Local Traffic Committee Meeting




11:00 AM


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Function of the Local Traffic Committee


Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is legislated as the Authority responsible for the control of traffic on all NSW Roads. The RMS has delegated certain aspects of the control of traffic on local roads to councils. To exercise this delegation, councils must establish a local traffic committee and obtain the advice of the RMS and Police. The Inner West Council Local Traffic Committee has been constituted by Council as a result of the delegation granted by the RMS pursuant to Section 50 of the Transport Administration Act 1988.


Role of the Committee

The Local Traffic Committee is primarily a technical review and advisory committee which considers the technical merits of proposals and ensures that current technical guidelines are considered. It provides recommendations to Council on traffic and parking control matters and on the provision of traffic control facilities and prescribed traffic control devices for which Council has delegated authority. These matters are dealt with under Part A of the agenda and require Council to consider exercising its delegation.

In addition to its formal role as the Local Traffic Committee, the Committee may also be requested to provide informal traffic engineering advice on traffic matters not requiring Council to exercise its delegated function at that point in time, for example, advice to Council’s Development Assessment Section on traffic generating developments. These matters are dealt with under Part C of the agenda and are for information or advice only and do not require Council to exercise its delegation.


Committee Delegations

The Local Traffic Committee has no decision-making powers. The Council must refer all traffic related matters to the Local Traffic Committee prior to exercising its delegated functions. Matters related to State Roads or functions that have not been delegated to Council must be referred directly to the RMS or relevant organisation.

The Committee provides recommendations to Council. Should Council wish to act contrary to the advice of the Committee or if that advice is not supported unanimously by the Committee members, then the Police or RMS have an opportunity to appeal to the Regional Traffic Committee.


Committee Membership & Voting

Formal voting membership comprises the following:

·         one representative of Council as nominated by Council;

·         one representative of the NSW Police from each Local Area Command (LAC) within the LGA, being Newtown, Marrickville, Leichhardt and Ashfield LAC’s.

·         one representative from the RMS;  and

·         State Members of Parliament (MP) for the electorates of Summer Hill, Newtown, Heffron, Canterbury, Strathfield and Balmain or their nominees.


Where the Council area is represented by more than one MP or covered by more than one Police LAC, representatives are only permitted to vote on matters which effect their electorate or LAC.

Informal (non-voting) advisors from within Council or external authorities may also attend Committee meetings to provide expert advice.


Committee Chair

Council’s representative will chair the meetings.


Public Participation

Members of the public or other stakeholders may address the Committee on agenda items to be considered by the Committee. The format and number of presentations is at the discretion of the Chairperson and is generally limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Committee debate on agenda items is not open to the public.





Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024







1          Apologies


2          Disclosures of Interest


3          Confirmation of Minutes

Minutes of 17 June 2024 Local Traffic Committee                   5


4          Matters Arising from Council’s Resolution of Minutes


5          Part A – Items Where Council May Exercise Its Delegated Functions


Traffic Matters


ITEM                                                                                 Page


LTC0724(1) Item 1  Morton Park Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Final Report (Damun-Stanmore Ward/Newtown Electorate/Inner West PAC)                 24

LTC0724(1) Item 2  Hospital Lane, Marrickville - Proposed installation of 'No Parking' restrictions (Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)       159

LTC0724(1) Item 3  Marrickville Road, Marrickville – Temporary full road closure for Marrickville Music Festival – Sunday 13 October 2024 (Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)                                          161

LTC0724(1) Item 4  Percival Road and Temple Street, Stanmore – Temporary full road closure for Stanmore Music Festival – Saturday 16 November 2024 (Damun-Stanmore Ward / Newtown Electorate /  Inner West PAC)                                          203

LTC0724(1) Item 5  May Street and May Lane, St Peters – Temporary full road closure for the ‘2044 Street Takeover’ event – Sunday 3 November 2024 (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC)                                                   231

LTC0724(1) Item 6  Mary Street and Edith Street, St Peters – Precinct 75 redevelopment - DA20210799 and DA20210800 Consent conditions - Temporary parking changes (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)       262

LTC0724(1) Item 7  Carrington Road at Cary Street, Marrickville - Proposed raised pedestrian crossing (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Inner West PAC)               343

LTC0724(1) Item 8  Holden Street at Park Avenue, Ashfield- Proposed Raised  pedestrian (zebra) crossing adjacent to the Lewis Herman Reserve (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)                                                   346

LTC0724(1) Item 9  Mary Street, Lilyfield - Proposed Pedestrian Crossing (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)                                                   352




Parking Matters


ITEM                                                                                 Page


LTC0724(1) Item 10 Dawn Fraser Baths Vicinity, Balmain - Residential Parking Scheme (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)                355

LTC0724(1) Item 11 Mathieson Street, Annandale - Proposed Drop Off And Pick Up Zone (Gulgadya - Annandale/Balmain/Leichhardt PAC) 359

LTC0724(1) Item 12 St Peters area – Request for a residential parking scheme in Silver Street – Resident Parking questionnaire survey results (Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)                                          362

LTC0724(1) Item 13 Wardell Road survey area, Dulwich Hill and Marrickville - Request for extension of existing M13 residential parking scheme – Resident Parking questionnaire survey results (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward and Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)       366



Late Items


Nil at time of printing.


6          Part B - Items for Information Only


Nil at the time of printing.

7          Part C - Items for General Advice


Nil at the time of printing.


8          General Business


9          Close of Meeting

Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024



Minutes of Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 17 June 2024


Meeting commenced at 11:05 AM






I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country we are meeting today, and their elders past and present.




Manod Wickramasinghe

IWC’s Traffic and Transport Planning Manager (Chair)

Graeme McKay

Representative for Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill

Eleanor Nurse

Representative for Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown

Nina Fard

Transport for NSW (TfNSW)






Colin Jones

Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition (IWBC)

Michael Takla

Representative for Transit Systems

Sunny Jo

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Engineering Services (North)

George Tsaprounis 

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Engineering Services (South)

Jason Scoufis 

IWC’s Coordinator Traffic Studies & Road Safety

Christy Li

IWC’s Business Administration Officer







Andy Portess

Resident (Item 2)

Kathryn Welsh

Resident (Item 2)

Melanie Norton

Resident (Item 4)







Mayor Darcy Byrne

Councillor – Baludarri-Balmain Ward

Bill Holliday

Representative for Kobi Shetty MP, Member for Balmain











That the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee held on Monday, 20 May 2024 and  Extraordinary Local Traffic Committee held on Monday, 3 June 2024 be confirmed.










The Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 15 April 2024 were adopted at

Council’s meeting held on 21 May 2024 subject to the following:


  1. That officers provide a timeline, project plan and budget in relation to raising the existing pedestrian crossing on Illawarra Road, near Thornley Street, Marrickville, via councillor briefing note in advance of the June Ordinary Council meeting noting that council has previously resolved to fund upgrades in the next quarterly budget review


LTC0624(1) Item 1     Norton Street, Leichhardt - Temporary Road Closure - Italian Festa (Gulgadya - Leichhardt/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



Annual Italian Festa is a recurring family and community event that will be held on 27 October 2024 on Norton Street between Marion Street and William Street and surrounding streets.


The attached Traffic Management Plan (TMP) has been prepared to provide the location of road closures and proposed traffic management strategies, stallholder access plan, the event clearway zone, emergency vehicle access plan, bus stop closures/available public transport, available public car parks and resident/local business access.


Officers Recommendation:


 That the road closure application for the ‘Norton Street Italian Festa 2024’ on Sunday, 27 October 2024 be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.   The road closures be restricted to occur on Sunday, 27 October 2024 at the following locations in Leichhardt between 3:00am and 9:00pm:

a)   Norton Street between William Street and Marion Street

b)   Allen Street between Derbyshire Road and Norton Street

c)   Arthur Street between Short Street and Allen Street

d)   Short Street between Derbyshire Road and Norton Street

e)   Wetherill Street between Derbyshire Road and Norton Street


2.   The road closures be restricted to occur on Sunday, 27 October 2024 at the following locations in Leichhardt between 6:00am and 9:00pm:

a)   Allen Street between James Street and Norton Street

b)   Macauley Street between Cromwell Street and Norton Street

c)   Carlisle Street between Cromwell Street and Norton Street

d)   Marlborough Street between Cromwell Street and Norton Street

e)   Lou Street between Marion Street and Allen Street

f)    Derbyshire Road at William Street


3.   Approval from Transport for NSW for the TMP and TGS and to install a ‘Special Event Clearway’ restriction in Norton Street be obtained prior to the event;


4.   Wetherill Street (Norton Street – Balmain Road) and Macauley Street (Cromwell Street – Norton Street) function as two-way roads when Norton Street is closed to provide access for residents etc;


5.   In case of an emergency, vehicle access entry/exit point will be available at Allen Street, Macauley Street, Carlisle Street and Marlborough Street;


6.   Approval to conduct a public assembly be obtained from the NSW Police prior to the event. A copy of the NSW Police approval must be forwarded to Council’s Traffic Section prior to the event;


7.   All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Ambulance Services and Transit Systems (Leichhardt Bus Depot) be notified in writing, by the organiser, of the proposed temporary road closure at least 2 weeks in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; and


8.   Temporary ‘Bus Zones’ be installed to accommodate two buses on both sides of William Street between Norton Street and James Street.




The Representative for Transit Systems noted that in the previous 2-3 years the temporary bus stops that were put in place had not been managed by anyone and that vehicles were using the bus stops for parking. The Representative for Transit Systems requested that the traffic control company involved in the event organise staff to monitor the bus stops and that Council Officers pass on his details to the traffic controlling company.


Council Officers advised they will pass on the Representative for Transit Systems’ contact details to the traffic control company contracted for the proposed road closure.


 The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the road closure application for the ‘Norton Street Italian Festa 2024’ on Sunday, 27 October 2024 be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.   The road closures be restricted to occur on Sunday, 27 October 2024 at the following locations in Leichhardt between 3:00am and 9:00pm:

a)   Norton Street between William Street and Marion Street

b)   Allen Street between Derbyshire Road and Norton Street

c)   Arthur Street between Short Street and Allen Street

d)   Short Street between Derbyshire Road and Norton Street

e)   Wetherill Street between Derbyshire Road and Norton Street


2.   The road closures be restricted to occur on Sunday, 27 October 2024 at the following locations in Leichhardt between 6:00am and 9:00pm:

a)   Allen Street between James Street and Norton Street

b)   Macauley Street between Cromwell Street and Norton Street

c)   Carlisle Street between Cromwell Street and Norton Street

d)   Marlborough Street between Cromwell Street and Norton Street

e)   Lou Street between Marion Street and Allen Street

f)    Derbyshire Road at William Street


3.   Approval from Transport for NSW for the TMP and TGS and to install a ‘Special Event Clearway’ restriction in Norton Street be obtained prior to the event;


4.   Wetherill Street (Norton Street – Balmain Road) and Macauley Street (Cromwell Street – Norton Street) function as two-way roads when Norton Street is closed to provide access for residents etc;


5.   In case of an emergency, vehicle access entry/exit point will be available at Allen Street, Macauley Street, Carlisle Street and Marlborough Street;


6.   Approval to conduct a public assembly be obtained from the NSW Police prior to the event. A copy of the NSW Police approval must be forwarded to Council’s Traffic Section prior to the event;


7.   All affected residents and businesses, including the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Ambulance Services and Transit Systems (Leichhardt Bus Depot) be notified in writing, by the organiser, of the proposed temporary road closure at least 2 weeks in advance of the closure with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders; and


8.   Temporary ‘Bus Zones’ be installed to accommodate two buses on both sides of William Street between Norton Street and James Street.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0624(1) Item 2     Mathieson Street, Annandale - Proposed Drop Off and Pick Up Zone (Gulgadya - Annandale/Balmain/Leichhardt PAC)



As part of the consent conditions for the approved Waranara School development application, it is proposed to install a drop off and pick up (DOPU) zone at the property frontage of No.11 Mathieson Street between Cahill Street and Water Street, Annandale.


The proposed signage will be signposted as ‘No Parking, 8:30-9:30am, 1:30-4:00pm School Days’ and will be 23.4m in length. A signage plan is provided in Attachment 1 detailing the location, signage arrangement and length of the ‘No Parking’ zone. Existing ‘No Stopping’ zones will remain unchanged and the DOPU zone will be installed within the current unrestricted parking area.


Officers Recommendation:


1.          That a 23.4m length ‘No Parking 8:30-9:30am, 1:30-4:00pm, School Days’ zone in Mathieson Street, between Cahill Street and Water Street, Annandale be approved.


2.          That it be noted that the Waranara School will directly apply to Transport for NSW for a School Zone on the streets surrounding the school.




Public Speakers Andy Portess and Kathryn Welsh entered the meeting at 11:08AM


Mr Portess and Ms Welsh advised they did not support the proposed recommendation raising concerns regarding the loss of parking spaces as there is already limited parking available in that area. Mr Portess advised that Council’s proposal to install a Drop off and Pick up zone would be inappropriate as it is a narrow street and there are ongoing issues with traffic congestion. Mr Portess suggested the possibility of moving the zone to Cahill Street to assist with alleviating the traffic issues on Mathieson Street and noted that Cahill Street already has 2P parking restrictions in place. Mr Portess advised that it may assist with the local traffic flow to have the school traffic funnelled through Cahill Street and Cahill Lane.


Ms Welsh advised that the school currently has permission to occupy some of the parking spaces whilst contractors carry out maintenance works on the footpath outside of the school. Mr Welsh noted that the parking situation last week was dangerous as people were parking close to the corner of Mathieson and Water Street.  Ms Welsh also noted concerns regarding potential property damage if larger vehicles are unable to manoeuvre through the corner of Mathieson and Water Street as vehicles would have to mount the kerb when turning in as well as the possible risk of hitting parked vehicles. Ms Welsh and Mr Portess also advised that there are moderate traffic movements in the area as there is a mix of commercial and residential usage noting that there are also trucks which utilise the streets as well as people who use Mathieson Street and Water Street to avoid the Pyrmont Bridge Road and Parramatta Road intersection. 


Public Speakers Andy Portess and Kathryn Welsh left the meeting at 11:16AM


Council Officers noted that there were 4 additional submissions received noting concerns regarding loss of parking and limited parking availability in the area. Council Officers advised that the school’s Development Application has been reviewed and approved, requiring a school Drop off and Pick Up zone to be implemented to support the school’s operation. Council Officers advised they have noted the public speaker's suggestion to relocate the Drop off and Pick Up zone and will consult with the school regarding the possibility of relocating to Cahill Street.


The Representative for Transport for NSW (TfNSW) noted that there was no footpath where the speakers proposed the relocation of the Drop off and Pick Up zone in Cahill Street. Council Officers advised that parents/carers would have to do a U-Turn at the end of Cahill Street to get back onto Mathieson Street and noted that at the end of Cahill Street is a private carpark which Council has no jurisdiction over. The Representative for Transport for NSW (TfNSW) also advised concerns that having a School Zone and a Shared Zone simultaneously may not be permissible in Cahill Street.


Council Officers suggested that this item be deferred to allow for further investigations regarding minimising the loss of parking spaces and/or the relocation of the Drop off and Pick up zone to Cahill Street.


The Committee members agreed with the amended recommendation.




That the consideration of a Drop off and Pick up zone in Mathieson Street be deferred to allow for further investigations regarding minimising the loss of parking spaces and/or the relocation of the Drop off and Pick up zone to Cahill Street

For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0624(1) Item 3     Rawson Street, Haberfield - Proposed Kerb Blister Island (Gulgadya, Summer Hill Electorate, Burwood PAC)



Council is planning to remove the existing temporary kerb and bollards in Rawson Street near the intersection with Ramsay Street, Haberfield and install a new landscaped kerb blister island. The proposal aims to maintain low vehicle speeds, protect existing property and provide a safer more accessible crossing point across Rawson Street for pedestrians.


The proposal works does not change the existing parking in the street.


Officers Recommendation:


That the attached detailed design plan (Design Plan No.10292) for the proposed kerb blister on Rawson Street at the intersection with Rawson Street, Haberfield be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the attached detailed design plan (Design Plan No.10292) for the proposed kerb blister on Rawson Street at the intersection with Rawson Street, Haberfield be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0624(1) Item 4     Petersham North LATM Final Report (Damun-Stanmore Ward/Newtown Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines the findings of the Final Petersham North LATM Study report. Council undertook Public Exhibition of the Final Draft Petersham North LATM Study through Yoursay Inner West in September 2023.  


The response results indicate that the community generally supported all the proposed changes.  


After considering the Public Exhibition feedback, a review on the proposed scheme was undertaken with minor adjustments made to the LATM Study recommendations and some additional recommendations added. An independent peer review was also undertaken of the final draft report, engagement outcomes report and proposed amendments.


The recommended treatments will be included for consideration for funding in Council’s Capital Works Program and submitted for State/Federal Government Funding Programs where possible. Minor changes to signs and linemarking will be funded out of Council’s Operational Budgets.  


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That the treatments listed below from the Petersham North LATM be approved and be listed for consideration in Council’s Traffic Facilities program and operational linemarking/signposting program and prioritised as identified in the attached report.

a)   That the raised threshold in Brighton Street between Wentworth Street and The Avenue be upgraded to a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing.

b)   That a roundabout be installed at the Croydon Street/Railway Street intersection.

c)   That the midblock road closure island in Station Street be modified to provide a 1.5 metre gaps for cyclists and signposted ‘No Entry Bicycles Excepted’ and include cyclists wayfinding signposting.

d)   A continuous footpath treatment be installed to cross The Avenue at Brighton Street.

e)   The existing four space ‘No Parking 4pm-6pm Mon-Fri' be replaced with ‘No Parking 7:00am-9:30am, 4:00pm-6:00pm Mon-Fri' on eastern side of West Street between Parramatta Road and Station Street.

f)    That kerb blisters be installed in Station Street at Lotus Street.

g)   That a speed hump be installed in Brighton Street between Crystal Lane West and Crystal Street.

h)   That double centrelines (BB) be linemarked in Palace Street between Fort Street and Andreas Street.  

i)    That subject to TfNSW approval, a 10 km/h Shared Zone be installed in Fishers Reserve and Carrington Lane with footway parking on northern side of Fishers Reserve and convex safety mirrors at road bends.

j)    That three sets of speed cushions be installed in Andreas Street between Palace Street and Parramatta Road.

k)   That right turn pavement arrows be linemarked in West Street on the southern approach to Brighton Street intersection.

l)    That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Palace Street north of Andreas Street.

m)  That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Andreas Street west of Palace Street.

n)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Brighton Street (eastern leg) at Brighton Street/Railway Street intersection.

o)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Railway Street (southern leg) at Brighton Street/Railway Street intersection.

p)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Brighton Street (eastern leg) of Brighton Street/Palace Street intersection.

q)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Brighton Street (western leg) of Brighton Street/Palace Street intersection.

r)    That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Palace Street (southern leg) of Brighton Street/Palace Street intersection.

s)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Palace Street (southern leg) of Brighton Street/Palace Street intersection.

t)    That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Terminus Street east of Palace Street.


2.   That mobility parking space be installed at the following locations:

a)   eastern side of Wentworth Street at the northern end along frontage of Petersham Park.

b)   eastern side of West Street north of the existing at-grade pedestrian (zebra) crossing along the frontage of Petersham Park.


3.   That TfNSW be requested to:

a)   review safety and performance of the West Street/Terrace Street traffic signals.

b)   implement 40 km/h speed limit on Local Roads and 50 km/h speed limit on Regional Roads within study area.


4.   That further investigation be undertaken into the following:

a)   modifying the concrete island on the southern side of Terminus Street at Crystal Street to improve cyclist access.

b)   Installing painted kerb extensions in Brighton Street at Brighton Lane and replacement of ‘No Parking’ with ‘No Stopping’ signs.

c)   Widening the existing median island in Brighton Street at West Street  to 2.0 metres.

d)   Installing a kerb extension in The Avenue north of Little Brighton Street.

e)   Installing a speed hump in Palace Street south of Queen Street.


5.   That a post installation assessment of the effectiveness of the traffic calming measures in Brighton Street and Palace Street be undertaken.




Public Speaker Melanie Norton entered the meeting at 11:17AM


Ms Norton raised concerns regarding heavy vehicles using West Street between Parramatta Road and Railway Terrace between the early hours of the morning and during the day. Ms Norton advised that she has spoken to the heavy vehicle authority and they have advised that West Street is not a dedicated route for heavy vehicle use, yet the tonnage restrictions are not being adhered to or enforced. Ms Norton raised that the heavy vehicle usage is causing excessive noise pollution noting that previous noise readings of 30 decibels have increased to 65 decibels. Ms Norton also noted regular heavy vehicles using Brighton Street and raised that the data collected in the LATM report was insufficient and that the report concluded there was limited heavy vehicle use on Brighton Street. Ms Norton also noted that most of the traffic data collected was during the time of the pandemic and is not reflective of the current volumes of traffic. Ms Norton advised that there is traffic congestion in the morning with motorists queuing on Brighton Street to get onto West Street, noting that drivers are getting frustrated and beeping their horns as well as driving on the wrong side of the road posing a potential safety issue. Ms Norton also requested that residents and herself be allowed the opportunity to present again as the notice provided to attend the Local Traffic Committee meeting was short.


Public Speaker Melanie Norton left the meeting at 11:25AM


Council Officers explained that this report had gone through the standard LATM consultation process where the initial consultation took place in 2022 and that the final draft report went on public exhibition in late 2023. Council Officers advised that heavy vehicles are allowed to use West Street, however, there is a sign on Parramatta Road at the intersection of West Street which prohibits trucks over 12m from making a right turn into West Street. Similarly, there is a sign on West Street at the intersection of Railway Parade, which prohibits vehicles from making a left turn from West Street into Railway Parade if they are over 9m in length however, there are no restrictions for vehicles heading south from Flood Street into West Street meaning heavy vehicles are permitted to use West Street. Council Officers advised in regards to Brighton Street, there is signage in place which prohibits vehicles over 3 tonnes from using the street however trucks are still permitted to use the street if they have a destination in the area. Council Officers noted there may be some trucks that are non-compliant to the signage however this is  an enforcement issue. Council Officers advised that there were 5 traffic calming measures proposed on Brighton Street, which will help reduce vehicular speed and make it less appealing for vehicles to use that street.


Council Officers tabled in some correspondence sent in by a resident regarding concerns of ‘rat running’ in the section of Palace Street from Brighton Street to Andreas Street and noted that traffic tends to accelerate around the roundabout at Palace and Brighton Street and up the hill in Palace Street. The resident suggested that the recommendation be amended so that the double centrelines (BB) be linemarked in Palace Street between Fort Street and Andreas Street be extended in Palace Street between Andreas and Brighton Street, and that at least one set of speed cushions be installed in Palace Street between Brighton Street and Andreas Street. The resident also suggested that the raised pedestrian crossing for Palace Street south of Brighton Street be relocated to the area in Palace Street, north of Brighton Street as they were concerned that the proposed crossing could interfere with the operation of the 2 local cafes, that there is more traffic turning into Palace Street, north of Brighton Street and that a raised crossing could calm the traffic emerging from the roundabout which tends to accelerate up the hill and that moving the crossing north will fit with people wishing to access the post box.


Council Officers advised that the resident's proposal to move the proposed crossing in Palace Street further north will mean that the raised crossing will be situated on an incline as well as noted concerns from a stormwater drainage perspective. Council Officers suggested amending point 1. h) to add that a separation line be linemarked between Andreas Street and Brighton Street to inform motorists which side of the road they should be on as well as narrows the carriageway visually. Council Officers also advised that TfNSW had requested that the detailed designs of the proposed approved traffic calming devices be brought back to the Committee for consideration. 


The Representative for the Member for Newtown noted that during public consultation, there were some requests from residents to implement 30km speed limits and questioned whether there was a reason why 40km speed limits were implemented instead of 30km speed limits. Council Officers advised that Council has recently completed and adopted the Inner West @ 40 Study which proposes 40km speed limits on all local roads within the Inner West LGA as well as the rationalisation of speed limits on regional and state roads. It was advised that the proposed 40km speed limits were in line with Council’s decision to adopt the strategy. Council Officers advised that 30km speed limits were still a new concept and that a separate investigation would have to be undertaken before consideration.


Council Officers noted that in the engagement outcomes report, each item had a 69% – 90% support rate from the community. It was advised that the traffic data collected in February 2022 consisted of 7-day tube counts which measure vehicular speed and volume were conducted in various locations, intersection counts were conducted 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon on a weekday as well as an origin-destination survey which was completed to determine the amount of destination and pass through traffic. The Representative for TfNSW advised that February 2022 is considered a stable period for the data collection. Council Officers also noted that there was a reduction in traffic during the start of the pandemic but traffic volumes quickly appreciated back to regular volumes during and after the pandemic.  Any minor changes in traffic volumes from the time of data collection to now are not considered substantial enough to impact recommendations put before the Committee.


The Representative for TfNSW suggested that Council investigate making the intersection at West Street and Brighton Street tighter so it makes it more difficult for trucks to turn into Brighton Street. Council Officers agreed to review the West Street and Brighton Street intersection and investigate the possibility of implementing a ‘No Left Turn’ ban for trucks.


The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition raised that there were inconsistencies with the signage regarding trucks being allowed to use the local roads noting that the area has signs prohibiting over 12m, over 9m, and over 3 tonne vehicles and suggested that a review of signage be undertaken for consistency.


Council Officers also noted that the issues of heavy vehicles utilising West Street and Brighton Street were more of an enforcement issue and suggested that this be forwarded to the Inner West Police Area Command for further review. 


The Committee members agreed with the amended recommendation.




1.   That the treatments listed below from the Petersham North LATM be approved and be listed for consideration in Council’s Traffic Facilities program and operational linemarking/signposting program and prioritised as identified in the attached report.

a)   That the raised threshold in Brighton Street between Wentworth Street and The Avenue be upgraded to a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing.

b)   That a roundabout be installed at the Croydon Street/Railway Street intersection.

c)   That the midblock road closure island in Station Street be modified to provide a 1.5 metre gaps for cyclists and signposted ‘No Entry Bicycles Excepted’ and include cyclists wayfinding signposting.

d)   A continuous footpath treatment be installed to cross The Avenue at Brighton Street.

e)   The existing four space ‘No Parking 4pm-6pm Mon-Fri' be replaced with ‘No Parking 7:00am-9:30am, 4:00pm-6:00pm Mon-Fri' on eastern side of West Street between Parramatta Road and Station Street.

f)    That kerb blisters be installed in Station Street at Lotus Street.

g)   That a speed hump be installed in Brighton Street between Crystal Lane West and Crystal Street.

h)   That double centrelines (BB) be linemarked in Palace Street between Fort Street and Andreas Street and that a separation line be linemarked between Andreas Street and Brighton Street.  

i)    That subject to TfNSW approval, a 10 km/h Shared Zone be installed in Fishers Reserve and Carrington Lane with footway parking on northern side of Fishers Reserve and convex safety mirrors at road bends.

j)    That three sets of speed cushions be installed in Andreas Street between Palace Street and Parramatta Road.

k)   That right turn pavement arrows be linemarked in West Street on the southern approach to Brighton Street intersection.

l)    That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Palace Street north of Andreas Street.

m)  That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Andreas Street west of Palace Street.

n)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Brighton Street (eastern leg) at Brighton Street/Railway Street intersection.

o)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Railway Street (southern leg) at Brighton Street/Railway Street intersection.

p)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Brighton Street (eastern leg) of Brighton Street/Palace Street intersection.

q)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Brighton Street (western leg) of Brighton Street/Palace Street intersection.

r)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Palace Street (southern leg) of Brighton Street/Palace Street intersection.

s)   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Palace Street (southern leg) of Brighton Street/Palace Street intersection.

t)    That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing be installed at Terminus Street east of Palace Street.


2.   That mobility parking space be installed at the following locations:

a)   eastern side of Wentworth Street at the northern end along frontage of Petersham Park.

b)   eastern side of West Street north of the existing at-grade pedestrian (zebra) crossing along the frontage of Petersham Park.


3.   That TfNSW be requested to:

a)   review safety and performance of the West Street/Terrace Street traffic signals.

b)   implement 40 km/h speed limit on Local Roads and 50 km/h speed limit on Regional Roads within study area.


4.   That further investigation be undertaken into the following:

a)   modifying the concrete island on the southern side of Terminus Street at Crystal Street to improve cyclist access.

b)   Installing painted kerb extensions in Brighton Street at Brighton Lane and replacement of ‘No Parking’ with ‘No Stopping’ signs.

c)   Widening the existing median island in Brighton Street at West Street to 2.0 metres and implementing a ‘No Left Turn’ ban for trucks from West Street into Brighton Street.

d)   Installing a kerb extension in The Avenue north of Little Brighton Street.

e)   Installing a speed hump in Palace Street south of Queen Street.


5.   That a post installation assessment of the effectiveness of the traffic calming measures in Brighton Street and Palace Street be undertaken.


6.  That the detailed designs of the proposed approved traffic calming devices be   brought back to the Committee for consideration. 


7.  That the concerns raised regarding heavy vehicles using West Street and Brighton Street be forwarded to the Inner West Police Area Command for further review and enforcement.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0624(1) Item 5     Albemarle Street and Baltic Street, Newtown - Proposed 'No Stopping' restrictions (Damun-Newtown Ward/Newtown Electorate/Inner West PAC)



This report outlines issues parking and road safety issues at the intersection of Albemarle and Baltic Streets, Newtown, and proposes ‘No Stopping’ restrictions to address them. The ‘No Stopping’ restrictions will seek to improve parking compliance and road safety.


Officers Recommendation:


That the installation of 10m of ‘No Stopping’ restriction at all corners of the intersection of Albemarle and Baltic Streets, Newtown, with the exception of the southern side of Albemarle Street, west of Baltic Street in which the installation of 8.5m of ‘No Stopping’ all be approved.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the installation of 10m of ‘No Stopping’ restriction at all corners of the intersection of Albemarle and Baltic Streets, Newtown, with the exception of the southern side of Albemarle Street, west of Baltic Street in which the installation of 8.5m of ‘No Stopping’ all be approved.


For Motion: Unanimous














LTC0624(1) Item 6     Hanks Street at the intersection with Old Canterbury Road, Ashfield - Proposed New pedestrian refuge and kerb extension facilities (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



Council is proposing to improve safety at the intersection of Hanks Street and Old Canterbury Road, Ashfield by constructing a new pedestrian refuge island and kerb extension. The proposal aims to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists wishing to cross Hanks Street by narrowing the road pavement and crossing distance.


Officers Recommendation:


That the detailed design plan (10269-2) to install a pedestrian refuge and kerb extension with associated re-alignment to a pedestrian/bicycle shared path plus signs and line marking as shown in Attachment 1, be approved.   




The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition was happy with the proposed recommendation advising that the garden beds would force cyclists into the lane and prevent them from being side-swiped by vehicles.


Council Officers tabled in correspondence sent in from a resident raising concerns that the proposal will remove parking spaces making it hard for them to park near their house. The resident also noted that the proposed removal of the tree would allow for more noise from traffic to filter through.


Council Officers addressed the question as to why the kerb ramps were proposed to be away from the intersection of Old Canterbury Road rather closer to Old Canterbury Road. It was advised that the reasons were that some services would be impacted as well as the refuge would be placed too far away from the alignment of the existing bicycle path and ramp. Council Officers did place the refuge in a location that would achieve the project objective whilst minimising parking loss.


Council Officers asked whether it was possible to reduce the proposed 20m ‘No Stopping’ zone. The Representative for the TfNSW advised that the 20m no-stopping zone was necessary as the approach to the refuge was tight and vehicle travel lane would be pushed closer to the kerb.


The Representative for the Member of Summer Hill questioned if the affected properties have driveways. Council Officers advised that some of the affected properties do have driveways. It was noted that the property of the resident whose concerns were tabled still has access to park on the side boundary of their property and that there was still off-street parking available.


The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the detailed design plan (10269-2) to install a pedestrian refuge and kerb extension with associated re-alignment to a pedestrian/bicycle shared path plus signs and line marking as shown in Attachment 1, be approved.   


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0624(1) Item 7     Hanks Street and Holden Street intersection, Ashbury - Proposed new kerb blister islands (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



Council is proposing to improve safety at the intersection of Hanks Street and Holden Street, Ashbury by constructing new kerb blister islands. The proposal aims to improve safety for pedestrians wishing to cross Hanks Street by narrowing the road pavement and crossing distance.


Officers Recommendation:


That the detailed design plan (10269) to install landscaped kerb blister islands in Hanks Street at Holden Street, Ashbury, with associated signs and line marking as shown in Attachment 1, be approved.   




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the detailed design plan (10269) to install landscaped kerb blister islands in Hanks Street at Holden Street, Ashbury, with associated signs and line marking as shown in Attachment 1, be approved.   


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0624(1) Item 8     Marrickville Road, Seaview Street and Caves Lane, Marrickville – Temporary full Road Closures for Dulwich Hill Village Fair – Sunday 29 September 2024 (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)



‘Dulwich Hill Village Fair' is an annual event and this year it will be held on Sunday 29 September 2024. As per previous years the event will necessitate the temporary full road closure of Marrickville Road (between New Canterbury Road and Durham Street); part of Seaview Street (between Marrickville Road and south of the entrance to the car park south of Herbert Street), Caves Lane, and the Seaview Street car park (car park adjacent to Caves Lane), Dulwich Hill.


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That the proposed temporary full road closure of Marrickville Road (between New Canterbury Road and Durham Street), part of Seaview Street (between Marrickville Road and south of the entrance to the car park south of Herbert Street), Caves Lane, and the Seaview Street car park (car park adjacent to Caves Lane), Dulwich Hill for the ‘Dulwich Hill Village Fair’ Event on Sunday 29 September 2024 between the hours of 3:00am and 9:00pm be approved as per the submitted TMP and TGSs;


2.   That a Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre;


3.   That notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Ambulance Services;


4.   That all residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;

a)   A minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed section; and

b)   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That the proposed temporary full road closure of Marrickville Road (between New Canterbury Road and Durham Street), part of Seaview Street (between Marrickville Road and south of the entrance to the car park south of Herbert Street), Caves Lane, and the Seaview Street car park (car park adjacent to Caves Lane), Dulwich Hill for the ‘Dulwich Hill Village Fair’ Event on Sunday 29 September 2024 between the hours of 3:00am and 9:00pm be approved as per the submitted TMP and TGSs;


2.   That a Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre;


3.   That notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Ambulance Services;


4.   That all residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;

a)   A minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed section; and

b)   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0624(1) Item 9     Smidmore Street, Marrickville – Temporary full road closures for Marrickville Metro Markets/Events 27 September to 30 September 2024, 25 October to 3 November 2024, 13 December to 16 December 2024 and 20 December to 24 December 2024 and related temporary changes to Victoria Road kerbside parking restrictions to accommodate relocation of community bus (Midjuburi – Marrickville Ward / Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Council has been notified by MLA Transport Planning, on behalf of Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre, regarding the temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street, Marrickville between Murray Street and the Centre’s Smidmore Street car park access for Marrickville Metro Market events (ENRC/2024/0024). Closures are proposed over four (4) separate occasions. The closures will involve related temporary changes to Victoria Road kerbside parking restrictions to accommodate relocation of the community bus stop. It is recommended that the proposed temporary road closures be approved subject to all standard Council conditions for a temporary full road closure. The related changes to kerbside signage be approved also subject to all works and costs associated with the signage changes for the relocated 'Community Bus zone' and reinstatement of Council’s original parking restrictions is to be borne by the applicant.    


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That the proposed temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street, between Murray Street and the Smidmore Street car park access, Marrickville on 27 September to 30 September 2024, 25 October to 3 November 2024, 13 December to 16 December 2024 and 20 December to 24 December 2024 for the purpose of holding Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre Markets/Events be approved, subject to the applicant complying with, but not limited to, the following conditions: 

a)   A Road Occupancy License application be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;

b)   All affected residents and businesses, including NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, Fire and Rescue NSW and NSW Ambulance Services, shall be notified in writing by the applicant of the proposed temporary road closure at least 7 days prior to the event, with the applicant making reasonable provision for residents and businesses;

c)   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and

d)   A clear unobstructed 4-metre-wide path of travel throughout the site is recommended to be maintained at all times for emergency vehicle access, in order to provide safe egress in case of fire or other emergency.


2.   That the proposed short-term temporary changes to parking restrictions in Victoria Road, Marrickville as per plans submitted by MLA Transport Planning (20008ppt05A-220225 Community Bus Stop Relocation Plan (002)) be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


a)   All works and cost of the supply, installation and removal of the signage associated with the temporary community bus relocation is to be borne by the applicant;

b)   The temporary removal and reinstatement of any Council assets will be at the applicants cost and to Council’s Traffic Engineers satisfaction; and

c)   Notification of surrounding properties be undertaken at least 7 Days prior to installation of the temporary changes and relocated 'Bus Zone'.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That the proposed temporary full road closure of Smidmore Street, between Murray Street and the Smidmore Street car park access, Marrickville on 27 September to 30 September 2024, 25 October to 3 November 2024, 13 December to 16 December 2024 and 20 December to 24 December 2024 for the purpose of holding Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre Markets/Events be approved, subject to the applicant complying with, but not limited to, the following conditions: 

a)   A Road Occupancy License application be obtained by the applicant from the Transport Management Centre;

b)   All affected residents and businesses, including NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, Fire and Rescue NSW and NSW Ambulance Services, shall be notified in writing by the applicant of the proposed temporary road closure at least 7 days prior to the event, with the applicant making reasonable provision for residents and businesses;

c)   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed; and

d)   A clear unobstructed 4-metre-wide path of travel throughout the site is recommended to be maintained at all times for emergency vehicle access, in order to provide safe egress in case of fire or other emergency.


2.   That the proposed short-term temporary changes to parking restrictions in Victoria Road, Marrickville as per plans submitted by MLA Transport Planning (20008ppt05A-220225 Community Bus Stop Relocation Plan (002)) be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


a)   All works and cost of the supply, installation and removal of the signage associated with the temporary community bus relocation is to be borne by the applicant;

b)   The temporary removal and reinstatement of any Council assets will be at the applicants cost and to Council’s Traffic Engineers satisfaction; and

c)   Notification of surrounding properties be undertaken at least 7 Days prior to installation of the temporary changes and relocated 'Bus Zone'.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0624(1) Item 10   Alt Street, Ashfield- Relocation of School part-time Bus Zone (Gulgadya-Leichhardt Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Burwood PAC)



A current part-time school ‘Bus Zone’ located in front of St Vincent’s College, premises No. 45 Alt Street, Ashfield, is proposed to be moved further south (by 16m) from outside premises No. 41 Alt Street to No.39 Alt Street. The relocation is required to provide full-time ‘No Stopping’ restrictions of 10 metres on the departure side of an existing pedestrian (zebra) crossing located just north of the Bus Zone.


This relocation or movement of the Bus Zone is required to adhere to current TfNSW guidelines for sight view clearance around pedestrian (zebra) crossings.


Officers Recommendation:


1.   That the part time School ‘Bus Zone’ on the eastern side of Alt Street, outside St Vincent’s College (premises No. 45 Alt Street, Ashfield), be extended 16m south.


2.   That 10 metres of full-time ‘No Stopping’ be applied on departure side of the existing pedestrian (zebra) crossing on the eastern side of Alt Street, south of Albert Parade.





The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




1.   That the part time School ‘Bus Zone’ on the eastern side of Alt Street, outside St Vincent’s College (premises No. 45 Alt Street, Ashfield), be extended 16m south.


2.   That 10 metres of full-time ‘No Stopping’ be applied on departure side of the existing pedestrian (zebra) crossing on the eastern side of Alt Street, south of Albert Parade.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0624(1) Item 11   Robert Street, Rozelle - Installation of wheel stops (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



Multiple requests have been received from road users regarding the impact of angle parking on the footpath north side of Robert Street where parked vehicles into the footpath and obstruct it partially. Some options to resolve this issue were considered, including changing the parking layout to front to kerb or installing wheel stops. It is recommended to install wheel stops on the north side of Robert Street, east of Mullens Street based on its benefits for road users such as physically preventing vehicles from overhanging the footpath. Additionally, it is proposed to linemark the angle parking bays on these spaces which will result in efficient parking of on-street spaces and align parking with the wheel stops.


Officers Recommendation:


That wheel stops and parking bay line marking be approved on the 90-degree angle parking spaces on the north side of Robert Street, east of Mullen Street, Rozelle as shown in Attachment 1.




The Representative for the Inner West Bicycle Coalition provided comments from Bike Leichhardt regarding concerns about the tightness of parking on the Mullens Street end of Robert Street and suggested repositioning the bicycle logos and extending the edge linemarking to ensure cyclists have adequate room to pass through Robert Street. Council Officers agreed to incorporate the review of linemarking and bicycle logos into the recommendation as well as investigating the squeeze point in Robert Street. 


The Committee members agreed with the amended recommendation.




1.     That wheel stops and parking bay line marking be approved on the 90-degree angle parking spaces on the north side of Robert Street, east of Mullen Street, Rozelle as shown in Attachment 1.


2.     That the existing edge linemarking and bicycle logos on Robert Street be reviewed.


For Motion: Unanimous


LTC0624(1) Item 12   College Street, Balmain - 'No Parking' Zone (Baludarri - Balmain/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)



Council has received several concerns from residents regarding the narrow carriageway on College Street near Cameron Street, Balmain. To provide sufficient space for vehicular travel and improved opportunities for two-way passing of vehicles, it is proposed to install a 16m ‘No Parking’ zone on the southern side of College Street near the intersection with Cameron Street, Balmain. 


Officers Recommendation:


That a 16m length ‘No Parking’ zone be installed on the southern side of College Street near the intersection with Cameron Street, Balmain as per attached plan.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That a 16m length ‘No Parking’ zone be installed on the southern side of College Street near the intersection with Cameron Street, Balmain as per attached plan.


For Motion: Unanimous



LTC0624(1) Item 13   Holbeach Avenue, Tempe – Temporary Full Road Closure for MS Sydney to the Gong Bike Ride on Sunday 3 November 2024 – (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC)



Council has received an application under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to use Holbeach Avenue and Tempe Recreation Reserve to hold the annual 'MS Sydney to the Gong Bike Ride' supported by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Australia on Sunday 3 November 2024. This event will necessitate the temporary full road closure of Holbeach Avenue, Tempe and southbound lane closures on Princes Highway from the car park entrance of IKEA to Cooks River along with closures (Residents Excepted) of South Street, Hart Street, Bay Street and Old Street, Tempe between the hours 0400 to 1000 hours on Sunday 3 November 2024.


The comments of the Local Traffic Committee will be referred to Council’s Development Assessment Section for consideration in determining the Development Application.


Officers Recommendation:


That the report be received and noted.




The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.




That the report be received and noted.


For Motion: Unanimous


General Business:   


Item 14 – Concerns of incidents on Balmain Road, Leichhardt 



TfNSW and Council Officers advised that due to a recent incident on Balmain Road, there have been requests made by a resident for changes to traffic conditions on Balmain Road (a state road under the jurisdiction of TfNSW). Comments had subsequently been received from the Representative for the Leichhardt Police Area Command advising that the driver was not injured during the incident and that driving under the influence of alcohol was the contributing factor to the incident rather than speed. The Representative for the Leichhardt Police Area Command also noted that Balmain Road is not usually a road of concern for high speeds or major collisions. The Representative for TfNSW advised they have previously investigated Balmain Road and are comfortable that the 50km/h speed limit is adequately signposted and that the pedestrian refuge narrows the carriageway and deters motorists from speeding down the road.  



Meeting closed at 12.19pm.




Manod Wickramasinghe




Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 1

Subject:              Morton Park Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Final Report (Damun-Stanmore Ward/Newtown Electorate/Inner West PAC)           

Prepared By:      Jason Scoufis - Coordinator Traffic Studies and Road Safety 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





1.     That the treatments listed below from the Morton Park Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Study be approved and be listed for consideration in Council’s Traffic Facilities Program and Operational linemarking/signposting program and prioritised as identified in the attached report.

a)    That kerb extensions be installed at Morgan Street/Livingstone Road.

b)    That kerb extensions be installed at Miller Street/Livingstone Road.

c)    That kerb extensions be installed at Miller Street/Napier Street.

d)    That kerb extensions be installed at Vernon Street/Gould Avenue.

e)    That kerb extensions be installed at Frazer Street/Jarvie Avenue.

f)      That kerb extensions be installed at Frazer Street/Morton Avenue.

g)    That kerb extensions be installed at Ducros Street/Morgan Street.

h)    That kerb extensions be installed at Bishop Street/Morgan Street.

i)      That kerb extensions be installed at Allans Avenue/Morgan Street.

j)      That kerb extensions be installed at Jarvie Avenue/Morgan Avenue.

k)    That a continuous footpath treatment be installed to cross Maria Street at New Canterbury Road.

l)      That a continuous footpath treatment be installed to cross Ducros Street at New Canterbury Road and a ‘No Right Turn’ sign be installed in Ducros Street facing northbound motorists at New Canterbury Road to supplement existing ‘Left Only’ sign.

m)   That subject to TfNSW approval, a 10 km/h Shared Zone be installed in the northern section of Allans Avenue.

n)    That subject to TfNSW approval, a 10 km/h Shared Zone be installed in the southern section of Jarvie Avenue.

o)    Upgrade cyclist access through the road closure at Morgan Street/Napier Street and install kerb extension in Napier Street.

p)    The pedestrian refuge be upgraded at Gould Avenue/Frazer Street.

q)    The pedestrian refuge be upgraded at Morton Avenue/Gould Avenue.

r)     The pedestrian refuge be upgraded at Morton Avenue/ New Canterbury Road.

s)    The pedestrian refuge be upgraded at Vernon Street/ Wardell Road.

t)      The pedestrian refuge be upgraded at Gould Avenue/ Wardell Road.

u)    The pedestrian refuge be upgraded at Wardell Road/Morgan Street.

v)    Bollards be installed on the southwestern corner of New Canterbury Road/Toothill Street intersection subject to TfNSW approval. 


2.     That mobility parking spaces be installed at the following locations

a)    western side of Gould Avenue along Morton Park frontage.

b)    southern side of Frazer Street west of Livingstone Road.


3.     That TfNSW be requested to implement 40km/h speed limit on Local roads and review speed limit on Regional roads within the study area.


4.     That further investigation be undertaken into a pedestrian crossing facility to cross Wardell Road between Gould Avenue and Vernon Street.


5.     That further investigation into a 10km/h Shared Zone in the narrow section of Morton Avenue north of Frazer Street be undertaken.


6.     That detailed designs of the proposed approved traffic calming devices be brought back to the committee for consideration.






This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





This report outlines the findings of the Final Morton Park LATM Study report. Council undertook Public Exhibition of the Final Draft Morton Park LATM Study through Yoursay Inner West in February 2024.  


The response results indicate that the community generally supported all the proposed changes with a support rate through Yoursay Inner West of 68% to 100% for each of the recommendations.  


After considering the Public Exhibition feedback, a review on the proposed scheme was undertaken with minor adjustments made to the LATM Study recommendations and some additional recommendations added.


The recommended treatments will be included for consideration for funding in Council’s Capital Works Program and submitted for State/Federal Government Funding Programs where possible. Minor changes to signs and linemarking will be funded out of Council’s Operational Budgets. 




As part of Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Strategy Review Program, Council has prepared the Morton Park LATM study. The final report is provided in Attachment 1 and traffic count data provided in Attachment 2.


The Morton Park LATM Area is bounded by New Canterbury Road, Livingstone Street and Frazer Street.


The objective of the study is to reduce traffic volumes and speeds in local roads to increase liveability and improve safety and access for pedestrians. The Morton Park LATM was originally completed in 1997 and reviewed in 2005.




Council undertook a survey through Council’s Yoursay (YSIW) website with invitation letters mailed out to stakeholders and residents within the study area in November / December 2022. There were a total of 65 Contributors through the LATM Survey and an additional 20 through the Social Map. An additional 4 responses were received via email.


The main outcomes of the first stage of consultation are that the problem identified by the greatest number of respondents as an issue is high traffic volumes, followed by pedestrian safety issues and the third most raised issue was heavy vehicles using local roads.


Regarding particular streets, New Canterbury Road, Frazer Street, Wardell Road and Livingstone Road had the highest level of concern for too much traffic, Frazer Street and New Canterbury Road for pedestrian safety issues and Frazer Street for heavy vehicles.


Another issue raised related to a lack of cyclist facilities in the area to connect to the Greenway including concerns for pedestrian and cyclist safety to cross Frazer Street near Marrickville Park.


The final draft report was placed on public exhibition in February/March 2024.


A total of 25 contributions were made through YSIW. An additional 32 emails including 1 petition were received regarding the final draft report during the public exhibition period. All recommendations noted in the final draft have been included in the final report with some adjustments. Some additional recommendations are also included.


The Engagement Outcomes Report is included in Attachment 3 and its appendices in Attachment 4.



The cost of the proposed treatments is $928,400 (including GST and contingencies). This includes the additional costs associated with the additional recommendations/modifications. 


Once the LATM Study is adopted, detailed design and construction would be undertaken in stages as prioritised commencing from the 2025/2026 year. 


The cost to implement the Morton Park LATM Study will be included for consideration for funding in Council’s Capital Works Program and submitted for State/Federal Government Funding Programs where possible. Minor changes to signs and linemarking will be funded out of Council’s Operational Budgets.  Council staff will pursue funding opportunities for State and Federal Government Grant Funding Programs including the Blackspot Program, Get NSW Active Program and the Road Safety Program. Subsequent reports during implementation of the recommendations of the study will provide further detailed plans if required.




Morton Park LATM Final Report


Morton Park Traffic Counts


Morton Park LATM Engagement Outcomes Report


Morton Park Engagement Outcomes Report Appendices



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 2

Subject:              Hospital Lane, Marrickville - Proposed installation of 'No Parking' restrictions (Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)              

Prepared By:      Jennifer Adams - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





1.   That installation of full-time ‘No Parking’ restrictions on the western side of Hospital Lane, Marrickville be approved, in order to improve vehicular access to off-street parking spaces.


2.   That installation of statutory 10 metres ‘No Stopping’ on the western side of Hospital Lane, south of Stanley Street, Marrickville be approved.






This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





Council has received concerns that vehicles are parking in a manner that limits the ability of residents accessing their driveways. In order to alleviate this issue, it is proposed to signpost ‘No Parking’ restrictions along the western side of Hospital Lane, Marrickville from Stanley Street to Hospital Lane end.




A request has been received for the provision of ‘No Parking’ signage along the western side of Hospital Lane, Marrickville to improve vehicular access to their off-street parking facilities.


A consultation letter was distributed to residents abutting Hospital Lane proposing to signpost ‘No Parking’ restrictions along the entire western side of the laneway and this report summaries the results of that consultation.



Hospital Lane is classified as a local road that provides single lane access to residential garages and is a north-south central spine within the former Marrickville Hospital site, now redeveloped into a new residential precinct and community hub.


Several site visits confirm that parking is now occurring along the western side of Hospital Lane, Marrickville.

Given the high demand for parking in this area, it is recommended that ‘No Parking’ restrictions be approved along the western side of Hospital Lane, Marrickville to improve access to off-street parking for adjacent residents. (Refer to the plan below).



A notification letter was sent out on 29 May 2024 to owners and occupiers of properties abutting Hospital Lane, Marrickville regarding the proposal to install full-time ‘No Parking’ restrictions along the western side of the laneway. The closing date for submissions ended on 21 Jube 2024. Twelve (12) letters were distributed.


A total of seven (7) responses were received all in support of the proposal.


The costs of installation of the ‘No Parking’ restrictions as recommended can be funded within Council’s signs and line marking budget.




Given the ongoing issues with vehicular access to and from residents’ off-street parking spaces, it is recommended that the installation of full-time ‘No Parking’ restrictions on the western side of Hospital Lane, Marrickville from Stanley Street to Hospital Lane end be approved.





Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 3

Subject:              Marrickville Road, Marrickville – Temporary full road closure for Marrickville Music Festival – Sunday 13 October 2024 (Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)             

Prepared By:      Jennifer Adams - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





That the proposed temporary full road closure of Marrickville Road (between Illawarra Road and Victoria Road), Central Lane (between Victoria Road and Meeks Road), Seymour Lane (between Garners Lane and Garners Avenue and between Frampton Avenue and Garners Lane), Garners Lane (north of Seymour Lane) along with short sections of Silver Street, Garners Avenue, Gladstone Street, and Frampton Avenue where these streets intersect with Marrickville Road, Marrickville be APPROVED for the purpose of holding the ‘Marrickville Music Festival’ Event on Sunday 13 October 2024 between 01:30am and 11:00pm as per the submitted TMP and TGSs and subject to the following conditions and all standard Council conditions for temporary full road closures:


1.   A Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre.


2.   Notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Ambulance Services.


3.   All residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders.

4.   A minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed sections.

5.   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.





This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





Inner West Council is presenting Marrickville Music Festival on Sunday, 13 October 2024 from 12:00noon until 6:00pm. The event will feature multiple outdoor live music stages across the festival site. Including activation of Marrickville laneways through music and art. As part of the event there will be a partial road closure of Marrickville Road and Central Lane. This will require some road detours and bus diversions in surrounding streets. Event bump in will occur from 01:30am and bump out will conclude by 11:00pm. It is recommended that Council agree to the temporary full road closures subject to all standard Council conditions for a temporary full road closure.




Marrickville Festival is an annual event successfully held over numerous years. This year Marrickville Music Festival will be another celebration of live music in the Inner West. The event will run on Sunday, 13 October 2024 from 12noon to 6pm and will feature multiple outdoor live music stages across the festival site.


Stages will be set up across the event site including the activation of Marrickville laneways through music and art. The Marrickville Music Festival will be a showcase of music talent from the Inner West, with over 40 acts to play in the one-day event. Stages will host both established and up and coming bands from the Inner West. Music venues in Marrickville will be also encouraged to participate in the festival program to highlight the vibrant array of venues that reside in the Marrickville area.


As part of the Marrickville Music Festival site furniture will be set up within the space created by the temporary road closure, allowing patrons to purchase food from local Marrickville businesses and enjoy the atmosphere while supporting local businesses and enhancing economic activity over the day. Visitors to the festival will be encouraged to engage with local businesses within their retail spaces increasing footfall, and as such experience the true Marrickville and embrace the precinct for its vast array of unique businesses and food experiences.


The Marrickville Music Festival will also host an Inner West Brewery showcase, with local breweries setting up stalls so patrons can taste Inner West offerings. Food and art stalls will be located in pockets around the site to showcase local Inner West product and creativity. Programming for families will be available along with cultural experiences from local creatives.


As part of the event there will be a partial road closure of Marrickville Road and Central Lane. This will require some road detours and bus diversions in surrounding streets. To facilitate the event the following roads will be affected from 01.30 hours to 23.00 hours Sunday 13 October 2024:


·    Marrickville Road between Illawarra Road and Victoria Road

·    Silver Street between Marrickville Road and 25 metres north of Marrickville Road

·    Garners Avenue between Garners Avenue Carpark and Marrickville Road

·    Seymour Lane between Garners Lane and Garners Avenue

·    Frampton Avenue between Seymour Lane and Marrickville Road

·    Gladstone Street between Marrickville Road and Marrickville Lane

·    Silver Street between Sydenham Road and 25 metres north of Marrickville Road (Resident Access Excepted)

·    Garners Avenue between Illawarra Road and Garners Avenue Carpark (Resident Access Excepted)

·    Seymour Lane between Frampton Avenue and Garners Lane (Resident Access Excepted)

·    Garners Lane north of Seymour Lane (Resident Access Excepted)

·    Central Lane between Victoria Road and Meeks Road

·    Victoria Lane between Sydenham Road and Central Lane (Resident Access Excepted)



The event area will be on Marrickville Road between Illawarra Road and Victoria Road (refer to the site map below – Marrickville Music Festival Area). This year Council’s Event Coordinator has appointed ‘Who Dares Pty Ltd’ to prepare the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS) for the event. A copy of the TMP is attached at the end of this report.


Site map



Access around the event site will be maintained by a detour. The detour loop will include Illawarra Road, Sydenham Road, Victoria Road and Calvert Street.


No special event clearways will be installed for this event. Inner West Council will instead install temporary ‘No Stopping’ signage throughout the event precinct prior to the event. Any remaining vehicles will be towed and parked in a nearby location on the morning of the event.


This event is classified as a Class 2 event under the TfNSW’ Special Events Guide where it impacts local traffic and transport systems but does not impact major traffic and transport systems and it disrupts the non-event community in the area around the event but not over a wide area. The event requires the involvement of Police and Local Council and a detailed Transport Management Plan (TMP).


Adequate vehicular traffic control shall be provided for the protection and convenience of pedestrians and motorists including appropriate signage and flagging.  Workers shall be specially designated for this role (and carry appropriate certificates), as necessary to comply with this condition.  This is to be carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1742.3 - Traffic Control Devices for works on roads. 


Impacts on buses - Transit Systems & Transdev NSW Buses amended route changes


Transit Systems services 418, 423, 423X, 425 & 426 & Transdev NSW N40 service will all be impacted by the event road closures. These services will be detoured around the event precinct. Council will arrange for signage will be placed at impacted bus stops to direct passengers to the nearest stop. Refer to Annex 1 of the attached TMP for Transit Systems and Transdev Bus detour maps at a larger scale and to Annex 2 for Bus Stop signage.





Impacts Sydney Trains


The closest train station is Marrickville Station. It is approximately 450 metres walk from the event precinct.


There will be a closure of the Bankstown train line that will impact the public transport system. T3 Bankstown Line - Sydenham to Bankstown temporary rail line closure. The final conversion of the T3 Bankstown Line is to require a shutdown of up to 12 months, commencing between July and October 2024.


A transport plan will be in place to support the final conversion, which will include dedicated, frequent bus routes, including express routes. Exact details TBC.


Impacts on pedestrians and cyclists


There will be no major effect to pedestrians in the area. Pedestrians will be able to use the existing pedestrian paths outside of and within the event area.


There are no cycleways directly impacted by this event. Cyclists entering the event site will be requested to dismount.


Impacts on Parking


Parking will only be available in surrounding residential streets and a few small public carparks around the event site. Parking will as such be limited, and the event organiser will be recommending public transport to all event patrons.


Impacts on traffic


The traffic diverted from Marrickville Road as a result of the proposed road closures, does not coincide with the peak traffic, as the festival will be held on a Sunday when lower than weekday traffic volumes are expected. Therefore, the traffic generated because of the proposed festival will not have a major impact on the surrounding traffic network during the event. Furthermore, the arrival and departure of attendees of the festival is expected to be staggered as it is every year when this event takes place.


At present, there is no indication of construction works that will be impact the event. There are no traffic calming devices or traffic generating developments along the route. 


Heavy vehicles may experience slight delays due to increased traffic around the event precinct. Heavy vehicles should follow signposted detours.


A minimum four (4) metre emergency lane will be maintained along the entire closure. Traffic controllers will be onsite to assist emergency vehicles through the closure points.


Hostile Vehicle mitigation strategies may be undertaken within the road closure in accordance with the event risk assessment and NSW Police direction.


Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Schemes


An accredited Who Dares Traffic Manager will oversee implementation of the Traffic Guidance Schemes, including road closures.


Temporary traffic control signage, barricades and equipment as per the supplied Traffic Guidance Schemes must be installed by TfNSW or SafeWork accredited traffic controllers with a current “Implement Traffic Control Plan” certificate. Any person operating a Stop/Slow bat onsite must hold a current “Traffic Controller” certificate.


A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) has been supplied by Who Dares Pty Ltd, the scope of which includes the provision for the safe movement of vehicular traffic in and out of the event areas at the Marrickville Festival on Sunday 13 October 2024. The TMP and Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS) are reproduced in full at the end of this report.


TGS 01A Sydenham Road, Illawarra Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 01B Sydenham Road, Illawarra Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 01C Sydenham Road, Illawarra Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 02A Marrickville Road & Illawarra Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 02B Marrickville Road & Illawarra Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 02C Marrickville Road & Illawarra Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 03A Marrickville Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 03B Marrickville Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 03C Marrickville Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 03D Marrickville Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 03E Marrickville Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE

TGS 04 Calvert Street, Illawarra Road & Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE


The Traffic Management Plan is to be submitted to TfNSW for consideration and approval and a Road Occupancy License application is to be submitted to the Transport Management Centre by Who Dares Pty Ltd.




The proposed temporary full road closures have been advertised in accordance with the Roads Act 1993.


Advice of the proposed event must be forwarded to all the appropriate authorities, including emergency services. A copy of the draft notification letter is attached at the end of this report.


The TMP states that: “All affected residents will be notified of the event through:


• Letterbox drop will be conducted for impacted residents within and near the road closure precinct at least two weeks prior to the event.

• Date & time specific corflute “Special Event – Road Closed” signs to be placed around the event precinct 14 days prior to the event.”


There is no VMS placement for this event



Funding of $133,000 has been allocated by Council for organising the Marrickville Music Festival under the 2024/2025 Major Community Events Program. This program has also received $57,000 funding from Live Music Australia – an Australian Government Initiative




It is recommended that Council agree to the temporary full road closures on Sunday 13 October 2024 subject to complying with the recommendations stated in this report along with all standard conditions for temporary full road closures.  





Marrickville Music Festival 2024 - Traffic Management Plan Version 2



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 4

Subject:              Percival Road and Temple Street, Stanmore – Temporary full road closure for Stanmore Music Festival – Saturday 16 November 2024 (Damum-Stanmore Ward / Newtown Electorate /  Inner West PAC)                 

Prepared By:      Jennifer Adams - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





That the proposed temporary full road closure of Percival Road, between Salisbury Road and Myrtle Street, and Temple Street between Percival Lane West and Percival Road, Stanmore be APPROVED for the purpose of holding the ‘Stanmore Music Festival’ Event on Saturday 16 November 2024 between 6.00am and 9.30pm as per the submitted TMP and TGSs and subject to the following conditions and all standard Council conditions for temporary full road closures:


1.   A Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre;


2.   Notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Ambulance Services;


3.   All residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;

4.   A minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed sections; and


5.   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.






This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





Inner West Council is presenting Stanmore Music Festival on Saturday 16 November 2024 from 12:00noon until 6:00pm. To facilitate the event there will be a temporary full road closure of Percival Road, between Salisbury Road and Myrtle Street and Temple Street between Percival Lane West and Percival Road, Stanmore (ENRC/2024/0029). This will require some road detours in surrounding streets. Road closure and event bump in will occur from 6:00am and bump out will conclude by 9:30pm.





Stanmore Music Festival is a celebration of live music in the Inner West. The event will run on Saturday 16 November 2024 from 12noon to 6pm and will feature multiple outdoor live music stages across the festival site. This will be the fourth Stanmore Music Festival.



The event area will be on Percival Road between Salisbury Road and Myrtle Street and Temple Street between Percival Lane West and Percival Road, Stanmore (refer to the site map below – Stanmore Music Festival Area).


Site map


Authorised traffic controllers will implement intermittent stop/slow traffic control on Myrtle Street to allow participants of the parade to gather on the northern footpath of Myrtle Street and then cross safely into the event area once traffic has been held.


Access around the event site will be maintained by a detour. The detour loop will include Douglass Street, Salisbury Road, Myrtle Street and Bruce Street.


No special event clearways will be installed for this event. Inner West Council will instead install ‘No Stopping’ signage throughout the event precinct prior to the event. Any remaining vehicles will be towed and parked in a nearby location on the morning of the event. Two Portable VMS Boards will be used to advertise the road closures leading up to the event day.


Adequate vehicular traffic control shall be provided for the protection and convenience of pedestrians and motorists including appropriate signage and flagging.  Workers shall be specially designated for this role (and carry appropriate certificates), as necessary to comply with this condition.  This is to be carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1742.3 - Traffic Control Devices for works on roads. 


Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Schemes


A Traffic Management Plan has been provided and is attached at the end of this report. The two associated Traffic Guidance Schemes are reproduced below along with the detour plan.



An accredited Who Dares Traffic Manager will oversee implementation of the Traffic Guidance Schemes, including road closures.


The Traffic Management Plan is to be submitted to TfNSW for consideration and approval and a Road Occupancy License application is to be submitted to the Transport Management Centre by Who Dares Pty Ltd.


Impacts on buses


Transit Systems service 412 uses Douglas Street and Salisbury Road through Stanmore and this service will not be impacted.


Impacts on pedestrians and cyclists


There will be no major effect to pedestrians in the area. Pedestrians will be able to use the existing pedestrian paths outside of and within the event area.


There are no cycleways directly impacted by this event. Cyclists entering the event site will be requested to dismount.


The closest train station is Stanmore Station. It is approximately 120 metres walk from the event precinct. Currently the TfNSW Trackworks schedule for event day shows no scheduled track works for the T2 Inner West and Leppington Line.


Impacts on Parking


Parking will only be available in surrounding residential streets and a few small public carparks around the event site. Parking will as such be limited, and the event organiser will be recommending public transport to all event patrons.


Impacts on traffic


The traffic generated as a result of the proposed festival should not have a major impact on the surrounding traffic network. The arrival and departure of attendees of the festival is expected to be staggered.


At present, there is no indication of construction works that will be impact the event. There are no traffic calming devices or traffic generating developments along the route. 


Heavy vehicles may experience slight delays due to increased traffic around the event precinct. Heavy vehicles should follow signposted detours.


A minimum four (4) metre emergency lane will be maintained along the entire closure. Traffic controllers will be onsite to assist emergency vehicles through the closure points.


Hostile Vehicle mitigation strategies may be undertaken within the road closure in accordance with the event risk assessment and NSW Police direction.




The proposed temporary full road closures have been advertised in accordance with the Roads Act 1993.


Advice of the proposed event must be forwarded to all the appropriate groups, including emergency services. A copy of the draft notification letter is attached at the end of this report.




Funding of $25,000 has been allocated by Council for the organization of the Stanmore Music Festival event from Council’s Events operational budget.




It is recommended that Council approve to the temporary full road closures on Saturday 18 November 2023 subject to complying with the recommendations stated in this report along with all standard conditions for temporary full road closures.  




Stanmore Music Festival 2024 - Traffic Management Plan Version 2.0



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 5

Subject:              May Street and May Lane, St Peters – Temporary full road closure for the ‘2044 Street Takeover’ event – Sunday 3 November 2024 (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Heffron Electorate / Inner West PAC)                

Prepared By:      Jennifer Adams - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





That the proposed temporary full road closure of May Street between Council Street and Applebee Street (both directions), May Street between Applebee Street and May Lane (westbound), May Lane between May Street and Caroline Lane, Right hand turn lane from King Street Southbound into May Street, and Local traffic only on May Street between Campbell Street and Council Street, St Peters be APPROVED for the purpose of holding the ‘2044 Street Takeover’ Event on Sunday 3 November 2024 between 3.00am and 11.30pm as per the submitted TMP and TGSs and subject to the following conditions and all standard Council conditions for temporary full road closures:


1.   A Road Occupancy License application be obtained from the Transport Management Centre;


2.   Notice of the proposed event be forwarded to the NSW Police Local Area Commander, Transit Systems, the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Ambulance Services;


3.   All residents and businesses in and around the affected area are to be notified of the temporary road closure in writing by the applicant in advance (at least 7 days prior to the event) with the applicant making reasonable provision for stakeholders;


4.   A minimum four (4) metre unencumbered passage be available for emergency vehicles through the closed sections; and


5.   The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road has been physically closed.






This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





Inner West Council is presenting the ‘2044 Street Takeover’ event on Sunday 3 November 2024 between 12noon and 6pm. This is a Council event funded by TfNSW, To facilitate the event there will be a temporary full road closure (ENRC/2024/0028) of May Street between Council Street and Applebee Street (both directions); May Street between Applebee Street and May Lane (westbound); May Lane between May Street and Caroline Lane; Right hand turn lane from King Street Southbound into May Street; and Local traffic only on May Street between Campbell Street and Council Street. This will require some road detours in surrounding streets. Road closure and event bump in will occur from 3:00am and bump out will conclude by 11.30pm.




On Sunday 3 November, the’ 2044 Street Takeover’ event activates the creative destination of

May Street, St Peters as part of a local community one-day street-takeover. Through outdoor dining, local business stalls and creative entertainment, this event celebrates the unique character of postcode 2044 as the community re-claim the streets.


2044 Street Takeover offers a new one-day activation of May Street in St Peters allowing the

residents of postcode 2044 to reclaim the streets and celebrate the creative energy and identity of the Inner West’s Industrial heart. May Street is a unique precinct within the Sydenham, Tempe and St Peters area, with a growing creative industry and economy hidden behind the industrial facades. 2044 has gone through a renaissance from an industrial centre to a bourgeoning hub of independent makers, breweries and creatives. The festival will feature performances and workshops by the local community. 


2044 Street Takeover is funded by the NSW Government.



The event area will be on May Street, St Peters. May Street is a two-way Regional Road running east-west between Campbell Street and Princes Highway. It has a mixture of residential and commercial properties as well as a frontage to Camdenville Park. At present, on-street parking is permitted on both sides of May Street.

May Lane is a one-way north ‘10km/h Shared Zone’ from May Street to Goodsell Street.


The event area will be on May Street between Council Street and Applebee Street, May Street between Applebee Street and May Lane (westbound), and May Lane between May Street and Caroline Lane, St peters (refer to the site map below – ‘2044 Street Takeover’ event area).


Site Map


To facilitate the event, parts of St Peters will be closed between 3:00am -11:30pm on Sunday 3 November 2024. This will require some road detours and in surrounding streets. The following roads are affected by the closure:


 • May Street between Council Street and Applebee Street (both directions)

 • May Street between Applebee Street and May Lane (westbound)

 • May Lane between May Street and Caroline Lane

 • Right hand turn lane from King Street Southbound into May Street

 • Local traffic only on May Street between Campbell Street and Council Street.




According to the TMP access around the event area would be primarily via Campbell Street and Hutchinson Street onto May Street.



Modification to existing signage


The TMP notes that the traffic lights at Bedwin Road and May Street has a Left-hand turn that will be closed for the duration of the event. Signs have been planned on TGS 2 to warn motorists to ignore the signal.




Buses amended route changes

May St has no formal bus routes that will need to be detoured. Campbell Street and Princes Highway will be available to divert any private or public buses which may use May Street informally.





The TMP notes that Council will use ‘No Stopping’ signs to reserve parking spaces within the road closure area prior to the road closure time.


Construction, traffic calming and traffic generating developments


The TMP notes that at present there should not be any construction works that will be impacted by the event. There are no traffic calming devices or traffic generating developments along the



Traffic Control


Authorised traffic controllers will install barricades and signage and maintain closure points as per the Traffic Control Plans.


Heavy Vehicle impacts


The TMP notes there should be no impact to heavy vehicles.


Sydney Trains


The closest train station is St Peters Station. It is approximately 150 metres walk from the event precinct.

There is no track work planned for the event day at the time of writing the TMP document


Emergency Lane


A minimum 4 metre emergency lane will be maintained along the entire closure. Traffic controllers will be onsite to assist emergency vehicle through the closure points.


Portable variable message signs


The TMP shows the location of VMSs in TGS04 and is reproduced below.


The TMP is attached at the end of this report. It lists the following Traffic Guidance Schemes


·    WD/TGS01 

·    WD/TGS02

·    WD/TGS03 Detours 

·    WD/TGS04 VMS 


Adequate vehicular traffic control shall be provided for the protection and convenience of pedestrians and motorists including appropriate signage and flagging.  Workers shall be specially designated for this role (and carry appropriate certificates), as necessary to comply with this condition.  This is to be carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1742.3 - Traffic Control Devices for works on roads. 


An accredited Traffic Manager will oversee implementation of the Traffic Guidance Schemes, including road closures.


The Traffic Management Plan is to be submitted to TfNSW for consideration and approval and a Road Occupancy License application is to be submitted to the Transport Management Centre by Who Dares Pty Ltd.


A minimum four (4) metre emergency lane will be maintained along the entire closure. Traffic controllers will be onsite to assist emergency vehicles through the closure points.

Hostile Vehicle mitigation strategies may be undertaken within the road closure in accordance with the event risk assessment and NSW Police direction.




The proposed temporary full road closure has been advertised in accordance with the Roads Act 1993.


Advice of the proposed event must be forwarded to all the appropriate groups, including emergency services. A copy of the draft notification letter is attached at the end of this report.



Funding of $50,000 has been allocated by Council for organising the 2044 Street Takeover under the 2024/2025 Major Community Events Program. This program has also received $72,829 funding from Transport for NSW, Open Streets Program.




It is recommended that Council agree to the temporary full road closures on Sunday 3 November 2024 subject to complying with the recommendations stated in this report along with all standard conditions for temporary full road closures.  




Transport Management Plan - 2044 Takeover



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 6

Subject:              Mary Street and Edith Street, St Peters – Precinct 75 redevelopment - DA20210799 and DA20210800 Consent conditions - Temporary parking changes (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)                      

Prepared By:      Jennifer Adams - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





1.   That the detailed plans for temporary linemarking and signage changes in Mary Street and Edith Street, St Peters during construction works associated with the redevelopment at the Precinct 75 site as per CTMP drawings EW2402-V1.6-TGS (from 5-of-12 to 12-of-12) be approved.


2.   That Council’s existing signage and linemarking be reinstated in Mary Street and Edith Street, St Peters at the end of works to the satisfaction of Council’s Co-ordinator of Traffic and Parking Services, Traffic South.


3.   That the cost of the supply and installation of the associated parking signage are to be borne by the applicant in accordance with Council’s Fees and Charges. 


4.   That the applicant and Council Rangers be advised in terms of this report.






This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





Detailed line marking and signage plans have been submitted by Genesis Traffic for P75 Investments Pty Ltd as part of development consent conditions for DA20210799 and DA20210800 for the redevelopment of Precinct 75, St Peters. The proposal involves changes to on-street parking restrictions and the installation of new regulatory signage. It is recommended that the submitted plans be supported in principle.




Genesis Traffic for P75 Investments Pty Ltd have prepared a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) as required under condition of consent for the development of Precinct 75. The CTMP dated 1 July 2024 (Attachment 1) has been developed in discussions between the Developer and Council.


The approved development scheme for the redevelopment of Precinct 75 into a mixed-use build-to-rent housing and commercial/light industrial precinct is subject to Early Works (DA2021/0799) and Main Works (DA2021/0800).


Early Works involves partial demolition of existing buildings, tree removal, site establishment works, alterations to the existing north-south lane between Edith Street and Mary Street for temporary service and tenant vehicle access and enabling works to allow existing site to continue operation during construction of Main Works.


Main Works involves site preparation, demolition, excavation, remediation works, construction of a mixed use development comprising commercial/light industrial, build-to-rent residential housing and community facilities involving the construction of two levels of basement car parking, alterations and additions to existing buildings, construction of three new buildings, creation of new publicly accessible open space, new pedestrian connection to Roberts Street and a north-south shared zone between Mary and Edith Street.


Condition of consent No. 13 in DA2021/0799 and No. 39 in DA2021/0800 reproduced as follow:


13. Construction Traffic Management Plan – Detailed (DA2021/0799)


Prior to any Demolition or the issue of a construction certificate, a detailed Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) must be prepared by an appropriately qualified Traffic Management Consultant with Transport for NSW accreditation. The CTMP must be submitted to the General Manager of Council and approved by Council prior to the issue of the Construction certificate or the commencement of any works, including demolition. The following matters should be addressed in the CTMP (where applicable):


a) Description of the demolition and any associated remedial construction works;

b) Site plan/s showing the site, roads, footpaths, site access points and vehicular movements;

c) Size, type and estimated number of vehicular movements (including removal of demolition materials, delivery of materials and concrete to the site);

d) Proposed route(s) from the arterial (state) road network to the site and the proposed route from the site back to the arterial road network;

e) The CTMP must ensure that vehicles to use State and Regional and Collector Roads to the maximum extent with the use of Local Roads as final approach to the development site via the most suitable direct route;

f) All changes to on-street parking arrangements (loss of parking) and requiring changes the parking restriction signage within Mary or Edith Streets must be approved by Council's Traffic Committee;

g) Impacts of the work and vehicular movements on the road network, traffic and pedestrians and proposed methods to safely manage pedestrians and construction related vehicles in the frontage roadways;

h) Any Traffic Guidance Scheme (formerly known as a Traffic Control Plans - TCP) proposed to regulate traffic and pedestrian movements (within and around the site) for construction activities (such as concrete pours, crane installation/removal etc.);

i) Proposed hours of works related activities and vehicular movements to and from the site;

j) Current/proposed approvals from other Agencies and Authorities (including Roads and Maritime Services, Police and State Transit Authority);

k) Any activities proposed to be located or impact upon Council’s road, footways or any public place;

l) Measures to maintain public safety and convenience;

m) Any proposed road and/or footpath closures;

n) Turning areas within the site for construction and spoil removal vehicles, allowing a forward egress for all construction vehicles on the site;

o) Locations of work zones (where it is not possible for loading/unloading to occur on the site) in the frontage roadways accompanied by supporting documentation that such work zones have been approved by the Local Traffic Committee and Council;

p) Location of any proposed crane and concrete pump and truck standing areas on and off the site (and relevant approvals from Council for plant on road);

q) A dedicated unloading and loading point within the site for all construction vehicles, plant and deliveries;

r) Material, plant and spoil bin storage areas within the site, where all materials are to be dropped off and collected;

s) On-site parking area for employees, tradespersons and construction vehicles as far as possible;

t) Proposed areas within the site to be used for the storage of excavated material, construction materials and waste and recycling containers during the construction period;

u) How it is proposed to ensure that soil/excavated material is not transported onto surrounding footpaths and roadways;

v) Swept Paths for the proposed construction vehicles to demonstrate that the needed manoeuvres can be achieved without causing any nuisance; and

w) If in the opinion of Council, TfNSW or the NSW Police the works results in unforeseen traffic congestion or unsafe work conditions, alternative Traffic Control arrangements must be investigated, approved by Council, and implemented to remedy the situation. In this regard you shall obey any lawful direction from the NSW Police or a Council officer if so required.


39. Construction Traffic Management Plan – Detailed (DA2021/0800)


Prior to any demolition, excavation or works commencing on site under this development consent, a detailed Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP), must be prepared by an appropriately qualified Traffic Management Consultant with Transport for NSW accreditation. The CTMP must be submitted to the General Manager of Council and approved by Council prior to the commencement of any works, including demolition. A copy of the CTMP is to accompany each construction certificate application. The following matters should be addressed in the CTMP (where applicable):


a) Description of the demolition, excavation and construction works;

b) Site plan/s showing the site, roads, footpaths, site access points and vehicular movements;

c) Size, type and estimated number of vehicular movements (including removal of excavated materials, delivery of materials and concrete to the site);

d) Proposed route(s) from the arterial (state) road network to the site and the proposed route from the site back to the arterial road network;

e) The CTMP must ensure that vehicles to use State and Regional and Collector Roads to the maximum extent with the use of Local Roads as final approach to the development site via the most suitable direct route;

f) All changes to on-street parking arrangements (loss of parking) and requiring changes the parking restriction signage within Mary or Edith Streets must be approved by Council's Traffic Committee;

g) Impacts of the work and vehicular movements on the road network, traffic and pedestrians and proposed methods to safely manage pedestrians and construction related vehicles in the frontage roadways;

h) Any Traffic Guidance Scheme (formerly known as a Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) proposed to regulate traffic and pedestrian movements for construction activities (such as concrete pours, crane installation/removal etc.);

i) Proposed hours of construction related activities and vehicular movements to and from the site;

j) Current/proposed approvals from other Agencies and Authorities (including Roads and Maritime Services, Police and State Transit Authority);

k) Any activities proposed to be located or impact upon Council’s road, footways or any public place;

l) Measures to maintain public safety and convenience;

m) Any proposed road and/or footpath closures;

n) Turning areas within the site for construction and spoil removal vehicles, allowing a forward egress for all construction vehicles on the site;

o) Locations of work zones (where it is not possible for loading/unloading to occur on the site) in the frontage roadways accompanied by supporting documentation that such work zones have been approved by the Local Traffic Committee and Council;

p) Location of any proposed crane and concrete pump and truck standing areas on and off the site (and relevant approvals from Council for plant on road);

q) A dedicated unloading and loading point within the site for all construction vehicles, plant and deliveries;

r) Material, plant and spoil bin storage areas within the site, where all materials are to be dropped off and collected;

s) On-site parking area for employees, tradespersons and construction vehicles as far as possible;

t) Proposed areas within the site to be used for the storage of excavated material, construction materials and waste and recycling containers during the construction period; and

u) How it is proposed to ensure that soil/excavated material is not transported onto surrounding footpaths and roadways.

v) Swept Paths for the proposed construction vehicles to demonstrate that the needed manoeuvres can be achieved without causing any nuisance.

w) If in the opinion of Council, TfNSW or the NSW Police the works results in unforeseen traffic congestion or unsafe work conditions, alternative Traffic Control arrangements must be investigated, approved by Council, and implemented to remedy the situation. In this regard you shall obey any lawful direction from the NSW Police or a Council officer if so required




Site Location

The site is located at 73 Mary Street, St Peters (‘Precinct 75’) and has street frontages on both Mary Street and Edith Street. Vehicles may access the site from a single entrance on Mary Street and two entry points on Edith Street. There is an on-site parking area accessed by Edith Street. There are currently 11 existing buildings on the site of various heights ranging from one to three storeys as well as a cottage and three residential dwellings. The surrounding land use is predominately residential, characterised by one and two storey development.

Edith Street is a two-way local residential street running northwest-southeast between Unwins Bridge Road and Princes Highway and carries around 650 vehicles per day. The carriageway in Edith Street at its western end is 7.9 metres wide and narrows down to 6.4 metres in width at its midpoint. 

Parking is unrestricted on the north side of Edith Street and Residential permit parking (2P 8.30am-6pm Monday to Friday 8.30am-12.30pm Saturday M4 Permit Holders Excepted) restrictions are on the south side of Edith Street between Unwins Bridge Road and the driveway opposite 65 Edith Street and between No.52 Edith Street and Roberts Lane.

Mary Street is a narrow (6.4 metres) local street, operating “one-way” in a north-westerly direction from Princes Highway to Unwins Bridge Road.  The street has mixed industrial and residential development and presently carries around 7,000 vehicles a day, the majority of which is through traffic from Canal Road.  Some traffic calming measures in the form of light traffic (3 tonne) restrictions and three speed humps were installed in 1992 as part of the Sydenham LATM Scheme.

On the southern side of Mary Street there were 5 parking spaces between the driveway of No.60 Mary Street and Albion Lane with ‘4P 8.30am-6pm Monday-Friday’ parking restrictions. Parking between Rolfe Lane and the driveway to property No.71 Mary Street south side is “No Parking’. On the north side between Robert Lane and property No.71 Mary Street is residential permit parking with the restrictions “2P 8.30am-6pm Monday-Friday 8.30am-12.30pm Saturday – M4 Permit Holders Accepted’.



Unwins Bridge Road is a Regional road that generally runs in a north-south direction from May Street, St Peters in the north to Gannon Street, Tempe in the south. It has a posted speed limit of 50km/h and has one lane of traffic in each direction outside of am / pm restrictions when two lanes of traffic flow in the northerly direction for the morning peak (7am-9am) and two lanes in the southerly direction for the afternoon peak (4pm-6pm). Outside of the times specified unrestricted kerb side parking is allowed along both sides of the road. It carries around 21,500 vehicles per day.


Princes Highway is a TfNSW State Road that generally runs in a north-south direction and forms part of the link between Sydney in the north and the Victorian border in the south. Princes Highway carries approximately 33,800 vehicles per day and is subject to a 60km/h speed limit in the vicinity. It has two lanes in each direction with clearways allowing three lanes

between 6am and 10am northbound and between 3pm and 7pm southbound.


Construction Programs and Staging (as per CTMP)


Stage 1 (Early Works)


Stage 1 (subject to DA2021/0799) involves site establishment, demolition of the following highlighted buildings, excavation and shoring, as demonstrated in the diagram below.



No-Stopping Zones are required to facilitate construction vehicles entering and exiting the site. These zones will be established along:

• near the site access (Gate 1) on Edith Street , extending for 6m 

• near the site access (Gate 2) on Mary Street, extending for 3m


Truck movements associated with the construction process will approach the site via Edith Street and depart via Mary Street to Unwins Bridge Road, as illustrated below. No queuing of heavy vehicles is to occur on the surrounding streets.


During the course of construction, all construction vehicles will approach the site via Gate 1 and 3 and depart via Gate 2 in a forward direction. No-Stopping Zone will be established along the site frontage on Edith Street to assist construction vehicles entering the site. Trucks accessing via Gate 1 can be as large as 20m long Semi Trailer. However, trucks accessing Gate 3 are limited to 8.8m long MRV due to the existing tree.


On-street Parking Impact - The number of on-street parking impacted by vehicle turning paths and No-Stopping Zones for loading/un loading is summarised below.



Construction Program - Envisioned truck volumes during each phase is summarised below.



Tenant Parking during Construction - Temporary carpark will be established within the site for tenants remaining on-site. Tenants may use the existing onsite carpark on Edith Street during the early demolition works. Once the demolition of 43 Roberts Street is complete, the tenant carpark will be relocated to 43 Roberts Street.


Stage 2a (Main Works)


Stage 2a (subject to DA2021/0800) involves construction of new Building A, B and C, reconstruction of existing Building 8 as demonstrated below.



Works Zone - Works Zones are required to facilitate construction vehicles for loading/off-loading and concrete pumping activities. These Works Zone will be established along:

• the frontage of Building A and 8 on Edith Street, extending for 115m

• the frontage of Building 1 on Mary Street, extending for 38m


‘No Stopping’ Zone  - A 6m ‘No-Stopping’ Zone will be established at Edith Street near Princess Highway to facilitate construction trucks from accessing the site.


Construction Vehicle Route - Truck movements associated with the construction processes will approach the site via Mary Street and Edith Street from Princes Highway and depart via Mary Street and Edith Street to Unwins Bridge Road, as illustrated below. No queuing of heavy vehicles is to occur on the surrounding streets unless previously approved by the Council.


During the course of construction, Works Zone will be established along the site frontage on Edith Street. Construction vehicles will approach, stand within the Work Zone and depart forwards. Due to the limitation at the intersection of Princes Highway and Edith Street, the largest construction vehicles allowed to access Edith Street from Princes Highway are 8.8m long MRV.


Any trucks larger than MRV will need to access via Mary Street, with the largest trucks being 19m long Semi Trailer. Once the internal driveway and basement carpark are built, MRV can utilise and park in the basement. All construction vehicles will approach and depart the site/Works Zone in a forward direction.


All necessary oversized mobile crane/truck access will be subject to a separate permit issued by the Council before the planned event. If reversing is necessary, vehicle movements should be undertaken under the supervision of accredited traffic controllers.


On-street Parking Impact - The number of on-street parking impacted by the vehicle turning paths and Works Zones for loading/un loading is summarised below.






Construction Program - envisaged truck visitation levels for each work phase is summarised below.



Stage 2b (Main Works)


Stage 2b (subject to DA2021/0800) involves alterations and additions to existing Buildings 1, 2, 6 and 7 including partial demolition, as demonstrated below.



Works Zone - Works Zone is required for loading/un-loading and concrete pumping activities. Works Zone will be established along the site frontage of Building 1 on Mary Street, extending for 38m.


Construction Vehicle Route - Truck movements associated with the construction processes will approach the site via Mary Street from Princes Highway and depart via Mary Street to Unwins Bridge Road, as illustrated below. No queuing of heavy vehicles is to occur on the surrounding streets unless previously approved by the Council.



During the course of construction, Works Zone will be established along the site frontage on Mary Street for loading/unloading activities. All construction vehicles will approach and depart the Works Zone in a forward direction.


On-street Parking Impact - The number of on-street parking impacted by vehicle turning paths and Works Zones for loading/un-loading is summarised below.








Construction Program – the table below summaries the envisaged truck visitation levels for each work phase.




Proposed signage and line marking Plans


The signage and line marking plans are reproduced below and also are in the attached CTMP - EW2402-V1.6-TGS (from 5-of-12 to 12-of-12).


Existing Signage



Proposed signage – overview – Stage 1


Proposed signage – Mary Street – Stage 1




Proposed signage – Edith Street – Stage 1



Proposed signage – overview – Stage 2



Proposed signage – Mary Street – Stage 2



Proposed signage – Edith Street – Stage 2





The applicant proposing the temporary parking changes will carry out consultation with all affected residents and businesses prior to commencement of the works and will report back to Council of any complaints and the applicants’ responses to accommodate all stakeholders where possible.




  There are no financial implications for Council associated with this matter. The cost of the work will be borne by the applicant.





EW24021 - Precinct 75, St Peters - Construction Traffic Management Plan Issue 5 (Final) A - 01072024



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 7

Subject:              Carrington Road at Cary Street, Marrickville - Proposed raised pedestrian crossing (Midjuburi-Marrickville Ward/Summer Hill Electorate/Inner West PAC)           

Prepared By:      James Nguyen - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





That the concept design plan for the raising of the existing pedestrian crossing, on-road bicycle lane, and the associated signs and line marking in Carrington Road at Cary Street, Marrickville be approved (as per Design Plan No. 10248).





This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport




This report discusses further changes to the proposed raised pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Carrington Road and Cary Street, Marrickville that was approved by Council at its meeting on 12 September 2023. Additional bicycle facilities are proposed, in conjunction with the raised pedestrian crossing. This proposal seeks to further improve bicycle safety within the overall proposed safety improvements.



Council is planning to improve pedestrian safety in Carrington Road, Marrickville (at Cary Street) by converting the existing at-grade pedestrian crossing to a raised pedestrian crossing. This proposal was referred to the Local Traffic Committee meeting on 21 August 2023, and subsequently approved by Council at the Council meeting on 12 September 2023.


Further design iterations have been made to the approved design to improve bicycle safety that require further consideration by the Local Traffic Committee.





The following additions are proposed within the revised concept design plan:


·    A 1.5-metre-wide in-road bicycle lane (and the accompanying, line marking, bike logos and arrows), east of the proposed raised pedestrian crossing;

·    8-metre-long TB ‘Give Way’ line marking adjacent to the bicycle lane; and

·    A new 2.5-metre-wide kerb ramp on the northern side of Carrington Road, east of Cary Street.


These proposals seek to improve bicycle safety and connectivity along Carrington Road.





A copy of the plan was provided to Inner West Bicycle Coalition. No further comments were received.



This project will be funded and delivered from the PAMP program for 2023/24.





Concept plan



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024



Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 8

Subject:              Holden Street at Park Avenue, Ashfield- Proposed Raised  pedestrain (zebra) crossing adjacent to the Lewis Herman Reserve
(Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward/Summer Hill Electrorate/Burwood PAC)

Prepared By:      Boris Muha - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





That the detailed design plan (10291) to install a raised pedestrian zebra crossing with a western side landscaped kerb- blister island in Holden Street, north of Park Avenue, in connection with the existing kerb-blister island to the eastern side, together with associated signs and line marking as shown in Attachment 1, be approved.   







This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





Council is planning to improve pedestrian safety in Holden Street at Park Avenue, Ashfield by constructing a new raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing. The proposal aims to improve pedestrian and motorist safety and addresses concerns regarding pedestrian safety and driver behaviour in the area, particularly during busy periods.




Council at its meeting on the 9 May 2023 approved in principle, subject to detailed design and community consultation the installation of a pedestrian refuge in lieu of a pedestrian crossing   in Holden Street north of Park Avenue, with a kerb blister island (accompanying the refuge) only constructed to the eastern side of the street.


Prior to consulting the community of any planned pedestrian safety measures in the area, it was necessary to establish whether a pedestrian crossing could be justified under a normal or reduced warrant with practicing guidelines at the time the Transport for NSW utilised in accordance with the Supplement to Australian Standards AS 1742.10-2009.


Notwithstanding the high volumes of traffic in Holden Street, pedestrian numbers in movements across the road (and prior to the completion of the Lewis Herman Reserve) observed to be very low, below the required minimum number of 30 pedestrian per hour to justify a warrant of a pedestrian crossing under the TfNSW guidelines.



The refuge (if proceeded to be constructed) would have been designed to retrofit and upgrade to a pedestrian crossing if pedestrian activity to the park increases in future and if revised warrants and other criteria (e.g., sight view distances) were met.


Since the opening of the Lewis Herman Reserve, pedestrian numbers, particularly on the weekend, have increased to satisfy the warrant of pedestrian zebra crossing under the newly adopted ‘Council Pedestrian Warrant Policy’.


Council has therefore reviewed to consider proposing a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing over that of an original proposed pedestrian refuge to improve pedestrian safety in the area.  



The following information is provided in the discussion.


                                                 Figure 1. Locality plan


Street Name



Holden Street (at intersection to Park Avenue, Ashfield)

Carriageway width (m) kerb to kerb

Approx. 12.8m

Carriageway type

Two-way, one travel lane each direction.



Speed Limit



85th percentile speed



Vehicles per day (vpd)


Available TfNSW recorded crash history

Last 5 years (2018- 2023)


NIL accidents recorded in the vicinity of the intersection in last 5 years.


Parking arrangements

Unrestricted parking both sides.

Side street (nearest)

Park Avenue

Table 1. Road Network detail.



The Plan


The following works are proposed and are illustrated on the attached plans.

Holden Street at Park Avenue, Ashfield (Plan No. 10291):

-     Construct a new raised concrete pedestrian crossing as shown on the attached plan

-     Construct landscaped kerb blister islands as shown on attached plan

-     Reconstruct some of the concrete footpath/lead on either side of the proposed pedestrian crossing

-     Provide tactile ground surface indicators on either end of crossing

-     Install associated pavement line marking and signage as required

-     Providing new flood lighting by installing two (2) new flood lights and power poles.


Parking Changes


It is not proposed to make any changes to the existing parking arrangements due to the works. Therefore, this proposal will not result in the loss of legal on-street parking spaces. Please refer to the attached plan for details




The existing street lighting is not sufficient for meeting the required standards for pedestrian crossings. Therefore, it is proposed to provide 2 new flood lights on new power poles on either side of the new raised pedestrian crossing as part of the overall proposal.  This new lighting is needed to meet current lighting safety standards for pedestrian crossings. 


The attached plan indicatively shows the locations of the proposed new flood lights and power poles, with the final location to be confirmed during the lighting design development phase of the project.


Additional information


The proposed raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing is proposed in Holden Street to the northern side of the intersection with Park Avenue. By doing so this provides least impact to parking changes and avoids removing any parking adjacent to residential properties. It was also considered that a crossing facility be best positioned adjacent to the park for easier access, and to cater for likely desire line movement of pedestrians south and north of Holden Street, and west of Park Avenue.


Pedestrian survey counts conducted back in September 2023 on a Wednesday and Sunday resulted in 2 of 3 hourly sessions (AM. Mid, PM) having pedestrian hourly counts range between 27 and 53, with Sunday contributing to higher activity. Traffic at periods of the survey ranged from 380 to 900 vph. The location therefore qualifies for a pedestrian crossing under the new ‘Council Pedestrian Warrant Policy’, which requires a minimum pedestrian count of 20 and 200 vehicles per hour in any given 2 hourly periods of the day.       


The original proposal for a pedestrian refuge did not have a kerb blister island constructed to the western side of the refuge. Buses would have to travel around the central island refuge close to the kerb in lead up to a bus stop just north of the intersection. 


Under the reviewed proposal of a pedestrian crossing, there is no central median (refuge) island, and a narrower width and shorter length kerb blister island can be constructed on the western side of the crossing and still allow sufficient lead in for buses to pull up to the Bus Stop. See the swept path movement of a bus in Attachment 2. The provision of kerb blister islands to both sides of the crossing enables a shorter distance for pedestrian to cross over.


The eastern side kerb blister currently exists and was constructed regardless of whether a refuge or crossing was to be added in connection with the existing kerb blister island on the eastern side.



The proposed work is estimated around $ 70,000 and is listed under the capital works program for construction in 2024/2025.




 A letter outlining the above proposal was distributed to 14 directly affected properties (21 letters) in Holden Street, as shown on the consultation map area below.


Letters were also issued out to representatives of the Bicycle Group and to the public bus operator Transit Systems Australia (TSA)


Consultation letters were sent out on 13/6/2024 and closed on 28/06/2024


No responses were received. 



Figure 2. Consultation Area



It is recommended that the detailed design plan (10291) to install a raised pedestrian zebra crossing with a western side landscaped kerb- blister island in Holden Street, north of Park Avenue, in connection with the existing kerb-blister island to the eastern side, together with associated signs and line marking as shown in Attachment 1, be approved.   





Proposed raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing in Holden Street, north of Park Avenue, Ashfield.


Swept path movement of bus into the Bus Stop



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 9

Subject:              Mary Street, Lilyfield - Proposed Pedestrian Crossing (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)           

Prepared By:      Charbel El Kazzi - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





1.   That a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing in Mary Street, north of Perry Street, Lilyfield be supported in-principle and included for consideration in Council’s capital works program.


2.   That the detailed design for the proposed pedestrian crossing be brought back to the Traffic Committee for consideration, including the results of community engagement.







This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





Several concerns were received from residents regarding pedestrian safety and lack of formal crossing point at the raised threshold on Mary Street, near the intersection with Perry Street, Lilyfield. It has been reported that the raised threshold was frequently being mistaken by pedestrians as a Pedestrian Crossing. This presents a pedestrian safety issue as this area which experiences significant pedestrian demand due to its proximity to the Orange Grove Public School and the Bus Stop on Perry Street, Lilyfield.


A review of pedestrian and traffic volume was undertaken, and the section met Council’s Pedestrian Crossing Warrant. It is therefore proposed to construct a Raised Pedestrian Crossing at this location to improve pedestrian safety.





Council has received concerns from resident’s regarding pedestrian safety and lack of formal crossing point at the raised threshold within Mary Street near the intersection of Perry Street, Lilyfield. 


Subsequently, a traffic and pedestrian count was undertaken during the month of May 2024 to determine if this section qualifies for a Pedestrian Crossing. The findings are presented within the table below and demonstrate that the site meets Council’s Pedestrian Crossing Warrant. 





Mary Street, Lilyfield

Count Type

Weekday AM Count (8-9am) 

Weekday PM Count (3-4pm)

Pedestrian Crossing Warrant

Warrant Met?













A concept plan for the proposed pedestrian crossing is provided in Attachment 1. It is proposed to position the Pedestrian Crossing and provide a kerb extension to improve sight lines for motorists of oncoming pedestrian traffic, as well as minimising the loss on existing on-street parking. The works will include:

·    Removing the existing raised threshold

·    Construction of a new raised pedestrian crossing facility along with associated line marking and signage

·    Appropriate landscaping and signage

·    Kerb extensions and new kerb ramp

·    Upgrade existing street lighting at the crossing

·    On-street parking to be adjusted by 3m


Consultation is to be undertaken as part of the detailed design to seek resident feedback on the proposal.



Initial review indicates that the existing raised threshold would require reconstruction to be adequately upgraded to a raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing and therefore it is estimated to require $80,000 in funding.


Works are to be considered as part of Councils Capital Works program for Traffic Facilities with final costing to be finalised following completion of detailed design.




Mary Street, Lilyfield - Pedestrian Crossing Concept Plan



Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024




Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 10

Subject:              Dawn Fraser Baths Vicinity, Balmain - Residential Parking Scheme (Baludarri-Balmain Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt PAC)           

Prepared By:      Charbel El Kazzi - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





1.   That the proposed resident parking scheme on the southern side of Fitzroy Avenue, Balmain be approved.


2.   That the proposed resident parking scheme in Glassop Street between Punch and White Streets and the western side of White Street between Tilba Ave and Glassop Street, Balmain not be supported at this time due to insufficient level of support received from these streets.


3.   That Council undertake a post-implementation review for Fitzroy Avenue, and surrounding streets be undertaken 12 months following the implementation of the Resident Parking Scheme.





This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





Several residents have expressed concerns to council regarding the long-term non-resident parking along the vicinity of the Dawn Fraser Baths in Balmain.


In response, preliminary investigations were undertaken by Council and Community Engagement on a Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) proposal was completed, proposing a ‘2P 8am-10pm Permit Holders Excepted Area B1’ for the areas below (also see figure 1):

·    South side of Fitzroy Avenue

·    Glassop Street between Punch and White Street

·    The Western side of White Street between Tilba Ave and Glassop Street, Balmain


The results of the Community Engagement indicated good support for a Resident Parking Scheme in Fitzroy Avenue. At this time due to insufficient level of support, the scheme could not be supported in White Street and Glassop Street.




Council has received several concerns from residents regarding parking availability due to visitors of the Dawn Fraser Baths particularly within the summer months. It was also reported that these locations are used for the long-term parking of caravan and boat trailers.


In response Council had conducted a parking occupancy survey in the vicinity of Dawn Fraser Baths. The results showed high parking occupancy levels, (above 85%) within several streets during the day. A resident parking scheme was proposed within the high occupancy sections as per Figure 1.


Note that the sections of road that share boundaries with Elkington Park and the Dawn Fraser Baths were not included as part of resident parking scheme proposal.


Figure 1: Proposed Resident Parking Scheme Areas 




A letter outlining the proposal was issued to the affected properties seeking residents’ views. Comments from residents regarding the proposal can be seen below.


The results of the consultation have been broken up by street and is summarized on the below map (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Proposed Resident Parking Scheme Survey Results 



Specific comments are noted in the below table.


Resident Comments

Officer comments

I understand you are unable to restrict parking along the side of the park in Glassop Street and White Street. However, there is a big problem along the park in Glassop Street with people leaving their vehicles for weeks on end. I don't know if it is possible to have a limit of 6 hours which would mean people can enjoy the park, but it also precludes the cars that are left when people go to work. (1 similar comment)

Council can consider installing a time restriction along the frontage of Elkington Park, but this would have to apply uniformly and exclude an exemption for permit holders. As there has been insufficient support for a Resident Parking Scheme in Glassop and White Street, a time restriction against the park is not being considered at this time.

If the Council issues more permits than can be accommodated in the street there will be no benefit in my view. There are 21 houses in my street, none of which have no off-street parking, and all have a minimum of one and some up to three cars. So, I would like to know how can forty plus cars fit into Fitzroy Avenue parking permit zones?

The management of permits is a challenge for Council as demand far outweighs the supply of existing spaces. The RPS scheme aims to improve the current parking for permit holders and does not guarantee a parking space. In situations where there are no available spaces, residents may park within nearby existing resident parking schemes zones within the B1 area. The proposal aims to prioritise permit holders by reducing the number of long-term non-resident parking areas.

I would like to know how you are going to police the visitors permits? What will prevent residents who have two permits already not using the visitor permit for their third car?

Each eligible property will only be able to access a visitor permit for its intended use. Misuse may result in cancelation of the permit.

Inconvenient parking could lead to discouraging visits due to poor ease of access. Limited parking on Glassop Street will push vehicles to adjacent streets, causing an overflow impact. This could lead to those streets facing similar congestion issues without necessarily solving the problem. (1 similar comment)

The adjacent sections of Glassop Street, Gow Street, Punch Street and Tilba avenue were included as part of the resident parking scheme investigation but did not meet the required 85 percent occupancy rate for consideration of an RPS.


A post implementation parking review is typically undertaken 12 months following the installation of the RPS. Further requests to expand the RPS can be considered in the review but will require additional requests from residents and an occupancy rate of greater than 85 percent.


Additionally, unrestricted parking is available for visitors on the northern side of Fitzroy Avenue and on the boundaries of Elkington Park within White and Glassop Streets.

Constantly moving vehicles in search of parking spots increases traffic congestion and emissions, negatively impacting the local environment and air quality.

Council is undertaking several initiatives to reduce private vehicle ownership and support for active and public transport. The proposed RPS should improve parking opportunities for permit holders and reduce long term visitor parking.  


Based on the above results and the comments provided as part of the consultation process, less than 50% of the residents within the proposed sections of Glassop and White Street, Balmain support the proposal. Considering the level of strong parking demand in Fitzroy Avenue due to visitors of the Dawn Fraser Baths, a greater than 50% support rate, and a high response rate of 81% it is recommended that a RPS be provided in Fitzroy Avenue, with a post-implementation parking review undertaken following 12 months of the installation of the RPS.



The funding for the proposed signage is available within Council’s sign and linemarking budget.






Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 11

Subject:              Mathieson Street, Annandale - Proposed Drop Off And Pick Up Zone (Gulgadya - Annandale/Balmain/Leichhardt PAC)           

Prepared By:      Charbel El Kazzi - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





1.   That a 12m length ‘No Parking 8:30-9:30am, 1:30-4:00pm, School Days’ zone in Mathieson Street, between Cahill Street and Water Street, Annandale be approved.


2.   That the drop off pick up zone be monitored during peak times, and a review be undertaken by the Waranara School after 3 months following the opening of the school, and if required, apply to expand the drop off and pick up zone in Mathieson Street.


3.   That the proposed drop off pick up signs in Mathieson Street be installed by the applicant at no cost to Council.


4.   That it be noted that the Waranara School will directly apply to Transport for NSW for a School Zone on the streets surrounding the school.







This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport





The proposal for the implementation of a drop off pick up (DOPU) zone at the property frontage of No.11 Mathieson Street between Cahill Street and Water Street, Annandale was deferred by the Local Traffic Committee during the meeting in June pending additional information from the applicant regarding feedback received from residents and businesses.


To reduce parking impacts on residents and businesses within the vicinity it is recommended to reduce the length of the DOPU zone from 23.4m to 12m.




As part of the consent conditions for the approved Waranara School development application, it is proposed to install a drop off and pick up (DOPU) zone at the property frontage of No.11 Mathieson Street between Cahill Street and Water Street, Annandale.


Initially proposal submitted from the applicant was for a 23.4m length ‘No Parking, 8:30-9:30am, 1:30-4:00pm School Days’ as shown in Attachment 1. On 17 June 2024 the Traffic Committee deferred this item pending additional information from the applicant to address concerns raised by residents.


To reduce the parking impact on the residents and businesses within the vicinity, it is recommended to reduce this DOPU zone to 12m in length, positioned 4m north of Cahill Street. The ‘No Stopping’ signage is existing, and the remaining spaces will be unrestricted.


It is recommended that a review be undertaken by the Waranara School after 3 months following the opening of the school, and if required apply to expand DOPU in Mathieson Street.



The issues raised at the last Traffic Committee have been resolved and addressed as below.


Resident Concerns

Officer Feedback

Concerns regarding the length of the drop off pick up zone. Can this be reduced in size?

Council has proposed to reduce the DOPU zone from 23.4m to 12m. This DOPU zone will be monitored for 3 months following the opening of the Waranara School and if required the School will apply to extend the zone by an additional two spaces.


Note that the school has committed to stagger the school finish time by half an hour to allow for two (2) 30-minute periods for pick-up in the afternoon during the application to minimise traffic impacts and reduce the number of DOPU spaces required.


A 23.4m DOPU zone was proposed based on a queueing analysis undertaken by the applicant which showed that this space would sufficiently accommodate 34 vehicles arriving over a half-hour period with a staggered DOPU which will be able to accommodate up to 68 vehicles in a one-hour period, thereby satisfactorily accommodating the morning drop-off and afternoon pick up demand.

Has there been consideration for moving the proposed drop off pick up zone to Cahill Street, Annandale?

The same number of DOPU spaces would be required regardless of which street frontage the DOPU zone is located.

There are no footpaths in Cahill Street, and provision of footpaths on either side of the road would permanently remove substantial number of kerbside car parking as the street is not wide enough and this will be contrary to the resident’s interests based on their concerns.

It is not reasonable to rely on existing private land to remain available in perpetuity for vehicles to traverse over. If a DOPU was installed within Cahill Street, this will mean vehicles traverse over the adjacent Ascot Teak parking lot.

A DOPU zone in Mathieson Street is preferred as it allows DOPU to occur directly in front of the school entrance, next to an existing footpath without requiring the students to cross the road, therefore facilitating efficient DOPU and maximising vehicle turnover.



The cost of the signposting works will be funded by the applicant.




Mathieson Street, Annandale - Initial DOPU Plan




Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 12

Subject:              St Peters area – Request for a residential parking scheme in Silver Street – Resident Parking questionnaire survey results (Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)            

Prepared By:      Jennifer Adams - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





THAT the proposal to implement Resident Parking Scheme restrictions 2P 8.30AM - 6PM, MON - FRI, PERMIT HOLDERS EXCEPTED, AREA M4’ along the western (south) side of Silver Street, between Unwins Bridge Road and Princes Highway, St Peters not be supported due to insufficient resident support.





This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport




Upon receiving a petition from residents of Silver Street, St Peters Council initiated an investigation for implementing residential parking restrictions in Silver Street, St Peters. A parking utilisation survey was carried out and the results of this survey were detailed in a report that went to the Local Traffic Committee in February 2024. Recommendations of that report included that residents of Sliver Street be survey as to their support of the proposed Resident Parking Scheme and that the results of the survey be referred back to the Committee for consideration. This report provides the results of this survey. Consultation with owners and occupiers in Silver Street indicated that there was insufficient support to implement the proposed permit parking restrictions at the present time.



Typically, Council introduces Residential Parking Schemes (RPS) outside of residential properties to minimise impacts from other uses in the street or nearby streets which also generate a need for parking (i.e., commuter, industrial, commercial, parks, churches etc). RPS are introduced for the benefit of residents/businesses of an area given that the availability of on-street parking is limited in relation to the demand. The scheme ensures that residents are provided with the best opportunity to find parking. Where implemented a residential parking scheme is generally placed on one side of the street. This approach aims to give eligible households in the scheme area, who take up a permit, a greater chance of finding parking closer to their property whilst still providing parking opportunities for other users such as businesses in the area, their patrons, visitors to the area and households that are not eligible to participate in the scheme.



Silver Street is a local residential street carrying around 805 vehicles per day. It is a two way trafficable street and runs between Unwins Bridge Road and Princes Highway. Parking in the street is currently unrestricted.


The existing M4 permit parking area in the St Peters area was implemented under the 2013 Sydenham Parking Study and 2017 Review of the Sydenham / St Peters Parking Implementation Review.



In 2023 Council received a petition from residents requesting an expansion of the existing M4 Resident Parking Scheme (RPS), in Silver Street, St Peters between Unwins Bridge Road and Princes Highway. 


A parking occupancy survey undertaken by Council In October 2023 identified a moderate-to-high parking demand in Silver Street during peak hours of the day. 



The results of the parking survey for Silver Street revealed that the street had an average overall occupancy of 80.5% which did not meet Council’s 85% threshold for parking occupancy for consideration for implementation of a Residential Parking Scheme however it was recommended that a Resident Parking questionnaire survey be undertaken for Silver Street to gauge resident’s support of a scheme due to possible future overspill into their street due to Precinct 75 redevelopment.


Accordingly, Council proposed to expand the existing M4 RPS into Silver Street with the following proposal:


·    Implement ‘2P 8.30AM - 6PM Monday to Friday, Permit Holders Excepted, Area M4’ on the Western (South) side of Silver Street, between Unwins Bridge Road and Princes Highway St Peters. 


·    Install statutory ‘No Stopping’ restrictions at all intersections on Silver Street between Unwins Bridge Road and Princes Highway.



Council Policy/Guidelines


Council's adopted Policy for the introduction of a Permit Parking Area states ‘that before implementing a resident parking scheme in any area, a survey of residents be undertaken to ascertain the level of support for such a scheme and that such support should be in excess of 65% of submissions received provided that rate of return of submissions is reasonable (higher than 30%)’.



A total of 146 consultation letters were sent out to owners and residents of Silver Street, St Peters on 7 May 2024. Submissions closed on Friday 31 May 2024.


At the end of the survey period thirty-two (32) responses were received. Three (3) were neutral, eleven (11) were in support of the proposal and eighteen (18) opposed the proposal. The overall response rate was 22%, and of that 56% opposed the proposal and 34% supported it.


Number of properties                       -           146

Number of properties responded    -           32

Number of properties supported     -           11

Response Rate                              -           22%

Support Rate                                  -           34%


The level of overall response is lower than Council’s adopted Policy and therefore due to the insufficient response and support from the community the proposal will not be progressed any further at this time. 


The table below reveals some of the comments raised by the residents.


Resident’s comments


Officer’s comments

One resident queried why the proposal was not for resident parking on the northern side of the street.

The southern side of Silver Street was proposed as it had less driveways and would have provided the maximum number of residential permit parking spaces.


Two residents separately queried why both sides of the street were not being considered for residential parking.

One of the key objectives of Council’s Parking strategy is to balance the often competing needs of both residents and businesses in the precinct. As a result, any resident parking scheme, where implemented, has generally been placed on one side of street. This approach aims to give eligible households in the scheme area, who take up a permit, a greater chance of finding parking closer to their property whilst still providing parking opportunities for other users such as businesses in the area, their patrons, and visitors to the area and residents who do not participate in the scheme.


A number of residents questioned whether or not would they be eligible for parking permits due to a variety of reasons…. even if they had 2 off street parking spaces they felt they should be eligible for at least one.

It is noted that permit eligibility would be affected by the number of off-street parking spaces on a property. If a property in the M4 area had two off-street parking spaces they would not be eligible for any permits.


Also, developments involving land use changes, new commercial and/or multi-unit housing developments would be excluded from participation in any Resident/Business Parking Scheme.    

Several residents said that parking during the day was not a problem.












Local Traffic Committee Meeting

15 July 2024


Item No:              LTC0724(1) Item 13

Subject:              Wardell Road survey area, Dulwich Hill and Marrickville - Request for extension of existing M13 residential parking scheme – Resident Parking questionnaire survey results (Djarrawunang-Ashfield Ward and Midjuburi - Marrickville Ward / Summer Hill Electorate / Inner West PAC)            

Prepared By:      Jennifer Adams - Traffic Engineer 

Authorised By:  Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager





THAT the proposal to implement Resident Parking Scheme restrictions ‘2P 8am – 6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted – Area M13’ into Canonbury Grove, between Margaret Street and Beach Road; Beach Road between Macarthur Parade and Wardell Road; Challis Avenue between Wardell Road and dead end; Margaret Street between Macarthur Parade and Wardell Road; and Wardell Road between Margaret Street and Beach Road, Dulwich Hill not be approved  at the present time due to low support received from the consulted residents.


Neither the overall minimum response rate nor the overall support thresholds, based on Council’s Resident Parking Policy, were met in this case.






This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:


2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport




A petition was received from residents in streets surrounding St Maroun’s College and the associated aged care facility for the provision of a Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) in their streets due to the overspill parking demand created by these facilities.


Council Officers carried out a parking utilisation survey in the local streets surrounding the St Maroun’s complex and the results of this survey were presented in a report that was submitted to the Local Traffic Committee in February 2024. Recommendations of that report included that a resident parking questionnaire survey be undertaken in a number of streets with the results of the survey being referred back to the Local Traffic Committee for consideration. This report presents and discusses the results of the survey and provides a recommendation of not to support the proposal at this time due to a low response rate.




A petition signed by 16 local residents in streets surrounding St Maroun’s College / Aged care facility had been received for the provision of a Resident Parking Scheme in their streets. The head petitioner stated that on-street parking spaces in the local streets are limited and often unavailable for local residents use due to staff from the school and aged care facility parking in the residential streets. This presented difficulties for residents to park their vehicles near their homes on weekdays.


The petition sought that Council carry out a traffic and parking study in the streets surrounding St Maroun’s College and Aged Care Facility, namely Challis Avenue, Margaret Street, Wardell Road, Pine Street, MacArthur Parade, Canonbury Grove, Beach Road and Marrickville Avenue. It is noted that Kays Avenue was also listed as a street to be surveyed however due to it already being within the M13 residential parking scheme it was not surveyed.


A parking utilisation survey was undertaken in Challis Avenue, Margaret Street, Wardell Road, Pine Street, MacArthur Parade, Canonbury Grove, Beach Road and Marrickville Avenue on Wednesday 18 October 2023 (between 7.00am and 5.00pm) to gauge on-street parking utilisation.


     It was recommended that a Resident Parking questionnaire survey be undertaken within Canonbury Grove, between Margaret Street and Beach Road; Beach Road between Macarthur Parade and Wardell Road; Wardell Road between Marrickville Road to Challis Avenue; Challis Avenue between Wardell Road and dead end and Margaret Street between Macarthur Parade and Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill as the results of the parking survey indicated that on-street parking utilisation was high in these streets and warranted further consideration of a proposed Resident Parking Scheme which would have the following parking restrictions ‘2P 8am – 6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted – Area M13’.


Council Policy/Guidelines


Council's adopted Policy for the introduction of a Permit Parking Area states "that before implementing a resident parking scheme in any area, a survey of residents be undertaken to ascertain the level of support for such a scheme and that such support should be in excess of 65% of submissions received provided that rate of return of submissions is reasonable (higher than 30%)".



The parking occupancy survey conducted by Council identified a high parking demand in a number of streets and accordingly Council proposed to expand the existing M13 RPS into the following streets:


·    Canonbury Grove (western side) between Margaret Street and Beach Street;

·    Beach Road (northern side) between Macarthur Parade and Wardell Road;

·    Wardell Road (western side) between Margaret Street and Beach Road;

·    Challis Avenue (northern side) between Wardell Road and dead end; and

·    Margaret Street (southern side) between Macarthur Parade and Wardell Road.


The proposal consulted upon is detailed and illustrated below.


·    The restriction that would apply in the nominated locations would be ‘2P 8.30AM - 6PM Monday to Friday, Permit Holders Excepted, Area M13’


·    It was noted that with the installation of any new restrictions statutory 10m ‘No Stopping’ restrictions at all intersections would also be installed.




A total of 222 consultation letters outlining the proposal were sent out on 9 May 2024 and the survey closed on 7 June 2024. The consultation area is shown on the map below.


A total of forty-one (41) responses were received.  Overall consultation survey results are summarised as follows:


Number of Residential Properties

-     221

Number of Non-Residential Properties

-     1 (school)



Total Responses

-     41



Total Support

-     18

Total Support Rate

-     44%



Total Oppose

-     18

Total Oppose Rate

-     44%



Total – neutral

-     5

 Total – neutral Rate

-     12%



Overall Response Rate

-     18%

Overall Support Rate

-     44%

Overall Oppose rate

-     44%



Based on Council’s Resident Parking Policy, a minimum response rate of 30% of households and a minimum of 65% support from respondents is required in order to for Council to proceed with implementation. Neither the overall minimum response rate nor the overall support thresholds were met in this case.


However, as the results of the recent parking occupancy survey indicated high utilisation of average daytime parking occupancy of on-street parking spaces in Beach Road (88%), Canonbury Grove (84%), Margaret Street (90%), Challis Avenue (91%) and Wardell Road (included as it would be affected as a result of any parking displacement as it is approaching 85% threshold) the Resident Parking survey data was also broken down by street for assessment.



Average daytime parking occupancy   

Macarthur Parade


Beach Road


Cannonbury Grove


Margaret Street


Wardell Road


Pine Street


Marrickville Avenue


Challis Avenue






Total households and percentage (%) of support by street is given in the table below.





Number Properties surveyed

Total properties responding

Total response rate

% of responses in support

% of responses against

%  neutral

Canonbury Grove btw Margaret St and Beach Street




5 (56%)

3 (33%)

1 (11%)

Beach Road btw Macarthur Pde and Wardell Rd




3 (43 %)

4 (57%)


Wardell Road btw Margaret Street and Beach Road




3 (60%)

1 (20%)


Challis Avenue btw Wardell Road and dead end




6 (43%)

7 (50%)

1 (7%)

Margaret St btw Macarthur Pde and Wardell Road







Macarthur Parade





2 (100%)










Overall, the response rate was 19% with 18 residents supporting the proposal for resident parking in their street, 18 objected the proposal and 3 were indifferent (neutral). The break up of each street section (as shown above) indicates that neither the response rate nor support for individual streets meets Council’s Policy for the implementation of an RPS.


The table below summaries some of the comments raised by both the residents who supported and those who did not support the proposal along with corresponding officer’s comments.


Comments from residents

Residents’ Comments

Officer Comments

A number of local residents complained about parking (in their local streets) being taken up by staff/students/visitors/workers associated with St Maroun’s College / Aged care facility.



A petition was received from residents in streets surrounding St Maroun’s College and the associated aged care facility for the provision of a Resident Parking Scheme in their streets due to the overspill parking demand created by these facilities and Council responded by carrying out a parking utilisation survey in local streets surrounding St Maroun’s complex and followed up with this resident parking scheme survey.

One objection from St Maroun’s College was received. They do not support the expansion of the planned 2-hour parking restrictions.


They noted having parking restrictions will greatly inconvenience staff and parents who volunteer at the School and if the restrictions go ahead they request 30 permits to be shared amongst full-time staff and twelve residents that reside on the school property permanently. Noting that

such would assist only 60% of their staff, so they can park on the nominated streets for over 2 hours on weekdays.

It is noted that the school would not be eligible for parking permits whether or not resident parking restrictions were in place.

Several residents oppose any proposal to designate the first 10 metres at intersections being a No Stopping zone and states that parking in the area has become increasing difficult. 

No legal parking would be lost as a result of any proposal to install ‘No Stopping’ zones at intersections. In accordance with the Australian Road Rules, a ‘No Stopping’ zone is mandatory for a distance of 10 metres from an intersecting road.

A number of residents queried why both sides of the street were not being considered for residential parking.

One of the key objectives of Council’s Parking strategy is to balance the often competing needs of both residents and businesses in the precinct. As a result, any resident parking scheme, where implemented, has generally been placed on one side of street. This approach aims to give eligible households in the scheme area, who take up a permit, a greater chance of finding parking closer to their property whilst still providing parking opportunities for other users such as businesses in the area, their patrons, and visitors to the area and residents who do not participate in the scheme.

A number of residents questioned whether or not would they be eligible for parking permits due to a variety of reasons…. even if they had 2 off street parking spaces they felt they should be eligible for at least one.

The Council Resident Parking Policy and parking permit eligibility criteria has been developed with careful consideration of various factors. Council also applies the RMS Permit Parking Guidelines. This allows for the permits to be fairly distributed to the residents, while considering the limited supply of on-street car parking spaces available.


It is noted that permit eligibility would be affected by the number of off-street parking spaces on a property. If a property in the M13 area had two off-street parking spaces they would not be eligible for any permits. If they had one off-street parking space they would be eligible for one permit and if they had no off-street parking they would be eligible for two parking permits.


Also, developments involving land use changes, new commercial and/or multi-unit housing developments would be excluded from participation in any Resident/Business Parking Scheme.

Several residents said that parking during the day was not a problem.









Although the initial parking utilization survey did support consideration of an RPS along some of the streets within the survey area, based on the above resident survey results, the RPS proposal within the streets discussed within this report is not supported at the present time due to a low response rate and insufficient support for such a scheme within individual street or the survey area.


