Local Traffic Committee Meeting
JULY 2020
The July 2020 meeting of the Inner West Local Traffic Committee will be held electronically with the Agenda emailed to Members for review. All comments are requested to be returned to Council by 5.00pm Monday 6 July 2020.
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020 |
Function of the Local Traffic Committee
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is legislated as the Authority responsible for the control of traffic on all NSW Roads. The RMS has delegated certain aspects of the control of traffic on local roads to councils. To exercise this delegation, councils must establish a local traffic committee and obtain the advice of the RMS and Police. The Inner West Council Local Traffic Committee has been constituted by Council as a result of the delegation granted by the RMS pursuant to Section 50 of the Transport Administration Act 1988.
Role of the Committee
The Local Traffic Committee is primarily a technical review and advisory committee which considers the technical merits of proposals and ensures that current technical guidelines are considered. It provides recommendations to Council on traffic and parking control matters and on the provision of traffic control facilities and prescribed traffic control devices for which Council has delegated authority. These matters are dealt with under Part A of the agenda and require Council to consider exercising its delegation.
In addition to its formal role as the Local Traffic Committee, the Committee may also be requested to provide informal traffic engineering advice on traffic matters not requiring Council to exercise its delegated function at that point in time, for example, advice to Council’s Development Assessment Section on traffic generating developments. These matters are dealt with under Part C of the agenda and are for information or advice only and do not require Council to exercise its delegation.
Committee Delegations
The Local Traffic Committee has no decision-making powers. The Council must refer all traffic related matters to the Local Traffic Committee prior to exercising its delegated functions. Matters related to State Roads or functions that have not been delegated to Council must be referred directly to the RMS or relevant organisation.
The Committee provides recommendations to Council. Should Council wish to act contrary to the advice of the Committee or if that advice is not supported unanimously by the Committee members, then the Police or RMS have an opportunity to appeal to the Regional Traffic Committee.
Committee Membership & Voting
Formal voting membership comprises the following:
· one representative of Council as nominated by Council;
· one representative of the NSW Police from each Local Area Command (LAC) within the LGA, being Newtown, Marrickville, Leichhardt and Ashfield LAC’s.
· one representative from the RMS; and
· State Members of Parliament (MP) for the electorates of Summer Hill, Newtown, Heffron, Canterbury, Strathfield and Balmain or their nominees.
Where the Council area is represented by more than one MP or covered by more than one Police LAC, representatives are only permitted to vote on matters which effect their electorate or LAC.
Informal (non-voting) advisors from within Council or external authorities may also attend Committee meetings to provide expert advice.
Committee Chair
Council’s representative will chair the meetings.
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
1 Apologies
2 Disclosures of Interest
3 Confirmation of Minutes Page
Minutes of 1 June 2020 Local Traffic Committee Meeting 5
4 Matters Arising from Council’s Resolution of Minutes
5 Part A – Items Where Council May Exercise Its Delegated Functions
Traffic Matters
LTC0720 Item 1 Terrace Road / Ness Avenue, Dulwich Hill – Temporary Full Road Closure of Rail Underpass just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street – Sydney Metro (SSJ) continuation of early enabling works on T3 Line (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC) 14
LTC0720 Item 2 Smith Street, Summer Hill - Proposed Refuge Island east of Flour Mill Way – Plan 10127 (Djarrawunang - Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Burwood PAC) 35
LTC0720 Item 3 Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC) 38
LTC0720 Item 4 Westconnex M5 – St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works – Part 1 (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC) 81
LTC0720 Item 5 Urban Amenity Improvement Program – Leichhardt And Camperdown Precincts (Gulgadya - Leichhardt & Damun-Stanmore Wards/Balmain & Newtown Electorates/Leichhardt & Inner West PACs) 91
LTC0720 Item 6 Goddard Street, Newtown - Proposed continuous footpath treatment in Goddard Street at King Street – Final Signage and Line Marking Plan 10134 (Damum - Stanmore Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC) 114
LTC0720 Item 7 Dulwich Hill Station Precinct Public Domain Improvements (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC) 117
Parking Matters
Nil at the time of printing.
Late Items
Nil at time of printing.
6 Part B - Items for Information Only
LTC0720 Item 8 Flood Street, Leichhardt - Road Occupancy (Gulgadya Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC) 222
7 Part C - Items for General Advice
LTC0720 Item 9 Seven Bridges Walk - Special Event (Gulgadga - Leichhardt & Baludarri - Balmain Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC) 224
8 General Business
9 Close of Meeting
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Minutes of Meeting of Local Traffic Committee Meeting
Held electronically in June 2020
I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country we are meeting today, and their elders past and present.
Clr Victor Macri |
Councillor – Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward (Chair) |
Bill Holliday |
Representative for Jamie Parker MP, Member for Balmain |
Chris Woods |
Representative for Ron Hoenig MP, Member for Heffron |
Cathy Peters |
Representative for Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown |
Maryanne Duggan |
Representative for Jodi McKay MP, Member for Strathfield |
SC Tony Kenny |
NSW Police – Inner West Police Area Command |
Sgt Trudy Crowther |
NSW Police – Burwood Police Area Command |
Tanmila Samin Islam |
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) |
Clr Marghanita da Cruz |
Councillor – Gulgadya-Leichhardt Ward (Alternative Chair) |
Manod Wickramasinghe |
IWC’s Traffic and Transport Planning Manager |
Adrian Prichard |
Transit Systems – Inner West Bus Services |
Colin Jones |
Inner West Bicycle Coalition |
Christina Ip |
IWC’s Business Administration Officer |
Nil. |
SC Stephen Flanagan |
NSW Police – Leichhardt Police Area Command |
The minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held in May 2020 were confirmed. |
The Local Traffic Committee recommendations of its meeting held in May 2020 were adopted at Council’s meeting held on 26 May 2020.
The representative for NSW Police – Inner West supported the Officer’s recommendations for the items in their PAC.
The Transit Systems representative supported all the Officer’s recommendations.
LTC0620 Item 1 Croydon
Road, Croydon - Bus priority infrastructure program Parramatta Road
intersection improvements |
SUMMARY Transport for NSW (TfNSW) proposes to undertake improvements to the intersection of Parramatta Road, Arlington Street and Croydon Road to help improve turning paths and reduce conflict and congestion for buses and general traffic at this intersection. The proposal would also improve intersection capacity and efficiency, particularly on Croydon Road on the approach to the intersection, so vehicles can make better use of the lanes at the intersection. Under this program, Bus stops either side of Croydon Road, just south of Parramatta Road, and Bus stops either side of Croydon Road at Australia Street will be amalgamated from 4 down to 2 stops. Lane and centreline marking will be extended in Croydon Road from Paramatta Road up to West Street and existing part-time ‘No Stopping’ restriction operational times will be extended.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT support be given for the following changes in Croydon Road, Croydon, in line with the RMS plan 2019/000987 as shown in Attachment 2.:
1. The Bus Stop (ID 213235) on the western side of Croydon Road, 30 metres south of Parramatta Road, be removed and the area be replaced with ‘No Stopping’ restrictions;
2. The Bus Stop (ID 213234) on the western side of Croydon Road, opposite Australia Street, be removed;
3. The Bus Stop (ID 213236) on the eastern side of Croydon Road, 65 metres south of Parramatta Road, be removed and the area be reassigned with ‘No Parking’ restrictions;
4. The Bus Stop (ID 213237) on the eastern side of Croydon Road, just north of Australia Street, be removed;
5. A 10 metre ‘No Stopping’ zone be installed on the eastern corner side of Croydon Road, north of Australia Street;
6. That a new 24m ‘Bus zone’ and 10m statutory ‘No Stopping’ be provided on the western side of Croydon Road, just south of Dalmar Street;
7. That a new 18.5m ‘Bus zone’ and 10m statutory ‘No Stopping’ zone be provided on the eastern side of Croydon Road, just south of Sunbeam Avenue;
8. The pedestrian (arm) crossing to the signals at the intersection of Croydon Road and Parramatta Road be widened, re-surfaced and re-line marked;
9. The part-time ‘No Stopping’ on the western side of Croydon Road, between Dalmar Street and Sophia Lane, be extended to operate in time from ‘6.30am-9.30am., 3.30pm-6.30pm M-F’ to ‘6.00am-6.00pm M-F’; and
10. The existing lane marking (L1) and (BB) centerlines in Croydon Road be extended from Parramatta Road towards West Street. DISCUSSION
The representative for the Member for Strathfield and the Burwood PAC representative requested that a right turn arrow, to assist movements from Croydon Road into Parramatta Road (city bound), be reconsidered by TfNSW to relieve congestion and prioritise city bound bus movements. Officers will forward this request to the TfNSW project manager for consideration.
Clr da Cruz asked Officers to comment on a request from the community that was referred to Council to consider line marking at Dalmer Street, Bay Street and Croydon Road to help prevent blocking of these intersections. Council Officers stated that “Do not queue across intersection” markings have typically not been supported by TfNSW except where it is perceived as an emergency access point (e.g. Fire Brigade, Police stations). It is noted that congestion at this location on Croydon Road is normally contained between Parramatta Road and Dalmar Street and this proposal seeks to reduce that congestion and hence reduce the frequency of the intersection being obstructed.
In response to a request from the community, Clr da Cruz asked if more measures could be implemented to encourage westbound drivers to stop behind the linemarking at traffic signals on Parramatta Road. Council Officers advised that appropriate linemarking setbacks and complementary traffic signal setbacks are generally the most appropriate way to alter motorist behaviour; however, they will seek advice from TfNSW regarding alternative strategies.
Clr da Cruz requested that TfNSW fund a safe pedestrian crossing point (pedestrian refuge or pedestrian (zebra) crossing) adjacent to the relocated bus stops, noting the walking distance to the signalised crossing of Croydon Road at Paramatta Road has increased to 150-200m due to this project. Council Officers will request the TfNSW project manager investigate this matter.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT support be given for the following changes in Croydon Road, Croydon, in line with the RMS plan 2019/000987 as shown in Attachment 2.:
1. The Bus Stop (ID 213235) on the western side of Croydon Road, 30 metres south of Parramatta Road, be removed and the area be replaced with ‘No Stopping’ restrictions;
2. The Bus Stop (ID 213234) on the western side of Croydon Road, opposite Australia Street, be removed;
3. The Bus Stop (ID 213236) on the eastern side of Croydon Road, 65 metres south of Parramatta Road, be removed and the area be reassigned with ‘No Parking’ restrictions;
4. The Bus Stop (ID 213237) on the eastern side of Croydon Road, just north of Australia Street, be removed;
5. A 10 metre ‘No Stopping’ zone be installed on the eastern corner side of Croydon Road, north of Australia Street;
6. That a new 24m ‘Bus zone’ and 10m statutory ‘No Stopping’ be provided on the western side of Croydon Road, just south of Dalmar Street;
7. That a new 18.5m ‘Bus zone’ and 10m statutory ‘No Stopping’ zone be provided on the eastern side of Croydon Road, just south of Sunbeam Avenue;
8. The pedestrian (arm) crossing to the signals at the intersection of Croydon Road and Parramatta Road be widened, re-surfaced and re-line marked;
9. The part-time ‘No Stopping’ on the western side of Croydon Road, between Dalmar Street and Sophia Lane, be extended to operate in time from ‘6.30am-9.30am., 3.30pm-6.30pm M-F’ to ‘6.00am-6.00pm M-F’; and
10. The existing lane marking (L1) and (BB) centerlines in Croydon Road be extended from Parramatta Road towards West Street.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0620 Item 2 Smidmore Street, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works – Temporary Full Road Closure for an 18 Hour Overnight Period – To Install a Pedestrian Bridge (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC) |
SUMMARY Council has received an application from MLA Transport Planning (MLATP) for approval of a temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street, between Edinburgh Road and Murray Street, Marrickville for a period of 18 hours in order to install the pedestrian bridge connecting the existing and new Centres at Marrickville Metro.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street , between Edinburgh Road and Murray Street, Marrickville for a period of 18 hours from 3:00pm on Wednesday, 1 July 2020 to 9:00am Thursday, 2 July 2020 (contingency period 2 weeks start date from Sunday 5 July 2020 – to 19 July 2020) be approved for the purpose of installing the pedestrian bridge connecting the existing and new Centres at Marrickville Metro subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and
4. Written concurrence being provided from Sydney Metro TSE Group to Council.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street , between Edinburgh Road and Murray Street, Marrickville for a period of 18 hours from 3:00pm on Wednesday, 1 July 2020 to 9:00am Thursday, 2 July 2020 (contingency period 2 weeks start date from Sunday 5 July 2020 – to 19 July 2020) be approved for the purpose of installing the pedestrian bridge connecting the existing and new Centres at Marrickville Metro subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and
4. Written concurrence being provided from Sydney Metro TSE Group to Council.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0620 Item 3 Smidmore Street, Marrickville – Marrickville Metro Expansion Works – Temporary Full Road Closure for a Two Week Period – To Undertake Road Upgrade Works (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC) |
SUMMARY Council has received an application from MLA Transport Planning (MLATP) for approval of a temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street, between Murray Street and Marrickville Metro Dock 5 Access Driveway for a period of two weeks for the purpose of road works.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street, between Murray Street and Marrickville Metro Dock 5 Access Driveway for a period of two weeks starting from Sunday, 12 July to Sunday, 26 July 2020 (contingency period Monday 27 July to Monday 10 August 2020) be approved for the purpose of road works subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and
4. Written concurrence being provided from Sydney Metro TSE Group to Council. DISCUSSION
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street, between Murray Street and Marrickville Metro Dock 5 Access Driveway for a period of two weeks starting from Sunday, 12 July to Sunday, 26 July 2020 (contingency period Monday 27 July to Monday 10 August 2020) be approved for the purpose of road works subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and
4. Written concurrence being provided from Sydney Metro TSE Group to Council.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0620 Item 4 Campbell Street, St Peters - (New M5 Local Roads) Proposed Parking Restrictions in angle parking car park (Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward/ Heffron Electorate/ Inner West PAC) |
SUMMARY With the completion of the New M5 local roadworks in St Peters and the handover of the landscaped verges and on-street and off-street carparking spaces along Campbell Street, St Peters, Council has explored options to manage the new 26 space off-street angle parking in Campbell Street between Florence Street and St Peters Street, to best benefit the community and potential users. Local businesses and residents were consulted regarding what suitable timed-parking restrictions ought to be in place.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT the following restrictions be approved for the new 26 space off-street angle parking spaces adjacent to Campbell Street between Florence Street and St Peters Street;
1. Installation of ‘4P 6.00am – 6.00pm’ zone along the 12 angle parking spaces from the western end; 2. Installation of ‘P30 8.00am – 9.30am, 2.30pm – 4.00pm school days’ & ‘4P 9.30am-2.30pm school days, 6.00am – 6.00pm other days’ along the 12 angle parking spaces from the eastern end, excluding the mobility parking spaces; and 3. Installation of ‘Mobility Parking Only’ along the 2 disabled angle parking spaces from the eastern end.
The representative for the Member for Heffron requested that these restrictions be implemented as a matter of urgency to assist return to school arrangements.
The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.
THAT the following restrictions be approved for the new 26 space off-street angle parking spaces adjacent to Campbell Street between Florence Street and St Peters Street;
1. Installation of ‘4P 6.00am – 6.00pm’ zone along the 12 angle parking spaces from the western end; 2. Installation of ‘P30 8.00am – 9.30am, 2.30pm – 4.00pm school days’ & ‘4P 9.30am-2.30pm school days, 6.00am – 6.00pm other days’ along the 12 angle parking spaces from the eastern end, excluding the mobility parking spaces; and 3. Installation of ‘Mobility Parking Only’ along the 2 disabled angle parking spaces from the eastern end.
For motion: Unanimous |
LTC0620 Item 5 Hartley Street, Rozelle - Proposed Resident Parking Scheme (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC) |
SUMMARY Council has finalised an investigation into a Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) to address issues with long term parking by non-resident vehicles in Hartley Street, Rozelle between Brent Street and Victoria Road.
Officer’s Recommendation
THAT a ‘2P 8am-10pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area R1’ parking restriction be installed on both side of Hartley Street, on the frontage of residential houses in Hartley Street between Brent Street and Victoria Road, Rozelle.
The Committee noted that the Officer’s recommendation incorrectly stated that the RPS will operate between 8am and 10pm. The RPS proposal had been consulted to operate between 8am and 6pm to be consistent with adjacent streets. It was agreed that the recommendation be amended accordingly.
Councillor da Cruz asked if visitor permits are available to residents who do not own a car. Council officers confirmed that all eligible properties will be entitled to visitor permits.
THAT a ‘2P 8am-6pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area R1’ parking restriction be installed on both sides of Hartley Street, on the frontage of residential houses in Hartley Street between Brent Street and Victoria Road, Rozelle.
For motion: Unanimous |
General Business
LTC0620 Item 6 Road safety around schools in Tempe
The representative for the Member for Heffron tabled a letter requesting for an investigation into changes to improve student safety and access for school buses around the schools in Tempe, in response to a bus colliding with the retaining wall at Tempe Public School on 18 February 2020.
LTC0620 Item 7 Illuminated sign outside Haberfield Rowers Club
The representative for the Member for Balmain asked for an update to the enquiry made at the May 2020 meeting regarding the glare from the Haberfield Rowers Club illuminated sign on the City West Link. Council Officers advised that this matter had been referred to Council’s Compliance team and results of their investigation will be provided when available.
LTC0620 Item 8 Road safety at intersection of Stevens Lane and Fotheringham Lane, Marrickville
The representative for the Member for Newtown stated that a resident made representations to the Office of Jenny Leong MP regarding safety at the intersection of Stevens Lane and Fotheringham Lane, Marrickville. The resident stated that drivers aggressively use the laneways as rat runs while residents walk or ride bikes with children. The representative requested that Council investigate providing extra measures to improve safety at this intersection. In addition, Council was requested to review Council’s polices on laneways in the LGA with a view to implementing speed restrictions and traffic calming measures on all of them to improve safety for residents. |
LTC0620 Item 9 Road safety around Corunna Road, Westbourne Street and Cannon Streets, Stanmore
The representative for the Member for Newtown asked for an update on the investigation into concerns raised by a resident in 2019 regarding vehicles using the back streets of Corunna Road, Westbourne Street and Cannon Streets to avoid Parramatta Road and the lack of pedestrian crossings in these streets. At the time these concerns were raised, Council Officers had indicated that the resident’s concerns and request would be considered in the next Local Area Traffic Management Scheme review for Stanmore North – Area 2. |
LTC0620 Item 10 Safety at the intersection of Edgeware Road, Alice Street and Llewellyn Street, Marrickville
In reference to concerns raised at the February 2020 meeting, the representative for the Member for Newtown asked for a progress update on the investigation to improve safety at the intersection of Edgeware Road, Alice Street and Llewellyn Street, Marrickville.
LTC0620 Item 11 Temporary extension of pedestrian and cycling space
The representative for the Member for Newtown has requested information on the areas in Inner West that will be temporarily extended to provide more pedestrian and cycling space as a result of the coronavirus emergency.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Subject: Terrace Road / Ness Avenue, Dulwich Hill – Temporary Full Road Closure of Rail Underpass just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street – Sydney Metro (SSJ) continuation of early enabling works on T3 Line (DJARRAWUNANG-ASHFIELD WARD / SUMMER HILL ELECTORATE / INNER WEST PAC)
Prepared By: Jennifer Adams - Engineer – Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
An application has been received from Sydney Metro (SSJ) for the temporary full road closure of the rail underpass on Terrace Road / Ness Avenue just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street, Dulwich Hill for a two day period being 12.00am Saturday, 8 August 2020 until 12.00am Monday, 10 August 2020 in order to carry out the continuation of early enabling works on the Rail bridge and the standing of an Elevated Work Platform (EWP). The road will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic, including emergency vehicles and local residents.
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of the rail underpass on Terrace Road / Ness Avenue just north of the roundabout at Ewart Street, Dulwich Hill for a two day period being 12.00am Saturday, 8 August 2020 until 12.00am Monday, 10 August 2020 be approved in order to carry out the continuation of early enabling works on the Rail Bridge and the standing of an Elevated Work Platform (EWP) subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; and
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.
Sydney Metro Southwest early works have been underway recently between Sydenham and Campsie to convert the existing rail to metro standards in preparation for the opening of Sydney Metro City and Southwest in 2024. Sydney Metro’s SSJ Group who had undertook the previous works now require further works along the T3 Bankstown Line necessitating the temporary full road closure of the Terrace Road /Ness Avenue rail overbridge. Proposed works include the use of an elevated work platform (EWP) and mobile crane and this will require a full lane closure of both lanes at the Terrace Road / Ness Avenue, Dulwich Hill underpass.
Traffic movements will be managed in accordance with the submitted TMP and TCP which are attached at the end of this report. The alternative route for pedestrians (including cyclists) and emergency service vehicles is shown in the diagram below.
It is noted that the works will be carried out to coincide with a Bankstown line possession weekend - (5am on the Saturday morning through to 2am on the Monday morning). For the temporary full road closure (8 – 9 August) –SSJ will be working for the whole weekend.
Under Council’s Fees & Charges, the applicant is to pay a fee for the temporary full road closure.
Community notification by Sydney Metro (SSJ) will include:
· Notifying emergency services and relevant sections of the community and transport industry of work which results in significant traffic disruption. Provide to the RMS a draft of an appropriate advertisement 3 weeks before the proposed placement of the advertisement. See RMS M1 Clause 4.3.2.
· Notifying residents and businesses affected by disruption to property access or by night works in built-up areas. A letter will: be “letter-box-dropped” at least three Business Days before the proposed date and detail the dates and times of the proposed access restrictions and contact details.
The proposed road closure has been advertised on Council’s website in accordance with the Roads Act 1993.
1.⇩ |
Traffic Management Plan |
2.⇩ |
Traffic Control Plan |
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Subject: Smith Street, Summer Hill - Proposed Refuge Island east of Flour Mill Way – Plan 10127 (Djarrawunang - Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Burwood PAC)
Prepared By: Jennifer Adams - Engineer – Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Council has finalised a design plan for pedestrian safety improvement works in Smith Street, Summer Hill. The proposed works address concerns about pedestrian safety and driver behaviour in the area.
THAT the detailed design plan for the new pedestrian refuge island and new adjacent kerb ramps and associated signs and line markings in Smith Street, Summer Hill (as per Plan No.10127) be APPROVED. |
Construction of a new pedestrian refuge island in Smith Street adjacent to Floor Mill unit Development and Child Care Centre was originally proposed as part of the Green-Way cycleway project. However, recent concerns have been raised with regards to pedestrian safety. Therefore, the proposal for a pedestrian refuge at this location has been brought forward.
The detailed design plan for the proposed pedestrian refuge works along with the asssociated signs and line markings, in Smith Street, Summer Hill (Plan 10127 – Attachment 1) is now submitted for consideration.
The proposed scope of works includes the following:
· Construction of a new 2.5 metre wide pedestrian refuge Island to allow for both cyclists and pedestrians;
· Construction of new kerb ramps on both sides of the proposed refuge island;
· Installation of associated line marking and signage.
This proposal will result in the loss of three on-street parking spaces.
The project is listed on Council’s Traffic Facilities Capital Works budget for 2020/21 and funding of $35,000 has been allocated to this project.
Consultation was conducted between 11 and 29 May 2020. A letter along with a copy of the design plan was sent to the local residents in the immediate locality. A total of 221 letters were distributed.
There were five responses and one phone call. Generally, the responses were supportive of the new pedestrian refuge facility. Two residents requested that the facility be upgraded to a pedestrian (zebra) crossing however, it is noted that the location, at this time, does not meet Transport for New South Wales’ (TfNSW) warrants necessary for the installation of a pedestrian (zebra) crossing.
Other issues raised were loss of three car parking spaces; requested introduction of a 40km/h zone and placement of speed humps either side of the pedestrian refuge.
1.⇩ |
Smith Street Summer Hill - Design Plan |
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Prepared By: Jennifer Adams - Engineer – Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Council has received an application from John R Keith P/L (contractor to Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre expansion works) for approval of a temporary full road closure of Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville for a 27 day period starting from Monday 6 July to Saturday 1 August 2020 (10 day contingency period Saturday 1 August to Saturday 10 August 2020) for the purpose of undertaking excavation works for a sewer connection to the main line. The street would be temporary closed to all vehicular traffic, including emergency vehicles. It is recommended that the proposed temporary full road closure be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in this report.
THAT the proposed temporary full road closure of Edinburgh Street, Murray Street and Railway Parade, Marrickville for a 27 day period starting from Monday 6 July to Saturday 1 August 2020 (10 day contingency period Saturday 1 August to Saturday 10 August 2020) be approved for the purpose of sewer connection works relating to Marrickville Metro Expansion works subject to, but not limited to, the following conditions:
1. A Road Occupancy License be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;
2. All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Area Commander, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Services be notified in writing, by the applicant, of the proposed temporary full road closure at least 7 days in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;
3. The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and
4. Written concurrence from Sydney Metro TSE Group is provided to Council.
Edinburgh Road is a local road and acts as a collector road between Victoria Road in the west and Edgeware Road in the east. Between Murray Street and Edgeware Road, Edinburgh Road carries an average 9151 vehicles per day. Along its length it is generally a one lane two-way undivided roadway with kerbside parking on both sides of the road.
As the site is situated in close proximity to the Sydney Metro TSE Group works and the Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre expansion works all involved parties must be in consensus with any temporary full road closure and proposed designated detour routes.
The Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is attached. The TMP indicates that works will be undertaken between the hours of 7am to 6pm Monday – Friday and 7am – 3pm Saturday. Noting also that possible night works are envisaged for intricate works. In 15.2 it notes that “In the unlikely event of delays queuing in greater than 100m of length, the Site Supervisor will remove the traffic implementation until traffic has returned to acceptable levels. The Site Supervisor will also notify the Council / Traffic Management Centre and John R Keith if required. Traffic Controllers are to monitor congestion at all times when onsite. Hold & Release shall not be undertaken during high traffic volumes. John R Keith should be mindful when scheduling the type of deliveries at specific times will be effective and minimize the impact to the public.”
Under Council’s Fees & Charges, the applicant is to pay a fee for the temporary full road closure along with any other required road occupancy and/or road opening permit fees.
The applicant is to notify all affected residents and businesses in writing at least 7 days prior to the commencement of works.
The proposed road closure has been advertised on Council’s website in accordance with the Roads Act 1993.
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JRK - Traffic Management Plan - Marrickville Metro |
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Traffic Control Plan |
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Subject: Westconnex M5 – St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works – Part 1 (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC)
Prepared By: George Tsaprounis - Coordinator – Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
The St Peters Interchange project results from a request by the TfNSW and WestConnex for Council to deliver two (2) active transport projects around the M5 WestConnex Interchange at St Peters. The provision of such walking and cycling facilities with 1km of the St Peters Interchange is a condition of consent for the WestConnex M5 project.
The proposal presented reflects the outcomes of a recent concept design stage, including community consultation, and updates the status of the project in which the concept design was presented to the Local Traffic Committee in November 2019. The proposals includes a combination of a two way separated cycleway and shared path on the southern side of Burrows Avenue, adjacent to Sydenham Station and widening the shared path along Mary Street and upgrades to the existing on road cycle route along the other streets including George Street, Henry Street, Grove Street, Bakers Lane.
Following development of the concept designs, two rounds of community engagement, Local Traffic Committee endorsement in November 2019 to progress with the detailed design and implementation and subsequent preparation of detailed design plans. It is recommended that these detailed design plans be approved.
1. The final design solution for the M5 - St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works (plan no’s. 2997-01 to 2997-07) be approved to enable tender documentation to be prepared and a construction contract advertised; and
2. The TCS designs resulting from this project be forwarded to TfNSW for approval
The initial aims of the project were to identify pedestrian and cycle facilities that were to be provided by WestConnex as part of the State Significant Infrastructure for M5 interchange works. The review identified, but was not be limited to:
· current and future land use and associated pedestrian and cycle demand and needs;
· pedestrian and cycle impacts associated with the project;
· regional and local pedestrian and cycling strategies;
· pedestrian and cycle safety, accessibility and connectivity, including to the public realm;
· intersection and signal phasing opportunities to reduce waiting and crossing times for pedestrians and cyclists;
· provision of upgraded cycle and pedestrian facilities within 1,000 metres of the boundary of the St Peters lnterchange, apart from the areas addressed in the development consent; and
· concept designs for pedestrian and cycleway infrastructure and implementation timeframes.
The concept designs that were prepared are consistent with the approved Pedestrian and Cycleway Network Review and included:
· pedestrian and cycle engineering and safety standards;
· a safety audit of existing and proposed pedestrian and cycle facilities to address the above standards;
· details of selected routes and connections to existing local and regional routes;
· timing and staging of all works;
· infrastructure details, including lighting, safety, security, and standards compliance;
· signage and wayfinding measures; and
· details of associated landscaping works.
Council engaged a design consultant in June 2019 to develop the concept designs and to progress the projects through the detailed design stages.
Financial Implications
The project is fully funded by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and WestConnex and aims to increase safety for bike riders, pedestrians and motorists.
Officer Comments
The proposed design elements are as follows:
· Burrows Avenue
o A combination of a two-way separated cycleway and shared path on the southern side of Burrows Avenue, adjacent to Sydenham Station.
· George Street, Henry Street, Grove Street, Bakers Lane and Mary Street
o Widened shared path along Mary Street as well as shared paths and improved pedestrian crossings in Mary Street and the Princes Highway opposite the St Peters Interchange. Upgrade to the existing on road cycle route along the other streets highlighted above as well as traffic calming on Henry Street, Sydenham and improved crossings at Unwin’s Bridge linking with the existing L8 and L13 bike routes from the Marrickville Bicycle Strategy.
It is noted that two options were presented for Burrows Avenue to the November 2019 Local Traffic Committee, with the community split reasonably evenly in terms of preference for each option. Following futher feedback from stakeholders and Bicycle User Groups, an additional option was developed and presented to the community in early 2020.
The additonal option was seen as a compromise between those favouring retention of the five (5) existing car parks on Burrows Avenue and those favouring a fully off road cycle link on Burrows Avenue concerned with cyclist safety for the on road option in the eastbound direction. The proposed option includes a fully off road cycle link on Burrows Avenue, and includes a relocation of the car parking to the west and a reduction in the number of spaces from five (5) to three (3).
It is noted that the Burrows Avenue option reduces the number of traffic lanes on approach to signalised intersection with Gleeson Avenue, and traffic modelling and a TCS plan has been prepared for this intersection for TfNSW approval.
Similarly, traffic modelling and a TCS plan has been prepared for the intersection of Unwins Bridge Road and George Street, to faciliate straight through access on George Street for cyclists through the existing median at the location that prevents such movements for vehicular traffic.
TfNSW are currently upgrading Sydenham Station to cater for the Sydney Metro. This includes an new entrance and forecourt on Burrows Avenue immediately east of George Street. Council and their designers have been in consutlation with TfNSW and their designers to ensure coordination between the two projects.
Away from Burrows Avenue, the majortiy of the cycle route is on road mixed traffic and along quiter residential road and lanes. Parking is largely unaffected by the proposals on these sections, although one (1) car parking space is proposed for removal adjacent to Sydenham Green to improve access to the park.
Path widening is proposed along Mary Street and the Princes Highway to accommodate a shared path, with one (1) car parking space removed to cater for the safe transition to and from the shared path adajcent to Bakers Lane. The signalised crossing of the Prince Highway to Canal Road is proposed to be upgraded to allow for shared use with cycle lanterns added as part of the interchange works.
The concept design was presented to the community as part of a community engagement process between Monday 21st October 2019 and Sunday 17th November 2019. The outcomes of this consultation process were presented to the November 2019 Local Traffic Committee meeting.
A further community engagement process was undertaken in May 2020, where the proposed design was presented to the community outlining the amended design that incorporated the feedback received as part of the late 2019 process.
Five (5) responses were received as part of the May 2020 process, the majority related to the proposed layout and parking on Burrows Avenue, with some seeking amendments and some seeking clarifications. Through direct consultation with those respondents, minor amendments have been incorporated in the detailed design documentation to consider resident comments, for example some gaps shall be provided in the proposed landscape strip to improve waste collection and bin placement.
It is recommended that Local Traffic Committee endorse the approval of the current design proposals, to allow progression of the project to the tender documentation and implementation stage.
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M5 - St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works Plan |
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Subject: Urban Amenity Improvement Program – Leichhardt And Camperdown Precincts (Gulgadya - Leichhardt & Damun-Stanmore Wards/Balmain & Newtown Electorates/Leichhardt & Inner West PACs)
Prepared By: George Tsaprounis - Coordinator – Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
The Urban Amenity Improvement Program (UAIP) aims to reverse the urban decay and lack of design cohesion along Parramatta Road and is a NSW State Government initiative.
Within the Inner West Council LGA, the program comprises 10 separate locations as follows: Rofe Street – Parramatta Road to Jarrett Street, Renwick Street – Parramatta Road to Jarrett Street, Norton Street – Parramatta Road to the Italian Forum, Crystal Street – Parramatta Road to Elswick Street, Balmain Road – Parramatta Road to end of Italian Forum, Catherine Street – Parramatta Road to Albion Street, Dot Lane – Balmain Road to Hay Street, Petersham Street – Parramatta Road to Queen Street, Johnstons Creek, Wigram Road and Pyrmont Bridge Road – Parramatta Road to Booth Street
Following development and approval of the UAIP, Council is now progressing with the detailed design and aims to inform and seek approval of the Local Traffic Committee for the measures proposed under the program.
THAT the design proposals as discussed in this report and as indicated on the attached plans be approved at the following locations:
1. Rofe Street (plan no. 3010-1A-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and conversion to a one way road (subject to TfNSW approval of the TMP);
2. Renwick Street (plan no. 3010-1B-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and provision of a 10km/hr shared zone (subject to TfNSW approval of the speed limit reduction);
3. Norton Street (plan no. 3010-1C-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades;
4. Crystal Street (plan no. 3010-1D-TCP-001 sheets 1 and 2) – public domain upgrades;
5. Balmain Road (plan no. 3010-1E-TCP-001 sheets 1 and 2) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection;
6. Catherine Street (plan no. 3010-1F-TCP-001) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection;
7. Dot Lane (plan no. 3010-2A-TCP-001) – new cycleway connection;
8. Petersham Street (plan no. 3010-3-TCP-001) – new pocket park (subject to TfNSW approval of the TMP);
9. Johnstons Creek and Wigram Road – new pedestrian and cycleway connection; and
10. Pyrmont Bridge Road (plan no. 3010-4A-TCP-001 sheets 1 to 3) – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection (subject to TfNSW approval). |
The UAIP is a NSW State Government, $198 million initiative under the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Program. The Parramatta Road corridor and the UAIP extend from Granville to Camperdown, and include projects in Granville, Auburn, Homebush, Burwood, Kings Bay, Taverners Hill, Leichhardt and Camperdown. The vision for the Corridor, developed by Urban Growth NSW, is for a high-quality multi-use corridor with improved transport choices, better amenity and balanced growth of housing and jobs.
Overall, the proposed UAIP improvements can be categorised into three categories of projects:
· Streetscape upgrades including tree planting, multi-purpose lighting, new pavements and north-south pedestrian and cycle crossings;
· Creation of new or improved open spaces, urban plazas and town squares; and
· New walking and cycling links to key transport nodes and open spaces which connect to strategic regional and local networks.
The draft UAIP was released for Council and community consultation between September and December 2015. Feedback received during this time was considered and the UAIP was further refined and updated. In some cases, new works were identified and included in the UAIP and others were removed. Conceptual designs and costings were prepared for the projects. These were reassessed against the UAIP Selection Criteria and a final scope of works prepared. The final works in the UAIP have been discussed and agreed with each of the Councils along the corridor.
A traffic report was prepared as part of the UAIP, titled ‘Traffic Assessment - Urban Amenity Improvement Program: Leichhardt and Camperdown – Traffic Studies’ prepared by Traffix Traffic and Transport Planners dated 12 April 2019. The report determines that the parking loss is justifiable in consideration of the significant amenity, safety and streetscape improvements that will result, and that the traffic modelling undertaken supports the proposed measures.
Council engaged a design consultant in August 2019 to develop the designs and to progress the projects through the detailed design stages.
Financial Implications
The project is fully funded by the NSW Government and aims to increase safety for bike riders, pedestrians and motorists.
Officer Comments:
The proposed measures at each of the locations are outlined below and are indicated on the attached plans:
1. Rofe Street (refer to plan no. 3010-1A-TCP-001)
The proposal includes the following:
· Conversion of Rofe Street from two way to one way in a northbound direction between Parramatta Road and Jarrett Street;
· Change of priority for stop control at the intersection of Rofe Street and Jarrett Street to give priorty to Jarrett Street to improve cycleway continuity;
· Kerb extensions to improve predestrian safety, increase amenity and calm traffic; and
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that there will be no loss of parking as a result of this proposal and no intersection performance impacts are expected. Vehicle swept paths have been undertaken to ensure that the proposed kerb extensions cater for all required traffic movements and vehicle types.
2. Renwick Street (refer to plan no. 3010-1B-TCP-001)
The proposal includes the following:
· Conversion of Renwick Street between Parramatta Road and Jarrett Street to a 10km/hr shared zone;
· Kerb extensions to improve predestrian safety, increase amenity and calm traffic; and
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that the proposal results in the loss of seven (7) car parking spaces. No intersection performance impacts are expected as a result of the proposed measures and vehicle swept paths have been undertaken to ensure that the proposed kerb extensions cater for all required traffic movements and vehicle types.
3. Norton Street (refer to plan no. 3010-1C-TCP-001)
The proposal includes the following:
· A continutous footpath treatment across Renwick Lane;
· Improvements to existing raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing; and
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that the proposal results in no parking loss and no intersection performance impacts are expected as a result of the proposed measures. Vehicle swept paths have been undertaken to ensure that the proposed kerb extension cater for all required traffic movements and vehicle types.
4. Crystal Street (refer to plan no. 3010-1D-TCP-001 sheets 1 and 2)
The proposal includes the following:
· Shared path and signalised cycle crossing connecting Margaret Street and Elswick Street; and
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that the proposal results in no parking loss and no intersection performance impacts are expected as a result of the proposed measures.
5. Balmain Road (refer to plan no. 3010-1E-TCP-001 sheets 1 and 2)
The proposal includes the following:
· Shared pathway between Parramatta Road and Dot Lane to improve cycle connections;
· A continuous footpath treatment across Dot Lane;
· Reduction in the bus parking provisions adjacent to the Italian Forum to cater for a single bus;
· Kerb extensions to improve predestrian safety, increase amenity, calm traffic and to facilitate a safe cycleway crossing of Balmain Road at Dot Lane; and
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that the proposal results in the loss of six (6) car parking spaces and no intersection performance impacts are expected as a result of the proposed measures. Vehicle swept paths have been undertaken to ensure that the proposed kerb extensions cater for all required traffic movements and vehicle types.
6. Catherine Street (refer to plan no. 3010-1F-TCP-001)
The proposal includes the following:
· Central median between Redmond Street and Albion Street to provide protection for cyclists utilising the cycle link between these streets;
· Conversion of a short section of existing angle parking to parallel parking;
· Kerb extensions to improve pedestrian safety, increase amenity and calm traffic; and
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that the proposal results in the loss of five (5) car parking spaces and no intersection performance impacts are expected as a result of the proposed measures. Vehicle swept paths have been undertaken to ensure that the proposed kerb extensions cater for all required traffic movements and vehicle types.
7. Dot Lane (refer to plan no. 3010-2A-TCP-001)
The proposal includes the following:
· Conversion of a section of the existing public car park to a shared pathway faciliting access along Dot Lane between Hay Street and Balmain Road; and
· Reconfiguration and formalisation of the existing car parking facility to minimise parking loss.
It should be noted that the proposal results in the loss of four (4) car parking spaces.
8. Petersham Street (refer to plan no. 3010-3-TCP-001)
The proposal includes the following:
· Conversion of Petersham Street between Parramatta Road and Queen Street to a pocket park, removing vehicle access to this section of the road.
· Kerb extensions on Queen Street to improve predestrian safety, increase amenity and calm traffic; and
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that the proposal results in the loss of three (3) car parking spaces.
9. Johnstons Creek and Wigram Road (refer to plan no. 3010-4A-TCP-001 sheets 1 to 3)
The proposal includes the following:
· Provision of a shared pathway beside Johnston’s Creek between Chester Street and Booth Street;
· Raising of the roundabout intersection of Booth Street and Wigram Road;
· Provision of a widened footpath and shared pathway along Wigram Road to link from Booth Street to the existing cycle facility from Bicentennial Park, Glebe; and
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that the proposal results in no parking loss and no intersection performance impacts are expected as a result of the proposed measures. Vehicle swept paths have been undertaken to ensure that the proposed kerb extensions and roundabout works cater for all required traffic movements and vehilce types.
10. Pyrmont Bridge Road (refer to plan no. 3010-5-TCP-001 sheets 1 to 3)
The proposal includes the following:
· Uni-directional cycleway on both sides of Pyrmont Bridge Road
· Conversion of Pyrmont Bridge Road from two lanes to a single lane in each direction;
· Landscaping and public domain upgrades.
It should be noted that the proposals both result in the loss of twelve (12) car parking spaces. The Traffic Assessment Report indicates measures required to the intersections to ensure that the impacts of the proposed measures are minimsed. The proposal for changes to Pyrmont Bridge Road are to be further developed in consultation with Transport for NSW, and re-submitted to Council’s Local Traffic Committee in due course. Construction of the Pyrmont Bridge Road component of the project will occur later than the other components due to the operation of the Westconnex dive site adjacent.
It is recommended that committee approve the design proposals as discussed in this report and as indicated on the attached plans at the following locations:
1. Rofe Street – public domain upgrades and conversion to a one way road;
2. Renwick Street – public domain upgrades and provision of a 10km/hr shared zone;
3. Norton Street – public domain upgrades;
4. Crystal Street – public domain upgrades;
5. Balmain Road – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection;
6. Catherine Street – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection;
7. Dot Lane – new cycleway connection;
8. Petersham Street – new pocket park;
9. Johnstons Creek and Wigram Road – new pedestrian and cycleway connection; and
10. Pyrmont Bridge Road – public domain upgrades and cycleway connection.
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Urban Amenities Improvement Program Plans |
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Subject: Goddard Street, Newtown - Proposed continuous footpath treatment in Goddard Street at King Street – Final Signage and Line Marking Plan 10134 (Damum - Stanmore Ward / Newtown Electorate / Inner West PAC)
Prepared By: Jennifer Adams - Engineer – Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Council has finalised a design plan for a continuous footpath treatment in Goddard Street at King Street, Newtown. It is envisaged that the proposed works will have a positive impact on pedestrian and motorist safety and address concerns about pedestrian safety and driver behaviour in the area.
THAT the detailed design plan for the continuous footpath treatment and associated signs and line markings in in Goddard Street at King Street, Newtown (as per Design Plan No.10134) be approved. |
Council is planning to construct a continuous footpath treatment in Goddard Street at King Street, Newtown to increase safety for pedestrians and motorists. At its meeting in September 2019, Council endorsed the final Newtown Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) report which included these works. The proposals within the report were based on community input and analysis undertaken during the Public Exhibition period in April 2019. There will be no parking loss.
Proposed continuous footpath treatment |
The works (shown in Attachment 1) aim to improve pedestrian safety and calm traffic in Goddard Street at King Street, Newtown. The proposed works include:
· Removal of existing kerb ramps and replacing with continuous paved footpath.
· Repairing paving surrounding the works (The paving shown on the plans are indicative only and will be finalised in the detailed design)
· Reconstructing kerb and gutter in Goddard Street.
· Installing associated signage.
As per RMS Technical directions for continuous footpath treatments, no more than 45 vehicle movements per hour were recorded in Goddard Street. A traffic count was undertaken on a typical weekday in March and this indicated that the AM, MID and PM peak traffic flows in Goddard Street were 28, 33 and 37 vehicle movements per hour respectively. Pedestrian volumes were noted to be high with 275, 365 and 403 pedestrian movements along the King Street footpath, past Goddard Street in the respective peak hours.
The Newtown LATM Scheme (Including Goddard Street at King Street) is scheduled for design completion in 2019/20 and for construction in 2021/22 as part of the Traffic Facilities Capital Works Program. The estimate cost of the project is $66,000.
Consultation was conducted between 3 June 2020 and 19 June 2020. Letters were delivered to 5 adjacent properties. There were no responses.
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Newtown LATM Consultation- Goddard Street |
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Subject: Dulwich Hill Station Precinct Public Domain Improvements (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)
Prepared By: George Tsaprounis - Coordinator – Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
A traffic and transport assessment for the detailed design of the Dulwich Hill Station Precinct Public Domain Improvements has now been undertaken.
The works will be delivered in 4 stages: Stage A, Stage B, Stage C and Stage D.
Stage A - Wardell Road - Dudley Street Intersection works, Dudley Street footpath works.
Stage B - Raised Entry Thresholds on Wardell Road, Bedford Cres and Wardell Road - Ewart Street intersection.
Stage C - Road works on Wardell Road from Wilga Ave to Ewart Street.
Stage D - Road works on Ewart Street between Murray Lane and Ewart Lane.
This assessment is only for Stage A of the Master Plan and the detailed design of Stage A has now been progressed. The following works are proposed to be undertaken within the Stage A:
· Raised signalised intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street for improved safety and pedestrian movement;
· A 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area proposed around the station precinct with relevant signage to further improve the safety of pedestrians;
· New in road trees, raingarden and footpath treatments; and
· Extended footpath areas to allow space for pedestrians, footpath dining, street gathering spaces, trees and planting;
Overall the upgrades for stage A aligns well with the existing and planned pedestrian and cycling networks and are expected to improve the safety and efficiency of the station precinct. In particular, the raised, signalised intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street will help to address safety issues at the existing pedestrian crossing where crashes have been recorded, particularly as pedestrian movement increases with the implementation of the Sydney Metro upgrades. The intersection is proposed to be a scramble crossing to maximise space for pedestrian movement and allow pedestrians to cross in any direction at once.
THAT the following proposed works to be undertaken as part of Stage A be APPROVED:
1. Raised signalised intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street for improved safety and pedestrian movements (subject to separate TfNSW approval of TCS design);
3. Extended footpath areas to allow space for pedestrians, footpath dining, street gathering spaces, trees and planting; and
4. New in-road trees, raingarden and footpath treatments.
The Dulwich Hill Station Precinct (DHSP) site area includes:
· Wardell Road from Ewart Street to the north side of the Keith Street / Wilga Avenue intersection;
· Dudley Street;
· Ewart Street between Ewart Lane and Murray Lane; and
· Bedford Crescent.
The figure below illustrates the study area relative to the surrounding road network and different land uses around the study area. The study area consists of primarily residential along with some commercial/business area along Wardell Road between Ewart Street and Keith Street.
Figure 1-1 Study Area
In relation to the traffic and transport assessment, only Stage A of the Master Plan is being assessed (refer to Attachment 2). This includes the intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street and both sides of Dudley Street.
Many of the other upgrades will improve the safety and efficiency of pedestrians and cyclists throughout the precinct and facilitate access to and from the station. The summary of traffic and transport impact due to the proposed upgrades is listed below.
Table 1-1 Transport impacts of proposed Stage A precinct works
In particular, the raised, signalised intersection at Wardell Road / Dudley Street will help to address safety issues at the existing pedestrian crossing where crashes have been recorded, particularly as pedestrian movement increases with the implementation of the Sydney Metro upgrades. The intersection is proposed to be a scramble crossing to maximise space for pedestrian movement and allow pedestrians to cross in any direction at once (refer to Attachment 2).
The traffic modelling shows that the signalisation of Wardell Rd / Dudley St improves the performance of the intersection. Under the existing geometry (priority controlled), the performance of Wardell Rd/ Dudley St intersection is Level of Service (LoS) C in the AM peak and LoS D in the PM peak. Intersection performance at LoS D signifies that the intersection operates near capacity in the PM peak. Under the proposed signalised intersection scenario with scramble crossing, the intersection performs satisfactorily at LoS B in both AM and PM peaks.
Overall the upgrades align well with the existing and planned transport networks and are expected to improve the safety and efficiency of the station precinct. This proposed traffic management scheme also supports proposals by the Sydney Metro and South-West project to integrate the upgraded metro station with connections to Ewart Lane, Wardell Road and Bedford Crescent. Council will coordinate the design and development of Sydney Metro's Precinct Plans to avoid duplicities and ensure any work undertaken is consistent and builds upon Council's public domain master plan.
Furthermore, a HPAA scheme is proposed around the station precinct along Wardell Road, Dudley Street and Bedford Crescent with relevant signage to inform and remind drivers of the 40 km/h to speed limit within the precinct. Traffic calming measures and new pedestrian facilities proposed by the masterplan supplement the 40 km/h signage to create a self-enforcing speed limit environment and to further improve the safety of pedestrians (refer to Attachment 3).
The project has been listed in Councils Capital Works Program and funding has been committed for stage A in the 2020/21 financial year budget.
At its meeting on 13 August 2019 Council considered community feedback and adopted the Master Plan for Dulwich Hill Station Precinct. The Master plan provides high level design for the future of the precinct. The current preliminary detailed design has been displayed for information on Councils ‘Your Say’ webpage as a project update.
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Traffic and Transport Assessment |
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Signage Plan |
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Proposed HPAA zone and indicative location of signage |
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Subject: Flood Street, Leichhardt - Road Occupancy (Gulgadya Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC)
Prepared By: Vinoth Srinivasan - Engineer - Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: David Yu - Acting Coordinator Traffic Engineer Services (North)
This report considers a request received from BreastScreen NSW for the temporary placement of their mobile lab unit on the western side of Flood Street adjacent to Leichhardt Market Place within the existing ‘Taxi Zone’, for the duration of eight (8) weeks starting from Friday, 7 August to Saturday, 3 October 2020.
THAT the road occupancy for the BreastScreen NSW mobile lab unit on the western side of Flood Street, adjacent to Leichhardt Market Place within the existing ‘Taxi Zone’, for the duration of eight (8) weeks starting from Friday, 7 August to Saturday, 3 October 2020 be supported. |
BreastScreen NSW has requested approval to locate a mobile lab unit on the western side of Flood Street, adjacent to Leichhardt Market Place within the existing ‘Taxi Zone’ for the duration of eight (8) weeks from Friday, 7 August to Saturday, 3 October 2020. The mobile lab unit will operate for screening from 8.45am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday. This location has been used in previous years with concurrence from the NSW Taxi Council and would not affect any businesses, see proposed location below:
Note that the applicant has been requested to provide a copy of their public risk insurance.
Local Traffic Committee Meeting 6 July 2020
Subject: Seven Bridges Walk - Special Event (Gulgadga - Leichhardt & Baludarri - Balmain Ward/ Balmain Electorate/ Leichhardt PAC)
Prepared By: Vinoth Srinivasan - Engineer - Traffic and Parking Services
Authorised By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
The Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk event will be held on Sunday, 25 October 2020 at various locations in Sydney, including areas within the Inner West Council. The Event is in its fifteenth year of operation and the applicant seeks approval again in 2020.
THAT the Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk to be held on Sunday, 25 October 2020 be approved, subject to a current Public Liability Insurance Policy which includes the Inner West Council being an interested party being submitted by the event organiser prior to the event. |
The Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk concept was created and developed by the Pedestrian Council of Australia (PCA) who will remain the owner of the event. The PCA has engaged Mothership Events to deliver the Event Operations and manage the marketing of the Event on behalf of PCA. The Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk can be regarded as an active opportunity to further enhance the councils' and stakeholders' charter toward promoting walking as a healthy activity and as an increasingly important means of active transport. In addition, the event will provide a significant contribution to the Cancer Council NSW (CCNSW).
All costs associated with the Seven Bridges Walk are funded by the event organisers.
Event Details
The course of CCNSW Seven Bridges Walk will open at 7:00am, and close at 4:30pm and it is estimated that it may attract up to 15,000 participants. The walking route is approximately 27km in length and is a closed loop circuit that utilises pathways around the inner metropolitan region of Sydney that skirts the Sydney Harbour and includes the crossing of seven bridges. Special event buses will operate in both directions around the course and will be provided free of charge to everyone holding an ‘event passport’.
Event Overview
Event Name: Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk []
Event Owner: Pedestrian Council of Australia Ltd (PCA)
Date: Sunday, 25 October 2020
Course Opens: 7:00am via one of the 6 Villages located around the course
Course Closes: 4:30pm
Participation Target: 12,000 people throughout the day (Maximum capacity of 15,000 walkers)
Course Description:
The walking route is approximately 27km in length and is a closed loop circuit that utilises pathways around the inner metropolitan region of Sydney that skirts the Sydney Harbour and includes the crossing of Seven Bridges.
The Seven Bridges are:
1. Sydney Harbour Bridge
2. Pyrmont Bridge
3. ANZAC Bridge
4. Iron Cove Bridge
5. Gladesville Bridge
6. Tarban Creek Bridge
7. Fig Tree Bridge
Village Locations:
Event ‘Villages’ are located around the course and will be used as check-in locations, First Aid points, drink stations, light catering and entertainment.
The 6 villages are:
1. Milsons Point Village (Burton Street at Alfred Street, Milsons Point)
2. Pyrmont Village (at Pyrmont Bay Park, Pirrama Rd, opposite The Star Casino)
3. Rozelle Village (at Waterfront Drive Sporting Ground - Callan Park)
4. Hunters Hill Village (at Hunters Hill Scout Hall, Durham St near the Church St overpass on Burns Bay Road, Hunters Hill)
5. Lane Cove Village (Blaxlands Corner – Central Park, William Edward St and Kenneth St, Lane Cove)
6. Wollstonecraft Village (at Brennan Park, Hazelbank St at King St, Wollstonecraft)
Impact on the Inner West LGA
The route through the Inner West LGA is via:
· ANZAC Bridge to Victoria Road
· Pedestrian bridge over Victoria Road
· Lilyfield Road
· Burt Street
· Denison Street
· Cheltenham Street
· O’Neill Street
· Cecily Street
· Through Callan Park to King George Park
· Byrnes Street to Victoria Road
Traffic and Pedestrian Management Plan (TMP)
This event does not require closure of any roads in the Inner West LGA. As the participants will be using footpaths and crossing the street network with assistance of traffic controllers, the Event does not cause significant impacts on traffic and transport systems. Therefore, the Event can be considered as Class 3. Hence, Council’s approval for the Traffic & Transport Management Plan is adequate.
The attached Pedestrian and Traffic Management Plan (TMP), when approved by the relevant authorities, becomes the prime document detailing with the traffic and transport arrangements under which this event is to proceed.
In case of emergencies, or for the management of incidents, the Police are not subject to the conditions of the TMP but will make every effort to inform the other agencies of the nature of the incident and the Police response.
The route for the proposed Seven Bridges Walk and the Traffic Control Plans (TCP) and Traffic Management Plan for Inner West Council LGA are attached.
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Traffic Management Plan - Seven Bridges Walk 2020 |
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Traffic Control Plan - Seven Bridges Walk 2020 |