Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Live Streaming of Council Meeting
In the spirit of open, accessible and transparent government, this meeting of the Inner West Council is being streamed live on Council’s website. By speaking at a Council meeting, members of the public agree to being recorded and must ensure their speech to the Council is respectful and use appropriate language. A person who uses defamatory, discriminatory or offensive language may be exposed to liability for which Council takes no responsibility. Any part of this meeting that is held in closed session will not be recorded.
Council meetings are streamed live on Council’s website. This allows our community greater access to Council proceedings, decisions and debate.
Pre-Registration to Speak at Council Meetings
Members of the public must register by 2pm of the day of the Meeting to speak at Council Meetings. If you wish to register to speak please fill in a Register to Speak Form, available from the Inner West Council website, including:
Are there any rules for speaking at a Council Meeting?
The following rules apply when addressing a Council meeting:
What happens after I submit the form?
You will be contacted by Governance Staff to confirm your registration. If you indicated that you will speak online, you will be provided with a link to the online meeting. Your request will then be added to a list that is shown to the Chairperson on the night of the meeting.
Where Items are deferred, Council reserves the right to defer speakers until that Item is heard on the next occasion.
Inner West Council is committed to ensuring people with a disability have equal opportunity to take part in Council and Committee Meetings. At the Council Chambers at Ashfield, there is a hearing loop service available to assist persons with a hearing impairment. If you have any other access or disability related participation needs and wish to know more, call 9392 5536.
Persons in the public gallery are advised that under the Local Government Act 1993, a person may NOT record a Council meeting without the permission of Council.
Any persons found recording without authority will be expelled from the meeting.
“Record” includes the use of any form of audio, video and still camera equipment or mobile phone capable of recording speech.
An audio recording of this meeting will be taken for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the minutes.
Statement of Ethical Obligations
The Mayor and Councillors are bound by the Oath/ Affirmation of Office made at the start of the Council term to undertake their civic duties in the best interests of the people of the Inner West Council and to faithfully and impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in them under the Local Government Act or any other Act, to the best of their skill and judgement.
It is also a requirement that the Mayor and Councillors disclose conflicts of interest in relation to items listed for consideration on the Agenda or which are considered at this meeting in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Code of Meeting Practice.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
1 Acknowledgement of Country
2 Apologies and Request for Remote Attendance
3 Notice of Webcasting
4 Statement of Ethical Obligations
5 Disclosures of Interest (Part 4 (Pecuniary Interests) and Part 5 (non-pecuniary conflicts of interest) of Council’s Code of Conduct)
6 Moment of Quiet Contemplation
7 Confirmation of Minutes Page
Minutes of 13 February 2024 Ordinary Council 7
Minutes of 20 February 2024 Extraordinary Council 136
8 Public Forum – Hearing from All Registered Speakers
Note: items not considered and deferred from the 13 February 2024 ordinary Council meeting will not form part of the Public Forum session.
9 Condolence Motions
C0324(1) Item 1 Condolence Motion: Father Nikolaos Bozikis 139
10 Mayoral Minutes
Nil at the time of printing.
11 Reports for Council Decision
C0324(1) Item 2 Update on the development of the Inner West Museum of Rugby League at Leichhardt Oval 141
C0324(1) Item 3 Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 11 December 2023 145
C0324(1) Item 4 National General Assembly of Local Government 2024 164
C0324(1) Item 5 Mort Bay Park-Tree Management and View Corridors 196
C0324(1) Item 6 InnerWest@40 Study - Post Public Exhibition 203
C0324(1) Item 7 Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 19 February 2024 321
C0324(1) Item 8 Post Exhibition - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy 338
C0324(1) Item 9 Update on Creative Use of Town Halls 347
C0324(1) Item 10 Household Rainwater Tanks 351
12 Reports for Noting
C0324(1) Item 11 Inclusive Playgrounds Progress Update 355
C0324(1) Item 12 Council Streetscape Services Website Improvements 360
C0324(1) Item 13 Investment Report at 31 December 2023 363
C0324(1) Item 14 Investment Report at 31 January 2024 403
C0324(1) Item 15 FOGO Monthly Report 445
C0324(1) Item 16 FOGO Opt in weekly Red Bin Service 448
C0324(1) Item 17 Recycling of Soft Plastics and Polystyrene 449
C0324(1) Item 18 Update on Rozelle Interchange and Rozelle Parklands 457
C0324(1) Item 19 Update on Key Traffic Issues in the Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward 463
C0324(1) Item 20 Progress Report - Proposed Pedestrian Bridge over Dobroyd Parade 467
C0324(1) Item 21 Electric Vehicle Public Charging Update 474
C0324(1) Item 22 Community Engagement Outcomes - All weather surface sporting field 477
C0324(1) Item 23 Living Streets Program 2023-24 545
C0324(1) Item 24 Direct Employment of people with a disability - bimonthly report 547
C0324(1) Item 25 Tempe Streets and Laneways – Strategy to Improve Streetscape and Amenity 591
C0324(1) Item 26 Biennale - Local Businesses Meeting Outcomes and Promotional Plan 597
C0324(1) Item 27 Perfect Match: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Participation 600
C0324(1) Item 28 Arts and Music Recovery Plan Bi-Monthly Update 603
C0324(1) Item 29 Reconciliation Action Plan Quarterly Update 605
C0324(1) Item 30 Customer Service in Development Assessments - Bi-Monthly Report 607
C0324(1) Item 31 Mandatory Reporting of Reports Sent to Council by Fire and Rescue NSW 652
13 Notices of Motion
C0324(1) Item 32 Notice of Motion: Review Inner West Aquatic Centre Fees 665
C0324(1) Item 33 Notice of Motion: Review Domestic Waste Charge 669
C0324(1) Item 34 Notice of Motion: Queer Rights Street Rally 18 February 2024 670
C0324(1) Item 35 Notice of Motion: 26 January 672
C0324(1) Item 36 Notice of Motion: Inner West Schools Active Travel 673
C0324(1) Item 37 Notice of Motion: Drag Story Time 674
C0324(1) Item 38 Notice of Motion: Waste Education (Motion for National General Assembly) 675
C0324(1) Item 39 Notice of Motion: Invite the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network to address the Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly 677
C0324(1) Item 40 Notice of Motion: Trans Day of Visibility Rally - 31 March 2024 678
C0324(1) Item 41 Notice of Motion: Early Childhood Education and Care Workers 679
C0324(1) Item 42 Notice of Motion: Extending the swimming season at Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre 681
C0324(1) Item 43 Notice of Motion: Asbestos - Construction Waste and the Circular (Motion for National General Assembly) 685
C0324(1) Item 44 Notice of Motion: Newtown Street Party 687
C0324(1) Item 45 Notice of Motion: Mardi Gras Fair Day 688
C0324(1) Item 46 Notice of Motion: Bird protection at Marrickville Metro 689
14 Questions From Councillors
C0324(1) Item 47 Question on Notice: Staff distribution 690
C0324(1) Item 48 Question on Notice: EV charging 692
C0324(1) Item 49 Question on Notice: Security Bonds, Deposits and Retentions 693
C0324(1) Item 50 Question on Notice: Rozelle Parklands $20 million 694
15 Reports with Confidential Information
Reports appearing in this section of the Business Paper contain confidential information in attachments.
The confidential information has been circulated separately.
C0324(1) Item 51 Quarterly Strategic Investment Property Report – January 2024 698
C0324(1) Item 52 TfNSW Litigation - Camdenville Park 699
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting
held on 13 February 2024 at
Ashfield Service Centre
Meeting commenced at 6.45pm
Present: |
Darcy Byrne Chloe Smith Liz Atkins Marghanita Da Cruz Jessica D’Arienzo Mark Drury Dylan Griffiths Mathew Howard Justine Langford Pauline Lockie Philippa Scott Kobi Shetty John Stamolis Timothy Stephens Zoi Tsardoulias Simone Plummer |
Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor General Manager Director Planning |
Ryann Midei |
Director Infrastructure |
Ruth Callaghan Kelly Loveridge Beau-Jane De Costa Matthew Pearce Chris Sleiman Daniel East Manod Wickramasinghe Scott Mullen |
Director Community Director Corporate Senior Manager Governance and Risk General Counsel Acting Chief Financial Officer Acting Senior Manager Strategic Planning Traffic and Transport Planning Manager Strategic Investments and Property Manager |
Katherine Paixao Darcie Huisman |
Business Paper Coordinator Business Paper Officer |
The Mayor, Councillor Byrne declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to his and his associates primary residences being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed reforms he has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such he will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor Da Cruz declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission as her primary residence and her relatives’ non-primary residence are affected by the proposed reforms. She will leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter.
Councillor Atkins declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to their primary residence being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed reforms they have prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such they will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor Langford declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her primary residence being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed reforms she has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such she will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor Griffiths declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to his primary residence being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed reforms he has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such he will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor Shetty declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her primary residence being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed reforms she prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such she will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor Shetty declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 14 - Minutes of Local Traffic Committee Meeting – 11 December 2023 as she is the State Member for Balmain and has a representative on the Local Traffic Committee. She will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting as the vote of the State Member is exercised through a representative.
Councillor Lockie declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her and an associated company or body’s primary residence being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed forms she has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such she will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor Drury declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to his primary residence being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed forms he has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such he will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor Tsardoulias declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her and her associates primary residences being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed forms she has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such she will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Smith declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her and her associates primary residences being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed forms she has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such she will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor Stephens declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission as he and his wife are joint owners of a property that is not their primary residence that may be affected by the reforms. He will leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter. Councillor Stephens also submitted prior to the meeting and tabled at the Council Meeting a Special Disclosure form in relation to pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to his and his associates’ primary residences being within the areas proposed for reform.
Councillor Howard declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission as an associate owns a property that is not a principal residence in an area that may be impacted by the proposed planning reforms, but out of an abundance of caution he will leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter. Councillor Howard also submitted prior to the meeting and tabled at the Council Meeting a Special Disclosure form in relation to pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to his and his associates’ primary residences being within the areas proposed for reform.
Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 3 Parramatta Road Corridor Stage 1 Proposal (PRCUTS) - Preliminary Engagement Outcomes as he works in the Office of the Minister for Transport and given this is a planning matter and out of an abundance of caution, he will leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter.
Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 14 - Minutes of Local Traffic Committee Meeting – 11 December 2023 as he works in the Ministerial Office of the Minister for Transport, who in her capacity as the Member for Summer Hill has a representative on the Local Traffic Committee. He will remain in the meeting during discussion and voting as the vote of the State Member is exercised through a representative.
Councillor Howard declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 29 - Notice of Motion: Inner West Schools Active Travel as he works in the Office of the Minister for Transport which may have oversight of the grant program referenced in the Motion and out of an abundance of caution, he will leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter.
Councillor Scott declared and tabled pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her and her associates primary residences being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed reforms she has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such she will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Councillor D’Arienzo declared and tabled a pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her and her associates primary residences being within the areas proposed for reform, however, due to the significant portion of the LGA that is potentially going to be impacted by the proposed reforms she has prior to the meeting submitted a Special Disclosure form, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, this provides an exemption for Councillors in this instance and as such she will remain and vote on the matter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
The General Manager declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to an associate’s primary residence being within the areas proposed for reforms. He will leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter.
The Director Corporate declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her usual primary residence being within the areas proposed for reforms. She will leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the matter.
***All special disclosures tabled at the meeting are available at the end of these minutes.***
That the minutes of the Council held on 5 December 2023 be confirmed as a correct record subject to the following correction:
C1223(1) Item 24, Notice of Motion: Multicultural Advisory Committee, be amended to note that Clr Lockie moved a procedural motion to withdraw Item 24 which was seconded by Mayor Byrne and carried.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
The registered speakers were asked to address the meeting. The list of speakers is available on the last page of these minutes.
Councillor Da Cruz left the Meeting at 7:08pm during Public Forum for item 2 as she declared a significant, pecuniary interest as her primary residence and her relatives’ non-primary residence are affected by the proposed reforms.
Councillor Howard left the Meeting at 7:08pm during Public Forum for item 2 as he declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest as an associate owns a property that is not a principal residence in an area that may be impacted by the proposed planning reforms.
Councillor Stephens left the Meeting at 7:08pm during Public Forum for item 2 as he declared a significant, pecuniary interest as he and his wife are joint owners of a property that is not their primary residence that may be affected by the reforms.
The General Manager left the Meeting at 7:08pm during Public Forum for item 2 as he declared a significant, pecuniary interest due to an associate’s primary residence being within the areas proposed for reforms.
The Director Corporate left the Meeting at 7:08pm during Public Forum for item 2 as she declared a significant, pecuniary interest due to her usual primary residence being within the areas proposed for reforms.
Councillor Da Cruz returned to the Meeting at 7:43pm
Councillor Stephens returned to the Meeting at 7:43pm
The Director Corporate returned to the Meeting at 7:45pm
The General Manager returned to the Meeting at 7:52pm
Councillor Howard returned to the Meeting at 7:53pm
Procedural Motion (Byrne/Griffiths)
That the meeting be adjourned for 10 minutes.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
The meeting was adjourned at 8:48pm
The meeting recommenced at 8:59pm
Procedural Motion: (Byrne/Scott)
That the meeting be adjourned for 2 minutes.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
The meeting was adjourned at 9:23pm
The meeting recommenced at 9:26pm
1. That Council note the high volume of submissions received from the community regarding the proposal for an all-weather sporting field to be installed in a park nearby to Rozelle Parklands.
2. That Council note the advocacy and submissions from Balmain District Football Club and Leichhardt Saints Football Club that they are facing severe capacity constraints and are in danger of having to turn away large numbers of players, due to a shortage of playing space.
3. That Council note the huge increase in usage of Lambert Park since the installation of an all-weather surface and expansion of participation in sport this has allowed, particularly for girls.
4. That Council commit to delivering a new all-weather surface for the benefit of local sporting clubs, at one of the four locations previously resolved, using the funding provided by the NSW Government as compensation for the removal of such a facility from the final adopted plans for Rozelle Parklands.
5. That Council receive a report to the March Ordinary meeting on the outcomes of the consultation regarding the proposed all-weather surface as well as a summary of the available technologies for providing a hybrid surface, with councillors to be briefed on that report ahead of the meeting.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Lockie, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford, Shetty and Stamolis
Amendment (Atkins/Da Cruz)
That paragraph 5 be amended to read as follows:
Motion Lost For Motion: Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis Against Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Amendment (Atkins/Da Cruz)
That paragraph 4 be deleted.
Motion Lost For Motion: Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis Against Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias |
1. That Council urgently convene a meeting of local hospitality businesses and the Balmain-Rozelle Chamber of Commerce and invite Balmain ward councillors to discuss a joint promotional strategy and offerings to attract patrons attending the Biennale to local businesses.
2. That Council explore options for providing a free shuttle bus service between the Power Station and Darling St throughout the Biennale program.
3. That Council receive a report to the March Council meeting about the outcomes of the meeting with hospitality businesses and detailing a promotional plan to be supported by Council.
4. That Council install signage at prominent locations throughout the local community promoting the Biennale and Council’s EDGE activations that are part of the program.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
1. That Council congratulates APIA Leichhardt on their successful admittance to the new B-League competition to commence in 2025.
2. That Council waive fees for APIA Leichhardt for the use of Leichhardt Oval for Premier League games to be played there during the Lambert Park renovation.
3. That Council enter into a hiring arrangement with APIA Leichhardt for Leichhardt Oval to be their home ground for the inaugural B-League season in 2025 with Council officers delegated to negotiate the agreement with the Club.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
Procedural Motion (Scott/Atkins)
That Council Suspend Standing Orders to bring forward the following items to be dealt with at this time:
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
Procedural Motion (Scott/Atkins)
That the following items be moved in globo and the recommendations contained within the report be adopted:
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
1. That Council adopt the Code of Meeting Practice.
2. The Council update the Policy Register and publish, as applicable, internally, and externally the adopted Code of Meeting Practice.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
C0224(1) Item 12 Women's World Cup - Wall of Support Artwork |
That Council approve the location for the Women’s World Cup wall of support artwork on the wall of a residential property on Unwin’s Bridge Road Tempe.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
1. That Council investigate the development of a Great Inner West Walk, linking up key Inner West landmarks, communities, infrastructure and parks.
2. That Council request officers report back to Council in April 2024 on the feasibility of and opportunities to develop a Great Inner West Walk, including:
a) potential routes, including opportunities to work with adjacent councils and to link up with other existing and proposed walking infrastructure including the GreenWay, Bay Run, Tom Uren Trail and proposed Great Harbour Walk; b) benefits for the Inner West community and economy; c) opportunities to strengthen existing pedestrian and cycling links as part of a broader Great Walk project and to amplify existing Council programs including the Perfect Match program; d) interaction with the Inner West Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan; and e) potential costs, funding sources and timeline for development.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
That Council receive and note the report.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
1. That Council approve closing the part of Yeend Street, Birchgrove noted in this report (subject to survey) by notice published in the NSW Government Gazette, in accordance with Section 38D of the Roads Act 1993.
2. That Council authorise the placing of a Notice of partial road closure in the Government Gazette.
3. That Council note the land formerly part of Yeend St will be classified as operational land for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993.
4. That Council authorise the sale of the land to the adjoining landholder, as detailed in the Confidential Attachment 1.
5. That Council delegate Authority to the General Manager to sign all associated documents for the survey, road closure and sale of this land.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
Councillor Da Cruz left the Meeting at 9:54pm as she declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 2 as her primary residence and her relatives’ non-primary residence are affected by the proposed reforms.
Councillor Howard left the Meeting at 9:54pm as he declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 2, as an associate owns a property that is not a principal residence in an area that may be impacted by the proposed planning reforms.
Councillor Stephens left the Meeting at 9:54pm as he declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 2 as he and his wife are joint owners of a property that is not their primary residence that may be affected by the reforms.
The General Manager left the Meeting at 9:54pm as he declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to an associate’s primary residence being within the areas proposed for reforms.
The Director Corporate left the Meeting at 9:54pm as she declared a significant, pecuniary interest in Item 2 - State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission due to her usual primary residence being within the areas proposed for reforms.
C0224(1) Item 2 State Government Housing Reforms - Implications for the Inner West and Draft Submission |
1. That Council endorse the Inner West Council submission to the proposed NSW Government Housing Reforms: Transit Oriented Development Program and Diverse and Well-Located Housing.
2. That Council forward the endorsed submission to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for consideration.
3. That due to the NSW government’s failure to undertake formal consultation with the community, council writes to every resident outlining Council’s concerns about the proposed housing reforms, convenes a series of public meetings to explain to residents the implications of these reforms, and encourages residents to make a submission.
4. That Council writes to the Minister for Planning to call on the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) to undertake a thorough community consultation process, including public meetings, community drop-in sessions and leaflets outlining the impact of the proposed changes.
Motion Tied For Motion: Crs Atkins, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis Against Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias Absent: Crs Da Cruz, Howard and Stephens
The Chairperson used his Casting Vote against the MOTION and the MOTION was lost.
Procedural Motion (Byrne/Scott)
That Council allow Clr D’Arienzo to speak for 2 additional minutes on Item 2.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil Absent: Crs Da Cruz, Howard and Stephens
Councillor Stamolis left the Meeting at 10:26pm
Foreshadowed Motion (Byrne/D’Arienzo)
1. That Council makes the following submission to the state government, recognising the seriousness of the housing supply crisis and believes all elected representatives at all levels of government must take responsibility for addressing this.
2. That Council agrees in principle that increased residential density around transport hubs is a vital element in increasing housing supply.
3. That Council seeks to engage constructively with the Government on their proposed Transport Oriented Development (TOD) and Diverse and Well Located Housing (DWLH) rezoning reforms and seeks an urgent meeting with the Planning Minister to discuss this positive collaboration.
4. That Council notes that these rezoning proposals were only issued for consultation in late December 2023 and that they should not be rushed through prior to dwelling targets having been provided or without proper negotiation between Council and the Government.
5. That Council requests that the NSW Government works with us to ensure that excellent pattern book designs, that reflect the heritage and character of the inner west are made available as soon as possible in order that they can be incorporated into the TOD and DWLH.
6. That Council seeks urgent clarification from the NSW Government and the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) regarding the dwelling targets and how the TOD and DWLH will relate to existing heritage protections in the inner west.
7. That Council proposes that the NSW Government consider additional housing reforms and supply opportunities within the Inner West beyond TOD and DWLH including:
a) propose to the NSW Government that they consider establishing a state-controlled corporation to build homes and increase supply for the private sale and rental markets, as occurs successfully in many jurisdictions across the world; b) note the Victorian Government's $5.3 billion investment in building 12,000 new public housing dwellings and propose that the NSW Government make a comparable investment; c) finalise and share with Council the outcomes from the NSW and Commonwealth Crown land audits, and identify which of this land is suitable for housing and public housing; d) recommit our offer to the NSW Government to partner with the Council to provide support for public housing development on our council-owned land and seek to progress negotiations; e) expedite the finalisation of the Parramatta Road Corridor Stage 1 program transforming parts of Leichhardt, Taverners Hill and Kings Bay precincts by facilitating 1516 new dwellings; f) legislate the NSW Government’s rental reforms and resource the office of the Rental Commissioner to provide advice and assistance to tenants across NSW; g) include Inner West Council to have input into the Apartment Guide Design Standards, noting the success of our Architectural Excellence and Design Review Panel process; and h) request that the NSW Government amend the operation of the Inner West Planning Panel to create a pathway or mechanism for applicants, not just objectors, to have their development application referred to the Panel for determination.
8. That Council writes to Inner West residents outlining Council’s approach to the state government planning reforms and encourages them to make a submission.
9. That Council requests that the DPHI release Inner West-tailored information on the TOD, including map summaries of the changes.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Crs Atkins, Langford, Lockie and Shetty Absent: Cs Da Cruz, Howard, Stamolis and Stephens |
Councillor Stamolis returned to the Meeting at 10:30pm
Councillor Da Cruz returned to the Meeting at 10:30pm
Councillor Stephens returned to the Meeting at 10:30pm
The Director Corporate returned to the Meeting 10:31pm
C0224(1) Item 3 Parramatta Road Corridor Stage 1 Proposal (PRCUTS) - Preliminary Engagement Outcomes |
a) on the above points 2 to 5; b) on delays associated with finalising this Planning Proposal given the need to resolve the State Agency submissions (TfNSW/ Dept Environment/ Sydney Water); and c)
to clarify the interaction of
the Diverse and Well-Located Housing proposal and PRCUTS.
a) that the Best & Less site at 657-673 Parramatta Road is available for immediate acquisition, is adjacent to the West Leichhardt precinct and is closer to the Light Rail stop; b) that the redevelopment for housing of such a site would be more immediate than the process of the amalgamating privately owned residential lots as proposed for West Leichhardt, which could take decades; and c) that the Best & Less site could be immediately acquired by the NSW government for a model development of urgently needed public and affordable housing.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Lockie, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Langford, Shetty and Stamolis Absent: Cr Howard
Procedural Motion (Shetty/Langford)
That Council allow Clr Shetty to speak for 2 additional minutes on the amendment in Item 3.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil Absent: Cr Howard
Amendment (Shetty/Da Cruz)
That Council defer the West Leichhardt section of the Taverners Hill precinct from the Proposal to allow for further investigation of the suitability of this section of the Parramatta Road Planning Proposal Stage 1. Submissions from several State Government agencies have highlighted numerous issues of concern that must be resolved prior to adoption, including key issues around flooding, biodiversity, water supply and traffic management. By removing this section from the proposal, it can avoid delaying the entire proposal while these issues are further investigated and addressed.
Motion Lost For Motion: Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Langford, Shetty and Stamolis Against Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Lockie, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias Absent: Cr Howard |
Councillor Howard returned to the Meeting at 10:47pm
The General Manager returned to the Meeting at 10:51pm
C0224(1) Item 11 Introducing Dragon Boating into the Inner West and Iron Cove |
Motion: (D’Arienzo/Da Cruz)
1. That Council enters into a license agreement with the Different Strokes Dragon Boat Club and Sloths Dragon Boating to enable both clubs to formally establish a presence on Iron Cove, noting that both clubs have made a request to establish and store storage containers on road reserve opposite the Leichhardt Boat Ramp at the end of Canal Road (using Hawthorne Canal to enter Iron Cove).
2. That Council advise both the Different Strokes and the Sloths Dragon boat clubs that they are required to consult NSW Rowing on an ongoing basis, to ensure that boating activities do not clash with future NSW Rowing regatta activities on Iron Cove.
Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil |
Procedural Motion (Byrne/Smith)
That Items 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 42 be deferred to the 5 March 2024 Ordinary Council meeting.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Cr Stamolis
Meeting closed at 11.00pm.
Public Speakers:
Item #
Speaker |
Suburb |
Item 43: |
Mark Skelsey |
Dulwich Hill |
Item 44: |
David Birds |
Lilyfield |
Item 2: |
Hugh Loughrey Brett Burton Alex Lofts Heather Davie Ann Shumack Corey Struve Justin Simon Colin Hesse Andrew Leach Benjamin Cullen |
Haberfield Haberfield Summer Hill Marrickville Croydon Rozelle Summer Hill Marrickville Marrickville Stanmore |
Item 3: |
Kyeema Doyle Joy Camilleri Leanne Elsworthy Colin Cranson |
Tamarama Leichhardt Leichhardt Leichhardt |
Item 4: |
Susan Hamilton Jacquie Stratford Robert Clark Shirley Ann Cameron Michael Bentley |
Rozelle Birchgrove Birchgrove Birchgrove Birchgrove |
Item 11: |
Nicole Bates Ian Gearey |
Sylvania Waters Leichhardt |
Item 14: |
Amy McKeown Ian William West Neil Tonkin Torika Taylor Fiona Campbell |
Rozelle Ashfield Lilyfield Ashfield Lewisham |
Item 16: |
Jennifer Aaron |
Leichhardt |
Item 27: |
Quay-Quay Quade Juneau Choo Damien Nguyen |
Zetland Zetland Ashfield |
Item 29: |
Nick Chapman |
Haberfield |
Unconfirmed Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held 13 February 2024.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
of Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 20 February 2024 at
Ashfield Service Centre
Meeting commenced at 6:01pm
Present: |
Darcy Byrne Chloe Smith Liz Atkins Marghanita Da Cruz Jessica D’Arienzo Mark Drury Dylan Griffiths Mathew Howard Justine Langford Philippa Scott John Stamolis Timothy Stephens Zoi Tsardoulias Simone Plummer |
Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor (attended via audio-visual link) Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor (attended via audio-visual link) Councillor Councillor Councillor (attended via audio-visual link) Councillor (attended via audio-visual link) Director Planning |
Ryann Midei |
Director Infrastructure |
Ruth Callaghan Kelly Loveridge Beau-Jane De Costa Matthew Pearce Helen Bradley Erin White |
Director Community Director Corporate Senior Manager Governance and Risk General Counsel Resource Recovery Planning Manager Acting Senior Manager Operations |
George Georgakis Darcie Huisman |
Administration Manager Business Paper Officer |
Motion: (Byrne/Smith)
That apologies from Councillors Lockie and Shetty be accepted.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Scott, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
Motion: (Howard/Smith)
That Council accept Councillors Atkins, Langford and Tsardoulias’ request to attend tonight’s Council meeting via audio-visual link due to personal reasons and Councillor Stephens’ request to attend via audio-visual link due to work commitments.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Scott, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil
Meeting closed at 6:32pm.
Unconfirmed minutes of Extraordinary Council meeting held on 20 February 2024.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Condolence Motion: Father Nikolaos Bozikis
From: Councillor Zoi Tsardoulias
1. That Council record our sadness of the passing of Father Nikolaos Bozikis and write to the Bozikis family expressing our condolences.
2. That Council plant a tree in his honour and a plaque, with words to be determined by the family at a location to be determined in consultation with the Bozikis family. |
Father Nikolaos was born in Zakynthos in 1944 and emigrated to Australia in 1964, settling in Sydney in 1970 at the invitation of the late Archbishop Ezekiel of Australia. It was in Sydney that he was ordained to the priesthood and dedicated over 50 years of his life to serving as a priest within the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.
For 18 years, Father Nikolaos served at the Holy Cross Wollongong before returning to Sydney in 1988.
From 1989 to 1994 he was the parish priest at St Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in Kingsford.
He also served at St Stephanos Greek Orthodox Church in Hurlstone Park until 2011 however due to various health challenges, he was asked to do a stint at St Nicholas, Marrickville for 6 weeks, that lasted for 6 ½ years!
Father Nikolaos also did voluntary work as a Police Chaplain in the NSW Police Service. He would visit the Greek Orthodox police officers at their respective stations and would provide spiritual and moral support due to the trauma and distress they would encounter on a daily basis.
In 2018, Father Nikolaos announced his retirement where his presence was a source of solace and inspiration to all who sought his guidance. Upon his retirement, Father Nikolaos embarked on a new chapter of service, traveling all over the Inner West, mainly in Marrickville and Hurlstone Park to conduct services, offer counsel, and spread the light of his faith.
In addition to his devoted service to his parish and community, his family was the cornerstone of his life, providing him with an unwavering love and support throughout his journey of faith and service.
He would frequent the family’s patisserie Honey & Walnut in Dulwich Hill regularly and was treated like a celebrity by all the customers. His presence and unique aura extended far beyond the confines of his parish walls.
Father Nikolaos will be dearly missed. My sincere condolences to the family and the Greek community. His memory will forever be etched in the hearts and minds of all who were fortunate enough to cross his path.
Vale Father Nikolaos, beloved husband of Presbytera Chrysoula, much loved father, grandfather, and great grandfather.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Condolence Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Update on the development of the Inner West Museum of Rugby League at Leichhardt Oval
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
Prepared By: Scott Mullen - Strategic Investments and Property Manager
Authorised By: Kelly Loveridge - Director Corporate
That Council endorse the proposal to proceed with short term initiatives for the museum whilst building works are undertaken. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
4: Healthy, resilient and caring communities |
In late 2023 Council adopted the Leichhardt Oval Masterplan which provides an overarching vision for the Leichhardt Park precinct.
Leichhardt Park (Reserve number - R500207) includes the park’s caretaker cottage known as 66 Mary Street Lilyfield adjacent to Leichhardt Oval.
The Masterplan proposes the cottage could be utilised to celebrate the history of rugby league in the inner west and developed as the Inner West Museum of Rugby League, as part of the entry way into the precinct.
This report is an update on the development of the Inner West Museum of Rugby League.
At the Council meeting held on 23 October 2023, Council resolved the following:
That Council continue with planning of the Inner West Museum of Rugby League and incorporate into the 2024 Budget funds to establish the museum. A further report is to be tabled at the February 2024 Ordinary Council meeting identifying models on which the museum could operate and entities that Council could partner with on the project.
From the Masterplan, the Inner West Museum of Rugby League (Image 1) is to be located adjacent to Mary Street Park at the entrance of the Oval. It is proposed the gate house / caretaker’s cottage located at the entrance of the Oval will be adapted and reused to include the Museum. The concept also includes several landscaping and paving interventions including honour boards, public art and club logos / shields as floor treatment along the Players Walk (Image 2), as part of the moderate and major options within the Masterplan.
Image 1- Proposed Inner West Museum of Rugby League
Image 2 – Proposed Players Walk (virtual and real life)
Council staff have met with representatives from Balmain Tigers, including their archivist and Board Representatives. There is extensive knowledge of both the Balmain Tigers history as well as the broader history of rugby league in the inner west. The meeting with the archivist included inspecting the memorabilia currently stored in shipping containers at the oval.
Balmain Tigers would consider providing access to the memorabilia that could form part of a display within the museum, as well as establishing a network of volunteers to assist with the management of the museum on game days. Enquiries are also underway with several other journalists and local historians who have written about the history of rugby league in the inner west and who have also assisted with the development of the NSW Rugby League Museum, housed at Rugby League Central in Moore Park, Sydney.
Further, there is potential to formally contact NSWRL to seek assistance in the form of either funding or expertise in establishing a museum of rugby league.
Council has also met with a representative of the Wests Ashfield Club, who have a significant collection of memorabilia, some of which is currently on display at the club. The club are in the process of digitising their collection and would also consider making this material available to Council.
Building Condition Assessment
The building is a two-bedroom cottage, with both the internal and external walls constructed of rendered masonry. The internal floors are mostly a suspendered timber floor. The modified verandah at the rear which houses the kitchen has a suspended concrete slab. The roof is a traditionally framed tiled roof.
A Hazardous Building Materials assessment and a Structural Condition Report have been complete for the site with both reports highlighting defects and providing recommendations to address the defects.
As part of the Asset revaluation process for FY22/23 visual inspections were undertaken of all council buildings and a Building Defects Report was also prepared for this site. The Building Defects Report similarly highlighted defects requiring rectification within the cottage.
The defects identified include cracking to the interior walls, floor coverings and timber work generally to the roof that are beyond their useful life, windows and doors that will require replacement and/or repairs along with repainting to prevent further deterioration. The report also recommended the roof be replaced as it is causing problems to the internal ceilings.
Short term vs long term operation of the museum
Whilst remediation works are being undertaken, several options have been considered to provide interpretative and archival materials for the community in the short term. These include:
· Establishing a (standalone) Leichhardt Oval website, that would provide current information and also contain the interpretive, archival and other material including the 2017 Leichhardt Oval Documentary commissioned by Inner West Council.
· Develop an interpretive trail across the oval, using QR codes located at multiple locations and linking to information embedded in the proposed new website outlined above.
· Development of a virtual Players Walk, accessed via the website. This would tie in and be an extension of the interpretive trail outlined above. The virtual Players Walk could subsequently be interpreted in real life as proposed in the Masterplan as more significant upgrades proceed in the future, as funding is sourced.
Following completion of the building works, the cottage could house a series of temporary exhibitions that would be presented on game days to test the level of patronage, pedestrian flow and accessibility of the building. This information would be used to further develop the design and operation of the museum.
Museum development
An Architect has been engaged to plan the building works, which are intended to commence after the cottage becomes available in March 2024.
A museum working group has been established which includes internal staff from Council’s Library and Property teams, as well as external stakeholders representing the Rugby League clubs that form part of the history of rugby league in the inner west.
A specialist Museum Consultant will be engaged to assist with the development of the concept, and planning and design of the building with a view to establishing some temporary exhibitions on game days, in the first instance.
The current adopted budget includes $200,000 in this financial year and $400,000 in FY24/25 for Leichhardt Oval to support the delivery of the museum. Through the second Quarter Budget review process tabled separately, it is proposed to retain $150,000 for planning and early works and re-phase $50,000 to FY24/25, totaling $450,000 for works to the cottage to support commencement of museum operations.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 11 December 2023
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
Prepared By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive the minutes and adopt the recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 11 December 2023. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport |
The December 2023 meeting of the Local Traffic Committee was at Ashfield Service Centre. The minutes of the meeting are shown at Attachment 1.
Ward |
Item |
Baludarri (Balmain) |
Hancock Lane, Rozelle - Permanent Road Closure |
Biennale of Sydney 2024 Traffic Management Plan - Robert Street, Rozelle |
Gulgadya (Leichhardt) |
Nil. |
Midjuburi (Marrickville) |
Arthur Street, Marrickville - Proposed continuous footpath treatment |
Thornley Street carpark, Marrickville - Formalise 'P15 7.00am9.00am and 3.00pm-6.00pm Monday to Friday' restrictions outside Yirran Gumal Early Learning Centre along with other parking restrictions within the carpark |
Djarrawunang (Ashfield) |
Riverside Crescent, Dulwich Hill - Proposed Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Devices |
Victoria Street, Queen Street, Clissold Street, Seaview Street and surrounding streets, Ashfield/Summer Hill - Proposed pedestrain (zebra) crossings and traffic calming around and near the Cardinal Freeman Village, Ashfield |
Unnamed Lane, Summer Hill (adjacent Henson and Herbert Streets) - Proposed 'No Stopping' restrictions |
Damun (Stanmore) |
Lands Lane, Newtown - Proposed extension to road closure |
All Wards |
Pedestrian Crossing Warrant Policy |
Traffic Committee Schedule 2024 |
Local Traffic Committee Terms of Reference |
Projects proposed for implementation are funded within existing budget allocations.
1.⇩ |
Local Traffic Committee minutes - 11 December 2023. |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: National General Assembly of Local Government 2024
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
Prepared By: Beau-Jane De Costa - Senior Manager Governance and Risk
Authorised By: Kelly Loveridge - Director Corporate
1. That Council determine the Councillors attending the National General Assembly of Local Government 2024.
2. That Council determine the one (1) Councillor that will be the voting delegate.
3. That Council require any proposed motions, that meet the National General Assembly’s criteria, to be sent by Councillors (following the proposed motions template in Attachment 3) by 10.00am 26 February 2024 for consideration by Council at the 5 March 2024 Council meeting. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
Convened annually by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), the National General Assembly (NGA) of Local Government is the peak annual event for Local Government, attracting in excess of 800 Mayors and Councillors each year. The report seeks a resolution from Council as to the Councillors to attend, including the one voting delegate, and outlines the timeframe for any proposed motions to be considered.
This event provides a unique opportunity for Local Government to engage directly with the Federal Government, to develop national policy and to influence the future direction of councils and communities. The NGA will be held in Canberra from 2 - 4 July 2024.
The purpose of the NGA is to bring together councils from around Australia to discuss, debate and adopt motions of national significance with a focus on how partnerships, particularly between the Australian Government and Local Governments, can tackle immediate challenges facing communities.
In 2023, Council determined that eight (8) Councillors would attend the NGA.
In previous years, (2022, 2021 and 2019) Council determined that five (5) Councillors would attend the NGA.
Each Council is entitled to one (1) voting delegate.
The theme for the 2024 NGA is “Building Community Trust”.
The National General Assembly calls for Councils to consider submitting motions for debate. This is an important opportunity for councils to influence the national policy agenda and promote new ways of strengthening the local government sector and communities we serve.
When submitting motions Council should focus on how partnerships can address national issues at the local level, and new ways the Australian Government could partner to strengthen the local government sector to advance community well-being, local economic development, create jobs, address environmental challenges, climate change and complex social issues such as housing affordability.
If Council chooses to submit a motion/s there is an expectation that a council representative will be present at the NGA to move and speak to that motion, if required.
Any proposed motions will need to be adopted at the 5 March 2024 Council meeting at the latest, to ensure we are able to submit the motions for consideration at the Conference by the deadline of 29 March 2024.
Criteria for motions
To be eligible for inclusion in the Business Papers, and subsequent debate on the floor, motions must meet the following criteria:
1. Be relevant to the work of local government nationally.
2. Not be focused on a specific jurisdiction, location or region – unless the project or issue has national implications.
3. Be consistent with the themes of the NGA.
4. Complement or build on the policy objectives of ALGA and your state or territory local government association.
5. Be submitted by a council which is a financial member of their state or territory local government association.
6. Propose a clear action and outcome ie call on the Australian Government to act on something.
7. Not be advanced on behalf of external third parties that may seek to use the NGA to apply pressure to Board members, or to gain national political exposure for positions that are not directly relevant to the work of, or in the national interests of, local government.
8. Address issues that will directly improve the capacity of local government to deliver services and infrastructure for the benefit of all Australian communities.
9. Not seek to advance an outcome that would result in a benefit to one group of councils to the detriment of another.
10. Be supported by sufficient evidence to support the outcome being sought and demonstrate the relevance and significance of the matter to local government nationally.
Motions should generally be in a form that seeks the NGA’s support for a particular action or policy change at the Federal level which will assist local governments to meet local community needs.
To further assist Councillors with the development of potential motions, Councillors have been provided with the ALGA discussion paper, the previous 4 years of Inner West motions and the format and information required for each motion, as detailed in Attachments 1, 2 and 3.
Councillors are requested to send any motions they would like submitted for consideration by Council (following the proposed motions template in Attachment 3) by 10.00am 26 February 2024.
Any proposed motions will then be tabled at the 5 March 2024 Council Meeting for Council’s consideration, in advance of the deadline for motions of 29 March 2024.
The cost for registration, travel and accommodation for the General Assembly will be approximately $2000 per Councillor. Funds will be sourced from the Councillors Conference and Training Budget, in accordance with the Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy.
1.⇩ |
National General Assembly Discussion Paper 2024 |
2.⇩ |
Previous Inner West National General Assembly Motions |
3.⇩ |
National General Assembly Proposed Motions - Template |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Mort Bay Park-Tree Management and View Corridors
Prepared By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
Authorised By: Peter Gainsford - General Manager
That Council endorses a two year tree management implementation plan for the following:
a) removal of three large Acacia trees generally adjacent to Phillip Street (May 2024); b) assessment of view corridors and consequent tree management and maintenance along Phillip and Short Streets; c) removal of all existing Coastal Banksia within Site C (Banksia integrifolia) which was mistakenly planted in 2006 and replace these trees with Heath Banksia and understory planting. (May 2024 onward); and d) other tree removals to include the removal of self-sown Acacia, Tuckeroo and Casuarina trees. To minimise ecological and biodiversity impacts tree removals will involve the creation of some carefully selected stag trees (branch removal and pruning) which will be supported by the implementation of an intensive winter planting regime (removal and replanting from May 2024 onward).
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
1: An ecologically sustainable Inner West 4: Healthy, resilient and caring communities 5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
Following additional engagement with local residents and park users at Mort Bay Park, Council officers have revised an earlier report on the implementation of a recommended and phased tree management plan for “Site C” at Mort Bay Park. This report recommends extensive intervention by Council over two years to replace trees on the periphery of Mort Bay Park which do not comply with the original planting scheme for the parkland.
At the Council meeting held on 13 February 2024, Council resolved the following:
That Council defers consideration of the Mort Bay Park Plan of Management and delegate to the General Manager and Director of Infrastructure to meet with the interested local residents and bring a more detailed resolution to the March Ordinary Council meeting for consideration.
Mort Bay Park covers an area of approximately 5.2 hectares and is an important foreshore park within the Balmain Peninsula. The park is highly valued for its landscape and recreation values and offers a wide range of recreational users for the community from community gardens, dog walking, fishing, multiuse ball court play, structured children’s play, unstructured recreational opportunities, watercraft storage and access to the harbour, ecological and biodiversity values and formalised childcare services. Council has also recently resolved to commence investigations into swimming from the foreshore at Mort Bay.
Council adopted a Park Plan of Management for Mort Bay Park in 2004. Site C landscaping (refer to image 1.0) was completed in conjunction with the construction of the John McMahon Childcare facility. Landscaping works within Site C were undertaken to reflect the typical Sydney sandstone open forest community and include species such as Smooth Barked Apple (Angophora costata), and Sydney Peppermint (Eucalyptus piperita) along with low growing understory plantings such as Heath Banksia (Banksia ericifolia). Since the completion of the site C landscape works it has become evident that Coastal Banksia (Banksia integrifolia) had been planted instead of Heath Banksia. Coastal banksia can grow to a mature height of 15m whereas Heath Banksia is a low growing shrub that is limited in its mature height to not more than 4m.
Fig 1.0 Site C Mort Bay Park
2017 Pruning and Selective Tree Removal Works
In April 2017, selective tree removal and pruning works along the edges of the park was undertaken to create view corridors from the streetscape and the pocket park. Staged pruning works on Coastal Banksias was undertaken to reduce the height of the trees to 4m above the stone retaining wall.
Residential View lines and Tree Vandalism
Landscape works undertaken at the periphery of the parkland after 2004 does not accord with the adopted policy of maintaining view corridors. In part this is due to an error in Banksia planting but is due also to self seeding of other tree species As a result, view corridors have been gradually marginalised and, in some areas, lost. This has resulted in an increase in tree vandalism within the park since 2013.
Tree vandalism in 2017 contributed to significant damage and the widespread death of the majority of Coastal Banksias, Smooth Barked Apple, Sydney Peppermint and understory grasses and plantings. The method of vandalism has been varied from cutting trees at the base to poisoning with unknown substances/ chemicals. In total approximately 50 trees have been vandalised during this period.
Fig 1.1 Tree Vandalism Mort Bay Park
Council has previously letterboxed surrounding residents notifying of the vandalism and a brochure has been distributed along with door knocking by Council Rangers. Large signs were also erected on the fence of the park alerting the community and residents that tree vandalism is an offence. Despite these measures being undertaken tree vandalism is an ongoing problem within the park and negating the efforts of both Council and community members with respect to biodiversity improvements.
Mort Bay Park- Landscape Evolution
Native gums and other trees within the central part of the parkland have been successfully grown and matured in size since the park was first developed in the late 1990’s. Trees are critical to the success of a parkland, not only for human recreation and amenity but also as important habitat and ecological support.
Trees within our parks provide a significant number of community benefits including:
· Aesthetics Trees are one of the most important natural landscape elements in parks and open space areas. Trees provide shade in the heat of summer and can significantly cool an area.
· Sense of continuity Trees provide natural links between the past, present and future.
· Improving health Tree canopies trap dust, absorb pollutants, provide shade and reduce noise.
· Benefitting the environment By absorbing carbon dioxide, trees help to slow the rate of global warming. They reduce wind speeds, lower urban air temperatures and prevent flooding by absorbing storm water.
· Boosting wildlife
A habitat for birds, bats, insects, possums, fungi and lichen
Strengthening communities Trees contribute to the distinctive character
of a place and encourage local pride. They are useful teaching resources,
places to play and reflect.
As highlighted in Fig 1.2, the park now has a number of mature Eucalyptus specimens present including maculata, citirodora and angophora. Eucalyptus varieties within the central parkland are now at a height and growth phase where view corridors from street frontages are somewhat restricted and filtered views of Sydney Harbour are provided. The main view corridors to the harbour are maintained from the parkland and from the foreshore edge.
Fig 1.2 Photo of Trees within the Central Area of Mort Bay Park.
Note: Filtered views of the Harbour foreshore and Sydney Habour Bridge.
Meeting with Interested Local Residents
Senior Council officers met with interested local residents and members of the Mort Bay Community Garden Group on 19 February 2024. The meeting discussed the following topics:
· Previous Council resolutions
· Maintenance of view corridors,
· Tree vandalism
· Landscaping requirements pertaining to the Mort Bay Park Plan of Management
· Previous pruning and landscape works
· Accessibility issues
· Biodiversity protection
· The need for greater intervention and management of Site C by Council.
A number of questions were raised by residents at the 19 February 2024 meeting. These questions and the Council Officer response to each question are highlighted in Attachment 1 and commitments within this document will form the basis of the Operational Landscape Plan.
A way Forward -Mort Bay Park Tree Management Regime
In order to strike an appropriate balance between public and private amenity, address the Council resolution and also deter continuing vandalism within the park, an intervention management plan has been developed to be implemented over two years.
1. To ensure that the community is adequately informed, Council will color code and tag all identified tree stock identifying both those marked for removal and those trees to be pruned to form stag tree habitats. (March / April 2024)
2. Removal of three large Acacia trees generally adjacent to Phillip Street (May 2024)
3. Assessment of view corridors and consequent tree management and maintenance along Phillip and Short Streets.
4. Removal of all existing Coastal Banksia within Site C (Banksia integrifolia) which was mistakenly planted in 2006 and replace these trees with Heath Banksia and understory planting. (May 2024 onward)
5. Other tree removals to include the removal of self-sown Acacia, Tuckeroo and Casuarina trees. To minimise ecological and biodiversity impacts tree removals will involve the creation of some carefully selected stag trees (branch removal and pruning) which will be supported by the implementation of an intensive winter planting regime (removal and replanting from May 2024 onward).
6. Ongoing maintenance to accord with the above and based upon regular inspections – not less than quarterly per annum.
A landscape operations plan will be developed and implemented that accord with the principles of the 2004 Mort Bay Park Plan of Management that balances both view corridors, bushcare goals and practical operational outcomes.
The cost of works in terms of tree removals and new plantings is estimated at $20,000 funding from the Operations budget.
1.⇩ |
Attachment 1 Responses to Residents Mort Bay Park Meeting 19th February 2024 |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: InnerWest@40 Study - Post Public Exhibition
Prepared By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
1. That Council adopt the InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Local Road Speed Limit Reductions” Study and forward the Study to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) requesting approval and funding; with a view to implementing 40km/hr speed limit on all local streets within the Inner West Local Government Area
2. That Council forward the InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Regional and State Road Speed Limit Reductions” Study to Transport for NSW to inform:
a) the introduction of consistent speed limits, of 50km/hr or less, on Regional Roads within the Inner West Local Government Area; b) the introduction of consistent speed limits on State Roads within the Inner West Local Government Area, as appropriate to each road’s function and adjacent land uses; c) the establishment of speed limits consistent with adjacent speed zoning at the 9 key locations identified in the Study; and d) the establishment of 40km/hr high pedestrian activity areas in the 8 key locations identified in the Study.
3. That Council update the Policy Register and publish, as applicable, internally, and externally the adopted InnerWest@40 Studies.
4. That authority be delegated to the General Manager to make minor editorial amendments for clarity or correction following adoption of InnerWest@40. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport |
The InnerWest@40 Study was identified as a Key Project in Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy Going Places (2020) and Beca Consulting was commissioned in April 2022. The Study was co-sponsored by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and proposes uniformly introducing a 40km/hr speed limit for all local streets in the Inner West LGA (bringing all of the LGA into alignment with the existing 40km/hr speed zone on the Balmain Peninsula). The Study also proposes rationalising speed limits on State and Regional Roads, as well as consideration of 30km/hr speed zones for specific high pedestrian activity areas.
The draft Study, InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Local Road Speed Limit Reductions” was placed on exhibition between 11 October and 8 November 2023. During the exhibition there were 2,188 views from 1,429 unique visitors providing a total of 165 responses. Of these responses 82% supported the introduction of uniformly reduced speeds on all local roads within the inner West.
A number of responses also suggested additional items for consideration including:
· the need to recognise the complexity associated with rationalising speed limits on State and Regional Roads;
· application of 30km/hr speed limits;
· better alignment with Council’s Cycling Strategy.
While the final Study will remain the same as the draft exhibited and written by the Beca Consultants, in response to comments received during its exhibition the following changes are proposed to its application:
· A separate, additional, study was initiated to specifically examine State and regional roads; InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Regional and State Road Speed Limit Reductions”. This study permits Council’s local roads to be addressed separately from State and Regional Roads;
· Council will initiate discussions with TfNSW with a view to implementing 30km/hr speed zoning in the future, in areas with high levels of pedestrian activity including main streets, school areas, parks and recreational areas as well as residential streets:
· Council’s future cycling action plan will include improved alignment with the InnerWest@40 project.
In March 2020, Council adopted its Integrated Transport Strategy “Going Places”. Going Places identified InnerWest@40 as a Key project, Subsequently, Beca Consulting was commissioned to prepare the Study in in April 2022.
As outlined in Going Places, this Study’s purpose is as follows:
With a view to significantly improving pedestrian and cyclist safety in Inner West an area-wide 40km/h speed limit is proposed for the Council area. While 40km/hr speed limits have generally only been applied to high pedestrian activity area in NSW, national and international experience is that 40km/hr speed limits, comprehensively applied across larger areas, create a more uniform sense of awareness in drivers. The Balmain Peninsula has an area-wide 40km/hr limit, which has created a safer environment for vulnerable road users.
While the primary goal of this Study is to improve safety on local roads in the Inner West, it also has the ability to significantly influence improvements in local amenity, sustainability, liveability and place-making.
Subsequent to Council commencing the InnerWest@40 Study, TfNSW indicated interest in the Study and provided initial funding for it. The draft Study was presented to Council for endorsement to exhibit.
At the Council meeting held on 10 October 2023, Council resolved the following:
1. That Council publicly exhibit the InnerWest@40 Study for a period of 28 days and seek community feedback on the proposed Strategy.
2. That Council forward the InnerWest@40 Study to the minister responsible, the Hon John Graham MLC, Minister of Roads, for his support for the project.
3. That following the conclusion of the exhibition period, the InnerWest@40 Study be brough back to Council for consideration for adoption.
4. That Council prioritise the roll out of the strategy in close proximity to aged care homes and childcare centres, along with schools and hospitals.
The draft InnerWest@40 was subsequently placed on public exhibition, the Minister informed and this report is now presented for Council’s consideration and subsequent adoption of the Study.
Benefits of reduce speeds on local streets
While reduced speeds in local streets will provide improved:
· Safety;
· Amenity;
· Liveability;
· Sustainability.
The key principles embedded in InnerWest@40 are the crash and fatality reduction associated with reduced speeds.
Lowering speed limits from 50 km/h to 40km/h gives an anticipated reduction of:
· 12% in total crashes;
· 17% in injuries;
· 26% in fatal crashes;
· An annual cost saving to the Community of over $7,000,000
All of this can be achieved with minimal inconvenience to the travelling public and potential to improve bus travel time reliability by making overall travel times more consistent across the Inner West.
Speed and travel time analysis in the Study indicates that:
· The average vehicle speed in the Inner west is already below 40 km/hr (38.2km/hr) in 50km/hr speed zones;
· The worst affected route, across the LGA, examined in the Study can anticipate:
o 3.66% increase in peak period travel time, equating to an additional 26 seconds on a 12-minute trip;
o 5.32% increase in travel time on weekends, equating to an additional 37 seconds against a 12-minute trip.
Consequently, it is considered that the likely safety improvements, of a 40km/hr speed limit on local streets, significantly outweighs the minor travel time increase that can be anticipated.
Summary of Exhibition Results
The draft InnerWest@40 was placed on public exhibition from 11 October 2023 to 8 November 2023. There were 2,188 views from 1,429 unique visitors to the Your Say Inner West (YSIW) project page during public exhibition. In total 165 responses were received (136 through YSIW and 29 sent directly to Council Officers). Responses were received from individuals as well as stakeholders including Bicycle NSW, climate action groups and community groups.
Council’s Engagement Outcomes Report (EOR) is attached for detailed review, noting that the percentages referred to in the EOR refer only to responses lodged through YSIW.
Analysis of responses includes consideration of 29 responses that preferred a 30km/hr speed limit however, as shown in the graph above, a total of 82% of respondents supported the principles proposed in InnerWest@40 (with 195 of those responses preferring a 30km/hr speed limit).
Taking into account the responses not supporting InnerWest@40 or unsure, but supporting 30km/hr; a total of 84% of all responses supported speed limits of 40km/hr or less on local streets in the Inner west.
Reasons provided by respondents for supporting InnerWest@40 includes:
· Increased safety;
· Improved accessibility for all;
· Reduced noise and air pollution;
· Encouragement of walking, cycling and public transport uptake;
· Reduced traffic congestion;
· Improved public domain outcomes;
· Alignment with sustainability goals; and
· Alignment with Council’s Road User Hierarchy.
Reasons identified for opposing to InnerWest@40 are included below; with officer’s corresponding responses:
Comment |
Officer’s response |
A blanket approach will not benefit all local streets across the LGA |
The Study shows that speed zoning that is consistent, predictable and legible across a wide area is more efficient and more generally adhered to. Current speed limit inconsistencies across the Inner West LGA can create confusing messaging regarding the circumstances of the street. |
Road safety is an individual responsibility and should not be dictated by reduced speed limits |
Safety is a major concern and world-best practice shows that more appropriate speed limits result in significant safety improvements, as well as significant amenity and environmental benefits. |
Reduction of speed limits is considered to be introducing income stream through fines rather than improving safety |
Reducing speed limits is a uniformly accepted for speed control in Australia. Additionally, Council does not collect revenue from speed enforcement. |
An approach that isn’t reducing speed limits would be preferred for safety |
Appropriately reduced speed limits are globally accepted as having major safety benefits. |
Some respondents also suggested changes to InnerWest@40:
Comment |
Officer’s response |
30km/hr should be considered in High Pedestrian Activity Areas and locations frequently visited by vulnerable users such as schools and hospitals |
Council has started exploring opportunities for 30km/hr zones in high priority locations and will work with TfNSW to find opportunities to introduce 30km/hr speed zones across the LGA. |
Rationalisation of State and Regional roads should be considered, particularly noting the complexity involved |
Due to the complex nature of rationalisation of State and Regional Roads, and potential delays that could occur, this aspect of the Study has been separated and added as an additional study associated with the original InnerWest@40 Study. Council will work with TfNSW on this rationalisation separately, and complementary, to the introduction of 40km/hr speed limits on its local streets. |
InnerWest@40 should better align with “Place-Based Cycling Access” routes in Council’s Cycling Strategy |
While the Cycling Strategy provides a longer-term foundation for delivering a connected and safer bike network, the cycling network is subject to periodic review and updating as a safer bike network takes shape throughout the Inner West. Safer speeds are a critical component of safer streets for cycling and InnerWest@40 will significantly inform the ongoing review and updating of the cycling network and the Cycling Action Plan. |
A copy of the Engagement Outcomes Report is provided as Attachment 1.
After reviewing the feedback provided during the public exhibition, and based on the high level of support for the original InnerWest@40 Study, Council:
· has retained the original consultant study as the basis for the implementation of 40km/hr speed limits on local streets within the Inner West (InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Local Road Speed Limit Reductions”);
· commissioned an additional separate study to examine opportunities for speed zone rationalisation on State and Regional Roads (InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Regional and State Road Speed Limit Reductions”);
· proposes to continue discussions with TfNSW with a view to implementing 30km/hr speed zoning in the future;
· will develop its future cycling action plan in a manner which aligns with the InnerWest@40 project.
The Inner West Road Network consists of 51 State Roads, 48 Regional Roads, and 1011 Local Roads. Separating State and Regional Roads from Local Roads, permits Council to proceed with TfNSW discussions to implement 40km/hr speed limits on the 1011 local roads without being delayed by the more complex negotiations involved in the 99 larger roads.
Based on the findings of the additional study, InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Regional and State Road Speed Limit Reductions”, Council will request TfNSW to:
· Introduce consistent speed limits, of 50km/hr or less, on Regional Roads within the Inner West Local Government Area;
· Introduce consistent speed limits on State Roads within the Inner West Local Government Area, as appropriate to each road’s function and adjacent land uses;
· Revise speed limits on sections of road that are inconsistency with adjacent speed zoning at the 9 key locations identified in the Study;
· Establish 40km/hr high pedestrian activity areas in the 8 key locations identified in the Study.
Council will request TfNSW to urgently address the inconsistencies associated with high pedestrian activity areas.
The implementation of the reduced speed limits via linemarking and signposting was calculated by the consultant at between $830,000 to $1,041,000 and would be subject to TfNSW grant funding.
At the request of TfNSW, InnerWest@40 breaks up the LGA into priority areas so that speed limit reductions can be funded and implemented in stages, however Councils preference is for an LGA wide implementation.
It is expected that traffic speeds will reduce following the changed speed limits (guided by signposting and linemarking) as road users adjust their behaviour. Should monitoring of the project’s success indicate longer term need for additional traffic calming measures, the consultant has anticipated that up to $10m may be required to fund Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) treatments.
Council has allocated approximately $15.8m in the Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) towards traffic facilities over the next 10 years (excluding PAMP funding). These funds would need to be prioritised and additional grant funding opportunities explored to construct any required LATM devices.
Council continues to undertake precinct-based LATM investigations and the InnerWest@40 Study outcomes will assist in targeting LATM precincts for review.
1.⇩ |
InnerWest@40 Engagement Outcomes Report |
2.⇩ |
InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Local Road Speed Limit Reductions” Study |
3.⇩ |
InnerWest@40 "Investigation in Potential Regional and State Road Speed Limit Reductions" |
4.⇩ |
InnerWest@40 Plan on a Page |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 19 February 2024
Prepared By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive the minutes and adopt the recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 19 February 2024. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport |
The February 2024 meeting of the Local Traffic Committee was at Ashfield Service Centre. The minutes of the meeting are shown at Attachment 1.
Ward |
Item |
Baludarri (Balmain) |
Biennale Of Sydney 2024 Revised Traffic Management Plan - Robert Street, Rozelle |
Detailed Design for the permanent closure of Hancock Lane, Rozelle |
Darling Street Between Mort Street and Curtis Road, Balmain - Road Occupancy - Anzac Day Dawn Service |
Request for Pedestrian Crossing in Curtis Road, Balmain |
Gulgadya (Leichhardt) |
John Street at Croydon Road, Croydon - Implementation Of 'No Left Turn, Vehicle Over 6m' Restriction |
Midjuburi (Marrickville) |
Moyes Street and Warren Road, Marrickville - Proposed 'No Stopping' restrictions and 'BB' line marking |
Wardell Road survey area, Dulwich Hill and Marrickville – Request for a residential parking scheme |
St Peters area – Request for a residential parking scheme in Silver Street |
Status Update: Road and traffic conditions around the Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre |
Djarrawunang (Ashfield) |
Davis Street, Dulwich Hill at the rail overbridge between Windsor Road and Victoria Street – Temporary full road closure |
Bedford Crescent, Dulwich Hill - Proposed changes to raised pedestrian crossing and parking |
Wardell Road survey area, Dulwich Hill and Marrickville – Request for a residential parking scheme |
Damun (Stanmore) |
Audley Street, Petersham – Proposed new residential '2P ' restrictions – expansion of M11 parking permit area |
Railway Street, Petersham - Proposed 1/2P timed parking restrictions |
All Wards |
Nil. |
Projects proposed for implementation are funded within existing budget allocations.
1.⇩ |
Local Traffic Committee minutes - 19 February 2024 |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Post Exhibition - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy
Prepared By: Marea Getsios - Procurement Manager
Authorised By: Kelly Loveridge - Director Corporate
1. That Council adopt the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy.
2. The Council update the Policy Register and publish, as applicable, internally, and externally the adopted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
The draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy (A&TSI) Procurement Strategy) was presented to Council at the November council meeting as part of the Reconciliation Action Plan Update.
It was resolved that the strategy be endorsed for public exhibition, and this occurred from 22 November through to 21 December 2023. Four submissions were received during the exhibition period and these are addressed in the report. The report recommends the adoption of the publicly exhibited Policy, as exhibited, with no changes.
At the Council meeting held on 21 November 2023, a report was tabled providing an update on the Reconciliation Action Plan and Council resolved:
1. That Council publicly exhibit the draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy for a period of 28 days and seek community feedback on the proposed Strategy.
2. That following the conclusion of the exhibition period, the draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy be brought back to Council for consideration.
The draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy was subsequently placed on public exhibition on 22 November 2023.
Development of the strategy
Within the development of the Aboriginal Reconciliation Plan, it was identified that an A&TSI procurement strategy should also be developed to support the outcomes of the RAP. This was developed in close collaboration with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee, Supply Nation, and some Aboriginal businesses, and the final draft strategy document reviewed and endorsed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee. The intent of the strategy is to outline Council’s commitment and to set targets and strategies on how Council can achieve these; ensuring equitable opportunity is provided to all businesses.
Procurement framework
In parallel to the development of this strategy, an updated Procurement Policy has also been developed, encouraging the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contractors and suppliers in all procurement activities.
The draft policy was initially considered by Council in October 2023, and was deferred pending a councillor briefing on ethical, local, social and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander procurement to consider further opportunities to strengthen the framework in supporting targets in these areas. An updated draft policy will be presented to Council in the coming months.
For clarity see below on how the A&STI Procurement strategy is intended to fit within the overarching Procurement Framework:
A review of a number of Sydney metropolitan councils indicates that Inner West is one of only two councils that have identified targets for indigenous procurement spend. Inner West is the only council that has developed a public Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy.
As part of the Operational Plan for FY23/24, there is also a current action underway to review the procurement rules and weighting criteria to promote social and environmental procurement factors (which includes A&TSI), and it is anticipated that this weighting may be proposed to be 10-15% of total addressable procurement spend.
Exhibition of the draft A&TSI Procurement Strategy
Following endorsement of the strategy by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee in October 2023, the strategy was tabled at the November council meeting and it was resolved by Council to publicly exhibit the document.
The draft A&TSI Procurement Strategy was subsequently placed on public exhibition from 22 November to 21 December 2023. The Your Say Inner West project page was viewed 58 times and four submissions were made on the strategy, as outlined over the page.
Support (Yes or No) |
Public Exhibition Comment |
IWC Comment: |
Yes |
I think the procurement strategy to empower people is a good idea. I also think we need to have a small local business procurement strategy as well. |
Noted, the draft Procurement Policy makes reference to local contractors and organisations. |
No |
Tendering and procurement should not be constrained by mandated targets. It should be best product and best value for purpose. If you mandate a target to purchase from indigenous or any other sub-culture you risk driving prices up and quality down as it’s a guarantee that they are hired.
The purpose of the Strategy is to provide opportunity to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. Works or services will not be awarded on this criteria alone, but rather where other factors are equal and reasonable comparative market rates are offered. |
Yes |
The strategy should include references to community wealth building given the previous council motion, noting work has been done on how to do a First Nations approach to CWB http://base.socioeco.org/docs/communitywealthbuildingalakotatranslation-final-web.pdf |
Noted, the draft Procurement Policy references commitment to CWB. |
No |
Council should not be making race based procurement decisions. If an aboriginal business is competitive in the market, it will win its fair, and deserved share of business within the marketplace. This proposed strategy will lead council to use rate payer's money in an inefficient manner as it will end up paying a premium to use aboriginal providers. Additionally the certification of "aboriginal" businesses leaves a lot to be desired. It can see people/businesses with tenuous aboriginal connections, and people/businesses that have suffered no disadvantages gain a priority over the general community. There is no broader social benefit from prioritising these types of businesses which could offset the non-commerciality of this procurement strategy. If this policy is put in place council should ensure that the aboriginal businesses are not able to subcontract the work. It is a common experience with these types initiatives that the aboriginal business will win the tender and then subcontract the work. This is just rent seeking. |
The purpose of the Strategy is to provide opportunity to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. Works or services will not be awarded on this criteria alone, but rather where other factors are equal and reasonable comparative market rates are offered. |
After reviewing the feedback provided during the public exhibition period it is proposed to adopt the publicly exhibited Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy, as exhibited, with no changes. Noting the comments provided have been addressed as outlined in the table above.
There are no financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report.
1.⇩ |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Update on Creative Use of Town Halls
Prepared By: Scott Mullen - Strategic Investments and Property Manager
Authorised By: Kelly Loveridge - Director Corporate
1. That Council endorse the immediate procurement of audio, lighting, and other necessary technical equipment to support the activation of creative spaces within the town halls, to be funded through the third quarter budget review process.
2. That Council note the inclusion of a capital works program for refurbishment works for Marrickville Town Hall within the draft FY24/25 draft budget. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
3: Creative communities and a strong economy |
The implementation of the Creative Use of Council Venues Pilot Program (Pilot Program) is part of the initiatives set out in the Arts and Music Recovery Plan, endorsed by Council in May 2023.
The Pilot Program was implemented in the second half of 2023 and recommends for the immediate procurement of audio, lighting, and other necessary technical equipment to support the ongoing activation of creative spaces within the town halls, with $436,000 to be funded through the third quarter budget process.
Council staff have also worked with the Marrickville Town Hall Steering Committee to design recommendations for a more substantial fit out of Marrickville Town Hall. It is proposed that the ground floor rooms be developed as studio and micro presentation spaces and that a multi-functional basement space with soundproofed studios be developed as part of the same program. A budget allocation of $365,000 has been provided in the draft FY24/25 budget currently under development.
At the council meeting held on 5 December 2023, Council considered a report discussing design recommendations for the fit out of the town halls generally, and in particular the Marrickville Town Hall basement space and ground floor rooms.
At that meeting, Council resolved in part:
That Council consider expenditure for the fit-out of town halls for artistic purposes, including Marrickville Town Hall, as part of the budget workshop process in early 2024, considering a baseline of equipment that can activate spaces and harmonise the experience of hirers and patrons in our town halls.
Pilot Program of Town Hall Activations/Creative Space
The Pilot Program provided critical learning as to how Council spaces can best serve the creative community. Preliminary costings to estimate the infrastructure needed for each town hall to be functional were identified and are provided below.
Ongoing activation of town halls
General Town Hall sound and lighting technical recommendations include a sound mixing system, speakers, microphone, lighting rig and controllers, a projector and screen.
The supply and installation will vary for each town hall, and the estimate for the general recommendations is $40,000 per town hall.
Procurement planning is currently underway to ensure the prompt delivery of this key audio and furniture equipment to best support the continued use of our town hall spaces.
Activation of Marrickville Town Hall ground floor
Separate to the above general recommendations, the Pilot Program also recommended additional technical and furniture and fit out recommendations for Marrickville Town Hall, with a focus on providing multi-functional spaces and studios.
For the ground level spaces, as well as sound mixing system, speakers, microphone, lighting rig and controller, a portable stage will be included to enable the largest space to be used for presentations.
Similar to the other town halls, procurement is currently underway to ensure the prompt delivery of this key audio and furniture equipment for these spaces.
Activation of Marrickville Town Hall basement
The opportunities provided in the basement include being able to set it up as a multi-functional black box, that can be arranged to suit a variety of performance modes.
Attached to the main space in the basement are two rooms with separate access from carpark. These rooms are intended to be soundproofed and fitted out as music rehearsal / recording studios which can be independently accessed alongside the main space.
When there are presentation outcomes in the main space, these rehearsal / recording studios can be used as dressing rooms given their proximity to the main space.
There is a third room with separate access from Petersham Road, that is also intended to be soundproofed and fitted out as a music rehearsal / recording studio.
Procurement planning is currently underway to seek advice on the different options that might be considered for the design, construction, and costs to establish each of the soundproofed music rehearsal / recording studios.
Table 1: Program for procurement
Town Hall |
Equipment |
Timing |
Description |
Budget |
All 7 Town Hall spaces |
General Audio and lighting and mirrors (As required for specific spaces) |
Immediate |
Sound mixing system, speakers, microphone, lighting rig and controllers, a projector and screen |
$280,000 $40,000 per town hall (supply and installation) |
Marrickville – Ground level rooms |
General Audio and lighting plus staging |
Immediate |
Portable sound mixing system, speakers, microphone, lighting rig and controllers, a projector and screen, staging. |
$60,000 $20,000 per room |
Marrickville – Basement General |
Specific furniture, fittings including flooring, curtains |
1 to 3 months |
Portable items and furniture include sound mixing system, speakers, microphone, lighting rig and controllers, a projector and screen and staging with access ramp, and tiered seating, chairs, and trestle tables.
Fit out and furniture to include timber sprung floor with Tarkett overlay, mirrors, retractable black theatre curtains.
$341,000 |
Marrickville – Basement Soundproofed studios |
x 3 with specific design related requirements and construction |
1 to 3 months |
Consultant to provide specialist advice for conversion of rooms to create soundproofed studios. |
$120,000 ($40,000 per room x 3 Final budget to be confirmed once the studios have been designed). |
$801,000 |
Promoting the availability of town halls
The Living Arts team will continue to engage with Pilot Program participants and a social media campaign is being planned to build community awareness on the availability of the town halls. Advertising banners and flags are also being designed and procured to help promote this around each of the town hall sites.
The spaces across all of the town halls (excluding Marrickville Town Hall basement) will be available to be booked by the community via the existing venue hire booking system, with the basement to be directly managed by the Venues team in collaboration with the Living Arts team.
To enable the prompt procurement of portable staging, seating and critical audio equipment, a capital budget of $436,000 is proposed to be allocated to this project through the third quarter budget review process.
The proposed fit out program of capital works, including key refurbishment works at Marrickville Town Hall is estimated at $365,000 and has been incorporated into the draft FY 24/25 budget, as previously resolved.
As part of the budget development process for FY24/25, Council is also considering Fees and Charges for the use of the town halls. At this time it is suggested that the fees associated for creatives use hire of town halls, may be aligned to that charged to Not for Profit groups, based on published eligibility criteria.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Household Rainwater Tanks
Prepared By: Luke Murtas - Senior Manager Environment and Sustainability
Authorised By: Simone Plummer - Director Planning
1. That Council endorse the
renewed approach to the Rainwater Tank Incentive Scheme which will make it
more accessible to residents across the Inner West by: (a) making the engagement component available online on a regular basis, supported by other web resources; (b) for residents who seek a face-to-face seminar, utilising the space at Council’s Sustainability Hub at Summer Hill to provide engagement with staff; and (c) removing the need for a staff member to physically inspect residents’ homes, relying instead on photographs supplied by residents and professional certification from licensed tradespeople.
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
1: An ecologically sustainable Inner West |
Council’s Urban Ecology team provides a rebate-style incentive scheme to increase the take up of rainwater tanks in residential buildings (including multi-unit development) across the Inner West. The delivery of this service was sporadic both during and since covid, most recently due to staffing changes and within the Ecology team,. The team is exploring the most efficient ways to deliver this program to Inner West residents going forward and recommends making use of Council’s online presence and Sustainability Hub to maximise uptake of the scheme.
At the Council meeting held on 5 December 2023, Council resolved:
1. That Council request Officers report to Council no later than April 2024 on ways Council is working to increase the uptake of household rainwater tanks across the Inner West Council Area, noting the likelihood we are entering a period of extended drought.
2. That as part of the report:
a) provide data on the uptake of the Inner West Council Rainwater Tank Incentive Scheme, Rainwater Tank Rebate Program, and other initiatives;
b) note ways Council is working with the NSW State Government, Sydney Water, Australian Federal Government, and other councils to expand the number of household rainwater tanks in the Inner West;
c) barriers to residents installing household rainwater tanks and opportunities to eliminate or minimise these barriers;
d) a brief overview of planning regulations governing the installation of rainwater tanks and any opportunities to remove or minimise regulatory barriers at the State or local government level;
e) opportunities to assist renters, social housing tenants and residents living in multi-unit dwellings to harvest and store water;
f) ways Council could increase the uptake of household water tanks; and
g) other information of note.
The most effective way to reduce reliance on Sydney’s water supply for use on gardens, toilets and washing is by installing rainwater tanks in residential buildings. This has the dual benefit of reducing stormwater runoff from developed urban land which can help mitigate the impact of turbidity and pollution in our waterways including the Cooks and Parramatta Rivers, which Council is committed to protecting.
New dwellings are required by state planning controls to install rainwater tanks. However, much of the residential land in the Inner West is not captured by this requirement or is not actively “redeveloping” in a DA or renovation.
Inner West residents report that they value the local environment highly. In order to encourage a greater cohort of Inner West households to take up practical, private measures such as rainwater tanks on their own land, Council’s Ecology team runs a rebate-style incentive scheme to increase the take up of rainwater tanks in residential buildings (including multi-unit development) across the Inner West.
Briefly, the program includes:
· (step 1) Eligibility criteria – for example, the scheme does not apply to homes which are required to install a tank under BASIX or by a DA condition
· (step 2) Residents submit a completed application form
· (step 3) A requirement for residents to attend an educational seminar which provides information about the environmental benefits of rainwater harvesting and how to select the right rainwater tank for your site
· (step 4) A requirement to submit installation details certified by a licensed plumber, and
· (step 5) Council staff physically confirm installation and connection of the rainwater tank.
The incentive scheme works on a sliding scale summarised as follows:
· A standard incentive for a tank of 10c per litre (eg. 2000L x $0.10 = $200)
· An additional amount for connections of 13c (for 1 use) 18c (2 uses) or 20c (3 uses) which are plumbed to the tank
· An additional incentive of 50% for low-income households
· An additional $500 flat rate to body corporate for tanks in common areas of strata development, and
· A maximum rebate of $2000 ($3000 if low-income).
The program is funded through Council’s stormwater levy and is a joint project between Council’s Ecology team and stormwater Engineers, particularly given that the major secondary benefit is a reduced burden on Council’s stormwater assets.
The engagement seminar component of the Rainwater Tank Incentive Scheme (“step 3” above) is conducted face-to-face by the policy staff in the Ecology team. The delivery of this service was sporadic due to staffing changes and challenges within the Ecology team and pre-Covid service levels have not been restored. In the 2022-23 year, there were only 4 applications, with 1 invalid, and the average was seeking a $1000 rebate. The Ecology team now has a full complement of staff and has reviewed the program, identifying areas which can improve efficiency and community engagement.
Council’s experience in delivering engagements flexibly during covid indicates that an online offer for the seminar is a popular option for many time-poor Inner West residents. On the other hand, given that the program involves physical infrastructure and a face-to-face offering remains popular for some residents, retaining this option as part of a suite of offerings is recommended. Based on feedback from the cohort of recent applicants, it is considered appropriate to offer a principally online seminar to residents at a convenient, scheduled time.
In addition, it is proposed to utilise the Inner West Sustainability Hub when face-to-face meetings are required by residents, given that the previous location (the deck at Petersham Service Centre) is not well suited to public meetings. The Hub site offers a collaborative sustainability meeting space with workshops room and open-air garden area where a rainwater tank can be demonstrated for residents. Separately from the incentive scheme itself, the rainwater tank engagement seminar could be held from the Hub as a scheduled community education event which could also initiate further interest in household rainwater tanks.
One of the key barriers identified by Ecology, stormwater and planning staff to the installation of rainwater tanks in the Inner West is the nature and size of the allotments that are prevalent in the LGA. One of the key learnings in the engagement seminar is around selecting the right tank for the site, including providing our residents with information about options like bladder tanks, slim line tanks and other options for small and narrow sites which they may not be aware of. Choosing the correct tank will also allow a good balance between built-upon and open space in a compromised back yard. This is the principal reason that it is recommended the seminar remains a core part of the incentive scheme.
New dwellings and alterations and additions over $50k are generally required to install rainwater tanks under BASIX, and these installations do not fall under the incentives scheme. Many other properties can install tanks without needing planning approval under the Exempt and Complying Development SEPP, however limiting factors for Inner West properties include:
· If a heritage property must be in the rear yard
· Must be 450mm from any lot boundary
· Must be no more than 1.8m high
· Must not involve 1m cut or fill
Inner West suburbs which feature narrow lots or row housing, along with other inner areas such as Glebe, Darlinghurst, or Redfern, will have difficulty in particular with the lot-boundary setback control in the SEPP. If a resident wants to do the right thing environmentally and capture rainwater, but also maintain a reasonably dimensioned rear yard, this will become difficult if the side passage area does not provide sufficient width to fit even a slim line rainwater tank with a 450mm setback to the side fence. Although there is a reasonable case for an “inner city” variation to this clause, it may not be possible to modify a universal policy applicable to the state.
There would potentially be the opportunity to explore planning provisions which encourage the uptake of sustainability measures such as rainwater tanks when Council considers a future Inner West Development Control Plan.
The current program makes provision for strata titled blocks and would be available to community housing providers; but does not currently provision for renters or tenants (given that a rainwater tank and connection to internal plumbing would be a significant installation which would require owner approval and co-investment). The scheme currently makes significant provision for low-income households, which could be increased should Council see fit. Alternatively, Council could offer environmental or community grants for projects of this type.
To further improve the timeliness and accessibility of the service, it is recommended to remove the requirement to have staff inspect the tank connection. This is particularly given that residents have supplied evidence of connection including photos and certification from their plumber with the application form. Removing this step will speed up the rebate process and allow staff to concentrate on the key environmental, rather than administrative, aspects of the program.
Council’s work in this area is not supported by state or Federal government grants or programs at this stage. It should be noted that Council will become the host of the Parramatta River Catchment Group (“PRCG”) from July 2024, in which Sydney Water is also a partner. The PRCG has a NSW state government-funded stormwater audit officer as part of their team, and although currently focused on auditing WSUD devices, this role could focus in future on residential impact on our waterways and stormwater. In addition, the PRCG is made up of other staff members who will collaborate closely with Inner West staff and residents on river health, stormwater, biodiversity and catchment issues.
There are no additional financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report. The incentive scheme is within the current Ecology budget was not fully subscribed last financial year.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Inclusive Playgrounds Progress Update
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
Prepared By: Michael Craven - Capital Projects Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
4: Healthy, resilient and caring communities |
Council, in partnership with the Touched by Olivia Foundation, identified 5 locations for inclusive playgrounds, one in each council ward within Inner West Council as follows:
Balmain / Baludarri Ward - King George Park.
Leichhardt / Gulgadya Ward - Richard Murden Reserve.
Stanmore / Damun Ward - Camperdown Park.
Marrickville / Midjuburi Ward - Steel Park.
Ashfield / Djrrawunang Ward - Centenary Park.
The planned delivery schedule for the Inclusive Playground Program extends over 5 years, commencing from 2022/23.
The King George Park inclusive playground design has now been completed and the tender process is currently underway with a schedule to complete by Spring 2024.
To reduce the overall duration to deliver the program, the program currently seeks to undertake the construction of the first location, while designing the second location and so on rather than finishing one location over two years and then moving to the next location over two years and so on. The latter approach doubling the required time to deliver the program.
The planned approach also takes into account sustainable resource delivery of the program and considers the overall funding constraints to the capital works program.
As such, there is no opportunity to accelerate the program.
At the Council Meeting held on 10 May 2022, Council resolved the following in part:
3. Commit to establishing an inclusive playground in each ward by:
a) Identifying a planned playground upgrade in each ward that could be appropriately developed as an inclusive play space, including King Georges Park, Rozelle;
b) Working with a reputable third party to better engage children with disability and their families in the codesign of these play spaces, incorporating the co-design principles developed by the Social Strategy Advisory Committee;
c) Allocating $50,000 in the 2022-2023 Budget for consultation, planning and design and $2 million for construction in 2023-2024 Budget;
d) Directing staff to investigate further grant and funding opportunities; and
e) Incorporating this approach into either or both of council’s draft Recreation Study and upcoming draft Playground Strategy, as appropriate.
Following the May resolution, Council partnered with Touched by Olivia who are a charity that drives community connections to create inclusive communities. They assisted in identifying suitable locations for an inclusive playground in each council ward. At the completion of the investigation, Touched by Olivia provided feedback on the potential locations for inclusive playgrounds.
The resulting locations and its brief scope are as follows:
Balmain / Baludarri - King George Park – A full redesign of the playground including a new amenities building nearby. It should be noted that the carpark was upgraded last year with 3 new accessible carparking spaces, and accessible pathways to the playground entry delivered to future proof it for the delivery of the playground.
Leichhardt / Gulgadya - Richard Murden Reserve – This location was viewed as a highly suitable site, with existing on site parking, flat terrain and an existing playground and amenities building that can be redesigned to provide an inclusive space.
Ashfield / Djrrawunang - Centenary Park – The works are planned to involve the redesign of existing playground, path connections, parking and possible additional amenities.
Marrickville / Midjuburi - Steel Park – This location has an existing high quality inclusive playground which was completed in 2019 and incorporates a water play park. The park could be enhanced with an amenities upgrade with adult change facilities and improved path connections.
Stanmore / Damun - Camperdown Park – The works are planned to involve the playground, parking, path connection and amenities improvements. The park was last upgraded in 2018, and the proposed works would enhance on those work for inclusiveness.
The planned delivery schedule to realise the vision for these locations and to form the Inclusive Playground Program (and its budgeted amount in the delivery plan) is as follows:
Year |
Location |
Activity |
Budget |
22-23 |
All King George Park |
Location review Design procurement |
$20,000 |
23-24 |
King George Park Richard Murden Reserve |
Design & construction Design & engagement |
$2,000,000 |
24-25 |
Richard Murden Reserve Cententary Park |
Construction Design |
$2,000,000 |
26-27 |
Cententary Park Camperdown & Steel Park |
Construction Design & engagement |
$2,000,000 |
27-28 |
Camperdown & Steel Park |
Construction |
$2,000,000 |
Total |
$8,020,000 |
At the Council Meeting held on 21 November 2023, Council resolved the following in part:
That with reference to (inclusive playgrounds), in February 2024, Council staff report on the progress of the construction of an inclusive playground in every ward and detail options to accelerate the program of works.
Inclusive Playground Progress Update
In line with the planned delivery schedule for the Inclusive Playground Program, Council commenced the Balmain / Baludarri ward - King George Park Inclusive Playground project in 2023.
The first stage of works, Council engaged a suitably qualified design consultant to develop the concept and detailed design for the King George Park Inclusive Playground. The design staged involved the consultant providing a concept design, stakeholder and community engagement and a detailed design for construction.
Council continued to partner with Touched by Olivia foundation throughout design development.
A robust Community Consultation and Engagement Plan was developed to ensure the community and stakeholders were aware of the upgrade and empowered to have their say in its development. Several communication channels and engagement tactics were selected to ensure effective engagement, particularly with:
- Nearby residents.
- Local schools.
- Council committees and advisors.
- Community organisations (NGOs).
- People with disabilities.
- An Aboriginal cultural advisor.
- The general community; and,
- Other relevant community organisations.
Over a 2 month period, 18 Consultations were undertaken online, on-site, at schools, and phone mediums, reaching over 132 people. These consultations resulted in Design Briefs to guide the type of play experiences and supportive features which should be included in the Concept Plan for King George Park Inclusive Playground.
The most requested play experiences across the various consultation groups included a double flying fox, slides, swings, age/ability inclusive equipment, spinners, cubbies, water play, imagination play, trampolines, an obstacle course, and music play.
The most requested supportive features and inclusive playground elements across the various consultation groups include shade provision, a nearby toilet, seating and picnic tables, accessible surfaces and paths, fencing, signage, nature and planting, parking, colour, and attractive scenery.
The extensive community consultation and engagement implemented during the design stage for the King George Park Inclusive Playground, has greatly assisted to address best practice outcomes for the playground.
A Community Engagement Outcomes Report was prepared following the completion of the stakeholder and community engagement. The purpose of this report is to summarise the consultations and provide strategic direction on how King George Park Inclusive Playground can be developed to provide equitable and inclusive play opportunities to meet the overall community’s needs.
The Concept Plan and detailed design were developed respecting community feedback, wherever possible, taking scope, budget, and environmental constraints into account.
The detailed design which was finalised in January 2024 aimed to address best practice outcomes for inclusive playgrounds including alignment with NSW Everyone Can Play guidelines, the NSW Public Spaces Charter, Safety in design considerations, Relevant compliance and certification requirements, Design quality assurance, Changing Places guidelines and specialist input from Touched by Olivia Foundation. During each stage of the design process, Council officers reviewed the relevant guidelines for inclusive playgrounds with the design consultant and Touched by Olivia Foundation, to ensure the design aligned with the requirements where achievable.
The King George Park inclusive playground design has now been completed and the tender process is currently underway with a schedule to complete by Spring 2024.
It should be noted that the planning and early design considerations of the Richard Murden Reserve inclusive playground has commenced, and a procurement event is currently underway for external design services. The Richard Murden Reserve inclusive playground is currently on track to the planned program.
The remainder of the program is not scheduled to commence at this time.
Review of the Inclusive Playground Program timeline
The 21 November 2023 Council resolution called for consideration to the inclusive playground program and whether it could be accelerated.
The planned delivery schedule for the Inclusive Playground Program extends over 5 years, commencing from 2022/23.
This program includes implementing the robust Community Consultation and Engagement Plan for each location to ensure the community and stakeholders are aware of the upgrade and empowered to have their say in its development.
It should be noted that consultation is undertaken online, on-site, at schools, and phone mediums, reaching a diverse and broad selection of playground users. The engagement/consultation results in Design Briefs to guide the type of play experiences and supportive features which should be included in the Concept Plan for each playground. This takes a greater duration than a standard playground project to undertake.
There are many project phases at each location to realise the inclusive playground vision though at high level these phases include: planning, concept design, engagement, detailed design, procurement and construction. This is a two year exercise at each location to ensure the correct outcome is achieved.
To reduce the overall duration to deliver the program, the program currently seeks to undertake the construction of the first location, while designing the second location and so on rather than finishing one location over two years and then moving to the next location over two years and so on. The latter approach doubling the required time to deliver the program.
The planned approach also takes into account sustainable resource delivery of the program and considers the overall funding constraints to the capital works program.
As such, there is no opportunity to accelerate the program.
King George Park Playground is a complicated site due to its varying site levels which has resulted in a greater number of ramps, footpaths, stairs and retaining walls compared to a standard playground. As such this has resulted in a budget shortfall of $300,000 to realise the full vision of the project and meet community expectations. As such, an additional $300,000 will be allocated within the 2024/25 budget planning process to fully fund the project.
There are no further budget changes proposed to the planned program.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Council Streetscape Services Website Improvements
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
Prepared By: Lachlan Broadbent - Senior Manager Operations
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
Council called on staff to report on ways that the current streetscape service data can be made more accurate and accessible to the public, and on ways Council can expand their streetscape services listed on the website.
In October 2023, the updated Streetscape verge mowing webpage went live to the public with a new display and user-friendly interface tool. The existing service date spreadsheet hyperlink that was downloaded by the user via the website and then manually filtered to find the data for each street has been replaced by a user-friendly display tool. The upgrade enables users to search a particular street to which they are provided with a clear display of the last service date and the next two forecasted service dates as per the current Streetscape service levels.
The supporting data spreadsheets capture relevant service times, public holidays and operational staff rostering of a nine day fortnight to accurately forecast the service dates of the verge mowing program to improve the accuracy of the information.
The street cleaning (including high pressure cleaning) web page will follow in the same manner to provide service date information and forecasting for all streets without grass verge. The proposed completion date for this work is June 2024.
Councils’ website can be further developed to include service information pertaining to: Weed spraying, park mowing, park cleaning schedules and the Civil Works maintenance work schedules. These further improvements are planned for implementation in the 2024-2025 financial year.
At the Council meeting held on 12 September 2023, Council resolved the following:
That Staff report in September with the Customer Experience Strategy in the adoption of new technologies to improve transparency around maintenance schedules so residents can know when and where maintenance is due to occur in their neighbourhood, beginning with an immediate update to the way that mowing and street sweeping schedules are made public.
At the Council meeting held on 25 October 2023, Council resolved the following:
1. That Council ensure verge mowing and street cleaning public data spreadsheets are accurately and frequently updated, with data cleaned and summarised so as to be more easy to read and interpret by the community.
2. That Council investigate ways to improve the accuracy and accessibility of these records for the public and report back on planned and possible improvements on or before February 2024.
3. That Council explore what other data on regularly delivered council services (including weeding, tree and garden bed plantings, number of public bins, street beautification, etc) can be made public on the website in a similar way to verge mowing and street cleaning and report back to Council on or before February 2024.
In response to the resolution, various internal stakeholders were engaged to collaborate on the development of a strategy for improving access to verge mowing and street cleaning schedules on Council’s website and to provide easy, understandable and accurate data to the public for these services.
In October 2023, the updated Streetscape verge mowing webpage went live to the public with a new display and user-friendly interface tool. The existing service date spreadsheet hyperlink that was downloaded by the user via the website and then manually filtered to find the data for each street has been replaced by a user-friendly display tool. The upgrade enables users to search a particular street to which they are provided with a clear display of the last service date and the next two forecasted service dates as per the current Streetscape service levels.
The supporting data spreadsheets capture relevant service times, public holidays and operational staff rostering of a nine day fortnight to accurately forecast the service dates of the verge mowing program to improve the accuracy of the information.
Users can search any street in the Inner West that has grass verges, and they will receive clear data on the service dates for these sites. See example below:
With the successful launch of the verge mowing web page upgrade, the street cleaning (including high pressure cleaning) web page will follow in the same manner to provide service date information and forecasting for all streets without grass verge. The proposed completion date for this work is June 2024.
Council’s website can be further developed to include service information pertaining to: Weed spraying, park mowing, park cleaning schedules and the Civil Works maintenance work schedules. These further improvements are planned for implementation in the 2024-2025 financial year.
These records are an important way to improve transparency around the frequency and quality of Council services offered to inform residents, and provide greater accountability on the equal distribution of resources and services across the local government area.
The cost to develop the verge mowing website upgrades was $7,540 exc .GST.
It is forecasted that the additional services (street cleaning, weed spraying, park mowing, park cleaning schedules and the Civil Works maintenance work schedules) would cost in the order of $25,000 which is planned to be funded from existing operational budgets.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Investment Report at 31 December 2023
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
Prepared By: Chris Sleiman - Acting Chief Financial Officer
Authorised By: Kelly Loveridge - Director Corporate
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
A monthly investment report is provided to Council detailing the investment portfolio in terms of performance, percentage exposure of total portfolio, maturity date and changes in market value. During the month of December 2023:
· Council had a $9.0m six-month term deposit mature at a rate of 5.02% pa.
· Council reinvested the proceeds across six and 12 month green and non-fossil fuel term deposits at an average rate of 5.22% pa.
· Council is preparing for the maturity of further investment in January 2024 and it appears the rates are trending down from the prior month.
Council’s investments are reported monthly to Council in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.
A monthly investment report is provided to Council detailing the investment portfolio in terms of performance, percentage exposure of total portfolio, maturity date and changes in market value.
The intention of investing Council’s funds is to seek the most favourable return available, whilst having due consideration of risk and security for that investment type and ensuring that its liquidity requirements are being maintained; with consideration given to the preservation of capital, liquidity, and the return on investment.
Preservation of capital is the principal objective of the investment portfolio. Investments are placed in a manner that seeks to ensure security and safeguarding the investment portfolio. This includes managing credit and interest rate risk within identified thresholds and parameters.
Council determined to proactively invest in a non-fossil fuel investment portfolio.
Legislative Requirements
All investments are to comply with the following:
§ Local Government Act 1993;
§ Local Government (General) Regulation 2021;
§ Ministerial Investment Order dated 17 February 2011;
§ Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting;
§ Australian Accounting Standards; and
§ Division of Local Government Investment Policy Guidelines May 2010
Council’s Socially Responsible Investments consist of Green Term Deposits from otherwise fossil fuel lending banks, such as CBA and Westpac and also long dated bond issues from a range of institutions and government agencies. These investments provide targeted funding to a wide range of green and socially responsible projects and initiatives. Council also utilises these investments to remain within the credit rating policy guidelines imposed by the NSW TCorp loan covenant requirements.
The Acting Chief Financial Officer Chris Sleiman as the Responsible Accounting Officer has certified that the investments listed in the attached report have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Section 212 of the Local Government General Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.
Council’s investments are held in various investment categories which are listed in the table below. Council’s market value investment portfolio size is $223.4m, lower than the prior month market value of $225.1m. November 2023 investment report by Council was reported at face value. Moving forward Council will report investment portfolio as market value. All Socially Responsible Investments (SRI’s) are investments that comply with the Non-Fossil Fuel standards. Council’s portfolio during the month had a return of 5.09% pa, against the ‘AusBond Bank Bill Index’ Benchmark (4.43% pa) on a marked-to-market basis. For the past 12 months, the portfolio has returned 4.57% pa on a marked-to-market basis.
Financial markets continued their strong rally in December as inflation continues to ease and growing hopes that central banks will move towards an easing cycle (cut official interest rates) in 2024. As interest rates rise/fall the dollar valuations of existing bonds rise/fall in the market. While a bond’s (or Floating Rates Notes) market value may drop below its face value (or par value) during the life of a security, providing Council does not sell the security and the issuer is sound (which all of Council’s holdings are) then the bond’s market value will come back to the face value by the time it matures.
Change in the value of our portfolio
As noted above, during December, Council had a $9.0m deposit mature yielding 5.02%pa. During December, Council reinvested the proceeds as follows:
1. Six month non fossil fuel lending term deposit with Suncorp at a rate of 5.19% pa;
2. 12-month ‘Green’ term deposit with Westpac at a rate of 5.26% pa.
Council’s entire investment portfolio remains invested, with 48% of the portfolio in non-fossil fuel lending Authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), 4% of the portfolio in socially responsible investments and 48% of the portfolio in green investments.
With the assistance of our investment advisor, we are constantly requesting Commonwealth Bank of Australia to open their ‘Green’ investments again. This is due to Council reaching its investment policy limits with Suncorp Bank and Bendigo & Adelaide Bank, leaving Westpac Group the only institution available to invest with.
The attachments to this report summarise all investments held by Council and interest returns for periods ending 31 December 2023.
The Current Market value is required to be accounted for. The Current Market Value is a likely outcome if Council were to consider recalling the investment prior to its due date.
All investments held in the month of July were in accordance with the Local Government Act, Local Government Regulations and the Inner West Council Investment Policy.
External / Internal Restrictions & Working Funds
The chart below shows the average Term Deposit bids available for Council over the next five years.
Domestic issues:
· The RBA at its December meeting kept rates on hold at 4.35% as expected. The RBA Minutes continued in their recent tradition as reading more hawkish than the post-Meeting Statement. This was particularly the case this time around given it was not clear whether the case of a rate hike was genuinely discussed in December. Adding to the hawkish tone in the December Statement was the RBA’s concerns over domestic driven inflation and the need to target the mid-point of the 2-3% inflation band, rather than just the top of the band.
· Australia's unemployment rate increased to 3.9% in November (3.8% in October) despite the creation of more than 60,000 new jobs over the month. This was due to the rise in the participation rate which increased to a record high of 67.2% in November (67.0% in October) largely driven by high net migration which boosted domestic labour supply.
· Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose by a weaker-than-expected +0.2% q/q (+2.1% y/y), signifying a clear further slowing in both domestic final demand and GDP growth, with the ‘highlight’ being flat Household Consumption in the quarter.
· The October goods trade surplus rose to $7.1bn (consensus $7.5bn). Goods exports rose (+0.4% m/m or $0.2bn) driven by ‘metal ores and minerals’ (+2.3% m/m or $0.4bn) and ‘metals’ (+21.6% m/m or $0.3bn).
90 Day Bill Futures
· Bill futures fell across the board this month, following the movement in the global bond market. The market has quickly turned and now focusing more on when the first rate cuts will be delivered in 2024:
Fixed Interest Outlook
· The RBA remains on a mild tightening bias, with the Board commenting that whilst the trend in global inflation has been favourable, it was heavily caveated.
· The RBA are waiting for the Quarter four CPI to determine whether further tightening is required rather than taking a significant signal from recent offshore developments.
· Key data to influence the RBA ahead of its next policy meeting in February will be Quarter four CPI on 31 January 2024.
· Over the month, yields fell by 44bp at the long end of the curve:
· The consensus from the broader market is that we have reached the peak of the interest rate cycle, though there are still a handful that believe the RBA will deliver one more rate hike (likely in Feb 2024).
There are no financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report.
1.⇩ |
Inner West Council Economic and Investment Portfolio Commentary - December 2023 |
2.⇩ |
Inner West Council Investment Report - December 2023 |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Investment Report at 31 January 2024
Prepared By: Chris Sleiman - Acting Chief Financial Officer
Authorised By: Kelly Loveridge - Director Corporate
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
A monthly investment report is provided to Council detailing the investment portfolio in terms of performance, percentage exposure of total portfolio, maturity date and changes in market value. During the month of January 2024:
· Council invested in a $10m six month green term deposits at a rate of 5.08% pa.
· Council is preparing for the maturity of further investments in March 2024 and it appears the rates are trending down from the prior month.
· Council’s entire investment portfolio remains invested, with 46% of the portfolio in non-fossil fuel lending Authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), 4% of the portfolio in socially responsible investments and 50% of the portfolio in green investments.
Council’s investments are reported monthly to Council in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.
A monthly investment report is provided to Council detailing the investment portfolio in terms of performance, percentage exposure of total portfolio, maturity date and changes in market value.
The intention of investing Council’s funds is to seek the most favourable return available, whilst having due consideration of risk and security for that investment type and ensuring that its liquidity requirements are being maintained; with consideration given to the preservation of capital, liquidity, and the return on investment.
Preservation of capital is the principal objective of the investment portfolio. Investments are placed in a manner that seeks to ensure security and safeguarding the investment portfolio. This includes managing credit and interest rate risk within identified thresholds and parameters.
Council determined to proactively invest in a non-fossil fuel investment portfolio.
Legislative Requirements
All investments are to comply with the following:
§ Local Government Act 1993;
§ Local Government (General) Regulation 2021;
§ Ministerial Investment Order dated 17 February 2011;
§ Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting;
§ Australian Accounting Standards; and
§ Division of Local Government Investment Policy Guidelines May 2010
Council’s Socially Responsible Investments consist of Green Term Deposits from otherwise fossil fuel lending banks, such as CBA and Westpac and also long dated bond issues from a range of institutions and government agencies. These investments provide targeted funding to a wide range of green and socially responsible projects and initiatives. Council also utilises these investments to remain within the credit rating policy guidelines imposed by the NSW TCorp loan covenant requirements.
The Acting Chief Financial Officer Chris Sleiman as the Responsible Accounting Officer has certified that the investments listed in the attached report have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Section 212 of the Local Government General Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.
Council’s investments are held in various investment categories which are listed in the table below. Council’s market value investment portfolio size is $233.5m, $10.1m higher than the prior month market value of $223.4m. All Socially Responsible Investments (SRI’s) are investments that comply with the Non-Fossil Fuel standards. Council’s portfolio during the month had a return of 5.11% pa, against the ‘AusBond Bank Bill Index’ Benchmark (4.44% pa) on a marked-to-market basis. For the past 12 months, the portfolio has returned 4.65% pa on a marked-to-market basis.
Financial markets continued their rally in January 2024 following the shift by central banks indicating that inflationary pressures globally have receded more quickly than they had expected. The market is now clearly focused on the timing of the first interest rate cuts in 2024. As interest rates rise/fall the dollar valuations of existing bonds rise/fall in the market. While a bond’s (or Floating Rates Notes) market value may drop below its face value (or par value) during the life of a security, providing Council does not sell the security and the issuer is sound (which all of Council’s holdings are) then the bond’s market value will come back to the face value by the time it matures.
Change in the value of our portfolio
As noted above, during January 2024, Council invested in a $10.0m six month ‘Green’ term deposit with Westpac at a rate of 5.08% pa.
Council’s entire investment portfolio remains invested, with 46% of the portfolio in non-fossil fuel lending Authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), 4% of the portfolio in socially responsible investments and 50% of the portfolio in green investments.
With the assistance of our investment advisor, we are constantly requesting Commonwealth Bank of Australia to open their ‘Green’ investments again. This is due to Council reaching its investment policy limits with Suncorp Bank and Bendigo & Adelaide Bank, leaving Westpac Group the only institution available to invest with.
The attachments to this report summarise all investments held by Council and interest returns for periods ending 31 January 2024.
The Current Market value is required to be accounted for. The Current Market Value is a likely outcome if Council were to consider recalling the investment prior to its due date.
All investments held in the month of July were in accordance with the Local Government Act, Local Government Regulations and the Inner West Council Investment Policy.
The External, Internal and Working Funds table below reflects the amount of total cash, bank and investments as at 31 January 2024.
External / Internal Restrictions & Working Funds
The chart below shows the average Term Deposit bids available for Council over the next five years.
Over January 2024, major bank deposit rates were lower across the board compared to the previous month (December 2023). Major bank deposit rates dropped by as much as 12 basis points (bp) across the shorter-tenors (3-12 months) and by around 15-20bp across the longer-tenors (2-5 years). Major bank deposit rates are approximately 20-40bp lower than what they were 6 months ago (July 2023).
Domestic issues:
· The consumer price index (CPI) rose +0.6% during quarter four of 2023, resulting in an annual increase of +4.1%. Inflation has fallen to its lowest level in two years, dampening the chances of a further interest rate rise. The monthly measure of inflation also showed price pressures easing even further. This measure dropped to +3.4% in December from +4.3% in November. The measure of underlying inflation eased to +4.0% from +4.6%.
· Employment fell a sharp -65,100 in December 2023, following the upwardly revised +72,600 surge in November and October’s +44,200. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.9%. Since October 2022, the unemployment rate has risen by 0.47%, highlighting that whilst the labour market remains tight, the degree of tightness in the labour market is easing.
· Retail sales rose +2.0% m/m in November 2023 (consensus +1.2%). That reflects the shift towards increased spending at Black Friday Sales rather than a trend acceleration in what remains sluggish consumer spending growth. Consumers delayed spending from October (when retail sales fell -0.4% m/m) to November and likely also pulled forward more spending from December.
· The November 2023 goods trade surplus rose to $11.4bn (consensus $7.3bn), from an upwardly revised $7.7bn. The large surprise was driven by a fall back in imports (-7.9% m/m or -$2.99bn).
90 Day Bill Futures
· Bill futures marginally rose at the long-end of the curve, following the movement in the global bond market. The focus from the market remains on when the first rate cut will be delivered:
Fixed Interest Outlook
· The RBA remains on a mild tightening bias, with the Board commenting that whilst the trend in global inflation has been favourable, it was heavily caveated, consistent with them waiting for the quarter four CPI (on 31st January 2024).
· Inflation did print lower than expected, so this may allow the RBA to remove its mild tightening bias for its meeting on the 6th February 2024.
· Over the month, yields rose by 5bp at the long end of the curve:
· The consensus from the broader market is that we have reached the peak of the interest rate cycle. Financial markets have pushed forward their rate cut expectations, with the first rate cut fully priced in by July 2024 following the lower than anticipated inflation number.
There are no financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report.
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Inner West Council Economic and Investment Portfolio Commentary - January 2024 |
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Inner West Council Investment Report - January 2024 |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: FOGO Monthly Report
Prepared By: Helen Bradley - Manager Resource Recovery Planning
Authorised By: Peter Gainsford - General Manager
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
1: An ecologically sustainable Inner West |
This report provides the monthly council update on FOGO.
Council commenced the FOGO food recycling service on 9 October 2023 and as of the 22 February had collected over 7,086 Tonnes of FOGO in the first 20 weeks of the service.
The tonnages collected for the Month of January was 1,862 and February (to 25th) 1,201 which is greater than our modelling suggested of approximately 1122 tonnes per month if we recovered half of the available food from the garbage bin.
Garbage tonnage has reduced by 3,186 tonnes compared to the same period 12 months ago (October to January).
Inner West Council picks up approximately 178,000 bins per week across all waste streams and dwelling types. The implementation has required a realignment of our waste calendar to better align the new service, including the accommodation of the multi-unit dwellings being serviced weekly with garbage and FOO (food only) through the entire area. This requires adjustment for not only our waste collection staff and contractors but also residents.
Industry standard for missed bins is 0.5% of total services which would equate to approximately 890 missed for the Inner West each week. For the weekend ending 23 February Council has 443 missed services reported. Service data indicates that about 50% of these are not actual missed services, but residents reporting a missed service in the off week for garbage.
The number of weekly waste phone calls and customer requests are gradually reducing, and we are averaging about 216 calls per day in the week ending 23 February 2024 from a peak of 800 per day in October 2023 to approximately 300 calls per day prior to Christmas (all waste enquiries and requests, not limited to FOGO). 65 of these calls were FOGO related, averaging 13 per day.
Council has been promoting access to the online waste calendar as the single source of truth for residents confirming their bin collection details, with the waste calendar pages receiving more than 344,275 views (3 October 2023 to 26 February 2024). This is now reflected in the number of residents presenting their red or yellow bin on the wrong week for collection which was reduced to around 5% of households. This is being addressed through education to households via the collection crews and waste busters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Other than missed bins which were discussed above, most requests are about;
1. Upsizing Red Lid Garbage bins
2. Booked Overflow Red Lid Garbage Bin collection
3. Supply of starter kits and liners
4. Community Education via waste busters
1. Upsizing Red Lid Garbage Bins.
To help assist residents who are struggling with a fortnightly collection of the 120-litre red lidded bin, Council is offered a 240-litre bin. Council has delivered 3,774 upsized 240-litre red lidded Garbage bins since FOGO commenced.
2. Booked Overflow Red Lid Garbage Bin Collection
Optimo, Council’s current booking system for clean-up bookings, has been active since 9 October 2023 to support residents that would like to book the alternate week collection. Council clean-up and extra red-lid bin collection - Inner West Council (nsw.gov.au)
The booked system gives residents opportunity to adapt waste sorting behaviour before committing to an upsizing of bin. 1,200 bookings are available on each collection day and bookings are steady at an average of 78 per day during the month of February, equating to approximately 780 households using the service per fortnight.
The booked extra red lid bin collections provide insight into households with weekly garbage needs with a small number of households regularly using the service. Of 6,600 total bookings since 9 October 2023;
· 450 households have booked the service 5 to 10 times
· 220 households have booked the service 3 to 4 times
Rebate for Reusable Nappies
$30,000 was allocated by council resolution for the nappy and sanitary rebate which opened on 9 October to enable households to try subsidised reusable nappies or sanitary products and reduce the amount of garbage in their red lid bin. Residents buy the items of their choice and submit their simple application and their receipt to qualify for the rebate (up to $150 for reusable nappies and $100 for sanitary products).
Inner West Council's Rebately | Reusable Cloth Nappies
On 26 February 2024, three hundred and forty-eight rebates had been claimed ($21,063 of $30,000 available);
· Reusable cloth nappies – 89 claims to the value of $7,474
· Reusable sanitary products – 258 claims to the value of $13,489
· Reusable incontinence underwear – 1 claim to the value of $99.87
FOGO Community Champions
Adventure Kids Entertainment have undertaken FOGO performances across the Inner West Primary schools and have booked in schools, Inner West Early Learning Centres, and libraries through to March 2024. Feedback has been positive with children loving the interactive approach and FOGO songs. Upcoming events are detailed below if Councillors wish to attend, please notify Helen Bradley who will inform the school and Adventure Kid's Entertainment on your behalf. There are seven (7) remaining shows still to be delivered to primary schools and libraries.
· Yeo Park Public School – Tuesday 12 March 2024 from 2:30pm to 3:20pm
Compostable liner supply and delivery
Council currently offers collection of compostable liners (bags) at Inner West Customer Service Centres and libraries.
An initial pack of 40 compostable liners was provided to FOGO households as part of the starter kit. Based on usage of 3 liners per week this is a 13 week/3-month supply to end December 2023.
All single dwellings (approximately 50,000 houses) were delivered a roll of 75 compostable bags in December 2023. Based on usage of 3 liners per week this is a 25 week/6-month supply to May 2024.
Randwick Council currently offers 6 monthly delivery of bags and encourages residents to buy their own, use paper or go bag free in the interim Order new FOGO caddy liners - Randwick City Council (nsw.gov.au)
Penrith offers quarterly delivery (opt-in) and promotes pick up from council offices and libraries. FOGO FAQ - Penrith City Council (nsw.gov.au)
The Delivery of a roll for each household is estimated to cost $450,000. Council will undertake another compostable bag delivery in April - May 2023 and reconsider future options for the supply in 2024/25 financial year.
The costs for the delivery of composable liners will from the existing domestic waste budgets with any shortfall funded from the Domestic Waste Reserve
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: FOGO Opt in weekly Red Bin Service
Prepared By: Helen Bradley - Manager Resource Recovery Planning
Authorised By: Peter Gainsford - General Manager
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
1: An ecologically sustainable Inner West |
At the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 20 February 2024, Council resolved the following:
1. That Council note that the new food recycling service has resulted in 5900 tonnes of organic material being converted to compost, instead of being dumped at landfill, which has resulted in a reduction of approximately 12,358 tonnes of carbon (Co2) emissions.
2. That Council provide a new opt-in weekly red bin collection service for households that wish to access it. This service is to be provided on the following terms:
a) households are able to register for the service once and then receive the collection on an ongoing basis;
b) no fee is to be charged for the service for a period of 2 years with the necessity of the service to be reviewed in 2026; and
c) commencement of the new service is to be as soon as possible.
3. That Council authorise funding for the service to be drawn from Council’s waste reserve, with authority delegated to the General Manager to enter into any necessary contract with an external provider, to ensure expedited commencement of the service.
4. That Council receive a report to the March 2024 Ordinary meeting on the commencement of the opt-in weekly red bin service and the outcome of any procurement process.
5. That the 12-month implementation review of the FOGO service resolved by Council at its November 2023 meeting include an evaluation of the opt-in weekly bin service, including its level of uptake, its cost and any issues encountered.
As of the 22 February had collected over 7,086 Tonnes of FOGO in the first 20 weeks of the service and garbage tonnage has reduced by 3,186 tonnes compared to the same period 12 months ago (October to January).
Most residents adapted well to the new service and are encouraged to continue with their commitment. The latest service offering is intended to support those that are yet to make the transition.
The weekly opt-in service will be offered as the next line of a hierarchy of choices for residents that are struggling to make the transition.
This hierarchy starts with the following options:
1. Booked Extra Red Lid Garbage Bin Collection.
The booked system gives residents the opportunity to adapt waste sorting behaviour before committing to an upsized bin. 1,200 bookings are available on each collection day. Current bookings for collection in the off week are consistently averaging around 78 bookings per day during the month of February, equating to approximately 780 households using the service per . fortnight.
The booked extra red lid garbage bin collections provide insight into households with a need for weekly garbage collection. Of 6,600 total bookings since 9 October 2023;
· 18 households have booked the service 11-20 times
· 249 households have booked the service 5 to 10 times
· 479 households have booked the service 3 to 4 times
· 658 households have booked the service twice
· 1,933 households have booked only one extra collection.
This indicates that a number of these regular bookings will transition from the booked overflow service to the opt in weekly.
2. Upsizing Red Lid Garbage Bins.
To support residents struggling with a fortnightly collection of the 120-litre red lidded bin, Council can provide a 240-litre bin. Council has delivered 3,774 upsized 240-litre red lid Garbage bins since FOGO commenced.
3. Weekly red lid garbage bin requests
is proposed that residents call the Council's general phone number and
the first option on phone queue, is to select the option for a weekly
collection on their same collection day on their off week. Residents will
be encouraged to have a booked in collection or an upsized bin as part of the
the conversation but won't be prevented from registering.
Registration process
As of the 29 February, 190 requests have been received from residents requesting to be waitlisted for the opt in weekly red lid garbage bin collections. Once the registration process has been established these residents will be invited to register.
Council call centre staff will collect the following information (mandatory fields) and fill in the online form linked to TechOne for property and rating.
1. Name
2. Address (linked to Property and Rating)
3. Bin location (front, rear or side)
4. Pin location of collection point on map
5. Are you the property owner Y/N
6. Email (future contact will be via email, this should be stated to the resident)
6. Phone number
7. Number of people living in the house
8. Do you have pets (Y/N)
9. Have you upsized to your larger 240L red lid bin since November 2023 Y/N
10. Reasons for weekly (select all that apply):
· Medical (including incontinence pads)
· Nappies (Number of children in nappies)
· Large families (#?)
· Pet waste (Kitty litter, dog poo)
· Other (free text but key words e.g. smell)
Residents will have to agree to be contacted by our waste busters for future education and made aware this service is at no additional charge until the Council introduces a user-pays domestic waste charges which at the present time is 2 years.
An automated email will be sent to anyone that is registered.
To streamline the introduction of the weekly opt-in collection service, it is proposed for the first month to prioritise those with greatest need such as medical, nappies and large families. It is recommended those that do not have nappies or a medical issue, and already have a larger bin, are not included in the initial part of the weekly opt-in roll out. . Non-urgent registrations will be contacted and kept informed of progress including their expected commencement date.
Registration will occur via the call centre and it is proposed to provide an additional six staff for a period of up to three months to take calls and this can be reduced depending on the demand. It is estimated that this will cost up to $28,000 per month.
Collection Service
Initial collection will be undertaken by Council’s day labour staff and spare plant that is available. If opt in numbers exceed 5000 for the fortnight, contractors may need to be engaged to assist with the collection, however a range of options are currently being investigated by staff. To safeguard against any service limitations if opt in numbers are beyond Council's capacity to deliver, a Request for Tender is being advertised with appointment from as early as April if required.
The registration process is planned to commence on 18 March with the weekly opt in service collection starting from 25 March. In the interim residents are encouraged to book an extra Red Lid Garbage Bin Collection.
Future analysis of service options
The performance of the service including take up, ongoing costs and tonnages for garbage and FOGO will be included in ongoing monthly FOGO reports to Council in case any adjustments are required.
Council staff will undertake the following analysis which will inform any future policy changes.
· Review the performance of the FOGO service through garbage and FOGO tonnages and undertaking kerbside audits to determine the % of food removed from the red lid garbage bin now and in six months' time. Note Inner West undertook kerbside bin audits in July 2023 (pre-FOGO) for comparison.
· Review customer satisfaction – using council data around complaints, social media and results of council’s next customer satisfaction survey.
Since Council harmonised its' Domestic Waste Charges in July 2021 it has been drawing down from the Domestic Waste Reserve and providing cheaper domestic waste charges for residents. The implementation of the Opt in weekly service further draws down on the Domestic Waste Reserve and is estimated to total $12.5 million at end of the 24/25 financial year.
The cost of additional call centre staff is estimated to total $84,000.It is estimated that if 15 per cent of households take up this new, opt-in service, the cost would be approximately $1 million per annum.
The ongoing costs of the additional service offering will be reported to Council as part of the FOGO monthly report.
Item No: C0324(1) Item 17
Subject: RECYCLING OF Soft Plastics and Polystyrene
Prepared By: Helen Bradley - Manager Resource Recovery Planning
Authorised By: Simone Plummer - Director Planning
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
1: An ecologically sustainable Inner West |
The following objectives from Council’s Zero Waste Strategy are also relevant:
1. Supporting people to avoid waste, and reuse, repair, recycle and share
2. Providing local reuse and recycling infrastructure
Despite the collapse of the REDcycle recycling scheme, Inner West residents have remained committed to reducing their waste to landfill, although packaging remains a difficult to avoid problem waste for many people. In particular, soft plastic which is mostly derived from supermarket shopping, and polystyrene, which mainly arrives at Inner West homes through internet commerce are two major streams of recyclable waste that remain in our red-lid bins.
This report draws both on the experience of other councils and sets out what is happening in the recycling landscape to offer options for our residents to deal with soft plastics and polystyrene packaging in the future.
Council’s Resource Recovery team is currently undertaking a tender for kerbside collection and drop-off points for problem recycling items, including soft plastics and polystyrene through existing service centers and community recycling centers which will help to resolve this issue in the intermediate term.
At the Council meeting held on 16 October 2023, Council resolved the following:
1. That Council notes the recent decision by the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments to introduce mandatory packaging design standards for recycled content.
2. That Council write to Woolworths, Coles, Aldi and local independent supermarkets advocating for:
a) the return of soft plastics recycling services in inner west supermarkets;
b) the reduction of plastics in packaging and implementation of product stewardship measures; and
c) the trial of compostable barrier bags in supermarkets across the Inner West as we roll out FOGO-food recycling.
3. That Council investigate options to enable soft plastics to be recycled through the yellow-lid recycling bin, as is the case in some other local government areas, and to report back to Council in March 2024.
4. That subject to securing a suitable location, Council investigate and seek funding from the Environmental Protection Agency for polystyrene recycling plant and equipment and report back to Council in March 2024.
Inner West Council wrote to the major supermarkets in October 2023 requesting the return of soft plastics collection in accordance with Item (2) above. No responses have been received at the time of writing this report.
Soft Plastics in Inner West Red-Lid Bins
Kerbside audits undertaken for Inner West in July 2023, identified that soft plastics constituted 5.3% of the average 11.3kg red lid garbage bin by weight. This equates to 600g of soft plastics per household per week, or 31.2kg per year.
Soft Plastics Product Stewardship Scheme
REDcycle ran an in-store soft plastics collection at major supermarkets until November 2022, when the service was “suspended” for a number of reasons, including a rapid increase in demand for soft plastic recycling outpacing capacity for processing and the market demand for recycled materials. This resulted in stockpiling, which was not revealed to the public until deemed unsafe by the EPA (the material is flammable and can become unsafe to store).
After the collapse of REDcycle, the ACCC set up a Soft Plastics Taskforce consisting of the three major supermarkets – Coles, Woolworths and Aldi chaired by federal Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The aim of the Taskforce was to manage the stockpiled material and to launch a new supermarket-led soft plastic collection scheme.
The collection of soft plastics was reinstated in 12 Melbourne supermarkets in February 2024 as a pilot (five Coles, five Woolworths and two ALDI) using two local soft plastics recyclers – Close the Loop and CRDC global. The Soft Plastics Taskforce will monitor the results of the trial, and local recycling capacity (with facilities coming online in the next 12-18 months), to expand in-store soft plastic collections around Australia.
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a popular choice for various consumer packaging applications due to its light weight, low cost, durability, shock absorbency and thermal efficiency. EPS packaging includes:
· Loose fill packaging
· Food and beverage containers
· Moulded packaging for small to large electrical items such as fridges and televisions
· Construction for thermal insulation and as filler material for civil works.
It is expanded plastic comprising 98% air, so high volume, but low weight making it a problem waste. EPS is one of the most common materials found in illegal dumped rubbish and has become prevalent since the increase in “home shopping”/ e-commerce experienced during covid. It breaks easily, resulting in small particles entering the environment contaminating our soil and waterways. Like all plastics, EPS has an extremely long lifecycle and degrades into micro and nano plastics that persist in the environment for generations.
EPS Recycling is a proven and reliable technology. It is a good material to recycle as it is generally a clean material with low contaminants. The process involves compacting or melting EPS before it is taken to a plant (generally overseas) to be transformed into polystyrene pellets, which are then used to manufacture products including picture frames and decorative moulding.
Current Alternative Collection Service: RecycleSmart
Inner West residents have been able to book soft plastics and polystyrene collections through Inner Wests RecycleSmart service, however the level of service funded by Council has not been able to cope with demand created by the absence of soft Plastic recycling in supermarkets, resulting in up to 6 month waits between collections. Residents can opt to pay RecycleSmart for additional collections between the council funded pick-ups. Inner West has 3,774 active users registered for RecycleSmart collections.
Relevantly, of items collected by RecycleSmart:
· 55.8% of materials collected have been soft plastics
· Polystyrene is classified as ‘misfits’ (15%), accounting for 733 bags of those picked-up over the past 11 months.
Soft Plastics
Council’s current recycling contractor will not accept plastic bags placed in the (yellow-lid) recycling bin. An SSROC regional recycling tender is underway and soft plastics may be an option in future Inner West recycling contracts. Until then a drop off service or separate collection is the most suitable option for Inner West. Both these options are an expansion of the service currently offered by RecycleSmart and are currently being explored via a tender process and will be the subject of a future report.
Alternatives being trialled in other local government areas include Curby, a collection service for soft plastics in Mosman, Central Coast, City of Newcastle and Tamworth Regional Councils. Soft plastics are placed in highly recognisable bags provided by Curby, put in the yellow lid bin, then separated out at participating Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs). The bags are then sent to a processer for recycling.
Drop-off soft plastics recycling schemes are also in place at Randwick City Council and Hornsby Shire Council via Plasmar, which recycles soft plastics into items such as fence posts and bollards. Hornsby’s soft plastics collections doubled within two months of the collapse of the REDcycle program, requiring them to implement restrictions such as number of bags permitted and proof of residence at their drop-off.
The results of these trials will be shared with Inner West staff through both SSROC and Waste Networks.
National Plastic Recycling Scheme
The National Plastics Recycling Scheme (NPRS) is Australia’s long-term solution to divert soft plastics from landfill on a large scale.
The NPRS proposes to utilise the existing yellow lid bin kerbside collection, and permit residents to include bagged soft plastics in this bin. Bags of soft plastics will then be extracted at MRFs, processed, converted back to oil and made into food-grade plastic pellets that can be made back into consumer packaging.
The NPRS has undertaken trials in six councils in Victoria, NSW and South Australia. Councils included:
· Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Victoria
· Albury and Wodonga councils, NSW & Victoria
· City of Adelaide, SA
· City of Charles Sturt, SA
· City of Port Adelaide Enfield, SA
The trials took place between November 2022 and March 2023. The NPRS is interested in partnering with other councils on further trials and supermarket collection, once they have finalised their analysis of the data from the earlier trials. Further trials are at least 12 months away.
The trials will help design the model for kerbside collection and sorting, one that provides a clean stream of used soft plastics that can be scaled up for an emerging advanced recycling industry. The recommencement of in-store collection at supermarkets will form a transitional solution and will be the first step in the NPRS. No dates have been provided as yet for the commencement of the National Plastics Recycling Scheme.
Councils across NSW including metropolitan areas have Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) recycling services employing a variety of service models that include different methods of collection and processing:
Collection methods:
1. Regular drop-off events
2. Weekend Community Recycling Centre (CRC) drop-offs
3. Collection of bulka bags from large multi-unit dwellings
Processing methods:
1. On-site processing using a machine
2. Mobile processing with a machine that operates at the point of collection
3. Collection of unprocessed EPS in bags to be processed off-site
Eligible EPA Grants
Council may be eligible for funding under Local Government Waste Solutions Grants for EPS equipment. Future rounds of grant funding open in September 2024. However the cost of EPS equipment is significant, and grant funding does not substantially address the cost - other options are detailed below.
EPS volumes and Options for Recycling
Based on experience of other NSW councils, and Inner West audits, IWC is expected to generate 3,168 kilograms per week of recyclable EPS.
One option available to Council is the lease of a densifier (“extruder”). For example, one supplier that staff have spoken with offer an EPS densifier machine that enables the on-site crushing and extruding of EPS. Their service package includes installation, maintenance, training, and buy-back scheme.
This same company offers an option to purchase back 100% of all processed products with a rebate estimated up to $30,000 per year. This rebate amount is subject to volume and quality of the collected EPS. Quality is highly influenced by the performance of Council processing staff who manually sort A grade (clean, white) from B grade (light contamination) EPS. Volume is influenced by community education about the new service.
An EPS densifier/extruder is extremely noisey and needs to be located appropriately given this unavoidable amenity impact.
Alternatively, another supplier in the market offers a mobile EPS processing service, where EPS is collected in bags then processed on-site using an EPS densifier machine housed within a self-powered truck. This approach reduces the high transport costs and emissions associated with traditional EPS bag collection services that process the EPS off site and the long-term commitment of construction or housing significant plant.
If appropriate storage for the bulk bags is secured at Council’s depots, a drop off service could be offered at Community Recycling Centres. Using this style of EPS processing service enables the Council to accurately track actual EPS volumes and evaluate the service model with residents. It will reduce risk associated with investing in equipment, ongoing maintenance and resources in implementation and operation.
APCO Phase Out of EPS
The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) has initiated a phase out of business-to-consumer EPS. This phase-out targets EPS loose-fill packaging and consumer food and beverage and moulded consumer packaging for small to medium white and brown goods to be phased out by December 2025. The implementation of this phase-out could impact the long-term volumes of EPS collected from the community. This factor should be considered when assessing the costs and benefits associated with large recycling plant and equipment investment.
Restrictions for Businesses and non-IWC Residents
Other local government experience shows that the collection of soft plastics from non residents became a significant management issue. Strategies will need to be implemented to limit the collection of material from businesses and residents not residing in the IWC local government area.
The current kerbside collection recycling program is included as part of the 2023/24 budget. Any expansion of the recycling program will require additional costs dependant on the number of users that apply for the service. As a result, an amendment to the budget maybe required and can be considered in the development of the 2024/25 budget and long term financial plan.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Update on Rozelle Interchange and Rozelle Parklands
Prepared By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport |
This report provides a status update on the Rozelle Interchange and Rozelle Parklands remediation.
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) have provided some journey time data to assist Council and the community to understand the current traffic conditions and impact of mitigation measures. However, further data is required to allow for a comparative analysis to be undertaken.
It is also noted that a Parliamentary Inquiry has been announced into the “Impact of the Rozelle Interchange”. This inquiry was established on 7 February 2024 to inquire into and report on the impact of the Rozelle Interchange.
The EPA issued clean up directions to TfNSW in January 2024 that all contaminated mulch be removed from the Rozelle Parkland before being transported from the site. It is understood that up to 30 workers are on site at a time to hand remove the mulch. The Environmental Protection Agency has ordered that this work be completed by 29 February 2024. Following the removal works, new mulch and other landscaping works are required and the Parklands was to be entirely reopened by April 2024.
It is understood that the removal work is approximately 30% completed and the timeframe for removal is unlikely to be achieved. As such the reopening schedule for the Parklands is in doubt.
As such, Council on 23 February 2024 served the JV a notice of intention to issue a clean up notice.
Council has advocated since the discovery of asbestos that TfNSW immediately and expeditiously remediate the Parklands for the safety and wellbeing of the Inner West community. Council is concerned that the works are not progressing to expectations and is taking action.
At the Council meeting held on Tuesday, 13 February 2024, Council considered a Mayoral Minute on Rozelle Interchange and Rozelle Parklands and resolved:
1. That Council restate its demands for:
a) Transport for NSW and Transurban to immediately commence daily publication of traffic data and travel times at the Rozelle Interchange and adjoining roads;
b) clear large-scale signage directing commuters coming off the Iron Cove Bridge to the free tunnel connecting to the Anzac Bridge; and
c) funding that was left out of the budget by the previous government for public domain and safety improvements to be made available.
2. That Council write to Transport for NSW, John Holland and CPB demanding that the remediation and reopening of Rozelle Parklands be expedited.
3. That Council request a briefing from the Environmental Protection Authority about the investigation into asbestos contamination at Rozelle Parklands and nearby areas, including advice about how the remediation will be certified and what action will be taken against any parties found to be culpable for the contamination.
4. That Council receive a report to the March Ordinary Meeting about the status of the above matters.
Travel time data
Council Officers have been in contact with TfNSW requesting that they supply Council with the traffic data and travel times at the Rozelle Interchange and adjoining roads. The data was requested for Victoria Road, City West Link, Johnston Street, Darling Street and Robert Street and it was requested that this include:
· Journey times
· Delays
· Average speeds
· Volumes
The release of this travel time data would give Council evidence for which mitigations are working around the Rozelle Interchange and also provide the community with information to plan their commute. Data would need to include information from before the opening of the Rozelle interchange, the first week of the opening of the Rozelle interchange and from February and March to undertake a thorough analysis.
· Victoria Road (Gladesville Bridge to Anzac Bridge);
o Shortest time - 16 minutes
o Longest time - 55 minutes
· City West Link – Ramsay St (Haberfield) to Anzac Bridge
o Shortest time - 12 minutes
o Longest time - 18 minutes
It should be noted that only data
on the most recent week is available on the TfNSW website and historic data is
not available. Council is in discussion with TfNSW regarding access to historic
data to permit comparative analysis of journey times before and after the
opening of Rozelle Interchange and allow the community to have transparency to
the traffic impact following opening of the interchange.
Based on on-site observations, the longer journey times continue to be greater than prior to the opening of the interchange, however they are a significant improvement on the times experienced in Mid-December 2024.
It can be anticipated that traffic will continue to build through February following improved traffic conditions through the Christmas holiday period and is expected to peak in March. As such, TfNSW have advised that they will actively monitor traffic from February onwards.
Community Engagement
Additionally, it should be noted that Council has continued to undertake community engagement on the Rozelle Interchange. Key issues identified by the community include:
· Congestion causing delays in access to and from Balmain Peninsula, causing stress anxiety and disruption to work and other essential activities;
· Congestion and delays causing significant disruption to public transport buses;
· Congestion and delays that have potential to significantly impact on the efficient operation of emergency services;
· The traffic situation has increased frustration for drivers which has potential to result in safety hazards for all road users;
· Work to improve flows on Victoria Road have increased congestion on Johnston Street and the Crescent in Annandale.
The community have also made a number of suggestions, including;
· Optimise lane merging lengths to provide relief at choke points on the interchange and associated routes. Residents stated that the merging of many lanes of traffic into only two lanes is creating an unsafe driving environment;
· Incentivise use of Iron Cove Link tunnel;
· Implement legible and safe separate bike lanes across Victoria Road and connecting areas;
· Reconfigure road layouts and lane allocations to better accommodate inbound and outbound traffic;
· Improve signage, information and messaging;
· Modify lane allocation during peak hours (introduce tidal flow arrangements) potentially reallocating lanes to reduce congestion at specific intersections;
· Relocate the displaced bus lane on Victoria Road to the left/kerbside to free up other lanes.
This information was issued to TfNSW in December and they have since implemented a series of lane & signage changes during the Christmas break on approaches to the Rozelle Interchange. They have also increased and improved their public messaging and continue to monitor the situation.
Council’s YourSay Inner West page remains open for community comment.
Council officers continue to monitor conditions on-site and raise concerns identified by the community and staff with TfNSW directly. Council staff have advocated for:
· Review of current lane configurations, particularly noting the need to provide access out of Balmain Peninsula at Wellington, Darling, Evans and Robert Streets;
· The need to encourage more cars to use the Iron Cove Link tunnel rather than Victoria Road;
· Merge lengths should be increased wherever possible;
· The off-set bus lane should be moved back to the kerbside lane;
· Signage and messaging should be simplified and improved, including advertising campaigns to discourage people from using Victoria Road;
· Tidal flow arrangements should be considered during peak periods;
· Better active and public transport should be provided to encourage people to stop driving;
· Glebe Island Bridge should be reinstated to provide active transport access to Pyrmont and the City;
· The capacity and frequency of ferry services to the peninsula should be Increased;
· Better bus priority measures should be provided on Victoria Road, Darling Street and Robert Street, to ensure the buses run on time; and
· Work on the approach roads should be expedited so that they are completed immediately.
Additionally, it was requested that Transport for NSW fund the Local Area Improvement Schemes, that Council prepared in 2017, to ensure that local streets are protected from rat runs associated with WestConnex. Transport for NSW were also called upon to fund Council's plans to capture spare capacity on Victoria Road, to encourage through traffic into the Iron Cove Link.
Parliamentary Inquiry
A Parliamentary Inquiry has been announced into the “Impact of the Rozelle Interchange”. This inquiry was established on 7 February 2024 to inquire into and report on the impact of the Rozelle Interchange. The committee report is due by 20 June 2024
The terms of reference indicate the inquiry will include consideration of:
a. the planning, design and development of the Rozelle Interchange project and its impact on traffic flow, including the prioritisation of traffic from toll roads including WestConnex over local traffic
b. all traffic modelling that was undertaken, including for WestConnex, all surrounding arterial roads and all local roads
c. design decisions that restricted or compromised traffic flows, including any changes from the original plans or modelling
d. the planning, design and development of the Rozelle Interchange project and its impact on the efficient and on-time running of buses, ferries and all other public transport
e. the communication and consultation processes undertaken by Transport for NSW and other relevant stakeholders throughout the lifespan of the Rozelle Interchange Project
f. the social, environmental and economic impacts of the Rozelle Interchange project on impacted communities (g) the impact on foot traffic and active transport options, including due to the closure of Rozelle Parklands
g. the cause of asbestos detected in the Rozelle Parklands and the adequacy and appropriateness of the responses by government agencies and contractors to reports of asbestos in and near the Parklands
h. solutions to ease the congestion and gridlock that the opening of the Rozelle Interchange has created, including the impact of the Western Harbour Tunnel after opening
i. the adequacy of Transport for NSW planning, resource allocation and public communication in the period leading to and directly after the opening of the Rozelle Interchange
j. the cost of the Rozelle Interchange and the total cost of WestConnex
k. any other related matters.
Council officers are currently preparing a submission which is due 17 March 2024.
The Rozelle Parklands was created as a part of the West Connex project which is being built by the joint venture between John Holland Pty Ltd and CPB Contractors (JV), under contract by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
On 10 January 2024, Transport for NSW notified the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that mulch used for landscaping at the Rozelle Parklands had been found to contain fragments of material that contain asbestos.
In response, the Parklands was closed until further notice.
TfNSW and John Holland collected samples from across the Parklands which underwent laboratory analysis. The testing confirmed that the mulch contains construction and demolition waste and some samples including asbestos.
It was reported that ten (10) tonnes of material containing asbestos waste was found.
The EPA issued clean up directions to TfNSW in January 2024 that all contaminated mulch be removed before being transported from the site. It is understood that up to 30 workers are on site at a time to hand remove the mulch. The EPA have ordered that this work be completed by 29 February 2024. Following the removal works, new mulch and other landscaping works are required and the Parklands was to be entirely reopened by April 2024.
It is understood that the removal work is approximately 30% completed and the timeframe for removal is unlikely to be achieved. As such the reopening schedule for the Parklands is in doubt.
As such, Council on 23 February 2024 served the JV a notice of intention to issue a clean up notice which would include:
a) The material being removed from the Parklands by a licenced contractor and in accordance with SafeWork NSW guidelines and the advice and guidance of a suitably qualified Occupational Hygienist.
b) Submit to Council an Asbestos Clearance Certificate signed by a suitably qualified Occupational Hygienist certifying that the Parklands are free from any broken, damaged or deteriorated asbestos containing material and will not have any adverse effect on human life or the environment due to the presence of asbestos
c) Submit to Council a Notice of Proper Disposal demonstrating that all asbestos containing material from the Parklands has been disposed of at an approved waste facility.
d) The Parklands is to be secured and maintained to present the entry of public and be provided with appropriate asbestos warning signs to alert people that asbestos is present.
The JV has until 1 March 2024 to make representations on the order prior to it being formally issued.
TfNSW have not provided any recent information on nearby sites which have also been affected by contaminated mulch (Victoria Road, near Lilyfield Road).
Council has advocated since the discovery of asbestos that TfNSW immediately and expeditiously remediate the Parklands for the safety and wellbeing of the Inner West community. Council is concerned that the works are not progressing to expectations.
Council has written to Minister Graham demanding the remediation and reopening of Rozelle Parklands be expedited.
Council has also requested a briefing from the Environmental Protection Authority about the investigation into asbestos contamination at Rozelle Parklands and nearby areas, including advice regarding how the remediation will be certified and what action will be taken against any parties found to be culpable for the contamination.
Since the discovery of the asbestos, and in addition to the above, Council has been strongly advocating to Transport for NSW for the expeditious remediation and reopening of the Parklands. This has included but not limited to:
· Engagement with TfNSW including ongoing and regular meetings and phone calls with TfNSW executives.
· Public media releases
· Written requests for information considering the short and long term impacts
· Engagement with the EPA
· Patrols of the site
Whilst the remediation work is underway, it should be noted that all pedestrian and cycling paths are closed within the Parklands and detours are provided on routes similar to those provided during the construction period as shown in the below figure.
There are no financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Update on Key Traffic Issues in the Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward
Prepared By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive and note the report.
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport |
This report outlines an update on key traffic issues in the Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward.
The intersection of Marrickville Road and Buckley Street, Marrickville and
specifically the at-grade pedestrian (zebra) crossing continues to be
considered as part of the Marrickville Road East project and TfNSW have
implemented signage and linemarking improvements to the intersection in 2023 to
improve pedestrian safety.
Council continues to advocate to TfNSW for signalization of the intersection of Sydenham Road and Fitzroy Street, Marrickville to address concerns with the existing at-grade pedestrian (zebra) crossing.
With regard to the streets around Marrickville Metro, Council staff have undertaken a number of actions to improve asset condition and pedestrian conditions with further work programmed into the capital works program.
At the Council meeting held on 13 February 2024, Council considered a Notice of Motion on traffic issues in the Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward and resolved:
That Council request officers provide an update via report at the March 2024 Council meeting on key traffic issues in the Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward raised in this term of Council via councillor motion, including:
a) The dangerous intersection of Marrickville Road and Buckley Street, Marrickville and the installation of further pedestrian protection measures;
b) The intersection of Sydenham Road and Fitzroy Street, Marrickville, and the potential installation of traffic lights as requested by the Marrickville Bowling and Recreation Club; and
c) Pedestrian and other measures on Edinburgh Road and the streets surrounding the Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre.
Marrickville Road and Buckley Street, Marrickville
The intersection of Marrickville Road and Buckley Street, Marrickville forms part of the state road network and is under the care and control of Transport for (TfNSW). It should be noted that Marrickville Road west of Buckley Street is classified as a regional road and operates as a two-way road. Marrickville Road south of Buckley Street operates as one-way westbound and Buckley Street operates as one-way northbound.
An at-grade pedestrian (zebra) crossing extends across Buckley Street near the intersection with Marrickville Road and has been subject to road safety concerns in the past.
Transport for NSW has previously installed 20m of fencing on footpath on Buckley Street with supporting ‘No Stopping’ zones to ensure pedestrians cross at the marked pedestrian crossing location where sightlines are optimized.
Recent concerns have also resulted in TfNSW remarking the pedestrian (zebra) crossing and installing larger pedestrian crossing signs and warning zig-zag linemarking in 2023, which have in turn improved indication to motorists of the presence of the pedestrian crossing.
A review of the pedestrian crossing indicates that all regulatory signs have been installed with supporting warning signs also installed, lighting has also been provided at the crossing.
Council has requested remarking of this crossing to TfNSW on a regular basis.
As part of Council’s Marrickville Road East project, it is proposed to undertake kerb realignment and linemarking changes along Marrickville Road which may reduce approach speeds and thus improve safety. It should be noted that signalizing the intersection was not supported by TfNSW during design development, however, this treatment could be re-examined.
Consideration has been made to raising the crossing but this was determined to not be feasible as there is a high volume of trucks utilizing Buckley Streete which is consistent with its function as a state road.
Consideration has also been made to relocating the crossing further into Buckley Street, however, this would create sight line issues and this would have a detrimental impact on safety.
Sydenham Road and Fitzroy Street, Marrickville
Council has reviewed the intersection of Sydenham Road and Fitzroy Street, Marrickville after the matter was previously raised by Marrickville Bowling and Recreation Club
Fitzroy Street is a two-way local road and has a high proportion of heavy vehicles including high number of semi-trailer movements as it is located within an industrial area. Sydenham Road is a state road under the jurisdiction of TfNSW and similarly carries a high volume of heavy vehicle traffic.
Investigations into the existing at-grade pedestrian (zebra) crossing included consideration of relocating the crossing further into Fitzroy Street, away from the intersection. It was found that relocating the existing crossing would not be feasible because of existing driveways, sight lines, a possible truck overhang into Sydenham Road. Further to this, relocating the crossing away from Sydenham Road, would lead to pedestrians not using the relocated crossing due to the distance from the pedestrian desire line.
Signs and linemarking is regularly updated at this crossing and meet relevant standards. Larger pedestrian crossing signs on a fluorescent background have been installed as well as early warning signs.
Council Officers have highlighted this intersection for upgrading to traffic signals through previous section 94 plans and Council has separately requested TfNSW work with Inner West Council to investigate the installation of traffic lights at the intersection and to improve safety at the location. TfNSW have provided feedback that there is limited area to physically install traffic signal hardware due to the volume of driveways opposite Fitzroy Street.
Pedestrian and other measures on Edinburgh Road and the streets surrounding the Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre
A report outlining road and traffic conditions around the Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre was presented to the February 2024 Traffic Committee and actions are replicated below.
· Poor visibility of lighting and signage for zebra crossings
Council officers inspected the pedestrian crossings on Murray Street, north of Smidmore Street and Victoria Road between Edgeware Road and Empire Lane. The site inspections identified the need to repaint faded crossing bars at these pedestrian crossings as well as ‘BB’ centre line marking on Victoria Road at Empire Lane, which has now been completed. Furthermore, additional advanced pedestrian crossing warning signs have been installed to increase the awareness of the pedestrian crossings ahead.
In addition, a proposal to upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing on Murray Street, north of Smidmore Street to a raised pedestrian crossing with improved lighting has been developed and has now been submitted for inclusion into Council’s capital works program.
· Uneven footpaths around the Centre, particularly on Victoria Road and Edinburgh Road
Council officers have now replaced the footpath in Murray Street and Smidmore Street and have undertaken restoration of sections of Edinburgh Road that were impacted by Sydney Metro operations.
The footpath in Victoria Road is heritage brick path, which has some natural undulation. It is in overall good condition, however, Council officers have identified some areas that are impacted by tree roots which will be repaired by June 2024.
· Potholes on the roads around the Centre
Edinburgh Road underwent substantial deterioration during the construction activities associated with both Sydney Metro and Marrickville Metro. Now that these projects have been completed construction and associated traffic facilities are being restored. Restoration has been undertaken to the road surface in Edinburgh Road.
Murray Street and Smidmore Street have been previously identified by Council Engineers for renewal and are included in Council’s draft program of works for FY25.
Council’s Engineers are currently liaising with Marrickville Metro to correct road and footpath levels around the entry to the loading dock in Smidmore Street ahead of these renewal works.
· The need for bus stop upgrades
Permanent bus stops on Edinburgh Road are being delivered as part of the upgrades on Edinburgh Road in conjunction with the construction works for Marrickville Metro and Sydney Metro. It is understood that Transport for NSW will likely remove the temporary bus stops on Smidmore Street once the upgrades on Edinburgh Road are completed. The temporary bus stop on the southern side of Smidmore Street has already been removed and the 355 bus route now operates via the upgraded permanent bus stop on Edinburgh Road.
· Plantings around the zebra crossing on the Edgeware Road side of the Centre is inadequate (one side is planted, one is often washed away) and requires attention
Council Officers have completed the landscape maintenance work at the zebra pedestrian crossing on Murray Street at the intersection of Edgeware Road.
· The prevalence of shopping trolleys left on local streets around the Centre
Under the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act, which came into force last November. Council has the ability to impound shopping trolleys that remain in the public domain for more than 4 days after the operator being notified.
It should be noted that Council Officers have not had cause to impound many shopping trolleys at this time from the surrounds of Metro. Anecdotally it is believed that Supermarkets are collecting their trolleys within the legislative time frames, but that users continue to deposit trolleys at the common locations which creates the impression of lack of action.
Trolleys can be reported to Council via the normal methods for investigation by Rangers.
· The left hand turn only lane from Edinburgh Road to Smidmore Street continues to cause confusion and concern, with motorists often using the lane to proceed ahead and turn immediately left into the upgraded Centre.
Council Officers have investigated the concern of the left hand turn only lane from Edinburgh Road to Smidmore Street causing confusion with motorists often using the lane to proceed ahead to turn immediately left into the upgraded centre.
Currently, there is an approval to add a fourth leg into the intersection as part of a state development consent which may affect the possibility of implementing a left only turn for this intersection. As Transport for NSW has jurisdiction and the expertise in dealing with such issues, Council Officers have requested Transport for NSW consider the concerns raised.
The installation of a raised pedestrian crossing on Murray Street, north of Smidmore Street is estimated to cost $80,000 and will be considered in the traffic facilities program for 2025/26.
Murray Street has $150,000 allocated in 2023/24 for resurfacing between Victoria Road and Smidmore Street and $180,000 allocated in 2024/25 for resurfacing between Smidmore Street and Edinburgh Road.
Smidmore Street has $420,000 allocated in 2024/25 for full reconstruction (base and surface) between Murray Street and Edgeware Road.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Progress Report - Proposed Pedestrian Bridge over Dobroyd Parade
Prepared By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive and note the report.
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport |
In the second half of 2023 Transport for NSW (TfNSW) consulted Council officers about revised designs for the proposed pedestrian bridge across Dobroyd Parade. In December 2023 TfNSW publicly exhibited a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the bridge.
Council officers had initially stated a preference for the signalised at-grade crossing to remain after the bridge is completed, but now concedes it should be removed given the pedestrian safety issues associated with the median. The REF proposes fencing to prevent pedestrians attempting informal at-grade crossings.
Council officers had also stated a preference for ramp access to the bridge in addition to lift access, but acknowledges that ramps would create significant visual impacts, particularly given existing site constraints. Council also pointed out that if the bridge is constructed with lifts and stairs, it is imperative that the lifts are well maintained to ensure breakdowns do not prevent access to the bridge for those unable to use the stairs for unacceptably long periods.
The 2020 public exhibition by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) of the WestConnex M4 East Road Network Performance Review (RNPR) Plan included the following concept design for a pedestrian bridge over Dobroyd Parade, Haberfield.
TfNSW indicated at that time there was general community support for the bridge, shown in the figure 1.
Figure 1
At its February 2022 meeting, Council considered a Notice of Motion entitled City West Link and Waratah Street and resolved to write to TfNSW seeking immediate safety modifications to the existing two-stage at-grade signalised pedestrian crossing in this location.
Subsequent to Council’s letter and further discussions, TfNSW carried out interim line-marking and signage changes to improve pedestrian safety whilst continuing to progress the bridge as a permanent solution to these pedestrian safety issues.
In the second half of 2023 TfNSW consulted Council officers about revised designs for the bridge and in December 2023 TfNSW publicly exhibited a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the bridge.
The REF report is available here from the TfNSW project web page and a community flyer is attached to this report. The preferred REF design (Option 4), shown in the photomontage in Figure 2 includes a lift on both sides of the bridge rather than a ramp into Timbrell Park, as was shown in the 2020 design (Figure 1).
Figure 2
In commenting on the 2020 RNPR plan, Council stated that it generally prefers pedestrian crossings to be at-grade, but a bridge would be justified at this location.
This is because of the length of the crossing, safety issues associated with pedestrians waiting on the narrow median, vehicles queuing across the crossing in the morning peak and use of the crossing by local schools to access to Timbrell Park.
Council officers had initially stated a preference for the signalised at-grade crossing to remain after the bridge is completed, but now concedes it should be removed (as per the REF) given the pedestrian safety issues associated with the median. The REF proposes fencing to prevent pedestrians attempting informal at-grade crossings.
Council officers had also stated a preference for ramp access to the bridge in addition to lift access, (as per REF Option 3) but acknowledges that ramps would create significant visual impacts, particularly given existing site constraints. Council also pointed out that if the bridge is constructed with lifts and stairs (as per preferred REF Option 4), it is imperative that the lifts are well maintained to ensure breakdowns do not prevent access to the bridge for those unable to use the stairs for unacceptably long periods.
It is noted that lifts can accommodate two cyclists at a time and wheeling ramps for cyclists are proposed for the stairs.
Additionally, noting that the Iron Cove Creek Masterplan has been exhibited and
will be presented to Council in the near future, the masterplan will be
adjusted accordingly.
There are no financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report.
1.⇩ |
TfNSW Community Flyer for Proposed Pedestrian Bridge over Dobroyd Parade at Haberfield |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Electric Vehicle Public Charging Update
Prepared By: Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport |
In May 2023 Council adopted its Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategy.
Council has subsequently initiated a series of steps associated with this Strategy to establish public charging networks in the Inner West including Expressions of Interest (EoI) and Requests for Quotation (RfQ) associated with the establishment of a public charging network across the Inner West LGA (LGA) in both kerbside locations and public car parks.
At the Council meeting held on 9 May 2023, Council adopted its Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategy. The Strategy identified the need to create partnerships with charging companies in order to establish a viable public charging network across the Inner West.
This report provides an update on progress towards establishing an Inner West (EV) public charging network for electric vehicles (EVs).
While Council strongly supports the uptake of private electric cars, in preference to petrol-powered and diesel-powered cars, it is important to remember that they are a lower order component of Council’s adopted Road User Hierarchy (Figure 1) and that Council continues to encourage mode shift away from private car use, in favour of active transport and public transport.
Figure 1 - Council Road User Hierarchy – GOING PLACES 2020
The following is an overview of progress with the establishment of an EV public charging network across the Inner West.
Kerbside Charging Network
In July 2023, Council issued a public charging EoI to determine the various market factors that should be assessed in developing an Inner West public charging network.
In September 2023, Council issued a RfQ to partner with up to three public charging providers to install kerbside public charging across the Inner West LGA.
In November 2023, Council supported 3 charging providers (EVE, EVX and PLUS EV) in lodging applications for the NSW State Government kerbside charging grants. It is currently anticipated that the results of these grants will be announced in April 2024.
The grants are highly competitive, with a total of $3,000,000 to be provided up to a maximum of $800,000 per applicant, with a total of 26 LGAs being eligible.
Dependent upon which of Council’s partners, if any, are successful in their grant applications, this could result in between 20 and 70 public kerbside chargers being installed across the Inner West within the next 12 months.
In anticipation that there is potential for some of the partners to not receive grants, Council has also initiated discussions regarding opportunities to continue the installation of public kerbside charging independently of the grant process. These discussions are currently underway with the three charging partners approved under the RfQ.
Charging proposed in association with the kerbside public charging project is likely to include a mix of 7kW and 22 kW chargers.
Car Park Public Charging
As an initial phase of the introduction of public charging in Council car parks, an RfQ is currently being prepared to invite public charging providers to present proposals for the installation of public charging in 17 of Council’s car parks. Additional car parks will be examined in future phases of this project.
It is anticipated that this RfQ will be launched in March 2024, with a view to appointing partners by July 2024, leading to installation of the first car park public chargers in late 2024/early 2025.
Also included in this RfQ, is a request for proposals to create a public charging hub in a redesigned version of Council’s Balmain Depot.
Charging proposed in association with the car park public charging project is likely to include chargers with rates of 22kW and greater.
Growth in EVs and public charging
In addition to the provision of public charging at the kerbside and in Council car parks, adoption of the electric vehicle encouragement strategy and associated messaging has made it clear that Inner West Council is keen to pursue electric vehicle uptake and electric vehicle public charging.
This, combined with the high proportion of early adopters included in our local demographics, means that electric vehicle uptake is increasing, as is the provision of public charging on private sites (such as shopping centres, service stations and shops generally).
In the 14 months between October 2022 and December 2023, the number of electric vehicles registered within the Inner West LGA has increased from 648 to 927, and the number of public EV charging ports in the LGA has increased from 18 to 32. Consequently, there has been a 43% increase in registered EVs and a 78% increase in public charging ports in the Inner West.
There are no financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report.
It should be noted that there will be a financial implication for the eventual implementation of EV charging which is currently being considered via partnerships and grants.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Community Engagement Outcomes - All weather surface sporting field
Prepared By: Aaron Callaghan - Parks Planning and Ecology Manager
Authorised By: Simone Plummer - Director Planning
That Council receive and note the report.
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
This report provides Council with a summary of community engagement outcomes in relation to the provision of an all-weather sporting ground on nominated sporting grounds in the north of the Inner West Local Government Area.
Engagement responses included 505 online survey respondents who indicated an all weather sporting field was the most important element in a future Rozelle Masterplan – second only to “good connections” – a clear indication of support for such a playing surface. A further 203 individual submissions were emailed directly to the Your Say nominated contact officer, of these 135 were not supportive and 65 were supportive of an all weather field. Thirteen community and sporting group emailed submissions were received. Of the sporting groups, Football and Hockey were supportive of an all-weather surface, while Cricket, Rugby and other community groups were not.
While the report highlights strong support for an all-weather sporting ground the location of this future all-weather field requires further review.
At the Council meeting held on 13 February 2024, Council received a Mayoral Minute on the provision of an all-weather sporting ground in the north of Inner West Council local government area. In its consideration of the Mayoral minute Council resolved the following:
1. That Council note the high volume of submissions received from the community regarding the proposal for an all-weather sporting field to be installed in a park nearby to Rozelle Parklands.
2. That Council note the advocacy and submissions from Balmain District Football Club and Leichhardt Saints Football Club that they are facing severe capacity constraints and are in danger of having to turn away large numbers of players, due to a shortage of playing space.
3. That Council note the huge increase in usage of Lambert Park since the installation of an all-weather surface and expansion of participation in sport this has allowed, particularly for girls.
4. That Council commit to delivering a new all-weather surface for the benefit of local sporting clubs, at one of the four locations previously resolved, using the funding provided by the NSW Government as compensation for the removal of such a facility from the final adopted plans for Rozelle Parklands.
5. That Council receive a report to the March Ordinary meeting on the outcomes of the consultation regarding the proposed all-weather surface as well as a summary of the available technologies for providing a hybrid surface, with councillors to be briefed on that report ahead of the meeting.
Community Engagement -Rozelle Parklands
Prior to the February 2024 Council resolutions, Council resolved two important motions in relation to community engagement and possible all weather surface locations at its December 2023 Council meeting. These being in part as follows:
“That Council receive a report at the February Ordinary Council Meeting about the Government’s proposed $20 million investment, including an initial assessment of what facilities and amenities could be provided in the Rozelle Parklands and in nearby locations” [and]
“That Council note the advice from Transport for NSW that an all-weather sporting surface cannot be delivered under the existing conditions of consent for Rozelle Parklands and commence community consultation on nearby locations where an all-weather surface could be delivered by Council for the benefit of local clubs. Potential locations for the community to be consulted on include Waterfront Drive (Callan Park), Leichhardt no.2, Easton Park, and Balmain Road playing fields (Callan Park).”
Council officers are in the process of finalising a full assessment of residential and future park user views on improvements to the Rozelle Parklands. Feedback received will be included as the evidence base to assist in shaping a future master plan for the Rozelle Parklands. Master planning is scheduled to commence in early May 2024. Further reporting to Council will be undertaken upon the completion of a Draft Master Plan for the parklands.
Investigations into available technologies in the provision of all-weather sporting fields is underway for future reporting.
Community Engagement Summary-All Weather Surface
Community engagement on the development of a Master Plan for the new Rozelle Parklands commenced on Sunday, 17 December and closed for formal submissions on Sunday, 18 February 2024. Community engagement was undertaken on Council’s Inner West YourSay web site page through a formal survey feedback as well as through direct email submissions to the Parks Planning and Ecology Section of Council. Feedback from the community has been extensive and the engagement was focused on a master plan for the new parklands, not exclusively on the provision on an all weather surface in other parks. There were 505 online survey respondents and the first question asked was to rank a preference for items in the new parklands. There was overwhelming support for an all-weather playing field.
A total of 13 community-based submissions were received by email. Full copies of these submissions are attached in Attachment 2. Of the 13 community and sporting group submissions – Football and Hockey based submissions supported the concept of an all-weather field while Cricket, Rugby and community groups did not.
There were also 203 individual submissions received by email. Of these 203 individual submissions 135 did not and 68 did support an all-weather surface.
Support for location of an all-weather field
The survey in relation to the provision of an all-weather surface provision was limited to the following sporting grounds: Leichhardt 2, Easton Park, Waterfront Drive (Callan Park) and Balmain Road (Callan Park). Other sporting grounds were not included.
Of the four locations offered in the survey there was a preference for Waterfront Drive Sporting Ground in Callan Park, and the least preferred site was Leichhardt Number 2.
The football clubs have identified a preference for separate locations and there would be benefit in them agreeing to a suitable location going forward.
Two of the locations selected by Council for community engagement in terms of an all-weather surface provision are located within Callan Park. Callan Park is a State significant listed heritage site which is owned by the NSW Government and managed by the Greater Sydney Parklands Authority. Council has a license agreement for managing community access, use and maintenance of the three sporting ground areas within the parkland. Any proposed development in Callan Park would require landowner’s consent from Greater Sydney Parklands and approval through a Development Application process.
A full summary of the Your Say Inner West on line Survey Results are included in Attachment 1. The engagement outcomes will be useful for the next stage of review as to the most suitable location for a new all-weather field.
The cost of delivering an all-weather surface in the Inner West Local Government area will be met through the NSW Government Rozelle Parkland commitment of $20million.
1.⇩ |
Your Say Inner West Rozelle Parkland Survey Results |
2.⇩ |
Submissions received from community Organisations in relation to the provision of an All Weather sporting surface at nominated sites. |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Living Streets Program 2023-24
Prepared By: Aaron Callaghan - Parks Planning and Ecology Manager
Authorised By: Simone Plummer - Director Planning
That Council receive and note the report.
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
This report provides Council with an update on the implementation and community participation associated with Council’s Living Streets and Verge Garden Policy
Adopted in October 2023, the Living Streets Verge Garden Policy provides a framework for residents wanting to plant and care for gardens on verges of the Inner West or Adopt-a-Spot in a park or in a space which Council manages which is not a residential street verge or community garden. Appropriate planting of verge gardens contributes to the ecological health, biodiversity, and livability of the Inner West.
At the October 2023 Council meeting in adopting the Living Streets and Adopt A Spot Policy Council resolved in part the following:
That Council set a target of 100 new verge gardens to be established in the next 12 months.
That a progress report against the target be provided to Council in three months and a review of the program in six months.
The Living Streets program have registered 50 new verge gardens and approved 1 Adopt-a-Spot since the policy was adopted by Council in October 2023. Council is currently well placed to support the implementation of 100 new verge gardens within the 12-month anniversary of the policy adoption. Council has also received an increase in the number of new verge garden enquiries from 31 in Q1 (prior to the policy adoption) to 58 in Q2. This was largely due to a successful social media campaign which was delivered alongside the policy launch.
In relation to legacy garden projects, Council officers have contacted a total of 87 legacy gardeners, these being residents who were known to Council and actively gardening on the verge but were not registered under the new program. To date a total of 11 verge garden sites have been approved from the legacy list.
In Q3 a total of 37 new enquiries and been received for new verge gardens. As each garden site is unique, a site inspection along with the development of a safety risk management plan is required prior to approvals being issued.
Plant propagation and plant give aways to support the Verge Garden program are undertaken inhouse by our IWC Community Nurseries. Council has 25 varieties of endemic plants suitable for planting in verge gardens. Plant giveaways have increased from 15 in Q2, to 180 in Q3. An increase of 1100%.
The Urban Ecology team has received positive feedback from residents who have engaged with Council to support the creation of verge gardens and improve ecological outcomes for a sustainably managed Inner West.
There are no financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Direct Employment of people with a disability - bimonthly report
Prepared By: Helen Lyons - Senior Manager People and Culture
Authorised By: Peter Gainsford - General Manager
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive, and effective civic leadership |
To address the resolution a specialist consultancy was engaged to assist in developing a strategy and action plan that supports council’s vision to be a leader in disability employment. To this end Get Skilled Access (GSA) has provided an audit of Council roles, protocols, processes, and recommendations.
At the Council meeting held on 5 December 2023, Council considered the first Bi-monthly report on direct employment of people with a disability as follows:
“That the March report on the Direct Employment of People with Disability include a detailed audit of positions within the Council that could be targeted for the direct employment of people with disability and positions that could be modified to remove barriers for potential or existing employees with disability.”
Council have engaged Get Skilled Access (GSA) a specialist disability consulting organisation with lived experience, founded by Dylan Alcott. They were commissioned to do an audit of a cross matrix section of positions within Council where disability employment activity will have genuine impact.
Get Skilled Access (GSA) audit and methodology incorporated a review of the following:
1. Job Role
2. Council’s job application platform
3. Job Offers template
4. Policy and process
5. Council’s Careers page and Intranet pages
6. Data review including relevant findings from the Royal Commission on Disability, and from disability employment platform The Field
Contributing to Council’s aim to become a disability employer of choice and be recognised as a leader in the field of disability employment. GSA have utilised The Field (disability employment platform) data to gain insight into the common roles people with disability are looking at and applying to across the employment market. GSA have applied this data in the selection of positions in Council to review. This insight enables Council to prioritise its efforts and focus on specific Council positions.
The GSA report highlighted Inner West Council’s Reasonable Adjustment Commitment is a gold standard document that not only highlights the inclusive nature of Council but demonstrates their commitment to being an Equal Opportunity Employer.
The below table are examples of council roles that align with The Field disability employment platform common experiences and qualifications of candidates in an open job market (Attachment 1 Job Role Accessibility and Inclusion Audit pg.30-32). Of the roles that are more frequently available (Planners, Aquatic staff, Early Learning staff, Cooks, Customer Service Officers, Rangers and Landscape services team) these positions will be prioritised for direct disability opportunities as they are more likely to lead to ongoing work with council.
Qualification and experiences identified on The Field |
Relevant roles at Inner West Council |
Accountant |
Financial Accountant Service Unit Accountant Senior Service Unit Accountant Systems Accountant |
Administration |
Service Unit Resource & Admin Support Officer Business Administration Support Officer Library Services Administration Officer Business and Operations Administrator |
Analyst |
Procurement Business Analyst Business Analyst Business Systems Analyst Document and Records Analyst |
Business Manager |
Business Solutions Manager Business Administration Lead Business Improvement Officer Business Partner |
Cleaner |
Cleaner - Aquatics |
Customer Service |
Library Customer Services Assistant Customer Service Officer – Aquatics Customer Service Supervisor – Aquatics Senior Customer Service Officer |
Data analyst/Entry |
Data & Information Administrator Records Curator Data and Systems Analyst |
Driver |
Plant Operator/Driver Team Member Driver – Resource Recovery Specialist Services Team Member Driver- Street & Parks Standby Driver – Resource Recovery Night |
Finance |
Account Officer Financial Accountant Senior Service Unit Accountant Systems Accountant Service Unit Accountant |
Forklift Driver Operator |
Plant Operator |
Graphic Designer |
Content Producer and Graphic Designer |
Human Resources |
People and Culture Advisor WHS and Wellbeing Specialist Learning and Development Specialist |
Manager |
Library Content & Community Manager Project Manager - Ashfield Aquatic Centre Refurbishment Project Manager - Scheduler Living Arts Manager |
Project Manager |
Operations & Special Projects Manager Community Projects Coordinator Project Manager - Ashfield Aquatic Centre Refurbishment Project Manager - Scheduler |
Marketing |
Customer Service & Marketing Coordinator Communication Engagement and Marketing Specialist Marketing, Media & Communications Coordinator – Strategic and Corporate Communications Library Web & Marketing Officer Customer Service & Marketing Coordinator – Aquatic Services |
The opportunities and recommendations in the GSA report will be implemented as actions alongside Council’s Workforce Management Strategy and Disability Inclusion Action Plan. Updates will be provided in future bi-monthly reports. The full GSA report is provided at Attachment 1 Job Role Accessibility and Inclusion Audit.
According to the 2023 Engagement Survey 4.9% of IWC employees shared that they have disability. The GSA report has provided recommendations to establish Council as a “disability employer of choice" and leader in the field of disability employment. These recommendations will be referred to council’s Access Advisory Committee.
Council continues to utilise a disability job board for advertising called TheField.jobs for advertising positions and receives applications through open recruitment. Requests for reasonable adjustments are received on Council’s existing job application platform. Internal recruitment specialists provide additional support when candidates are interviewed and have requested reasonable adjustments.
On review of Council’s recruitment platform, the GSA report stated, “It is a successful sign and symbol of inclusion that the job application includes a mandatory question regarding reasonable adjustments and does not isolate the question to people with disability alone.” Council will apply recommendations from the GSA report relating to recruitment and job application platform for continuous improvement.
Ability Advocate has been engaged to deliver an EmbraceAbility mentorship program, linking talent and potential. The program will be available to employees with disability who wish to be either a mentee or a mentor. There will be ten (10) pairs of mentors and mentees resulting in a total of twenty (20) participants in the program.
The program is designed to support individuals with a disability in pursuing their career while simultaneously enhancing the skills and knowledge of managers in creating inclusive work environments. The six-month program aims to launch in March 2024. This meets the 3.2 Action in council’s Disability Action Plan.
Council is finalising the ‘Building a Culture of Accessibility and Inclusion’ training for all employees from the Australian Human Rights Commission. This course will be made available through the learning management system and is a development requirement for all employees to be completed by 30 June 2024. This meets the 5.7 Action in council’s Disability Action Plan.
Council has also sought advice from Donna Purcell, a Disability Advocate specialist, and the Principal of Disability Accessbility Includeability Consulting to apply her recent Churchill Fellowship research to Councils’ 2023-2026 Disability Inclusion Action Plan and the Our Inner West 2036 – Community Strategic Plans. As a current Australia Disability Network Board Director with lived experience, this advice builds and draws on Council’s existing commitments to provide practical short- and long-term opportunities for improvement in growing inclusive employment for people with disability in the Inner West.
A budget allocation of $100,000 was provided in this financial year in accordance with Action 3.2 from the Disability and Inclusion Action Plan, and this has funded disability consultants' reports as well as ongoing actions by Council to build employment opportunities for people with disability.
1.⇩ |
Inner West Council Job Accessibility and Inclusion Audit |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Tempe Streets and Laneways – Strategy to Improve Streetscape and Amenity
Prepared By: Michael Gallardo - Civil Works Manager
Authorised By: Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport |
Council called to investigate the general condition of roadways and laneways within Tempe, St
Peters and Sydenham.
In response to the resolution, various internal stakeholders were engaged to collaborate on the development of a strategy within Tempe, St Peters and Sydenham, and have recommended a considered action plan. Over a two-year period, enhancements, upgrades and renewals to public infrastructure will take place, adding to works that have been completed in recent years.
At the Council meeting held on 5 December 2024, Council resolved:
1. That Council undertake an inspection of streets and laneways in Tempe and St Peters to identify issues with potholes and road maintenance, damaged footpaths, street lighting, litter, delayed verge maintenance, damaged Council assets and rubbish bins and other issues.
2. That Council brief councillors from the Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward and any other interested councillors on the issues identified, a schedule to undertake works and opportunities to promote Council beautification programs like Perfect Match.
3. That Council investigate the serious concerns of residents regarding notification of road and construction works associated with the Bunnings project in Tempe and provide a briefing to Councillors from the Marrickville-Midjuburi Ward and other interested councillors on the issues identified to date around the notification on residents and compliance responses from Council.
4. That Council develop a strategy to improve the streetscape and amenity of the Princes Highway in Tempe and St Peters and report back to Council no later than March 2024.
5. That Council schedule a future inspection of Sydenham streets and laneways as per point 1 and develop a schedule of works to address any shortfalls.
6. That Council investigate putting art decals on bins around Tempe and St Peters and Sydenham, in main street locations as deemed appropriate.
7. That Council work with Transport for NSW to investigate putting a Perfect Match artwork on Bedwin Road Bridge, St Peters to address resident concerns about graffiti.
8. That Council investigate further opportunities for town centre revitalisation for Tempe, St Peters and Sydenham, in response to resident concerns about perceptions of neglect and that Council officers bring a report back on potential quick wins and some ideas and costings early in 2024.
In response to the resolution, various internal stakeholders were engaged to collaborate on the development of a strategy within Tempe, St Peters and Sydenham, and have recommended a considered action plan. Over a two-year period, enhancements and upgrades and renewals to public infrastructure will take place, adding to works that have been completed in recent years.
Key focus items are:
· Asset maintenance of roads, footpaths, stormwater, street furniture, litter and streetscape.
· Asset renewal of roads, footpaths, and stormwater.
· Integrated planning of future projects.
· Town centre revitalisation and identification of opportunities within this area to develop programs such as Perfect Match and bin decals.
· Resolving outstanding matters pertaining to the Bunnings Tempe development
This report responds to Points 1 through 8 of the resolution.
Asset Maintenance
Inspections have been undertaken throughout the St Peters, Sydenham and Tempe areas, to identify issues with roads, footpaths, and various other assets, which has led to some immediate remediation of infrastructure. The focus of these works related to trip hazards, potholes, blocked drains, damaged signage, and street furniture.
As part of Council’s maintenance program, staff have attended to 42 work orders, to make this area accessible and safe. In addition to this, attending to 24 reactive maintenance requests from members of the community. It is planned by September 2024, all trip hazards will be removed and all faded line marking of roadways including speed humps, will be corrected.
Planned road and footpath maintenance has been scheduled throughout various streets, with numerous assets being identified for replacement. These scheduled works have commenced along Princes Highway and link into adjacent streets to provide consistent pathways for the community. Within this scope, allowance has been made for additional tree planting and the widening of existing green spaces to increase environmental benefits where possible. These works are scheduled to be completed by August 2024.
In relation to lighting, proactive inspections are scheduled quarterly, and this is in addition to reactive requests that relate to maintenance and cleaning of these assets.
Streetscape Maintenance
Council’s streetscape program provides a variety of services and standards across the St Peters, Sydenham and Tempe areas which include:
· Verge mowing of all streets containing grass verges.
· Daily cleaning/sweeping of all main street shopping centers.
· Street cleaning for all streets and lanes without grass verges.
· High pressure cleaning and landscape maintenance of all main street shopping centres.
· Landscape maintenance (pruning, weeding, mulching and planting) of all verge and traffic island gardens.
· Weed control and eradication
The verge mowing program runs on seasonal frequencies of a summer, 20-working day cycle from October to April and a winter, 40-working day cycle from April to September. The program is currently servicing to the summer standards of a 20-working day cycle.
Council's street cleaning, 40-working day program is currently underway, beginning on February 12, 2024. Upon servicing each location, the team will provide a deep clean of the entire area which consists of litter removal, footpath sweeping, clearing debris and the removal of weeds and overgrown vegetation.
Main streets are serviced daily through the street sweeping program. In addition, a quarterly, high pressure cleaning service is conducted on all Council public assets in the vicinity. These main streets include:
· Tempe - Princes Highway from Gannon Street to Union Street
· Sydenham - Sydenham Train station to Unwins Bridge and Unwin’s Bridge Road from Railway Parade to Belmore Street.
Weed control programs are scheduled on a quarterly service across the local government area. This consists of herbicide applications to exterminate all weeds within the streets and lanes. This is followed with manual removal of weeds and surrounding debris.
A blitz of Tempe, St Peters and Sydenham to clean and enhance the roadways will be undertaken throughout the next 3 months to June 2024. This includes landscaping works to traffic gardens, verge mowing, litter removal, weed removal, mulching, replanting and pruning as required across the areas.
The maintenance along Campbell Street/Road St Peters is currently the responsibility of Transport for NSW. Council continues to advocate for regular maintenance intervention of the roadway and surrounding landscape areas. This led to the area being attended to the week ending 22 December 2024 however the area has again fallen into concern. It is Council’s position that TfNSW need to manage a once-a-month mow and replace any plants which have perished. This issue will again be raised at Council’s next executive meeting with TfNSW in March 2024.
Asset Renewal
A number of roadways and footpath were identified as requiring intervention. In this regard, the following budget allocations are made to the area over this and next year’s capital works program to attend to the area.
Renewal Type |
Street |
Suburb |
Project Cost |
Local road |
Applebee Street |
St Peters |
$80,000 |
Local road |
May Street |
St Peters |
$300,000 |
Local road |
Talbot Street |
Sydenham |
$130,000 |
Local road |
Hilton Avenue |
Sydenham |
$15,000 |
Local road |
Park Lane |
Sydenham |
$15,000 |
Local road |
Railway Lane |
Sydenham |
$15,000 |
Local road |
Reilly Lane |
Sydenham |
$15,000 |
Local road |
Rowe Lane |
Sydenham |
$25,000 |
Local road |
Stewart Lane |
Sydenham |
$20,000 |
Local road |
Barden Street |
Tempe |
$125,000 |
Local road |
Griffiths Street |
Tempe |
$100,000 |
Local road |
Henry Street |
Tempe |
$85,000 |
Local road |
Zuttion Lane |
Tempe |
$70,000 |
Footpath |
Griffiths Street |
Tempe |
$42,000 |
Footpath |
Hillcrest Street |
Tempe |
$20,000 |
Footpath |
Station Street |
Tempe |
$66,000 |
Footpath |
View Street |
Tempe |
$45,000 |
Footpath |
Wentworth Street |
Tempe |
$70,000 |
Renewal Type |
Street |
Suburb |
Project Cost |
Local road |
Wright Street |
Sydenham |
$45,000 |
Local road |
George Street |
Sydenham |
$350,000 |
Local road |
Edgar Lane |
Tempe |
$70,000 |
Regional road |
Unwins Bridge Road |
Tempe |
$1,130,000 |
Footpath |
Various |
St Peters/Tempe/Sydenham |
$800,000 |
Future projects
Council will be undertaking the Tempe/Sydenham Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study commencing in FY 24/25. The study area is bound by the T4 train line to the north, Cooks River and Alexandra Canal to the south and west, and Canal Road/Barwon Park Road/Princes Highway to the east (forming the City of Sydney boundary). This area includes the suburb of Tempe as well as Sydenham and St Peters.
Treatments from this study are expected to reduce vehicle speeds, improve pedestrian and cyclist amenity, as well as improving streetscape outcomes. Streetscape outcomes will be improved through use of on-street garden beds and kerb extensions, associated with pedestrian facilities like raised pedestrian crossings.
In addition, Council will be constructing the Mary St to Sydenham Cycleway, linking St Peters and Sydenham Station, and including new kerb and footpath extensions, to be completed by early 2025 at an expected cost of $1.4 million.
Town Centre Revitalisation
As part of the Mainstreet Revitalisation Program, Council has accepted and will be moving forward with a successful EoI attributed to May Street, St Peters. Staff are actively identifying sites for infrastructure upgrades that would complement recent improvements.
In the interim, verge greening sites have also been identified around May Street and surrounding streets including Council Street and Goodsell Street, St Peters, with the intention of achieving quick wins in this area. These works are due to be delivered under Council’s main streets program, with future works currently being investigated as we aim to expand this program within this area.
Bin art installations will continue in this area, as installations have been completed in the Sydenham area. The program has proven costly due to managing vandalism and graffiti. As such, the focus moving forward will be key main streets. In this regard, 5 installations along the Princes Highway between Union and Gannon Street’s will be undertaken by mid 2024. Staff are also reviewing potentially locations for fairy lights, in addition to a recent installation at Memory Reserve, Sydenham.
The Perfect Match program brings artists, residents, businesses, property owners and community together to collaboratively create new street artworks in public places. Property owners are invited to find their Perfect Match by nominating their wall to be transformed by an artist. Numerous property owners within this area have already found their Perfect Match and staff are working with the community to enhance and beautify the area. Applications for the current financial year have closed and the next round of Perfect Match will open in FY24/25. A targeted letter box drop will be undertaken for St Peters, Tempe and Sydenham notifying residents and businesses of the program to encourage applications, with a goal of continuing to tackle unwanted tagging and graffiti.
Staff have been liaising with TfNSW to explore artwork options on Bedwin Road Bridge in St Peters, as an initiative to decrease tagging of this asset. A mural may not be appropriate given WHS concerns on a busy road, however alternate possibilities for art will be discussed, whilst maintaining the goal of community beautification.
Bunnings Tempe
Staff have been working closely with residents that live in the vicinity of Bunnings Tempe. When construction commenced, concerns were raised relating to poor overall site management, dust and noise controls, insufficient notice to night works and various other impacts on residents which were of no concern to construction staff.
On several occasions, Council has identified contractors within the site preparing to undertake works without required approvals and to be using Smith Street to park vehicles for prolonged periods.
As a direct result of these matters, Council has designated a single point of contact for residents to resolve further issues and act as a direct liaison between the relevant parties. Council has imposed a temporary residential parking scheme in Smith St, with rangers regularly monitoring and inspecting the area to ensure compliance. This measure has been established to minimise the parking concern for residents within this area. Advice has also been communicated to contractors within the site and they have been made aware that fines will be issued for non-compliances.
Further investigations will be taking place regarding the claims of night works and insufficient notices being provided to surrounding residents. Evidence has and will continue to be collected to these claims and Council will be cooperating with relevant stakeholders to hold contractors accountable.
An action plan has been developed, where staff will continue to liaise with residents to ensure that concerns are effectively managed, whilst achieving resolutions for these matters within the community. Measures are also being implemented to reduce impacts of poor site management and staff are proactively supervising activity at this site to support our community.
The response that we have received from the community to date, has been extremely positive.
It is expected that approaches and actions mentioned in this report will address residents’ concerns for the area.
The maintenance activities listed in this report will be funded from existing operational budgets.
There are a number of capital projects listed above with financial implications which are noted throughout the report content and funded within existing budget considerations.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Biennale - Local Businesses Meeting Outcomes and Promotional Plan
Prepared By: Vikki Woods - Living Arts Manager
Authorised By: Ruth Callaghan - Director Community
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
3: Creative communities and a strong economy |
At its 13 February Council meeting, Council resolved that a meeting be held with the Balmain-Rozelle Chamber of Commerce to ensure effective promotional opportunities during the Biennale for local business to benefit from increased visitors.
The Biennale of Sydney runs from 9 March – 10 June at White Bay Power Station. It is the first time that White Bay is being activated as a cultural space and this also provides a major opportunity for local community and hospitality businesses to welcome visitors to the Inner West LGA. Council is re-imagining EDGE this year to partner with the Biennale on EDGE White Bay.
Over two weekends of programming on 6-7 April and 27-28 April at White Bay, inner west creatives funded through Council’s EDGE program will showcase newly commissioned works. There will also be a talks program curated by Benjamin Law and Yumi Stynes.
The Biennale of Sydney will see up to 850,000 patrons attend White Bay across the three months of programming and presents a great opportunity for locals and visitors to experience performances by local creatives. It also offers an opportunity for local hospitality businesses.
At the Council meeting held on 13 February 2024, Council resolved the following:
1. That Council urgently convene a meeting of local hospitality businesses and the Balmain-Rozelle Chamber of Commerce and invite Balmain ward councillors to discuss a joint promotional strategy and offerings to attract patrons attending the Biennale to local businesses.
2. That Council explore options for providing a free shuttle bus service between the Power Station and Darling St throughout the Biennale program.
3. That Council receive a report to the March Council meeting about the outcomes of the meeting with hospitality businesses and detailing a promotional plan to be supported by Council.
4. That Council install signage at prominent locations throughout the local community promoting the Biennale and Council’s EDGE activations that are part of the program.
Following Council’s resolution, the Mayor, Councillors Shetty, Stamolis and council staff attended a meeting on 20 February convened by the Balmain-Rozelle Chamber of Commerce to discuss the Chamber’s ideas and intentions for promoting local businesses and attracting visitors during the three month period of the Biennale. This included a proposed free shuttle bus route between the Balmain East Ferry, Darling St and White Bay; an extensive online promotional plan with links to the Chamber’s website and QR codes with an online landing page to local businesses; “pop up” stalls for information about local hospitality venues; parking and way finding signage.
At the conclusion of the meeting, it was agreed that the Chamber would refine their proposals and work closely with Council staff to agree on what Council is able to provide. Following detailed discussions with the Chair of the Chamber it has now been agreed that Council will provide the following business focused assistance in addition to the extensive promotion already planned for EDGE White Bay:
· Promotional space on two plinths located at White Bay Power Station and Loyalty Square Balmain for Balmain businesses. A QR code or link will direct people to a holding page on the Chamber’s website
· Directional signage – 200 x A1 corflutes around the local area
· A financial contribution to the costs associated with creation of the Chamber website page
· A free Council provided shuttle bus between Balmain and White Bay on the two weekends of EDGE activations
· Provide a digital traffic sign on Mullens St, Rozelle directing traffic from White Bay to Darling St
The CEO of the Biennale advises that Transport for NSW is significantly extending its bus service from the city to White Bay for the duration of the Biennale with approximately fifteen extra services per hour. However, the Balmain-Rozelle Chamber of Commerce remains concerned that there is no additional service between East Balmain wharf and the White Bay site. This is a Transport for NSW responsibility and the Director Community has raised the Chamber’s concerns with the CEO of Biennale. It is understood that Transport is providing additional services of the 442 and 433 bus routes for the duration of the Biennale and these routes connect the Balmain East Wharf and Darling St with the White Bay Power Station.
In addition to the new initiatives outlined above, there is a comprehensive Council marketing campaign in place for EDGE White Bay including:
· Two plinths advertising the EDGE program will be located at White Bay Power Station and Loyalty Square Balmain.
· Five EDGE Inner West banners will run along Crystal St, Petersham.
· Social media campaign
· External digital marketing campaign
· Print program distributed on site
· Advertisement in the Darling Magazine
In addition to the new initiatives outlined above, the Chamber also has a strong plan in place for tourism and precinct marketing during the three months of the Biennale as follows:
· Darling Magazine 5 page Biennale feature (Digital / Print 30,000)
· Full digital media package secured with Concrete Playground
· Engaged digital influencers to do precinct-wide content on social channels ‘A Day out/Night out in Balmain/Rozelle’.
· Enhanced promotion of the existing Heritage Pubs Trail, and establishing a Local Arts Trail.
· A full-page advertisement advertising Balmain Rozelle, plus editorial in the next two editions of the tourism mag SYDNEY magazine. Distribution of 85,000 (port authority/cruises, taxis, airports and hotels). https://issuu.com/bigsplashmedia/docs/sydney_travel_guide_2_issuu
· Website updates with key tourism content eg Best Places to Go, Parks in Balmain Rozelle etc and how to get here.
There are no funds currently allocated in the adopted budget 2023/2024 for the new initiatives agreed with the Balmain-Rozelle Chamber of Commerce. The cost to Council will be approximately $35,000 and be found from the Community Directorate budget.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Perfect Match: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Participation
Prepared By: Vikki Woods - Living Arts Manager
Authorised By: Ruth Callaghan - Director Community
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
3: Creative communities and a strong economy |
During 2023 and 2024, eight (20%) of Perfect Match artworks have been created by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. In addition to the Perfect Match program, Council’s Arts and Music Recovery Plan commits Council to work with and commission artwork from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives across genres and to build the practical skills and capabilities of Aboriginal creatives so they can advance their work and reach new audiences and funding opportunities.
Collaborations are also currently underway led by Aboriginal people from Boomalli Artists Cooperative to mentor artists to gain the necessary practical skills for large scale arts delivery. This approach is strongly supported by the Aboriginal Advisory Committee, which has regular input into creative initiatives, including commissioning works and EOI’s.
Council staff were not able to consult with members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee about the suggestion to set a target for Perfect Match as the Committee has not met since Council’s resolution. However, consultations have been held with the Aboriginal Cultural Advisor, Boomalli and local Aboriginal and Torres Strait artists, all of whom support the current approach – which does not include a target.
Council will continue to remove barriers to participation and promote inclusion and self-determination to create more pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives. This is in keeping with the self determination approach being implemented through the National Cultural Policy – Revive. The first (and one of five) central pillars of the policy is “First Nations First”. This pillar, developed in consultation with first nations peoples is based on the premise of self-determination rather than targets.
Inner West Council’s approach is to preference Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives and work in partnership with artists and their representative organisations like Boomalli to promote and deliver first nations led projects and activations across all art forms, including Perfect Match.
At the Council meeting held on 5 December 2023 resolved the following:
1. That Council investigate setting a target to engage artists contracted under the Perfect Match program who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
2. That Council consult with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee and local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists on the proposal of a target.
3. That Council ask Officers to report back on this consultation by March 2024 and if supported by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee, include recommendations for a realistic, meaningful target.
Council staff were not able to consult with members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee about the suggestion to set a target for Perfect Match as the Committee has not met since Council’s resolution. However, consultations have been held with the Aboriginal Cultural Advisor, Boomalli and local Aboriginal and Torres Strait artists, all of whom support the current approach – which does not include a target. Council is committed to increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in the Perfect Match program and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists who have applied to the program have been given priority selection.
To date, 20% of Perfect Match artworks have been created by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists who applied for the 2022/23 Perfect Match round were selected and four artworks were completed in 2023 with four more to be delivered in 2024 (two from the Perfect Match process and an additional two through engagement and partnership with Boomalli Artists Cooperative).
In addition to the Perfect Match program, Council’s Arts and Music Recovery Plan commits to work with and commission artwork from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives across genres and to build the practical skills and capabilities of Aboriginal creatives so they can advance their work to reach new audiences and funding opportunities. For example, three of the 11 major site-specific artworks for the Greenway involve Aboriginal artists. All three of the Aboriginal Survival Memorials are conceived, designed and installed by Aboriginal creatives and include people involved in stonemasonry and landscaping from Aboriginal companies.
Contemporary policy and practice are to promote skill development and creativity driven by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples themselves rather than setting targets to be met. Council staff routinely work with Boomalli to create opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists who may have found the Council’s application process a barrier.
Council will continue to remove barriers to participation and actively promote inclusion and self determination to create more pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives. This approach is in keeping with the self-determination policy set by Aboriginal creatives and being implemented through the National Cultural Policy – Revive. The first (and one of five) central pillars of the policy is “First Nations First”.
As Revive puts it “[S]elf determination is important – it means supporting First Nations companies and artists to tell First Nations stories. First Nations programs must be designed by and with First Nations peoples and organisations.” (Page 22) In addition, it is also noted that, “Autonomy and increased investment will support more First Nations-led companies and independent artists at all stages of their careers to advance agency, financial and creative autonomy…” (page 23).
Council is committed to self-determination in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives and will continue to monitor, report on and evaluate their inclusion in Perfect Match as well as other creative programs and events funded and promoted by Council. This approach has been strongly supported by the Aboriginal Advisory Committee to date, which has regular input into creative initiatives, including commissioning works and EOI’s.
All the initiatives referred to in this report are funded through Council’s adopted budget for 2023/24.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Arts and Music Recovery Plan Bi-Monthly Update
Prepared By: Vikki Woods - Living Arts Manager
Authorised By: Ruth Callaghan - Director Community
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
3: Creative communities and a strong economy |
This bi-monthly update provides an overview of the implementation of initiatives set out in the Arts and Music Recovery Plan since the report was endorsed by Council in May 2023.
This report covers the period of December 2023 – January 2024. All initiatives in the Arts and Music Recovery Plan are on track. Highlights this reporting period include:
· A partnership with Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Cooperative to build the capacity and mentor emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. Workshops were held in December 2023
· the launch of Perfect Match audio descriptions, with over 100 “listens “ to date
· Commissions worth more than $500,000 awarded to 7 local artists to produce new site specific public art works for the Greenway project.
All initiatives in the Arts and Music Recovery Plan are on track and progressing well. Specific initiatives underway in the last two months include:
Focus on development and practice of Aboriginal artists and creatives: Council is collaborating with Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-Operative to provide mentoring and training to emerging artists by partnering them with an established artist. Funding was provided for Boomalli to deliver workshops in December 2023 and the skills learned will provide emerging artists with inspiration for Boomalli’s upcoming Mardi Gras Exhibition. The exhibition titled “My Sovereign Black Body” will open at Boomalli in February, with the exhibition and workshops curated by Steven Ross.
Shortlisting is underway for an identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork at the Gadigal Reserve Nature Play site on the Greenway. This Aboriginal led procurement is championing Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property (ICIP) and local cultural connection. The selected artist will have a close connection to the Inner West Aboriginal community and the artwork will celebrate culture, vitality and knowledge in a cutting-edge play space.
Opportunities for creatives: Seven artists have been awarded individual commissions for new pieces of site-specific public art along the GreenWay. In total, over $500,000 of Council and State government funding is being allocated. These artists are being granted the opportunity to expand their creative practices in new ways, by exploring site specificity and embedding themselves in the local community.
Fifty inner west creatives applied for EDGE Inner West and 9 artists/artist collectives were awarded a commission as part of the Expression of Interest Process. These successful creatives will activate White Bay Power Station as part of Council’s collaboration with the Sydney Biennale and takeover Petersham Town Hall for a weekend, bringing life to one of Council’s spaces.
Perfect Match Audio Descriptions: The roll out of the first Perfect Match audio descriptions was launched on social media with a campaign including accessible videos to inform the community of this new initiative. To date, there have been over 100 listens.
Creative Use of Council Venues: Creative activations with fully subsidised space were delivered across Ashfield, Leichhardt, Balmain, Marrickville, Petersham, St Peters and Annandale Town Halls. The experience of Pilot Program participants will inform development of a framework for creative use of Council spaces, including town halls.
It is anticipated that the Framework will be developed for approval by Council in the 1st half of 2024. In the meantime, creatives will continue to be offered discounted rates for access to spaces and will be able to access the Not for Profit rate of 50% until the new framework (including any relevant fees) is endorsed.
In total over the eight months of the pilot program, Town Halls have been activated by local creatives for approximately 2817 hours. A breakdown of venue usage is below:
Venue |
Hours of Use (approx.) |
Marrickville Town Hall |
2173 |
St Peters Town Hall |
17 |
Balmain Town Hall |
93 |
Annandale Community Centre |
17 |
Ashfield Town Hall |
228 |
Petersham Town Hall |
200 |
Leichhardt Town Hall |
89 |
Council Events: On 18 November, Inner West Council partnered with the community to present Stanmore Music Festival, held in honor of the late Richard Gill AO. Sixty one (61) community and professional musical groups featuring more than 400 musicians brought the streets of Stanmore alive with music, featuring a majority local creative program. Culture Counts surveys from this event reported that 94% of respondents agreed with the statement “it made me feel proud of my local area” and 90% of respondents agreed with the statement that “the program moved and inspired me”.
All the initiatives in this report have been funded through the adopted budget for 2023/2024.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Reconciliation Action Plan Quarterly Update
Prepared By: Simon Watts - Social and Cultural Planning Manager
Authorised By: Ruth Callaghan - Director Community
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
4: Healthy, resilient and caring communities |
Highlights this quarter include:
· Aboriginal Survival Memorial in Yeo Park nearing completion and contract entered for second Memorial in Illoura Reserve in Balmain.
· Significant remediation planning underway for the old Jets building for the Aboriginal Community Hub in Tempe Reserve.
Significant progress has been made on the implementation of the Reconciliation Action Plan. The first Aboriginal Survival Memorial is nearing completion in Yeo Park and is expected to be launched and dedicated in late March 2024. Council has entered a contract for the creation of the second Survival Memorial in Yeo Park by an Aboriginal artist.
Quarterly achievements under the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan include:
1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Hub: Intensive work between Council and the architect on remediation planning and scoping the design of the Community Hub in Tempe Reserve. A building survey, engineering condition report, and building and roof inspections are underway.
2. Aboriginal Survival Memorials:
· The Aboriginal Survival Memorial in Yeo Park is scheduled for completion in early March, with a dedication and launch planned for late March (depending on weather)
· Community engagement for second Aboriginal Survival Memorial in Illoura Reserve is planned for early April
· Resources have been identified for the third Memorial in Kendrick Park Tempe and this project will proceed in 2025.
3. Engagement on Closing the Gap outcomes with Sydney Local Health District continues in Aboriginal health, health education and wellbeing. The Aboriginal Cultural Advisor regularly attends consultations with Community and Health staff.
4. Collaboration on the March 2024 Wurridjal (Mullet) Festival with the Cooks River Alliance is underway
5. Major research on Aboriginal cultural heritage is complete
6. Perfect Match projects by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists recently completed include:
· David Cragg at 260 Unwins Bridge Rd, Sydenham
· Maddison Gibbs at 26 Liberty St, Enmore
· Zachary Bennett-Brook (in collaboration with local artist Alex Bebbington): 69 Palace St, Petersham
· Noni Cragg: 93 Lennox St, Newtown
· Kyra Kum-Sing: 229 Denison St, Newtown
· Joanne Cassidy (in collaboration with local artist Phibbs): Amenities Block, Tempe Recreation Reserve
· Lucy Simpson (designer) and Meg Minkley (painter): 2 Victoria St, Lewisham
· Noni Cragg and David Cragg (sister and brother collaboration): Sydney Community College, 2a Gordon St, Rozelle
7. Hanging of Aboriginal language maps & Uluru Statement’s has commenced including at:
· Annadale Community Centre
· Jimmy Little Community Centre
· Service Centers – Ashfield & Leichhardt
8. Induction of all new Council staff includes an information session regarding the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples of the Inner West – 4 times per year
9. Welcome & Acknowledgement to Country Staff Guide updated
10. Aboriginal Cultural Advisor and Social and Cultural Planning Manager attended Reconciliation Australia conference to showcase Reconciliation Action Plan progress in February 2024.
All initiatives in the RAP are included in Council’s adopted budget for 2023/24.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Customer Service in Development Assessments - Bi-Monthly Report
Prepared By: Rachel Josey - Operations and Special Projects Manager
Authorised By: Simone Plummer - Director Planning
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
5: Progressive, responsive and effective civic leadership |
The Development Assessment Teams have developed a series of Key Performance Indicators that are reportable across key milestones in the assessment process. Success against these KPIs demonstrates a positive change in customer service.
Further to this, following a face to face engagement with industry professionals via a workshop in April 2023 a number of short, medium and long term actions were also identified that have been developed into an action plan and updates against these is also included in this report.
A further workshop with industry professionals focusing on improving the heritage assessment process was held on 28 November 2023. Feedback obtained at this workshop is provided in this report and has also been included in the revised Action Plan.
At the Council Meeting held on 9 May 2023, Council resolved the following:
1. That Council table a report at the June Ordinary Council meeting with a summary of the feedback received during the Planning Industry Professionals workshop. The report should include the following:
a) A catalogue of short, medium and long term service improvements that can be implemented to address the concerns and recommendations of the architectural and town planning sector; and
b) Key performance indicators and measurable data that can be used to identify how the organisation is performing in customer service and efficiency within development assessment
2. Receive a bimonthly report, tabled at an Ordinary Council meeting, monitoring improvement in customer service within the development assessment system, based of the aforementioned key performance indicators and measurable data.
3. Hold a further workshop inviting planning industry professional who work within the Inner West to specifically discuss how the heritage assessment processes can be improved.
4. Undertake an expression of interest process to identify architects and town planners with deep experience in the Inner West who can contribute their expertise to the development of the new Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan.
This report addresses item 2 & 3 of the above resolution.
At the Council Meeting held on 5 December, Council resolved the following:
1. That Council receive and note the report.
2. That Council staff table a report at the February 2024 Ordinary Council meeting with a summary of the feedback received during the Planning Industry Professionals heritage assessment workshop.
This report addresses item 2 of the above resolution.
In response to the Council resolution of May 2023 three reports have been tabled to date, an initial report was considered at the Council meeting held on 8 August 2023, a subsequent bi-monthly report at the 10 October and 5 December 2023.
Council officers continue to work towards achieving the service improvements outlined in the Customer Service in Development Service – Action Plan. The action plan with comments as at February 2024 is attached.
Performance against the KPI’s for the 2023-2024 financial year to date is outlined in the below table:
Key Process Steps |
Customer Experience KPI |
Data collection to report against KPI |
Financial Year 23/24 Jul to Jan |
Pre DA Minutes |
Letter sent within 10 days of meeting |
System configuration to report on this is underway |
- |
Submit DA on Planning Portal to Lodgement in T1 |
100% Within 10 days (Maintain current average of 7.5 calendar days) |
Reporting available |
80% within 10 days Average 7 days
*The above figure includes the time waiting for additional information for applications where requested by Council. |
Call Applicant and/or Property Owner to advise responsible officer for the DA |
100% Within 10 days of allocation. Introduction, explain process, answer questions and case manage the process |
This practice has been implemented and is the subject of individual staff 1:1 with their team leader– a reporting tool is being investigated |
Neighbour Notification posted |
100% Within 7 days following payment of all fees |
Configuration changes as part of the DA Process Improvement and technology configuration changes to amend the DA process to enable the KPI to be achieved (March 2024) |
70% within 14 days
Internal referrals obtained |
80% response within 14 days
New dashboard has been rolled out – reporting is now available |
73% within 26 days 52% within 14 days |
Site inspection |
100% inspections are recorded on the council record. Site inspections are a legislative requirement, (exceptions are modifications or following a pre-DA as a site visit has already been conducted) – so site inspections are occurring. |
Improved data collection and reporting is in development – system configuration required |
Site inspections occur 100% of the time however 76% recorded in system
Technology solution – March 2024 (pending upgrade) |
Acknowledgment of receipt of submissions |
100% of submissions received are acknowledged in writing Current process exists - automated |
Completed |
Automated response - 100% of submissions acknowledged |
Automation of progress update of significant milestones |
Change in assessment officer (within 5 days) |
This is currently occurring however there are no reporting mechanisms and is reliant on manual advice by new officer or Team Leader |
Automation of this step is a new project not yet commenced |
Following the outcome of the acceleration panel (within 5 days) |
A new step – not automated – reliant on manual advice by assessment officer |
Automation of this step is a new project not yet commenced
Upon completion of a reassessment of amended plans (within 5 days) |
A new step – not automated – reliant on manual advice by assessment officer |
Automation of this step is a new project not yet commenced
Application exceeds 85 days (within 5 days) |
A new step – not automated – reliant on manual advice by assessment officer |
Automation of this step is a new project not yet commenced
Determination |
Median within 85 days |
Based on current KPI |
84 days |
Heritage Workshop
On 28 November 2023 a workshop was held with 67 industry professionals invited to participate on the topic of ‘improving the heritage assessment process’. In attendance were two Councillors, the General Manager, Director Planning, Acting Senior Manager Planning, Development Assessment Managers and a number of other staff to assist in facilitating the workshop. A total of 49 industry professionals attended. The workshop consistent of a presentation by staff and round table and group session facilitated by an external industry professional, Diane Jones. A copy of the presentation as well as a summary of the feedback received is attached.
The feedback has been categorised to assist in grouping key themes into the table below. This table also identifies an initial high level response to the feedback to assist in working towards service improvements
Category |
Potential service improvements |
Advice (inconsistent/not useful) |
Attendance of heritage specialists at meetings where further clarification is required.
New DCP to provide clear and concise controls.
Review of Pre-DA service
Greater internal team collaboration and internal workshops/guidelines on format of advice |
New DCP to have consideration for what can be done via a Complying Development Certificate |
Clarity |
New DCP with clear and concise controls to provide clarity on what can be supported and in particular in Heritage Conservation Areas (HCA) |
Comment on control |
A matter for the new DCP which will be the subject of community consultation. |
Communication |
As part of Council’s ‘Customer Service in Development Assessment – Action Plan’ there is a greater focus on communication. The matters raised under this category would be addressed under the improvements already underway and planned. |
Court |
Regular discussions between Council’s legal services and development assessment sections has commenced and will continue. Furthermore, the external service review currently underway will look at these matters. |
Customer service / work culture |
Many comments in this category related to the desire for more collaborative and on-going discussions. Many of these requests may be addressed by the ‘Customer Service in Development Assessment – Action Plan’ where as many of them are possible they would have significant impacts on timing of applications as well as resources. |
New DCP with clear and concise controls and in particular objectives. Provide greater opportunity for discussions between staff and applicants to establish where a design may not meet strict compliance with the control but meet the objectives of the control and can be supported. |
Experience from other councils |
These comments generally relate to resourcing as well as the service provided by the City of Sydney. |
Fees |
As part of the Pre-DA review the cost of the service will also be reviewed. |
Flexibility |
As per DCP comments |
Heritage team |
Many comments relate to resources in the heritage team or have been addressed above. |
Information |
Request for greater information in inventory sheets – this is a project that would provide greater clarity for applicants on the importance of heritage items however would require budget allocation given the scale and costs involved. Providing referrals via Council’s web page is constrained by technology and would have a significant impact on resources to manually make these available. Furthermore the provision of referrals prior to any formal correspondence is likely to cause confusion for many stakeholders and the demand on resources outweighs any positive impacts. |
Outcome |
Comments relate to wanting a good outcome and not on the timing of the determination. Addressing this comment would have impacts on Council achieving KPI’s on the determination of development applications set in the operation plan. |
Process |
These comments relate to the Pre-DA process and are likely to be addressed as part of the Pre-DA review. |
Rules |
A matter for the new DCP which will be the subject of community consultation. |
Staff resources |
These comments recommend additional staff resourcing for the heritage team. |
Suggestion |
The suggestions made will feed into the Pre-DA review that is proposed as well as the drafting of the DCP or have been addressed elsewhere. |
Timeframe |
These comments relate to GIPA applications, unrealistic timeframes when Council ask for additional information and concerns that the process takes too long. Some of these comments are in conflict as whilst they are seeking more time to prepare amended plans, they also want the end to end process to be shorter. Extending the timeframe to provide additional information would inadvertently result in longer time frames for the determination of applications unless there was a increase/improvement to Council’s resources (both technical and staff). |
Next Steps
Following the categorising and summarising of the feedback as above, next steps will include:
- Analysis and identification of additional opportunities (acknowledging work underway via the Customer Service in Development Assessments – Action Plan) and incorporation of these into the DA improvement roadmap.
- Scope out technical improvements with particular regard to the Pre-DA meeting;
- Review of the Pre-DA service;
- Continue to provide feedback and assist in the progress of the new Development Control Plan (DCP).
Deliverables listed in the action plan either have nil financial implications, have been budgeted for or are the subject of grants received from the Department of Planning. Matters raised in ‘next steps’ have not been comprehensively scoped. Once this has been undertaken and a project plan developed the financial implications will be included.
1.⇩ |
Workshop Presentation - Improving the Heritage Assessment Process |
2.⇩ |
Heritage Workshop Feedback - 28 November 2023 |
3.⇩ |
Customer Service in Development Assessments Action Plan - Feb 2024 |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Mandatory Reporting of Reports Sent to Council by Fire and Rescue NSW
Prepared By: Michael Davies - Parking & Rangers Services Manager
Authorised By: Simone Plummer - Director Planning
That Council receive and note the report. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
4: Healthy, resilient and caring communities |
Correspondence received from Fire and Rescue NSW (Attachments 1-3) identified fire safety matters in relation to the above properties. Following subsequent inspections of the premises by Council’s Fire Safety Officers they determined that a Notice of Intent to Serve a Development Control Order was warranted.
This will require either the installation of or modification to the existing fire safety measures in the building to ensure adequate provision of fire safety and awareness. These works are able to be undertaken in accordance with State Planning provisions through the issuing of Development Control Orders under the EPAA.
40 Renwick Street Marrickville
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) advised Inner West Council on 12 February 2024 of an inspection they undertook in response to a complaint that the driveway security gate prevented residents from exiting onto the street. While conducting the inspection officers noted several non-compliances with the Building Code of Australia, including: -
- Ground floor electrical cupboard not suitably sealed to prevent smoke spreading.
- Smoke detection system not installed in common areas.
- Exit signs not installed in common areas.
- Emergency lighting not installed in the path of travel.
- Portable fire extinguishers not installed in the building.
31-33 Addison Road Marrickville
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) advised Inner West Council on 14 February 2024 of an inspection they undertook in response to a complaint that the rear fire escape serving the building was constantly blocked by garbage bins. While conducting the inspection Brigade personnel noted several other non-compliances including: -
- Signage to the hydrant booster not installed as required.
- Doors to the hydrant booster were poorly maintained, hindering access.
- Signage to the pumproom not installed as required.
- Pumproom door lock is not to industry standard.
- Annual Fire Safety Statement not displayed prominently in the building.
179-183 Marrickville Road Marrickville
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) advised Inner West Council on 14 February 2024 of an inspection they undertook in response to a complaint in relation to critical fire safety defects. During the inspection Brigade personnel noted several non-compliances including: -
- Electrical cupboard not suitably sealed to prevent smoke spreading.
- Egress doors swinging against the path of travel.
- Exit sign not installed in exit serving first floor yoga studio.
- Emergency lighting not installed in the path of travel from the yoga studio.
- Portable fire extinguisher not installed adjacent to the electrical meter board.
In accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPAA), FRNSW referred the matters to Council for follow up. In response, Council's Fire Safety Team conducted an inspection of the premises as per the table below:
Property |
Inspection Results |
38-40 Renwick Street Marrickville |
An inspection was conducted on 15 February 2024 and found: - Electric driveway gate working but obstructing means of egress. - Electrical cupboard not lined to prevent smoke spreading. - No emergency lighting in common areas - No Exit Signage in common areas - No portable fire extinguishers in common areas - No smoke detection system in common areas.
Direction: (EPA/2024/0021) was issued on 19 February 2024, requiring a BCA Audit of the premises be undertaken and submitted to Council for review.
31-33 Addison Road Marrickville |
An inspection was conducted on 15 February 2024 and found: - No garbage bins blocking rear exit at time of inspection. - Metal doors to Hydrant Booster poorly fitted/rusted and difficult to open. - Annual Fire Safety Statement not prominently displayed in building.
Direction: (EPA/2024/0021) was issued on 19 February 2024, requiring certain works to be undertaken in keeping with the comments from FRNSW in their letter dated 14 February 2024.
179-183 Marrickville Road Marrickville |
An inspection was conducted on 15 February 2024 and found: - No Exit Sign in exit from first floor. - Gates installed in mid landing leading to first floor. - Door serving as a means of egress for first floor swings against the path of travel.
Direction: (EPA/2024/0024) was issued on 19 February 2024, requiring a BCA Audit of the premises be undertaken and submitted to Council for review.
Table above summarises the actions by Council officers since receiving the FRNSW report.
After all fire safety solutions are implemented, a Fire Safety Certificate is to be submitted to Council, which will conclude the matter.
There are no financial implications associated with the implementation of the proposed recommendations outlined in the report.
1.⇩ |
FRNSW Referral - 40 Renwick Street Marrickville |
2.⇩ |
FRNSW Referral - 31-33 Addison Road Marrickville |
3.⇩ |
FRNSW Referral - 179-183 Marrickville Road Marrickville |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Review Inner West Aquatic Centre Fees
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
That Council receive a report on the review of 5 Aquatic Centre charges and fees in time for adoption of new fees on 1 July 2024. The Terms of Reference, for the review, to include: a) direct debit and credit card charges; b) costs and sources of Income for each of the 5 aquatic centres; c) training of lifeguards and other staff such as personal trainers and nutritionists; d) fees for school carnivals; e) fees for squad training; f) minimum and maximum adult and children annual costs to swim, use the gym and other facilities based on weekly use for six months -including actual use, income and days/hours open 1 July – 31 Dec 2023; g) aqua aerobics fees for adults and seniors at each pool; h) access to each pool – public transport, population living within 400m, cycling and parking including transport for staff; i) how a seasonal fee could work; j) extending the hours and days each centre is available to the public or available for private use (self provision of Life Guards etc.); k) upgrades required to move away from gas (co-gen), costs and grants; l) operation of Moveable Floor at Ashfield; m) comparative costs at Pools within our LGA and adjacent LGAs; and n) consultation with the community and centre users.
Two writers, to all Councillors, have independently highlighted that the fees charged for Squad and Carnival use of our Aquatic Centres are stopping children from enjoying activities at our pools.
· “Ashfield Aquatic Centre—pool hire = $730.00
School carnival students' entry fees = $1,344.00 (seeking a waiver on entry fees only). This has been increased for 2024 to $1,820 based on 350 students.”
In addition to these costs to our, and other local public schools, is that of the bus hire fees.“
· “The reasons given too for not being able to incl. swim lessons on a Friday from 1-2 pm in summer was that other people used the pool.
Needless to say, I've checked and there's rarely a person, and certainly not enough in numbers, to prevent school use of a few lanes.
It's ridiculous that local public schools must go to pools outside their LGA to have swim. lessons, which is currently the case.
Council can give free use of some facilities to applicants who may or may not be residents and pay for murals etc but cannot support free entry to a pool once a year!
And worse still, to price gouge. It's why some schools now only send swimmers to carnivals which is a shame as it breaks down the fun, the house support system and a sense of belonging—the latter to which IWC pays lip service!!“
· Others have raised issues with direct debit transaction failure fees.
In the light of this correspondence, I have looked over the Charges and Fees Council adopted
last June in more detail. It seems there are a myriad of fees and we may have lost the plot.
Fees are listed against each pool even though they may be the same across pools. Such
repetition is prone to errors.
· Adult entry to Ashfield, Leichhardt an Annette Kellerman is $9.80 (but is listed three times)
· Adult Entry to Fanny Durack is $6.80 and
· Adult entry to Dawn Fraser $6.60.
According to webpage for each pool and the Fees and Charges Document. There has not been a check or advice on fees actually charged and collected online and at the centres themselves.
If these fees reflect costs, they should be seasonal making the pools more accessible in
Direct Debit Charges
Review of the Fees & Charges 2023/24 adopted June 2023 says a Direct Debit Transaction
Fee will apply. This is not unusual except that the Australian Consume and Competition
Commission (ACCC) provides the following guidance on such fees.
ACCC: Card surcharges
· Businesses can charge a surcharge for paying by card, but the surcharge must not be more than what it costs the business to use that payment type.
· If a business charges a payment surcharge, it must be able to prove the costs it is based on.
· If there is no way for a consumer to pay without paying a surcharge, the business must include the surcharge in the displayed price.
https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/pricing/card-surcharges viewed 31 Jan 2024
“Do you charge customers a surcharge on transactions? This is a quick guide to what you can
and can’t include when working out your surcharge. From 1 September 2017, all businesses
that impose payment surcharges on card transactions need to comply with the new law that
bans excessive payment surcharge”..- A guide for business Payment surcharges–only charge
what it costs you January 2018 www.accc.gov.au source:
viewed 1 Feb 2024
The Direct Debit
Transation Fee is referred to in relation to various charges such as
Membership on page 43.
Credit Card Charges are shown on page 101 of fees and charges at 0.75%.
However Fanny Durack webpage says “A Credit card transaction fee of 0.8% applies on all
credit card payments” and “Adult (17 yrs and over)$6.80” defing an adult at 17.
https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/explore/aquatic-centres/fanny-durack-aquaticcentre/pricesand-memberships viewed 2 Feb 2023
A few other anomalies jumped out of the fees and charges:
· There is a reference to the “Leichhardt Municipality” and surprisingly the “Olympic” pool and is shown as the same fee as the diving pool (Sporting Clubs/school swimming)
· There is a statement “A parent accompanying a non-paying child (under 5 years) is required to purchase an adult entry for safety reasons.” at https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/explore/aquatic-centres/ashfield-aquatic-centre/prices-and-membership
· There is minimal incentive to buy 20 passes instead of 10 (so, why have 20pack) https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/explore/aquatic-centres/ashfield-aquatic-centre/prices-and-membership Viewed 30 Jan 2024
· Annette Kellerman shows a Spectator 10 and 10 pack on page 37 of fees and charges.
· Does this allow grandparents to take join up for a family pass? “Family 4 persons (max 2 adults)”..”Family entry terms and conditions: Family pool entry or family swim passes. To be eligible for pool entry, adults must be parents or guardians of the children, or alternatively, they must be adults who live with the children in the same domestic dwelling.” https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/explore/aquatic-centres/ashfield-aquatic-centre/prices-and-membership
· “Family 4 persons (max 2 adults)”..”Family entry terms and conditions: Family pool entry or family swim passes. To be eligible for pool entry, adults must be parents or guardians of the children, or alternatively, they must be adults who live with the children in the same domestic dwelling.” Does this allow grandparents? https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/explore/aquatic-centres/ashfield-aquatic-centre/prices-and-membership
Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre accepts Fitness Passport for pool entry but does not have
consistant ages with the other pool.“...“A Credit card transaction fee of 0.8% applies on all credit
card payments” -”
Adult (17 yrs and over) |
$6.80 |
Child (5 - 16 yrs - children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult) |
$3.90 |
Child under 5yrs (with paying adult) |
Charged as fortnightly direct debits
Mini squad - 1 visit per week* |
$41.28 |
Junior squad - 1 visit per week* |
$45.40 |
*Second child enrolled receives a 7% discount, third and subsequent children receive a 14% discount.
1. The upgrade of LPAC is being planned currently and such a review would inform this planning.
2. A T-Corp (NSW Gov) loan over 20 year was taken out to pay for Ashfield Aquatic Centre Upgrade. The 15/6 Ashfield LGA SRV included the upgrade of the Pool. “The increases would generate an additional $11.9 million above the rate peg over the 4-year period which will be used to accelerate the redevelopment of its Aquatic Centre, renew other assets and improve its financial sustainability” https://www.ipart.nsw.gov.au/Home/Industries/Local-Government/Reviews/Special-Variations-Minimum-Rates/Special-Variations-Minimum-Rates-2015-16
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Review Domestic Waste Charge
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
1. That Council notes the considerable dissatisfaction in the community about the rollout of FOGO.
2. That Council review the Domestic Waste Charge in time for adoption of new fees on 1 July 2024. |
The following domestic waste management charges are current [for the Inner West Council] from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024:
· Small garbage bin (less than 120 litres): $377.00 p.a.
· Standard garbage bin (120 litres): $502.00 p.a.
· Large garbage bin (240 litres): $753.00 p.a.
· Vacant/availability: $251.00 p.a.
However, due to the implementation of the new FOGO service on 9 October 2023, Council has delegated the General Manager the authority to write off all fees in relation to requests to increase the size of any existing red-lid garbage bin to 240 litre or 120 litre within the Domestic Waste Management service, associated with the implementation of the food recycling program until 1 July 2024.
https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/live/information-for-residents/rates/domestic-waste-management-charges viewed 1 Feb 2024
IPART Review Domestic waste management annual charges: “In line with OLG’s planned regulatory approach for DWM annual charges, we have decided that no limit is to apply to the amount by which councils may vary their DWM annual charges for the period from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.”
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Queer Rights Street Rally 18 February 2024
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
From: Councillor Liz Atkins
That Council endorse and publicise on social media the “Mardi Gras Street Rally” to be held on Sunday 18 February 2024 at 2pm at Pride Square.
Pride in Protest, a collective of activists who campaign for social justice, including queer, refugee and indigenous rights, are holding a street rally for queer rights in Pride Square, Newtown at 2pm on 18 February 2024, the same day as Mardi Gras Fair Day. My understanding is that they plan to march from Pride Square to Fair Day.
The demands of the rally are as follows:
1. Pass the Equality bill: self-id, sex worker rights & gender affirmation leave now!
The Equality Bill is the bill introduced to the NSW Parliament by Alex Greenwich MP which will be debated in March. The call by the rally is to pass it in full. The Bill has broad support from the queer community.
2. No right to discriminate, no religious exceptions!
This refers to the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act which is subject to review by the NSW Law Reform Commission and the removal of religious exceptions to the prohibition on discrimination, including for schools.
3. No pinkwashing of genocide, free Palestine!
Pinkwashing, or rainbow-washing, is the strategy of attempting to benefit from purported support for LGBTQIA+ rights, often as a way to profit or to distract from a separate agenda or promoting protection of those rights as evidence of liberalism and democracy, especially to distract from or legitimize violence against other countries or communities. For example, images of the Israeli Defence Force portraying themselves with Pride flags in Gaza or pictures of Israeli soldiers with their same sex partner with the message that because Islamic Palestinians supposedly don’t accept homosexuality they don’t deserve our support in calling for an end to Israel’s genocide.
4. Fund community, not cops, cops out of Pride & scrap the anti-protest laws!
This demand reflects the view that government spends too much money on police and punitive measures, and not enough on preventative measures like ensuring people are fed, housed and safe or more direct community safety programs.
The queer community is over-policed, both directly and through the application of drug laws and use of sniffer dogs to carry out stop-and-searches in queer spaces in particular, including at Pride marches, which results in under-reporting of violence and harassment. Historically the NSW Police Force’s attitude to the LGBTIQA+ community leaves a lot to be desired, and this continues, causing a significant lack of trust in NSWPF by the queer community. This is acknowledged in the report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes handed down in December 2023, particularly chapter 8 which refers not only to historical issues but contemporary attitudes to the LGBTIQA+ community https://www.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-12/SCOI-LGBTIQ-Hate-Crimes-Volume-3-191223.pdf
Mardi Gras members recently voted to scrap the Police Accord which permits public decency inspections before the Parade and there are calls for the NSW Police Force to be excluded from having a float in the Parade, which is in part what this demand is about.
The demand also calls for the NSW anti-protest laws, which are some of the most draconian in Australia, to be scrapped.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: 26 January
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
From: Councillor Liz Atkins
1. That Council note the distress and trauma caused to First Nations people when we celebrate on 26 January.
2. That Council consult Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee on their views about holding citizenship ceremonies on 26 January.
3. That Council receive a report on that consultation by the May 2024 meeting in order to make decision at that meeting whether citizenship ceremonies should be held on 26 January.
Commemorating Australia Day has been questioned from at least 1938 when Aboriginal leaders declared it a Day of Mourning.
At its 12 November 2019 meeting, Inner West Council voted to move its celebratory events away from 26 January, except for the citizenship ceremony. Since then, Inner West Council has promoted Yabun.
Until December 2022 it was not possible to move the citizenship ceremony. In December 2022 the federal government changed the Australian Citizenship Ceremonies Code to allow councils to conduct citizenship ceremonies three days before or after 26 January. It has been reported that since that change more than 80 councils across the country have moved citizenship ceremonies from 26 January.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Inner West Schools Active Travel
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
From: Councillor Kobi Shetty
1. That Council acknowledges the mental, physical and environmental benefits of having more school students walking, cycling and scootering to school.
2. That Council notes the NSW Government’s recently announced Active Transport to School program offering an additional $10 million to councils to fund active travel to school projects.
3. That Council undertakes a report into establishing an Inner West Primary Schools Active Travel pilot program identifying primary schools in the LGA with potential to be involved in a multi-disciplinary education and pedestrian infrastructure improvement program to encourage more walking, cycling and scootering to school.
4. That Council investigates potential funding sources for the program, including external sources such as TfNSW’s Get NSW Active grant program. |
Currently only 25% of NSW school children walk or ride to and from school, down from 75% 40 years ago. This has had an impact on the mental wellbeing and physical health of children, increased the number of cars undertaking short trips to school, and has had a detrimental impact on the environment. The NSW Government has increased funding for an Active Transport to School program, that will be funded through councils, to make it easier and safer for children to walk, scoot or ride to school.
At the March 2022 meeting, Council unanimously resolved to work with local schools, P&Cs, and residents on measures to support safe walking and cycling to primary schools, and commence immediate planning work to identify and cost potential safety measures for implementation as part of the 2022-23 budget. Establishment of pilot program could make a positive step towards forward to progressing this work this work.
The new program can leverage schools active travel initiatives already undertaken by the GreenWay Place Management Program in 2017-2019 with the following public schools – Kegworth (Leichhardt), Summer Hill, Dulwich Hill, Petersham and Canterbury.
Feedback from Willoughby City Council which has undertaken a similar program to work with local schools to facilitate more active travel to school has reported overwhelmingly positive feedback from teachers, students, parents and council staff.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Drag Story Time
From: Councillor Mathew Howard
1. That Council thanks Council library staff and the communities directorate for organising and running the Drag Story Time event this past weekend.
2. That Council thanks Rainbow Families NSW and Joyce Maynge for their work on the event, and thanks Inner West Police Area Command for their support of the event.
3. That Council Condemns homophobia and transphobia.
4. That Council commits to holding a series of Drag Story Time events with Rainbow Families. |
The Drag Story Time held on Saturday 10 February was hosted by Inner West Council, working with Rainbow Families NSW.
The event was targeted online following the cancellation of a similar event in Rockdale hosted by the ABC and motions by another Sydney council opposing the Drag Story Time events.
Unfortunately, council customer service and library staff were subjected to considerable abuse and hostility in the weeks leading up to the event.
The Inner West Council event went ahead, with kids listening to stories and singing radical songs including the Alphabet and Row your Boat.
Key values of Inner West Council are Respect, Compassion and Collaboration.
We value the diversity of the community we represent and recognise and value our LGBTIQA+ community, including LGBTIQA+ parents and their children.
Events like Drag Story Time are a reflection of those core values and of our commitment to supporting inclusion in our local community.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Waste Education (Motion for National General Assembly)
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
That Council endorse the following motion to be submitted to the 2024 National General Assembly:
This National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to urgently standardise Bins and include funding for education in schools curriculum and to councils for education in the community (at work and play) about key components of the waste strategy such as what goes into the different coloured kerbside bins but also more generally, where and how the content is processed and other initiatives the Government is taking to reach a circular economy with regard to domestic waste.
The national objective and summary of key arguments is outlined in the attached completed
National General Assembly Proposed Motions template.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
1.⇩ |
Completed National General Assembly Proposed Motion |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Invite the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network to address the Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly
From: Councillor Dylan Griffiths
That Council write to the Australian Local Government Association Office Bearers and board to request that they invite the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network to address the National General Assembly about the invasion and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, support for the Palestinian community including recent refugees staying in Australia. |
Recent statements from the Gaza Health Ministry have stated that at least 29,606 Palestinians have been killed and 69,737 have been injured in Israeli strikes on Gaza since 7 October.
Since the invasion of Gaza, the Australian government has granted more than 2200 visa to Palestinians.
The World Food Programme this week said its teams reported “unprecedented levels of desperation” while the UN warned that 2.2 million people were on the brink of famine. The UN agency in charge of Palestinian affairs (UNRWA) said it has been forced to pause aid deliveries to northern Gaza – where it is not “possible to conduct proper humanitarian operations” – amid increasing reports of famine among people in the area. “The desperate behaviour of hungry and exhausted people is preventing the safe and regular passage of our trucks,” said Tamara Alrifai, director of external relations for UNRWA. She added that she was “very wary of how to explain this so as not to make it sound like we are blaming people or describing these things as criminal acts”.
Many Australian local government councillors have passed motions calling for a ceasefire and an end to the invasion of Gaza. In November, the Inner West Council decided to distribute information in our newsletter about an APHEDA fundraising appeal which aimed to provide immediate relief to people in Gaza. In December the Inner West Council joined calls for a ceasefire.
In 2022 the Ukraine Ambassador, Vasyl Myroshnychenko addressed the Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly, subsequently the assembly passed a motion of Solidarity with Ukraine. ALGA’s media release quotes Vasyl Myroshnychenko ‘Local governments can help mostly by connecting local services to those Ukrainians who have relocated into your communities, and by raising money to help Ukrainians rebuild critical infrastructure such as schools and hospitals’.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Trans Day of Visibility Rally - 31 March 2024
From: Councillor Liz Atkins
1. That Council note that on Transgender Day of Visibility Council already flies either the Progress Pride flag or the transgender flag at its town halls and lights Camperdown Memorial Rest Park in the colours of the transgender flag;
2. That Council endorse and publicise on social media the Trans Day of Visibility Rally to be held on Sunday 31 March 2024 at 2pm at Pride Square
3. That Council prioritise consideration of an application for up to 4 stalls at Pride Square before the rally to give the atmosphere of a small community fair. |
Trans Day of Visibility is an annual international celebration of trans pride and awareness, recognising trans and gender diverse experiences and achievements. It is held on 31 March every year. Pride in Protest, a collective of activists who campaign for social justice, including queer, refugee and indigenous rights, are holding a street rally in Pride Square, Newtown at 2pm on 31 March 2024, to celebrate the day.
The demand of the rally is Equality Now! which means passing in full the Equality Bill introduced by Alex Greenwich to the NSW Parliament, including the amendments to the Anti-Discrimination Act which provide protections for LGBTQIA+ teachers and students at religious schools and to prevent discrimination on the basis of being a sex worker. It also provides for changes to identity documents and birth certificates without the need for surgery. The rally is also calling for free and accessible gender-affirming care and annualised, 6-week minimum gender affirmation leave, and for councils and others not to cancel Drag Storytime.
They are also calling to an end of pinkwashing of the police, which means they are not welcome at Pride events, and for justice for Veronica Baxter and other indigenous and queer people who have died in custody; implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody; scrapping the anti-protest laws and dropping all charges current against protesters; funding community solutions, not policing solutions; and no police at Pride events.
Every rally has community organisations present, handing out information and/or raising money, possibly with merchandise. There are inevitably one or two tables set up. Acknowledging the small amount of space available, the work going on at Newtown Town Hall and that the space is a pedestrian space as well as needing to ensure a path through for emergency vehicles, Council could acknowledge that up to 4 stalls in the space would be safe.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Early Childhood Education and Care Workers
From: Councillor Liz Atkins
1. That Council note that the 8th of March is International Women's Day, and this is a key day for celebrating the wins of the women's movement and fighting for further systemic change. 2. That Council note that the gender pay gap of 28% persists in Australia, and that Australia has one of the most gender segregated labour forces in the OECD, with most women working in systematically underpaid roles like early childhood education, school support, aged care and disability support, cleaning, hairdressing, nursing, and school teaching. 3. That Council note the recent recommendations of the Women's Equality Taskforce, and the recent reports of the early learning sector by the Australian Consumer Commission and the United Workers Union 4. That Council note that in particular the Women's Economic Equality Taskforce stresses the importance of supporting a pay increase for early childhood educators, the universalisation of early childhood education & care for families, paid placements for feminised industries like health and education, and employment targets for women and minorities to address segregation in the workforce. 5. That Council note it plays a key role in the provision of long day care and pre-school in the area. 6. That Council commend early childhood educators in the United Workers Union for taking action on 8 March for a pay increase. 7. That Council reiterate support for the LGNSW motion to negotiate with the union, and requests an update from LGNSW on its progress. |
Council previously passed C1123(1) Item 23 which recognised the matters set out in points 3 and 4, and is awaiting a report on how Council can assist First Nations families, including to apply for child care and child care subsidies and the cost of subsidising any gap fees between the Childcare Subsidy and our service fees for First Nations families, as part of providing universal early learning in the LGA and assisting in closing the gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
We also passed C0923(1) Item 35 and with Randwick and City of Sydney Councils moved the following successful motion at the 2023 LGNSW Conference:
That Local Government NSW commits to supporting councils to recruit and retain early childhood educators by:
1. calling on the NSW State Government to:
a) increase support for public early childhood education services, including extending the paid placement funding offered to Early Childhood Teacher students to Diploma and Certificate III students, and;
b) support councils to expand high quality early childhood education and care through long daycare, out of hours care, pre-school, and occasional care.
2. bargaining with the United Services Union and its members in good faith to achieve an increase to wages for early childhood educators above inflation, as well as leave provisions and hazard pay that reflect the risk of infection associated with work in early childhood education.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Extending the swimming season at Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre
From: Councillor Liz Atkins and Councillor Dylan Griffiths
1. That Council notes that Inner West aquatic centres will need to be a part of our strategy to deal with a heating climate.
2. That Council receive a report that considers extending the swimming season at Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre including any cost of upgrading lights at the pool to permit an extended season and opening hours, the report to be provided to permit consideration in the context of the 2024/25 Budget considerations. |
Council considered extending the season at Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre after a trial in 2017. The report to 27 June 2017 Council meeting is attached. However, Council decided at its December 2023 meeting C1223(1), Item 33 as follows:
1. That Council identify cooling centres within each suburb, create a list and publicise them on Council's website, media and social media, from December 2023 to February 2024, to be amplified on days above 40oC or when the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and NSW Health Air Quality Indicator is Poor or worse.
2. That emergency contingency plans be established for late night opening of Council buildings in the event of the Bureau of Meteorology issuing a severe or extreme heatwave warning for the Inner West Local Government Area.
Our pools will need to be a significant part of our strategy for dealing with a heating climate and we should start to consider ways of making them more available, i.e. later in the evening after the sun has set, and during the month before daylight saving starts and after daylight saving ends. We know that our community supports this as we have received petitions on a number of occasions in relation to Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre. We will also need to consider other costs such as staffing.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
1.⇩ |
C0617 Item 16: Review of the Trial Extension of the 2016/17 Swimming Season at Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Asbestos - Construction Waste and the Circular (Motion for National General Assembly)
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
1. That Council endorse the following motion to be submitted to the 2024 National General Assembly.
2. That this National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to ensure sufficient funding of regulation of the Waste industry including monitoring handling of Construction Waste in the Circular Economy in particular the handling of hazardous materials. |
The national objective and summary of key arguments is outlined in the attached completed
National General Assembly Proposed Motions template.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
1.⇩ |
Completed National General Assembly Proposed Motions Template |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Newtown Street Party
From: Deputy Mayor Chloe Smith
1. That Council notes that the Newtown Street Party celebrates the vibrant and diverse community of Newtown, and is an example of how Council can work with local businesses to support more live music, street pedestrianisation, and economic activation.
2. That Council notes that the event also serves as an important fundraising opportunity for Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, with more than $10,000 in gold coin donations raised in the last two years of the event.
3. That Council thanks Young Henrys and Solotel’s Courthouse Hotel for their ongoing partnership with Council to hold the event, noting that this event could not proceed without Council’s support.
4. That Council supports holding the Newtown Street Party as a permanent annual event.
5. That Council support Young Henrys and the Courthouse Hotel to secure the future of the Newtown Street Party as an annual event, including providing support for arts and cultural funding applications. |
The Newtown Street Party is a collaboration between Inner West Council and two prominent local Newtown businesses, Young Henrys brewery and Solitel’s Courthouse Hotel.
The event began as a celebration of Young Henrys’ Newtowner Pale Ale, created 10 years ago to celebrate the 150th birthday of the suburb of Newtown, in collaboration with the Courthouse Hotel, the first pub to pour the Newtowner. Both businesses are active and well-loved members of the Inner West community.
The event has since evolved as a celebration of all things Newtown, showcasing local artists with all-day live music performances, and hosting street stalls serving local food and beverages.
The event also serves as an important fundraising opportunity for Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, raising over $10,000 in gold coin donations for the NNC in the last two years.
The Newtown Street Party aligns with Council’s intent to support local arts, live music, and
activation of main streets and precincts
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Mardi Gras Fair Day
From: Councillor Mathew Howard
1. That Council expresses disappointment that Mardi Gras Fair Day was cancelled in 2024 following asbestos contamination in Victoria Park.
2. That Council thanks the Mayor and senior staff for acting quickly and offering Inner West Council’s parks and services as an alternative venue.
3. That Council requests officers meet with representatives from Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras to deepen engagement with Mardi Gras in future years.
4. That given the proximity of the Fair Day event to Inner West Council, and the number of Inner West residents who participate, request officers organise an Inner West Council stall at Mardi Gras Fair Day on an annual basis. |
The Inner West is home to one of the largest concentrations of LGBTIQA+ people and communities in Australia.
Following the discovery of asbestos in contaminated recycled mulch in Victoria Park, this year’s Fair Day celebration was unfortunately cancelled. The Mayor and senior staff made the offer of using our local parks and facilities, however, it was sadly too late to shift the venue. Fair Day has previously been hosted at Camperdown Memorial Rest Park.
Given the importance and popularity of Mardi Gras and Fair Day to the inner west residents, this motion requests that staff meet with Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras to see how we can better connect our successful programs to the Mardi Gras program, and to request staff to host a stall at Fair Day each year.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Notice of Motion: Bird protection at Marrickville Metro
From: Councillor Mathew Howard
That Council write to the management of the Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre requesting that following the deaths of native birds, they take action to eliminate bird strikes on the glass walkway connecting the two halves of the shopping centre over Smidmore Street.
The new glass walkway over Smidmore Street, while a beautiful and convenient addition to the
shopping centre, does not adequately protect native birds from bird strikes. Several residents
have contacted me to raise concerns that the glass panels do not provide adequate
deterrence, leading to bird deaths.
Thousands of lorikeets and other native species inhabit the large trees on Smidmore Street,
immediately adjacent to the walkway.
Installing decals or other design features to deter birds from striking the glass.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Question on Notice: Staff distribution
From: Councillor John Stamolis
Please review and correct any data in the table below. The data have been sourced from Council’s Annual Reports.
The Office of Local Government circular published on 14 December 2021 required councils to publish labour statistics based on a “relevant day” fixed by the Secretary of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment each year (Secretary DPIE).
The dates chosen by the Secretary DPIE for the 2021/22 and 2022/23 annual report is 25 May and 22 November of 2022. This “relevant day” requirement was not in effect for the 2020/21 annual report, the employee data therefore reflected 30 June 2021. At that time fixed term employee data was not required to be reported separately. Please see an updated table below that provides this additional fixed term data break up consistent with the 2021/22 and 2022/23 annual reporting.
Relevant Date |
30-Jun-21 |
25-May-22 |
22-Nov-22 |
Annual Report |
2020/2021 |
2021/2022 |
2022/2023 |
Perm Full Time |
877 |
61.7% |
892 |
61.0% |
898 |
56.8% |
Perm Part Time |
134 |
9.4% |
120 |
8.2% |
123 |
7.8% |
Casual |
343 |
24.1% |
407 |
27.8% |
504 |
31.9% |
Fixed Term |
68 |
4.8% |
44 |
3.0% |
56 |
3.5% |
Total |
1422 |
100.0% |
1463 |
100.0% |
1581 |
100.0% |
Why has the staff mix moved to a greater proportion of
casual and fixed term staff?
From the annual report year of 2021/2022 to 2022/2023, the relevant date is within the same year of 2022. Seasonally, the likely increase in casuals in November 2022 in comparison to May 2022 is due to the summer season where it impacts our aquatic service and grass verge mowing.
In addition to the increase of casuals due to seasonal demands, from 1 July 2022 Council recommenced management of the Annette Kellerman and Fanny Durack Aquatic Centres. This is the largest factor to the increase of casual staff. As this included the engagement of all the existing casual staff with varying roles of pool lifeguards, pool supervisors, creche assistants, customer service, health and fitness trainers and learn to swim instructors.
The increase in the number of contingent staff, particularly casuals, could also be partly attributed to Children's Services who worked in increasing their casual pool of Educators who can backfill gaps in rosters that results from unplanned leave/absence and vacancies. There has been a skills shortage crisis in the Education and Care sector and having a healthy and reliable casual pool has helped Children's Services to meet their obligations under the regulations.
From 2021 there has been an overall decrease in fixed term positions.
What areas have seen reductions in full-time and part-time staff?
The decreasing percentage of full-time staff is a result of increasing proportion of other employment types, particularly casuals. Overall there has not been a reduction in full time staff as seen in the absolute/round figures in the table above.
With regards to part-time employees, the changing numbers are due to normal fluctuations resulting from attrition or staff turnover, flexible working arrangements that finished, or staff permanently increasing hours of work to full-time.
What is causing the rise in the proportion of casual staff during this term of Council? What are these casual positions predominantly for?
Refer to the answer for question ‘Why has the staff mix moved to a greater proportion of casual and fixed term staff?’ above.
What has caused the need for fixed term positions during this term of Council? What are these positions for? What is causing the increase in the number of these positions?
Of the 56 fixed term positions in 2022/2023, 43% are from the Planning Directorate. Mainly covering student development assessment and strategic planning positions. Reasons for the increase are due to increasing uptake of interns/students/trainees. As well as increasing term contract employees as backfill replacements for maternity leave relief positions, flexible working arrangement, project-based roles and employees on extended leave.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Question on Notice: EV charging
From: Councillor John Stamolis
Comment by the General Manager:
Answers to the questions will be provided at the Ordinary Council meeting in April 2024.
How many temporary footpath occupancy licences were issued by Council to support the pilot for EV charging? Are these numbers available by Council ward?
How long were these licences valid for?
Are there any summary findings as a result of the pilot?
Which Council car parks are being selected for EV charging? How many charging points will be provided in total as part of this initiative?
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Question on Notice: Security Bonds, Deposits and Retentions
From: Councillor John Stamolis
Comment by the General Manager:
Answers to the questions will be provided at the Ordinary Council meeting in April 2024.
Council’s annual report shows that Councils’ liabilities included $27.9 million as security bonds, deposits and retentions of which 88% is not expected to be repaid over the following 12 months.
By way of example, based on yields as supplied in Council’s investment report, this $24.5 million (88%) could accrue interest from $860,000 to $1.2 million over a year.
1. Is Council able to categorise the data for security bonds, deposits and retentions into high level categories which can be better understood by the public?
2. Is this money held in interest bearing accounts? If so, can Council provide the average interest rate and/or provide a breakdown (0%, 0.01% to 0.99%, 1.0% to 1.99% etc)?
3. Under the LGA Act, is Council required to ensure that these holdings accrue interest?
4. Under the LGA Act, is Council required to repay accrued interest to the customer?
5. Does Council currently pay the accrued interest on these amounts to customers? Please provide information as to which accrue interest, which do not and the reason for this.
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Question on Notice: Rozelle Parklands $20 million
From: Councillor John Stamolis
Please note the Mayoral Minute, December 2023.
1. That Council welcome the commitment of Roads Minister John Graham of an additional $20 million from the NSW Government to Council to improve Rozelle Parklands and provide additional facilities within the local community.
2. That Council write to the Government thanking them for their acknowledgement of the need to further improve Rozelle Parklands and accepting their proposal to fund a new Masterplan which Council will undertake.
3. That Council receive a report at the February Ordinary Council Meeting about the Government’s proposed $20 million investment, including an initial assessment of what facilities and amenities could be provided in the Rozelle Parklands and in nearby locations through the funding.
4. That Council note the advice from Transport for NSW that an all-weather sporting surface cannot be delivered under the existing conditions of consent for Rozelle Parklands and commence community consultation on nearby locations where an all-weather surface could be delivered by Council for the benefit of local clubs. Potential locations for the community to be consulted on include Waterfront Drive (Callan Park), Leichhardt no.2, Easton Park, and Balmain Road playing fields (Callan Park).
5. That Council commence the new Masterplan process as soon as possible, including
holding an initial community consultation event at the pending opening of the Rozelle
6. That Council write to local residents in Rozelle, Lilyfield, Annandale, Leichhardt, and Balmain to inform them of the $20 million funding commitment by the NSW Government and Council’s intention to commence the new Rozelle Parklands Masterplan.
7. That Council urgently convene a meeting with local sports Clubs and Transport for NSW to discuss the design of the new amenities block at Rozelle Parklands as well as expediting the availability of the sporting fields.
Please see the questions as follows:
How was the
amount $20 million determined? Did Council determine this amount?
Did the Minister or Transport for NSW determine the amount?
See Minister’s letter on the matter.
What was included in the $20 million at the time the funds were discussed?
See Minister’s letter on the matter.
Under what State Government provision or budget category was this $20 million provided by the Minister to Inner West Council? For example, is it defined as compensation?
See Minister’s letter on the matter.
How much of the $20 million will be needed to complete planning and additional works for the Rozelle Parklands? Please itemise the cost of planning and the main works needed.
This is dependent upon the outcomes of the masterplan which is currently underway.
Why couldn’t a synthetic sports field be placed at Rozelle Parklands as originally in the plans? Why was it removed in late 2022?
Transport for NSW notified that there are engineering constraints pertaining to the electrical
cables beneath the Parklands which meant the sportfields needed to be a natural surface.
Balmain Road Field and Waterfront Oval are within the iconic ‘Callan Park’ parklands, which is under the control of Greater Sydney Parklands. Did Council seek approval from the GSP in before commencing community consultation about synthetic fields in Callan Park?
The current body of work is early community consultation which will lay the foundation for
consultation with the Greater Sydney Parklands a part of a future stage.
1.⇩ |
Letter from Minister, The Hon John Graham MLC |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: Quarterly Strategic Investment Property Report – January 2024
Council at its meeting on 13 February 2024 resolved that the matter be deferred to the meeting to be held on 05 March 2024.
Prepared By: Scott Mullen - Strategic Investments and Property Manager
Authorised By: Kelly Loveridge - Director Corporate
That Council receive and note the report.
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
3: Creative communities and a strong economy |
Council will move into closed session to deal with the Quarterly Strategic Investment Property Report – January 2024, for information which is classified as confidential under Section 10A(2)(d)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993. The matter is deemed confidential, as the matter is commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.
Pursuant to section 10A(2), 10(2) and 10A(3) of the Local Government Act 1993, the media and public will be excluded from the meeting on the basis that the business to be considered is classified as confidential under section 10A(2)(d)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993.
Quarterly Strategic Investment Property Report – January 2024 - Confidential This attachment is confidential in accordance to information (Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business. |
Council Meeting 5 March 2024 |
Subject: TfNSW Litigation - Camdenville Park
Prepared By: Matthew Pearce - General Counsel
Authorised By: Peter Gainsford - General Manager
That Council adopt the recommendations contained in Confidential Attachment 1. |
This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:
4: Healthy, resilient and caring communities |
Council will move into closed session to deal with the TfNSW Litigation - Camdenville Park, for information which is classified as confidential under section 10A(2)(d)(g) (of the Local Government Act 1993) that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.
Pursuant to section 10A(2), 10(2) and 10A(3) of the Local Government Act 1993, the media and public will be excluded from the meeting on the basis that the business to be considered is classified as confidential under section 10A(2)(d)(g) of the Local Government Act 1993.
Confidential Report - TfNSW Litigation - Camdenville Park - Confidential This attachment is confidential in accordance to advice concerning litigation, or advice (Section 10A(2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege. |
Site Plan of the Acquired Land in Camdenville Park - Confidential This attachment is confidential in accordance to advice concerning litigation, or advice (Section 10A(2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1993) that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege. |