Council Meeting






Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Live Streaming of Council Meeting


In the spirit of open, accessible and transparent government, this meeting of the Inner West Council is being streamed live on Council’s website. By speaking at a Council meeting, members of the public agree to being recorded and must ensure their speech to the Council is respectful and use appropriate language. A person who uses defamatory, discriminatory or offensive language may be exposed to liability for which Council takes no responsibility. Any part of this meeting that is held in closed session will not be recorded


Pre-Registration to Speak at Council Meetings


Speaking at a Council Meeting is conducted through an online software application called Zoom. Members of the public must register by 2pm of the day of the Meeting to speak at Council Meetings. If you wish to register to speak please fill in a Register to Speak Form, available from the Inner West Council website, including:


Are there any rules for speaking at a Council Meeting?

The following rules apply when addressing a Council meeting:


What happens after I submit the form?

You will be contacted by Governance Staff and provided with a link to the online meeting. Your request will then be added to a list that is shown to the Chairperson on the night of the meeting. Public speakers will be allowed into the Meeting when it is their time to speak.


Where Items are deferred, Council reserves the right to defer speakers until that Item is heard on the next occasion.





Council Meeting

28 July 2020








1          Acknowledgement of Country


2          Apologies


3          Notice of Webcasting


4          Disclosures of Interest (Section 451 of the Local Government Act
and Council’s Code of Conduct)


5          Moment of Quiet Contemplation


6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                          Page

Minutes of 23 June 2020 Council Meeting                                                                       5


7          Public Forum – Hearing from All Registered Speakers

8          Condolence Motions


Nil at the time of printing.

9          Mayoral Minutes


ITEM                                                                                                                                     Page


C0720(1) Item 1       Mayoral Minute: Callan Park and the Greater Sydney Parklands Agency      18


10        Reports with Strategic Implications


Nil at the time of printing.

11        Reports for Council Decision


ITEM                                                                                                                                     Page


C0720(1) Item 2       Adoption of the combined Delivery Program 18-22, Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21. Fees and Charges 2020/21 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2020-30                                                                                                  21

C0720(1) Item 3       Planning Proposal - 13-55 Edinburgh Road, Marrickville                    230

C0720(1) Item 4       Public Exhibition of Planning Proposal – 466-480 New Canterbury Road and 26-38 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill                                                     234

C0720(1) Item 5       Post Exhibition Report - Draft Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan for the Former Leichhardt Council Area                                                    236

C0720(1) Item 6       Local Traffic Committee Meeting - July 2020                                      238

C0720(1) Item 7       Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Determination 2020         271

C0720(1) Item 8       Council Membership to Resilient Sydney                                            272


12        Reports for Noting


ITEM                                                                                                                                     Page


C0720(1) Item 9       Rebate on Domestic Waste Charges for Jobseeker and Jobkeeper Recipients 275

C0720(1) Item 10     Ashfield Aquatic Centre - Project Update                                            278

C0720(1) Item 11     Investment Report as at 30 June 2020                                                279


13        Notices of Motion


ITEM                                                                                                                                     Page


C0720(1) Item 12     Notice of Motion: Investments Policies                                                300

C0720(1) Item 13     Notice of Motion: Keep the Rate                                                          302

C0720(1) Item 14     Notice of Motion: Covid-19 Racism                                                      304

C0720(1) Item 15     Notice of Motion: Greater Sydney Parklands Agency: Callan Park    309

C0720(1) Item 16     Notice of Motion: Food Recycling                                                        311


14        Questions From Councillors


ITEM                                                                                                                                     Page


C0720(1) Item 17     Question on Notice: The use of Glyphosate by Inner West Council   313

C0720(1) Item 18     Question on Notice: Various Questions                                               317

C0720(1) Item 19     Question on Notice:Tree Application Update                                      318


Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held remotely and livestreamed on Council’s website on 23 June 2020



Meeting commenced at 6.30pm







Darcy Byrne

Vittoria Raciti

Marghanita Da Cruz Mark Drury

Lucille McKenna OAM

Colin Hesse

Sam Iskandar

Tom Kiat

Pauline Lockie

Victor Macri

Julie Passas

Rochelle Porteous

John Stamolis

Louise Steer

Anna York
Michael Deegan

Elizabeth Richardson


Deputy Mayor





Councillor (6.53pm)









Chief Executive Officer

Chief Operating Officer, Director Development and Recreation

Cathy Edwards-Davis

Director Infrastructure

Ian Naylor

Manager Governance

Katherine Paixao

Governance Coordinator







Clr Drury declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 18 Report on Legal Matter as the subject matter of the report relates to his position in State Government and he will leave the meeting.





Motion: (Drury/Stamolis)

THAT the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 3 June 2020 and Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 9 June 2020 be confirmed as a correct record.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil





C0620(3) Item 21       Mayoral Minute: Callan Park and Kirkbride Precinct EOI

Motion: (Byrne)


THAT Council:


1.   Notes that the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has released an Expressions of Interest (EOI) to find a new tenant for the Kirkbride precinct in Callan Park; and


2.   Receives a report on the EOI process and includes an assessment whether Council should submit an EOI to use some or all of the buildings and properties in the Kirkbride precinct.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C0620(3) Item 22       Mayoral Minute: ACOSS and JobSeeker

Motion: (Byrne)


THAT Council:


1.   Restates its support for the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) Raise the Rate campaign, which is advocating that the new Jobseeker Payment not be cut back to the old Newstart rate once the COVID-19 crisis has abated;


2.   Writes to all Mayors and Councils across Australia urging them to adopt motions in support of the Jobseeker payment not being returned to the previous level of Newstart; and


3.   Supports and promotes ACOSS’s campaign on jobseeker and the Raise the Rate

      campaign through all Council communication channels.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Councillor Iskandar entered the Meeting at 6:53 pm.

C0620(3) Item 1         Deferred Post Exhibition Report – Draft Inner West Local          Environmental Plan 2020 And Associated DCP Amendments

Motion: (Drury/Lockie)


THAT Council:


1.    Endorse the planning proposal to facilitate the draft Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2020 (LEP 2020) as exhibited with minor amendments outlined in Attachment 1 and as amended to correct administrative errors identified when mapping Schedule 5 Environmental Heritage;




2.    Notes that Council does not have delegation to make the LEP, submit the planning proposal as amended by Part 1 of this resolution to the Department of Planning Industry and Environment for making;


3.    Adopt the exhibited amendments in relation to the removal of the notification chapters from the following Development Control Plans (DCPs):

a)    Marrickville DCP 2011;

b)    Leichhardt DCP 2013 as well as the deletion of Clause C25(c) (car share); and

c)    Comprehensive Inner West DCP  2016 for Ashbury, Ashfield, Croydon, Croydon Park, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park and Summer Hill (Ashfield DCP).


4.    Adopt the rest of the exhibited amendments to the DCPs, with the exception of changes that relate to the Moore Street Industrial Precinct in Leichhardt DCP 2013, and align the date the amended DCPs come into force with the finalisation of the Inner West Local Environmental  Plan 2020 by the Department of Planning Industry and Environment;


5.    Reinstate ‘hotel or motel accommodation’ as land use permitted with consent in the B5 Business Development zone.”; and


6.    Respond to Minister Stokes’ offer of a revised timeline with confirmation that Inner West Council will retain the originally agreed timeframe, on the basis that Council prefers not to shorten the length of time available for Phase 2 of the LEP process, which is required in the revised timeline offered by the Minister.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Crs Passas, Porteous and Stamolis


Foreshadowed Motion (Porteous/Passas)


That Council, acknowledging the correspondence from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (dated 19 June 2020) which grants council a 2 month extension to submit the consolidated LEP (LEP Phase 1) by 31 August 2020 determines to accept this extension and extend the consultation period for the LEP for a further 15 days.


This Foreshadowed Motion lapsed.

 Councillor Passas left the Meeting at 7:43 pm.

C0620(3)             Item 2         Rent Relief for Tenants - Covid 19 Coronavirus

Motion: (Da Cruz/Steer)


THAT Council:


1.    Adopt the National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct – SME Commercial Leasing Principles During COVID-19 (Code);


2.    Adopt the subsequent Retail and Other Commercial Leases Covid-19 Regulation 2020 (Regulation) which applies to all retail and commercial leases; and




3.    Adopt the subsequent Residential Tenancies Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020 which applies to all residential leases; and


4.    Voluntarily apply the Code and subsequent Regulations to retrospectively commence on 23 March 2020; and


5.    Voluntarily apply the Code and subsequent Regulations to all Inner West Council tenancies including Licences and any other formal rights to occupy land which are not ordinarily covered by the Code and Regulations;


6.    Delegate authority to the CEO (and Staff) to negotiate and finalise the terms for the appropriate rent relief with Inner West Council tenants;


7.    Bring back a report to Council on the application of these regulations and codes;


8.    Receive a confidential report to the next Council meeting regarding the Council commercial tenancy at Yeo Park, Ashfield;


9.    Receive a report in 1 month regarding the amount of rent of commercial tenants that has been deferred and likelihood and fairness of recovery, noting this information may need to be reported confidentially. This report includes assessment of:


a)    Waiver of three months’ rent (March/Apr/May) for all affected businesses tenanted in council buildings. The costs of operating in this time skyrocketed due to all the variations of conditions and restrictions hence the request for waiver.


b)    Adopt the National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct – SME Commercial Leasing Principles During COVID-19 (Code) for rental negotiations post May to October per the stipulations outlined in the council recommendation, however we request that an independent business advisor or mediator is assigned to impartially assess how best to compare the revenue figures and impact. 


c)    That an agreement can be made in good faith as to the rental amount for the total of the 5 month period (Jun-Oct) rather than month by month. This will allow not only the business, but the council to have visibility on rental rather than letting debt mount up and also reduce the paperwork for both parties. Using the code as a guide, and a mediator, we can agree on what the 5 months rent will look like (subject to no second outbreak). We simply need to know where we stand, rather than having to produce a report each month.


d)    A review of agreed CPI increases - our lease stipulates a 4% CPI increase which just took effect in Jan. Given the market conditions, we propose this CPI increase be reviewed or waivered.  


e)    Council to support the recovery by investing in suggested local infrastructure projects in and around the business that will enhance both the business and the community. For example, in our case, park benches installed in the park and an additional sheltered/shaded area. 


10.  Write to local Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services (Marrickville and Redfern) thanking them for their work for tenants in our LGA and inviting discussion regarding how Council can support their work during COVID e.g. including legal and referral information in Council communications. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Passas


C0620(3) Item 3         Heritage Listing - 389 Illawarra Road, Marrickville

Motion: (Drury/Hesse)


THAT Council:


1.   Endorse and forward the planning proposal for 389 Illawarra Road Marrickville for the reasons set out in Attachment 1 to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) with a request for Gateway determination under section 3.34 of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979;


2.   Request delegation of the plan-making functions for this planning proposal to the Chief Executive Officer; and

3.   Following receipt of a favourable Gateway Determination, place the planning proposal on public exhibition to comply with the requirements of that Determination as well as Council receiving a post exhibition report for its consideration.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C0620(3) Item 4         Planning Proposal - 36 Lonsdale Street and 64-70 Brenan Street,        Lilyfield

Motion: (Macri/Stamolis)


THAT Council:


1.   Endorse and forward the amended Planning Proposal prepared by Council officers for 36 Lonsdale Street and 64-70 Brenan Street, Lilyfield for the reasons set out in Attachment 1 to the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) for a Gateway determination under section 3.34 of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979;


2.   Request delegation of the plan-making functions for this planning proposal to the Chief Executive Officer; and


3.   Following receipt of a favourable Gateway Determination, place the planning proposal on public exhibition to comply with the requirements of that Determination and as well as Council receiving a post exhibition report for its consideration.






Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Passas


C0620(3) Item 5         Local Traffic Committee Meeting - June 2020

Motion: (Stamolis/Da Cruz)


THAT the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meetings held in June 2020 be received and the recommendations be adopted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Passas

Councillor Passas returned to the Meeting at 8:04 pm.

C0620(3) Item 6         17 Norton Street, Ashfield

Motion: (McKenna OAM/Drury)


THAT Council:


1.   Approves the sale of 17 Norton Street, Ashfield by Council pursuant to s.713(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 1993; and


2.   Authorises the CEO to undertake all actions and negotiation in relation to the sale including the setting of a reserve price and signing all relevant documents to complete the sale. 


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Passas


Amendment (Da Cruz/Steer)

THAT a further report be brought back to Council subsequent to the sale of the property including the valuation.

Motion Lost

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Lockie, Passas, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti and York







C0620(3) Item 7         Precinct 75, St Peters Voluntary Planning Agreement public    exhibition

Motion: (Da Cruz/Steer)


THAT Council:


1.    Enter into the Voluntary Planning Agreement for Precinct 75, St Peters, as provided in Attachment 1 to this report;


2.    Note that the DCP will require the development to include affordable housing, and that this is VPA entirely separate and in no way contributes to this requirement; and


3.    Review its consultation process for Voluntary Planning Agreements to see where improvements could be made.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Cr Porteous



8.40pm - The Mayor, Clr Byrne adjourned the meeting for a short recess.

8.48pm– The Mayor, Clr Byrne resumed the meeting.


C0620(3) Item 8         Virtual town hall meetings

Motion: (Kiat/Stamolis)


THAT Council:


  1. Receive and note the report;


  1. Facilitate participation of community speakers  in the 'community forum' section of Council meetings from the next Council meeting, whether meetings occur online or in person;


  1. Ensure that required ICT support is given to Councillors to ensure they can participate in meetings;


  1. Recommence virtual meetings for engagement for Parks Plans of Management and new public exhibited polices; and


  1. Recommence the WestConnex Community Forums as virtual meetings soon as possible.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Cr Passas




C0620(3) Item 9         Investment Report as at 31 May 2020

Motion: (Kiat/Lockie)


THAT the report be received and noted.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C0620(3) Item 10       Ashfield Aquatic Centre - Progress Update

Motion: (Drury/McKenna OAM)


THAT Council receive and note the report and that the neighbours to the pool receive a communication about the timetable for the completion of works on the pool and the associated car parks.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C0620(3) Item 11       Amended Council Meeting Schedule

Motion: (McKenna OAM/Stamolis)


THAT Council adopt the amended 2020 Council Meeting Schedule and publish the schedule on the Council Website.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C0620(3) Item 12       Notice of Motion: Traffic Changes on Parramatta Road Haberfield

Motion: (Raciti/Macri)


THAT Council:


1.   Immediately implements the unanimous Council resolution on August 2019 to close Chandos Street Haberfield to left hand turns from Paramatta Road; and


2.   Consults with the residents of Walker, Alt and Bland Streets Haberfield and offers similar treatments or a no left turn from Parramatta Road during the morning peak.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Crs Da Cruz and Passas


Foreshadowed Motion (Passas/Da Cruz)

THAT Council convenes a meeting with Transport for NSW with interested Councillors and officers as a matter of urgency.

This Foreshadowed Motion lapsed.


C0620(3) Item 13       Notice of Motion: Banning the sale of fur and exotic animal skins        on Council property

Motion: (Lockie/Steer)


THAT Council:


1.   Reviews its event and market application forms and guidelines to prohibit the sale of fur products, mislabeled fake fur products, and other exotic animal skins on Council property including looking at how an exemption for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander vendors that may be impacted could be applied;


2.   Writes to the Minister for Home Affairs to call for the introduction of random forensic testing of imported fake fur products, as well as an investigation into prohibition of fur product imports into Australia;


3.   Writes to the NSW Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation to request a fur task force be established to assess the size and impact of illegal fur labelling; and


4.   Promotes through its website and other suitable communications channels:

a)   Information to help local residents and businesses report the sale of suspected illegal animal products to the relevant authorities; and


b)   Ethical and sustainable alternatives to reselling or throwing out old or vintage fur products.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Cr Passas


C0620(3) Item 14       Notice of Motion: Council Membership of Committees and       Organisations and retention of membership of the Sydney    Coastal Councils Group

Motion: (Porteous/Passas)



1.   Any proposal to leave or to join an external Local, Regional or State-wide Committee or Organisation eg Local Government NSW, SSROC and SCCG must come to Council for endorsement;

2.   The membership of Inner West Council in the Sydney Coastal Councils Group be retained and renewed for 2020/21 financial year; and

3.   All current regional and state memberships be renewed.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Cr Passas

Councillor York left the Meeting at 10:23 pm.

C0620(3) Item 15       Notice of Motion: Budget 2020/21: Further Councillor Briefing to         be scheduled

Motion: (Porteous/Passas)


THAT a further Councillor briefing on the Revised Delivery Program 2018 – 2022; combined Draft Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21 and Draft Updated, Long Term Financial Plan 2020 – 2030 be organised as soon as possible and within the current consultation period.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr York


Councillor York returned to the Meeting at 10:26 pm.


Motion: (Porteous/Passas)


THAT this additional briefing should include:

a)    A detailed breakdown of the way the revised delivery plan and combined draft operational plan 2020/21 will be delivered for each of the 6 key areas of council. The briefing to include any proposed changes from the 2019/20 delivery plan and operational plan. The key being:

·      Corporate

·      City Living

·      Infrastructure

·      Development and Recreation

·      Environment and Economic Development

·      Financial Management


b)    A presentation on the Long-term Financial Plan for Council 2020 – 2030 as Councillors are yet to receive a presentation on this. This presentation should include how figures in the plan have been arrived at;


c)    A detailed breakdown on the risk factors with this budget, particularly in terms of the impact of COVID-19 and parameters on best base, worst case scenarios as to the immediate, medium and long term predicted impacts on the IWC delivery plan, budget and long-term financial plan; and


d)    A detailed breakdown on how savings identified as having been achieved in the 2019/20 budget have been achieved and how these saving will impact delivery and the budget in 2020/21 and beyond.



Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Passas, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Byrne, Drury, Iskandar, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti and York


C0620(3) Item 19       Infrastructure Stimulus Program

Motion: (Drury/Byrne)


THAT Council pool its developer contributions reserves and accelerate $20 million for the delivery of infrastructure projects, generally in line with the list provided in Attachment 1 to this report and receive a briefing on this matter prior to the next Council meeting on 28 July.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Crs Hesse, Kiat, Passas, Porteous and Stamolis


Foreshadowed Motion (Porteous/Stamolis)


THAT Council note the report on pooling our developer contributions reserves and accelerate $20 million for the delivery of infrastructure projects, generally in line with the list provided and that we request that we receive a briefing on this matter and that it be brought back to the meeting on 28 July.


This Foreshadowed Motion lapsed.


Extension of time

Motion: (Lockie/Steer)

That Council extends the meeting until 11.30pm.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


C0620(3) Item 20       Request for Postponement of Rates Notices.

Motion: (Byrne/Lockie)


THAT Council resolve to postpone the 1st Instalment of 2020/21 Rates Notices to 31 August 2020.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:                    Nil



11.04pm - The Mayor, Clr Byrne adjourned the meeting for a short recess.

11.08pm– The Mayor, Clr Byrne resumed the meeting.

Councillor Passas retired from the Meeting at 11:08 pm.


Confidential Session


Motion: (Byrne/Drury)


THAT Council enter into Confidential session.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil


That in accordance with Section 10A(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, the following matters be considered in Closed Session of Council for the reasons provided:


C0620(3) Item 17 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale - Voluntary Planning Agreement (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business


C0620(3) Item 18 Report on Legal matter (Section 10A(2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.


Motion: (Byrne/Steer)


THAT Council move back into the Open Session of the Council Meeting.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Drury and Passas


Reports with Confidential Information


C0620(3) Item 17       1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale - Voluntary Planning             Agreement

Motion: (Drury/Da Cruz)


THAT Council:


THAT the proposed Voluntary Planning Agreement for 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale be:


1.    Endorsed in principle, subject to the proponent providing:

a)    Land dedication (McCarthy Lane) – 67.991m2;

b)    Pedestrian Corridor (Johnston’s Creek) 3500mm wide dedication stratum of

168.04 square metres; and

c)    Works in kind which include public stairs, a lift and embellishments works




2.    Place the Voluntary Planning Agreement on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days and receive a further report after the exhibition period.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Cr Porteous


Clr Drury left the meeting at 11:09pm as he declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 18 Report on Legal Matter as the subject matter of the report relates to his position in State Government.


C0620(3) Item 18       Report on Legal matter

Motion: (Byrne/Lockie)


THAT Council receive and note the report and note the Council resolution from 3 June 2020.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Crs Drury and Passas



Meeting closed at 11.17 pm.














Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 1

Subject:         Mayoral Minute: Callan Park and the Greater Sydney Parklands Agency           

From:             The Mayor, Councillor Darcy Byrne   




THAT Council:


1.   Notes the announcement by the NSW Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes of a new Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) government agency that brings together the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust, Parramatta Park Trust, and Western Sydney Parklands Trusts, as well as the parklands of Callan Park and Fernhill Estate (See Attachment 1);


2.   Welcomes the NSW Government’s $10 million investment in repairing Callan Park;


3.   Write to Minister Stokes and Michael Rose, Chair of the GSP, restating Council’s longstanding proposal for the establishment of a Callan Park Trust and seeking, at a minimum for the creation of a Callan Park Board to include representatives of Council, local community organisations and local residents to ensure a local role in the governance of Callan Park; and


4.   Letterbox residents in Rozelle, Lilyfield, Balmain, Annandale and Leichhardt informing them of the Government’s funding commitment and surveying their priorities for the new governance arrangements in Callan Park. This it to be funded from the funds quarantined from saving following the loss of local newspaper advertising.




Minister Rob Stokes’ announcement of the creation of the Greater Sydney Parklands agency is shown as Attachment 1.








Ministerial release 50 year vision for Sydney's open space and parklands


Council Meeting

28 July 2020





Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 2

Subject:         Adoption of the combined Delivery Program 18-22, Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21. Fees and Charges 2020/21 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2020-30.           

Prepared By:      Daryl Jackson - Chief Financial Officer 

Authorised By:  Melodie Whiting - Director Corporate





THAT Council:


1.   Adopts the combined IWC Delivery Program 2018-22, Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21, the IWC Fees and Charges 2020/21, and IWC Long Term Financial Plan 2020-30;


2.   Make and levy the Rates and Charges for 2020/21 from August 2020, as contained in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan;


3.   Continue to develop a consistent Inner West Council rating structure by July 2021, as required by the NSW Government; and


4.   Adopt the rates of interest as the interest rate to apply on outstanding rates, in accordance with section 566(3) of the Local Government Act 1993:-


·    1 July to 31 December 2020 - 0.0%

·    1 January to 30 June 2021 - 7.0%





This report seeks Council’s adoption of the following Integrated Planning and Reporting documents as required under the Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government (General) Regulation 2005:


·    Combined IWC Delivery Program 2018/22, Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21 (Attachment 1) and IWC Fees and Charges 2020/21 (Attachment 2);

·    IWC Long Term Financial Plan 2020-30 (part of the Inner West Council Resourcing Strategy, adopted 2018) (Attachment 4); and


The documents were publicly exhibited from 10 June to 7 July 2020. Twelve (12) submissions were received, with feedback considered before finalisation of the draft documents. Attachment 5 provides a summary of responses to key issues raised during the exhibition process.






IWC Delivery Program 2018-22, Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21


IWC Fees and Charges 2020/21


IWC Fees and Charges 2020/21 Change Log


IWC Long Term Financial Plan 2020-30


Summary of responses to Exhibition of key strategic documents


Council Meeting

28 July 2020






































Council Meeting

28 July 2020















































































































































Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Council Meeting

28 July 2020



















Council Meeting

28 July 2020





Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 3

Subject:         Planning Proposal - 13-55 Edinburgh Road, Marrickville           

Prepared By:      Alan Chen - Strategic Planner  

Authorised By:  Harjeet Atwal - Senior Manager Planning





THAT Council:


1.   Endorse and forward the planning proposal prepared by Council Officers for 13-55 Edinburgh Road Marrickville (Attachment 1) to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) for a Gateway Determination in accordance with Section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979;


2.   Request delegation of the plan-making functions for this planning proposal; and

3.   Following receipt of a favourable Gateway determination, place the planning proposal on public exhibition and receive a post exhibition report for its consideration.





Council officers have prepared a planning proposal (see Attachment 1) seeking amendment of Marrickville Local Environmental Plan 2011 (MLEP 2011) to permit retail premises, business premises, centre-based child care facilities, medical centres and community facilities at 13-55 Edinburgh Road, Marrickville (the ‘site’) that is currently zoned as IN1 General Industrial. The planning proposal has been prepared at the request of the owners of the site (see Attachment 2).


The purpose of the proposed amendment is to simplify the approval process for minor works, such as tenancy fit outs and changes of use, for retail premises and business premises, allowing these works to be undertaken as complying development under State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008. The proposal also seeks to enable other compatible land uses on the site that are typically offered in shopping centres.

A Part 3A Major Project Approval (MPA) to allow the expansion of the existing Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre at 34 Victoria Road and a new two-level retail building at the site was granted in 2012. Works to the site has since commenced. A site-specific clause is proposed to permit the proposed additional uses only as part of the existing MPA on the site, and not for any alternative development proposals.


In accordance with the Local Planning Panel Ministerial Direction, a General Manager’s Memorandum (see Attachment 3) was issued in 2018 to exempt this planning proposal from consideration by the Inner West Local Planning Panel as it was identified that the proposal would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment or adjoining land. This planning proposal would not require an amendment to Marrickville Development Control Plan (DCP) 2011.


Attachments 1 and 2 have been published separately in the Attachments Document on Council’s Website







Council's Planning Proposal - Published separately on website


Proponent's Planning Proposal - Published separately on website


General Manager's Memorandum 2018


Council Meeting

28 July 2020




Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 4

Subject:         Public Exhibition of Planning Proposal – 466-480 New Canterbury Road and 26-38 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill           

Prepared By:      Alan Chen - Strategic Planner 

Authorised By:  Harjeet Atwal - Senior Manager Planning





THAT Council note the outcomes of community consultation and recommends to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces that the planning proposal should not proceed for reasons outlined in Attachment 1.





The planning proposal to amend the Marrickville Local Environment Plan 2011 (MLEP) was originally submitted to Council in July 2016 and includes:


·      Rezoning the IN2 Light Industrial land to a mix of B5 Business Development, R4 High Density Residential, RE1 Public Recreation and RE2 Private Recreation zoned land;

·      Introducing maximum height controls ranging from 2 to 8 storeys;

·      Increasing the maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR) over most of the site from 0.95:1 to 2.2:1, 3.0:1 and 3.3:1;

·      Permitting ‘residential flat buildings’ in the proposed B5 Business Development zone; and

·      Additions of a site-specific clause for provision of State public infrastructure, a time limit for lodging a Development Application (DA), an allowance for minor variations to controls and vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and site servicing.


Council resolved in July 2017 to defer consideration of the planning proposal until the final Sydenham to Bankstown (S2B) Urban Renewal Corridor Strategy was adopted. Subsequently, the Proponent lodged a Rezoning Review request with the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) who issued a Gateway Determination that the proposal should be publicly exhibited. Council’s submission on the draft S2B Strategy confirmed that the maximum building height on this site should be no more than 5 – 6 storeys. Council does not have delegation to make the MLEP Amendment. The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces will make the final decision.


Council exhibited the proposal in late 2019. A total of 90 individual submissions were received; 65 submissions opposed the development, 15 supported it and 10 offered conditional support. Save Dully Action Group, Dulwich Hill Public School Parents and Citizen Association, the Greek Orthodox Church and Transport for NSW also made submissions. The engagement outcomes report can be viewed:


The planning proposal is inconsistent with the Gateway conditions; Greater Sydney Region Plan and Eastern City District Plan, Council’s local strategies and policies, and the Section 9.1 Local Planning Direction 1.1 for Business and Industrial zones. It represents a poor urban design outcome and a building typology that is inconsistent with the Apartment Design Guide and incompatible with the local character, with negative amenity impacts, especially for Dulwich Hill Public School and the Greek Orthodox Church. Land ownership issues mean that the proposal is unlikely to be able to achieve the development suggested by the concept design. The IN2 Light Industrial zoned site accommodates a mix of non-residential uses adjacent to a light rail station and its owners could consider developing a proposal for intensifying its use for light industrial, creative and urban service activities in conjunction with the community and Council.


Attachments 1, 2 and 3 have been published separately in the Attachments Document on Council’s Website






Post Exhibition Council Officer's Report


Proponent's Planning Proposal


Proponent's Concept Design Plan


Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 5

Subject:         Post Exhibition Report - Draft Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan for the Former Leichhardt Council Area           

Prepared By:      Christopher Reeves - Team Leader – Infrastructure Planning  

Authorised By:  Harjeet Atwal - Senior Manager Planning





THAT Council adopt the amended draft Former Leichhardt Local Government Area Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan 2020 shown as Attachment 1 and publish the document on Council’s website.




A draft Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan has been prepared for the former Leichhardt Council area.  This is the only part of the LGA that does not have a section 7.12 plan in place, because its plans predated the widespread use of this section of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (“The Act”).  This plan ensures that, section 7.12 levies can be applied uniformly across the Inner West, while staff work to create a single comprehensive Development Contributions Plan as part of the Local Environmental Plan Phase 2 project. The section 7.12 levy is applicable to all development where section 7.11 levies are not payable. The section 7.12 levy would be applied to the former Leichhardt Council area and the rest of the Inner West LGA is as follows:

The draft plan was publicly exhibited during May, the engagement outcomes report can be accessed via the project page. A total of 7 responses were received and most respondents support the introduction of the plan. Respondents that objected to the plan, raised concerns with its potential financial impacts.  In response to this public feedback, a number of minor changes to the exhibited plan have been made (shown as Attachment 1) to ensure that the plan can be implemented in an unambiguous and practical manner. Changes relate to abbreviations/definitions; exemptions; and proposed deferred/periodic payment system.


The proposed section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan will support the delivery of public amenities and services within the former Leichhardt Council area only.  The introduction of the plan will ensure developments equally contribute to the provision of public amenities and services.  The modest fixed levy percentages have been specifically developed by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to minimise the financial burden on contributing developments, whilst ensuring that local councils can responsibly provide for necessary, public amenities and services, as their populations increase.


Attachment 1 has been published separately in the Attachments Document on Council’s Website






Draft Former Leichhardt Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2020 incorporating the recommended post engagement amendments  - Published separately on website


Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 6

Subject:         Local Traffic Committee Meeting - July 2020           

Prepared By:      Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager  

Authorised By:  Cathy Edwards-Davis - Director Infrastructure





THAT the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meetings held in July 2020 be received and the recommendations be adopted.









Seven Bridges Walk - Special Event



Urban Amenity Improvement Program – Leichhardt And Camperdown Precincts

Flood Street, Leichhardt - Road Occupancy

Seven Bridges Walk - Special Event

Illuminated sign outside Haberfield Rowers Club

Request for in-road traffic detector in Mary Street, Leichhardt

Condition of Hawthorne Parade, Haberfield

Johnson Street, Annandale work site

Update on Croydon Road and Parrramatta Road intersection improvements



Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works 

Westconnex M5 – St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works – Part 1



Terrace Road / Ness Avenue, Dulwich Hill – Temporary Full Road Closure of Rail Underpass just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street – Sydney Metro (SSJ) continuation of early enabling works on T3 Line

Smith Street, Summer Hill - Proposed Refuge Island east of Flour Mill Way – Plan 10127

Dulwich Hill Station Precinct Public Domain Improvements

Damun (Stanmore)

Urban Amenity Improvement Program – Leichhardt And Camperdown Precincts

Goddard Street, Newtown - Proposed continuous footpath treatment in Goddard Street at King Street – Final Signage and Line Marking Plan 10134

All Wards




The July 2020 meeting of the Local Traffic Committee was held remotely. The Agenda was sent to Committee members with a week to provide comments. The minutes of the meeting are shown at ATTACHMENT 1.



Projects proposed for implementation are funded within existing budget allocations.



Specific projects have undergone public consultation as indicated in the respective reports to

the Traffic Committee.






LTC Minutes July 2020


Council Meeting

28 July 2020




Minutes of Local Traffic Committee Meeting


Held electronically in July 2020






I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country we are meeting today, and their elders past and present.




Clr Victor Macri

Councillor – Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward (Chair)

Bill Holliday

Representative for Jamie Parker MP, Member for Balmain

Maryanne Duggan

Representative for Jodi McKay MP, Member for Strathfield

Cathy Peters

Representative for Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown

SC Tony Kenny

NSW Police – Inner West Police Area Command

SC Stephen Flanagan

NSW Police – Leichhardt Police Area Command

Tanmila Samin Islam

Transport for NSW (TfNSW)






Clr Marghanita da Cruz

Councillor – Gulgadya-Leichhardt Ward (Alternate Chair)

Bob Moore

Inner West Bicycle Coalition

Adrian Prichard

Transit Systems – Inner West Bus Services

Manod Wickramasinghe

IWC’s Traffic and Transport Planning Manager

Christina Ip

IWC’s Business Administration Officer

George Tsaprounis

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Engineering Services

Stephen Joannidis

IWC’s Urban Amenity Improvement  Delivery Manager


























The minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held in June 2020 were confirmed.





The Local Traffic Committee recommendations of its meeting held in June 2020 were adopted at Council’s meeting held on 23 June 2020.







The representative for NSW Police – Inner West supported the Officer’s recommendations for the items in their PAC.



LTC0720 Item 1  Terrace Road / Ness Avenue, Dulwich Hill – Temporary Full Road Closure of Rail Underpass just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street – Sydney Metro (SSJ) continuation of early enabling works on T3 Line (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



An application has been received from Sydney Metro (SSJ) for the temporary full road closure of the rail underpass on Terrace Road / Ness Avenue just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street, Dulwich Hill for a two day period being 12.00am Saturday, 8 August 2020 until 12.00am Monday, 10 August 2020 in order to carry out the  continuation of early enabling works on the Rail bridge and the standing of an Elevated Work Platform (EWP).  The road will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic, including emergency vehicles and local residents.



Officer’s Recommendation


THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of the rail underpass on Terrace Road / Ness Avenue just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street, Dulwich Hill for a two day period being 12.00am Saturday, 8 August 2020 until 12.00am Monday, 10 August 2020

be approved in order to carry out the continuation of early enabling works on the Rail Bridge and the standing of an Elevated Work Platform (EWP) subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:


1.   A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;


2.   All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; and


3.   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.




Clr da Cruz requested for advance pedestrian detour signs on approach to the closed section of road. Council Officers will forward this request to the applicant for action. 


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of the rail underpass on Terrace Road / Ness Avenue just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street, Dulwich Hill for a two day period being 12.00am Saturday, 8 August 2020 until 12.00am Monday, 10 August 2020

be approved in order to carry out the continuation of early enabling works on the Rail Bridge and the standing of an Elevated Work Platform (EWP) subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:


1.   A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;


2.   All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; and


3.   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.


For motion: Unanimous



LTC0720 Item 2  Smith Street, Summer Hill - Proposed Refuge Island east of Flour Mill Way – Plan 10127 (Djarrawunang - Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Burwood PAC)



Council has finalised a design plan for pedestrian safety improvement works in Smith Street, Summer Hill. The proposed works address concerns about pedestrian safety and driver behaviour in the area.


Officer’s Recommendation


THAT the detailed design plan for the new pedestrian refuge island and new adjacent kerb ramps and associated signs and line markings in Smith Street, Summer Hill (as per Plan No.10127) be APPROVED.





The representative for TfNSW commented that the distance of the ‘No Stopping’ on approach to the refuge island is unclear on the plan and stated that the distance should be 20m. Council Officers confirmed that the distance of the ‘No Stopping’ zone will be 20m from the refuge island.  Clr da Cruz requested confirmation of flat footpath widths adjacent to the kerb ramps. Officers advised that there will be approx. 1.2 and 3m of footpath that is not impacted by the kerb ramps on the northern and southern sides of Smith Street respectively.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




THAT the detailed design plan for the new pedestrian refuge island and new adjacent kerb ramps and associated signs and line markings in Smith Street, Summer Hill (as per Plan No.10127) be APPROVED.


For motion: Unanimous


LTC0720 Item 3  Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works  (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Council has received an application from John R Keith P/L (contractor to Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre expansion works) for approval of a temporary full road closure of Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville for a 27 day period starting from Monday 6 July to Saturday 1 August 2020 (10 day contingency period Saturday 1 August to Saturday 10 August 2020) for the purpose of undertaking excavation works for a sewer connection to the main line. The street would be temporary closed to all vehicular traffic, including emergency vehicles. It is recommended that the proposed temporary full road closure be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in this report.


Officer’s Recommendation


THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville for a 27 day period starting from Monday 6 July to Saturday 1 August 2020 (10 day contingency period Saturday 1 August to Saturday 10 August 2020) be approved for the purpose of sewer connection works relating to Marrickville Metro Expansion works subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:


1.   A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;


2.   All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; 


3.   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and


4.   Written concurrence from Sydney Metro TSE Group is provided to Council. 




The TfNSW representative stated that although Road Occupancy Licenses are not usually required for closures on local roads, the Transport Management Centre should be informed of the works. The representative asked for clarity on whether the Smidmore Street works for Marrickville Metro will also be occurring at the same time as the proposed temporary road closure. If this is the case the detour route proposed via Smidmore Street will need to be reviewed.  


The Transit Systems representative stated that the Transit Systems 308 Route and the State Transit 355 Route currently operate through Edinburgh Road, Murray Street and Smidmore Road. The representative stated that the proposed diversion via Victoria Road and Murray Street is not wide enough for buses to travel through due to the pedestrian refuge and on-road parking. In addition, the left turn from Murray Street into Smidmore Road is not acceptable for a 12.5m vehicle. Transit Systems requested that work at this location be completed in stages so that a stop slow setup can be run to allow buses to continue using Edinburgh Road and Murray Street. 


In response to the concerns raised by Transit Systems, part four of the recommendation was amended to state that the proposal also receive concurrence from Transit Systems. The Committee members agreed to this amendment.




THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville for a 27 day period starting from Monday 6 July to Saturday 1 August 2020 (10 day contingency period Saturday 1 August to Saturday 10 August 2020) be approved for the purpose of sewer connection works relating to Marrickville Metro Expansion works subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:


1.   A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;


2.   All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; 


3.   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and


4.   Written concurrence from Sydney Metro TSE Group and Transit Systems is  provided to Council. 


For motion: Unanimous


LTC0720 Item 4  Westconnex M5 – St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works – Part 1 (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC)



The St Peters Interchange project results from a request by the TfNSW and WestConnex for Council to deliver two (2) active transport projects around the M5 WestConnex Interchange at St Peters.  The provision of such walking and cycling facilities with 1km of the St Peters Interchange is a condition of consent for the WestConnex M5 project. 


The proposal presented reflects the outcomes of a recent concept design stage, including community consultation, and updates the status of the project in which the concept design was presented to the Local Traffic Committee in November 2019. The proposals includes a combination of a two way separated cycleway and shared path on the southern side of Burrows Avenue, adjacent to Sydenham Station and widening the shared path along Mary Street and upgrades to the existing on road cycle route along the other streets including George Street, Henry Street, Grove Street, Bakers Lane.


Following development of the concept designs, two rounds of community engagement, Local Traffic Committee endorsement in November 2019 to progress with the detailed design and implementation and subsequent preparation of detailed design plans. It is recommended that these detailed design plans be approved.



Officer’s Recommendation




1.   The final design solution for the M5 - St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works (plan no’s. 2997-01 to 2997-07) be approved to enable tender documentation to be prepared and a construction contract advertised; and


2.   The TCS designs resulting from this project be forwarded to TfNSW for approval





The representative for the Member for Balmain commented that there is a risk of cyclist ‘dooring’ on the shared path near the bidirectional cycle path on the southern side of Burrows Avenue opposite Sydenham Station. Council Officers advised that the bidirectional cycle path terminates east of the car parking bays, and a shared path is proposed adjacent to the car parking. The alignment of the connection is such that it directs cyclists away from the parking to minimise the risk of dooring. Therefore, there is no specific offset distance as cyclists can be positioned anywhere within the shared path. In addition it was noted that there is shared path linemarking indicated on the plans adjacent to the parked cars to guide cyclists away from the car dooring area.


The representative for the Member for Balmain asked for clarity on the cyclist connection near the intersection of Burrows Avenue and Gleeson Avenue.  Council Officers advised that the cycle route for this project at the intersection comprises the shared path on the southern side of Burrows Avenue, a shared signalised crossing on Burrows Avenue on the eastern side of the intersection, and a shared signalised crossing on Gleeson Avenue on the northern side of the intersection.  The continuation of the cycle route north then links to the proposed shared path on the western side of Gleeson Avenue (on the overbridge) which is to be implemented as part of the Marrickville Road cycleway project.


The TFNSW representative raised a number of issues with the plans as follows:


·    The direction at which cyclists are meant to travel in the intersection of Burrows Avenue and George Street is unclear. Council Officers stated that directional signage will be added to the design plan.


·    There should be ‘No Parking’ or ‘No Stopping’ at the kerb extension on the northern side of Burrows Avenue. Council Officers stated that ‘No Stopping’ signage can be added if it is a requirement; however, Council has not proposed this at this kerb extension as it is clear that a vehicle cannot park adjacent to the kerb extension and Council has tried to avoid sign clutter. 


·    The high angle of the pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Princes Highway and Mary Street is unlikely to be supported by TfNSW. Obscure angles can result in reduced sight distance to pedestrians and other concerns.  Council Officers stated that the crossing is to be approved via the TCS process; however, the proposed crossing alignment is considered better at providing  sight distance than the current alignment.  


·    There are concerns with the size of the gaps in the island at the intersection of Unwins Bridge Road and George Street. However, this can be dealt with during the TCS reviews.


·    Each of the TCS components will need to be reviewed separately and changes to the entire design layout may be required, subject to TCS approval. 


·    TfNSW plan checking and admin fees will apply. 


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.






1.   The final design solution for the M5 - St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works (plan no’s. 2997-01 to 2997-07) be approved to enable tender documentation to be prepared and a construction contract advertised; and


2.   The TCS designs resulting from this project be forwarded to TfNSW for approval


For motion: Unanimous


LTC0720 Item 5  Urban Amenity Improvement Program – Leichhardt and Camperdown Precincts (Gulgadya - Leichhardt & Damun-Stanmore Wards/Balmain & Newtown Electorates/Leichhardt & Inner West PACs)



The Urban Amenity Improvement Program (UAIP) aims to reverse the urban decay and lack of design cohesion along Parramatta Road and is a NSW State Government initiative. 


Within the Inner West Council LGA, the program comprises 10 separate locations as follows: Rofe Street – Parramatta Road to Jarrett Street, Renwick Street – Parramatta Road to Jarrett Street, Norton Street – Parramatta Road to the Italian Forum, Crystal Street – Parramatta Road to Elswick Street, Balmain Road – Parramatta Road to end of Italian Forum, Catherine Street – Parramatta Road to Albion Street, Dot Lane – Balmain Road to Hay Street, Petersham Street – Parramatta Road to Queen Street, Johnstons Creek, Wigram Road and Pyrmont Bridge Road – Parramatta Road to Booth Street


Following development and approval of the UAIP, Council is now progressing with the detailed design and aims to inform and seek approval of the Local Traffic Committee for the measures proposed under the program. 



Officer’s Recommendation


THAT the design proposals as discussed in this report and as indicated on the attached plans be approved at the following locations:


1.   Rofe Street (plan no. 3010-1A-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and conversion to a one way road (subject to TfNSW approval of the TMP);


2.   Renwick Street (plan no. 3010-1B-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and provision of a 10km/hr shared zone (subject to TfNSW approval of the speed limit reduction);


3.   Norton Street (plan no. 3010-1C-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades;


4.   Crystal Street (plan no. 3010-1D-TCP-001 sheets 1 and 2) – public domain upgrades;


5.   Balmain Road (plan no. 3010-1E-TCP-001 sheets 1 and 2) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection;


6.   Catherine Street (plan no. 3010-1F-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection;


7.   Dot Lane (plan no. 3010-2A-TCP-001) – new cycleway connection;


8.   Petersham Street (plan no. 3010-3-TCP-001) – new pocket park (subject to TfNSW approval of the TMP);

9.   Johnstons Creek and Wigram Road – new pedestrian and cycleway connection; and


10. Pyrmont Bridge Road (plan no. 3010-4A-TCP-001 sheets 1 to 3) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection (subject to TfNSW approval).





Officers tabled revised plans which replace Attachment 1 of Item 5. The updates consist of:

·    Page 1 & 2 - Rofe Street & Renwick Street ‘bicycles excepted’ restrictions on the ‘No Entry’ signs to allow bicycle contraflow.

·    Page 9 - Increase of shared path width to a min. 3.5m between Balmain Road and Hay Street with adjustment to car park layout.

·    Page 3 & 6 - Temporary shared path between Norton Street and Balmain Road to be used until Dot Lane connection is finalised.


The representative for the Member for Balmain requested that the subgrade at the proposed pedestrian crossing in Norton Street be strengthened to prevent damage to the road surface from bus traffic. Council Officers advised that this will be considered during preparation of the construction detail.


The TfNSW representative made the following comments:


·    It was noted that crossing priority is provided for cyclists on Wigram Road at Booth Lane; however, signage be included to indicate priority to pedestrians, such as a ‘Give Way’ sign. Council Officers will pass this request onto the designers for inclusion. 


·    The refuge island at the roundabout on Wigram Road needs to be altered to be at least 2m wide and 3m long for the safe storage of prams and wheelchairs. All refuge islands must accommodate at least the 2m width of the island.


·    TfNSW do not approve the recommendations for Pyrmont Bridge Road (State Road) through this Committee. There are concerns with the Pyrmont Bridge Road proposal which will be considered separately. 


The TfNSW comments were sent to the consultant for consideration.


The Inner West Bicycle Coalition representative requested for:


·    a ‘Bicycles Excepted’ sign be included on the ‘One Way’ signs on Renwick Street and Rofe Street. Council Officers advised that the updated plans, issued to the Committee on 2 July 2020, have now accommodated this request to allow bicycle contraflow.


·    a shared path be provided from Norton Street to Balmain Road. The updated plans include a temporary shared path between Norton Street and Balmain Road, to be used until the Dot Lane connection is finalised.


·    the shared path between Balmain Road and Hay Street be at least 3m wide to facilitate connection to urban amenities. Council Officers advised that, in the updated plans, the width of the shared path has been increased to a minimum of 3.5m with adjustment to the car park layout.


·    a shared path be provided from Nelson Street to Pyrmont Bridge Road to allow cyclists to complete the EW02 route from Albion Street to Pyrmont Bridge Road until a connection across Johnson Creek is developed. Council Officers advised that the potential for such a shared path is still in concept design phase, pending and subject to completion of the WestConnex Dive Site and TfNSW approvals.


·    a ‘pop-up’ lane on Pyrmont Bridge Road from Parramatta Road to Booth Street for city bound cyclists. Council Officers stated that this would require consideration and discussion with TfNSW, noting that this is a State Road. 


Clr da Cruz requested for:


·    consistent road markings be provided for the 10km/h shared zones on Renwick Lane and Renwick Street. Council Officers advised that 10km/h line marking symbols exist in Renwick Lane and will be added to the drawing.


·    provision of bicycle parking. Council Officers advised that bicycle parking is proposed for Norton Street, Renwick Street and Catherine Street, and will be included in the detailed design plans. 


·    pedestrian refuge or pram ramps on Catherine Street to provide a safe crossing from Albion Street to Redmond Street. Council Officers advised that a pedestrian refuge was considered but due to the volume of traffic and pedestrian movements generated by the Function Centre, the Parramatta Road/Catherine Street traffic lights were considered the safest crossing point.




THAT the design proposals as discussed in this report and as indicated on the attached plans be approved at the following locations:


1.   Rofe Street (plan no. 3010-1A-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and conversion to a one way road (subject to TfNSW approval of the TMP);


2.   Renwick Street (plan no. 3010-1B-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and provision of a 10km/hr shared zone (subject to TfNSW approval of the speed limit reduction);


3.   Norton Street (plan no. 3010-1C-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades;


4.   Crystal Street (plan no. 3010-1D-TCP-001 sheets 1 and 2) – public domain upgrades;


5.   Balmain Road (plan no. 3010-1E-TCP-001 sheets 1 and 2) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection;


6.   Catherine Street (plan no. 3010-1F-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection;


7.   Dot Lane (plan no. 3010-2A-TCP-001) – new cycleway connection;


8.   Petersham Street (plan no. 3010-3-TCP-001) – new pocket park (subject to TfNSW approval of the TMP);


9.   Johnstons Creek and Wigram Road – new pedestrian and cycleway connection; and


10. Pyrmont Bridge Road (plan no. 3010-4A-TCP-001 sheets 1 to 3) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection (subject to TfNSW approval).


For motion: Unanimous




LTC0720 Item 6  Goddard Street, Newtown - Proposed continuous footpath treatment in Goddard Street at King Street – Final Signage and Line Marking Plan 10134 (Damum - Stanmore Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Council has finalised a design plan for a continuous footpath treatment in Goddard Street at King Street, Newtown. It is envisaged that the proposed works will have a positive impact on pedestrian and motorist safety and address concerns about pedestrian safety and driver behaviour in the area.


Officer’s Recommendation


THAT the detailed design plan for the continuous footpath treatment and associated signs and line markings in in Goddard Street at King Street, Newtown (as per Design Plan No.10134) be approved.  




The representative for TfNSW requested that signage be included to indicate priority to pedestrians, such as a ‘Give Way’ sign. Council Officers will pass this request onto the designers for inclusion. 


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




THAT the detailed design plan for the continuous footpath treatment and associated signs and line markings in in Goddard Street at King Street, Newtown (as per Design Plan No.10134) be approved.  


For motion: Unanimous



LTC0720 Item 7  Dulwich Hill Station Precinct Public Domain Improvements (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



A traffic and transport assessment for the detailed design of the Dulwich Hill Station Precinct Public Domain Improvements has now been undertaken.


The works will be delivered in 4 stages: Stage A, Stage B, Stage C and Stage D.


Stage A - Wardell Road - Dudley Street Intersection works, Dudley Street footpath works.

Stage B - Raised Entry Thresholds on Wardell Road, Bedford Cres and Wardell Road - Ewart Street intersection.

Stage C - Road works on Wardell Road from Wilga Ave to Ewart Street.

Stage D - Road works on Ewart Street between Murray Lane and Ewart Lane.


This assessment is only for Stage A of the Master Plan and the detailed design of Stage A has now been progressed. The following works are proposed to be undertaken within the Stage A:

·    Raised signalised intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street for improved safety and pedestrian movement;

·    A 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area proposed around the station precinct with relevant signage to further improve the safety of pedestrians;

·    New in road trees, raingarden and footpath treatments; and

·    Extended footpath areas to allow space for pedestrians, footpath dining, street gathering spaces, trees and planting; 


Overall the upgrades for stage A aligns well with the existing and planned pedestrian and cycling networks and are expected to improve the safety and efficiency of the station precinct. In particular, the raised, signalised intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street will help to address safety issues at the existing pedestrian crossing where crashes have been recorded, particularly as pedestrian movement increases with the implementation of the Sydney Metro upgrades. The intersection is proposed to be a scramble crossing to maximise space for pedestrian movement and allow pedestrians to cross in any direction at once.


Officer’s Recommendation


THAT the following proposed works to be undertaken as part of Stage A be APPROVED:


1.   Raised signalised intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street for improved safety and pedestrian movements (subject to separate TfNSW approval of TCS design);


2.   A 40 km/hr High Pedestrian Activity Area along Wardell Road from Ewart Street to Keith Street, Dudley Street from Wardell Road to Bailey Street and Bedford Crescent from Wardell Road to cul-de-sac (subject to separate TfNSW approval of the speed limit reduction).


3.   Extended footpath areas to allow space for pedestrians, footpath dining, street gathering spaces, trees and planting; and


4.   New in-road trees, raingarden and footpath treatments.





Councillor da Cruz requested a 30km/h speed zone be introduced at the High Pedestrian Activity Area around the station precinct. Council Officers advised that speed zoning is subject to TfNSW approval and a 30km/h speed limit is currently not supported as the TfNSW guidelines for High Pedestrian Activity Areas is set at 40km/h which is consistent with the speed limit within the existing school zone.


The Transit Systems representative requested that the height of the raised signalised intersection at Wardell Road and Dudley Street not exceed 75mm for safe passage of Transit Systems vehicles.


The TfNSW representative advised that each of the elements needs to be reviewed separately by TfNSW through the appropriate processes and the proposals are presented to the Committee only for information and any community input.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




THAT the following proposed works to be undertaken as part of Stage A be APPROVED:


1.   Raised signalised intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street for improved safety and pedestrian movements (subject to separate TfNSW approval of TCS design);


2.   A 40 km/hr High Pedestrian Activity Area along Wardell Road from Ewart Street to Keith Street, Dudley Street from Wardell Road to Bailey Street and Bedford Crescent from Wardell Road to cul-de-sac (subject to separate TfNSW approval of the speed limit reduction).


3.   Extended footpath areas to allow space for pedestrians, footpath dining, street gathering spaces, trees and planting; and


4.   New in-road trees, raingarden and footpath treatments.



For motion: Unanimous



LTC0720 Item 8  Flood Street, Leichhardt - Road Occupancy (Gulgadya Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC)



This report considers a request received from BreastScreen NSW for the temporary placement of their mobile lab unit on the western side of Flood Street adjacent to Leichhardt Market Place within the existing ‘Taxi Zone’, for the duration of eight (8) weeks starting from Friday, 7 August to Saturday, 3 October 2020.


Officer’s Recommendation


THAT the road occupancy for the BreastScreen NSW mobile lab unit on the western side of Flood Street, adjacent to Leichhardt Market Place within the existing ‘Taxi Zone’, for the duration of eight (8) weeks starting from Friday, 7 August to Saturday, 3 October 2020 be supported.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




THAT the road occupancy for the BreastScreen NSW mobile lab unit on the western side of Flood Street, adjacent to Leichhardt Market Place within the existing ‘Taxi Zone’, for the duration of eight (8) weeks starting from Friday, 7 August to Saturday, 3 October 2020 be supported.


For motion: Unanimous

 LTC0720 Item 9 Seven Bridges Walk - Special Event (Gulgadga - Leichhardt & Baludarri - Balmain Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC)



The Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk event will be held on Sunday, 25 October 2020 at various locations in Sydney, including areas within the Inner West Council. The Event is in its fifteenth year of operation and the applicant seeks approval again in 2020.


Officer’s Recommendation


THAT the Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk to be held on Sunday, 25 October

2020 be approved, subject to a current Public Liability Insurance Policy which includes

the Inner West Council being an interested party being submitted by the event organiser

prior to the event.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




THAT the Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk to be held on Sunday, 25 October

2020 be approved, subject to a current Public Liability Insurance Policy which includes the Inner West Council being an interested party being submitted by the event organiser prior to the event.


For motion: Unanimous


General Business


LTC0720 Item 9  Illuminated sign outside Haberfield Rowers Club

The representative for the Member for Balmain asked for a progress update regarding the glare from the Haberfield Rowers Club illuminated sign on the City West Link. Council Officers advised that Council’s Development Compliance Officers have been in discussions with the Club and have had the illumination levels on the LED pylon decreased. The Club has advised that the decrease in brightness has now come into effect.


LTC0720 Item 10  Request for in-road traffic detector in Mary Street, Leichhardt

The representative for the Member for Balmain requested that an in-road traffic detector be installed in the right turn lane in Mary Street at the intersection of Lilyfield Road. This request was sent to TfNSW for comment. 


LTC0720 Item 11  Condition of Hawthorne Parade, Haberfield

The representative for the Member for Balmain commented that Hawthorne Parade is in poor condition with numerous potholes and asked whether this was due to heavy vehicles from WestConnex construction.  The representative requested that, if the damage was caused by WestConnex, Council endeavour to have WestConnex maintain Hawthorne Parade during their operations and return it to its original condition when they finish. Council Officers will forward this request to Council’s Assets team.



LTC0720 Item 12  Johnson Street, Annandale work site

The Inner West Bicycle Coalition representative requested that the barrier on the Johnson Street bridge work site be moved east about a metre to remove the pinch zone between the refuge and the end of the works, or a ‘No Overtaking’ sign be displayed at the Wigram Road end of the works. This will tie in with the City of Sydney pop-up lane on Pyrmont Bridge Road and improve safety. The representative also requested a temporary pedestrian crossing be installed on Booth Street at Alexandra Drive so pedestrians and cyclists do not need to travel 300 metres to the traffic lights and back to cross the road. 


LTC0720 Item 13 Update on Croydon Road and Parrramatta Road intersection improvements

The representative for the Member for Strathfield asked for an update on the improvements proposed for the Croydon Road/Parramatta Road intersection previously raised in the June 2020 meeting. Council Officers stated that TfNSW have indicated that they are finalising the community engagement report to publish by the month end.



This concluded the business of the meeting.




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Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 7

Subject:         Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Determination 2020           

Prepared By:      Ian Naylor - Manager Governance  

Authorised By:  Melodie Whiting - Director Corporate





THAT the Mayor and Councillor Fees for 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 be set at the maximum level for a Metropolitan Large Council.  




The NSW Local Government Remuneration Tribunal recently handed down its determination for Councillor Fees for the 2020/21 Financial Year. Given the current economic and social circumstances, the Tribunal has determined that there be no increase in the minimum and maximum fees applicable to each existing category.  


Council Staff for the past three years, have made detailed submissions for Council to be re-categorised from a Metropolitan Medium Council to a Metropolitan Large Council. While there has been no increase in fees to the existing categories, Council has been successful in being re-categorised to a Metropolitan Large Council which will result in an increase in Mayor and Councillor Fees for 2020/21. A copy of the Determination can be accessed at the following link;


The range of fees for each category is shown in the table below. Council has previously resolved to pay the Deputy Mayor a fee of $10,000 per annum. The legislation requires that any fee set for the Deputy Mayor is taken from the annual fee payable to the Mayor. 


Table: Councillor Fees for General Purpose Councils 2020/21





Councillor/Member Annual Fee


Mayor/Chairperson Additional Fee*






Principal CBD





Major CBD





Metropolitan Large





Metropolitan Medium










Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 8

Subject:         Council Membership to Resilient Sydney           

Prepared By:      Ian Naylor - Manager Governance  

Authorised By:  Melodie Whiting - Director Corporate





THAT Council give consideration to membership of Resilient Sydney, being $20,000 a year for the next 4 financial years.




Resilient Sydney is an initiative hosted by the City of Sydney on behalf of all metropolitan councils, with links to the NSW Government, business and the community. Resilient Sydney is part of a global network of major cities in 40 countries around the world, and promotes resilience based on a model of identifying, assessing and preparing for acute shocks (eg, financial crisis, pandemic, cyber-attack, facility emergency) and chronic stresses (eg, scarce resources, ageing population, automation, crumbling infrastructure).


The Resilient Sydney Strategy was published in 2018, setting out 5 directions and 35 actions aimed at ensuring challenges are understood and managed (see Attachment 1). The Resilient Sydney Office has developed objectives to operationalise the Strategy:


·    Four Resilience Ambassadors meetings per year, focused on a direction or action.

·    An annual Mayoral lunch exploring the most pressing issues facing our communities to develop collaboration, action and advocacy.

·    Tools, training and capacity building to enable councils to take action to support their local communities. This includes access to the Resilient Sydney Platform, providing data and information to support planning.

·    Promote initiatives such as strategic planning for waste and resource recovery.


The City of Sydney has provided the Resilient Sydney Office with approximately $600,000 per year since inception. The costs associated with fully achieving the above-mentioned Strategy will be substantial, and the Resilient Sydney Office seeks financial support from member councils to ensure its viability and effectiveness. The individual contributions sought are based on the categorisation outlined in the 2019 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Annual Report and Determination.



The Resilient Sydney Office seeks a funding contribution from Inner West Council of $20,000 per year over the next four financial years.






Resilient Sydney Strategy


Council Meeting

28 July 2020





Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 9

Subject:         Rebate on Domestic Waste Charges for Jobseeker and Jobkeeper Recipients           

Prepared By:      Helen Bradley - Coordinator Sustainability and Resource Management 

Authorised By:  Michael Deegan - Chief Executive Officer





THAT Council receive and note report.




The benefit of a one-off rebate would be increased financial relief for homeowners living in the Inner West receiving Jobseeker or Jobkeeper payments.



The potential costs to council of a $400 rebate (non-cash credit on account) could be in a range from $1.7 to $4.9 million based on broad assumptions of current unemployment figures and homeownership:

·    Forecasts suggest around 10% of Australians may be unemployed.

·    Australian Bureau of Statistics (2016) identified that 50% of IWC residents are ratepayers.


Council is only able to waive rates and charges in limited circumstances and the application of a domestic waste charge rebate to all Jobseeker/Jobkeeper applicants is beyond Council’s power. Another Council is reviewing a financial assistance grant to subsidise a rebate to Jobseeker and Jobkeeper, funded by general revenue (if DWM is not permitted).



‘Pensioner’ -  The Local Government Regulations prescribe such persons to be “any person who receives a pension, benefit or allowance under Chapter 2 of the Social Security Act 1991 of the Commonwealth and is the holder of a pensioner concession card issued by or on behalf of the Commonwealth Government.” 


1.   Reduced domestic waste charges – pensioners (Mandatory government pensioner rebate $250). Pensioners can apply to Council for the pensioner discount on domestic waste charges. Inner West currently has a total 7,195 pensioners subsidised by Council at a cost of $3,557,521;

·    820 receive the Mandatory rebate ($250 discount on domestic waste charges) to the value of $384,883 by Council (the remaining $470,412 by state government).

·    6,375 receive the voluntary 100% rebate for pensioner ratepayers who have lived in the Inner West for ten or more years at a cost to council of $3,172,688.


2.   Covid-19 Rates Financial Hardship Application If these reduced payments cannot be made by the pensioner as a result of Covid-19, then they may apply for deferral and waiving of interest to 31 December 2020. Rates financial hardship applications are submitted to Council:


3.   Waiving of domestic waste charge - Council rates and charges may be waived for pensioners in cases of extreme hardship. Pensioners can apply through the full hardship application process for review on a case-by-case basis. The cost implications of every pensioner receiving this discounted rate are dependent on information from Centrelink. Inner West has approximately 7,195 residents/properties already receiving the pensioner discounted domestic waste charge.



Jobkeeper payments do not fall within Chapter 2 of the Social Security Act meaning that the Local Government Act does not permit Council to reduce or waive rates or charges to people on Jobkeeper. If Jobkeeper ceases or reduces, it is expected that recipients would maintain employment or apply for a pension, benefit or allowance then making them entitled to the provisions above (discount, deferment or waiver). Council can accept applications from non-pensioners, such as people on Jobkeeper, experiencing hardship under the Covid-19 Rates Financial Hardship process already in place. This program allows deferral of payment of rates and charges with a waiver of interest on the deferred amounts. This is permissible under the Local Government Act if an agreement between Council and the resident is entered that sets out the agreed timeframe for payment of the deferred amounts.



The use of DWM budget is governed by the Local Government Act 1993 (Act) and Council Rating and Revenue Raising Manual January 2007 which states that domestic waste funds must reflect the actual cost of providing the service. It sets out a very restricted and detailed regime for the way in which Council administers rates and charges. The domestic waste budget and reserve should be used only for the provision of the service and not used to fund any other activity or cost. Rebates cannot be funded, but pensioner discounts (under the LG Act) and deferral of domestic waste charges is permissible where eligibility criteria are met. The existing pensioner discount is managed within the domestic waste management operational budget.


Financial impacts associated with pensioner fee waivers is dependent on information from Centrelink to determine the cost if every pensioner with a commonwealth pensioner concession card in the LGA applied. However, this data takes from three to six months for Centrelink to generate, by which time it could be obsolete (e.g. if suddenly the number of pensioners increased as Jobkeeper reduced). If the number of pensioner mandatory rebates and voluntary rebates were to double (including the 100% waiving of DWMC), then this cost would be an additional $3.5M.


The $24M Domestic Waste Reserve proposed expenditure is allocated for operational truck and bin replacements with processing cost contingency. If Council chooses to fund waiving approved domestic waste charges to pensioners (where eligibility criteria are met and approved through the Hardship application) this could be reimbursed to the operational budget from the $2M contingency in the domestic waste reserve with the remainder from other areas of the domestic waste reserve:




Bin replacements - e.g. $2M North recycling, plus service changes and wear and tear. $6M+ for each property to have 1 bin replacement


Truck replacementsover 10 years


FOGO transfer station estimated between $1M – 3M with operational costs $150-500k pa. Processing facility not budgeted for as would be substantially higher.


Reuse centre/hub – council previously planned for Swamp Rd Tempe.


Contingency for unexpected reactive costs (e.g. China Sword price increases recycling or sudden increase in tonnage of waste collected)




Council does not have funding in general revenue to waive rates or other charges, this would only apply to domestic waste charges.





1.   Pensioners apply for the discounted domestic waste charge and, where experiencing financial hardship, also apply for Covid-19 Rates Financial Hardship deferral of payment and interest write off. In cases of extreme hardship, the Hardship application is available to waive domestic waste charges.

2.   People receiving Jobkeeper are not pensioners and the above options are not available; but they are able to apply for the Covid-19 Rates Financial Hardship deferral of charges and interest write off.






Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 10

Subject:         Ashfield Aquatic Centre - Project Update           

Prepared By:      Cathy Edwards-Davis - Director Infrastructure  

Authorised By:  Michael Deegan - Chief Executive Officer






THAT Council receive and note the report.





Subject to any approved extensions of time, practical completion is on-target for 11 September 2020. Progress on-site is as follows:



·    Leisure pool – Steel structure around the pool is being erected.

·    Program pool – the moveable floor is currently being installed.

·    50m pool – Installation of the boom wall is due to commence.

·    Spa & Sauna – Services installation and internal fit-out ongoing.

·    Indoor pools – Retiling of the indoor pool is nearing completion.


Main Building

·    The timber cladding to the northern façade, café and ceiling from the lobby to the pool hall is complete.

·    The accessible changeroom off the pool hall is progressing well.

·    The café lease has been signed and fit-out is due to commence next week.

·    The upstairs timber flooring and gym rubber flooring has been installed.



·    Plant room – The heat and pool pumps have been installed.

·    The louvres with the artwork are due to commence installation mid-July and will be overseen by the Artist.

·    The concourse around the pools is progressing well.

·    The outdoor lighting for the program pool and 50m pool is complete.

·    The shade structures to the barbeque area have been erected.

·    Installation of the solar panels has commenced.


The builder has established procedures to mitigate, where possible, the spread of COVID-19 onsite. There are no known cases amongst workers.




The project is on budget.  The approved budget for the Ashfield Aquatic Centre redevelopment is $44,752,145.  As at the end of June 2020, expenditure was $38,316,389 (86%).






Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 11

Subject:         Investment Report as at 30 June 2020           

Prepared By:      Daryl Jackson - Chief Financial Officer  

Authorised By:  Melodie Whiting - Director Corporate






THAT the report be received and noted.






Council’s holding in various investment categories are listed in the table below. Council’s portfolio size is $223m.  Credit Rating of A rated or above is 92% of the portfolio. All Socially Responsible Investments (SRI’s) are investments that comply with the Non-Fossil Fuel standards. Council’s annualised return continues to exceed the bank bill index benchmark. Council’s portfolio had a One-Month Portfolio Investment Return of 2.22%, above the UBSWA Bank Bill Index Benchmark (0.09%).


The attachments to this report summarise all investments held by Council and interest returns for periods ending 30 June 2020.


The Current Market value is required to be accounted for. The Current Market Value is a likely outcome if Council were to consider recalling the investment prior to its due date.


All investments made for the month of June 2020 have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, Local Government Regulations and the Inner West Council Investment Policy.










IWC June 2020


IWC Economic and Investment Portfolio Commentary June 2020


Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Council Meeting

28 July 2020






Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 12

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Investments Policies           

From:             Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz  





THAT a report be brought back to Council clearly stating the policies being applied to each of the “Socially Responsible Investments” Instruments in our Portfolio in which we invested  $137.6million and that the information be published on our website along side the monthly investment reports.





The reports presented to council each month provide no detail about the investment policies of the individual Socially Responsible Investments (SRIs) in which Council Invests.


The Inner West Council Investment report for May 2020 indicates 62% of Council’s $223.5million of investments is in “Socially Responsible Investments” but no details of the policies governing these investments is provided.


“As one sustainable-investment expert, on condition of anonymity, notes: “There is potential for greenwashing from funds that are marketed as a sustainable investments yet in reality have limited ESG capabilities or sector screening. The risk is investors pay higher fees for funds that have basic responsible-investing filters that do not add much value.” - AFR, Jan 11, 2020 wealth/personal-finance/why-it-pays-to-go-green-20200109-p53q2x




Officer’s Comments:


Comment from Governance Manager:

Council’s adopted Investment Policy sets out the principles for making investments in line with the Ministerial Order for Council investments. Earlier this year, Councillors were provided with confidential advice from our Investment Advisor on the ANZ SRI and detailed analysis of individual SRI’s investment profiles against Council’s values in its adopted policy. As this advice is confidential and investments are constantly changing it is not recommended that this confidential advice be published. The adopted Investment Policy is the public facing document that sets out the standards and objectives of Council’s investments.






Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 13

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Keep the Rate           

From:             Councillor Tom Kiat   





THAT Council:

1.   Notes the supplemented rate of JobSeeker and Youth Allowance has pulled 1.85 million people out of poverty, and that no permanent raise, in real terms, occurred since 1994. [a]The pre-COVID-19 rate of $40 a day caused immense hardship for unemployed people and students, with recipients struggling to keep a roof over their head, pay bills, put food on the table, and cover the cost of medicines and other essential expenses;

2.   Notes the Australian Bureau of Statistics data from May 2020 show roughly 11,000 in the LGA are either on JobSeeker or Youth Allowance rising from 4671 in December 2019, that to national unemployment rose to 7.1% and the underutilisation rate rise to 20.2%;[b][c]

3.   Notes that the Disability Support Pension and Carers Payment were not supplemented despite COVID-19 having significant financial strain on recipients;

4.   Notes that the government have begun reintroduced mutual obligations despite the job vacancy rate dropping 43.2% since February 2020, and acknowledges reports that note the stress that these obligations place on Inner West residents and businesses;

5.   Notes a reduction in Newstart and YA rates on the 24th of September will plunge thousands into poverty, and that the 24th of September is being referred to as ‘Poverty Day';

6.   Notes that on the 23rd of July the Federal Government has the opportunity to confirm a permanent raise to welfare payments in line with the supplemented JobSeeker and Youth Allowance rates And keep 1.8m unwaged, underemployed, insecure workers and students above the poverty line;

7.   To call upon the Federal Government to commit to retaining the supplemented rates to JobSeeker and Youth Allowance, permanently increase the Disability Support Pension and Carers Payment;

8.   To campaign with AUWU, Addison Rd Community Centre, and Inner West Raise the Rate activists to Keep the Rate. Council will write to the AUWU and Addison Rd Community Centre to further explore mutual aid and campaign options; and

9.   Write to the Prime Minister, Federal Opposition Leader, relevant ministers and shadow ministers to share this motion.




[a]May 2020 shows 1.85 million

[b]December 2019

[c]May 2020:


Officer’s Comments:


Staff have no comment.





Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 14

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Covid-19 Racism           

From:             Councillor Mark Drury   





THAT Council:


1.   Expresses its opposition to the growing anti-Asian racism that has occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and stands in solidarity with the Asian Australian community;


2.   Endorses the work done by the Asian Australian Alliance to collect information on incidents of anti-Asian racism and encourages Inner West residents to fill out the COVID-19 Coronavirus Racism Incident Report Survey; and


3.   Endorses the Chinese Australian Forum’s #UnityOverFear campaign and agrees to add its logo to a Letter of Support (See Attachment 1).





The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in incidents of anti-Asian racism across the globe, including in Australia. Publicised incidents of anti-Asian racism have occurred in the Inner West Council area.


A COVID-19 Incident Survey established Asian Australian Alliance has received over 400 reports of anti-Asian racism across Australia since the beginning of April. The survey has received more reports of anti-Asian racism per capita than an equivalent survey of incidents of anti-Asian racism in America.


Preliminary findings indicate these incidents are not rare incidents and there are clear trends. The overwhelming majority of these incidents have occurred in public spaces and have taken the form of racist slurs, abuse and comments. The perpetrators are strangers and women are predominantly targeted. There is also significant underreporting as nine in ten did not report the incident to police.


Community concern about rising anti-Asian racism since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the Chinese Australian Forum (CAF) running a campaign calling for national unity as the rise in racial vilification of Asian Australians poses a serious threat. The #UnityOverFear campaign asks all Australians to reject racism and to defend our social cohesion.


CAF are a non-partisan body established in 1985 as a response to anti-Asian racism and to provide the Chinese community in Australia with a voice. Their core objectives include promoting the integration of Australians of Chinese heritage into mainstream Australian society, raising the political awareness of its communities and encouraging the participation of Chinese Australians in public office.


The CAF is seeking Inner West Council’s agreement to add its logo to a Letter of Support and to encourage as many residents of the Inner West as possible sign an online Unity Over Fear Petition which can be found at To date, nearly 100,000 have signed the petition.



Officer’s Comments:


Staff have no comment.







CAF letter to mayor and CAF open letter


Council Meeting

28 July 2020





Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 15

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Greater Sydney Parklands Agency: Callan Park           

From:             Councillor John Stamolis  







1.   Council make a submission to the DPIE consultation 50 Year Vision for Sydney’s Open Space and Parklands; with a specific focus on Callan Park, in particular:


. its history and heritage significance

. the exceptional beauty of its landscape

. the need for funding

. summarise the uses of Callan Park which makes this place so important for our community

. recognition that the Callan Park Act will remain in place to protect this site from privatisation or commercialisation.


2.   The submission should refer to the proposed Greater Sydney Parklands agency and how this agency will need to carefully manage the unique and diverse areas under its governance; and


3.   The submission be provided to Councillors for comment.







The Minister for Planning (Rob Stokes) has just announced a vision for major parklands across Sydney.  This will include Callan Park.



The 50-Year Vision for parklands and open spaces is open for public comment until 11 September 2020, see:


The Vision will create the ‘Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) Agency’, bringing together:

. Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust

. Parramatta Park Trust

. Western Sydney Parklands Trust,

. Callan Park 

. Fernhill Estate.



This includes more than 6,000 hectares of parklands with more than 40 million visits each year.

An initial $10 million funding commitment has been made for Callan Park to commence this process.



Callan Park is a remarkable heritage landscape of exceptional design and beauty in the heart of the Inner West.  It’s recognition amongst the premier parklands in Sydney, and the protection of its heritage significance by a Trust, is vital. 


The Callan Park Act will remain in place to protect this site from privatisation or commercialisation.



Officer’s Comments:


Staff have no comment






Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 16

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Food Recycling           

From:             Councillor Lucille McKenna OAM   





THAT Council:


1.   Notes that the roll out of weekly Food Organics Only (FOO) collection service to multi-unit apartments in the former Marrickville LGA will now begin in September rather than July as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic;


2.   Develops a comprehensive communications plan to inform residents in the former Marrickville LGA of the roll out and availability of the new FOO service, and;


3.   Writes to the NSW Environment Minister noting his refusal since September 2019 to meet with interested Councils to discuss the establishment of a metropolitan-wide food recycling scheme and requesting an urgent meeting with Councils now to progress planning for the expansion of food recycling in Sydney.





Councils provide daily waste management services to millions of residents across Sydney. In 2014/15 it is estimated that the Sydney Metro Area sent 331,150 tons of food organics to landfill, costing more than $40 million in waste levy alone. At today’s costs, that tonnage would cost councils $47.3 million.


Last year, Inner West Council brought together eight Metropolitan councils, state government and waste and recycling industry representatives at the Inner West War on Food Waste Forum to work on a whole of Sydney approach to tackle the growing problem of the food Sydneysiders throw away.


Key guest speaker at the forum was Craig Ruecassel who spoke of the need for councils to form a plan for the future of food waste management.


A positive note, the roll out of a weekly Food Organics Only collection service to multi-unit apartments in the former Marrickville LGA will now go ahead in September. The service was due to begin in July but was delayed due to the pandemic.


A follow up forum, to be hosted by Randwick City Council, was due to be held this earlier this year but has been postponed due to the COVID-19 crisis and the unavailability of the Environment Minister to participate in the forum.


The Environment Minister was also invited to attend the previous forum convened by Inner West Council.








Officer’s Comments:


Comment from Resource Recovery Planning Manager:



1&2. The weekly Food organics service for apartments buildings is commencing in September – this includes a comprehensive targeted communication and engagement plan.


3. War on Food Waste - Randwick Council advised that they are hosting the next online forum for the War on Food Waste on Thursday 30 July 2020. As I understand Mayors of both Councils have been discussing the event and the date was set to allow for the NSW Environment Ministers attendance. I don’t have access to information to advise whether the minister will attend.


SSROC are coordinating work to determine infrastructure needs across the region (transfer and processing facilities) for garbage, recycling and organics. This research will also be presented to DPIE to assist their work as part of the 20 year waste strategy.







Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 17

Subject:         Question on Notice: The use of Glyphosate by Inner West Council           

From:             Councillor Rochelle Porteous  




Comment by the Chief Executive Officer:


Answers to all questions will be provided at an Ordinary Council meeting in August 2020.




1.   In what form are records kept on the use of glyphosate to control weeks on IWC lands?





2.   Who is responsible for checking these records and how often are they checked?






3.   What oversight occurs to ensure the accuracy of these records?





4.   What is the procedure where a breach of relevant policies occurs?





5.   From the records kept by IWC, how often has glyphosate been used on IWC lands in the last 6 months?






6.   Please provide details of each use of glyphosate for December and January by IWC.





7.   The IWC Pesticide Notification Plan only requires one of the following notification methods to be used to notify the use of glyphosate:

·    Signs

·    Notice within a local community newspaper

·    Letters

·    Phone contact and/or Fax/email

·    Letterbox drops and/or door knocking

·    Inner West Council's web page


As part of the record keeping procedures, are records kept on the notification methods used for each use of glyphosate?




8.   According to the IWC Pesticide Notification Plan council staff are not required to inform the public that they are spraying glyphosate locally if the application is

Spraying of glyphosate using a hand spray bottle, wand, or spray lance


As part of the record keeping procedures, are records kept where glyphosate has been used and the public has not been informed?





9.   Feb 26 2019 Council adopted as part of the adoption of the Weed Management Policy to go out on exhibition the following:

Council engage a consultant to review existing herbicide use and make recommendations on improved risk mitigation as outlined in the report

a)   Has Council engaged a consultant to do this work? If not why not?



b)   Assuming council has engaged this consultant, what recommendations has the consultant brought to council to improve risk mitigation?




10. May 28 2019 Council as part of the adoption of the Weed Management Policy, the following was adopted:

Only use glyphosate as a matter of last resort where other methods cannot be applied and spot control of persistent weeds that resist other treatments occur.

a)   What decision-making process do council staff undertake to ensure Glyphosate is only used as a last resort?




b)   Where is it clearly outlined in the current policies that glyphosate must only be used as a last resort?








11. May 28 2019 also adopted was the following:

Any use of glyphosate must be done in a way that avoids it running off into stormwater drains and our waterways.

a)   What steps are council staff taking to ensure that when glyphosate is used, it is not running off into stormwater, drains and our waterways?


b)   Where is this wording for this found in the current policies?




c)   Have there been any breaches regarding this directive from council in the last 6 months?



12. In Leichhardt Council most weed control was undertaken by non-chemical means with use of steam weeding, snipping the weeds and hand weeding. Glyphosate was only used for spot control of weeds where all other methods were not effective. It was reported at the February 2019 council meeting that the Leichhardt Council weed management contract would end in September 2019.



a)   Has the Leichhardt Council contract with most of the weed control being undertaken by non-chemical means been renewed with the same frequency of non-chemical weed removal and assurances regarding glyphosate only being used as a last resort?



b)   Has the use of glyphosate increased in the Leichhardt Council area since September 2019? If it has please provide details.


c)   Has the use of glyphosate increased in the Inner West Council area over the last 12 months? If it has please provide details.




13. The General Secretary of the United Services Union, the industrial body representing Council’s staff, wrote to Councillors in May last year to notify Council that the USU has recently engaged with Safework NSW to further discuss the potential risks of Glyphosate to their workers. What work has the CEO done to follow up with the USU on this matter and to implement any worker safety recommendations?







Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 18

Subject:         Question on Notice: Various Questions           

From:             Councillor Julie Passas   


Comment by the Chief Executive Officer:


Answers to all questions will be provided at an Ordinary Council meeting in August 2020.




When is the Alcohol-free zone going up in Hercules street Ashfield?




The Alcohol Free zone has been installed in Hercules Street, Ashfield.  There are six signs installed in the street indicating this.




Is Council in the process of changing street signs as a few streets don’t have street signs?




Street signs are generally replaced when they become faded or damaged.  If there are particular intersections with signs missing, please provide these locations to staff, who will arrange for new signs to be installed.




Has Council let the residents know that there is a new toilet block on Brown Street Ashfield outside Ashfield train station?




Council notified residents in the Inner West Council Newsletter Summer 2019 of the completion of the new toilet block.


Further, the removal of the construction fencing, and the toilet block itself is the “notification” to residents that this new facility is now available.




When Council voted to engage a Multicultural, Pride and Sport officers. A report was meant to come back to Council in 12 months to review positions. When is this report coming?




The General Manager took on notice that he was going to give Councillors a copy of a photo of councillor’s corflute that was blocking/obstructing footpath. Can the General Manager provide the Councillors with that photo?





Council Meeting

28 July 2020



Item No:         C0720(1) Item 19

Subject:         Question on Notice:Tree Application Update           

From:             Councillor John Stamolis  


Comment by the Chief Executive Officer:


Answers to all questions will be provided at an Ordinary Council meeting in August 2020.




The following data request is aimed at identifying whether or not the newly adopted Tree DCP has caused a material change in the number of applications for removal of trees across the Inner West Council.

The data items requested are:


-     Applications - this is the number of applications for tree removal whether by DA, the new permit system or other.  If the data can be split, it would be useful for these categories of data to be provided.


-     Approvals - this is the number of applications for tree removal which have been approved.


Any other additions to this data request, which can be provided so that Councillors can be more informed would also be appreciated.






