Local Traffic Committee Meeting

Minutes 18 March 2024


Minutes of Meeting held on 18 March 2024


Meeting commenced at 11:04 AM






I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country we are meeting today, and their elders past and present.




Mayor Darcy Byrne

Councillor – Baludarri-Balmain Ward (Chair – Items 1 to 2)

Manod Wickramasinghe

IWC’s Traffic and Transport Planning Manager (Chair – Items 3 to 20)

Bill Holliday

Representative for Kobi Shetty MP, Member for Balmain

Graeme McKay

Representative for Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill

Nina Fard

Transport for NSW (TfNSW)






Colin Jones

Inner West Bicycle Coalition (IWBC)

Michael Takla

Representative for Transit Systems

Roderick Primerano

Representative for U-Go Mobility

Sunny Jo

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Engineering Services (North)

Jason Scoufis

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Studies & Road Safety

Kurt Henkel

IWC’s Principal Designer Public Domain

Amir Falamarzi 

IWC’s Traffic Engineer

Sarah Guan

IWC’s Graduate Strategic Transport Planner

Christy Li

IWC’s Business Administration Officer







Edward Walsh

Resident (Item 2)

Bob Stephenson

Resident (Item 2)

Susan Moxham

Resident (Item 2)

Huw Davies

Resident (Item 2)

Despina Langella

Resident (Item 15)

Felicity Muller

Resident (Item 15)

Michael Frydman

Resident (Item 15)

Doug Rosser

Resident (Item 15)

Nick Rippon 

Resident (Item 15)







Ben Walters

NSW Police – Inner West Police Area Command










That the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee held on Monday, 19 February 2024 be confirmed.




The Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 11 December 2023 were adopted at Council’s meeting held on 05 March 2024 subject to the following adjustments:


1.   Council committing to the expedited delivery of LTC1233 (1) Item 8 traffic calming measures around Cardinal Freemen Village: 


a)   that Council Commits to the planned works being delivered in both the 2024/25 and 2025/26 financial years and that Council will seek opportunities to fund and deliver the works sooner;

b)   that Plan 1 (a) Victoria St, mid-block between Clissold Street and Seaview Street be delivered as the first project, as a matter of urgency; and 

c)   that Item 8 program of works be referred to the Major Projects Committee for oversight. 


2.   The following being referred to the Local Traffic Committee for investigation, in relation to LTC1223(1) Item 8:


a)   that Council investigate traffic calming measures on intersections of Norton Street and Carlisle Street, and Norton and Lapish Avenue; and

b)   that Council continue consultations with Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and other stakeholders with the aim of developing safe and inclusive pedestrian crossings in our community. 


3.   The following amendments to LTC1223(1) Item 7 to include urgent action being taken to improve visibility of the pedestrian crossing at Illawarra Road at Yirran Gumal Early Learning Centre, including:


a)   a report including designs to improve visibility at the crossing be brought to the next possible Local Traffic Committee Meeting, considering options to raise the crossing, implement flashing lights, or any other measure to improve safety; and

b)   that upon approval by the Local Traffic Committee and Council, these works be immediately prioritised and undertaken, funded through the quarterly budget update.


4.   The following amendments to LTC1223(1) Item 3:


a)   that the clause on page 7 of the policy that allows for crossings to be provided at less than the numerical warrant be amended to read as follows:
‘A pedestrian (zebra) crossing may also be considered at locations where there is a deviation from meeting the warrant, such as where the pedestrian crossing would serve as an essential link to an overall network of pedestrian facilities, or
 for a vulnerable group such as children, the elderly or mobility impaired’; and

b)   that a report be provided to Council 12 months after the adoption of the policy about any new pedestrian crossings that have been approved or refused under the new policy, with reasons for the approvals and refusals to be included in the report.


The Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 19 February 2024 were adopted at Council’s meeting held on 05 March 2024.






LTC0324(1) Item 1       Newtown South LATM Study (Damun-Stanmore Ward/Newtown Electorate/Inner West PAC)



Council has prepared a draft Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study to address key community concerns about traffic, pedestrian and cycling facilities in the Newtown South LATM precinct area.


The recommendations aim to align with Council policies and strategies, with an emphasis on improving pedestrian and cyclist movements, whilst retaining safe and acceptable traffic volume and speeds in local streets.


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That the final draft Newtown South Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Study be endorsed for community consultation.


2.   The report be placed on Public Exhibition, providing a minimum 28 days for community feedback and the results be reported back to the Traffic Committee.




The Representative for Transport for NSW advised she had spoken with the Representative for the Member of Newtown regarding Camdenville Public School and it was noted that the pedestrian crossing in Alice Street west of Hawken Street is included to be redone as part of this LATM study. The Representative for Transport for NSW requested that the lighting at this pedestrian crossing t be rechecked to ensure compliance as well as requested that the tree branches near the pedestrian crossing be trimmed back to allow students to walk safely across the crossing and to ensure adequate lighting.


The Committee members agreed with the amended recommendation.




1.   That the final draft Newtown South Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Study be endorsed for community consultation.


2.   The report be placed on Public Exhibition, providing a minimum 28 days for community feedback and the results be reported back to the Traffic Committee.


3.  That the lighting on the pedestrian crossing in Alice Street west of Hawken Street be rechecked and tree branches near the crossing be trimmed back to ensure compliance with pedestrian crossing standards.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 2       Jaggers Lane, Balmain - Permanent Road Closure Proposal (Baludarri - Balmain Wardbalmain Electorate Leichhardt PAC)



Following a petition that was submitted from residents for the permanent road closure of Jaggers Lane in June 2023, Council proposed to closure the lane to improve pedestrian safety and amenity. Public consultation was undertaken in late 2023 to invite residents with access in Jaggers Lane and surrounding streets to provide their feedback on the proposed lane closure. Out of the 31 submissions received, 23 supported (74.2 % of submissions), and 8 (25.8% of submissions) have opposed the proposal.


The public consultation also sought feedback from utility companies and organisations regarding a permanent closure of the laneway. It was generally found that proposed bollard locations for a closure would need to be adjusted on both ends of the laneway.


A traffic counter was deployed, and collected traffic data for 7 days, and found very low levels of traffic. It was also found that the vehicle speeds were not significant.


Officers Recommendation:


1.         That the permanent road closure of Jaggers Lane, Balmain between Duncan Street and Caroline Street be approved subject to the approval of the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) by Transport for NSW.


2.         That the closure of Jaggers Lane, Balmain be implemented as per the bollards and signposting plan provided in Attachment 2.




Public Speakers Edward Walsh, Bob Stephenson and Susan Moxham entered the meeting at 11:07AM


Mr Walsh advised he was also speaking on behalf of Mr Stephenson and Ms Moxham and stated they were all in support of the proposed recommendation. Mr Walsh stated he agreed with the findings of Council noting that the lane is too narrow for both pedestrians and vehicles to pass by simultaneously and agreed that the proposal will improve pedestrian safety. Mr Walsh noted that the original petition had garnered 47 signatures all in favour of closing the lane permanently. Mr Walsh noted there are 2 developers who have been seeking approval to convert the public space within the lane for private benefit and expressed his concerns that this would be done at the expense of public safety and community amenity of the lane.  Mr Walsh noted that the key concerns were the narrowness of the lane and potential risks involved with having the lane open for both vehicular and pedestrian access. Mr Walsh made reference to the traffic survey Council’s traffic engineers undertook and noted that during the survey, there were 3 near misses including a parked vehicle being hit by a car coming out of a lane, a moving vehicle nearly being hit by a car coming out of a lane and a vehicle almost hitting a pedestrian in the lane.  Mr Walsh also noted that there are properties which have back gates which open onto Jaggers Lane. He stated that this could be a safety hazard to vehicles and residents as the open gates cause an obstruction.


Ms Moxham noted her concerns regarding people parking on the lane causing difficulty for pedestrians to access the lane safety. Ms Moxham expressed concerns that if the lane were to be used for vehicular access and parking, residents and pedestrians will lose the lane and its amenity to pedestrians as a walkway.


Public Speakers Edward Walsh, Bob Stephenson and Susan Moxham left the meeting at 11:15AM


Public Speaker Huw Davies entered at 11:16AM


Mr Davies advised he would also be speaking on behalf of resident Stephen Cheshire who is currently overseas and that they were both against the proposed recommendation. Mr Davies noted the report stated the lane is approximately 3 metres wide however it was measured to be 3.15 metres. Mr Davies noted that the report omits the fact that the average Australian car is between 1.7 metres and 1.9 metres wide (including the wing mirrors) allowing more than 1 metre for pedestrians and vehicles to pass one another. Mr Davies also noted that the traffic data in the report found vehicular speeds were not significant and that there were low levels of traffic with an average of 2.3 vehicles using the lane per day as well as low pedestrian and bicycle movements. Mr Davies questioned whether there was a safety issue in the lane. He advised the proposed closure will mean residents will not be able to charge their electric vehicles in the lane, there will be increased difficulty in dropping off and picking up items and an increase of cost for building maintenance and renovations as deliveries of building equipment and materials via Waterview Street is difficult and time consuming. Mr Davies also raised the potential increased risk to residents in case of an emergency as residents would have to locate the bollard key and remove the bollard all in a time critical setting. Mr Davies advised that a swept path analysis were provided with his submission for 35 Waterview Street in 2020 and that these drawing all complied with Council requirements and noted the statement that “Previous off street parking to Jaggers Lane have not been supported as applicants have been unable to demonstrate that standard vehicles can access the lane and traverse through safely with current street furniture and parking” is untrue. Mr Davies advised that the road closure appears to be attributed to the DA approval for 4 Caroline Street and that Council are trying to stop this development through the closure of the lane which will remove people’s access and rights for adjoining properties in Jaggers Lane. Mr Davies noted that in summary there is no conclusive evidence a safety issue exists, yet the basis for closure is to address safety, the evidence and findings in the report shows there is very low improvement to amenity and very few benefactors whilst many residents stand to lose amenity to their homes if the Lane closure proceeds.


Public Speaker Huw Davies left the meeting at 11:25AM


The Representative for the Member of Balmain questioned whether the implementation of signage would be enough to deter people from parking and accessing the lane with their vehicles and asked regarding the discrepancies between the swept path analysis produced by developers and by Council.


Council Officers advised that swept path assessments showing standard (85th percentile) vehicles that had been provided, showed that vehicles would strike property boundaries or bollards/poles in the street. It was noted that sept paths undertaken with substandard (small) vehicles were not accepted as appropriate evidence to access the lane.


Mayor Darcy Byrne questioned if the road closure can be regulated through signage without the installation of bollards.


Council Officers advised that the purpose of the bollards is to physically restrict movement so that it minimises issues with vehicles illegally accessing the lane in the case of a closure implemented with signage alone.


The Representative for the Member of Summer Hill questioned why the bollards were proposed to be set so far back from the street.


Council Officers advised that the bollards were set back as there was a Sydney Water drainage cover located on the street which Council wanted to retain access to.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That the permanent road closure of Jaggers Lane, Balmain between Duncan Street and Caroline Street be approved subject to the approval of the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) by Transport for NSW.


2.   That the closure of Jaggers Lane, Balmain be implemented as per the bollards and signposting plan provided in Attachment 2.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 3       Vincent Street, Balmain - Proposed Stormwater Improvements (Baludarri - Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



Council is planning drainage improvement works in Vincent Street & Fawcett Street, Balmain to better manage stormwater in this area by replacing and upgrading ageing stormwater infrastructure and reconstructing kerb returns, kerb ramps and road pavement.


The works will require the kerb-alignment within the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone to accommodate the inlet pits with lintels. The proposal will not change the existing parking arrangement in the streets and will result in no loss of parking spaces.


Officers Recommendation:


That the attached detailed design plan (Design Plan No.10271) for the proposed stormwater improvements at Vincent and Fawcett Street, Balmain be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the attached detailed design plan (Design Plan No.10271) for the proposed stormwater improvements at Vincent and Fawcett Street, Balmain be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 4       Deakin Avenue, Haberfield Edge - proposed line marking installation (Gulgadya - Leichhardt Ward, Summer Hill Electorate, Burwood PAC)



A request received from a resident regarding the speeding issue along Deakin Avenue, Haberfield and concerns of reckless driving from Deakin Avenue to Kingston Street. In order to alleviate this, it is proposed to install edge line marking along Deakin Avenue between Dalhousie Street and O’Connor Street.


Officers Recommendation:


That the installation of edge line marking on Deakin Avenue, Haberfield between Dalhousie Street and O’Connor Street be approved.




Council Officers noted that there was an error in the Ward, Electorate and PAC information for this Item and will have that amended to reflect the correct information.


The Representative for the Member of Summer Hill questioned what the proposed line marking achieves.


Council Officers advised that the proposed edge line marking is designed to visually reduce the carriageway and noted that previous implementation of such line marking has assisted in the reduction of speed from motor vehicles. It was noted that although this treatment was not as effective as traffic calming devices, it did assist with reducing the speed of motor vehicles.


The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition noted that although not often, there may be people who mistake the proposed line marking as a guide for where to park their car.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the installation of edge line marking on Deakin Avenue, Haberfield between Dalhousie Street and O’Connor Street be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 5       Bay Street and Hammond Avenue, Croydon - Proposed 'No Stopping' restrictions (Gulgadya-Croydon Ward/Strathfield Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines the current traffic and parking issues at the intersection of Bay Street and Hammond Avenue, Croydon, and proposes ‘No Stopping’ restrictions to address the issues raised.


Officers Recommendation:


That 10m ‘No Stopping’ yellow line marking be provided on:

a)   the northern side of Bay Street, east of Hammond Avenue, Croydon

b)   the northern side of Bay Street, west of Hammond Avenue, Croydon

c)   the western side of Hammond Avenue, north of Bay Street, Croydon

d)   the eastern side of Hammond Avenue, north of Bay Street, Croydon




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That 10m ‘No Stopping’ yellow line marking be provided on:

a)   the northern side of Bay Street, east of Hammond Avenue, Croydon

b)   the northern side of Bay Street, west of Hammond Avenue, Croydon

c)   the western side of Hammond Avenue, north of Bay Street, Croydon

d)   the eastern side of Hammond Avenue, north of Bay Street, Croydon


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 6       Dalmar and Byron Streets, Croydon - Proposed 'No Stopping' restrictions (Gulgadya-Croydon Ward/Strathfield Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines the current traffic and parking issues at the intersection of Dalmar and Byron Streets, Croydon and proposes ‘No Stopping’ restrictions to address the issues raised.


Officers Recommendation:


That the Committee approve the proposed ‘No Stopping’ yellow line marking on the:


·    Southern side of Dalmar Street, 10 metres east and west of Byron Street;

·    Eastern side of Byron Street, 8 metres south of Dalmar Street; and

·    Eastern side of Byron Street, 9.5 metres south of Dalmar Street.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the Committee approve the proposed ‘No Stopping’ yellow line marking on the:


·    Southern side of Dalmar Street, 10 metres east and west of Byron Street;

·    Eastern side of Byron Street, 8 metres south of Dalmar Street; and

·    Eastern side of Byron Street, 9.5 metres south of Dalmar Street.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 7       Gould Avenue, Lewisham - Proposed 'No Stopping' restrictions (Damun-Lewisham Ward/Newtown Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines the parking and road safety issues at the intersection of Gould Avenue and Gould Lane, Lewisham, and proposes a solution to address the issues raised. The report also includes feedback from the community about the current parking issues within the Inner West Local Government Area.


Officers Recommendation:


That the installation of a ‘No Stopping’ yellow line marking at the following locations be approved:


·    Northern side of Gould Avenue, 10 metres in length, east of Gould Lane;

·    Northern side of Gould Avenue, 6 metres in length, west of Gould Lane;

·    Eastern side of Gould Lane, 10 metres in length, north of Gould Avenue; and

·    Western side of Gould Lane, 10 metres in length, north of Gould Avenue.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the installation of a ‘No Stopping’ yellow line marking at the following locations be approved:


·    Northern side of Gould Avenue, 10 metres in length, east of Gould Lane;

·    Northern side of Gould Avenue, 6 metres in length, west of Gould Lane;

·    Eastern side of Gould Lane, 10 metres in length, north of Gould Avenue; and

·    Western side of Gould Lane, 10 metres in length, north of Gould Avenue.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 8       Belmore Street, Tempe - Proposed 'No Parking' restrictions (Midjuburi-Tempe Ward/Heffron Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines road access issues at the dead-end of Belmore Street, Tempe. It outlines the investigation and proposes a ‘No Parking’ restriction to resolve the access issues. Community feedback on the proposal is also included and informs the final ‘No Parking’ restriction proposal.


Officers Recommendation:


That the proposed ‘No Parking’ restrictions extending 9m south (western side) and 15m south (eastern side) from the dead-end of Belmore Street, Tempe, as per Figure 2 in this report be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the proposed ‘No Parking’ restrictions extending 9m south (western side) and 15m south (eastern side) from the dead-end of Belmore Street, Tempe, as per Figure 2 in this report be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 9       Denison Street, Camperdown, south of Kilner Lane - Proposed kerb extension and ramp (Damun-Camperdown/Newtown Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines proposed pedestrian facility devices to improve connectivity, access and safety at the intersection of Denison Street and Kilner Lane, Camperdown.


Officers Recommendation:


That the detail design plan (plan no. 10273) for new kerb ramps which incorporate a kerb blister (southern side) on Denison Street, Camperdown, south of Kilner Lane be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the detail design plan (plan no. 10273) for new kerb ramps which incorporate a kerb blister (southern side) on Denison Street, Camperdown, south of Kilner Lane be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 10     Meeks Road at Victoria Road, Marrickville – Proposed intersection Improvements - Design Plan 10268 (MIDJUBURI-MARRICKVILLE WARD / SUMMER HILL ELECTORATE / INNER WEST PAC)



Council has finalised a design plan for proposed intersection improvements at the intersection of Meeks Road and Victoria Road, Marrickville. The proposed works aim to improve cyclist and motorist safety by better defining the intersection as well as improving the entry threshold at the intersection. It is noted that Council has received Blackspot funding to upgrade the intersection.


Officers Recommendation:


That the detailed design plan for the proposed intersection improvements at the intersection of Meeks Road and Victoria Road, Marrickville and associated signs and line markings (as per Design Plan No.10268-A) be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the detailed design plan for the proposed intersection improvements at the intersection of Meeks Road and Victoria Road, Marrickville and associated signs and line markings (as per Design Plan No.10268-A) be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 11     Ewart Street, Dulwich Hill And (Lower) Railway Parade, Sydenham - Temporary Parking Changes On 4 Weekends During Weekend Rail Replacement Operations - Bus Replacements (Midjuburi -Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Officers Recommendation:


1. That the following temporary short-term parking changes for the following period 10:00pm Friday 22 to 02:00am Monday 25 March 2024 (inclusive) be approved to support the works required to convert the T3 Bankstown Line to a Metro Line:


a)         Dulwich Hill Station Precinct - Ewart Street (3 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 20m (3 parking spaces) ‘2P 8 am – 6 pm Mon – Fri’ on the northern side of Ewart Street (between Wardell Road and Bayley Street) to a ‘Bus Zone’;

b)         The short-term conversion of 25m ‘No Parking’ restrictions on the southern side of Ewart Street (between Wardell Road and Riverside Crescent) to a ‘Bus Zone’;

c)         Sydenham Station Precinct - Lower Railway Parade (57 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 122m (46 parking spaces) 45 degree angled ‘unrestricted parking’ on the southern side kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Sydenham Road and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’; and

d)         The short-term conversion of 32m (11 parking spaces) 45-degree angled parking ‘4P 8:30 am – 6 pm Mon - Fri’ on the southwest kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Gleeson Avenue and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’.


2.       That the following temporary short-term parking changes for the following periods

           04:00am Saturday 22 to 02:00am Monday 24 June 2024 (inclusive)

           04:00am Saturday 29 to 02:00am Monday 1 July 2024 (inclusive)

           04:00am Saturday 6 to 02:00am Monday 8 July 2024 (inclusive)


be approved to support the works required to convert the T3 Bankstown Line to a Metro Line:


a)         Sydenham Station Precinct - Lower Railway Parade (57 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 122m (46 parking spaces) 45 degree angled ‘unrestricted parking’ on the southern side kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Sydenham Road and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’; and

b)         The short-term conversion of 32m (11 parking spaces) 45-degree angled parking ‘4P 8:30 am – 6 pm Mon - Fri’ on the southwest kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Gleeson Avenue and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’.


3.       That the cost of all works of the statement and/or reinstatement of any/all signage will be borne by TfNSW.


4.       That the applicant and Council Rangers be advised in terms of this report.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.    That the following temporary short-term parking changes for the following period 10:00pm Friday 22 to 02:00am Monday 25 March 2024 (inclusive) be approved to support the works required to convert the T3 Bankstown Line to a Metro Line:


a)    Dulwich Hill Station Precinct - Ewart Street (3 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 20m (3 parking spaces) ‘2P 8 am – 6 pm Mon – Fri’ on the northern side of Ewart Street (between Wardell Road and Bayley Street) to a ‘Bus Zone’;

b)    The short-term conversion of 25m ‘No Parking’ restrictions on the southern side of Ewart Street (between Wardell Road and Riverside Crescent) to a ‘Bus Zone’;

c)    Sydenham Station Precinct - Lower Railway Parade (57 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 122m (46 parking spaces) 45 degree angled ‘unrestricted parking’ on the southern side kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Sydenham Road and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’; and

d)    The short-term conversion of 32m (11 parking spaces) 45-degree angled parking ‘4P 8:30 am – 6 pm Mon - Fri’ on the southwest kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Gleeson Avenue and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’.


2.    That the following temporary short-term parking changes for the following periods

       04:00am Saturday 22 to 02:00am Monday 24 June 2024 (inclusive)

       04:00am Saturday 29 to 02:00am Monday 1 July 2024 (inclusive)

       04:00am Saturday 6 to 02:00am Monday 8 July 2024 (inclusive)


be approved to support the works required to convert the T3 Bankstown Line to a Metro Line:


a)    Sydenham Station Precinct - Lower Railway Parade (57 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 122m (46 parking spaces) 45 degree angled ‘unrestricted parking’ on the southern side kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Sydenham Road and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’; and

b)    The short-term conversion of 32m (11 parking spaces) 45-degree angled parking ‘4P 8:30 am – 6 pm Mon - Fri’ on the southwest kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Gleeson Avenue and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’.


3.    That the cost of all works of the statement and/or reinstatement of any/all signage will be borne by TfNSW.


4.    That the applicant and Council Rangers be advised in terms of this report.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 12     Ewart Street, Dulwich Hill; Illawarra Road, Marrickville; Burrows Avenue, Railway Road, Gleeson Avenue And (Lower) Railway Parade, Sydenham - Temporary Parking Changes During Major Rail Shutdown Of T3 Line For Sydney Metro Upgrade Works - Bus Replacements Saturday 13 April 2024 To Wednesday 24 April 2024 (Midjuburi -Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Council has been notified by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) that Sydney Metro works will involve major rail shutdown of the Sydenham to Bankstown rail line (T3) for the following periods: Saturday 13 April 2024 to Wednesday 24 April 2024 (inclusive). During the shutdown buses will replace train services along the T3 line and to accommodate the increased bus movements and necessary holding areas some short-term parking changes are required at a number of locations.


Specifically, TfNSW is requesting approval for the temporary conversion of multiple parking spaces at the following locations: Ewart Street, Dulwich Hill; Illawarra Road, Marrickville; Burrows Avenue, Railway Road, Gleeson Avenue and (Lower) Railway Parade, Sydenham. It is recommended that no objections be raised, and Council approves the temporary short-term parking changes at the identified locations during the rail shutdowns.


All changes to street signage will be made by TfNSW contractor(s) from 10pm the night before the closures and will be reinstated at the completion of the planned shutdowns.


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That the following temporary short-term parking changes for the period of 2am Saturday 13 April 2024 to 10pm Wednesday 24 April 2024 (inclusive) be approved to support the works required to convert the T3 Bankstown Line to a Metro Line:


a)   Dulwich Hill Station Precinct - Ewart Street (3 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 20m (3 parking spaces) ‘2P 8 am – 6 pm Mon – Fri’ on the northern side of Ewart Street (between Wardell Road and Bayley Street) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


b)   The short-term conversion of 25m ‘No Parking’ restrictions on the southern side of Ewart Street (between Wardell Road and Riverside Crescent) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


c)  Marrickville Station Precinct - Illawarra Road (1 parking space): The short-term conversion of 7m (1 parking space) ‘1P 8:30 am – 6 pm​’ on the western side of Illawarra Road (between Warburton Street and Greenbank Street) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


d)  Sydenham Station Precinct - Burrows Avenue (23 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 50m (14 parking spaces) rear to kerb ‘unrestricted parking’ on the northern kerb of Burrows Avenue (west of Gleeson Avenue) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


e)  The short-term conversion of 58m (9 parking spaces) ‘unrestricted parking’ on the southern kerb of Burrows Avenue (west of Gleeson Avenue) to a ‘Bus Zone’; 


f)  Sydenham Station Precinct – Railway Road (3 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 18m (3 parking spaces) ‘2P 8:30 am – 10 pm Mon - Fri’ on the eastern side kerb of Railway Road (between Burrows Avenue and Gleeson Avenue) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


  g)     Sydenham Station Precinct - Gleeson Avenue (2 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 12m (2 parking spaces) ‘1P 9:00 am – 3:30 pm Mon - Fri​ and No Parking 6 am-9 am & 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm’ on the eastern kerb of Gleeson Avenue (between Burrows Avenue and Unwins Bridge Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


h)  Sydenham Station Precinct - Lower Railway Parade (57 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 122m (46 parking spaces) 45 degree angled ‘unrestricted parking’ on the southern side kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Sydenham Road and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’; and


i)  The short-term conversion of 32m (11 parking spaces) 45 degree angled parking ‘4P 8:30 am – 6 pm Mon - Fri​’ on the southwest kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Gleeson Avenue and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’.


2.   That the cost of all works of the statement and/or reinstatement of any/all signage will be borne by TfNSW. 


3.    That the applicant and Council Rangers be advised in terms of this report.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That the following temporary short-term parking changes for the period of 2am Saturday 13 April 2024 to 10pm Wednesday 24 April 2024 (inclusive) be approved to support the works required to convert the T3 Bankstown Line to a Metro Line:


a)   Dulwich Hill Station Precinct - Ewart Street (3 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 20m (3 parking spaces) ‘2P 8 am – 6 pm Mon – Fri’ on the northern side of Ewart Street (between Wardell Road and Bayley Street) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


b)   The short-term conversion of 25m ‘No Parking’ restrictions on the southern side of Ewart Street (between Wardell Road and Riverside Crescent) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


c)  Marrickville Station Precinct - Illawarra Road (1 parking space): The short-term conversion of 7m (1 parking space) ‘1P 8:30 am – 6 pm​’ on the western side of Illawarra Road (between Warburton Street and Greenbank Street) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


d)  Sydenham Station Precinct - Burrows Avenue (23 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 50m (14 parking spaces) rear to kerb ‘unrestricted parking’ on the northern kerb of Burrows Avenue (west of Gleeson Avenue) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


e)  The short-term conversion of 58m (9 parking spaces) ‘unrestricted parking’ on the southern kerb of Burrows Avenue (west of Gleeson Avenue) to a ‘Bus Zone’; 


f)  Sydenham Station Precinct – Railway Road (3 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 18m (3 parking spaces) ‘2P 8:30 am – 10 pm Mon - Fri’ on the eastern side kerb of Railway Road (between Burrows Avenue and Gleeson Avenue) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


  g)     Sydenham Station PrecinctGleeson Avenue (2 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 12m (2 parking spaces) ‘1P 9:00 am – 3:30 pm Mon - Fri​ and No Parking 6 am-9 am & 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm’ on the eastern kerb of Gleeson Avenue (between Burrows Avenue and Unwins Bridge Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’;


h)  Sydenham Station Precinct - Lower Railway Parade (57 parking spaces): The short-term conversion of 122m (46 parking spaces) 45 degree angled ‘unrestricted parking’ on the southern side kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Sydenham Road and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’; and


i)  The short-term conversion of 32m (11 parking spaces) 45 degree angled parking ‘4P 8:30 am – 6 pm Mon - Fri​’ on the southwest kerb of Lower Railway Parade (between Gleeson Avenue and Marrickville Road) to a ‘Bus Zone’.


2.   That the cost of all works of the statement and/or reinstatement of any/all signage will be borne by TfNSW. 


3.    That the applicant and Council Rangers be advised in terms of this report.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 13     Grosvenor Crescent (Sloane Street to Liverpool Road), Summer Hill-Proposed Raised Thresholds (Speed Humps)
(Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



Council is planning to improve road infrastructure by constructing three (3) raised thresholds (Speed Humps) in Grosvenor Crescent, Summer Hill (Sloane St to Liverpool Rd). The proposal aims to improve the overall road safety along the street and enhance visual amenity by providing additional landscaping opportunities.


Officers Recommendation:


THAT the proposed installation of 3x Raised threshold (Speed Humps) along Grosvenor Crescent, between Sloane St and Liverpool Rd, Summer Hill with associated landscaping and signs and line marking as shown in Plan No. 10267, sheet 1 to sheet 3 (Attachment 1) be approved.   




The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition raised concerns regarding the proposed raised threshold and the camber of which the wheels of the parked car will sit at. He noted that the nearside of the wheels would sit in the gutter and the far side of the wheels sitting at a slightly raised angle on the threshold which would make opening doors on the vehicle quite difficult. The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition also noted that with the camber of the proposed thresholds, cars are more likely to damage their wheels from hitting the gutter. The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition suggested that the proposal be reviewed to remove the camber from the raised thresholds or alternatively make the areas which are affected by the camber of the thresholds a ‘No Parking’ zone.


Council Officers advised that part of the reason why the proposed thresholds are not flush with the footpath is to ensure pedestrians do not mistake the threshold for a pedestrian crossing.


Council Officers advised that they will pass on the comments made by the Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition regarding the angle and camber of the raised thresholds to the design team to review as part of the detailed design process.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




THAT the proposed installation of 3x Raised threshold (Speed Humps) along Grosvenor Crescent, between Sloane St and Liverpool Rd, Summer Hill with associated landscaping and signs and line marking as shown in Plan No. 10267, sheet 1 to sheet 3 (Attachment 1) be approved.   


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 14     Tideswell Street, Ashfield (off Liverpool Road)-Proposed Kerb Extensions and kerb ramps (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



Council is planning to improve safety for pedestrians and other road users in Tideswell Street, Ashfield at its intersection with Liverpool Road by constructing a new crossover facility.  The works aim to improve pedestrian safety by better defining pedestrian crossing points and reducing the crossing width.


Officers Recommendation:


That the amended design plan (No.10254-A) for the proposed new landscaped kerb blister islands, and associated infrastructure works and new signs and line markings at the intersection of Tideswell Street and Liverpool Road, Ashfield, as shown in Attachment 2 be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the amended design plan (No.10254-A) for the proposed new landscaped kerb blister islands, and associated infrastructure works and new signs and line markings at the intersection of Tideswell Street and Liverpool Road, Ashfield, as shown in Attachment 2 be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 15     London Street and Simmons Street, Enmore – Proposed Temporary Road Closure and Part Road Closure (Damun-Newtown Ward/Newtown Electorate/Inner West PAC)



Council is proposing to close London Street at Enmore Road and Simmons Street (part closure) and one way northbound between Enmore Road and Enmore Lane in order for these selected streets to become more welcoming and enhance their use and activity for pedestrians and people visiting Enmore. This project comes from Council’s Main Streets Program and aims to improve the vibrancy and safety of public spaces to pedestrians and people visiting this busy and active strip, by improving their character and making them more inviting for people to spend more time in.


Both traffic and parking impacts have been reviewed as part of the proposal and it was found that both London Street and Simmons Street would benefit from the proposed changes, other adjacent streets would actually experience an increase in traffic and this varied from a minor increase to a few examples where a more significant increase may occur. Community feedback from the engagement exercise found overall approximately 70% of respondents supported the proposals however a number of local residents raised concerns with the redistribution of traffic into adjacent streets. Council has made changes to the original proposals that include reducing the trial period down to 6 months and changing the full closure of Simmons Street to a part closure with a one way northbound traffic flow.


Proposed changes to parking are not considered significant, as there will be no loss in parking for London Street and only a minor loss for Simmons Street. There will however be the loss of a ‘No Parking’ area on the eastern side of Simmons Street that is currently used by delivery vehicles at times.


In conclusion, it is proposed that the temporary full closure of London Street between Enmore Road and Belmore Lane and the part closure of Simmons Street between Enmore Road and Enmore Lane with one way northbound traffic be supported as a 6 month trial to improving the vibrancy and safety of these public spaces and local streets. It is also recommended that the plans within the report showing the signage and line marking changes be approved in order to better delineate parking and non carparking spaces, turning restrictions as well as other features such as the cycle lanes.


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That the temporary full closure of London Street, Enmore between Enmore Road and Belmore Lane be approved for a trial period of 6 months.


2.   That the temporary part closure of Simmons Street, Enmore with a one way northbound between Enmore Lane and Enmore Road be approved for a trial period of 6 months.


3.   That a report be bought back to the Committee following the 6-month trial period and be used to inform Council of possible locations for future implementation of traffic management measures as well as success or otherwise of the temporary road/part road closures.


4.   That Traffic Management Plans for the proposed changes to London Street and Simmons Street be submitted to TfNSW for their consideration and approval.


5.   That Council undertake vehicle movement surveys at least 2 months after implementation of the temporary closures at the midblock locations to determine changes to the traffic volumes and establish whether further changes required to manage speed and/or rat running.


6.   That the signs and linemarking plan for London Street (Parking changes plan) as per figure 4 be approved.


7.   That the signs and linemarking plan for Simmons Street (Parking changes plan) as per figure 5 be approved.




Public Speakers Despina Langella and Felicity Muller entered the meeting at 11:27AM


Ms Langella advised she supports the recommendation as she stated that many people are using London Street as a rat-run to avoid using the main streets which are more appropriate for such traffic flows. . Ms Langella advised that the proposed closure of London Street will allow for residents and visitors to sit and connect with one another and enhance the community life whilst alleviating traffic congestion and safety concerns. She noted that this proposal will be beneficial to the entertainment hub as it will provide a breakout space for those visiting the area. It was also advised that the footpaths on London Street and Enmore Road are quite narrow for the number of people using the area and that the proposal will provide residents and visitors more space to use.


Ms Muller advised she supports the recommendation as she believes this proposal will add to the vibrancy of the entertainment precinct in Enmore Road. Ms Muller noted she has a family with young children and often cars drive quite fast along the street  and that it is quite concerning to see especially given the amount of vehicle movements noted in the report. Ms Muller advised that herself and many young families were concerned regarding the safety concerns caused by vehicles speeding along the street and that she is excited to see how this proposal will help alleviate those concerns.


Public Speakers Despina Langella and Felicity Muller left the meeting at 11:32AM.


Public Speakers Doug Rosser, Nick Rippon and Michael Frydman entered the meeting at 11:34AM


Mr Rosser advised he had brought a letter signed by residents from 11, 9, 13, 19, 8, 24, 10, and 16 Belmore Street as well as a resident from 4 Charles Street outlining their concerns for the proposed recommendation. Mr Rosser advised that the residents are not opposed to the proposal but are concerned that this proposal would mainly benefit Enmore Road business and visitors at the expense of many residents. On behalf of the residents, Mr Rosser raised concerns of increased bidirectional traffic that will flow down Belmore Street due to the proposed road closures. Mr Rosser advised that Council’s figures assume that 80% of rat runners will be discouraged and will stay on Liberty Street as a result of the closing of London Street, and noted these figures appear very optimistic. Mr Rosser suggested that Council should not be re-directing traffic attempting to get to a main road through residential streets rather, traffic should be discouraged from entering residential streets. It was noted that Council’s report states that 90% of traffic in London Street are rat runners suggesting there is a serious existing problem of rat running that needs to be addressed. It was also noted that Council’s report states that the impacts to adjacent streets will be monitored however does not indicate any future steps or strategies that will be taken to address such impacts. Mr Rosser suggested that before proceeding with the proposed road closures, that Council should investigate the opportunities and challenges of the proposal wholistically, and that Council develop a comprehensive traffic management strategy to discourage rat running in the area. Mr Rosser noted that the report stated that there is more traffic down Belmore Lane than there is on Belmore Street however advised that Belmore Lane is a single lane road which is usually blocked by deliveries and questioned the accuracy of the data shown in the report. Mr Rosser also advised that the report does not state the period of time for traffic flow and makes it hard to determine what those figures represent.


Council Officers advised that the traffic figures represent the peak hour.


Mr Rippon advised that he was concerned about the proposed recommendation for similar reasons Mr Rosser raised and noted he was mostly concerned regarding the rat running on Liberty Street, Enmore Road, Stanmore Road and the streets along the train line. Mr Rippon advised that on the South side of Enmore Road, there are lots of historic traffic calming devices to discourage rat running between Kings Street, Enmore Road and Edgeware Road but noted there were no measures put in place for the area north of Enmore Road. Mr Rippon advised that during the morning and evening peaks, people would use Phillip Street, Belmore Street, Charles Street, London Street, Gladstone Street and Liberty Street as a rat run. Mr Rippon raised concerns that although the report identifies the issues of rat running it does not propose any solutions to alleviate the issues and requested that Council’s InnerWest@40 project be implemented at a similar time to this project so that when London Street is closed, vehicles are not speeding down adjacent residential streets. Mr Rippon also requested that Council look into traffic calming measures in the residential streets around the area to discourage motorists from using residential streets are rat runs and to encourage people to use the regional and state roads instead.


Mr Frydman acknowledges Council’s amendments to the original proposal to allow the North bound traffic through Simmons Street and the maintaining of the cycle path but raised concerns regarding access to the top half of Simmons Street as well as the period of time the traffic assessments were done noting the assessments were done in the middle of winter whilst there were not as many events going on. Mr Frydman expressed concerns that the traffic assessments have been done outside of peak periods when there are many major events happening at the Enmore theatre and that the report did not take into consideration of the increased traffic that comes which such events. Mr Frydman advised that he agreed with the report noting that there is minimal traffic on residential streets however he advised the increase of traffic on residential streets when there were events on were substantial. Mr Frydman also advised that the streets were not wide enough to accommodate for the increased demand of parking during busy periods and that often he would have issues manoeuvring around the local streets around his residence due to an increase in parked cars and narrow streets. Mr Frydman suggested that a traffic assessment be done at a time similar to last week where there were events held almost every night with some events at capacity.


Public Speakers Doug Rosser, Nick Rippon and Michael Frydman left the meeting at 11:44AM


The Representative for Transport for NSW raised concerns regarding Transport for NSW not receiving a TMP prior to the report going to the Traffic Committee and advised that moving forward  a Traffic Management Plan should be provided and approved by TfNSW prior to being taken to the Traffic Committee. The Representative for Transport for NSW suggested to amend the first point in the recommendation to include that approval be subject to Transport for NSW, receiving, reviewing and approving the TMP. The Representative for Transport for NSW also raised concerns regarding the lack of information regarding Cambridge Street and questioned why Cambridge Street was not identified in the report as a potential street that may be impacted by the proposal.


Council Officers advised that the traffic consultants have made assumptions that the traffic will be diverted into downstream neighbouring streets but the trial period would allow assumptions to be tested.


The Representative for Transport for NSW asked that Cambridge Street traffic be monitored before and after the trial.

Council Officers advised that the initial proposal to have the trial period of 18 months was deemed too long and had been revised to 6 months as there were many unknown variables as to how motorists would navigate the area following the proposed road closure. Council Officers advised that the 6-month trial period will provide Council with the opportunity to more precisely understand the impacts and have those findings reported back to the Committee before any final decision is made.


The Representative for Transport for NSW advised that there was also a bus stop west of Cambridge Street that is heavily utilised and noted that cars sometimes drive over the bus stop to turn left. The Representative for Transport for NSW suggested that a review of the bus stop be undertaken to determine safety and possible queue length of vehicles to confirm that the proposed recommendation does not significantly impact the bus stop. The Representative for Transport for NSW requested that the barricades on Enmore Road be amended so that the barricades are set back from the  state road. The Representative for Transport for NSW also advised that any addition to parking on Enmore Road will have to be brought back to Transport for NSW for review and approval.


The Representative for the Member for Summer Hill noted that the proposed closure will move the rat running down into neighbouring streets.


Council Officers advised that this project was in the special entertainment precinct and that there has been an increase in pedestrian activity particularly at night. Council Officers advised that a masterplan study looking into Enmore Road and King Street is currently being undertaken and noted that this particular section of Enmore Road between London Street and Belmore Lane lacks open space. Council Officers noted that due to the clearway they are quite limited on their options on Enmore Road. Council Officers advised that the proposed full closure of London Street and part closure of Simmons Street would be 2 key opportunities to create more space for pedestrians to gather and dwell rather than accommodating vehicles who use the streets as a rat run, however, noted that this was not an attempt to solve the rat running issue. Council Officers advised that the recommendations do include plans to prepare a report regarding local traffic management which would be a tool to assist with addressing the rat running issues. 


The Committee members agreed with the amended recommendation.




1.   That the temporary full closure of London Street, Enmore between Enmore Road and Belmore Lane be approved for a trial period of 6 months subject to Transport for NSW, receiving, reviewing and approving the Traffic Management Plan (TMP).


2.   That the temporary part closure of Simmons Street, Enmore with a one way northbound between Enmore Lane and Enmore Road be approved for a trial period of 6 months.


3.   That a report be bought back to the Committee following the 6 month trial period and be used to inform Council of possible locations for future implementation of traffic management measures as well as success or otherwise of the temporary road/part road closures.


4.   That Traffic Management Plans for the proposed changes to London Street and Simmons Street be submitted to TfNSW for their consideration and approval.


5.   That Council undertake vehicle movement surveys at least 2 months after implementation of the temporary closures at the midblock locations to determine changes to the traffic volumes and establish whether further changes required to manage speed and/or rat running.


6.   That the signs and linemarking plan for London Street (Parking changes plan) as per figure 4 be approved.


7.   That the signs and linemarking plan for Simmons Street (Parking changes plan) as per figure 5 be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0324(1) Item 16     Amendment to signposted Car Share Vehicles spaces in the Inner West (All Wards, All Electorates, All PACs)



Currently Council has signposted 116 fixed on-street car share spaces in the LGA which are operated by GoGet.


Following the adoption of the Inner West Car Share Policy (Attachment 1), additional car share operators have been selected to operate in the Inner West which requires amendment to existing signage to accommodate multiple companies.


It is recommended that Council adopts changes to signage for on-street fixed space car share parking.


Officers Recommendation:


1.       That the existing car share spaces signposted as 'No Parking, Council Authorised Car Share Vehicles Excepted’ (or similar) in the locations scheduled in Attachment 2 be amended to ‘No Parking Authorised Car Share Vehicle Excepted Area GG’.


2.       That the following signposting convention be endorsed for the current Council car share providers:

a)      Car share spaces operated by Goget be signposted with the Area GG exemption

b)      Car share spaces operated by Flexicar be signposted with Area FC exemption

c)      Car share spaces operated by Popcar be signposted with Area PC exemption




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.       That the existing car share spaces signposted as 'No Parking, Council Authorised Car Share Vehicles Excepted’ (or similar) in the locations scheduled in Attachment 2 be amended to ‘No Parking Authorised Car Share Vehicle Excepted Area GG’.


2.       That the following signposting convention be endorsed for the current Council car share providers:

a)   Car share spaces operated by Goget be signposted with the Area GG exemption

b)   Car share spaces operated by Flexicar be signposted with Area FC exemption

c)   Car share spaces operated by Popcar be signposted with Area PC exemption


For Motion: Unanimous


General Business:


Item 17 – Request for stop lines to be marked near raised crossings near schools


The Representative for the Member for Summer Hill noted that he lives near a school and that when the raised crossing was upgraded, the stop lines on either side of the crossing were removed. The Representative for the Member for Summer Hill proposed that the stop lines near the crossing be reinstalled so that vehicles have a guide as to where to stop and to minimise safety risks associated with stopping too close to the pedestrian crossing.


Council Officers advised they will discuss with Transport for NSW regarding the standards but noted that stop lines are a feature of Childrens Crossings rather than Pedestrian (zebra) Crossings.


Item 18 – Request to extend the Haberfield Public School ‘School Zone’ in Denman Avenue up to Chandos Street, Haberfield


The Representative for the Member for Summer Hill suggested the that the ‘School Zone’ be extended in Denman Avenue up to Chandos Street and from Denman Avenue to Giles Avenue. The Representative for the Member for Summer Hill noted that there was a 200 meter gap in the ‘School zone’ and suggested that the ‘School Zone’ be extended so that there are no gaps in the zone.


The Representative for Transport for NSW advised that she could pass on the information to the relevant team within Transport for NSW.



Item 19 – Update on Robert Street, Balmain – Cars overhanging footpath


 The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition asked if there was an update regarding the issue of car overhanging the footpath on Robert Street, Balmain.


Council Officers advised that Council is currently investigating the issue and will provide a response to the Committee once the outcome is finalised. 


Item 20 – Late notice of Traffic Guidance System in Grove Street, Birchgrove.


The Representative for Transit Systems noted that there were 2 occasions where the pre-arranged road works did not follow the Traffic Guidance System (TGS) in place which resulted in buses needing to be rerouted.


The Representative for Transit Systems advised that they would like proper consultation and communication in the future to avoid issues in the future.


Council Officers advised they are following up with the relevant teams



Meeting closed at 12.34pm.