Supplementary AGENDA  1


Distributed on 30 April 2020














Local Traffic Committee Meeting


MAY 2020





The May 2020 meeting of the Inner West Local Traffic Committee will be held electronically with the Agenda emailed to Members for review. All comments are requested to be returned to Council by 5.00pm Tuesday 5 May 2020.

Local Traffic Committee Meeting

4 May 2020








The following report appear as late item as information required for the preparation of the report was not available at the time of distribution of the Business Paper.



1              Traffic Matters


ITEM                                                                                                                                         Page


LTC0520 Item 5  Edinburgh Road, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works - Traffic Changes (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Newtown and Summer Hill Electorates / Inner West PAC)                                                                                           3


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

4 May 2020



Item No:         LTC0520 Item 5

Subject:         Edinburgh Road, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works - Traffic Changes (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Newtown and Summer Hill Electorates / Inner West PAC)         

Prepared By:      George Tsaprounis - Coordinator – Traffic and Parking Services  

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager



MLA Transport Planning (MLATP) has submitted plans as part of the Marrickville Metro Expansion works for Edinburgh Road-Sydney Steel Road roundabout; Edinburgh Road and Railway Terrace roundabout re-design; Parking restriction changes on Edinburgh Road and Murray Street; permanent bus stops on Edinburgh Road; and Edinburgh Road right turn access into new (Stage 1B) building.





THAT the proposed changes to traffic and parking conditions in Edinburgh Road and Murray Street, Marrickville as per plans submitted by MLATP (CV-1BPD-02-061 and CV-1BPD-02-062) be approved including; Edinburgh Road-Sydney Steel Road roundabout design; Edinburgh Road-Railway terrace roundabout re-design; implementation of 'No Stopping' restrictions on eastern side of Murray Street (between Edinburgh Road and Smidmore Street); 'No Stopping' restriction north side of Edinburgh Road between the proposed new bus zone and Smidmore Street ; ‘No Stopping’ restrictions on the south side of Edinburgh Road between Smidmore Street and Sydney Steel Street; and linemarking and other supporting regulatory signage subject to the following condition:

a)   The proposed 60.2m 'Bus Zone' (plan CV-1BPD-02-062) on north side of Edinburgh Road (between Sydney Steel Street and Murray Street) be reduced to 56m;

b)   The ‘No Stopping’ restriction for the departure side of proposed refuge/splitter island on Edinburgh Road (located east of Sydney Steel Street) be increased from 6.4m to 10.4m to comply with pedestrian refuge standards; and

c)   The existing bus stop, shelter and supporting infrastructure on the southern side of Edinburgh Road (immediately east of Sydney Steel Road) be relocated at the applicants cost and to Council satisfaction.






The proposed expansion of Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre was first granted planning approval in March 2012. Following this, there were several subsequent approved modifications including modifications to stipulates parking restrictions be changed to the kerbside parking lanes on Smidmore Street, Edinburgh Road and Murray Street.


MLA Transport Planning is seeking Local Traffic Committee (LTC) approval for the following road work items:


·    Edinburgh Road-Sydney Steel Road roundabout design

·    Edinburgh Road-Railway terrace roundabout re-design

·    Parking restriction changes on Edinburgh Road and Murray Street

·    Edinburgh Road right turn access into new (Stage 1B) building; and

·    permanent bus stops on Edinburgh Road


A separate report has been provided to the Traffic Committee regarding proposed traffic and parking changes to Smidmore Street.


Attachments 1 and 2 outline the proposed changes to Edinburgh Road and Murray Street.


Key features of the changes include:

·    Additional signage on Edinburgh Road to notify drivers of the changed traffic conditions and site access details (see following plan)

·    Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Edinburgh Road and Sydney Steel Street to allow a 12.5m rigid bus and emergency vehicles to undertake a U turn.

·    Provision of a bus terminus on the northern side of Edinburgh Road between Sydney Steel Street and Murray Street (to accommodate up to 3 buses). The length of the bus zone will be approximately 56m in length and will commence at least 10m east of the proposed refuge/splitter island located on the eastern leg of the proposed roundabout. Although not shown on the provided plan, this will form a condition of approval. The pedestrian refuge requirements are met.

·    Provision of a dedicated right turn lane for westbound traffic on Edinburgh Road to access the new carpark via Edinburgh Road. The same right turn bay also extends to Smidmore Street. A road safety audit reviewing the right turn bay from Edinburgh Road into the site access (south of Smidmore Street) has been provided in Attachment 4.

·    roundabout modification at the intersection of Edinburgh Road-Railway Terrace in order to better accommodate movement of larger vehicles such as buses and so that the refuge within the existing splitter island located on the western leg of the proposed roundabout is provided to current standards.

·    Extension of ‘No Stopping’ restrictions on the eastern side of Murray Street (between Edinburgh Street and Smidmore Street) to cater for larger trucks delivering goods to the service dock located in this section of Murray Street.


Issues with the presented design include:

·    The existing Bus Stop and shelter on the eastern side of Edinburgh Road (immediately east of Sydney Steel Road) will need to be relocated from its current location so that it does not conflict with the proposed ‘No Stopping’ restriction for the pedestrian refuge. This will result in the relocation of the existing bus stop and shelter by approximately 12-15m and will result in the loss of two unrestricted on-street car parking spaces being lost.


Swept paths have been provided that demonstrate that turning movements through the proposed roundabouts are satisfactory.






All works and costs of implementation works will be borne by the applicant.



The proposal was part of the development assessment which was previously advertised. Further notification with the immediate and wider community will be undertaken prior to final TfNSW approval.



It is recommended that the proposed treatments in Edinburgh Road and Murray Street be supported.





Signage and Linemarking Plan (1/2)


Signage and Linemarking Plan (2/2)


Edinburgh Road Refuge Island No Stopping Distance


Marrickville Metro – Edinburgh Road Right
Turn - Road Safety Audit - Detail Design Stage


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

4 May 2020



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

4 May 2020



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

4 May 2020



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

4 May 2020