Implementation Advisory Group







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Implementation Advisory Group

6 April 2017








1          Welcome by Administrator


2          Acknowledgement of Country


3          Apologies  


4          Disclosures of Interest (Section 451 of the Local Government Act
and Council’s Code of Conduct)


5          Minutes of Previous Meeting                                                                                  Page

Minutes of 9 March 2017 Implementation Advisory Group                                          4


6          Items for Discussion


7          Staff Reports


IAG0417 Item 1   Integration and Innovation Plan - Monthly Update                                        6

IAG0417 Item 2   Community Resourcing Policy: grants and concessional access to facilities       20

IAG0417 Item 3   ICT Systems Consolidation                                                                         63   

IAG0417 Item 4  Draft Leasing Policy  - Verbal Update

IAG0417 Item 5   Draft Community Facilities Hire Policy – Verbal Update 

IAG0417 Item 6   Update on Ashfield Pool – Verbal Update



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Implementation Advisory Group

6 April 2017



Minutes of Implementation Advisory Group Meeting

held at Leichhardt Service Centre on Thursday 9 March 2017


The meeting commenced at 6:35pm.



·      Lucille McKenna OAM

·      Alex Lofts


·      Darcy Byrne (apology)

·      Vera-Ann Hannaford


·      Sam Iskandar

·      Rosana Tyler (apology)



Other Attendees:


·      Richard Pearson , Administrator                             

·      Rik Hart, Interim General Manager                                                 

·      Peter Gainsford, Deputy General Manager Assets and Environment

·      John Warburton, Deputy General Manager Community and Engagement

·      Michael Tzimoulas, Deputy General Manager Chief Financial and Administration Officer

·      Nellette Kettle, Group Manager Integration, Customer Service and Business Excellence

·      Elizabeth Richardson, Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services

·      Kate Walsh, Media and Communications Coordinator

·      Katerina Maros, Governance Officer (Minute Taker)


1.    Welcome by Administrator


2.    Acknowledgement of Country


3.         Apologies:     Iskandar/ Hannaford


 That apologies be accepted for the absence of Rosana Tyler and Darcy Byrne.


4.    Disclosures of Interest:  Nil


5.         Election of Chairperson:   Sam Iskandar was appointed as Chairperson for this meeting.


6.         Confirmation of Minutes:             Iskandar / Lofts


That the Minutes of the Implementation Advisory Group held on Thursday, 9 February 2017 be confirmed.




IAG0317 Item 1 - Integration and Innovation Plan - Monthly Update


Recommendation                   Iskandar/ Hannaford


THAT the report be received and noted.





Iskandar / Hannaford


That Item 4 Development Assessment Policy be brought forward.





IAG0317 Item 4                                  Development Assessment Policy - Verbal Update


Recommendation                 Iskandar/ Lofts


That the verbal report be received and noted.





IAG0317 Item 2                                  2017/18 Budget Update - Verbal Report


Recommendation                 Iskandar / Lofts


That the verbal report be received and noted.





IAG0317  Item 3                     Green Living Centre - Verbal Update


Recommendation                 Iskandar / Hannaford


That the verbal report be received and noted.





Meeting closed at 9.02 pm.


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Implementation Advisory Group

6 April 2017


Item No:         IAG0417 Item 1

Subject:         Integration and Innovation Plan - Monthly Update  

File Ref:         16/6032/29717.17         

Prepared By:     Emma Lannan - Change and Integration Projects Officer  

Authorised By:  Nellette Kettle - Group Manager Integration Customer Service & Business Excellence








THAT the report be received and noted and the IAG provide any feedback.






The Integration and Innovation Plan (iPlan) outlines the key projects to establish the Inner West Council in preparation for the return of the elected Council.




Progress continues on significant projects to integrate our organisation and enable our staff to operate as one team. Website development has made substantial progress and completed a consultation process with residents to support the design of a user-friendly and accessible website. Work has continued on the Draft 2017/18 Integrated Budget and Fees and Charges, including presentation to LRAC.


Supporting staff through the transition period continues to be a priority. Co-location will enable teams to operate as one. The co-location for indoor staff has completed its consultation period and feedback is being analysed. Development of a co-location plan for depots and outdoor operations commenced this month with workshops to identify the essential requirements for each operational area. Staff engagement is critical to building a strong organisation and focus groups were held this month to examine some of the drivers for staff and identify potential solutions to be incorporated into an action plan, led by the Leadership Team. Throughout March, there has been a focus on our first organisational values. ‘Values month’ has introduced each of the values and encouraged staff to describe the desired behaviours for each value.


Website Development


An interim website was set up immediately after merging. Content has been gradually expanding, focusing on Council meeting information, community events and activities, hot topics including WestConnex.  Work has commenced to develop a new Council website, with improved functionality. Consultation has been undertaken to identify the needs and preferences of our customers. This has included an online survey of approximately 1250 people and two focus groups. Focus groups were facilitated independently with local residents, recruited via the online survey and the Strategic Reference Groups. These sessions were used to develop and test ideas around what would make a website more user-friendly and accessible. In addition, internal workshops have been held with staff.


Key insights and outcomes from the consultation

·    ‘Intuitive’ website which has a user-driven layout, which includes functions such as:

§ Structuring information according to what community members used most frequently

§ Searches with interactive answer options (Google search engine was perceived as the benchmark)

§ Clear and current links to services and service providers and consistent design across all pages and

§ Corresponding apps

·    Easy to use websites specifically included: basic tabs to organise information and for quick loading, mobile optimisation and clear descriptions for forms

·    The best navigation features had: advanced search options, maps and icons and clear page tracking

·    Most participants said that they wanted clearer navigation pathways on the homepage, less clicks to get to their desired place and more visual elements like maps and infographics

·    There was a high level of enthusiasm for all of the suggested new or expanded services including: a what’s on calendar, email newsletter, online bookings, customer portal and live chat.

·    Participants preferred simple, complementary colours with good use of space in the page so that all items are easy to see. There were numerous comments that colours, font size and hierarchy need to be attentive to those with poor sight.

·    Participants wanted the website to reflect the culture and values of the community through its choice of colour and content


There is a need for website and corporate systems (such as TechnologyOne) integration to support and increase Council’s e-business options. Accessibility is a priority for the new website. Specialist support is being engaged to provide advice throughout the procurement process, including design specifications, and the site itself. Based on the consultation outcomes, a Request for Tender is in development. This process is largely dependent upon the TechOne contract, as much of the desired functionality may be provided by TechOne.


Contingent upon the TechOne contract execution, the website will proceed on the following timeline:


Procurement process commenced


Tender awarded

Early June

Website build

June to October

Website launch

October 2017


2017/18 Integrated Budget and Operational Plan


The Draft 2017/18 Integrated Budget and principles for the 2017/18 Fees and Charges were presented to LRAC in March. The capital works program for the next three years has been finalised, and funded, as part of the Budget process. Work is continuing to finalise the operational budget. This process is contingent upon finalising and costing the new, permanent organisational structure. 2017/18 Fees and Charges continue to be harmonised, where possible. Significant progress has been made on the Draft 2017/18 Operational Plan and it will be presented to the Leadership Team in early April.


The draft 2017/18 Budget, Operational Plan and Fees and Charges will be presented to Council in April, for adoption for public exhibition.


Systems Integration


Substantial progress on the TechnologyOne project has been made this month and further details will be provided in a separate report to the IAG. 


Organisational Structure


The permanent organisation structure is gradually rolling out. The first round of structures (Finance and Development and Regulatory Services) endorsed by the Joint Consultative Committee in March. The Level 4 roles in these teams have commenced internal recruitment. Group Managers have continued consultation during March with the remaining structures to Level 4 and Level 5, at minimum, expected to go to the Joint Consultative Committee in April.


Co-location Plan


The Co-location Plan for indoor staff has been through a staff consultation period during March. Group Managers have been leading consultation with their staff to identify the suitability of their new work location for their teams’ functions. Feedback has been received from staff and is being analysed. Work Health and Safety audits of all new work locations have been completed. In April, the Leadership Team will consider the outcomes of the consultation, WHS audits and a proposed list of works, before the final plan is put to the Joint Consultative Committee in April.


Co-location of staff is dependent upon the completion of the new Active Directory. The Active Directory will allow staff to access their systems and applications from any site. This project remains on track and it is expected that staff co-location will commence in May.


A co-location plan for Depots and outdoor operations is in development. The guiding principles for this process, endorsed by the Leadership Team, include that St Peters will be the main depot, with one other depot nominated, and that disruption to operations will be minimised. A series of workshops with staff representing civil works, resource recovery, parks, trades, mechanics and stores were held in March. The workshops identified the essential requirements for each operational area and conducted a high-level assessment of each of the four existing depots. This information, with more detailed site inspections, will be used to develop the co-location plan for depots, for staff consultation in early April. Preparation for co-locating depots is expected to begin in June, focusing on cleaning up sites and consolidating plant, material and equipment. The majority of co-location will be completed by the end of August.


Staff Engagement


The outcomes of the staff engagement survey were considered by the Leadership Team in February. During March, four focus groups were held for the purpose of identifying opportunities to address the issues and concerns flagged by the staff engagement survey. A total of 60 staff were led by an experienced external facilitator to identify priority areas from the survey results and develop ideas against these. These ideas will be presented to the Leadership Team in April for their consideration and incorporation into an action plan. A summary will then be released to all staff and regular updates provided as the action plan is implemented.


In addition, to directly addressing the outcomes of the survey, a number of initiatives are also contributing to increasing staff engagement. Commencing recruitment to the permanent structure will begin to reduce uncertainty about reporting lines and roles in the new organisation. Co-location will enable Group Managers to establish their teams, operate as one unit and support staff to continue to build positive working relationships. Change readiness and resilience workshops continue to be offered to all staff as part of the Learning and Development program. The organisational values launch program has focused on engaging with staff and will begin to set the scene for our organisational culture work.


Organisational Values


In late February, the organisational values were presented to staff through an animated video introducing “VALUES FIRST – Flexibility, Integrity, Respect and Spirit of Team”. The introduction has continued throughout March with the launch of Values Month. Staff were reminded that over 1000 employees participated in choosing these values and were asked to bring them to life by describing the behaviours behind the values.


Values Month was an opportunity to share what the values mean at Inner West Council. Each week, for four weeks, staff were asked to make videos, write a story or take a photo to demonstrate how they lived or experienced the behaviours the values stand for. One value was featured each week. Over 100 staff have actively participated through videos, written stories or interviews. These contributions have been collated into a six minute documentary.


In early April, the official launch of ‘Values First’ will be held. Four sessions across Council sites will be held for staff to interact, view the documentary, hear from the Leadership Team and celebrate the establishment of Inner West Council’s first values.









Information to inform this report has been drawn from relevant staff across the organisation.




This report is published on the Council website.



Substantial progress continues to be made in the implementation of key integration projects and the building of one, integrated organisation and culture.






Attachment 1 Integration and Innovation Plan Monthly Update - i-Plan Status Report as at 27 March 2017


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Implementation Advisory Group

6 April 2017











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Implementation Advisory Group

6 April 2017


Item No:         IAG0417 Item 2

Subject:         Community Resourcing Policy: grants and concessional access to facilities

File Ref:         17/6012/32938.17         

Prepared By:     Sue Pym - Social Planning Coordinator  

Authorised By:  Erla Ronan - Group Manager Community Services and Culture



The purpose of the attached draft Community Resourcing Policy is to provide clarity regarding the ways Council can assist others, through grants and other resources such as Council venues, to deliver projects and activities which provide local community benefits. The policy aims to deliver a consistent, transparent and overarching framework for the provision of financial and other assistance across the Inner West Council (IWC) area, while ensuring good governance and accountability. The policy seeks to align Council’s investment in the community with its Statement of Vision and Priorities.






THAT IAG receive and note the report.





The Community Resourcing Policy has been developed in response to the need to provide an integrated IWC grants program for 2017/18, and Council’s 6 December 2016 resolution “that Council undertakes a review of fees and charges and relevant policies for fee waivers and concessions with a view to consistency, equity and transparency across the LGA”.

An internal working group was formed in late February 2017 with representatives from across the three service centres to integrate the 14 separate grant programs from the former Councils into an Inner West Council Grant Program. Council’s facility bookings staff were also included in the Working Group to develop a consistent approach to the provision of concessions to apply to groups who hire Council venues.

The Community Resourcing Policy and six associated sets of guidelines will replace all separate policies and guidelines from the former Councils concerning grants (with the exception of major partnership and sponsorship programs which will form part of a later review) and the provision of concessions and fee waivers for the hire of community facilities (with a few exceptions as noted under scope on page 3 of the policy).

The Policy will apply to grants allocated in the 2017/18 financial year which will be allocated by mid December 2017. The Policy will apply to any new venue bookings from 1 July 2017, and to annual hirers from 1 January 2018, except for bookings where transitional provisions apply (transitional concessions are outlined on page 7-8 of the policy).


IWC Grant Program

Five separate categories of grants are outlined in the policy: community; arts and culture; environment; recreation and Stronger Communities (representing the state government grant program which will operate for two more years) which will be allocated by mid December 2017 for projects to be conducted during 2018. The grants will be promoted under the banner of the IWC Grants Program with consistent application processes (including use of the Smartgrants online application management system), timeframes, assessment methods and announcements.

Council will be provided with funding recommendations for consideration in October 2017 which will enable a major announcement of significant support for local groups in November. The combined pool of funding allocated in 2016/17 for Council’s various grant programs was approximately $431,000 together with $300,000 in Stronger Communities Grants. It is expected that Council’s announcement of successful projects in November will be in the order of $781,000 (assuming Council’s own programs remain constant, and the 2017 Stronger Communities budget of $350,000 is fully allocated).

Staff are currently undertaking community consultation to guide 2017 funding priorities for the Stronger Communities Grants. This consultation responds to Council’s resolution on 25 October 2016 regarding implementation of the 2017 Stronger Communities grants, namely to consult with the community to inform the revision of selection criteria for 2017 grants. The Stronger Communities guidelines will therefore be amended with the addition of a sentence regarding the community preferences identified through this process.

A communication plan will be prepared to assist with ensuring the community is aware of the new grant guidelines, and will include information on Council’s grants page, information sessions and a grant writing workshop. Variation from the former Council’s grant guidelines are minor and it is expected that the IWC Grant program will be well received. The integration of the grants from the Leichhardt and Ashfield service centres in 2017 was very successful and staff will aim to ensure that this final stage of integrating grants across the whole IWC will be as seamless as was the case in 2017.

IWC Facility Concessions

Inner West Council (IWC) owns a range of venues for hire including meeting rooms, activity rooms, community centres and halls. A schedule of all venues available for concessional use is provided in the attached Policy (page 34) table guidelines. Facility use concessions are aimed at ensuring local groups and residents are able to access Council facilities where financial hardship or other forms of disadvantage would otherwise prohibit their usage.

The approach of the three former Councils regarding the provision of fee waivers and concessions to particular groups differs considerably. For example there has been a much larger number of groups receiving free use of facilities (including Town Halls) in Ashfield and Marrickville than is the case in Leichhardt. Differences also exist between Ashfield and Marrickville, including for example the charging of religious groups at a concessional rate in Ashfield, while religious groups in Marrickville receive fee waivers. On the other hand large multicultural groups dancing in the Ashfield Town Hall receive fee waivers while similar groups dancing in the Petersham Town Hall pay fees. There are many other examples of inconsistencies which highlight the need for an integrated policy regarding concessions.

Apart from addressing inconsistencies, the venue concessions Policy aims to balance affordability with the need to obtain revenue to contribute to the on-going maintenance and operational costs of facility provision. Consequently the Policy does not include any categories of fee waiver, with a nominal rate of 20% of the full commercial rate being the lowest rate available (with a transitional rate of 10% being available for many groups in 2018). A table showing all concessional categories is provided in the Policy (pages 6-8).The requirement for all groups to contribute even in a small way to the operational costs of providing venues will assist with groups being judicious about the amount of use and size of facility they require.

However it is not possible to achieve consistency without some groups paying more for their usage than has been the case to date. While the Policy includes a transition period to soften the impact for groups affected (page 7-8), it is inevitable that some groups will be critical of the new Policy, particularly those groups moving from fee waivers to eventually paying 20% of the commercial rate. A communication plan will be developed prior to the implementation of the policy and will need to address this anticipated dissatisfaction. The Policy will not affect existing hirers until January 2018.





The combined pool of funding allocated in 2016/17 for Council’s various grant programs was approximately $431,000 together with $300,000 in Stronger Communities Grants. It is expected that Council’s announcement of successful projects in November will be in the order of $781,000 (assuming Council’s own programs remain constant, and the 2017 Stronger Communities budget of $350,000 is fully allocated).




Feedback from the Leadership Group has been considered in the attached draft Policy.




It is proposed that the Policy is placed on public exhibition for 4 weeks in accordance with Councils normal processes, including the use of Your Say Inner West. Community consultation is also occurring regarding the priorities for the 2017 Stronger Communities Grant Program.



The adoption of an integrated IWC Community Resourcing Policy to guide the administration of grants and concessional access to facilities in 2017/18 is essential to enable consistency, equity and transparency in the provision of Council resources to support the Inner West community.







Community Resourcing Policy: grants and concessional access to facilities


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Implementation Advisory Group

6 April 2017









































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Implementation Advisory Group

6 April 2017


Item No:         IAG0417 Item 3

Subject:         ICT Systems Consolidation  

File Ref:         17/6012/33101.17         

Prepared By:     Harin Perera - Group Manager Information Communication Technology/Chief Information Officer  

Authorised By:  Michael Tzimoulas - Deputy General Manager Chief Financial and Administration Officer



Endorsement of Council paper (C0916 Item 29) enabled the Interim General Manager to negotiate a contract with TechnologyOne for the supply and support of product and services relating to Inner West Council’s ICT Systems Consolidation project.


The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement to execute a contract with TechnologyOne for the supply of implementation services for a consolidated corporate IT system, with delivery by “Software as a Service”.





THAT IAG receive and note the report.




The former Ashfield, Leichhardt and Marrickville Councils operated with a range of different software solutions to support a suite of typical modules that are core to local government business operations.  The table below outlines the core modules and software providers that were in place at the three former Councils. 


Core Module


Provider / Software


Provider / Software

Marrickville  Provider / Software








Property & Rating (P&R)






Property and Rating

Graphical Information System (GIS)/Mapping

Pitney Bowes

Mapinfo / Exponare

Pitney Bowes

Mapinfo / Spectrum

Pitney Bowes

Mapinfo / Exponare / Spectrum

Electronic Document Management (EDM)

Hewlett Packard



ECM (formerly Dataworks)

Hewlett Packard


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


Authority - CRM


ECM (webforms)

Merit Technology

Merit CRM

Payroll & Human Resources



Frontier Software


Frontier Software


Asset Management


Asset Manager


Asset Database

Open Office



TechnologyOne offers an enterprise solution for local government known as OneCouncil which has the following modules and pre-configuration:

·    corporate strategy & planning

·    financial management

·    budgeting and payroll

·    property and revenue management

·    procurement

·    inventory and contracts

·    human resource management

·    capital planning and delivery

·    asset and work management

·    customer and community management

·    development and regulatory services

·    policy and compliance management

·    document and records management


Civica offers the Authority Enterprise Software Suite for Local Government that includes modules for

·    customer request management

·    e-services

·    electronic document and records management

·    financial management

·    human resources and payroll

·    land information

·    mobile applications


The following NSW Councils have either recently completed Technology One implementations or are in the process of implementation:


Blacktown                   Parramatta                  Hornsby                      Northern Beaches

Canada Bay                Hurstville                     Bayside                       Cumberland



Further, delivery of Technology One’s software via “Software as a Service” has the potential to simplify management of back office infra-structure.


Finally, adoption of Technology One’s Ci Anywhere product version provides the ability to deliver functionality to any device supporting the latest generation network browsers.


Endorsement of Council paper (C0916 Item 29) provided the Interim General Manager the ability to negotiate directly with TechnologyOne for supply and support of product and services relating to the consolidation of operations into a single Inner West Council corporate system.


Initial negotiations were conducted together with Cumberland and Georges River Councils and resulted in a common contract form and legal terms and conditions. However, as differences in implementation approach and timing emerged each of the councils proceeded to complete negotiations independently.


For Inner West Council these detailed negotiations have focused on the following key areas:


·    Finalization of scope of works for Inner West Council;

·    Release content & timing for Inner West Council;

·    Risk mitigation;

·    Price and terms.


Scope of Works is outlined below:


TechnologyOne will provide services, as follows:


·    Establish and maintain the “Software as a Service”

·    For each release:

Site Specific Set-up

Key User Training

Solution Design

Solution Reconfiguration

User Acceptance Testing Support

Go Live Preparation Support

Immediate Post Go Live Support


The following Implementation Services will be primary responsibility of Inner West Council, with contributions from TechnologyOne and other parties, yet to be determined:


·    Project Management

·    Data migration from existing systems into the consolidated system

·    End user training

·    Change Management



Releases have been planned as follows:


Latest Estimate Go-Live dates are based on Contract Execution before end March 2017. A delay in Contract Execution beyond this date may result in Releases 1 and 2 being delayed by up to one financial quarter. Other release impacts will require re-assessment.










Chart of Accounts & Ledgers, Financial Management

Supply Chain – Procure to Pay, Stores, Inventory



HR / Payroll, Budget, Reporting


Feb 2018


Dec 2018

Assets, Strategic Asset Management, Capital Project Delivery


Sept 2018

Revenue, Regulatory, Record Management, Cash Management


Dec 2018



Risk Mitigation:


There are a number of significant risks / challenges to be addressed throughout the implementation of the consolidation project, including:


·    Business Continuity – need to maintain continuity of corporate system operations through the transition period.

·    Amalgamation Requirements – need to meet specific amalgamation requirements including Rates moratorium and maintenance of employee award / conditions.

·    Resource Availability – suitably skilled resources will be required to be available from Technology One and Inner West Council throughout the life of the project.

·    Inner West Council Integration – there are a number of related / dependent projects which may impact on the ability of the project to proceed as planned.


The above list is not exhaustive, but provides a flavor of the challenges faced by the implementation project. If realized, any of the above risks will impact project cost / delivery timeframe or both.


In recognition of this situation the management team has sought to ensure the contract is constructed to apportion risk to the party having the most capability to manage the risk.


Specifically within the contract escalation and dispute resolution processes have been included. Further, a joint Management Committee has been defined within the draft contract which includes senior managers from both organizations.


Actions undertaken outside of the contract to mitigate risk are as follows:


·    Dedicated Project Manager has been engaged;

·    Subject Matter Experts from within Council have been appointed to the project for the following areas:

Financials & Supply Chain






Customer Service

Change Management

Data Migration


·    Each of the functional areas above have been through initial design workshops to confirm the suitability of Technology One’s product to meet business needs.

·    An internal Inner West Council Project Control Group comprising Interim General Manager, three Deputy General Managers and Group Manager – ICT is planned to be formed on contract execution;

·    Draft Project Management Plan and Schedule have been established.


Contract pricing:


Contract pricing is “Commercial In Confidence”.



Funding for this project has been allocated from the NSW Government New Council Implementation Fund.



Following the commencement of negotiations Subject Matter Experts and representatives from key business areas have been involved in a series of workshops which compared existing processes in use at the previous three councils to the standard processes support by OneCouncil.


These workshops confirmed that while there is significant implementation works covering specific Inner West Council set-up, migration of data, maintenance of temporary interfaces, testing, training and change management the OneCouncil solution will support Inner West Council’s business processes.


Contract negotiations have included and will continue to include Council’s Group Manager – Legal.




Not Applicable



Inner West Council is currently maintaining service delivery using the corporate ICT facilities of its three former councils. This will suffice in the short term, but will not meet medium term business objectives.


Plans are in place for physical co-location of staff, by functional area, but in most cases within these co-located teams staff will still need to access / operate on three separate systems until a corporate ICT system is deployed.


The key to enabling these newly created teams to operate effectively and to meet reporting objectives is successful and timely deployment of a single integrated corporate platform. With this integrated platform teams will be able to adopt common processes and apply these to each aspect of the former councils.


Council previously endorsed Technology One as the solution provider and approved direct negotiations.


Detailed planning and negotiations have progressed during February to March 2017. A key factor in these works has been identification and mitigation of risk both within the contract and within the project team.





