Council Meeting


18 February 2025



Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 February 2025


Meeting commenced at 6.30pm



Darcy Byrne

Mat Howard

Izabella Antoniou

Liz Atkins

Olivia Barlow

Andrew Blake

Jo Carlisle

Vicki Clay

Jessica D’Arienzo

Kerrie Fergusson

Victor Macri

Vittoria Raciti

Philippa Scott

Chloe Smith

Ismet Tastan
Peter Gainsford

Simone Plummer

Mayor (7:25pm)

Deputy Mayor














General Manager

Director Planning

Ryann Midei

Director Infrastructure

Ruth Callaghan

Chris Sleiman

Julian Sakarai

Matthew Pearce

Manod Wickramasinghe

Scott Mullen

Lindsay Field

Lachlan Broadbent

Helen Bradley

Joan Murphy

Director Community

Acting Director Corporate

Acting Senior Manager Governance and Risk

General Counsel

Traffic and Transport Planning Manager

Strategic Investments and Property Manager

Public Trees Manager

Senior Manager Operations

Resource Recovery Planning Manager

Acting Senior Manager People and Culture

Katherine Paixao

Darcie Huisman

Business Paper Coordinator

Business Paper Officer


** The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Howard was chair of the meeting until the Mayor, Councillor Byrne arrived (at 7.25pm).








Councillor Clay declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 43 - Notice of Motion: A public toilet for Weekley Park, as her primary residence is in the vicinity of Weekley Park. She will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter as it is not currently clear where the proposed toilet facilities will be installed.


Councillor Carlisle declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 13 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 9 December 2024, as her principal place of residence is in close proximity to one of the streets referred to in the Local Traffic Committee meeting minutes. She will leave the meeting during discussion and voting.


Councillor Raciti declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 8 - Post Exhibition - Revised Sporting Grounds Allocations Policy as her husband is the president of the Leichhardt Tigers and her son is on the board. She will leave the meeting during discussion and voting.


Councillor Raciti declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 72 - RFT 44-24 Richard Murden Reserve Inclusive Playground Construction as her primary residence is in close proximity to the reserve. She will leave the meeting during discussion and voting.


Councillor Barlow declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 13 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 9 December 2024 as she works in the Office of Kobi Shetty MP, who in her capacity as the member for Balmain, has a representative on the Traffic Committee. She will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter as the vote is exercised through a representative.


Councillor Blake declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 8 - Post Exhibition - Revised Sporting Grounds Allocations Policy as he is a player for Hurlstone Park Men’s Over 35s Football team who are a member of the Canterbury District Football Association and who use sporting fields in the Inner West Council area. He has not been consulted or lobbied on this item and he has no decision making capacity in either organisation and so he will remain in the meeting for discussion and voting.


The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 62 - Notice of Motion: Review into Sydenham to Bankstown T3 line closure replacement buses as he has in his previous employment been directly engaged in some work around that matter. As his employment circumstances have changed, this does not represent a significant interest and he will remain in the meeting for discussion and voting.


Councillor D’Arienzo declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 68 - Update on the EOI for the development of affordable housing on Council land as she has commenced new employment in the Office of the Minister for Housing and Homelessness NSW. Out of an abundance of caution and until she receives advice on how to deal with the conflict, she will leave the meeting during voting and discussion.


Councillor Scott declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 8 - Post Exhibition - Revised Sporting Grounds Allocations Policy as her principal place of residence is adjacent to Lambert Park. She will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting.


** Councillor Antoniou made a declaration later in the meeting in relation to Item 23 - SXSW Sydney Update.




Motion: (Scott/Atkins)


That the Minutes of the Council held on Tuesday, 3 December 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Byrne






The registered speakers were asked to address the meeting. The list of speakers is available on the last page of these minutes.


Councillor Scott left the meeting at 6:40pm


The Mayor, Councillor Byrne entered the meeting at 7:25pm. The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Howard, vacated the Chair and the Mayor, Councillor Byrne, assumed the Chair.


Councillor Antoniou left the meeting at 7:26pm

Councillor Scott returned to the meeting at 7:26pm

Councillor Antoniou returned to the meeting at 7:35pm


C0225(1) Item 1          Condolence Motion: Rochelle Porteous

Motion: (Atkins/Tastan)


1.     That Council record our sadness at the passing of Rochelle Porteous and writes to the family expressing our condolences.


2.     That Council notes the significant contribution Rochelle has made to the Inner West community over a 17 year period as an advocate, councillor and as Mayor and propose an appropriate recognition of her service to the Council and the wider community. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 2           Condolence Motion: Catherine Young

Motion: (Tastan/Blake)


1.     That Council record our sadness at the passing of Catherine Young and writes to the family expressing our condolences.


2.     That Council notes the contribution Catherine has made to the Balmain/Rozelle community and propose an appropriate recognition of her service to the community. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Procedural Motion (Scott/D’Arienzo)


That Council allow Clr Byrne to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 3.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Barlow/Blake)


That Council allow Clr Antoniou to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 3.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Atkins/Antoniou)


That Council allow Clr Barlow to speak for 1 additional minute on Item 3.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake and Tastan

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott and Smith


Procedural Motion (Smith/Fergusson)


That Council allow Clr Byrne to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 3.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 3            Mayoral Minute: Combating Anti-Semitism and Supporting
          Community Cohesion in the Inner West

Motion: (Byrne)


1.     That Council condemns the recent surge of antisemitic attacks and vilification directed towards Sydney’s Jewish community, including the attempted firebombing of Newtown Synagogue, harassment of local Jewish residents, and incidents of antisemitic graffiti here in the Inner West.


2.     That Council acknowledges that local Jewish leaders have warned for months that antisemitic behaviour has been building in the Inner West, and have called on elected representatives to take a clear stand against antisemitism in all its forms. 


3.     That Council notes that the intimidation of local Jewish people by protestors at the August 2024 Inner West Council meeting, including the booing and hissing speakers, was overtly antisemitic and unacceptable.


4.     That Council acknowledges that racism must be opposed in all its forms and that there has been an increase in other forms of racism in our community, including towards Indigenous Australians during the Voice referendum, and that racism directed at one community has the potential to harm all diverse communities.


5.     That Council notes Council’s endorsed position that foreign affairs is not the remit of local government, but that local government has a role in combating racism and supporting community cohesion at the grassroots level. 


6.     That Council notes the steps already taken by Council to combat antisemitism, racism, and support community cohesion, including the recent Mayoral Roundtable on Social Cohesion that Inner West Council co-hosted, and the recently released Anti-Racism Strategy, the first developed by a local council in NSW.


7.     That Council commits to key actions to combat antisemitism, racism, and support community cohesion in the Inner West, including:

a)     receiving an urgent briefing for all councillors with the local Police Area Command and with Multicultural NSW on how Council can support community safety and cohesion at the local level;

b)     providing funding and support for projects, programs and capacity building at the community level. The Cultural Connections Program will allocate $50,000 annually in grants to ethnic community organisations to build and strengthen connections with the wider community;

c)     completing the installation of three Indigenous Survival Memorials across the Inner West to tell the heroic story of survival of First Nations people. The first at Yeo Park in Ashfield was opened in 2024;

d)     investing $120,000 over the next two years to develop and pilot a customised Anti-Racism Training Program in partnership with Western Sydney University. This will train hundreds of local residents and Council staff so they have practical skills and tools to confidently identify and respond to racist behaviours as a bystander;

e)     using the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for ongoing communications campaigns to the whole community to combat specific racist beliefs and behaviours to make Harmony Day more effective and meaningful; and

f)      employment measures to support greater economic participation for people from diverse backgrounds or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including in recruitment and professional development of Council staff and new apprenticeships.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Amendment (Antoniou/Atkins)


That point 5 of the motion be deleted, being:


That Council notes Council’s endorsed position that foreign affairs is not the remit of local government, but that local government has a role in combating racism and supporting community cohesion at the grassroots level.

Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake and Tastan

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott and Smith


Amendment (Atkins/Blake)


That Council prioritises the review of the Inner West Council’s Anti-Racism strategy review in light of the release of the Human Rights Commission’s National Anti-Racism framework, as part of this review:

a)     Council staff work with the Multicultural NSW’s Compact Alliance to learn and apply to the review best practices for local councils seeking to support community members at risk of racialised violence; and

b)     engage the Multicultural Advisory Committee to explore the ways global conflicts manifest locally and recommend ways the Inner West Council can better support our residents.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake and Tastan

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott and Smith

Councillor D'Arienzo left the meeting at 8:50pm

C0225(1) Item 75         Mayoral Minute: Conversion of Camperdown Westconnex site to

Motion: (Byrne)


1.   That Council welcome and endorse the proposal from the NSW Government to convert the former Westconnex dive site on Parramatta Road Camperdown to 500 homes, including 200 government owned rental properties to be made available and below market cost to essential workers.


2.   That Council write to the Premier, relevant Ministers and Landcom offering Council’s active assistance in the planning and development of the project.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr D'Arienzo

Councillor D'Arienzo returned to the meeting at 8:52pm

C0225(1) Item 76         Mayoral Minute: Transport of goods to remote communities


Motion: (Byrne)


That Council officers meet with Gamarada Boys and Together2 to discuss how we can assist with the transfer of goods to remote Indigenous communities, with a report of the outcome of discussions to be tabled at an Ordinary Council meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Howard/Atkins)


That Council Suspend Standing Orders to bring forward the following items to be dealt with at this time:


1.     Item 10 Public Exhibition - Draft Community Participation Plan

2.     Item 12 Opportunities and Constraints associated with residents seeking to install EV charging infrastructure

3.     Item 14 Aboriginal naming of Inclusive Playgrounds

4.     Item 15 2025 Inner West Council Grant Program

5.     Item 16 Deed of Variation for Planning Agreement - 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale

6.     Item 20 Investment Report at 30 November 2024

7.     Item 21 Investment Report at 31 December 2024

8.     Item 22 Investment Report at 31 January 2025

9.     Item 24 White Bay Power Station Update

10.  Item 31 2024-2025 Annual Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest First Returns for New Councillors, and Updated Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest for returning Councillors

11.  Item 35 Notice of Motion: Trans Pride Australia Proposal for Solidarity Crossing/Steps

12.  Item 36 Notice of Motion: Early Childhood Education Waitlist Fee

13.  Item 38 Notice of Motion: Fire Readiness in Inner West Parks and Reserves

14.  Item 39 Notice of Motion: Northcote Street and Area Flooding

15.  Item 40 Notice of Motion: Inner West Choral Festival

16.  Item 41 Notice of Motion: Stanmore Station Mural

17.  Item 42 Notice of Motion: Tackling illegally blocked driveways

18.  Item 43 Notice of Motion: A public toilet for Weekley Park

19.  Item 44 Notice of Motion: Shared Zone: Wells Street, Annandale

20.  Item 45 Notice of Motion: Shared Zone: Myrtle Street, Leichhardt

21.  Item 46 Notice of Motion: Right turn arrow corner Foster Street and Marion Street, Leichhardt

22.  Item 48 Notice of Motion: Installation of Lockers at Dawn Fraser Baths

23.  Item 49 Notice of Motion: Separated Pedestrian/Cycle Lane Robert Street, Balmain

24.  Item 54 Notice of Motion: Christmas Decorations

25.  Item 55 Notice of Motion: Update to Council's website regarding approval process

26.  Item 58 Notice of Motion: Active Transport across the Ashfield - Croydon area - Connecting East West Links

27.  Item 59 Notice of Motion: Feel Good Project in the Inner West

28.  Item 66 Notice of Motion: Post Development Application Survey

29.  Item 70 District Court Settlement


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Howard/Atkins)


That the following items be moved in globo and the recommendations contained within the reports be adopted:


1.     Item 10 Public Exhibition - Draft Community Participation Plan

2.     Item 12 Opportunities and Constraints associated with residents seeking to install EV charging infrastructure

3.     Item 14 Aboriginal naming of Inclusive Playgrounds

4.     Item 15 2025 Inner West Council Grant Program

5.     Item 16 Deed of Variation for Planning Agreement - 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale

6.     Item 20 Investment Report at 30 November 2024

7.     Item 21 Investment Report at 31 December 2024

8.     Item 22 Investment Report at 31 January 2025

9.     Item 24 White Bay Power Station Update

10.  Item 31 2024-2025 Annual Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest First Returns for New Councillors, and Updated Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest for returning Councillors

11.  Item 35 Notice of Motion: Trans Pride Australia Proposal for Solidarity Crossing/Steps

12.  Item 36 Notice of Motion: Early Childhood Education Waitlist Fee

13.  Item 38 Notice of Motion: Fire Readiness in Inner West Parks and Reserves

14.  Item 39 Notice of Motion: Northcote Street and Area Flooding

15.  Item 40 Notice of Motion: Inner West Choral Festival

16.  Item 41 Notice of Motion: Stanmore Station Mural

17.  Item 42 Notice of Motion: Tackling illegally blocked driveways

18.  Item 43 Notice of Motion: A public toilet for Weekley Park

19.  Item 44 Notice of Motion: Shared Zone: Wells Street, Annandale

20.  Item 45 Notice of Motion: Shared Zone: Myrtle Street, Leichhardt

21.  Item 46 Notice of Motion: Right turn arrow corner Foster Street and Marion Street, Leichhardt

22.  Item 48 Notice of Motion: Installation of Lockers at Dawn Fraser Baths

23.  Item 49 Notice of Motion: Separated Pedestrian/Cycle Lane Robert Street, Balmain

24.  Item 54 Notice of Motion: Christmas Decorations

25.  Item 55 Notice of Motion: Update to Council's website regarding approval process

26.  Item 58 Notice of Motion: Active Transport across the Ashfield - Croydon area - Connecting East West Links

27.  Item 59 Notice of Motion: Feel Good Project in the Inner West

28.  Item 66 Notice of Motion: Post Development Application Survey

29.  Item 70 District Court Settlement


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 10         Public Exhibition - Draft Community Participation Plan

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council publicly exhibit the draft Community Participation Plan for a period of 28 days and seek community feedback on the proposed Plan.


2.     That following the conclusion of the exhibition period, the draft Community Participation Plan be brought back to Council for consideration for adoption as part of the Community Engagement Strategy 2024-28.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 12         Opportunities and Constraints associated with residents seeking
         to install EV charging infrastructure

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council continue its current private kerbside charging trial until July 2026, by which time there should be over 200 public chargers across the Inner West, with a report to be tabled to Council at the conclusion of the trial.


2.     That Council examine the risks and benefits of transient trenched charging and if feasible introduce it within the current trial.


3.     That Council cap its current private kerbside charging trial at 140 permits to ensure effective management and analysis of the trial.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 14         Aboriginal naming of Inclusive Playgrounds

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council adopt the proposed Aboriginal names for the five Inclusive Playgrounds


2.     That Council confirm the names of Richard Murden Reserve, Haberfield and Steel Park, South Marrickville


3.     That Council refer the adopted and confirmed playground and park names to the Geographic Names Board of NSW for consideration, approval, and gazettal.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 15         2025 Inner West Council Grant Program

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


That Council approve the creation of two new grant streams, using existing budgets and as outlined in this report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 16         Deed of Variation for Planning Agreement - 1-13 Parramatta
         Road, Annandale

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council publicly exhibit the Deed of Variation for Voluntary Planning Agreement for 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale for a period of 28 days and seek community feedback.


2.     That following the conclusion of the exhibition period, the Deed of Variation for Voluntary Planning Agreement for 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale be brought back to Council for consideration for adoption.





Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 20         Investment Report at 30 November 2024

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 21         Investment Report at 31 December 2024

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 22         Investment Report at 31 January 2025

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 24         White Bay Power Station Update

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


That Council receive and note the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil




C0225(1) Item 31         2024-2025 Annual Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest First
         Returns for New Councillors, and Updated Disclosures of
         Pecuniary Interest for returning Councillors

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


That Council receive and note the report.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 35         Notice of Motion: Trans Pride Australia Proposal for Solidarity

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council request a report on the feasibility, possible location and cost of installing a crossing or steps depicting the trans flag colours to show solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community in the Inner West.


2.   That that report be provided by the April 2025 Council meeting in order to allow consideration of the proposal in the context of the 2025/26 budget process.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 36         Notice of Motion: Early Childhood Education Waitlist Fee

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council consider abolishing the waitlist fee for Inner West Council’s Early Childhood Education services, including pre-schools, early learning centres, family day care and occasional care, as part of the 2025-2026 Fees and Charges policy.


2.     That Council provides a report to the March 2025 Council meeting detailing the potential costs, benefits and consequences of abolishing the fees.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 38         Notice of Motion: Fire Readiness in Inner West Parks and

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council note the fire at Tempe Reserve on New Years Eve that saw substantive damage to vegetation near the Robyn Webster Indoor Sports Centre and required a response from emergency service personnel.


2.   That Council undertake an assessment of Inner West Council parks and reserves, including the Tempe wetlands, to identify any potential fire risks such as fuel buildup.


3.   That Council report back to the August 2025 Council meeting on any risks, actions taken, as well as information on regular processes undertaken by Council to ensure fire readiness.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 39         Notice of Motion: Northcote Street and Area Flooding

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council note the ongoing flooding of streets in Northcote and surrounding streets.


2.   That Council acknowledges the work undertaken by Inner West Council to increase the intake capacity of stormwater on Northcote Street in the 2024-2025 Budget.


3.   That Council request officers list flooding at this location for discussion at the next Flood Management Advisory Committee, including the extent of flooding, mitigations currently in place, and future options to mitigate and manage flooding at the location.


4.   That Council request officers report to the April council meeting with information and future options to mitigate and manage flooding at this location.


5.   That Council write to Sydney Water requesting a meeting to discuss options to improve the capacity and effectiveness of the water channel that runs through the area.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 40         Notice of Motion: Inner West Choral Festival

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council investigate opportunities to host an annual Inner West Choral Festival, featuring local choirs and singing groups based in and around the Inner West, and receive a report back to Council by the April 2025 Council Meeting.


2.   That as part of the report, Council consult with local choirs and singing groups, the Inner West Creative Network, and the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee on the structure, composition, funding opportunities, and other elements of the Festival.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 41         Notice of Motion: Stanmore Station Mural

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council note the significant work undertaken to improve accessibility and safety at Stanmore Station delivered as part of the Transport Access Program.


2.   That Council note the Stanmore community’s strong support for a mural artwork on the Trafalgar Street-side wall to reduce graffiti vandalism and improve public amenity as part of the upgrade.


3.   That Council note that Council’s own award-winning Perfect Match program has demonstrated the positive impact of street artwork in reducing graffiti vandalism and improving amenity, including at Mina’s Cafe located directly opposite the station on Trafalgar Street. 


4.   That Council write to the Minister for Heritage and the interim Minister for Transport expressing disappointment at the decision not to proceed with the mural artwork on heritage and maintenance grounds, and request a review of the decision including:

a)     redesigning the artwork to better accommodate heritage concerns; and

b)     exploring alternate installations to reduce graffiti vandalism, including planting vegetation along the wall to reduce access.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 42         Notice of Motion: Tackling illegally blocked driveways

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council develop a policy to better support residents impacted by illegally blocked driveways, including but not limited to investigating provision of towing services in the following circumstances:

a)     where a resident is blocked from exiting their driveway, a tow truck is engaged immediately; and

b)     where a resident is blocked from entering their driveway, a tow truck is engaged after 24 hours.


2.   That Council receive a report back on a draft policy and costs by the April 2025 Council Meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 43         Notice of Motion: A public toilet for Weekley Park

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council commit to reinstating public toilet facilities in Weekley Park, Stanmore.


2.     That Council prepare a report on costs and timeline for installation in this current term of council by the May Council Meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 44         Notice of Motion: Shared Zone: Wells Street, Annandale

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)

That Council officers prepare a report, including identification of budget, at the next possible Traffic Committee to formally designate Wells Street, Annandale as a Shared Zone with a 10km/h speed limit, a one-way northbound restriction, and a 2P resident footpath parking scheme, with plans to be placed on public exhibition reflecting these conditions.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 45         Notice of Motion: Shared Zone: Myrtle Street, Leichhardt

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council confirms that the Myrtle Street, Leichhardt Shared Zone is included in the 2025/2026 budget for design and construction.


2.   That Council ensures that all necessary approvals and design work are completed within the current financial year (2024/2025) to allow construction to commence in 2025/2026.


3.   That Council prioritises the implementation of a 10km/h Shared Zone, including appropriate traffic-calming measures, pedestrian safety improvements, and formalised footpath parking arrangements.


4.   That Council provides a timeline update to the community, ensuring residents are informed of progress and upcoming consultation opportunities.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 46         Notice of Motion: Right turn arrow corner Foster Street and
         Marion Street, Leichhardt

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council formally calls for the installation of a right-hand turn arrow at the intersection of Foster Street and Marion Street, Leichhardt, in both directions, to improve traffic flow and reduce safety risks.


2.     That Council writes to the Minister for Roads and Transport, requesting that Transport for NSW (TfNSW) prioritise an upgrade of this intersection, including the installation of right-turn arrows.


3.     That Council notes that this issue has been raised by Council for many years, and that residents continue to report dangerous conditions, red-light running, and collisions due to the lack of right-turn arrows.


4.     That Council recognises that new housing developments near this intersection will further increase pedestrian activity, making an upgrade even more urgent.


5.     That council requests that Council officers monitor and document traffic incidents at this location to support further advocacy efforts.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 48         Notice of Motion: Installation of Lockers at Dawn Fraser Baths

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council note the success of the $8 million heritage restoration to the Dawn Fraser Baths.


2.     That Council prepare a report detailing costings, recommended location and numbers of lockers that could be established at the Baths, to be tabled at the April 2025 Council Meeting.


3.     That Council review the food and beverage offerings at the Dawn Fraser Baths and investigate opportunities for improvement with a view to establishing a new offering for the public in time for the 2025/26 Summer Season. This should include examination of all options including the use of a coffee cart or temporary takeaway facility during the summer season.


4.     That Council identify how more community and private events such as film screenings, weddings and celebratory events can be held at the Baths. Options for how to facilitate and promote this are to be tabled in the report to the April Council meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 49         Notice of Motion: Separated Pedestrian/Cycle Lane Robert
         Street, Balmain

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council notes the significant investment of $17m committed by the Transport Minister to upgrade pedestrian accessibility and active transport links surrounding White Bay Power Station.


2.   That Council liaise with Place Making NSW to convene a series of community consultation meetings in partnership with Transport NSW at White Bay Power Station to discuss proposed works.


3.   That Council liaise with Transport for NSW, Place Making NSW and the Port Authority to determine design and explore shortfall funding opportunities (if required) for the Robert Street separated pedestrian/cycle lane.


4.   That Council prepare a report on the above for the April 2025 Council meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 54         Notice of Motion: Christmas Decorations

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council bring back a report on the opportunity to expand the existing festive decorations across the Inner West Local Government Area, in a timeframe that provides for decorations to be sourced and delivered.


2.   That the report include a Christmas Decoration Action Plan that invests in new decorations for Inner West shopping districts for 2025 and beyond.


3.   That consideration is given to creating a festive streetscape (such as decorations on light posts, fairy lights, Christmas tree).


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 55         Notice of Motion: Update to Council's website regarding
         approval process

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


That Council update its website in relation to the approval process when a Development Application or an application for a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) seeks to remove a public carpark space, including:

a)     clearly outlining the policy regarding approvals of new crossovers; and

b)     relevant legislation including the handover of approvals for a CDC between the Land and Environment Court and Council, the decision-making criteria and avenues of appeal (if any) – along with any other relevant information.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 58         Notice of Motion: Active Transport across the Ashfield - Croydon
         area - Connecting East West Links

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.     That Council review the feasibility for the creation of, and ability to include in the next iteration of the Bicycle Action Plan a regional cycle route:

a)     connecting Lewisham train station to Ashfield Aquatic Centre; and

b)     with Links to Ashfield and Croydon railway stations.


2.     That Council be provided with a briefing highlighting the opportunities for active transport in the Ashfield/Croydon region to support uptake in bike use, and earmark potential associated costs.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 59         Notice of Motion: Feel Good Project in the Inner West

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council urgently explore options for an Inner West venue where the Feel Good Project trailer could be hosted to provide high-end hair and beauty services to people who have limited or no access to such services.


2.   That when a suitable Inner West venue location is identified, Council work with the Feel Good Project to host a regular evening providing services free of charge to community in need.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 66         Notice of Motion: Post Development Application Survey

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


1.   That Council introduces a post Development Application (DA) survey for all projects within the Inner West Local Government Area.


2.   That Council draft and design a survey to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the DA process, satisfaction with communication and engagement throughout the application and approval process, the timeliness and transparency of decisions, the overall quality of the final development including its impact on infrastructure, public space and the local context and recommendations to improve the process.


3.   That Council delivers a draft survey and implementation plan to the next Council meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 70         District Court Settlement

Motion: (Howard/Atkins)


That Council accept the Settlement Offer of $160,000 together with the other terms articulated in the Confidential Legal Advice, as outlined in Attachment 3 of the Confidential Council report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 4           Quarter Two - Progress Report on the Delivery Program 2022-26
         and Operational Plan 2024/25 and Quarterly Budget Review

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.     That Council endorse the quarter two Progress Report on the Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan 2024/25.


2.     That Council adopt the quarter two Budget Review 2024/25.


3.     That Council note the grants received for the installation of 136 public EV chargers as detailed in the report, and the more than 80 that have been installed to date.


4.     That Council conduct a usage review six months from the end of the rollout, including the uptake at each location and consideration of whether any changes are recommended to maximise effective and efficient use of the chargers, and report back to Council with the results of the review.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Councillor Raciti left the meeting at 9:01pm

Procedural Motion (Scott/Carlisle)


That Council allow Clr Byrne to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 5.




Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D’Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Raciti


Councillor Raciti returned to the meeting at 9:01pm


C0225(1) Item 5            Rozelle Parklands Plan of Management and Licencing
          Agreement and Easton Park Plan of Management

Motion: (Byrne/Fergusson)


1.     That Council adopt the Plan of Management for the Rozelle Parklands and Easton Park.


2.     That Council commit to undertaking traffic design work for future traffic calming, angle car parking design and the development of new raised pedestrian crossings to the parkland in 2025/26.


3.     That Council note that the sporting fields at the Rozelle Parklands could and should have been made available for community use by Transport for NSW many months ago.


4.     That Council call on Transport for NSW to immediately install posts and line markings, and grant permission for local clubs to use the sporting fields to be used for the pending winter sporting season.


5.     That Council note that despite continual engagement from the Council executive staff, including the General Manager and the General Counsel, that proposed Care Control and Management Agreement from Transport for NSW cannot be agreed to in its current form due to the following deficiencies:

a)     the Agreement and its terms are more like a lease agreement rather than a Care, Control and Management Agreement because it deals with rights as landlord and a tenant rather than handing over the Parklands to Council to take care, control and management;

b)     the Ausgrid site and construction compound located within the Parklands and the “Western Harbour Tunnel Egress” as part of the Western Sydney Tunnel Project are undefined in terms of their scope and impact on the Park;

c)     a term in proposed Agreement allows that TfNSW can carve out by Gazette Order, at any time, any part of the Parkland at its discretion, and Council cannot oppose the carve out;

d)     the Agreement requires, on short notice, that users of the sporting fields must vacate if and when TfNSW needs to access these areas;

e)     TfNSW requires Council to take on all the risk of the existing contamination and responsibility for the contamination cap across the Parklands, even if there is an event/incident not caused by Council; and

f)      the proposed agreement states that the $20 million to be paid to Council in funding Council’s activities on the land and surrounding parks will be managed through a separate funding agreement which has not been provided.


6.     That Council write to all sporting clubs that made submissions in Council’s EOI process for use of the grounds, updating them about the failure of Transport for NSW to make the fields available for use or to conclude the Care Control and Management Agreement.


7.     That Council retain current cycling/pedestrian path through the Rozelle Parklands with the view to complete future works to separate the pedestrian and cycle path in the way of soft plantings or another suitable option.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Councillor Raciti left the meeting at 9:10pm

C0225(1) Item 6            Community Engagement Outcomes - Mort Bay Park Upgrade

Motion: (Fergusson/Byrne)


1.     That Council, as a part of the upgrade to amenities and facilities at Mort Bay Park, endorse the following improvements:

a)     a playground upgrade with a waterplay area and shade sails;

b)     fixing park drainage, muddy areas and upgrade to existing park footpaths;

c)     improved lighting throughout the Park to make night-time use safer;

d)     progressing water and sediment quality testing to allow a swim site;

e)     picnic tables and BBQ's and seating;

f)      outdoor gym equipment; and

g)     new toilet near playground and ferry wharf’.


2.     That Council investigate provisions for pickleball line markings on existing surfaces and converting the basketball court wall into a tennis wall with a report back to the April 2025 Council meeting outlining costs.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Raciti


C0225(1) Item 7            Community Engagement Outcomes - Hinsby Park - Future Park

Motion: (Byrne/Fergusson)


1.   That the Hinsby Park Annandale playground and landscape improvements be considered as a part of the 2025/26 budget planning process.


2.   That as part of its development of a Local Area Traffic Management study for Annandale, Council include consideration of the traffic management engagement outcomes which have been highlighted in the report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Raciti



C0225(1) Item 8  Post Exhibition - Revised Sporting Grounds Allocations Policy

Motion: (Fergusson/Carlisle)


1.     That Council adopt the revised Sporting Grounds Allocations Policy, subject to the following amendment on Page 25, Paragraph 2:

"Floodlights may be used on weekends for finals series games or one-off events which will be approved by Council on a case by case basis. Floodlighting on weekend-ends for general competition will be considered upon separate application.”


2.     The Council update the Policy Register and publish, as applicable, internally, and externally the adopted Sporting Grounds Allocation Policy.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                         Cr Raciti

Councillor Raciti returned to the meeting at 9:13pm

C0225(1) Item 9           Public Exhibition - Draft Economic Development Strategy

Motion: (Scott/Fergusson)


That Council defer consideration of the Economic Development Strategy until the review of economic development funding is finalised.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Byrne/Howard)


That the meeting be adjourned for 10 minutes.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


The meeting was adjourned at 9.15pm

The meeting recommenced at 9.26pm


Procedural Motion: (Byrne/Carlisle)


That Council Suspend Standing Orders to bring forward Item 50 - Notice of Motion: Access to Council swimming facilities for State Emergency Services training, to be dealt with at this time.





Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Byrne/D’Arienzo)


That Council allow Clr Carlisle to speak for 1 additional minute on Item 50.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 50         Notice of Motion: Access to Council swimming facilities for State
         Emergency Services training

Motion: (Carlisle/D’Arienzo)


1.     That Council acknowledges the vital role played by the State Emergency Service volunteers from Ashfield - Leichhardt and Marrickville units in protecting our community during emergencies, particularly during flood events.


2.     That Council notes:

a)     the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events and flooding in our area requires well-trained emergency response teams;

b)     regular access to swimming facilities is essential for SES volunteers to maintain and develop their water rescue capabilities;

c)     pool-based training provides a controlled environment for practicing crucial rescue techniques, including the use of rescue equipment like the Arkangel rescue raft; and

d)     such training is fundamental to both the operational readiness and safety of SES volunteers.


3.     That Council resolves to:

a)     provide regular scheduled access to Council-operated swimming facilities for authorised training sessions by Ashfield - Leichhardt and Marrickville SES units;

b)     allow the use of rescue equipment, including inflatable rescue rafts, during these training sessions, subject to appropriate safety protocols;

c)     request that Council Staff work with SES unit commanders to establish suitable times and conditions for this training access;

d)     waive any associated facility hire fees for these essential training activities; and

e)     provide a report back to Council within three months on the implementation of this resolution.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil




C0225(1) Item 11         Public Exhibition - Urban Forest Policy

Motion: (Byrne/Atkins)


1.     That Council publicly exhibit the draft Urban Forest Policy for a period of 28 days and seek community feedback on the proposed Policy.


2.     That following the conclusion of the exhibition period, the draft Urban Forest Policy be brought back to Council for consideration for adoption.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Councillor Carlisle left the meeting at 9:33pm as she had declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest as her principal place of residence is in close proximity to one of the streets referred to in the Local Traffic Committee meeting minutes.


C0225(1) Item 13         Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 9 December 2024

Motion: (Scott/Blake)


1.     That Council receive and adopt the recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 December 2024; with the following amendments:

a)     Item 4: Re-exhibition of proposed permanent road closure Jaggers Lane, Balmain - Approve permanent full road closure of Jaggers Lane, between Caroline and Duncan Street (option 1); and

b)     Item 18: Resident parking scheme Croydon - conduct a post-implementation review of the resident parking scheme in Croydon after six months, and give specific consideration to including Edwin Street (North), between Anthony Street to dead end and Edwin Street (North), between Elizabeth Street and Anthony Street in the Resident Parking Scheme.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Crs Macri and Raciti

Absent:                         Cr Carlisle


Amendment (Macri/Raciti)


That Council receive and adopt the recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 December 2024.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Macri and Raciti

Against Motion:          Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Absent:                        Cr Carlisle


Councillor Carlisle returned to the meeting at 9:43pm


Councillor Macri left the meeting at 9:43pm




C0225(1) Item 17         Council at your Door

Motion:  (Clay/Scott)


1.     That Council endorse a trial of door-knocking for five projects, one in each ward:

a)     Balmain and Leichhardt Wards: Leichhardt Oval and LPAC upgrades

b)     Marrickville Ward: Henson Park

c)     Ashfield Ward: Greenway opening

d)     Stanmore Ward: Lewisham Town Centre Upgrade


2.     That the cost form part of budget considerations for 2025/26.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Macri


C0225(1) Item 18         National General Assembly of Local Government 2025

Motion: (Howard/Antoniou)


1.     That Council determine the Councillors attending the National General Assembly of Local Government 2025 are:

a)     Deputy Mayor Howard

b)     Cr D’Arienzo

c)     Cr Atkins

d)     Cr Barlow

e)     Cr Antoniou


2.     That Council determine the one (1) Councillor that will be the voting delegate is Deputy Mayor Howard.


3.     That Council require any proposed motions that meet the National General Assembly’s criteria, to be sent by Councillors (following the proposed motions template in Attachment 3) by 10.00am on 3 March 2025 for consideration by Council at the 11 March 2025 Council meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Macri

Councillor Macri returned to the meeting at 9:47pm

Procedural Motion (Byrne/Carlisle)

That Council allow Clr Howard to speak for an additional 30 seconds on Item 19

Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil





C0225(1) Item 19         Submission to Office of Local Government on Consultation Draft
         of the Model Code of Meeting Practice For Local Councils In

Motion: (Howard/Scott)


1.     That Council approve the draft submission to the Office of Local Government on the Consultation Draft of the Model Code of Meeting Practice For Local Councils In NSW, as detailed in Attachment 1.


2.     That Council authorise the lodgement of the submission on the Consultation Draft of the Model Code of Meeting Practice For Local Councils In NSW, with the Office of Local Government before 28 February 2025.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott and Smith

Against Motion:          Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake and Tastan


Amendment (Atkins/Barlow)

That point 1 be amended to read:

1.     That Council approve the draft submission to the Office of Local Government on the Consultation Draft of the Model Code of Meeting Practice For Local Councils In NSW, as detailed in Attachment 1 subject to:

a)     removal of the support for:

                                     i.          the power for the Mayor to call an extraordinary meeting of Council without support of 2 other councillors;

                                   ii.          the removal of the restrictions on Mayoral Minutes; and

b)     support allowing a point of order to be made with respect to the meeting principles.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake and Tastan

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott and Smith


Amendment (Atkins)

That Council’s submission note that there is not unanimous support for the expressed positions on the proposed ability of the Mayor to call an extraordinary meeting of Council without support of 2 other councillors, the removal of the restrictions on Mayoral Minutes, nor allowing a point of order to be made with respect to meeting principles. 


The Chairperson ruled this amendment out of order as the minutes of this meeting will reflect the record of voting.




Councillor Antoniou declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 23 - SXSW Sydney Update as her extended family have ties to one of the businesses mentioned in the Primary Motion as per point 2. Out of an abundance of caution, she left the meeting during discussion and voting at 9.54pm.



C0225(1) Item 23         SXSW Sydney Update

Motion:  (Smith/Byrne)


1.     That Council note the success of Fest by Inner West in supporting local musicians and creative venues, and in promoting the Enmore Road Special Entertainment Precinct and the Inner West broadly as the premier entertainment and arts precinct in Sydney.


2.     That Council commence discussions with SXSW Sydney, Century Venues, and the Newtown Enmore Business Chamber about hosting Fest by Inner West in 2025, including incorporating learnings from the 2024 event.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Antoniou

Councillor Antoniou returned to the meeting at 9:55pm

C0225(1) Item 25         Soft Plastics and Residential Doorstep Collection Service

Motion: (Howard/Byrne)


1.     That Council receive and note the report.


2.     That Council receive further report in April 2025 outlining:

a)     projects where recycled plastic aggregate is used in base products, including but not limited to play equipment, road base, footpaths and concrete;

b)     a full list of further opportunities and project types where plastic aggregate can be incorporated;

c)     details on where plastic aggregate is used in such projects from other Australian and international jurisdictions; and

d)     a decision for councillors regarding the application of a procurement weighting for the use of plastic aggregate and/or a target for the number of projects where this will be used and/or any other opportunities to expand the use of plastic aggregate in Inner West projects.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 26         Bi-Monthly Update Brewers and Distillers Plan

Motion: (Smith/Howard)

1.     That Council receive and note the report.


2.     That Council defer consideration of the report to the March 2025 Council meeting, and include the breakdown of planned expenditure in the Inner West Tourism Fund.




Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 27         Transport for NSW Grants: Summer Hill; Sydenham; Permit Plug
          and Play Pilot Project

Motion:  (Howard/Antoniou)


1.     That Council receive and note the report.


2.     That the public meeting and business roundtable planned as part of the Sydenham Road Strategy be brought forward to align with the timeline requirements of the ReVITALise Sydenham Station precinct program.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 28         Leichhardt Oval Refurbishment Update

Motion: (Byrne/Scott)


That Council bring forward the finalisation of the concept design program and concept plans by Cox Architecture to the April 2025 Council meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Byrne/Howard)


That Council allow Clr Smith to speak for 1 additional minute on Item 29.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 29         Utilisation of Community Venues

Motion: (Smith/Howard)


1.     That Council receive and note the report.


2.     That, as part of the marketing strategy, Council provide information and promotional material to the Inner West Creative Network for the Creative Town Halls program for distribution amongst their membership.


3.     That Council receive a report by the April 2025 Council meeting, investigating opportunities to maximise community use and engagement of community venues and their efficient management, including examining how different councils manage similar venues, staff resourcing and expertise, and potential partnerships with external organisations and other levels of government.


4.     That Council adds to its website and social media channels, information about events at the Town Halls.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 30         Mandatory Reporting of FRNSW Reports received by Inner West
         Council to Council

Motion: (Fergusson/Scott)


1.     That Council receive and note the report.


2.     That Council receive a briefing on the fire in Fort Street, Petersham on Saturday as soon as details are available to staff.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 32         Initiatives to Reduce Labour Hire in Early Learning Centres

Motion: (Carlisle/Tastan)


1.     That Council receive and note the report.


2.     That Council congratulates the Children Services team on the successful implementation of Children and Family Services Review resulting in less reliance on labour hire staff through the conversion of 20 labour hire staff to Inner West Council roles, the establishment of an in-house casual pool and improved job certainty and security for Inner West Council Early Learning Centre staff.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil









C0225(1) Item 33         Notice of Motion: Affordable Housing

Motion: (Macri/D’Arienzo)


1.     That Council contact the local Affordable Providers and Homes NSW to invite them to consider redeveloping their existing housing stocks to maximise affordable housing in the Inner West Local Government Area.


2.     That Council notes the report received and endorsed at its October 2024 ordinary meeting outlining the proposed planning principles for the inner west. With 1,221 submissions from the community providing valuable input and feedback on the proposals. A widely supported principle is for Council to prioritise affordable housing options within the LEP, including for social and public housing.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Councillor Macri left the meeting at 10:16pm


C0225(1) Item 34         Notice of Motion: Closure of Community Justice Centres

Motion: (Atkins/Carlisle)


1.     That Council notes the stated intention of the NSW Government to repeal the Community Justice Centre legislation and close all Community Justice Centres (CJCs) in NSW on 30 June 2025.


2.     That Council notes the importance of CJCs as sources of free mediation and dispute resolution services for all NSW residents without the need to take court action, including for neighbour disputes.


3.     That Council agrees to write to the Attorney-General and the Premier of NSW asking for a postponement of the decision to close all CJCs to enable submissions from councils and other stakeholders and for information about the impact of this on residents of the inner west including:

a)     affected CJCs and mediation services in the Inner West Council (IWC) Local Government Area (LGA);

b)     the rationale behind the closure of these services; and

c)     where residents living in the IWC LGA might seek alternative legal and mediation services to prevent, manage and resolve disputes.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Macri


C0225(1) Item 37         Notice of Motion: Camdenville Oval Playground Shade

Motion: (Howard/Barlow)


1.     That Council congratulates Inner West Council on multi-million dollar investment and work to upgrade Camdenville Oval.


2.     That Council note resident feedback that there is insufficient shade at the new Camdenville Oval playground, with only one shade sail installed.


3.     That Council installs additional shade at Camdenville Oval playground as part of the budget process.


4.     That Council plant additional mature trees at Camdenville Oval playground as part of the budget process.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Macri


Councillor Macri returned to the meeting at 10:19pm


Councillor Raciti left the meeting at 10:20pm


C0225(1) Item 47         Notice of Motion: Review Economic Development Funding

Motion: (Scott/Fergusson)


1.     That Council requests a report from Council staff on how the 2025/2026 economic development budget could be best utilised.


2.     That Council consider in the report whether to directly support local Chambers of Commerce and other collaborative projects on a competitive, grant funding basis.


3.     That Council notes that Chambers of Commerce play a critical role in supporting local businesses, advocating for economic development, and fostering vibrant commercial precincts.


4.     That Council ensures that the report includes:

a)     an assessment of current funding allocations and support mechanisms for Chambers of Commerce;

b)     options for direct funding, capacity-building initiatives, and strategic partnerships to strengthen Chambers' ability to support local businesses;

c)     consideration of best-practice models from other councils in supporting business chambers; and

d)     opportunities for Chambers to collaborate on joint initiatives that drive local economic growth.


5.     That Council ensures that the report is presented to Council in time to inform the 2025/2026 budget process.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil




C0225(1) Item 51         Notice of Motion: Priority access to Council operated Early
          Learning Centres for children of women in Domestic and Family
          Violence Refuges within IWC boundaries

Motion: (Carlisle/Scott)


1.     That Council notes:

a)     Early childhood education plays a critical role in supporting children and families experiencing crisis and trauma;

b)     domestic violence refuges in our local area provide essential emergency accommodation and support for women and children fleeing violence; and

c)     access to quality early childhood education can provide stability and support for children experiencing domestic violence trauma, while enabling their mothers to access essential services, legal support, and employment.


2.     That Council further notes that:

a)     under Commonwealth legislation, Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) is available for up to 13 weeks to provide extra support for childcare fees in situations of temporary hardship;

b)     Council centres can apply for ACCS Child Wellbeing in specific circumstances; and

c)     Council already has provisions to waive enrolment bonds, waiting list fees and establish affordable payment plans depending on family circumstances.


3.     That Council officers prepare a report exploring:

a)     options for providing priority access pathways to Council-operated early learning centres for children of women residing in domestic violence refuges within the Inner West;

b)     potential for establishing formal partnerships with local domestic violence services to facilitate streamlined access to early learning places;

c)     mechanisms to waive or reduce upfront fees and bonds that may create barriers to access;

d)     staff training needs to ensure trauma-informed practice in supporting children and families fleeing domestic violence; and

e)     any resource or policy implications of implementing such initiatives.


4.     That the report be presented to Council within 4 months.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Raciti


C0225(1) Item 52         Notice of Motion: Domestic Violence hubs

Motion: (Carlisle/Scott)


1.     That Council acknowledges:

a)     the devastating impact of domestic and family violence on our community;

b)     Council's ongoing commitment to preventing domestic violence and supporting victim-survivors through initiatives including workplace policies, community education, and participating in the 16 Days of Activism; and

c)     the establishment of the Love and Hope Hub model at Burwood Library to provide accessible, coordinated support services for victim-survivors.


2.     That Council notes that:

a)     victim-survivors often face barriers accessing fragmented support services while dealing with trauma and crisis;

b)     co-located service hubs provide a safe, accessible way for victim-survivors to connect with multiple support services in one location; and

c)     local libraries and community centres can serve as non-stigmatising venues for accessing domestic violence support.


3.     That Council resolves to:

a)     investigate establishing regular domestic violence support hubs at suitable Council venues, based on the Love and Hope Hub model;

b)     explore partnerships with relevant services including:

                                 i.          Domestic violence support organizations;

                               ii.          Legal Aid NSW;

                             iii.          NSW Police;

                             iv.          Women's health services;

                               v.          Housing support services;

                             vi.          Multicultural support services; and

                            vii.          Settlement services

c)     consider funding implications in the 2024-25 Operational Plan;

d)     identify appropriate Council venues that could safely and discreetly host support hubs;

e)     examine staff training needs to support this initiative; and

f)      provide a report back to Council within 4 months outlining:

                                 i.          proposed locations and frequency for support hubs;

                               ii.          potential service delivery partners;

                             iii.          resource implications and funding options;

                             iv.          implementation timeline; and

                               v.          measures to ensure cultural safety and accessibility.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Raciti


C0225(1) Item 53         Notice of Motion: Vacant site 26- 36 Enmore Road

Councillor Atkins withdrew this motion.


C0225(1) Item 56         Notice of Motion: Re-instate a regular market in Balmain

Councillor Tastan withdrew this motion.


Motion: (Fergusson/Byrne)


1.     That Council note the significant work that the Balmain Markets Association has undertaken to re-establish a local market in Balmain including;

a)     securing a permanent location at St Andrew’s Congregational Church, Balmain;

b)     successfully trialling a preliminary Christmas Market event at St Andrew’s Church on 7 December 2024;

c)     petitioning for local community support; and

d)     creating a local community focussed business plan in partnership with the Balmain Rozelle Chamber of Commerce.


2.     That Council notes the Balmain Markets Association projects regular weekend Balmain Markets to be in operation at St Andrew’s Congregational Church by late March 2025.


3.     That Council officers meet with Trista Rose and Annette Plant from the Balmain Markets Association to discuss how Council can partner with and support the launch of the Balmain Markets and what resources might be available to assist with promotion and marketing and attracting quality vendors.


4.     That Council report back to the March 2025 Council meeting, advising the outcome of the discussion.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Raciti

Councillor Raciti returned to the meeting at 10:25pm

C0225(1) Item 57         Notice of Motion: Free Pool Days

Motion: (Antoniou/Barlow)


1.     That Council note operating and delivering high quality, accessible pools and aquatic services is a core community service and:

a)     as the effects of climate change intensify over the coming years and decades, access to swimming facilities will become increasingly important from a community health and wellbeing perspective; and

b)     the current cost-of-living crisis may be a prohibitive barrier for many in our community wanting to access and use our swimming facilities.


2.     That Council officers bring a report to a future Council meeting including recommendations and budget parameters for running a trial providing free pool entry at Inner West Council Aquatic Centres and pools during the summer, with the days to be determined by Council staff in accordance with operational requirements. This may include but is not limited to days where temperatures are expected to be +33°C.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake and Tastan

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott and Smith


C0225(1) Item 60         Notice of Motion: Celebrating the Vietnamese community in

Motion: (Barlow/Howard)


1.     That Council note the success of the 2025 Lunar New Year events program in Ashfield and surrounds and congratulates the staff and community partners involved in delivering this program.


2.     That Council consult with local Marrickville residents and business community to identify ways the Council can recognise and celebrate Vietnamese celebrations of Lunar New Year, including additional events.


3.     That Council receive a report outlining options to create additional events celebrating Lunar New Year in 2026, including opportunities to activate ‘Little Vietnam’ and surrounds, as well as Marrickville Town Hall. The report should include potential costs, grant funding opportunities and budget considerations for the 2025/26 Financial Year including funding options within Council’s existing budget.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 61         Notice of Motion: Addi Road Community Centre’s Hampers of

Motion: (Barlow/Howard)


1.     That Council notes the immense success of Addi Road Community Centre’s ‘Hampers of Hope’ in 2024, and in previous years, and the enormous impact their ongoing food relief and food justice efforts have for the Inner West community.


2.     That Council writes to the organisers of ‘Hampers of Hope’ to congratulate them on the success of their events and for their contribution to Marrickville and to the Inner West.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 62         Notice of Motion: Review into Sydenham to Bankstown T3 line
          closure replacement buses

Motion: (Barlow/Antoniou)


That Council write to the Transport Minister to:

a)     request a review of the Temporary Transport Plan (TTP) for the T3 Sydenham to Bankstown conversion in particular regard to increased congestion and travel times being experienced by passengers taking T3 line replacement buses;

b)     request a review of the way T3 line replacement buses are planned to run during public holidays; and

c)     request the TTP be revised to provide additional bus services in an effort to reduce travel times and overcrowding on replacement services.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake and Tastan

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott and Smith




Foreshadowed Motion (Howard/D’Arienzo)


1.     That Council notes the conversion of the T3 Bankstown Line to metro is difficult for residents who live along the line.


2.     That Council notes ongoing dialogue between Inner West Council and Transport for NSW on the temporary transport plan and continues to raise concerns reported by residents via the regular monthly meetings held between Transport for NSW and Inner West Council.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 63         Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Crossing on Sydenham Road,

Motion: (Barlow/Antoniou)


1.     That Council explore options on Sydenham Road between Victoria Road and Shirlow Street, for a raised pedestrian crossing to be placed.


2.     That Council urgently write to the Minister of Roads to advocate for pedestrian crossing facilities to be provided on Sydenham Road between Victoria Road and Shirlow Street.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake and Tastan

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott and Smith


Foreshadowed Motion (Howard/D’Arienzo)


That Council note consideration of raised pedestrian crossings on Sydenham Road between Victoria Road and Sydenham Station is underway as part of the Sydenham Road Strategy, as agreed by Council in October 2024.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 64         Notice of Motion: Supporting a safe, supportive and anti-racist
         Inner West

Councillor Antoniou withdrew this motion.


C0225(1) Item 65         Notice of Motion: City Architect

Motion: (D’Arienzo/Scott)


1.     That Council introduce the role of City Architect to oversee and lead and guide architectural and urban design initiatives within the council, ensuring alignment with Council’s vision for sustainable, inclusive, and well-designed built environments.


2.     That Council include the creation of the City Architect position in the 2025/26 Budget with the position to sit within the Planning Directorate under the Director of Planning.


3.     That Council develop a job description and recruitment strategy for the City Architect, ensuring the role is filled by a highly experienced and qualified professional with a deep understanding of urban design, public policy, and community engagement. A report on the proposed responsibilities for the position is to be tabled at the April 2025 Ordinary Council meeting. Key responsibilities are to include:

a)     lead and advise on the design and planning of public spaces, parks, streetscapes, and civic buildings;

b)     collaborate with proponents, architects, and urban planners to ensure high quality architectural results across the Inner West;

c)     champion sustainability and high-quality architecture in all developments.

d)     create design guidelines that preserve the inner west character while promoting innovative solutions; and

e)     engage with the community to incorporate local needs into urban design decisions.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 67         Notice of Motion: New Major Residential Development Panel

Motion: (D’Arienzo/Byrne)


1.     That Council establish a new Residential Development Panel to assess significant residential development applications and proposals under the new Inner West Local Environment Plan (LEP).


2.     That the new panel provide a simplified and consistent approach to the assessment of significant residential developments, accelerating the approval and determination process and contributing to the delivery of new housing in the Inner West.


3.     That the new panel convene regularly and will be responsible for reviewing and assessing significant residential development projects in accordance with the new LEP. This should include both the determination of applications Council is the consent authority for, as well as the assessment process for applications that are to be determined by the Eastern Sydney Planning Panel.


4.     That panel membership will include the following key decision-makers:

a)     General Manager;

b)     Director of Planning;

c)     General Counsel; and

d)     City Architect (once recruited).



5.     That panel responsibilities will include: 

a)     reviewing significant residential development applications and rezoning proposals based on planning, infrastructure, and legal considerations;

b)     ensuring efficiency, consistency and clarity in the assessment process; and 

c)     reporting regularly to Council on the outcomes of panel reviews and the progress of housing delivery within the Inner West.


6.     That Council officers develop and report criteria for significant residential development assessments to the April 2025 Council meeting. These criteria will guide the new Panel in reviewing applications for major developments under the new LEP and should include a value threshold, the scale and size of the development, and high-quality design and sustainability standards.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Howard/Scott)


That Council enter into Confidential Session.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Councillor D'Arienzo left the meeting at 10:44pm as she had declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 68, as she has commenced new employment in the Office of the Minister for Housing and Homelessness NSW.


Confidential Session

That in accordance with Section 10A(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, the following matters be considered in Closed Session of Council for the reasons provided:


C0225(1) Item 68 Update on The EOI for the Development of Affordable Housing on Council Land (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.


C0225(1) Item 69 Appointment of Independent Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Members, Minutes and Aric Annual Report (Section 10A(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 1993 as it contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).


C0225(1) Item 71 RFT 32-24 IWC Cleaning Services and Associated Products (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND commercial information of a confidential nature (Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.


C0225(1) Item 72 RFT 44-24 Richard Murden Reserve Inclusive Playground Construction (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND commercial information of a confidential nature (Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.


C0225(1) Item 73 Henson Park Upgrade Stage 2 (Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.           


resolutions passed during closed session



C0225(1) Item 68         Update on the EOI for the development of affordable housing on
         Council land

Motion: (Howard/Clay)


1.     That Council receives and approves the Tender Evaluation Report for the Stage 1 – Expression of Interest (EOI) process that recommends three (3) Preferred Respondents be progressed to Stage 2 – Request for Tender (RFT) process, to finalise and submit development proposals, including Transaction Documents, for further consideration by Council.


2.     That Council, to inform and support Recommendation 1 above, endorse to progress and undertake due diligence assessments and site-specific concept design studies for a selected car park as a test-case to determine the potential development yields, indicative site massing/ scale and built form, compliance to apartment design guidelines(ADG) including Council’s sustainability and environmental objectives and estimated delivery timescales and costs of construction for each component, including escalation and associated project fees, in order to validate project feasibility and development viability. The assessments and studies to be undertaken for both the prevailing FSR and height of building planning controls and any potential increase or amendment that would realistically be required in the planning controls to achieve project feasibility and development viability.


3.     That Council, to inform and support Recommendation 2 above, approve that the findings and/ or recommendations of Council’s master planning initiatives related to housing investigation areas and transport-oriented development for the specific precincts within which these car parks are situated, as the ‘baseline’ planning controls to test impacts on project feasibility and development viability.


4.     That Council support and endorse the use and application of the NSW Government’s recently approved Housing Pattern Book to accelerate the delivery of new low- and mid-rise housing, with designs and guidelines to support the construction of more high-quality housing.


5.     That Council continue to endorse in-principle that a funding contribution for public car parking may be considered for a portion of the public car spaces to be provided at any or all of the shortlisted sites, which will be quantified with a lower and upper financial contribution range, by each Preferred Respondent when finalising their proposals as part of the Stage 2 – Request for Tender (RFT) process.


6.     That Council undertake a full parking study in the town centres of the three shortlisted Council-owned car park sites, with the purpose of identifying opportunities to increase public parking, reporting back to Council in May 2025.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, Fergusson, Howard, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Macri and Raciti

Absent:                        Cr D'Arienzo


Amendment (Macri/Raciti)


That Council reaffirm its position and progress only to offer the car parks for affordable housing where parking numbers can be maintained or increased as per the original motion.


Motion Lost

For Motion:                  Crs Macri and Raciti

Against Motion:          Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, Fergusson, Howard, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Absent:                        Cr D'Arienzo


Councillor D'Arienzo returned to the meeting at 10.55pm


C0225(1) Item 69         Appointment of Independent Audit, Risk and Improvement
         Committee (ARIC) Members, Minutes and ARIC Annual Report

Motion: (Scott/Clay)


1.     That Council resolves to appoint Ms Belinda Lawn and Mr Chris Davies as Independent Members to the Inner West Council Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee, for a period of four (4) years, with an option for re-appointment for a further 4 years, subject to a formal review of the member’s performance.


2.     That Council receive the minutes and adopt the recommendations of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) meeting held on 6 December 2024.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Scott/Howard)


That the meeting be extended to 11.10pm.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 71         RFT 32-24 IWC Cleaning Services and Associated Products

Motion: (Scott/Carlisle)


That Council defer consideration of the item until councillors are provided with a briefing on Council’s cleaning services.




Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Councillor Raciti left the meeting at 11:00pm she had declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 72, as her primary residence is in close proximity to the reserve.


C0225(1) Item 72         RFT 44-24 Richard Murden Reserve Inclusive Playground

Motion: (Scott/Howard)


1.     That Council accepts the tender submitted by Romba Pty Ltd, Unit 3/17 Bromley Road, Emu Heights NSW 2750, for the Richard Murden Reserve Inclusive Playground Construction for the lump sum price of $1,948,040.00 excluding GST ($2,142,844.00 Inc. GST).


2.     That Council delegate authority to the General Manager to authorise variations to this contract up to the value of the contingency amount noted in the confidential report.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Raciti


Councillor Raciti returned to the meeting at 11:02pm


C0225(1) Item 73         Henson Park Upgrade Stage 2

Motion: (Byrne/Macri)


1.     That Council note the $2M funding contribution from the AFL towards the Henson Park Stage 2 Upgrade.


2.     That Council commit a financial contribution of $5.5M towards the Henson Park Stage 2 Upgrade as part of the 2025/26 budget, drawing on funds from the following sources:

a)     developer contributions previously from nearby developments including at the former Timber Yards site;

b)     funding owed by Sydney Airport Corporation to Council; and

c)     infrastructure Reserves.


3.     That Council advise the Office of Local Government on the changes to the funding package for Stage 2 in accordance with Public Private Partnership guidelines.


4.     That Council delegate authority to the General Manager to enter into agreements or similar regarding the delivery of Stage 2 of the Henson Park upgrade.


5.     That the approved designed and costings be circulated to councillors and a briefing session be held.




Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Scott/Carlisle)


That the meeting be extended to 11.30pm.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


C0225(1) Item 74         Review of Organisational Structure

Motion: (Scott/Smith)


That Council proceed with the proposed new organisational structure of five Directors

and General Counsel reporting to the General Manager as outlined below:

·        Director Planning;

·        Director Corporate;

·        Director Community;

·        Director Engineering;

·        Director Property and Major Projects; and

·        General Counsel.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Procedural Motion (Byrne/Scott)


That Council move back into the Open Session of the Council Meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                  Crs Antoniou, Atkins, Barlow, Blake, Byrne, Carlisle, Clay, D'Arienzo, Fergusson, Howard, Macri, Raciti, Scott, Smith and Tastan

Against Motion:          Nil


Meeting closed at 11.22pm.















Public Speakers:



Item #




Item 3:

Campbell Knox

Jesse McNicoll

Richard Gray

Uri Windt

Rabbi Eli Feldman



St Peters



Item 5:

Will Atkins

Rebecca Fernandez

Neil Tonkin

Paul Avery

Terence Kelly

Balmain East





Item 12:

Rod Walker


Item 13:

Edward Walsh

Rory Steinle-Davies

David Lethem

Bob Stephenson

Hugh Davies






Item 47:

Greg Pattison

Heleana Genaus



Item 50:

Larissa Brisbane

Rachel Bunder



Item 55:

Robert Pringle

Julie Tubby



Item 56:

Trista Rose


Item 58:

Donald Semken


Item 64:

Campbell Knox

Jesse McNicoll



Item 65:

Heleana Genaus


Item 68:

Morris Hanna

Arthur Alepidis

Simon Konstantinidis


Beverly Hills





















Unconfirmed minutes from the Ordinary Council meeting held on 18 February 2025.