


Business Paper







6.30pm, Tuesday, 8 August, 2023










C0823(1) Item 6  Crown Lands Procedural Requirement: Adoption of

 Park Plans of Management for Pratten Park, Petersham Park

 and Ashfield Park


Attachment 2:  Ashfield Park Plan of Management                                                 2


Attachment 3:  Petersham Park Plan of Management                                         130


Attachment 4:  Pratten Park Plan of Management                                              211



C0823(1) Item 7 Draft Rozelle Public Domain Masterplan – Community

                           Consultation Commencement


Attachment 1:  Early Consultation - Engagement Outcomes Report                  352



C0823(1) Item 9 Draft Leichhardt Oval Masterplan for Public Exhibition


Attachment 1:  Engagement Outcomes Report                                                   453



C0823(1) Item 12 Local Government NSW Board Election and

                             Annual Conference 2023


Attachment 2: LGNSW 2022 Conference Records of Decisions                        494

Item 6

Attachment 2


Item 6

Attachment 3


Item 6

Attachment 4


Item 7

Attachment 1


Item 9

Attachment 1


Item 12

Attachment 2