be approved, subject to the following conditions be approved:


a)   all affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary road closure at least 14 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;


b)   that an unencumbered passage minimum 3.0m wide be available for emergency vehicles through the closed section of Darling Street, Balmain; and


c)   the occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.





The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the temporary road closure of Darling Street (Mort Street to Booth Street), Balmain on Friday, 25 April 2025 between 2.30am – 9.30am be approved, subject to the following conditions be approved:


a)   all affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary road closure at least 14 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;


b)   that an unencumbered passage minimum 3.0m wide be available for emergency vehicles through the closed section of Darling Street, Balmain; and


c)   the occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 13     Audley Street, Audley Lane, Sadlier Crescent, Fisher Street, and eastbound parking lanes on New Canterbury Road Petersham – Temporary Full Road Closures For Special Event On Saturday 22 March 2025 – Petersham Festival Bairro Portuguese (Damum - Stanmore Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC)


Inner West Council will be presenting Petersham Festival - Bairro Portuguese on Saturday 22 March 2025 from 3:00pm until 9:00pm on Audley Street and Fisher Street, Petersham. This event celebrates the very best of Portuguese culture with entertainment, music, dance, cultural activities, and traditional and contemporary foods. To facilitate the event, areas of Petersham will be closed and there will be road closures necessitating some road detours and bus diversions in surrounding streets.

Roads affected include Audley Street (between New Canterbury Road and Trafalgar Street), Sadlier Crescent (between Audley Street and Abels Lane) and Fisher Street (between Audley Street and Regent Street), Audley Lane north of New Canterbury Road (resident access excepted) as well as the eastbound parking lane on New Canterbury Road (between Audley Street and Audley Lane), Petersham from 6.00am Saturday 22 March 2025 until 2.00am Sunday 23 March 2025. It is recommended that Council agree to the temporary full road closures subject to all standard Council conditions for a temporary full road closure (ENRC/2024/0064). This report outlines the traffic management plan for the 2025 event.


Officers Recommendation:


That the proposed temporary road closure of Audley Street (between New Canterbury Road and Trafalgar Street), Sadlier Crescent (between Audley Street and Abels Lane) and Fisher Street (between Audley Street and Regent Street), Audley Lane north of New Canterbury Road (resident access excepted) as well as the eastbound parking lane on New Canterbury Road (between Audley Street and Audley Lane), Petersham on Saturday 22 March 2025, from 6:00am until 2.00am (Sunday), for the holding of ‘2025 Bairro Portuguese Petersham Festival’, be approved subject to the applicant complying with but not limited to the following conditions:


1.   A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is submitted to and approved by Transport for NSW; and an application for a Road Occupancy Licence and a temporary Speed Zone Authorisation is forwarded to and approved by the Transport Management Centre.


2.   Notice of the proposed event is forwarded to all affected residents and businesses, including the N.S.W. Police / Inner West Local Area Commander, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Ambulance and Transit Systems.


3.   Transit Systems – Inner West Bus Services be requested to implement a revised routing for scheduled bus services in Audley Street on the day of the event and install temporary bus stops as required.


4.   A minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed section.


5.   The occupation of the road carriageways must not occur until the roads have been physically closed.




The Representative for Transit Systems questioned if bus services are able to make the right-hand turn from Gordon St into New Canterbury Rd during the proposed temporary road closure as the ‘Buses Excepted’ signposting has been removed.


The Representative for Transport for NSW advised she will investigate the removal of signage and will advise and confirm the outcome with the Representative for Transit Systems.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the proposed temporary road closure of Audley Street (between New Canterbury Road and Trafalgar Street), Sadlier Crescent (between Audley Street and Abels Lane) and Fisher Street (between Audley Street and Regent Street), Audley Lane north of New Canterbury Road (resident access excepted) as well as the eastbound parking lane on New Canterbury Road (between Audley Street and Audley Lane), Petersham on Saturday 22 March 2025, from 6:00am until 2.00am (Sunday), for the holding of ‘2025 Bairro Portuguese Petersham Festival’, be approved subject to the applicant complying with but not limited to the following conditions:


1.   A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is submitted to and approved by Transport for NSW; and an application for a Road Occupancy Licence and a temporary Speed Zone Authorisation is forwarded to and approved by the Transport Management Centre.


2.   Notice of the proposed event is forwarded to all affected residents and businesses, including the N.S.W. Police / Inner West Local Area Commander, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Ambulance and Transit Systems.


3.   Transit Systems – Inner West Bus Services be requested to implement a revised routing for scheduled bus services in Audley Street on the day of the event and install temporary bus stops as required.


4.   A minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed section.


5.   The occupation of the road carriageways must not occur until the roads have been physically closed.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 14     Bruce Street, Ashfield - Proposed 'shared path' (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



This report identifies bicycle improvements at an existing missing link on Bruce Street adjacent to the on-road bicycle path along Grosvenor Crescent and Elizabeth Street, Ashfield. The proposed ‘shared path’ will improve bicycle connectivity to the existing on-road bicycle path.


Officers Recommendation:


That the concept plan for the ‘shared path’ along the existing footpath between Bruce Street and Hume Highway, Ashfield (as detailed in Attachment 1) be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the concept plan for the ‘shared path’ along the existing footpath between Bruce Street and Hume Highway, Ashfield (as detailed in Attachment 1) be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 15     Lackey Street & Smith Street (between Moonbie Street and Nowranie Street), Summer Hill-ENRC/2024/0062 Temporary Full Road Closure- 'Summer Hill Social' event on Sunday 9 March 2025 (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



Inner West Council is presenting a ‘Summer Hill Social’ on Sunday 9 March 2025 from 11am until 5pm on Lackey and Smith Street, Summer Hill.

This is a free, family friendly long-lunch style event with an array of food and drinks on offer from local cafes and restaurants, captivating performances by local artists, exciting stalls from the Summer Hill businesses and a fun kids’ activity area.

The setting up of the site will start from 4am and will be removed 10pm, after the event.

To facilitate the event, areas of Summer Hill, i.e. Lackey Street and Smith Street (between Moonbie Street and Nowranie Street) will be closed between 4am and 11pm Sunday 9 March 2025. Hardie Avenue will only be open for carpark access off Smith Street.


Officers Recommendation:


THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Lackey Street & Smith Street (between Moonbie Street and Nowranie Street) Summer Hill, be approved for the purpose of holding a ‘Summer Hill Social’ event on Sunday 9 March 2025 between 4.00am to 11.00 pm as per the submitted TMP and TGS, and subject to the following conditions and all standard Council conditions for a temporary full road closure:

a)   That a Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre.


b)   That notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigade and the NSW Ambulance Services.


c)   That all residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders.


d)   That a minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed sections.


e)   That the occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Lackey Street & Smith Street (between Moonbie Street and Nowranie Street) Summer Hill, be approved for the purpose of holding a ‘Summer Hill Social’ event on Sunday 9 March 2025 between 4.00am to 11.00 pm as per the submitted TMP and TGS, and subject to the following conditions and all standard Council conditions for a temporary full road closure:

a)   That a Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre.


b)   That notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigade and the NSW Ambulance Services.


c)   That all residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders.


d)   That a minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed sections.


e)   That the occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 16     Mackey Park and Carrington Road Survey Area, Marrickville - Request for extension of M2 Residential Parking Scheme - Resident Parking Questionnaire Survey Results (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Inner West PAC)


Following a Notice of Motion being raised, Council resolved to undertake a community consultation for a proposed three-month trial to extend the Resident Permit Parking Scheme Area M2 to the industrial precinct around Carrington Road, Cary and Renwick Streets. This report presents results of the parking surveys and community consultation completed in the following streets:

·       Thornley Street, south of Premier Street

·       Richardson Crescent, east of Carrington Road

·       Carrington Road between Premier and Richardson Crescent

·       Cary Street between Carrington Road and Johnston Lane

·       Renwick Street between Carrington Road and Johnston Lane

·       Warren Road between Carrington Road and Johnston Street

·       Ruby Street between Carrington Road and High Street

·       Junction Street between Ruby Street and Schwebel Street

The parking surveys completed indicate high utilisation surrounding Mackey Park and the nearby streets perpendicular to Carrington Road, and households with no or limited off-street parking may be affected by current parking conditions, and any future potential parking restrictions on Mackey Park.

The results from the community consultation indicate a low response rate from residents for a three-month trial of the extension of the M2 permit parking area despite those responding generally in support of the scheme. Given the low response rate, Resident Parking Scheme restrictions are not recommended at this time.

It is recommended to proceed to install timed parking restrictions on the western side of Richardson Crescent, south of Carrington Road to prevent long-term parking adjacent to the park and improve parking opportunities for park users during the weekday evening and weekend daytime periods.


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That the proposed three-month trial of timed permit parking restrictions on Thornley, Cary, Renwick, Ruby and Junction Streets, and Warren Road not proceed due to the lack of community response and support.


2.   That the proposed ‘2P 3pm-9pm Mon-Fri; 4P 8am-6pm Sat-Sun’ restrictions on the western side of Richardson Crescent south of Carrington Road be installed as shown in Attachment 2.


3.   That the current on-going enforcement of unattended and unauthorised vehicles under the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021 by Council’s Parking Officers to improve parking conditions for households that are affected by current parking behaviours on the local streets be noted.




Public Speaker Christian Wahl entered the meeting at 11.21am.


Mr Wahl opposed the recommendation made to the Traffic Committee and suggested that Council proceed with the proposed three-month trial of timed permit parking restrictions on Thornley, Cary, Renwick, Ruby and Junction Streets, and Warren Road. Mr Wahl noted that the figures shown on the report stated that the survey was sent to 347 households however only 110 households were impacted by the proposal. Mr Wahl noted that in order for Council to meet the 30% response rate, almost all households impacted would have to provide a response which would be unfair. Mr Wahl noted that the report shows that the households impacted by the proposed trial are meeting the 30% response rate. Mr Wahl noted that his household as well as some of his neighbours had issues accessing the survey link to provide their responses. Mr Wahl also noted that he has also seen an increase in boats and trailers and taxis being parked on residential streets, increases in vehicles per household and an increase of motorists using the streets for long-term parking causing parking issues in the area. Mr Wahl suggested that Council proceed with the initial proposal for timed permit parking trials and from that trial gather data and information from the community regarding the outcome.


Public Speaker Christian Wahl left the meeting at 11.21am.


Council Officers advised that as part of surveys, Council always consult the beyond the area of the affected residences, however when writing the reports and gathering statistics, Council focuses on the responses of the affected residences. Council Officers also noted that that is reflected in the report with results broken down into each individual street.


Council Officers tabled in a submission sent in by a resident opposing the recommendation for parking restrictions to be implemented advising that parking issues are not around Mackey Park but rather in the streets surrounding Mackey Park. The Resident raised concerns that restricted parking around Mackey Park will have a knock-on effect on the existing parking issues in the nearby streets.


Council Officers advised that the objective of the proposal of timed parking around Mackey Park is to improve parking opportunities for people wanting to use the park noting spaces are sometimes parked out by nearby businesses parking and other long-term users. Council Officers have advised that Council’s enforcement team has been responding to requests to assist with managing unattended vehicles and redistributing parking to residents. Council Officers noted the speaker's comments regarding affected residents meeting the response 30% response rate and advised that Council would have liked to see the affected resident response rate a little higher noting that if 50% of eligible properties did respond, that would then push the overall response rate up to 30% showing that 1 in 2 households without off-street parking are being affected.


The Chair noted that there is an existing issue of people parking in the area for extended periods while they go overseas and the dumping on boats and trailers and questioned if the implementation of 9P or 10P parking zones in certain streets will help promote the movement of vehicles in streets and deter non-residents from long-term parking and people from dumping vehicles on the streets.


The Representative for the Member of Summer Hill advised that although residents are split half for and against the recommendation however noted that the parking of trailers and boats is also a common complaint from residents who do not support the recommendation.


Council Officers noted that enforcement is being undertaken under the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act that assists Council with moving unattended vehicles, however it was noted that this process can take some time.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That the proposed three-month trial of timed permit parking restrictions on Thornley, Cary, Renwick, Ruby and Junction Streets, and Warren Road not proceed due to the lack of community response and support.


2.   That the proposed ‘2P 3pm-9pm Mon-Fri; 4P 8am-6pm Sat-Sun’ restrictions on the western side of Richardson Crescent south of Carrington Road be installed as shown in Attachment 2.


3.   That the current on-going enforcement of unattended and unauthorised vehicles under the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021 by Council’s Parking Officers to improve parking conditions for households that are affected by current parking behaviours on the local streets be noted.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 17     Tempe Reserve - Parking Study (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward/Heffron Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines the parking investigation completed to assess parking conditions at Tempe Reserve and the surrounding adjacent streets. It presents the parking survey results completed on the weekday evening and weekend peak periods. The results indicate there is adequate parking supply in the streets adjacent to Tempe Reserve, and that parking demand generated from park-users at Tempe Reserve during the evening weekday and weekend peak period has minimal impact to parking to the adjacent residential streets. Accordingly, a resident parking scheme in these streets is not recommended.


Officers Recommendation:


That the request for consideration of timed permit parking restrictions on streets surrounding Tempe Reserve not be implemented due to adequate parking capacity within the Tempe Reserve car parks.




Council Officers tabled a submission sent in by a resident opposing the recommendation noting that the report references Smith Street throughout the report and advised that it was Station Street they wanted to have assessed. The resident also advised that 1 peak night and 1 peak weekend were not sufficient for a parking study and noted that sports and training days/events were not the only cause for parking concerns as people often use the unrestricted parking around the oval to park and go to work at the nearby airport, as well as use the available parking for their boats and trailers leaving insufficient parking for residents to park nearby. The resident also questioned whether any stakeholders such as sporting clubs in the areas, airport operators, and residents were consulted during the parking study.


Council Officers advised that the parking study assessed parking utilisation on all residential streets south of Princes Highway that are adjacent to Tempe Reserve which included Station Street and the surrounding streets from Holbeach Avenue to Smith and Wood Streets. It was advised that parking surveys during the peak season were completed on training and game days and that Council Officers obtained booking dates scheduled for training and game day and Tempe Reserve and received advice from Council’s Parks Planning team during the peak season to ensure parking surveys were completed on days which would provide reliable data for assessment. Council Officers advised that the parking surveys completed during the peak period shows the worst-case scenario with the car parks closest to Holbeach Avenue close to capacity. It was noted that parking although parking spillover may occur from these car parks, there was still parking capacity in the adjacent residential streets for residents to utilise and that spillover from these carparks is likely to be minimal as data collected during the evening peak period indicates there is adequate parking capacity at Tempe Reserve with no spill over in adjacent streets. Council Officers advised that community consultation with sporting clubs, airport operators, or residents would have commenced should the parking surveys completed reveal high levels of utilisation in the car parks adjacent to Tempe Reserve however due to there being adequate parking capacity, further community consultation was not undertaken. Council Officers noted that the unrestricted parking spaces are prone to unattended vehicles, boats and trailers and advised that the enforcement of unattended vehicles is recommended to be managed via the Unattended Property Act 2024 and enforced by Council’s Parking Services team.


Council Officers noted that the carpark closest to Holbeach Avenue has a capacity of 70 spaces, the carpark nearest to the park has a capacity of 13 spaces and there is a carpark further down the reserve with 200 spaces. It was noted that the carpark with 70 and 13 spaces is more commonly occupied compared to the carpark with 200 available spaces. Council Officers advised that the data provided from the study shows that even when the busier carparks are used there is still minimal spillover to the residential streets nearby.


Council Officers noted that there is not much wayfinding signage to the larger carpark and suggested that Council investigate implementing wayfinding signage as it may assist with providing more options for users parking in the area and alleviate parking issues due to the other carparks being at capacity and the potential spillover it may have on surrounding residential streets.


The Chair noted that the issues seem to arise due to a lack of off-street parking for properties in that area due to small property frontages, narrow streets and households owning more than one vehicle, and noted that the parking unavailability on Smith Street is having a knock-on effect on nearby residential streets. Council Officers noted that due to the current construction of the Bunnings, parking has been compromised in Smith Street and noted that once construction is completed, that should relieve some of the parking issues on the street.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the request for consideration of timed permit parking restrictions on streets surrounding Tempe Reserve not be implemented due to adequate parking capacity within the Tempe Reserve car parks and that Council Officers develop a way finding scheme to better indicate parking areas around the reserve


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC1124(1) Item 18     Leichhardt West - Proposed Residential Parking Scheme Expansion (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



This report outlines the outcome from the Community Consultation and the recommended treatment for the expansion of the existing Leichhardt West Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) on section of Burfitt Street, Flood Street, Edith Street and Elswick Street, Leichhardt.


It is recommended that the RPS ‘2P 8AM-6PM, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area L1’ be expanded into the rest of Burfitt Street, eastern side of Edith Street and Elswick Street from the existing RPS boundary to Marion Street.


Officers Recommendation:


That the installation of Resident Parking Scheme ‘2P 8am-6pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area L1’ zone be approved as shown in Attachment 1:

a)   Western and Eastern side of Burfitt Street, Leichhardt – Between No.2 to No.48 and No.1 to No.45 Burfitt Street

b)   Eastern side Edith Street, Leichhardt – Between No.37 to No.65A Edith Street

c)   Western and Eastern side of Elswick Street, Leichhardt – Between No.118 to No.162 and No.105 to No.141 Elswick Street




Public Speaker Shirley Gwynn entered the meeting at 11.24am.


Ms Gwynn supported the recommendation advising that due to the current unrestricted parking on sections of Burfitt Street, Flood Street, Edith Street, and Elswick Street, Leichhardt, vehicles are parking for long periods to access the local shops and cafes or to head into the CBD via bus causing residents to experience difficulty finding parking near their residences. Ms Gwynn advised that due to difficulty finding parking near her area, she often parks in the 2P and 4P areas but noted this was quite hard to do as she has to care for her young children and leaving them to move her vehicle periodically is difficult. Ms Gwynn noted that the implementation of 2P parking in the area will be beneficial to Council’s enforcement team as that will allow them to book overstaying vehicles as well as assist with overstaying vehicles in the area adding to existing parking issues in the area.


Public Speaker Shirley Gwynn left the meeting at 11.27am.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the installation of Resident Parking Scheme ‘2P 8am-6pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area L1’ zone be approved as shown in Attachment 1:

a)   Western and Eastern side of Burfitt Street, Leichhardt – Between No.2 to No.48 and No.1 to No.45 Burfitt Street

b)   Eastern side Edith Street, Leichhardt – Between No.37 to No.65A Edith Street

c)   Western and Eastern side of Elswick Street, Leichhardt – Between No.118 to No.162 and No.105 to No.141 Elswick Street


For Motion: Unanimous




LTC1124(1) Item 19     Traffic Committee Schedule 2025



To assist Committee members with forward planning, the schedule of meetings of the Local Traffic Committee for 2025 is detailed below.


Officers Recommendation:


That the proposed schedule of meetings of the Local Traffic Committee for the 2025

calendar year be received and noted.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the proposed schedule of meetings of the Local Traffic Committee for the 2025

calendar year be received and noted.


For Motion: Unanimous



General Business

Item 20 – Request for mobility parking to be implemented on the frontage of St Brigid’s Catholic Church


Clr Marci advised he received a request from Father Giltus Mathias from St Brigid’s Catholic Church requesting the implementation of mobility parking on Livingston Road as their carpark is a long way away from the entrance to their Church and makes it hard for Churchgoers with mobility issues to access the vicinity. Council Officers requested that the correspondence be forwarded to Council for review and investigation.



Meeting closed at 12.57 pm.




Clr Victor Macri