Implementation Advisory Group







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Implementation Advisory Group

9 February 2017







1          Welcome by Administrator


2          Acknowledgement of Country


3          Apologies  


4          Disclosures of Interest


5          Election of Chairperson


6          Adopted Minutes of Previous Meeting                                                                  Page

Minutes of 8 December 2016 Implementation Advisory Group                                   3

7          Staff Reports


IAG0217 Item 1          Integration and Innovation Plan - Monthly Update                                5

8          Ashfield Pool Briefing


9          TechnologyOne Presentation


10        Organisational Structure Update


11        Co-location Options




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Implementation Advisory Group

9 February 2017






Header Logo

Implementation Advisory Group

9 February 2017


Item No:         IAG0217 Item 1

Subject:         Integration and Innovation Plan - Monthly Update  

File Ref:         17/6012/6151.17         

Prepared By:     Emma Lannan - Change and Integration Projects Officer  

Authorised By:  Nellette Kettle - Group Manager Integration Customer Service & Business Excellence


This report provides the IAG with a high level summary of progress against the actions in the Integration and Innovation Plan (i-Plan).





THAT the report be received and noted and the IAG provide any feedback.






The Integration and Innovation Plan (i-Plan) outlines the key projects to establish the Inner West Council in preparation for the return of the elected Council. During the most recent period, significant progress has been made in the redesign of the organisation and roll out of a new structure, primarily facilitated by the appointment of the Level 3 Group Managers. We are investing in the leadership of our management team, through a high performance leadership program, and ongoing suite of training to support the resilience of our staff during transition. The service integration has been reshaped as the Integration and Transformation Program, incorporating the three streams of integration work across the organisation, including TechOne implementation. The establishment of the Strategic Reference Groups will facilitate valuable and meaningful engagement with our community, particularly as the early work is undertaken on the Community Strategic Plan process. We are well advanced in the preparation of the 2017-18 Budget, the first integrated budget for Council. Preliminary work is underway for the co-location of staff, to support Service Unit’s operating as one team, with one Inner West culture. These highlights are detailed below.


Current Status

A status overview against the actions in the i-plan is provided in Attachment 1. There has been significant progress made over the last period.


Organisation re-design: Appointment of L3 Group Managers

On 2 December 2016, Council’s Level 3 structure was implemented with the appointment of Group Managers. 15 roles were internal appointments, reflecting the depth of talent and expertise within Council.


Group Manager

Service Unit


Elizabeth Richardson

Development Assessment and Regulatory Services

Assets and Environment

Jan Orton

Environment and Sustainability

Assets and Environment

Wal Petschler

Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater

Assets and Environment

Kelly Loveridge

Procurement and Fleet

Assets and Environment

Brooke Martin

Properties, Major Building Projects and Facilities

Assets and Environment

Cathy Edwards-Davis

Trees, Parks and Sportsfields

Assets and Environment

Josephine Bennett

Aquatic and Recreation

Community and Engagement

Annette Morgan

Children and Family Services

Community and Engagement

Simone Schwarz

Communications, Engagement and Events

Community and Engagement

Erla Ronan

Community Services and Culture

Community and Engagement

Caroline McLeod

Library and History Services

Community and Engagement

Pav Kuzmanovski


Chief Finance and Information Officer

Tanya Whitmarsh


Chief Finance and Information Officer

Nellette Kettle

Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

General Manager

Joe Strati

Legal Services

General Manager


Two of the three remaining positions (ICT, HR and Strategic Planning) are in their final stages of external recruitment.  Melodie Whiting has been appointed to the role of Group Manager, Human Resources and will commence in February 2017.


Organisational Structure

Following their appointment, Group Managers commenced consultation with staff regarding the structure within their Service Units. Consultation workshops were held in December and January and will continue through February, allowing sufficient opportunity for all staff to give feedback. It is anticipated that L4 and below structures will be considered by the Joint Consultative Committee in March.  The internal recruitment phase will then commence.


Organisational development: High Performance Leadership Program

Following their appointment, the Leadership Group have begun a six month structured program to invest in their capacity to lead their staff, particularly during this period of change and transition. Adopting a whole person leadership model, the program encompasses five focus areas for developing high performance.  These include: 

·    Creating a leadership vision of cultural change

·    Creating a culture of results and accountability

·    Success without stress

·    Leading high performance and creating self aware teams

·    Leadership effectiveness – managing ourselves, time management and work/life balance.


In addition to the investment in our leadership, we are building capacity in business improvement. In February, 20 staff from across the organisation will participate in a three day Business Excellence in Local Government program. The Australian Business Excellence Framework is Council’s chosen methodology for continuous improvement and organisational development. (The I-Plan has embedded this framework in its structure.) Training is also underway in facilitation skills, reflecting the ongoing need for staff to facilitate sometimes complicated or complex discussions as we integrate.


Service integration: Integration and Transformation Program

Building on the outcomes of integration workshops held with teams in late 2016, the Integration and Transformation framework has been established. The Program comprises three streams:




Stream 1 (TechOne Implementation) will be detailed further below.

The Corporate Priority Projects (Stream 2) were identified by the Leadership Group and include projects that are critical to our ability to function as one organisation, such as:

·    Intranet development

·    Organisational values

·    Performance management system

·    Consolidated asset database

·    Customer service strategy

·    Co-location plan


Many of these projects have already been scoped and are progressing, while others require  more detailed planning and an allocation of resources.

Service Unit Projects (Stream 3) are specific to the work of service units and teams. Most of these projects were identified and planned during integration workshops in late 2016. Group Managers are currently prioritising these projects and determining resourcing within their units.

The Integration Unit, as the centralised Project Management Office, will coordinate projects across all streams. This will facilitate coordination of critical dependencies and efficient project monitoring and reporting. Resourcing of the Integration Unit is nearly complete.  In late January, the first of two Business Analysts, Brigid Meehan, commenced work.


Systems integration and transformation: TechOne Implementation

The TechOne Implementation project has commenced. Recognising the scale and complexity of the work, a fulltime Project Manager has been contracted to provide the expertise needed and ensure this project is delivered on time and within budget. To support the Solution Design process, five project teams have been initiated to review the processes and identify if variations are required to meet our requirements. Project Teams are lead by a Subject Matter Expert, with up to eight Business Process Representatives, from across Council. The Project Teams are working efficiently to review all processes while consulting with staff who are directly impacted by the process.

TechOne will be rolled out in stages. The first suite of applications will go live on 1 July 2017, with the entire roll out to be completed by December 2018.


TechOne Staged Roll Out – Draft Project Timetable (subject to change)


July – December 2017

January – June 2018

July – December 2018

1.    General Ledger

2.    Accounts Payable

3.    Purchasing

4.    Assets (Financial)

5.    Organisation Chart

6.    Timesheets (Capital Works)

7.    Payroll

8.    Timesheets (Overtime)

9.    Performance Planning

10.  Enterprise Budgeting

1.    Contract Management

2.    Assets (Operational)

3.    Requisition to Work Orders

4.    Mobility (various)

5.    Capital Projects

6.    Strategic Asset Management

7.    GIS Integration (Assets)

8.    Recruitment

9.    Training

10.  Organisational development

11.  Work Health & Safety

12.  eTimesheets (Jobs)

13.  Other HR Forms

1.    GIS Integration (Regulatory)

2.    Infringements

3.    Enforcement

4.    Development Assessment

5.    Approvals

6.    Trade Waste

7.    Permits

8.    Bonds

9.    Certificates

10.  Invoicing

11.  Billing

12.  Rates Management

13.  Receipting

14.  Debtors Management

15.  Customer Request Management


Strategic Reference Groups

Recruitment of the Strategic Reference Groups was finalised late 2016, with the exception of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reference Group. This group’s recruitment process has been deliberately protracted to engage with key stakeholders and design a process suitable for this community. The EOI process for this group closed on 30 January.

A governance structure has been determined for the Strategic Reference Groups and terms of reference drafted, to be reviewed by each group at their first meeting. The first meetings of all Strategic Reference Groups will take place in early February. (Youth Leadership is scheduled for late February to allow adequate time for the start of the school year.) While agendas will be determined in consultation with the groups, the commencement of the reference groups presents an important opportunity for engagement on the Disability Inclusion Action Plan in the coming months. The reference groups will also be pivotal to the early work to develop the new Community Strategic Plan.


Integrated Budget 2017-18 and Fees and Charges

We are well progressed in the preparation of the Inner West’s first integrated budget for 2017-18. Since appointment, Group Managers have been reviewing budgets from legacy councils and consolidating them under the new Service Unit structure. A draft, high-level 2017-18 Budget will be presented to LRAC in March. 

Work has also progressed on the integration of Fees and Charges for 2017-18. The underlying principles for our approach to Fees and Charges will be presented to LRAC in March. In summary, statutory fees and those where there is little discrepancy between fees and charges will be prioritised for integration. The remaining fees and charges will be determined through the integration of services and functions.



To operate as one team and build one Inner West organisational culture, it is imperative that staff are co-located. During December to mid-January, an assessment has been undertaken to document the existing office facilities and future Service Unit requirements. Currently, options for location arrangements are in development. The aim of these options is to maximise the existing resource utilisation and allow Service Units to work cohesively together. In addition, decisions around co-location of teams and units will be made based on a set of principles:

1.   Co-locate teams with their Group Manager as much as possible

2.   Consider long-term accommodation strategy

3.   Minimise interim office amendment costs

4.   Continue three service centres in Ashfield, Leichardt and Petersham

5.   Minimise the number of staff movements for staff

6.   GM and Mayor to be closely located, with Legal and HR close to the General Manager and Governance (Business Papers) close to the Mayor


The options under development aim to utilise all existing office space and present options that exclude the use of our smaller depot sites (Balmain and/or Summer Hill).

Consultation will be undertaken on the options in February. A detailed plan, including logistics, procurement and communications, will be developed to support the colocation process implemented in April.




A draft budget for merger implementation has been prepared.




Relevant staff have contributed status comments for their actions items.




This status report is published on the Council website




Significant progress continues to be made in establishing the Inner West Council as outlined in

the report.






i-Plan Status Report


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Implementation Advisory Group

9 February 2017



i-Plan Status Report as at 25/01/17





Organisational and Community Leadership


Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2017


Hold the first Inner West Council meeting (and monthly thereafter)


General Manager

Robust governance
Involved communities



Establish a schedule of Council meetings


Administrator/General Manager

Robust Governance



Establish the Local Representation Advisory Committees (LRACs) and the Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) to provide local representation and input



Robust Governance



Conduct monthly meetings of the LRACs and IAG

Ongoing monthly

Administrator/General Manager

Robust Governance



Determine an Interim Executive Team structure


General Manager

Engaged staff



Establish and hold first meeting of Inner West Council Internal Audit Committee


Group Manager, Governance

Robust Governance

Meeting proposed for early 2017. First meeting date to be set for February 2017, subject to review of approach to Internal Audit by General Manager


Adopt a statement of vision and priorities following community input


Group Manager, Strategic Planning

Shared vision


Draft Statement of Vision and Priorities endorsed by Council on 6 December 2016, for community review. Community review period opened on 12 December and will close on 8 February 2017.


Communicate process and timelines for local community, members to nominate as candidates for the election

From March 2017

Group Manager Governance

Newly elected Council

No action required at this time.


Hold Council election


Group Manager Governance

Newly elected Council

No action required at this time.


Establish a comprehensive induction program for new Council, including an ongoing program of professional development and support


Group Manager Governance

Newly elected Council
Robust Governance

No action required at this time.


Establish a modern, participatory local democracy framework


Group Manager Governance

Robust Governance
Involved Communities

The first meetings of the Strategic Reference Groups are scheduled for early February 2017. Terms of Reference have been drafted for consideration of the groups at their first meeting and an induction process prepared to ensure all groups are established consistently. The recruitment process for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reference Group is close to completion, with EOI closing on 30 January. Six applications have been received, (as of 25 January 2017).



Strategy and Planning





Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2017


Prepare the new Council Integration and Innovation Plan


Administrator and General Manager with support from the Director, Innovation and Strategy

Expected benefits Smart services



Prepare and commence exhibition of draft operational plan, budget and fees and charges for 2016/17


Director, Corporate Services

Smart services
Shared vision
Involved communities
Rates maintained



Establish governance framework for Stronger Communities Grants and Projects


Director, Service Delivery

Robust governance



Establish the new Council’s financial governance framework, including:






Financial reporting framework


Director, Corporate Services

Robust Governance
Expected benefits



Conducting final audits (2015/16) for the former Councils


Director, Corporate Services

Robust Governance
Expected benefits



Appointing a new auditor for Inner West Council


Director, Corporate Services

Robust Governance
Expected benefits



Budgeting and long term financial planning framework


Director, Corporate Services

Robust Governance
Expected benefits



Financial key performance indicators, including tracked savings


Director, Corporate Services

Robust Governance
Expected benefits



Draft budget for merger implementation funds


Director, Corporate Services

Robust Governance
Expected benefits



Adopt operational plan, budget and fees and charges for 2016/17


Director, Corporate Services

Smart services
Shared vision
Rates maintained



Consolidate organisational risk registers and proactively manage organisational risk


Group Manager Governance

Robust Governance

Consolidation is subject to roll out of organisational structure and establishment of Enterprise Risk Management framework for Inner West Council. This work will be progressed as a Corporate Priority Project (Stream 2).


Adopt the operational plan 2017/18, including integrated budget with community input:
- Draft plan prepared for exhibition
- Final plan adopted

31 March 2017
30 June 2017

Group Manager Strategic Planning


Group Manager Finance

Smart services
Shared vision
Rates maintained

A high level presentation of the draft 17/18 budget will be presented to the LRAC at the March 2017 meeting. The high level principals of how the budget has been built and top priorities will be presented along with the approach to an integrated 2017/18 Fees and Charges.


Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2017


Harmonise fees and charges


Group Manager Finance

Robust governance

Fees and charges that are statutory or where there is a low difference between legacy fees are being prioritised for integration. The principles for this approach to Fees and Charges will be presented, with the Draft 2017-18 Budget to LRAC in March.


Complete analysis and modelling to support preparation of a delivery program and resourcing strategy to underpin the Community Strategic Plan


Deputy General Manager Assets and Environment

Robust governance
Smart services
Involved communities

Not yet commenced


Prepare a draft Community Strategic Plan for consideration of the new Council


Group Manager Strategic Planning

Shared vision
Smart services

Statement of Vision and Priorities endorsed by Council for community review on 6 December 2016. Feedback closes on 8 February 2017.

Development of the new Community Strategic Plan is a Corporate Priority Project (Stream 2). A high-level process has been developed and an internal briefing document will be circulated shortly for Leadership Group input. We are awaiting the appointment of the Group Manager, Strategic Planning to initiate broader discussions however development of the issues paper has already commended and will involve cross-organisational collaboration. The Statement of Vision and Priorities has been included an as agenda item for the first Strategic Reference Group meetings. The SRGs will be one of several key stakeholders contributing to the development of the CSP process and Plan, itself.









Data, Information and Knowledge





Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2017


Finalise due diligence activities:
- Service continuity
- Financial
- Legal
- Procurement
- Workforce
- Governance
- Systems


 Project Action Teams under the guidance of the Transition Implementation group

Robust governance



Document existing service levels


Director responsible for delivery of the service

Smart services



Implement tracking system for quantified and unquantified benefits of service integration and improvements


Director Innovation and Strategy and Director, Corporate Services

Expected benefit



Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2017


Develop ICT integration strategy:
- Engage consultant to develop ICT systems integration roadmap
- Finalise roadmap including prioritisation of projects and costings

15 July 2016
30 September 2016

Director, Innovation and Strategy and Director, Corporate Services

Smart services
Easy to do business

This action has been superseded by 3.4a (see below).


Implement TechOne solution in three stages

1 July 2017

1 January 2018

1 July 2018

Deputy General Manager Finance and Administration

Smart services

Easy to do business

Robust governance

Project Manager engaged in late January. Pre-design work currently in progress to ensure solution architecture is suitable for Inner West Council.


Develop digital services strategy (e-business), including resourcing


Group Manager, Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Smart services
Easy to do business

Strategy remains a long-term priority and will be developed as part of service integration work over next twelve months, facilitated by the website development and customer services integration work.

This action is contingent upon Action 3.4a (TechOne Implementation). Opportunities for ebusiness are dependent upon TechOne processes (currently under in design review stage) and their integration with Council’s website. Progress on this action will be subsequent to the role out of key modules for TechOne.


Consolidate organisational registers, such as Crown land, leases and licences etc.


Group Manager Properties, Major Building Projects and Facilities

Robust governance

Propose to amend timeframe for this action to September 2017. This work will be completed as part of service integration program.


Prepare audited financial statements for the former Ashfield, Leichhardt and Marrickville Councils


Director, Corporate Services

Robust governance



Bring together the Local Environmental Plans administratively into a single document


Group Manager Strategic Planning

Robust governance


The three LEPs have been administratively brought together, on a dedicated page on the website, with links to the three sets of maps and written documents (legislation).As flagged previously, there are major variations across the LEPs.


Developing a LEP for the Inner West LGA will be a medium-term project and priority for the newly elected Council, due to its complexity and need for broad community engagement.








People and Culture





Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2017


Review and continue to implement interim staff communications plan, including early and accurate information about employment arrangements


Transition Implementation Group with support from the Communications Team

Engaged staff



Document existing employment arrangements and conditions


Workforce Planning Project Action Team

Robust governance



Develop approach to managing vacancies


Director, Corporate Services

Smart services



Prepare medium term staff communication and engagement plan


Director, Innovation and Strategy

Engaged staff



Establish Inner West Staff Consultative Committee to support workplace change


Director, Corporate Services

Engaged staff



Adopt and communicate an interim suite of corporate policies, including:
- Media protocols
- Code of Conduct
- Code of Meeting Practice
- Internal notification/escalation protocol
- Staff delegations


Director, Corporate Services

Robust governance



Complete a benchmark culture audit


Director, Innovation and Strategy with Culture Project Action Team

Engaged staff



Scope and commence implementing an organisational values project


Director, Innovation and Strategy with Culture Project Action Team

Engaged staff

Completed. From eight workshops with 330 staff from across Council, a shortlist of potential values was created:

·          Team spirit

·          Collaboration

·          Bold

·          Innovation

·          Integrity

·          Respect

·          Creativity

·          Accountability

·          Fun

·          Flexibility

·          Diversity

A voting process was held in December with over 750 staff indicated their top three values.  Results are anticipated to be presented to staff in February 2017.


Identify process and timing for moving to new salary structure


Group Manager Human Resources

Robust governance

Identified as a Corporate Priority Project, under the Integration and Transformatoin Plan. Initial project scoping undertaken in late 2017 and awaiting commencement of new Group Manager – Human Resources for project approval.



Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2017


Develop a 2016/17 training plan to equip staff with the skills and support needed to continue to embrace change and to encourage high performance and innovation


Group Manager Human Resources

Smart services
Engaged staff

Delivery is ongoing. In addition to the High Performance Leadership Program, for Group Managers,

transition-related training delivered in December and January included:

-           Applying for jobs

-           Work Health and Safety

-           Approaches to conflict

-           Project Management

-           Resume writing

-           Self-management (MBTI)


Integrate pools of casual staff


Director, Corporate Services

Engaged staff
Smart services



Develop and adopt new organisational structure based on contemporary organisational design principles:
- Interim structure
- Final structure


All Group Managers

Smart services
Robust governance
Expected benefits
Engaged staff

Newly appointed Group Managers are currently developing their organisational structure with input from staff.  As a minimum, a structure down to Manager level (level 4) will be completed for all Service Units by March, with many Service Units aiming to determine their full structure.


Commence recruitment to new organisational structure


All Group Managers

Smart services
Engaged staff

Group Managers (Level 3) appointed in December 2016. Three roles required external recruitment (Human Resources, Strategic Planning and ICT) – this recruitment process is close to completion with all three roles expected to be filled by early February 2017.

Group Managers commenced consultations with staff regarding the structure of their respective Service Units in December 2016. This consultation will continue during January and February 2017. Draft structures are expected to go to the Joint Consultative Committee in March 2017, with appointments to Level 4 and below rolling out subsequently.


Develop new salary structure and contemporary employment framework, including talent management and reward and recognition


Group Manager Human Resources


Engaged staff

Linked to Action 4.9.  Project Plan under development.


Repeat organisation wide pulse survey


Director, Innovation and Strategy

Engaged staff

Completed.  Results are expected in early February.


Implement new workers compensation arrangements


Director, Corporate Services

Robust governance



Customer and Community Focus





Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2016


Review and continue to implement interim community communications plan


Administrator/General Manager with support from the Communications Team

Involved communities



Undertake community communication and engagement on:
- Statement of vision and priorities
- Input to priorities for the Stronger Communities Fund
- Input into capital works projects
- Consistent plans and policies in key operational areas 2017/18 Operational Plan and budget
- Draft Community Strategic Plan
- Service reviews
- 2017 election

From July 2016 in accordance with detailed community engagement plans

Group Manager Communications, Engagement and Events

Involved communities
Easy to do business

Implementation ongoing.  From 1 December to 22 January, there were eight engagements open and 8100 visits to the online portal. Of these, three significant engagement processes were opened for an extended consultation period to accommodate the holiday period:

·          Statement of Vision and Priorities (12 December 2016 to 8 February 2017)

·          Draft Affordable Housing Policy (16 December 2016 to 15 February 2017)

·          Homelessness Policy on Public Exhibition from 14 December to 30 January 2017

A number of locally based projects were also open for an extended period, including improving footpaths in Enmore/Newtown and the Stanmore draft parking strategy.


Council has continued to promote consultation opportunities on the Department of Planning’s proposal to rezone land in Lords Road, Leichhardt.


Implement smart service improvements including:






Rates payments at all customer service centres


Director, Corporate Services

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits



Consolidated LGA wide community grants program


Director, Community Services

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits



Expansion of the e-waste service across the LGA


Director, Public Works

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits



New drop off points for library books in all customer service centres


Director, Community Services

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits



Expansion of the online community engagement portal across whole new LGA


Director, Innovation and Strategy

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits



Expansion of the e-newsletter across whole LGA


Director, Innovation and Strategy

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits



Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2016


Integrating child-care waiting lists


Group Manager Children and Family Services

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits

This work will be undertaken as part of integration projects for Children’s Services. Recommend amending action timeframe to 31 December 2017 to reflect this approach.


Review of after-hours contact service


Group Manager Customer Service

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits

This review will be prioritised along with other service integration projects for Customer Service.  The timing of the review is best to coincide with the integration and co-location of one IWC call centre in order to consolidate the three current after hours services.


Consolidated LGA wide events program


Director, Community Services

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits



Establish and implement a new visual identity:
- New logo
- Interim web skin
- Advertising
- E-newsletter
- Corporate stationery

12 May 2016
12 May 2016
17 May 2016
31 May 2016
Progressive from 12 May 2016

Director, Innovation and Strategy

Identifiable Council



New website with improved functionality


Group Manager Communications, Engagement and Events

Smart services
Easy to do business
Identifiable Council

Website redevelopment has advanced, with online community consultation completed in December 2016. The scoping document has been finalised and a stakeholder list compiled. A Citizen’s Panel has been compiled to provide targeted customer feedback in the next phase of development. Content compilation is continuing.


Determine successful projects under Stronger Communities Fund and develop three year program



Smart services Robust governance Expected benefits Involved communities



Provide regular updates on local projects and services


Group Manager Communications, Engagement and Events

Expected benefits
Involved communities

Ongoing as part of regular communications. Activity for December and  up to 22January included:

-           Distributing the December community newsletter

-           6 IWC columns

-           21 media releases

-           3 e-newsletters

-           65 social media posts, with a 33% increase in followers since June 2016.


Report to Council on the outcomes of the service reviews and associated recommendations to link to the Delivery Program planning


All Group Managers

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits

Not a current action.


Innovation, Creativity and Improvement





Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2016


Establish the Integration and Innovation Team to support implementation of the new Council


Director, Innovation and Strategy

Smart services
Engaged staff
Expected benefits



Prepare new community engagement framework to encourage democratic participation on key issues and strategic priorities


Group Manager, Communications, Engagement and Events

Involved communities

Process for developing framework has been mapped and will go to the Leadership Group for review and endorsement. The draft framework will then be presented to Council for an extensively promoted period of community review. The framework, and its development process, is based on best practice principles and builds on the legacy councils’ strong community engagement practices.


Develop a service review methodology, resourcing and delivery program


Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Smart services
Expected benefits

Preliminary service reviews will be undertaken by Group Managers as part of their Service Unit integration.  The opportunity to work with other newly merged councils on scoping a service review methodology is currently being explored.


Conduct service reviews across the organisation with the aim of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided by Council. These reviews will be phased, targeted and will contribute to the realisation of benefits of the merger

From September 2016 onwards

Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Smart services
Expected benefits

Service integration to be the primary focus in 2017.  Phase 2 service reviews will come later. Recommend amending action timeframe to from September 2017 onwards.


Develop internal capability, tools and frameworks in business analysis


Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Smart services
Expected benefits

Ongoing implementation.  Integration Team has been established with a Service Integration Manager, Project Manager, Business Analysts (2) and a Change and Integration Project Officer. Team has begun rolling out integration templates including project plan and business case development across Council, and providing support for their use. Training is planned for February 2017 in the Business Excellence framework to increase internal capability with 20 staff participating. Additional training in business improvement processes planned for next quarter.


Develop accommodation strategy for co-location of key business areas to improve efficient and effective service delivery


Group Manager Properties, Major Building Projects and Facilities

Robust governance
Smart services

Initial preparatory work, including assessing capacity of various sites, undertaken during December and January. Principles for determining co-location decisions have been developed by Leadership Group, prior to commencing staff consultation.


Conduct targeted reviews of key strategic areas of council’s business e.g. property, fleet and the commercial business units.


Group Managers Procurement and Fleet; Property, Major Projects and Facilities, with Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Smart services
Robust governance
Expected benefits

Ongoing. This work will be driven by the Group Managers, as part of their service integration work.


Initial scoping underway for review of property holdings to inform long-term staff accommodation strategy.


Establish ongoing funding for innovation and business improvement projects


Director, Innovation and Strategy and Director, Corporate Services

Smart services
Robust governance
Expected benefits
Easy to do business

Completed.  Business excellence function has been established in the new organisational structure.


Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2016


Develop an Innovation Strategy, including benchmark audit


Director, Innovation and Strategy

Smart services
Engaged staff
Expected benefits

Action no longer relevant.  In the new organisational structure, innovation is driven is a decentralised environment lead by Group Managers. The Business Excellence team will co-ordinate and support this work through the corporate plan.


Implement service review outcomes across the Organisation

From March 2017

All Group Managers

Smart services
Engaged staff
Expected benefits

Not a current action


Develop an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to asset management and infrastructure planning


Deputy General Manager Assets and Environment

Robust governance
Expected benefits
Smart services

Asset management system will be provided by the TechOne solution. Work has commenced to review this system. Asset management is a shared responsibility across a number of Group Managers’ units and a framework for a consistent and multidisciplinary approach will be developed with the Leadership Group to support informed decision-making and planning.



Success and Sustainability





Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2016


Develop internal capacity to influence and partner with State Government on regional infrastructure and strategic priorities

Immediate and ongoing

All Group Managers

Robust governance
Expected benefits
Shared vision


Council has proposed that the State Government convert residual lands not used for WestConnex into public parklands and other facilities. This includes suggesting the creation of park and bike lanes on residual land around the St Peters interchange and Victoria Rd, Rozelle and opportunities for affordable housing on land acquired for the Haberfield Portal construction. Council is currently waiting for a response from the State Government.


Execute funding agreement with NSW Government for merger implementation funds


General Manager

Robust governance



Identify annual forward program of significant procurements to realise potential savings from economies of scale


Group Manager Procurement and Fleet

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits

Spend analysis has been completed against existing procurement data so as to inform initial forward plan for 2017/18. This includes identification of opportunities where, due to consolidation, tenders or Request for Quotation processes may be utilised with savings anticipated as a result of economies of scale. Engagement with Group Managers is underway to finalise the 2017/18 Procurement Plan.


Develop a capital expenditure project control group


Director, Major Projects and Engineering and Director, Public Works

Robust Governance



Develop and publish a suite of new service performance targets


Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Smart services 
Expected benefits
Robust governance

Development of service performance targets dependent upon integration of services. High level targets established through the Merger Implementation Strategic Goals (presented at December IAG meeting).  Recommend amending timeframe to 31 August 2017 to reflect critical dependency of integration work.


Tracking and reporting costs/benefits of the merger implementation


Director, Corporate Services

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits
Robust governance



Identify local benefits of new Council
Incorporate local benefits, with actions into Integration and Innovation Plan

30 September 2016
31 December 2016

Director, Innovation and Strategy

Smart services
Easy to do business
Expected benefits


Action No.



Responsible Person

Key Result Area

February update – as at 25 January 2016


Establish continuous improvement framework and embed outcomes of service review program into operational planning


Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Robust governance
Smart services
Engaged staff

Australian Business Excellence Framework is Council’s chosen continuous improvement framework. Training planned in February to build internal capability with framework.


Monitor and report progress on delivery against the Integration and Innovation Plan

Monthly via reports to Implementation Advisory Group

Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Expected benefits

Ongoing and in progress


Review Integration and Innovation Plan to focus on second year of the Council


Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

Expected benefits

Not a current action.